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Tutorial on Text Hooking and Translating an H-Game


Jungle Girl
Mar 24, 2015
Reputation score
Instructions on how to translate text in a game (text hooking/machine translating)
See spoiler for end result.
This guide will cover:
- All RPGMaker versions (MV is current newest)
- WolfRPG
- Unity
- Just about any other game found on this forum

I'm assuming you can run a Japanese RPG already. If not see https://ulmf.org/threads/frequently-asked-questions-and-problems-tech-questions-go-here.437/
It also can't hurt to check if there is an existing partial or complete translation for your game here https://ulmf.org/forums/translations/

This method in short: automatically hook text the moment it is called by the game and copy it to the clipboard, where Translation Aggregator will use offline (Atlas) and online (Google and/or Bing) tools to translate it. Unity games are directly translated ingame.

Atlas can be skipped but it is the best tool for offline Japanese-English translation. Compared to Google the quality of the translation is much worse, but it's faster, not reliant on an internet connection and will never break down like the online ones sometimes do.

If translating a Unity game is your only goal, download ReiPatcher from Optional and skip to the Unity spoiler near the end.

-Translation Aggregator
-Atlasv14 trial
-Atlas U0003 patch
-Atlas crack
-Atlas dictionary this one is from 2015 and has a fix for names showing up midsentence.
-AGTH (RPGMaker)
-RPGMakerMV Game Hook Patcher (RPGMaker MV) https://ulmf.org/threads/rpgmakermvgame-hook-patcher-how-to-hook-rpg-maker-mv-games.8960/
-Textractor (all-purpose, mainly WolfRPG and ACT) You will need both x86 and x64 so best just get the setup.
-ReiPatcher (Unity) download the one with 'ReiPatcher' in the name
-EnigmaVBUnpacker (for games that are packed)

1. Put AGTH files in a short filepath like C:\AGTH\ (create this folder yourself), all other optional downloads can be put anywhere.
Steps 2 to 6 are purely for ATLAS (offline translating) and can be skipped. Do the steps in this exact order. See spoiler after step 5 for helpful printscreen.
2. Set your computer date to 20 february 2014 (right click the time in bottom right corner) for step 3
3. Run ATLASV14ETrial.exe and install it in default directory
4. Run the atlas U0003 patch
5. Put the atlas crack files in your Atlas directory (probably C:\Program Files (x86)\ATLAS V14). Click yes on overwriting
6. See Spoiler: Put ATLASdictionary2015.mrg in Atlas directory (probably C:\Program Files (x86)\ATLAS V14). Run Atlas (atlas.exe or simply search atlas in Windows), click 'Tool - Management Menu - Merge Dictionary Data...', click 'Add', select 'ATLASdictionary2015.mrg' (you downloaded this before) and click 'Add words'.
7. Save the Translation Aggregator files somewhere (like your gamefolder or C:\AGTH\ ). Place a shortcut to 'Translation Aggregator.exe' in the folder where you keep your games.
8. Run Translation Aggregator, click 'Window' and select Atlas and some others like Google or Bing. Make sure 'Automatic Clipboard Translation' is on (icon next to ATLAS / Google / etc). And be sure to give the Tools and View a look. There are some useful options there like online translating to a different language.

To play a game:
Once again, see https://ulmf.org/threads/frequently-asked-questions-and-problems-tech-questions-go-here.437/ for instructions not related to translating.
1. Set system locale to Japanese if it isn't yet before downloading or unzipping your game. See . This method will always work and never give you corrupted files, but it does require a reboot or keeping your pc on Japanese system locale. Option 2 is not setting your system locale to Japanese, but only emulate it for the game with a program like possibly in combination with to make life easier. This will work for most games but not for some and weird stuff can happen.
2. Download or extract your hentai game.
3. Check what type of game you have. You can right-click game.exe and check properties, but often the icon gives it away. Take your pick:

- Older RPGMaker Games (up to VXAce) icons old rpgmaker.png :
4. (See spoiler after step 6 for helpful printscreen) Right click 'Game.exe' and click 'Create shortcut', then right the shortcut and go to 'Properties'.
5. Add C:\AGTH\agth.exe /C to the shortcut path to make it look something like: C:\AGTH\agth.exe /C "D:\...\Game.exe" and hit OK. There are more useful commands, but /c should be enough for these games. Do note that all of AGTH's options can be auto-activated by simply adding the right commands, like: /kf to suppress repetition of phrases or /ks2 to in this case remove 2 repetitions of a symbol. Simply click Help in AGTH for more. Also Google is your friend.
6. Run the shortcut to game.exe and notice AGTH started running together with your game (the white box with a drop-down menu). If an error shows up, see Note 3 at the bottom of this post.
7. Once some text shows up ingame (usually just reaching the menu works), click on the drop-down menu in AGTH and pick whatever option works best (usually the 2nd of the 3). If it doesn't work you're probably not using the RPG Maker version you thought you were or there's a different issue: simply switch to Textractor.
8. Run Translation Aggregator and you're DONE.
-When there's dialogue in the game, AGTH will catch it and copy it to the clipboard where Translation Aggregator will show your preferred translations.
-It's possible to select a part of text in AGTH which will auto-copy it to the clipboard for TA (like when items are put together as if they're a sentence).
-If NPCs are talking too slow for proper hooking, go to AGTH options and increase the 'auto copy to clipboard' interval.
- RPG Maker MV icon MV.PNG :
It is possible to hook this using AGTH, but it will be very annoying and requires a lot of knowledge. It's better to use one of the following tools:

-Libellule's RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher. A beautiful tool which provides more options than just hooking text; like cheats and skipping. See instructions on downloadpage.

-Textractor. For when RPGMakerMV Game Hook patcher has issues with repeating text. While running your game, attach Textractor to game.exe and once you have some lines flowing in the game, play around with the hooks that it finds.

If the game.exe is more than say 50mb and there are rather few files accompanying it then the game is probably packed. For better translation you will have to unpack it first using EnigmaVBUnpacker.

It's possible to run Translation Aggregator next to the tools.
- WolfRPG wolfrpg icon.PNG :
WolfRPG is a bitch so use Textractor. First the basic how-to, then some known issues, then some more necessary information:
1. Run your game.
2. Launch Textractor and attach to game.exe
3. Get some text flowing ingame and look for the right the hook(s).
It's possible to have Textractor copy to clipboard in the background and use Translation Aggregator instead (for more translation machines + offline Atlas).
Watch the tutorial video on the github page if you have troubles. Note that there's some useful extensions like Thread Linker.dll that combines hooks.

-The 'best' hooks have an issue where characters only show up once (meaning you will receive less and less text until you receive nothing at all.) So don't use those.
-There is no proper all-in-one texthook. You're going to need 2 or 3 hooks to get all the text and link those together using Thread Linker extension. One to catch regular talking, one for fighting, and one for the menu and items. (Or something like that).
Quick steps for combining hooks: In Textractor click extensions and from the Textractor installation directory drag and drop Thread Linker.dll into the extensions window. Then drag it so its above Copy to Clipboard. If say you need hooks 6, E and 22 (corresponds to first number in hook), then in the thread linker window you for example put: from E to 6 and from 22 to 6, then pick hook 6.

When you're having other issues, try updating the game.exe provided by the game to a different version you can find online. The game.exe often doesn't have data directly related to your game but is merely a WolfRPG executable. Backup your original game.exe first.
Download the smaller ZIP from there and replace the game.exe from your game with the new one. (You only need the game.exe)
- Unity (should show Naamloos2.png on game's loading screen):
Place downloaded reipatcher executable in the same folder as your game (.exe) and run it. Then run the new game(Patch and Run).exe version once to patch the game and start it. From then on you can always run the game using the normal .exe. Nothing else needed. A bug can appear ingame because of the patch, like a shop not working properly. In that case press ALT+T ingame to switch back to untranslated state and do whatever is needed, then switch back with ALT+T.
Also, taken from :
  • ALT + 0: Toggle UI.
  • ALT + 1: Toggle Translation Aggregator UI.
  • ALT + T: Alternate between translated and untranslated versions of all texts provided by this plugin.
  • ALT + R: Reload translation files. Useful if you change the text and texture files on the fly. Not guaranteed to work for all textures.
  • ALT + U: Manual hooking. The default hooks wont always pick up texts. This will attempt to make lookups manually. Will not hook text components from frameworks not enabled.
  • ALT + F: If OverrideFont is configured, will toggle between overridden and default font.
  • ALT + Q: Reboot the plugin if it was shutdown. This will only work if the plugin was shut down due to consecutive errors towards the translation endpoint. Should only be used if you have reason to believe you have remedied the problem (such as changed VPN endpoint etc.) otherwise it will just shut down again.
In case the translated text is always cut off (like in Lustful sorcery), use the Translation Aggregator UI, or better imo: start your own external TA and have reipatcher send it to clipboard. For that you need to open [your game directory]\AutoTranslator\Config.ini and set CopyToClipboard to True, then restart the game.
- ACT games (check ulmf game Prefix):
Usually possible to be texthooked with Textractor (with Translator Aggregator if preferred). Watch the tutorial video on the github page if you have troubles. There's some useful extensions like Thread Linker.dll that combines hooks.
Quick steps for combining hooks: In Textractor click extensions and from the Textractor installation directory drag and drop Thread Linker.dll into the extensions window. Then drag it so its above Copy to Clipboard. If say you need hooks 6, E and 22 (corresponds to first number in hook), then in the thread linker window you for example put: from E to 6 and from 22 to 6, then pick hook 6.

1. Long filepaths can mess with translating and slow it down. If you're having issues and have a long filepath, try placing the game in something like C:\Games\
2. When google stops working in Translation Aggregator, look for an update to TA (or use/add Bing). Hongfire had info on fixing it but no longer exists. If the latest version of TA has issues you can try an earlier build.
3. If everything crashes when you try hooking the game, the problem is either a windows update (fix: update or use earlier windows build), your antivirus, or some personal settings like for example your DEP settings (control panel \ system \ advanced settings \ the settings button in the performance box \ data execution protection). You can also simply use a different tool. If the crash happens when launching the game without the hook, make sure you downloaded or unzipped the game files with system locale on japanese.
4. You can attach AGTH to the game while the game is already running by creating a shortcut to agth.exe and using the same commands like /c as you would otherwise, with the addition of /pngame.exe to attach it to any running process called game.exe. Easy for things like reverse engineering or in case of WolfRPG struggles. Likely easier to use textractor though.
5. If you got all this working, don't forget to update your resume with 'excessive masturbation'
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
Reputation score
I wrote an instruction somewhere but this is probably the better place to put it. I found http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=353 to be outdated so here’s what I think is best as of 9 jan 2019.
This works for WolfRPG and all RPGMaker versions up to MV. I'm assuming you can run a Japanese RPG already. If not see https://ulmf.org/threads/frequently-asked-questions-and-problems-tech-questions-go-here.437/

In short it's best to use AGTH to hook text from older RPGs and view translations from multiple sources in a single screen using Translation Aggregator, namely Atlas (offline translating) and various online ones like Google (it's so good you almost don't need another one). I have to mention ITH here, which you can use when AGTH isn’t working thanks to for example a Windows update, but the now being developed Textractor is already way better. Textractor will also work for WolfRPG, RPGMakerMV and even ACT games. Although for MV I would recommend using RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher as it has some cool features.

While Textractor is becoming better at an impressive pace, right now the upside of AGTH is still that you can create a hook in under 10 seconds without even leaving your folder, which from then on will always launch together with your game, taking literally 0 effort.
Atlas can be skipped but it is the best tool for offline Japanese-English translation. Compared to Google the quality of the translation is much worse, but it's faster, not reliant on an internet connection and will never break down like the online ones sometimes do.

-Translation Aggregator
-Atlasv14 trial
-Atlas U0003 patch
-Atlas crack
-Atlas dictionary this one is from 2015 and has a fix for names showing up midsentence.
-Needed for WolfRPG, some MV games, when AGTH has issues or ACT games: Textractor Be sure to download the release; not the build.
-Only needed for RPGMaker MV games (see instructions first): RPGMakerMV Game Hook Patcher https://ulmf.org/threads/rpgmakermvgame-hook-patcher-how-to-hook-rpg-maker-mv-games.8960/

1. Put AGTH files in C:\AGTH\ (create this folder yourself)
2. Set your computer date to 20 february 2014 (right click the time in bottom right corner) for step 3
3. Run ATLASV14ETrial.exe and install it in default directory
4. Run the atlas U0003 patch
5. Put the atlas crack files in your Atlas directory (probably C:\Program Files (x86)\ATLAS V14). Click yes on overwriting
6. See Spoiler: Put ATLASdictionary2015.mrg in Atlas directory (probably C:\Program Files (x86)\ATLAS V14). Run Atlas (atlas.exe or simply search atlas in Windows), click 'Tool - Management Menu - Merge Dictionary Data...', click 'Add', select 'ATLASdictionary2015.mrg' (you downloaded this before) and click 'Add words'. 7. Save the Translation Aggregator files somewhere (like your gamefolder or C:\AGTH\ ). Place a shortcut to 'Translation Aggregator.exe' in the folder where you keep your game(s).
8. Run Translation Aggregator, click 'Window' and select Atlas and some others like Google. Make sure 'Automatic Clipboard Translation' is on (icon next to ATLAS / Google / etc). And be sure to give the Tools and View a look. There are some useful options there. 9. If you downloaded RPGMakerMVGameHookPatcher and/or Textractor, simply place them somewhere easy to find, like where you put TA. No need for installing.
10. Done.

To play a game:
Once again, see https://ulmf.org/threads/frequently-asked-questions-and-problems-tech-questions-go-here.437/ for instructions not related to translating.
1. Can't say this often enough: Have your non-unicode language on Japanese! Go to: 'control panel - region - administrative - change system locale - Japanese - Restart now'. You WILL have to restart your pc. ALWAYS DO THIS BEFORE SO MUCH AS SMELLING A NEW JAPANESE GAME. If you download an unzipped Japanese game or unzip while not in Japanese non-unicode language weird things will happen.
2. Download or extract your hentai game.
3. Check what type of game you have. You can right-click game.exe and check properties, though often the icon gives it away. Take your pick:

- Older RPGMaker Games (up to VXAce I believe) View attachment 18974:
4. (See spoiler after step 6 for helpful printscreen) Right click 'Game.exe' and click 'Create shortcut'.
5. Right click 'Game.exe - Shortcut' and click 'Properties'.
6. Add C:\AGTH\agth.exe /C to the shortcut path to make it look something like: C:\AGTH\agth.exe /C "D:\...\Game.exe" and hit OK. There are more useful commands, but /c should be enough for these games. Do note that all of AGTH's options can be auto-activated by simply adding the right commands, like: /kf to suppress repetition of phrases or /ks2 to in this case remove 2 repetitions of a symbol. Simply click Help in AGTH for more. Also Google is your friend.
7. Run the shortcut to game.exe and notice AGTH started running together with your game (the white box with a drop-down menu). If an error shows up, see Note 3 and 4 at the bottom of this post.
8. Once some text shows up ingame (usually just reaching the menu works), click on the drop-down menu in AGTH and pick whatever option works best (usually the 2nd of the 3). If it doesn't work you're probably not using the RPG Maker version you thought you were or there's a different issue; see Note 4 at the bottom of the post. You CAN try messing around with AGTH options but I think Textractor made this redundant. /x3 will give more drop-down options to try, making your shortcut call line something like: C:\agth\agth.exe /c /x3 /ks2 /kf followed by your game. It is also possible that someone took the effort to find the specific hook for your game which would look something like: /HBN-4*@4d2f5b.
9. Run Translation Aggregator.
-When there's dialogue in the game, AGTH will catch it and copy it to the clipboard where Translation Aggregator will show your preferred translations.
-It's possible to select a part of text in AGTH which will auto-copy it to the clipboard for TA (like when items are put together as if they're a sentence).
-If NPCs are talking too slow for proper hooking, go to AGTH options and increase the 'auto copy to clipboard' interval.
- RPG Maker MV View attachment 18975:
It is possible to hook this using AGTH, but it will be very annoying without knowing the proper hook. In short the method would be following 'Older RPG Maker' instructions and using something like /c /x3 /ks2 /kf, then cycling down through the hooks until you find one which might work decently if lucky. It's better to use one of the following tools:
-Libellule's RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher. A beautiful tool which provides more options than just hooking text; like cheats and skipping. See instructions on downloadpage.
-Textractor, which is in development now and looking very promising. Right now it's basically what I use when RPGMakerMV Game Hook patcher has issues with repeating text. While running your game, attach Textractor to game.exe and once you have some lines flowing in the game, play around with the hooks that it finds.
It's possible to run Translation Aggregator next to the tools.
- WolfRPG View attachment 18976:
It seems Textractor beta 3.6.0 is able to find the right hooks. You can simply run it and Attach to game.exe (possible to then minimize Textractor and let it copy to clipboard in order to use Translation Aggregator) but a little more information is required here.
When you unpack a WolfRPG game there will be a game.exe that doesn't necessarily have data directly related to that specific game. You can more often than not update it to a newer executable yourself. So, IF you experience issues with the WolfRPG player provided by the game, try using a newer WolfRPG instead:
Download the smaller ZIP from there and replace the game.exe from your game with the new one. (You only need the game.exe)

While running your game, launch Textractor and attach it to game.exe. Then once you have some lines flowing in the game, play around with the hooks that it finds. The 'best' hooks experience an issue where characters will only show up once (meaning you will continue to receive less and less text until you receive nothing at all), but by now I've had multiple games with several hooks that look like /HS0@50F50 which don't have this issue and are not frustratingly slow like when using more advanced AGTH alternatives. The downside is that there's a distinction between regular talking, text in H-scenes and fighting, and menus/items. It might be possible to combine these but I haven't figured this out yet. For now you will have to swap hook depending on the type of text you're trying to read. It's not as bad as it sounds and trust me, it used to be a loott worse.
It's also possible to use Textractor (with Translator Aggregator if preferred) for ACT games.

1. Long filepaths can mess with translating and slow it down. If you're having issues and have a long filepath, try placing the game in something like C:\Games\
2. When google stops working in Translation Aggregator, look for an update to it or fix it yourself using instructions provided.
3. If everything crashes when you try hooking the game, the problem is either a windows update (fix: update or use earlier build), your antivirus, or some personal settings like for example your DEP settings (control panel \ system \ advanced settings \ the settings button in the performance box \ data execution protection). You can also simply use a different tool, see next note.
4. AGTH still not working or hooking strange? Use Textractor. Simply run that and attach it to your game instead of AGTH. Also gonna leave ITH as an option here, which was your best bet before Textractor:
-Delete ith.exe and use ith-fix.exe instead. Go to properties to get it to always run as administrator. Open ITH, go to option, click auto copy to clipboard. Done.
-While the game is running you start ITH, click process, click game.exe, click attach, get some text ingame, select the right hook in ITH from drop-down, translation will show up in TA.
5. It is possible to hook the game while the game is already running by creating a shortcut to agth.exe and using the same commands like /c as you would otherwise, with the addition of /pngame.exe to make it hook onto any process called game.exe. Easy for things like debugging or in case of WolfRPG struggles.
6. If you got all this working, don't forget to update your resume with 'excessive masturbation'

Nice post, but I'll be honest (kinda blunt) - putting it here is useless.
Really :
1) peoples who already know theses thing won't need them.
2) a few peoples needing the infos will see it as long as the post is fresh in the thread and save the link / copy the info
3) in a few weeks (even day), no one will look at it here because of new post or thinking all the "faq" info are in the OP thread.

It would be best to either make another thread just for that (maybe getting it stickier - having a sticky for translating tool and how to aply them should be useful), or get in touch with a moderator to get the OP updated with your post.

The post is really useful, but it will soon be ignored as it is :(


Jungle Girl
Mar 24, 2015
Reputation score
Was planning on simply linking to this post when I find someone having trouble. I'm not sure if it deserves a sticky but messaging a moderator is a good idea so I'll do that.
Putting it here is imo better than making a new (non-stickied) thread for it that will similarly disappear in the pages. At least here people might be more aware of it and link back to this page.

Thx for the feedback.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
Reputation score
Well, I was mentioning making a new thread because it's easier to find a thread with a name like "translating tool" or something using the forum search engine or google limiting the search to the site than making a search in a thread as huge as this one.

But yeah, having one post to link to, I can understand that - can't remember how many time I had to rewrite the whole RTP thing or how to change local setting or such thing because it keep coming up from newcomer and there wasn't specific post on the topic...


Jungle Girl
Nov 19, 2012
Reputation score
It's possible to run both AGTH and the game under an app locale?
I prefer not have to reboot everytime to change the locale, because my PC takes too long to restart due to HDD problems.

Figure it out how to do that, but now i'm having problem with character names, which are messing up the translations.
I tried to use TAHelper to avoid that, but for some reason it's not getting all the lines from the game:
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Nov 13, 2013
Reputation score
You should just use Locale Emulator to... erm... emulate Japanese locale. :)
Saves you the trouble of reboots. And is good enough for 99% of the games. Also, IIRC, in AGTH there is the /L and /R parameters you can attach, which should do just what you want; but I guess you have already figured that out.

So some lines don't make it to TA, aye? Well, I used TAH plugin version, back in the day, so can't really help there, but I'd suggest you play with the 'Name at beginning' option and its suboptions, and perchance add that double pointy bracket to the substitutions as well. I think when a line doesn't make it to TA, most of the time TAH or TA (or ATLAS, which TA uses) encounters a character or batch of characters (in a specific order, maybe?) which it cannot make heads or tails of for some reason (I guess something in the script), and gets stuck in a loop or something. (supposedly very rare)

Try some of the other tools mentioned, too. (VNR, Textractor, ITH, ITHVNR)

I'm curious about your note point #2. Is there really a supposed fix for the Google 'Unrecognized response received' error after an hour or so Google TLing through TA (which results in a ca. half a day temporary ban)? Haven't seen any.


Jungle Girl
Nov 19, 2012
Reputation score
So some lines don't make it to TA, aye? Well, I used TAH plugin version, back in the day, so can't really help there, but I'd suggest you play with the 'Name at beginning' option and its suboptions, and perchance add that double pointy bracket to the substitutions as well. I think when a line doesn't make it to TA, most of the time TAH or TA (or ATLAS, which TA uses) encounters a character or batch of characters (in a specific order, maybe?) which it cannot make heads or tails of for some reason (I guess something in the script), and gets stuck in a loop or something. (supposedly very rare)
The problem still happens with any option in 'Name at beginning'.
When I use TA with TAH disabled every line is detected, but when TAH is enabled, apparently doesn't detect all clipboard changes correctly.

Try some of the other tools mentioned, too. (VNR, Textractor, ITH, ITHVNR)
I'm using VNR currently, it's working better, although sometimes it inserts random caracteres in the translation.


Jungle Girl
Mar 24, 2015
Reputation score
I don't have any experience with Locale Emulators, TAH or VNR. Will update tutorial at some point when I'm in a 'trying out stuff' mood.

I'm curious about your note point #2. Is there really a supposed fix for the Google 'Unrecognized response received' error after an hour or so Google TLing through TA (which results in a ca. half a day temporary ban)? Haven't seen any.
I ran into that error for the last time maybe two or three years ago. I simply used a fix from that site and since then never had Google fail on me again. I'm still using the TA version in the attachment of this post


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Nov 13, 2013
Reputation score
I don't have any experience with Locale Emulators, TAH or VNR. Will update tutorial at some point when I'm in a 'trying out stuff' mood.

I ran into that error for the last time maybe two or three years ago. I simply used a fix from that site and since then never had Google fail on me again. I'm still using the TA version in the attachment of this post
Oh wow, I didn't see that one. Will have a look at the instructions there later. Thanks for pointing out! Might be worth getting this link into the OP too, methinks. As it stands now, with r190 (the latest TA version from that thread) Google gives you a nice and lengthy temp ban after like an hour of MTLing with TA using Google Translate, and I haven't found a fix for it yet; not even using another revision of TA... Hope the post you linked can help!

Also, TAH is Translation Aggregator Helper, and chances are that you have been using it all along - it has an icon showing up as a redish-blueish letter 'T' in the notification area of your system tray, while TA is running.


Jungle Girl
Mar 24, 2015
Reputation score
That's pretty interesting. Assumed newer would work better. Bing doesn't work with the version I linked to so it's a trade. Better keep an eye out for newer fixes if you want both Google and Bing. Not sure how far Microsoft is with Jap - Eng neural translation though.


Jungle Girl
Jan 6, 2012
Reputation score
Where can i get the latest version TA? my google-fu sucks as all i find is the 2016 version.


New member
May 6, 2018
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i use text Textractor to text hook wolfrpg game but looks like some text is missing i can't get full text.....

how to get full text ?


Jungle Girl
Mar 24, 2015
Reputation score
i use text Textractor to text hook wolfrpg game but looks like some text is missing i can't get full text.....

how to get full text ?
I fixed the wolf-rpg instruction a bit.
In short: It is impossible. You're going to need 2 or 3 hooks to get all the text. One to catch regular talking, one for text in H-scenes and fighting, and one for the menu and items. (Or something like that, this is from memory).

If you have other issues, try replacing your game.exe with this one: (back-up your original game.exe first)


New member
Jun 8, 2018
Reputation score
I wanted to follow your guide, but it seems like hongfire is dead and those links just lead to some random site.
Is there somewhere else to get those files?
Mar 26, 2018
Reputation score
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but is there any way to hook and translate a game on a Mac? The only way that sounds like it could work is Textractor, which can supposedly run in Wine, but my attempts at running it using Wine failed. When I try to open the program, it appears on the Dock for a few seconds and then disappears again.


Jungle Girl
Mar 24, 2015
Reputation score
I wanted to follow your guide, but it seems like hongfire is dead and those links just lead to some random site.
Is there somewhere else to get those files?
Uploaded the files as an attachment for now. Not sure what's gonna happen to hongfire.

Can't help with the Mac


Jungle Girl
Mar 24, 2015
Reputation score
Thank you very much.

That one works and has the google fix. The one I posted (and now deleted) finally doesn't support google any longer.

Quite Frankly

Active member
Dec 27, 2018
Reputation score
Bump for the sake of feminism, with Hongfire being shutdown I recommend a sticky.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Nov 13, 2013
Reputation score
Anyone with some suggestions regarding what replacement rules to use with Textractor's Google TL extension? I'm sure that others have also noticed how GT is kinda shit now with RPGM games, as it seemingly cannot deal with the brackets (mainly), and probably also the punctuations and linebreaks (maybe?) eff things up for it.
Heck, whole parts of the sentences get overlooked more than a few times - but if you have the corner bracket removed from the beginning of the sentence and maybe have a line-break added there, then the second part of the sentence also gets translated. Also a common issue is [...] ruining the TL after it (mostly by having it completely overlooked); having a (white)space added after the three dots more often than not solves the issue, but sometimes creates some rather funny/weird, insanely not-to-the-point TLs, like ぐぅっ... な,慣れてるわけ... ないだろう,こ,こんなもの... ! becoming Replying to @GirlsBeautiful... I mean, LOL!
Note that with ", as in "ぐぅっ... な,慣れてるわけ... ないだろう,こ,こんなもの... !" it becomes "Wow ... Wow, I'm not used to ... I don't know, this, something ...!"
Maybe this will help me demonstrate this even more:
ぐぅっ... な,慣れてるわけ... ないだろう,こ,こんなもの... ! -> Replying to @GirlsBeautiful
ぐぅっ... な,慣れてるわけ... ないだろう,こ,こんなもの... -> I'm not used to it ...
ぐぅっ... な,慣れてるわけ... ないだろう,こ,こんなもの...! -> I'm not used to it ... I don't know, this is something ...!
"ぐぅっ... な,慣れてるわけ... ないだろう,こ,こんなもの... ! -> "Wow ... Wow, you're not used to ... I don't know, this, something ...!
"ぐぅっ... な,慣れてるわけ... ないだろう,こ,こんなもの... !" -> "Wow ... Wow, I'm not used to ... I don't know, this, something ...!"
ぐぅっ...な,慣れてるわけ... ないだろう,こ,こんなもの... ! -> I'm not used to it ... I don't think so ...
[ぐぅっ... な,慣れてるわけ... ないだろう,こ,こんなもの... !] -> [Guh ... I'm not used to ... I don't know, this is something ...!]
[ぐぅっ... な,慣れてるわけ... ないだろう,こ,こんなもの...!] -> [Guh ... I'm not used to ... I don't know, this, something like this ...!]
[ぐぅっ...な,慣れてるわけ...ないだろう,こ,こんなもの...!] -> [Guh ... I'm not used to ... I don't know, this, something ...!]
ぐぅっ...な,慣れてるわけ...ないだろう,こ,こんなもの...! -> I'm not used to it ...
ぐぅっ...な,慣れてるわけ...ないだろう,こ,こんなもの... -> I'm not used to it ...
ぐぅっ...な, 慣れてるわけ...ないだろう, こ,こんなもの -> I'm not used to it ...
ぐぅっ...な, 慣れてるわけ...ないだろう, こ,こんなもの. -> I'm not used to it ...
ぐぅっ...な, 慣れてるわけ...ないだろう, こ,こんなもの.. -> I'm not used to it ... I don't know, this is something ...
ぐぅっ...な, 慣れてるわけ...ないだろう, こ,こんなもの... -> I'm not used to it ... I don't know ...

So, yeah... Anyone has a somewhat working set of rules for replacements?
Or maybe it's just a locale/encoding issue on my part?