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Active member
May 7, 2020
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Deep in Brixen Space (DiBS)
A free and clean lewdy-lewd game about space and tentacles.

NO scat, watersports, inflation, pregnancy, gore, whatsoever.
Aside from tentacles and the questionable character, this game is as "clean" as it gets.

Play length: Less than 40 minutes.

The Story:
She's on a ship.
There are tentacles on the ship.
Put two and two together.
Bam. You're all caught up.

Downloads here:

Hope you enjoy the game!

More info:
- Green ovals with dicks
- Slight bondage.

DiBS is an action exploration game where you shoot weird plants (or don't, if you prefer.)
The game also has a 'grapple minigame.' It's like a bullet-hell, where the objective is to reach an icon to win.

There are some platforming in the game, but they're few and are not the main focus.

WAD - Movement
S - Interact
R - Reload
R-Click OR Shift - Aim
L-Click - Shoot

State of the Game
DiBS is under development.
Things can change. Bugs can appear, then be squashed.
Finally, content will be added, even if at a steady, albeit slow pace.

About Development
DiBS is being worked on under my spare time,
usually one or two days a week, so content update is slow.


Yea, .
Helps pay for bills, which frees development time for the game.

That is all.

If you like the game, well, I'm very glad you do.
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As if scat, inflation and gore was a stan
Hehe. I just wanted that out of the way. You never know if some h-game randomly pops up with a rando fetish mid-game and throws you off.
At least this info is present at the start.

Actually, I think I'll change the wording later on. Seems a bit weird.

-- Hey hey everyone. Dropping B17 bombs on our lovely island of misfits --

This bomb is specifically the List of Many Things™, where you, the one reading right now, can give suggestions for the game. The current lists are for creatures and features.

To start, we dive ass-first into the List of Suggested Creatures™.

Fun fact, the latest "Creature Chamber" update was implemented because it was suggested, and I thought it was cool. :3

Another fun fact: These creatures and features are all suggested by the same guy!

The List of Suggested Creatures™:
- A "Weeping Angel" style enemy that only moves when the player is looking away; would have to be camouflaged in some way.
- Also the reverse of weeping angels, like those endermen in minecraft, maybe only when you point the gun at it, it suddenly comes to life, much like the armored dudes you already have in that don't do anything so long as you don't shoot their heads.
- Another ceiling-dweller that reaches a long tentacle down (within an arc) to grab, but is otherwise static and weak, relying on concealment/being outside visual range to get the drop on the player
- Ever since angel girl having the ceiling enemy do the upside down vaginal was always hot.
- The ubiquitous "weak tiny swarmer that makes you waste all your ammo" enemy. A fun twist on this is multiple must attach themselves to the character before initiating their animation. They'd be able to crawl (or slither) on ceilings, walls and floors
- Suicide-bomber style enemy that initiates a (difficult) grab after exploding, think Halo's flood carrier and others like it. Could be played with quite a bit - for example binding the heroine to the wall on detonation, and/or releasing those swarmers, and/or aggroing all enemies in a radius
- An enemy that lurks in wall-vents, switching between them somewhat randomly to ambush the player
- An enemy that lays "mines", ie the passive binding tentacle traps that are the first "enemy" you come across. Its sex attack would be dependent on being caught by one of them
- False-doorway (infested room) trap, would be a particularly difficult struggle if caught by it. Maybe combined with the following: Dead Space Sequence

- I like the idea of the trapped room with a not-really-perfect door. Even better if through the game the camoflaged door gets better, as if the tentacles are learning. First it's broken, and splattered with green, and it moves occasionally, then later on it's got some green around it, and it's not quite straight but it's much better and doesn't move on it's own, then late game it would only have a tough to discern difference, like the little window is the wrong shade of color
- Enemy that grabs the heroine's leg and drags her toward it across the floor, giving you a window to shoot it dead or hit the grabbing tentacle's weakpoint before initiating its struggle/animation - Like that one hallway sequence from Dead Space.
- Variation on Mr. Eggs on Legs - instead of being armed with a tenta-dick, it spits out a facehugger-style creature from about half a screen away, but sacrifices its self in the process. Maybe the facehugger its self expires within a second or two if it fails to connect. Maybe it doesn't hug faces
- I really wanted the "mine" objects to open the protagonist to another grab, rather than just introducing the grapple UI.
- Could also have the green pools occasionally be home to some unseen fun later on, maybe where one has some platforms that are not very high and not too big of a jump, but miss and oops, it's goop time. ( If you like puns, feel free to call it a Goops time.)

Unlike creatures, features require more work. You can always suggest, but keep in mind it probably won't get into the game. Again, more work, ergo fewer creatures.

Feasible Features™ i.e., 1 feature can be implemented per game update:
This could apply to the pistol its self too, maybe sometimes you find a degraded magazine that's hard but not impossible to identify - when loaded it might cause a failure while firing, forcing the 2nd stage of a reload and wasting a round before being able to fire again. Or maybe there could be extended mags that often have such faults, while the standard 9 rounds are perfect.
[After going through the creature chamber,] MC gets to the end, punches out a ceiling panel into the "normal" level and carries on her merry way.
In other things, i feel like the change from 3 to 6 shots on the most common enemy is too much. I can understand ammo scarcity being a horror theme thing, but over half a mag? I hadn't shot the ground crawlers yet, they're pretty easy to hop over with good timing, but if they also take 6 shots, hoo boy, they're kindof hard to hit too, since our accuracy seems to vary kindof wildly.
- A Lost Cat

Unfeasable but Still Cool Feature List™:
A FUCKHUGE boss creature has grown and nests around the ship's reactor core. The player has to kill it by getting inside it.
This entails a fight against each of its 3 main appendages, they and the creature they belong to spilling out into separate rooms on the ship. They'd be something vaguely along the lines of Half Life's Blast Pit tentacles in appearace/behavior, in other words static but can attack most of the level. Maybe spawning some lesser enemies while they're at it.
After fighting and killing each one, the way is now open to enter the creature. The catch is, the tract is lined with... more tentacles!
The crawl would essentially be a series of grapple minigames - on failure, molested then spat back out I think, with amnesty for the 3 strikes, to avoid contending with fail-state logic and continuity.

When it comes to the damaged mags, I'd much prefer if they're jury-rigged extended mags, more ammo with a chance of jamming, than munitions that are sub-par in every aspect. The change to ammo economy in the recent update is rough enough since you are basically boned if more than one standard enemy aggros you you don't have enough bullets in one mag to deal with both.

If the boss ideas there are unfeasible, one thing I hope you can salvage from the first boss concept is making the mc have to crawl through some kind of tentacle-lined tract. Sounds potentially very lewd, though maybe it might be tricky to make the gameplay not frustrating in that part.
After completing these minigames, the player's now inside one of the creature's 3 organ-chambers - A relatively large "room" saturated with creature eggs that may or may not release a creature on hit/in proximity, and a handful of lesser enemies. Maybe this is where all the crew ended up. The player destroys 3 organs scattered in the room, and is then able to walk back out the way they came, on to find the next appendage and repeat the process.
It could get deeper - The appendage could have a timer of X minutes before it regenerates, trapping our heroine inside (game over?), adding time pressure. These rooms could also have their own en-suite gallery/creature chamber.
If you wanna go in real deep, maybe the 3 chambers are a prerequisite to accessing a 4th, which is the final part of the boss sequence, and has an enemy-sized boss creature inside it. Maybe the player just has to dodge it and melt down the reactor, which the creature has co-opted as its heart.

"Not sure how I'd do that" Feature List™:
Features that would be good to add, but have no idea with the allotted time.
I've always been partial to debuff-y enemy grabs that don't just go into a static animation, but that does lead to more frames exponentially, so gotta leverage that thought (though i suppose any new enemy means more frames, they would mean movement frames...) Not particularly fond of the "oh it's a lewd gas area" type, but rather, those facehuggers being... crotch huggers. But small enough they don't force a down but slowing or causing aim shake. Or that could be for the swarm types before you get downed.
----Update Logs----

Clothes Update is here!
Changes from Previous Version:
Yep. Her clothes rip now. Creature animations have also been updated.


You can now melee inside the grapple minigame. Just left click and you can push tentacles away.

Finally, after many headbanging, the elevator should be fixed now!
The elevator in the previous build was buggy, and can even softlock the game if the elevator doesn't go down. Now the elevator should always go down if the player is not on the platform.
It works via trigger now. Standing on it and pressing 'Down' now brings it up or down.
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I like it. Got a nice survival horror feel to it without being so creepy it detracts from the h content. The unique struggle system is a definite breath of fresh air and the controls handle well, the whole thing feels smooth and much more polished than I would expect from an in development hentai game.

The nature of the scenes are a little tame for me but I understand that's intentional, so I'm not complaining. The game managed to keep me interested enough to keep exploring until I found the end even knowing I'd seen all the enemies already, so that was nice. Oh, and for once the platforming wasn't frustrating.

All in all great demo that shows a lot of potential, I'm really hoping you succeed here.
Just tried the alpha/demo, so heres some quick thoughts:
I like the artstyle! Anthro stuff usually aint for me, but the designs look nice! Controls pretty okay, nothing really to add there.
The negatives:
The struggle mechanic has got to go. Its a neat idea, by itself, but when you get serial grabbed and you just keep having to do the same mini game repeteadly, it just becomes annoying. I know some people are agaisnt the typical button smashing, but having the game pause to play a mini game like this, and do it often just makes it tedious.
Also the hentai itself is boring. I know its a delibrate choice (being all "vanilla") but why have aliens/monsters and a sci-fi setting if its just going to be vanilla? To me at least, its bland and boring.

Anyways, keep up the good work, theres definetely potential.
Hey nice, I saw your banner over at f95 and was wondering if/when you would make a post about your game. Like how it looks so far and it plays nicely, I was a bit thrown off by the struggle minigame at first but figured it out. Not to compare games or anything but did you happen to get inspiration from sourjellys 'anthophobia'? Just see some similarity in theme and gameplay.

I would recommend putting the controls/keybinds in the description of this thread also I know it's early alpha or maybe a personal decision but probably add some text in the early game controls images to let people know what they do. Look forward to more, also may I ask if you plan on doing possible CG's or gameover stuff at all?
I would recommend putting the controls/keybinds in the description of this thread

- Added Controls. WIll also add text in the game. :)

did you happen to get inspiration from sourjellys 'anthophobia'?
- Yep! I liked Anthophobia and wanted my own spin on the concept.

also may I ask if you plan on doing possible CG's or gameover stuff at all?

- Maybe. There won't be game over CGs for now, at least. I'd like to set a reasonable goal and not bite more than I can chew, which is adding more creatures and levels for now.
----- I suppose if there are more funds to the game, I can commission gameover CGs later on. However, this would be very far in development.
----- ALTHOUGH, I do plan on adding high-quality video animations later in development.
Seems like if the cursor is about this far behind her, she'll still aim in the direction she's facing, dunno if that's intended or not, but figured I'd at least say something.

I will say though, that this does definitely capture an OK sense of fear, just completed this build and got spooked a few times since I wasn't expecting a couple enemies to appear where they did.


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Well, can say I was pleasantly surprised to find what I imagine is going to be a save room in the future, only to hear that all too familiar tune from Evil Within, nice stuff.

Overall, I think the gameplay is pretty solid really! Like the idea behind the struggle mechanic at that too personally. I'd say just add in a bit of invul window between grapples/grabs so that once you escape one you aren't immediately thrust into another, doesn't have to be anything too long, but at least long enough so the transition from escape and being thrust into yet another grab/struggle isn't too jarring. Curious though, is the game going to function based off of a health bar? Or more akin to lives/hearts that are lost upon failing to escape a grab?

Either way, I think the direction so far is pretty good, though I do hope to see more variety than simply tentacles, even if that's just beast/manshaped tentacles monsters really. Still, will definitely be keeping an eye on this!
just want to quickly mention that my labtop mouse hates trying to aim and shoot because of the way the pad is would be cool to have a way to toggle to aiming for looking around with the flashlight n shooting
Seems like if the cursor is about this far behind her, she'll still aim in the direction she's facing, dunno if that's intended or not, but figured I'd at least say something.
Definitely a bug. Fixing in the next update.

1. I'd say just add in a bit of invul window between grapples/grabs
2. Curious though, is the game going to function based off of a health bar? Or more akin to lives/hearts that are lost upon failing to escape a grab?
3. see more variety than simply tentacles, even if that's just beast/manshaped tentacles monsters really.
1. The invul is somewhat buggy at the moment, so I disabled it for this build. I'll hopefully fix this by the next update. x3
2. It would be akin to lives/hearts that are lost upon failing to escape a grab.
3. Kinda like these guys?
I'd like to keep the motif of "ovals with dicks" with the creatures, so im not gravitating to humanoids at the moment.
But who knows. Maybe I'd add more humanoid creatures later on. Depends on my work irl (and patreon), really.

toggle to aiming for looking around with the flashlight n shooting
You can actually press Shift to aim. Just updated Controls in my first post
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The jump height feels really lame, though i see how much platforming and level design is already kindof based on it.

The grab of the ceiling drop tentacles makes it look like the character doesn't have a tail at all.

Is the suit going to always "regenerate" or will it eventually be able to be left torn/ripped/possibly lost entirely?

pressing jump after jumping at all will result in an automatic next jump as soon as you hit the ground. It's not bothersome, but it is a little weird feeling.

Good stuff, can't wait to "accidently" fail a grab to the next tentacle.
I gotta say I really like this demo so far; I'd definitely pledge if I had any money to spare. The atmosphere and environment feel nicely detailed and fitting for a "tentacle aliens in space" kind of game. The animations are smooth and this looks great on both the action and the porn. I really like the consistent design you have with these tentacle monsters and I'm excited to see you stick to that with future enemies. One thing I gotta ask though is are there gonna be any very large pod-like enemies that swallow the character whole for the grab? I know you call this a "clean" game and this would probably fall into the category of soft vore, but the way those enemies open up just looks like a mouth to me and so it would feel like a logical progression for a bigger pod-like tentacle monster. Obviously it would still lead to a good tentacle-ing.

As for my opinions on gameplay, the thing bugging me is the screen transitions a little too fast for me to aim when I move the cursor behind the character. If I'm trying to aim at a monster that's already very close/on top of the character after escaping a grab, the rapid left and right transitions make it too hard to see or shoot. I'd also like it if there was a bit of vertical screen movement for aiming up and down, though not as much as the horizontal movement.

Regarding the grabs, do you plan to add more voice effects? I like the one you've got during the start of the grab, if some more moans could play at random once the sex starts that would be nice. Also, what about animations during the grab struggle game? There was another game I saw where while struggling against a grab the tentacles would rub/prod at whatever hole they're trying to go in to, it was a really nice touch though I can't remember which game that was at the moment. Currently the animation just freezes on the first frame, which I guess is better for focusing on the grab minigame but it's a bit uninteresting.

Anyways, keep up the good work, really looking forward to what you're doing!
Is the suit going to always "regenerate" or will it eventually be able to be left torn/ripped/possibly lost entirely?

We'll see. :)

As for my opinions on gameplay, the thing bugging me is the screen transitions a little too fast for me to aim when I move the cursor behind the character. If I'm trying to aim at a monster that's already very close/on top of the character after escaping a grab, the rapid left and right transitions make it too hard to see or shoot.

Still thinking of an elegant solution to implement downward shooting. Right now, I'm focused on adding creatures. I plan on improving/polishing gameplay later after I get a number of creatures finished. Can't have a p0rn game without the creatures after all.
For the moment, I suppose the best strategy for now is to run away, then shoot. Kinda gives off that panicky feel. ;)

Regarding the grabs, do you plan to add more voice effects? I like the one you've got during the start of the grab, if some more moans could play at random once the sex starts that would be nice. Also, what about animations during the grab struggle game? There was another game I saw where while struggling against a grab the tentacles would rub/prod at whatever hole they're trying to go in to, it was a really nice touch though I can't remember which game that was at the moment. Currently the animation just freezes on the first frame, which I guess is better for focusing on the grab minigame but it's a bit uninteresting.

There will be more voice effects. Not sure about adding the animation though, but seems simple enough, when I get the time.

One thing I gotta ask though is are there gonna be any very large pod-like enemies that swallow the character whole for the grab? I know you call this a "clean" game and this would probably fall into the category of soft vore, but the way those enemies open up just looks like a mouth to me and so it would feel like a logical progression for a bigger pod-like tentacle monster.

Yeah, same. I thought about adding some vveeeeerrry slight "soft vore" in there, and I'm still down to add them. I just don't want vore to be the prime focus. Who knows, I'll put up a poll if people find it okay to add vore into the game.
Vanilla and clean are kind of misused there. I understand that you do not want people to expect more extreme things (and I can do without), but tentacle monsters are neither of these. :p
As scrumpy said, the enemy design looks perfect for some pod-style monsters. It's definitely not vore (which is also a word that is used outside of context a lot), more like capture and bondage.

With that being said, here is my critic, which I hope will be as constructive as possible
* I really like the art style and the light horror ambiance. I am really fond of Anthophobia, and I am happy to see other games take that direction. The enemy design is good, and has a lot of potential.
Edit: I really like the shield monster gimmick of not shooting at him to remain safe
* I do not think the current design of enemy encounters fit the grab system. I think it would be more fit for a "quality over quantity" approach of semi-scenarized encounters, with various challenges and puzzles to solve, like a snake game, or a pac-man game.
* In relation to the previous point: rather than fill a floor with enemies, you should replace them with a small number of "perils" or traps, like a tentacle pitfall, a fast-paced enemy or a brute-like enemy. Something that "punishes" the player and costs him a lot of resources to eliminate as is the original intent, but which does not trap them into a grab loop.
* I am not fond of plate-forming phases, especially in the darkness like this game. At the very least, I don't think the game should have jumps overtly difficult to land, like the last step of the section before the save room

For future development:
* can you add the possibility to map controls or play with a gamepad? My keyboard is AZERTY (french format), and that would spare me to switch my layout when I open the game.
* Do you plan to add a male character or choose the gender of your character? The furry community is much more flexible when it comes to genders in art/games, and this is relevant to my interests, so I'm curious.

All in all, I will definitely put that game in my watchlist and consider patronizing for a while. (y)
* I do not think the current design of enemy encounters fit the grab system. I think it would be more fit for a "quality over quantity" approach of semi-scenarized encounters, with various challenges and puzzles to solve, like a snake game, or a pac-man game.

I am already revamping the grab mechanic. It's one of the key changes in the next update.
If you feel the revamped grapple mechanic doesn't fit, just holler.

Vanilla and clean are kind of misused there. I understand that you do not want people to expect more extreme things (and I can do without), but tentacle monsters are neither of these. :p
As scrumpy said, the enemy design looks perfect for some pod-style monsters. It's definitely not vore (which is also a word that is used outside of context a lot), more like capture and bondage.
Yeah. Vanilla is a poor and limiting term here. Edited first post.
Will still keep 'clean,' though, since that relates to no extremes fetishes in the game. (If anyone has an proper term, please tell me.)

As for the vore, I agree. These creatures are perfect for those. I think I even have a creature where the player is trapped in one of them.
As of right now, I just don't want to think about some rando seeing the character get trapped, then taking it out of context and calling it 'vore.' (Cue debate)
I just want make game.

Besides, I'll worry about vore later. For now, I'm focused on adding a ton of creatures.
EDIT: Huh. I actually do have one vore monster. alrighty then.
* In relation to the previous point: rather than fill a floor with enemies, you should replace them with a small number of "perils" or traps, like a tentacle pitfall, a fast-paced enemy or a brute-like enemy. Something that "punishes" the player and costs him a lot of resources to eliminate as is the original intent, but which does not trap them into a grab loop.
* I am not fond of plate-forming phases, especially in the darkness like this game. At the very least, I don't think the game should have jumps overtly difficult to land, like the last step of the section before the save room
For future development:
- Huh. Haven't thought of this. I'll try this and see if it works out.
- Yeah. I'll make the platforming easier since that's not the focus of the game.

* Do you plan to add a male character or choose the gender of your character?
No male, unfortunately. sorry. :(
That'd double my workload by, like... double.

* can you add the possibility to map controls or play with a gamepad? My keyboard is AZERTY (french format), and that would spare me to switch my layout when I open the game.

I'll just add an "AZERTY mode" later. :)

By the way, I really, really appreciate all your feedbacks.
All these feedbacks will be used well, for a better game and a better experiences. Thank you ;)


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I downloaded what was posted last week but I'll give the new version a try. Like what I've seen so far but there's one majorly fatal flaw. I got to the point were there are elevators after the jumping sectoin. The hit detection on them were complete ass and it was even worse in fullscreen. They wouldn't carry me up and I tried spamming jumps, and what's worse is that sometimes they'd go up and wouldn't come back down, essentially softlocking the game.