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Hey Darkfire


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score


You're missing the point here. That thread is fuckin -eight years old-.

The link is so old it's not even up anymore. The game I'm posting about is the game that inspired Corruption of Champions.

Like, what fuckin mod is digging around ensuring the quality of threads that goddamn long ago??
darkfire is? cos i'm pretty sure all the threads are now being reorganized so that they can easily be found. if it's an obsolete thread then you should delete it or let it be deleted.
It's being done with all threads that do not meet the new standard. Yours is not the only one, there are currently 6 pages of them in fact.
There're a lot of threads in the H section. Some of them still have info that somebody might end up finding useful one day. So we're making sure everything is up to standard. Like John said, if it's obsolete, then delete it or let us delete it.

I'm not gonna half ass an attempt at organizing the H Section. A lot of people go through that place and it's a disservice to them if I do.

Or, to be more in line with this place's namesake, fuck you. Do a better job next time.