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[Complete - Full] [RJ215006] ナイトメアガールズ / Nightmare Girls English Translation

Whoa. It took me a couple of days to figure what that image was and what the joke was. At first I thought it was some deformed CGI Garfield monster thing. Then my brain proceeded to ask why the cat was wearing an orange. Then my mind finally realised it was a hand.
Spending time with the family is a bit more important than translating games after all.
^ My trapey-senses are a'tinglin...
...erm, I mean Twinkling.
Happy New Year my dudes...

View attachment 28370
Asking out of context because I never saw that episode of Spongebob Squarepants(I never really watched probably even 1/50th of the episodes made). What happened to Gary in that picture?

Also, I guess we'll hear about the game in the monthly update. Good pieces of work never seem to hit release dates if classic blizzard(emphasis on the classic) has anything to do with it. Besides, the translators not getting paid for this, which is kind of an injustice considering the work involved...
Happy New Year my dudes! Here's to a great 2020!
Hope Mr. Translator Barraged1 is having good times with good friends and good family. You definitely deserve it!
Asking out of context because I never saw that episode of Spongebob Squarepants(I never really watched probably even 1/50th of the episodes made). What happened to Gary in that picture?

If memory serves well, Spongebob tried to bath Gary and Gary had a temper tantrum about it so he left. Gary was then adopted by an old lady who fed him so much that fat busted out of his shell so when he saw Sponge on the street he immediately went back to him.
I'm so hyped, but kinda sad It didnt release on Christmas, I hope everything's fine
Sorry everyone, I missed the release date...again...

Real life stuff popped up out of nowhere in the second half of December and I haven't been home much at all so I didn't have time to finish up the last 5% this month.
I'm still only home sporadically now, but I just didn't want to hard ghost everyone, so I wanted to give a heads up. I apologize for the inconvenience.