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Nov 26, 2009
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Noooo not Biden, he's planned to die after the election!!!


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Well if the globalist leftists really want it that badly... I suppose we can exterminate them.
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Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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That's exactly what Russia, NK, and China want.

Don't fall for it.
Yeah, because Russia and China aren't the puppetmasters of the globalist left. Not one bit. We can't prove it at all.

Even without that, leftists are scum. Pissing and moaning about feelings while ignoring objective fact. They're already coming for free speech because god forbid someone call them out on their shit.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Yeah, because Russia and China aren't the puppetmasters of the globalist left. Not one bit. We can't prove it at all.

Even without that, leftists are scum. Pissing and moaning about feelings while ignoring objective fact. They're already coming for free speech because god forbid someone call them out on their shit.
Keep in mind that both Russia and China frequently arrest LGBT activists and other people who would be considered leftists in the US. They're not pushing for leftist agenda, they're merely fomenting division in the US.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Keep your enemy fighting so they stay weak. Then they can't form a cohesive front against you
That's why they send support to the most divisive groups first


Nov 26, 2009
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Well all I can say is that the next four years are going to be very interesting... for Syria.


Tentacle God
Jul 11, 2010
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Alex Trebek, best known as the host of of the popular TV game show Jeopardy, has lossed his battle to pancratic cancer and passed away today at the age of 80. May he rest in peace.



Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Keep in mind that both Russia and China frequently arrest LGBT activists and other people who would be considered leftists in the US. They're not pushing for leftist agenda, they're merely fomenting division in the US.
The result is still the same no matter their domestic policy; a bunch of defective people attempting to steal the rights of and enslave the normal, functional, worthwhile, productive people.

Keep your enemy fighting so they stay weak. Then they can't form a cohesive front against you
That's why they send support to the most divisive groups first
Sounds like an argument for a proactive purge, we do have a responsibility to ensure our victory for the prosperity and freedom of humanity after all. Unfortunately we have to wait for them to commit action as we don't justify punishment or removal of persons for wrong think or speech which has led to the cancer spreading throughout our society while they fester and bide their time. Whether or not humanity can devise methods of defending itself against actual wrong think ( and let's be very clear, wrong think does exist 1+1 does not equal blue ) without forcing right think onto people will really determine the course of history from here on out.

I'll be very clear; there is no compromise to be made, this is a battle for all the practices and ideas that have lead to humanity's greatness against a foe that will drag us back to savagery if given the chance. We cannot allow this, victory must be ours even if it means spilling the blood of our countrymen, thankfully that is not the only path open to us at this point but should a time come when it is we cannot shy away from it.
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A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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“They’ll drag us into savagery” in one sentence then “Let’s kill them” in the next.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The issue is more the legal system than the will of the people
The legal system is manipulated by semantics and those with more money so that it is used as a shield against reasonable demands and as a weapon against their political opponents(Or anyone trying to stop them). The people don't want all of the bullshit forced onto them, but the courts both protect those who make shit worse and attacks those who try to take action against it.

Where I live the people who are selling out the country to the highest bidder are protected by law, and if you say something about it using the wrong terms or with not enough ass-kissing you risk a fine or worse
Such a system does not serve justice and encourages extremism because other options are ineffective by design or punished


Nov 26, 2009
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“They’ll drag us into savagery” in one sentence then “Let’s kill them” in the next.
With the way things are going one side is going to purge the other.
The only only question is which side will do it first.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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“They’ll drag us into savagery” in one sentence then “Let’s kill them” in the next.
I was very clear that we weren't to be the aggressor so I must assume you equate defending oneself with force to savagery. What do you propose we substitute it with then? I suppose you'd have us capitulate in the name of "unity" all the way up until they're branding us like cattle, maybe you'd rather we create re-education camps to remove the wrong-think with electrodes and drugs and neurological surgeries?

Edit: Hahaha, they're already making a list of people for persecution

With the way things are going one side is going to purge the other.
The only only question is which side will do it first.
I would argue that it does not matter how the situation is handled, the methods of thought are diametrically opposed and cannot operate within the same system without coming into conflict which will, given enough time, escalate to violence should one not be expelled, like feces from the butthole, because that's what SJWs are. Feces.
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Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
Yeah, because Russia and China aren't the puppetmasters of the globalist left. Not one bit. We can't prove it at all.

Even without that, leftists are scum. Pissing and moaning about feelings while ignoring objective fact. They're already coming for free speech because god forbid someone call them out on their shit.
Ah, yes. The scandal made up by Rudy Giuliani, about a legally-blind laptop repair shop owner who happens to be a Trump supporter getting his hands on Hunter Biden's laptop and rather than fixing the machine and returning it to its owner, instead passed it off to a known bullshit-artist who married his own second cousin, who in turn handed it to the FBI, who, rather than punishing the store owner and Giuliani (despite allegedly having favouritism towards the Democrat Party), chose to instead keep it and only recently decided to say anything about it without providing anything of substance for the general public to form an opinion on.

Is that the scandal you're talking about?

Edit: I forgot to add the part about when did this place and its staff become a bunch of knee-jerk conspiracy idiots? You wanna be associated with Flat-Earth nuts? Cause, you're on the right path. Keep going, and you'll drive right off that cliff, buds. I mean, you're talking about China, a country that can't even intimidate Taiwan or Beijing, whose controlled test of the COVID turned into a full-blown outbreak because the morons didn't think to develop a vaccine before testing the virus. The only government less competent at not screwing up weekly would have been the US during the Cold War. I'll say it again: winning because your opponent goes broke is not something to be proud of.
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Nov 26, 2009
Reputation score
Ah, yes. The scandal made up by Rudy Giuliani, about a legally-blind laptop repair shop owner who happens to be a Trump supporter getting his hands on Hunter Biden's laptop and rather than fixing the machine and returning it to its owner,
Hunter didn't pay his bill and didn't bother collecting it within the time window on the contract, legally the ownership of the laptop and its contents belong to the store owner.
Anyway, doesn't matter if the crackhead didn't actually forget about the laptop and just bought more because he's a super rich, and instead was a cover for Ugandan Special Intelligence sneaking a laptop full of hacked materials into useful hands, it was still full of pictures of Hunter Biden and his emails detailing improper things.


Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Well let's take this step-by-step.

Ah, yes. The scandal made up by Rudy Giuliani, about a legally-blind laptop repair shop owner
What does it matter if he's legally blind? I'm legally blind in my left eye, it doesn't mean I can't see through it just that it's difficult to read small text at a distance. A nice article from webmd: .

who happens to be a Trump supporter
There happen to be quite a few. Might have something to do with the left being a bunch of raving lunatics but I digress.
getting his hands on Hunter Biden's laptop and rather than fixing the machine and returning it to its owner,
MrMe handled this.
instead passed it off to a known bullshit-artist who married his own second cousin,
You don't like the man, neat-o, you do realize that doesn't actually discredit evidence, right? And yes, he's totally using it to make Biden look bad. Still doesn't discredit it.
who in turn handed it to the FBI, who, rather than punishing the store owner and Giuliani (despite allegedly having favouritism towards the Democrat Party), chose to instead keep it and only recently decided to say anything about it without providing anything of substance for the general public to form an opinion on.
Incorrect, the guy tried to turn over a copy to the FBI and was initially ignored. Months later the FBI contacted him and then Subpoenad the original laptop and all related documents. Rather smartly he had ghosted the sucker ( given the FBI's attempted coup, a prudent course ) and after seeing nothing come of this he contacted several members of congress trying to provide it to them, he was ignored and then contacted Giuliani's office and discussed it with them, afterwards while they were attempting to verify that, he submitted information about the drive through the whistleblower link on Senator Johnson’s website, information was leaked to the nypost and the leftist media along with big tech went batshit crazy.

Edit: I forgot to add the part about when did this place and its staff become a bunch of knee-jerk conspiracy idiots? You wanna be associated with Flat-Earth nuts? Cause, you're on the right path. Keep going, and you'll drive right off that cliff, buds.
This doesn't constitute a conspiracy theory, big tech attempting to use covid to reshape our economy and abolish physical currency as a gateway to transhumanism is a conspiracy theory. This? It's a goddamned open secret that the majority of our politicians are corrupt and entities both foreign and domestic funnel money into them to further their own agendas that often run counter to the prosperity of the United State's citizens. Just change the words "China" "Russia" and "globalist left" in that quote to "NRA" "Big Oil" and "GOP" and suddenly you'd not object. Maybe the term "puppetmasters" was a bit strong I'll give you that though.

Also; don't like that I'm a mod? QQ moar.

I mean, you're talking about China, a country that can't even intimidate Taiwan or Beijing, whose controlled test of the COVID turned into a full-blown outbreak because the morons didn't think to develop a vaccine before testing the virus. The only government less competent at not screwing up weekly would have been the US during the Cold War.
Paying a corrupt politician to push one-sided trade agreements isn't exactly virology. But good news for your dismissive view of China, they fucked this up too! Using a crackhead as a middleman is a great way to get caught after all.

I'll say it again: winning because your opponent goes broke is not something to be proud of.
Still a win though.
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Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
Hunter didn't pay his bill and didn't bother collecting it within the time window on the contract, legally the ownership of the laptop and its contents belong to the store owner.
Anyway, doesn't matter if the crackhead didn't actually forget about the laptop and just bought more because he's a super rich, and instead was a cover for Ugandan Special Intelligence sneaking a laptop full of hacked materials into useful hands, it was still full of pictures of Hunter Biden and his emails detailing improper things.
Putting aside his history of narcotic usage, it still makes no sense that Hunter would allow something with sensitive documents that can compromise his future to be kept by someone. Either he had faith that the hard-drive was fucked beyond repair, or he would have picked it up. Personally, in the past when I had financial woes, if I had to pawn a laptop, I would make sure payday was within the same period that the shop gives me to reclaim the device, and my worst "secrets" are the h-games I've collected over the years.

Also, legally, the store owner would need to wipe the drives before re-selling. He's not even supposed to share any content he finds, unless that content is deemed so dangerous (like child porn, a hit-list, etc) that authorities would need to be alerted immediately. The FBI also wouldn't keep it under wraps for 3+ years.

Well let's take this step-by-step.

What does it matter if he's legally blind? I'm legally blind in my left eye, it doesn't mean I can't see through it just that it's difficult to read small text at a distance. A nice article from webmd: .
If you have trouble reading small text, then the guy is probably having a hard time doing his work. I don't doubt that, 20+ years prior he could read you script with ease. Now, he probably has enough difficulty driving.

There happen to be quite a few. Might have something to do with the left being a bunch of raving lunatics but I digress.
Same with the republican right. Hell, we have a wannabe Trump here in Canada named Jason Kenney who just crippled worker protections after waging war on medical professionals and setting up a propaganda committee for big oil. Whataboutism is a bad argument when "your side" is proven to do more harm than the guys you're comparing yourselves against.

You don't like the man, neat-o, you do realize that doesn't actually discredit evidence, right? And yes, he's totally using it to make Biden look bad. Still doesn't discredit it.
The man is known for

Incorrect, the guy tried to turn over a copy to the FBI and was initially ignored. Months later the FBI contacted him and then Subpoenad the original laptop and all related documents. Rather smartly he had ghosted the sucker ( given the FBI's attempted coup, a prudent course ) and after seeing nothing come of this he contacted several members of congress trying to provide it to them, he was ignored and then contacted Giuliani's office and discussed it with them, afterwards while they were attempting to verify that, he submitted information about the drive through the whistleblower link on Senator Johnson’s website, information was leaked to the nypost and the leftist media along with big tech went batshit crazy.
Okay, I have a bunch of questions that smash the credibility of this story.

1) The FBI didn't even bother checking into what amounts to a potentially-damning piece of evidence that can expose a member of congress as being part of something that harms national security? They weren't even curious for months? Something like that, they would be on that faster than stink on shit. Protecting national interests is their MO. Not always, but still.

2) Ghosting the FBI when you have damning evidence is a criminal offence. If you are subpoena'd, a warrant is issued for your arrest and all your assets are frozen if you refuse to comply. That guy also wouldn't be able to get out the front door before he had 50 party vans on his ass. Oh, but he somehow pulled off a miracle and evaded the law, despite having poor eyesight and, if pictures are to be believed, not exactly having the stamina to run long distances?

3) He contacted several members of congress and wasn't taken serious? I can think of at least a few Democrat's who would attempt a meeting just to claim the laptop and destroy it. I can think of double the number of Republican's who would take it just to expose Hunter Biden and potentially destroy Joe's career. And, again, this guy tried to contact elected representatives while being pursued by one of the top law enforcement agencies in the country? A man who the DoJ would release a public statement about as withholding state secrets? You do know the wikileaks guy had to flee to China because there was no safe haven for him in the US, right?

4) Leftist media didn't go nuts. Only FOX news went nuts, and only because they were the only ones who found it out, allegedly. Interesting that the most right-wing "news" network are the only ones who break the story, and nobody else is talking about it. It's almost like everyone knows Giuliani is full of shit and a story like this is right down his alley in terms of bullshit.

This doesn't constitute a conspiracy theory, big tech attempting to use covid to reshape our economy and abolish physical currency as a gateway to transhumanism is a conspiracy theory. This? It's a goddamned open secret that the majority of our politicians are corrupt and entities both foreign and domestic funnel money into them to further their own agendas that often run counter to the prosperity of the United State's citizens. Just change the words "China" "Russia" and "globalist left" in that quote to "NRA" "Big Oil" and "GOP" and suddenly you'd not object. Maybe the term "puppetmasters" was a bit strong I'll give you that though.
When an alleged "controversy" is unable to withstand even the most surface-level scrutiny, it's a conspiracy theory. You're gonna next claim the Earth is flat and a race of subterranean reptiles are constantly keeping tabs on you for all the "truths" you know. Take your meds and get some sleep, grandpa.

If you replaced nouns with other nouns, I'd still be skeptical and give you the same response. You're talking a large-scale conspiracy where one man claiming to have evidence that damns the Biden boys wasn't of interest to the FBI until he was, evaded them after receiving a subpoena, somehow couldn't get the attention of elected representatives, and Rudy Giuliani and FOX news are the only ones who he trusted enough to sell the story to. C'mon, man. I know you're an idiot, but even I have to grant you the benefit of believing you're not that dumb.

Also; don't like that I'm a mod? QQ moar.
As I recall, it wasn't just you among the mod staff that was believing this bullshit. Nice ego check, bud.

Also, also, you're less a mod and more a glorified maid for a single section of the forums. I'm insulting maids by giving you that much, though.

Paying a corrupt politician to push one-sided trade agreements isn't exactly virology. But good news for your dismissive view of China, they fucked this up too! Using a crackhead as a middleman is a great way to get caught after all.
China isn't exactly known for handling their affairs competently, but even they would know that trusting a junkie with something like this is pants-on-head retarded. You're under the misguided assumption that every country capable of having an intelligence network isn't keeping tabs on each other. Hell, even Iran has an intelligence network that is probably running profiles on all of us. Welcome to the 21st century, where even your VPN will keep tabs on you. Hell, your cell carrier keeps transcripts of everything, phone call or otherwise.

Still a win though.
Sure, just like "winning" by having your hand forced by your constituents into pulling out of a pointless conflict in an Asian country because nobody knows why the fuck you were there to begin with. You can "win" all the way to the end of the line, right behind Al Qaeda and whatever the fuck Turkey is doing.