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walkthrough :

City map : View attachment 48204

Day 1 :
  1. after fight, go to item shop that in upper right
  2. back to home click crystal
  3. in real world, move out from home, go to house of Otany
  4. talk to Otany then sit on chair (next time talk to him again also sit on chair)
  5. go to shop talk to aged
  6. when sunset, go back to home, open toilet's door and talk to girl
  7. talk to princess, then go to 2F, upper right room click wardrobe get clothes
  8. talk to princess, change her new clothes, then talk to maid
  9. go to bathroom, after H, take a bath then go to sleep
Day 2 :
  1. sleep and bath only, to day 7 play game will has bad ending E, then restart in day 2 (can get double exp in later)
  2. play game, click treasure box in room then go upper right talk to shop manager and witch
  3. talk to man who near town entrance
  4. in real world, click new treasure box in room
  5. talk man in upper right of home and talk to soldier in south bridge
  6. shop talk to Choco can get coin, can use it in machine in her left. Now u can find coin in on ground, status up item can find in game's shop's treasure box. Item in random. Coin can find in (shop, home x4, H%Stock, school x3, park, house of Otany, city SW, north of home, left side of building site, near city SE)
  7. go to H&Stock talk to man, go to company talk to woman
  8. go to house of Otany, talk to woman and Otany
  9. talk to man in north side then go to school
  10. left side to classroom, talk to friend then talk ot girl
  11. north to building site, talk to man in left side, upper right side can find rope, get it to friend
  12. in game, left of castle, talk to man laying on floor
  13. talk to woman in right side of town
  14. move out from town, north to inn, talk to man in lower left room
  15. west to forest, talk to man in right side
  16. inn upper right room has merchant, if buy robe (汚れたロープ), back to room and put it into treasure box, in real world get it and put it into washing machine can get new robe, then put it in treasure box for game
  17. in real world, talk to princess then talk to maid
  18. take a bath
  19. go to 2F upper right room
  20. talk to maid has 2 H
  21. put new item (王女のなみだ) into treasure box
Day 3 :
  1. balcony click bat toy
  2. talk to maid, maid clothes and nude has 2H, other 1 H
  3. go to school, classroom talk to aged, then study in classroom (point for get magic)
  4. go to Pink Candy talk to man, park talk to man, talk to Otany
  5. city north talk to police, then go right side talk to man can get item
  6. in game, get item (王女のなみだ) from treasure box
  7. near lower right side, go to the house with magic circle, talk to man then step on red footprint
  8. talk to him again then go to magic circle, talk to ghost in upper side and get magic
  9. talk to witch, then talk to man in this house's upper right
  10. go to upper left hammer icon shop, talk to man 2 times
  11. if buy other equip in north inn, put that equip to treasure box
  12. , in real world take it out then use さびとりクリーナー to it can get new equip, put it to treasure box then get it in game
  13. go to cave in NE side, step on red footprint
  14. go to west forest, near ivy use 王女のなみだ
  15. upper left side of forest has red footprint (lower side has hidden room, talk to monster can get dubble exp)
  16. recover water in upper left side can use 5 times
  17. after step forest's red footprint, back to town talk to witch
  18. in real world talk to princess then talk to maid
  19. talk to princess then 2F talk to her again, after sex with princess, in few fight has power up
  20. talk to princess , princess clothes has 3H (2 is win), other chothes 1 H, talk to maid
  21. in game, go to pub from back door, talk to all ppl, go to store in right, click door few times can open door, inside click all barrel
  22. in real world, go to Pink Candy, in right side enter password 0745 open door, talk to succubus, click empty treasure box can go inside, click locker can get item and clothes, talk to customer 2 times then talk to girl
  23. new costume has H, then 2 girl dress in same costume can 3P
  24. in game, go to inn, upper left room talk to man 2 times
  25. defeat forest boss then talk to merchant
  26. in town, now armor shop open, if buy 皮頭巾, in real world click kitchen View attachment 48205 can get new helm, if buy swimming suit, put it to treasure box, use it in real world can get new costume, if both girl dress swimming suit too can 3P
  27. take a bath, talk to princess has 2H
  28. balcony talk to succubus, then open refrigerator get apple then click kitchen View attachment 48205, take it to her
Day 4 :
  1. outside bathroom talk to man can get item
  2. go to school for study, then talk to man who near entrance
  3. talk to Otany, go to shop click upper side
  4. talk to police in north
  5. go to building site from hole, talk to 2 men and soldier and get key
  6. back to home, put key to treasure box
  7. in game, get key from treasure box
  8. talk to man in town lower right side
  9. use どこかの鍵 in door that in castle right side
  10. castle talk to all ppl
  11. hammer icon shop talk to man then outside talk to 2 guy
  12. weapon shop buy axe 木こりの斧 and equip it, defeat tree monster in forest can get wood
  13. get 10 wood, talk to 2 guy who outside hammer icon shop then talk to man inside
  14. hidden road to town View attachment 48207, lower left treasure box get key then upper doll keep click it untill it disappear
  15. school talk to friend
  16. in park click lion, rabbit, panda then elephant can get new clothes, this costume maid has 2H and 3P
  17. princess nude has new H
  18. maid 3rd costume has new H
  19. take a bath then go bed to sleep
Day 5 :
  1. go to school, talk to girl then study in classroom
  2. talk to Otany
  3. talk to princess has H, then click toilet can get her shit (in game can use it for attack)
  4. in game, town upper right side talk to man
  5. in pub talk to new girl can get item, put it in treasure box, get it in real world, then click table can get new custume View attachment 48209, this costume maid has 2H and 3P
  6. in real world, city NE side has dog, catch it then put it to treasure box, in game take it out, talk to man in upper right can get $500
  7. go to clinic, pay $ for recover 2 times
  8. pass east bridge to demon castle, talk to soldier then talk to man in left side
  9. east to pirate hideout, barrel in upper right side can get item for shop, take it to shop has new item for sale
  10. if defeat pirates can get necklace (どくろの首飾り), after fight talk to all pirates
  11. in west side of town can get crab View attachment 48212, take it to man in clinic, then click box 2 times
  12. in NE cave, middle door can use necklace to open it, can get lucky coin in treasure box
  13. back to home, put necklace and lucky coin to treasure box, get them in real world
  14. in real world, go to shop, use lucky coin in machine then talk to Choco
  15. near shop can get new costume View attachment 48210, this one has 3P
  16. put necklace in microwave oven View attachment 48208, it will change color to red, put red necklace to treasure box
  17. in game, get red necklace in treasure box, go to north cave can open red door, can get key and equip, put necklace and key to treasure box
  18. in real world, take out 2 item from treasure box
  19. go to company can use key open door, inside can get new costume and coin, outside talk to man, new costume has 3P
  20. go to school, entrance talk to teacher
  21. put necklace to refrigerator 2 times View attachment 48208, change color to blue, then put it in treasure box
  22. in game, take out blue necklace from treasure box, talk to man in upper right can get dog
  23. go to north cave, use blue necklace open blue door, right box need use key
  24. has dog can enter Demon Castle, midde has letter, click it
  25. upper click switch
  26. go to room in lower left side, use vortex back to town
  27. go to castle, talk to captain who near king, choose all 1st choice
  28. upper right has hidden road when you see dog in other side View attachment 48211, in room click cabinet can get new costume, each girl has 2H
  29. town right side talk to girl, then go to shop talk to Choco
make a new Save A
Ending C and D :
  1. go to Demon Castle, go to lower right room, clcik white foodprint
  2. go to temple in south of Demon Castle, open box get item
  3. go to inn, talk to man in upper left room
  4. take a bath then sleep
  5. take a bath then sleep
  6. day 7, go to Demon Castle, near entrance talk to man
  7. click switch in upper side
  8. better make a new save
  9. vs boss (if lose to Ending D)
  10. in castle talk to captain
  11. go to upper right room talk to princess
  12. lower left talk to maid (Ending C)
  13. restart new game from Day 2
  14. take a bath then go to sleep
  15. Day 3, go to school, can find new costume in upper right, talk to princess and maid, make sure has new costume then save game
Reload Save A
Day 6 :
  1. study in school
  2. in game, shop talk to Choco can get key for house in east side
  3. in house click 2 cabinet get 2 key and letter, in red door use 小部屋の鍵
  4. back to home, put key and letter to treasure box
  5. in real world, take out 2 item from treasure box, click table and choice letter
  6. maid change to maid clothes, go to toilet and click it has H
  7. go to shop, pass door in upper side, near red cabinet use key, click cabinet can get costume, each girl has 2H, talk to maid, go park has H
  8. go to Otany's house, open toilet door then click toilet 2 times
  9. take a bath then go bed for sleep
Day 7, Ending S, A and B + after ending :
  1. in game, go to Demon Castle, to lower right room, talk to Otany
  2. upper side click switch
  3. back to real world, make a new Save B for ending A and B
  4. vs boss (if lose go to Ending B)
  5. talk to captain
  6. if talk to captain again, back to town (Ending A)
  7. back of chair has hidden road, inside vs final boss (Ending S)
  8. Ending S can get new costume
  9. reload Save A or B
  10. this 3 costume for princess View attachment 48213, can sex with her. After 3 sex, change princess clothes to nude, maid clothes to maid, then go to 2F has H
  11. if get Ending S, A, B, C, D and E, in Hscene room, click game has 2H

Out of topio :
If u like card game, has in eyny
This game has multilingual support
The tentacle god is back!!! Long live the king!

walkthrough :

City map : View attachment 48204

Day 1 :
  1. after fight, go to item shop that in upper right
  2. back to home click crystal
  3. in real world, move out from home, go to house of Otany
  4. talk to Otany then sit on chair (next time talk to him again also sit on chair)
  5. go to shop talk to aged
  6. when sunset, go back to home, open toilet's door and talk to girl
  7. talk to princess, then go to 2F, upper right room click wardrobe get clothes
  8. talk to princess, change her new clothes, then talk to maid
  9. go to bathroom, after H, take a bath then go to sleep
Day 2 :
  1. sleep and bath only, to day 7 play game will has bad ending E, then restart in day 2 (can get double exp in later)
  2. play game, click treasure box in room then go upper right talk to shop manager and witch
  3. talk to man who near town entrance
  4. in real world, click new treasure box in room
  5. talk man in upper right of home and talk to soldier in south bridge
  6. shop talk to Choco can get coin, can use it in machine in her left. Now u can find coin in on ground, status up item can find in game's shop's treasure box. Item in random. Coin can find in (shop, home x4, H%Stock, school x3, park, house of Otany, city SW, north of home, left side of building site, near city SE)
  7. go to H&Stock talk to man, go to company talk to woman
  8. go to house of Otany, talk to woman and Otany
  9. talk to man in north side then go to school
  10. left side to classroom, talk to friend then talk ot girl
  11. north to building site, talk to man in left side, upper right side can find rope, get it to friend
  12. in game, left of castle, talk to man laying on floor
  13. talk to woman in right side of town
  14. move out from town, north to inn, talk to man in lower left room
  15. west to forest, talk to man in right side
  16. inn upper right room has merchant, if buy robe (汚れたロープ), back to room and put it into treasure box, in real world get it and put it into washing machine can get new robe, then put it in treasure box for game
  17. in real world, talk to princess then talk to maid
  18. take a bath
  19. go to 2F upper right room
  20. talk to maid has 2 H
  21. put new item (王女のなみだ) into treasure box
Day 3 :
  1. balcony click bat toy
  2. talk to maid, maid clothes and nude has 2H, other 1 H
  3. go to school, classroom talk to aged, then study in classroom (point for get magic)
  4. go to Pink Candy talk to man, park talk to man, talk to Otany
  5. city north talk to police, then go right side talk to man can get item
  6. in game, get item (王女のなみだ) from treasure box
  7. near lower right side, go to the house with magic circle, talk to man then step on red footprint
  8. talk to him again then go to magic circle, talk to ghost in upper side and get magic
  9. talk to witch, then talk to man in this house's upper right
  10. go to upper left hammer icon shop, talk to man 2 times
  11. if buy other equip in north inn, put that equip to treasure box
  12. , in real world take it out then use さびとりクリーナー to it can get new equip, put it to treasure box then get it in game
  13. go to cave in NE side, step on red footprint
  14. go to west forest, near ivy use 王女のなみだ
  15. upper left side of forest has red footprint (lower side has hidden room, talk to monster can get dubble exp)
  16. recover water in upper left side can use 5 times
  17. after step forest's red footprint, back to town talk to witch
  18. in real world talk to princess then talk to maid
  19. talk to princess then 2F talk to her again, after sex with princess, in few fight has power up
  20. talk to princess , princess clothes has 3H (2 is win), other chothes 1 H, talk to maid
  21. in game, go to pub from back door, talk to all ppl, go to store in right, click door few times can open door, inside click all barrel
  22. in real world, go to Pink Candy, in right side enter password 0745 open door, talk to succubus, click empty treasure box can go inside, click locker can get item and clothes, talk to customer 2 times then talk to girl
  23. new costume has H, then 2 girl dress in same costume can 3P
  24. in game, go to inn, upper left room talk to man 2 times
  25. defeat forest boss then talk to merchant
  26. in town, now armor shop open, if buy 皮頭巾, in real world click kitchen View attachment 48205 can get new helm, if buy swimming suit, put it to treasure box, use it in real world can get new costume, if both girl dress swimming suit too can 3P
  27. take a bath, talk to princess has 2H
  28. balcony talk to succubus, then open refrigerator get apple then click kitchen View attachment 48205, take it to her
Day 4 :
  1. outside bathroom talk to man can get item
  2. go to school for study, then talk to man who near entrance
  3. talk to Otany, go to shop click upper side
  4. talk to police in north
  5. go to building site from hole, talk to 2 men and soldier and get key
  6. back to home, put key to treasure box
  7. in game, get key from treasure box
  8. talk to man in town lower right side
  9. use どこかの鍵 in door that in castle right side
  10. castle talk to all ppl
  11. hammer icon shop talk to man then outside talk to 2 guy
  12. weapon shop buy axe 木こりの斧 and equip it, defeat tree monster in forest can get wood
  13. get 10 wood, talk to 2 guy who outside hammer icon shop then talk to man inside
  14. hidden road to town View attachment 48207, lower left treasure box get key then upper doll keep click it untill it disappear
  15. school talk to friend
  16. in park click lion, rabbit, panda then elephant can get new clothes, this costume maid has 2H and 3P
  17. princess nude has new H
  18. maid 3rd costume has new H
  19. take a bath then go bed to sleep
Day 5 :
  1. go to school, talk to girl then study in classroom
  2. talk to Otany
  3. talk to princess has H, then click toilet can get her shit (in game can use it for attack)
  4. in game, town upper right side talk to man
  5. in pub talk to new girl can get item, put it in treasure box, get it in real world, then click table can get new custume View attachment 48209, this costume maid has 2H and 3P
  6. in real world, city NE side has dog, catch it then put it to treasure box, in game take it out, talk to man in upper right can get $500
  7. go to clinic, pay $ for recover 2 times
  8. pass east bridge to demon castle, talk to soldier then talk to man in left side
  9. east to pirate hideout, barrel in upper right side can get item for shop, take it to shop has new item for sale
  10. if defeat pirates can get necklace (どくろの首飾り), after fight talk to all pirates
  11. in west side of town can get crab View attachment 48212, take it to man in clinic, then click box 2 times
  12. in NE cave, middle door can use necklace to open it, can get lucky coin in treasure box
  13. back to home, put necklace and lucky coin to treasure box, get them in real world
  14. in real world, go to shop, use lucky coin in machine then talk to Choco
  15. near shop can get new costume View attachment 48210, this one has 3P
  16. put necklace in microwave oven View attachment 48208, it will change color to red, put red necklace to treasure box
  17. in game, get red necklace in treasure box, go to north cave can open red door, can get key and equip, put necklace and key to treasure box
  18. in real world, take out 2 item from treasure box
  19. go to company can use key open door, inside can get new costume and coin, outside talk to man, new costume has 3P
  20. go to school, entrance talk to teacher
  21. put necklace to refrigerator 2 times View attachment 48208, change color to blue, then put it in treasure box
  22. in game, take out blue necklace from treasure box, talk to man in upper right can get dog
  23. go to north cave, use blue necklace open blue door, right box need use key
  24. has dog can enter Demon Castle, midde has letter, click it
  25. upper click switch
  26. go to room in lower left side, use vortex back to town
  27. go to castle, talk to captain who near king, choose all 1st choice
  28. upper right has hidden road when you see dog in other side View attachment 48211, in room click cabinet can get new costume, each girl has 2H
  29. town right side talk to girl, then go to shop talk to Choco
make a new Save A
Ending C and D :
  1. go to Demon Castle, go to lower right room, clcik white foodprint
  2. go to temple in south of Demon Castle, open box get item
  3. go to inn, talk to man in upper left room
  4. take a bath then sleep
  5. take a bath then sleep
  6. day 7, go to Demon Castle, near entrance talk to man
  7. click switch in upper side
  8. better make a new save
  9. vs boss (if lose to Ending D)
  10. in castle talk to captain
  11. go to upper right room talk to princess
  12. lower left talk to maid (Ending C)
  13. restart new game from Day 2
  14. take a bath then go to sleep
  15. Day 3, go to school, can find new costume in upper right, talk to princess and maid, make sure has new costume then save game
Reload Save A
Day 6 :
  1. study in school
  2. in game, shop talk to Choco can get key for house in east side
  3. in house click 2 cabinet get 2 key and letter, in red door use 小部屋の鍵
  4. back to home, put key and letter to treasure box
  5. in real world, take out 2 item from treasure box, click table and choice letter
  6. maid change to maid clothes, go to toilet and click it has H
  7. go to shop, pass door in upper side, near red cabinet use key, click cabinet can get costume, each girl has 2H, talk to maid, go park has H
  8. go to Otany's house, open toilet door then click toilet 2 times
  9. take a bath then go bed for sleep
Day 7, Ending S, A and B + after ending :
  1. in game, go to Demon Castle, to lower right room, talk to Otany
  2. upper side click switch
  3. back to real world, make a new Save B for ending A and B
  4. vs boss (if lose go to Ending B)
  5. talk to captain
  6. if talk to captain again, back to town (Ending A)
  7. back of chair has hidden road, inside vs final boss (Ending S)
  8. Ending S can get new costume
  9. reload Save A or B
  10. this 3 costume for princess View attachment 48213, can sex with her. After 3 sex, change princess clothes to nude, maid clothes to maid, then go to 2F has H
  11. if get Ending S, A, B, C, D and E, in Hscene room, click game has 2H

Out of topio :
If u like card game, has in eyny
This game has multilingual support

I followed the instructions but on the 5th I couldn't find the crab
_ told the woman in the hospital twice
_ tell all the pirates after taking the necklace
I followed the instructions but on the 5th I couldn't find the crab
_ told the woman in the hospital twice
_ tell all the pirates after taking the necklace
hmmm talk is not enough, need pay 100$ x 2 times for recover 1.jpg , then talk to pirate in 2.jpg
hmmm talk is not enough, need pay 100$ x 2 times for recover View attachment 48413, then talk to pirate in View attachment 48414
thanks , I did it ( told the woman in the hospital and 2 days later activated the event tell the pirate )
but now i'm stuck with maid 4 picture (tollet scene)
I didn't see the teacher at school on the 5th after picking up the suit from the company

Last edited:
can someone post a walkthrough for RJ01073908 it would help me out alot as I don't want to grind and talk to every npc over and over.
thanks , I did it ( told the woman in the hospital and 2 days later activated the event tell the pirate )
but now i'm stuck with maid 4 picture (tollet scene)
I didn't see the teacher at school on the 5th after picking up the suit from the company

View attachment 48428
tollet scene --- need change 3rd clothes 1.jpg then get 2 Hscene. Then day 5 or later, change maid clothes then use toilet
maybe after friend's H in school, talk to friend then re-enter school can find her
2 hscene need get all ending, then click game in hscene room
tollet scene --- need change 3rd clothes View attachment 48441 then get 2 Hscene. Then day 5 or later, change maid clothes then use toilet
maybe after friend's H in school, talk to friend then re-enter school can find her
2 hscene need get all ending, then click game in hscene room

Thank you very much, but I can't get the last picture
i have sex with 3 outfits you said , change princess to nude , maid clothes to maid , then go to 2F still can't see hscene
can someone post a walkthrough for RJ01073908 it would help me out alot as I don't want to grind and talk to every npc over and over.

have you gotten past this bridge?
うっかりサンピの大冒険2 walkthrough


This game has hidden item

  1. Defeat all enemy then go to upper right vs boss
  2. go to town east side, talk to female elf in lower left side elf.jpg
  3. back to town west side, step shining point in cliff in lower left side
  4. cave B2 has hidden road cave hidden road.jpg , click switch and vs boss
find the lost Elf
  1. go to cave, B4 click stone plate then click 4 statue
  2. lower side of village head's house, talk to female elf who near tree can get fruit
  3. house in right side of item shop, talk to woman in kitchen then basement can get vegetables
  4. town east side, upper right house talk to soldier can get alcohol
  5. talk to man in lower left house, then south to forest, go south area
  6. lower left has hidden road, defeat chicken boss can get meat
  7. go to cave B4 again, click 4 statue
  8. back to B3, has new road in lower right side, B5 vs boss then go next area
human has way to defeat shadow?
  1. town east side, go to shop near entrance
  2. back to town west side, talk to village head
  3. go to east maze forest, click all big mushroom mushroom.jpg
  4. area before poison lake area, has hidden road maze forest hidden road.jpg
  5. after girl join, better dont use status up item to her
  6. vs boss then pass forest to human village
  7. go to lower right side, enter well, pot in lower right has photo
  8. house in village's upper side, cabinet has hidden item 除光液, use it
  9. talk to man in upper right farm
  10. talk to village head in upper right house
find information about shadow
  1. in village head house, basement open box get item
  2. town has new equip and item sale
  3. go to maze forest, crossroad go north clcik stone plate
  4. after pass cave, lower left has hidden road, mushroom house can make equip for chain
  5. go east vs boss then go next area
let the shadow follow you out of village
  1. go to cave, defeat all monster then near shadow
  2. vs boss
someone can do damage to shadow?
  1. town has new equip and item sale
  2. go to maze forest, holy tree area, enter hole that under holy tree
  3. has hidden road in holy tree hidden road.jpg , click switch
  4. vs boss

  1. go to cave, upper side to new area
  2. open box get 2 quest item, for shining point
  3. vs boss
test from Spirit King
  1. go to holy tree, to new area
  2. click red > blue > yellow crystal
  3. vs boss
Find 3 item that restores the mana of the Spirit King
  1. town has new equip sale
  2. go to south forest then go NW
  3. crossroad area, go east can get carrot then go west side, give it to horse
  4. get wood then repair bridge, vs boss
vs shadow
  1. go to cave, to B5
  2. if girl lvl 25+, click stone plate, girl only will go to other area, defeat boss can get new skill
  3. get key for door 33
  4. from research establishment go to west area will vs boss
help brother
  1. go to cave, to research establishment
  2. to new magic circle room, drop down from hole in lower right
  3. vs boss get key for door that near new magic circle
  4. vs golem, must lose
all elf are sleeping
  1. house in right of item shop, click cabinet sleep elf.jpg can get 除光液, use it for photo
  2. go town east side, go to house in upper right, go to basement can vs boss, after fight can get new skill
  3. go to human town, talk to man in middle side farm, then enter well has boss, defeat it can get new skill
  4. go to cave in elf town, move down to golem area, vs golem again
find Spirit King
  1. shop has new equip for sale
  2. go to maze forest, go to holy tree area then go west
  3. area before boss has hidden road HR in west of holy tree.jpg
  4. vs boss
try go back to village
  1. near cliff vs boss
  1. village head house, basement open box get weapon
  2. town east side, go to church in lower right side, 2F has weapon
  3. go up from upper left side of weapon shop final.jpg
  4. in cave has room, click cabinet that in upper right can get 除光液, use it
  5. vs final boss
Last edited:
have you gotten past this bridge?
View attachment 48477
have you gotten past this bridge?
View attachment 48477
I think its a a puzzle that require to enter the houses in certain order and i think the clue might be on the upper right house and written in japanese.

I think its a a puzzle that require to enter the houses in certain order and i think the clue might be on the upper right house and written in japanese.
Update ive found the full save on a japanese website thanks god
Link :
have you gotten past this bridge?
I am stuck there.
I tried Translating the house notes from 岩4286に東西北西南順か    べ面歩歩歩歩調のにににに番ら    よ to Rock 4286 in east-west, north-west, south-south order?
But dancing on the rock in the forest isnt working. Do you know the solution?
this is the solution to the house puzzle

dont forget to press Z in each spot, if you see some sort of light is because you are doing it right
Thank you!!! I have no idea how you managed to figure that out!

Though still no clue what we're supposed to do after clearing that puzzle to continue progressing lol
Thank you!!! I have no idea how you managed to figure that out!

Though still no clue what we're supposed to do after clearing that puzzle to continue progressing lol

Since you have access to Ānesu (アーネス) you can try to get the magical insulator

In the Wilderness (south part of the forest)

there is a glowing place at the bottom right of the field, (you need to fight some flower girl first, so be prepared), you will be guided to Enlil's house.
If you talk to Enlil in that state, she will tell you that there is a paper in the back, so check the bookshelf in the back from the right side and view the contents, check the one with number 5. The flag to get the magical insulator will be activated. So go back where Anesu is and talk with her (there is some sort of fight where you need to select some options. so it's just try and error)

good luck
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I'm kinda stuck here.

After getting to the school, I've eventually picked up the magic infused hair thing from the classroom desk where you're chased around.
But after that, no idea where to go. The wilderness house girl just tells me to find a thing in the back of the school.
No other flags or info I can see or think of.
エリナと機魔の都 walkthrough

Start :
  1. follow elf
  2. go to basement talk to man in middle
  3. go west to east area (イーラ地区・東), bar talk to master then go to toilet in left
  4. upper right house (shop) talk to manager then go to warehouse in lower right
  5. back to mining guild (採堀ギルド) but was called to vehicle area (車両区) vs monster
  6. back to mining guild, basement get item
  7. entrance of 1st mine (第1採堀場跡・入口), click lift in lower left 2 times
  8. mine area B2 to lower left, then down to underground lake
  9. after slime fight and shower, back to room
mining guild quest (to coal preparation plant):
mining guild.jpg
tomorrow, if dont repair clothes, change clothes ギルドワーカー, talk to any ppl can up lewd (淫乱) lv to 10
get 3 quest (依頼を受ける)

Quest 昇降機の修理 ---​
  1. talk to man in mining guild basement
  2. go to east area, get item in warehouse that in left, then craft it
  3. repair left, in east area (near mining guild) or entrance of 1st mine (left one)
  4. report to man in mining guild basement (report quest is click table, choice 依頼を報告する)
Quest 第1倉庫の整理 --- go to shop in east area, talk to manager (2nd choice), choose 1st choice then choose 2nd one​
Quest ????? --- go to vehicle area, upper left room talk to superintendent (2nd choice)​
Quest グレッチャーの頼み ---​
  1. west area, go to lower right liquor warehouse talk to manager
  2. talk to him again, start quest need lewd lv 15
  3. click left side then talk to manager
  4. 2F talk to his son then talk to manager
  5. liquor warehouse talk to master then 2F talk to son, then click bed
Quest 赤熱獣退治 --- need finish quest 昇降機の修理​
  1. go to 2nd mine (第Ⅱ採堀場), 1st area click toilet door
  2. defeat all monster (if leave 2nd mine, all monster will reset)
  3. follow monster can find hot spring
  4. 1st area click toilet door then click bookshelf, after event can find H-item in town
after report quest, craft for power up weapon, if item not enough go to 1st mine defeat monster or talk to man in east area's lower side
event at night :​
  1. shower in mining guild has CG (dont talk to man near guideboard)
  2. go to toilet in east area bar has CG (dont talk to man who near toilet)
  3. vehicle area (車両区) talk to girl then talk to superintendent can get equip
go to 2nd mine, in hot spring can make lewd up 3 lv
Quest 選炭所の調査 ---​
  1. go to coal preparation plant (選炭所)
  2. in small house, lewd lv 10 and 2nd choice has H
  3. in coal preparation plant talk to 2 guy then click machine that near baldness
  4. go north to water source, vs slime (caught by it can GoR), after quest can come back vs slime it again
underground street (地下街) and Shira district (シーラ地区) :
  1. go to east area, bar talk to master
  2. go to west area, go to bar in back of guideboard, talk to master 2 times
  3. go to shop in nearest left, talk to girl then click cabinet to sewer, then go to underground street
  4. talk to 2 man who near guideboard (1st choice) has H
  5. talk to man near middle who wearing mask, then talk to aged in lower underground street.jpg
  6. if lewd lv 25 talk to aged has H, then talk to him again (3rd choice)
  7. go to studio in right, get drink can up sexual desire to 100 studio.jpg
  8. take photo in 3 spot, then go up to bed (all chooose 1st choice)
  9. mining guild basement talk to man
  10. go to coal preparation plant, 1st area go upper side click door will vs robot
  11. mining guild basement report to man
  12. west area, talk to man in back of guideboard, then room in upper side talk to Mr.Owner
  13. go to 1st mine entrance, use upper right lift to Shira district
  14. talk to Claire (クレア) in lower side of guideboard
  15. use lift move back to mining guild, in shower choose 1st choice has H
  16. go to workshop in left of H-scene room
  17. shop in west area, talk to manager (2nd choice) can buy bikini, need 3.5k
Quest 出張サービス! --- (need bikini)​
  1. west area, bar in back of guideboard talk to master can get quest
  2. undergroud street, studio talk to man
  3. west area, public bathhouse talk to manager
Quest ?????その2 --- (need bikini and lewd lv 50)​
  1. go to vehicle area, upper left room talk to superintendent (2nd choice)
  2. after H can get key for warehouse in vehicle area, room in upper side of vehicle area can open door, click 2 wood box has item
public bathhouse :​
  1. can buy bath towel (バスタオル) need 5k
  2. noon, 2F choose nude and talk to boy has CG, use bath towel talk to baldness in right has CG
  3. at night, bath in 2F, choose all 2nd choice has H
now lewd lv must has 50+, boy in liquor warehouse, underground street 2 guy who near guideboard, and aged has H
big hole in the desert (砂漠の大穴) and collect H-scene :
  1. go to shop in east side, talk to manager, better buy item make +1 weapon, 10k item for +2 weapon (cant make it now)
  2. go to mining guild
  3. go to vehicle area talk to Claire
  4. big hole in the desert, go down to big hole
  5. click stone in right then vs 2 group of worm
  6. can caught by tentacle, west side destory crystal then go east can move out
  7. talk to Claire, choose all choice
  8. go to Shira district, go to library, talk to student in lower right Shira district.jpg
  9. go to room of red moon
  10. go to workshop, then click left side of guideboard
  11. after shower, choose 2nd choice has H
  12. report to Claire, at night talk to her (2nd choice), lewd lv 50 can get new clothes or buy some aphrodisiac (媚薬) from her (sexual desire can up to 100)
collect H-scene --- now can get all lewd lv 100 and sexual desire 100H (use aphrodisiac is better) :​
  • at night, shower in mining guild (sexual desire 100)
  • east area shop manager (sexual desire 100)
  • at night, public bathhouse
  • boy in liquor warehouse (4H)
  • in underground street, studio, 2 guy in lower side of guideboard ,and aged in lower side
  • 2nd mine 1st area, onanism (sexual desire 100)
  • 2nd mine hot spring (sexual desire 100), 2H, 2nd one not need sexual desire
  • at night, west area, man in back of public bathhouse
  • at night, underground street, man in upper left
  • at night, east area, man in left warehouse (sexual desire 100)
Sewer and bunny girl club :
  1. craft can make new item
  2. mining guild, basement talk to man
  3. go to 台地の隠し炉 and 丘の隠し炉, defeat boss in 2 area
  4. mining guild report quest, if skip Claire side choose 2nd choice
  5. Claire side : go to greenhouse in right side, talk to 3 girl, then go to workshop
  6. click in room then talk to all ppl in mining guild
  7. east area, go to bar
  8. go to workshop in Shira district
Quest 地下水道の水質調査 ---​
  1. go to Shira district, greenhouse talk to man
  2. go to sewer, get 3 water sample
  3. nude, zone again to here, total has 3 times talk to oneself sewer.jpg
  4. go greenhouse report to man
  5. if go to west area, noon go public bathhouse, 2F no ppl in there, after bath has stolen her clothes
  6. in sewer go to east to another exit, talk to boy (2nd choice) has H, if 1st choice lost all $
  7. go to boy's hideout again, sex with him
bunny girl club :
  1. go to 1st mine entrance
  2. go to east area, go to toilet change clothes
  3. go to underground street, studio talk to man has H
  4. underground street, start event in upper side of guideboard
  5. north use lift to Mr.Owner room
  6. go to bunny area bunny girl club.jpg , talk to bunny and get 2 ale
  7. talk to 2 baldness (other event can get coin for item)
  8. talk to man then talk to 2 man can striptease
  9. talk to 2 customer has H
  10. make a new save better, talk to Mr.Owner, choose 1st choice for cow clothes for H then reload save for 2nd clothes
  11. lower right room talk to son of Mr.Owner, choose all 1 choice
Ending :
  1. now craft can make new item
  2. go to bunny girl club can buy 2 new clothes
  3. Shira district talk to Claire, then go to workshop talk to man
Quest BAR[アシェンダ]の仕事 --- east area, at night, pub talk to manager, then H in pub​
  1. west area, from public bathhouse to mansion, use lift to underground water purification area
  2. defeat monster then go back can vs tentacle (GoR), come again has tentacle again
  3. at night, Shira district talk to Claire has new item sale, item (ミルクバッファー) can make breast milk status on
  4. if weapon lv 2+, east area go to workshop start event
  5. Shira district talk to Claire
  6. library talk to student then click upper bookshelf
  7. mining guild, near entrance talk to man
  8. vehicle area wait Claire then middle talk to man 2 times can to lake (蒸気霧の湖)
  9. teleport to greywood (グレイウッド), go to cape in upper side has boss
  10. talk to elf and follow her to maze forest, follow shining plant to hidden house
  11. start all event, when hot spring choose all 3rd choice
  12. tomorrow back to city
  13. Shira district, go to magic guild in upper side, up stair to 2F
  14. go to greywood, right house talk to Claire, then go to cape talk to elf
  15. hidout talk to Claire then back to cape
  16. back to city, at night, Shira district talk to Claire has dildo sale, it can use in onanism
  17. at night go to west area, mansion 2F talk to maid in lower right, then go to bunny girl club, talk to bunny girl in middle has H
  18. talk to maid can buy (搾乳キット) for make breast milk
  19. go to Shira district, workshop in middle start event
  20. make a new save better, underground B2 vs boss, get 2 times GoR first, then go to greywood, hidout (イーラの隠れ家) has another side story another side story.jpg
  21. after defeat boss, in H-scene room can make all H on and 2nd play
After ending :
  1. go to Shira district, workshop to underground get item
  2. now craft can make new item
  3. guild talk to maid can get mansion key, then can go to mansion 2F for Mr.Owner H
  4. go to mansion for Mr.Owner H again (sexual desire 100)
  5. go to sewer, need dependent value (依存値) 100 (can up if GoR or caught by monster), nude click slime, choose 3rd choice then go to Shira district, greenhouse talk to man, at night has H
  6. sleep has dream
  7. go to Shira district, go to room of red moon, talk to man can sleep in room
  8. click wood box then choice passwords
  9. Shira district, magic guild 2F talk to man, then underground can vs boss
  10. go to greywood. cape talk to elf, then go maze forest has boss
  11. talk to elf, then go to lake vs boss
  12. guild basement talk to man, use 50k buy item
  13. craft make item (アフターグロウ)
  14. talk to elf, 1st choice can get weapon, 2nd choice for elf (new version has H?)
Quest 大穴の調査XX ---​
  1. go to big hole in the desert, talk to man
  2. down to hole go upper side to tentacle area
  3. dependent value 100 has H, after H go again choose 2nd choice
  4. Shira district talk to Claire
  5. go to big hole in the desert, go to tentacle area, destroy crystal
After story :
after story after story.jpg , if dont all H-scene on, need in dangerous day dangerous day.jpg sex with them (1 by 1) then unlock target...
move out from after story --- go back to H-scene room
message start with x, can ignore if all H-scene on
  • left side 1st guy --- east area item shop
  • left side 2nd guy --- guild shower room
  • x left side 3rd boy --- west area pub 2F
  • x left side 4th guy --- greywood, hidout
  • x boy in middle --- manison 1F, lower right room
  • right side 4th guy --- 2F Mr.Owner room
  • right side 3th guy --- vehicle area, superintendent
  • x right side 2nd guy --- underground street, 2 guy near guideboard
  • x tentacle --- H in big hole in the desert
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エリナと機魔の都 walkthrough

Start :
  1. follow elf
  2. go to basement talk to man in middle
  3. go west to east area (イーラ地区・東), bar talk to master then go to toilet in left
  4. upper right house (shop) talk to manager then go to warehouse in lower right
  5. back to mining guild (採堀ギルド) but was called to vehicle area (車両区) vs monster
  6. back to mining guild, basement get item
  7. entrance of 1st mine (第1採堀場跡・入口), click lift in lower left 2 times
  8. mine area B2 to lower left, then down to underground lake
  9. after slime fight and shower, back to room
mining guild quest (to coal preparation plant):
View attachment 49007
tomorrow, if dont repair clothes, change clothes ギルドワーカー, talk to any ppl can up lewd (淫乱) lv to 10
get 3 quest (依頼を受ける)

Quest 昇降機の修理 ---​
  1. talk to man in mining guild basement
  2. go to east area, get item in warehouse that in left, then craft it
  3. repair left, in east area (near mining guild) or entrance of 1st mine (left one)
  4. report to man in mining guild basement (report quest is click table, choice 依頼を報告する)
Quest 第1倉庫の整理 --- go to shop in east area, talk to manager (2nd choice), choose 1st choice then choose 2nd one​
Quest ????? --- go to vehicle area, upper left room talk to superintendent (2nd choice)​
Quest グレッチャーの頼み ---​
  1. west area, go to lower right liquor warehouse talk to manager
  2. talk to him again, start quest need lewd lv 15
  3. click left side then talk to manager
  4. 2F talk to his son then talk to manager
  5. liquor warehouse talk to master then 2F talk to son, then click bed
Quest 赤熱獣退治 --- need finish quest 昇降機の修理​
  1. go to 2nd mine (第Ⅱ採堀場), 1st area click toilet door
  2. defeat all monster (if leave 2nd mine, all monster will reset)
  3. follow monster can find hot spring
  4. 1st area click toilet door then click bookshelf, after event can find H-item in town
after report quest, craft for power up weapon, if item not enough go to 1st mine defeat monster or talk to man in east area's lower side
event at night :​
  1. shower in mining guild has CG (dont talk to man near guideboard)
  2. go to toilet in east area bar has CG (dont talk to man who near toilet)
  3. vehicle area (車両区) talk to girl then talk to superintendent can get equip
go to 2nd mine, in hot spring can make lewd up 3 lv
Quest 選炭所の調査 ---​
  1. go to coal preparation plant (選炭所)
  2. in small house, lewd lv 10 and 2nd choice has H
  3. in coal preparation plant talk to 2 guy then click machine that near baldness
  4. go north to water source, vs slime (caught by it can GoR), after quest can come back vs slime it again
underground street (地下街) and Shira district (シーラ地区) :
  1. go to east area, bar talk to master
  2. go to west area, go to bar in back of guideboard, talk to master 2 times
  3. go to shop in nearest left, talk to girl then click cabinet to sewer, then go to underground street
  4. talk to 2 man who near guideboard (1st choice) has H
  5. talk to man near middle who wearing mask, then talk to aged in lower View attachment 49008
  6. if lewd lv 25 talk to aged has H, then talk to him again (3rd choice)
  7. go to studio in right, get drink can up sexual desire to 100 View attachment 49009
  8. take photo in 3 spot, then go up to bed (all chooose 1st choice)
  9. mining guild basement talk to man
  10. go to coal preparation plant, 1st area go upper side click door will vs robot
  11. mining guild basement report to man
  12. west area, talk to man in back of guideboard, then room in upper side talk to Mr.Owner
  13. go to 1st mine entrance, use upper right lift to Shira district
  14. talk to Claire (クレア) in lower side of guideboard
  15. use lift move back to mining guild, in shower choose 1st choice has H
  16. go to workshop in left of H-scene room
  17. shop in west area, talk to manager (2nd choice) can buy bikini, need 3.5k
Quest 出張サービス! --- (need bikini)​
  1. west area, bar in back of guideboard talk to master can get quest
  2. undergroud street, studio talk to man
  3. west area, public bathhouse talk to manager
Quest ?????その2 --- (need bikini and lewd lv 50)​
  1. go to vehicle area, upper left room talk to superintendent (2nd choice)
  2. after H can get key for warehouse in vehicle area, room in upper side of vehicle area can open door, click 2 wood box has item
public bathhouse :​
  1. can buy bath towel (バスタオル) need 5k
  2. noon, 2F choose nude and talk to boy has CG, use bath towel talk to baldness in right has CG
  3. at night, bath in 2F, choose all 2nd choice has H
now lewd lv must has 50+, boy in liquor warehouse, underground street 2 guy who near guideboard, and aged has H
big hole in the desert (砂漠の大穴) and collect H-scene :
  1. go to shop in east side, talk to manager, better buy item make +1 weapon, 10k item for +2 weapon (cant make it now)
  2. go to mining guild
  3. go to vehicle area talk to Claire
  4. big hole in the desert, go down to big hole
  5. click stone in right then vs 2 group of worm
  6. can caught by tentacle, west side destory crystal then go east can move out
  7. talk to Claire, choose all choice
  8. go to Shira district, go to library, talk to student in lower right View attachment 49012
  9. go to room of red moon
  10. go to workshop, then click left side of guideboard
  11. after shower, choose 2nd choice has H
  12. report to Claire, at night talk to her (2nd choice), lewd lv 50 can get new clothes or buy some aphrodisiac (媚薬) from her (sexual desire can up to 100)
collect H-scene --- now can get all lewd lv 100 and sexual desire 100H (use aphrodisiac is better) :​
  • at night, shower in mining guild (sexual desire 100)
  • east area shop manager (sexual desire 100)
  • at night, public bathhouse
  • boy in liquor warehouse (4H)
  • in underground street, studio, 2 guy in lower side of guideboard ,and aged in lower side
  • 2nd mine 1st area, onanism (sexual desire 100)
  • 2nd mine hot spring (sexual desire 100), 2H, 2nd one not need sexual desire
  • at night, west area, man in back of public bathhouse
  • at night, underground street, man in upper left
  • at night, east area, man in left warehouse (sexual desire 100)
Sewer and bunny girl club :
  1. craft can make new item
  2. mining guild, basement talk to man
  3. go to 台地の隠し炉 and 丘の隠し炉, defeat boss in 2 area
  4. mining guild report quest, if skip Claire side choose 2nd choice
  5. Claire side : go to greenhouse in right side, talk to 3 girl, then go to workshop
  6. click in room then talk to all ppl in mining guild
  7. east area, go to bar
  8. go to workshop in Shira district
Quest 地下水道の水質調査 ---​
  1. go to Shira district, greenhouse talk to man
  2. go to sewer, get 3 water sample
  3. nude, zone again to here, total has 3 times talk to oneself View attachment 49010
  4. go greenhouse report to man
  5. if go to west area, noon go public bathhouse, 2F no ppl in there, after bath has stolen her clothes
  6. in sewer go to east to another exit, talk to boy (2nd choice) has H, if 1st choice lost all $
  7. go to boy's hideout again, sex with him
bunny girl club :
  1. go to 1st mine entrance
  2. go to east area, go to toilet change clothes
  3. go to underground street, studio talk to man has H
  4. underground street, start event in upper side of guideboard
  5. north use lift to Mr.Owner room
  6. go to bunny area View attachment 49011, talk to bunny and get 2 ale
  7. talk to 2 baldness (other event can get coin for item)
  8. talk to man then talk to 2 man can striptease
  9. talk to 2 customer has H
  10. make a new save better, talk to Mr.Owner, choose 1st choice for cow clothes for H then reload save for 2nd clothes
  11. lower right room talk to son of Mr.Owner, choose all 1 choice
Ending :
  1. now craft can make new item
  2. go to bunny girl club can buy 2 new clothes
  3. Shira district talk to Claire, then go to workshop talk to man
Quest BAR[アシェンダ]の仕事 --- east area, at night, pub talk to manager, then H in pub​
  1. west area, from public bathhouse to mansion, use lift to underground water purification area
  2. defeat monster then go back can vs tentacle (GoR), come again has tentacle again
  3. at night, Shira district talk to Claire has new item sale, item (ミルクバッファー) can make breast milk status on
  4. if weapon lv 2+, east area go to workshop start event
  5. Shira district talk to Claire
  6. library talk to student then click upper bookshelf
  7. mining guild, near entrance talk to man
  8. vehicle area wait Claire then middle talk to man 2 times can to lake (蒸気霧の湖)
  9. teleport to greywood (グレイウッド), go to cape in upper side has boss
  10. talk to elf and follow her to maze forest, follow shining plant to hidden house
  11. start all event, when hot spring choose all 3rd choice
  12. tomorrow back to city
  13. Shira district, go to magic guild in upper side, up stair to 2F
  14. go to greywood, right house talk to Claire, then go to cape talk to elf
  15. hidout talk to Claire then back to cape
  16. back to city, at night, Shira district talk to Claire has dildo sale, it can use in onanism
  17. at night go to west area, mansion 2F talk to maid in lower right, then go to bunny girl club, talk to bunny girl in middle has H
  18. talk to maid can buy (搾乳キット) for make breast milk
  19. go to Shira district, workshop in middle start event
  20. make a new save better, underground B2 vs boss, get 2 times GoR first, then go to greywood, hidout (イーラの隠れ家) has another side story View attachment 49015
  21. after defeat boss, in H-scene room can make all H on and 2nd play
After ending :
  1. go to Shira district, workshop to underground get item
  2. now craft can make new item
  3. guild talk to maid can get mansion key, then can go to mansion 2F for Mr.Owner H
  4. go to mansion for Mr.Owner H again (sexual desire 100)
  5. go to sewer, need dependent value (依存値) 100 (can up if GoR or caught by monster), nude click slime, choose 3rd choice then go to Shira district, greenhouse talk to man, at night has H
  6. sleep has dream
  7. go to Shira district, go to room of red moon, talk to man can sleep in room
  8. click wood box then choice passwords
  9. Shira district, magic guild 2F talk to man, then underground can vs boss
  10. go to greywood. cape talk to elf, then go maze forest has boss
  11. talk to elf, then go to lake vs boss
  12. guild basement talk to man, use 50k buy item
  13. craft make item (アフターグロウ)
  14. talk to elf, 1st choice can get weapon, 2nd choice for elf (new version has H?)
Quest 大穴の調査XX ---​
  1. go to big hole in the desert, talk to man
  2. down to hole go upper side to tentacle area
  3. dependent value 100 has H, after H go again choose 2nd choice
  4. Shira district talk to Claire
  5. go to big hole in the desert, go to tentacle area, destroy crystal
After story :
after story View attachment 49013, if dont all H-scene on, need in dangerous day View attachment 49014 sex with them (1 by 1) then unlock target...
move out from after story --- go back to H-scene room
message start with x, can ignore if all H-scene on
  • left side 1st guy --- east area item shop
  • left side 2nd guy --- guild shower room
  • x left side 3rd boy --- west area pub 2F
  • x left side 4th guy --- greywood, hidout
  • x boy in middle --- manison 1F, lower right room
  • right side 4th guy --- 2F Mr.Owner room
  • right side 3th guy --- vehicle area, superintendent
  • x right side 2nd guy --- underground street, 2 guy near guideboard
  • x tentacle --- H in big hole in the desert

Regarding After Story Step 3, when you said guild do you mean the mining guild? I can't find any maids in there.

Edit: Ah this may be because I picked the cow costume in the current playthrough, so I didn't get the scenes with the club owner's son.
『シュブニグラスの夜』~君と暮らすクトゥルフ神話の世界~ walkthrough

  • Best to be with the heroine all the time
  • Some enemies that appear regularly have GoR, after H choose replay or end, then choose gameover or keep playing
  • Some H-attacks require several viewings or can’t be shown in H-recall
  • Need save after GoR, otherwise H-scene can't be shown in H-recall
  • If get clothes design, need sketch it 3-10 times
  • It’s best to have your birthday on January 1st, can get 10 favorability points and brithday present
  • The garden can't be used, it need fertilizer (肥料)
  • Don't sell weapons and armor, they may be needed in the future
  • If can't start event or get design, maybe not enough milking degree
Start :
  1. Click everywhere in the house, talk to cat and stuffed toy (you can dismiss the heroine and make adult toys)
  2. Talk to heroine until the favorability reaches 40
  3. 2F, balcony can be used for farming
  4. 2F, it is best to choose 1-4 items in the protagonist's room. The 5th choice is to add level 10, take it when needed 2F.jpg
  5. Wood can be found on the underside of the coop, can only get 1 but you can get it ∞ times
  6. With heroine, click some event around the house
  7. Go east outside the library, talk to the merchant and choose listen > 夢の花の事, merchant can craft clothes and equip
  8. Inside library, click all book on table, click all highlights and read all book, talk to aged and 2F talk to Silver Sage
  9. Move out of village to black forest, north > east > above the magic circle to ruins of goddess temple, start event and H
  10. High milking points, can go to ruins to upgrade maximum lv
  11. When milking points is 60+, can get goddess costume design outside the ruins
  12. From magic circle go east has hastur pegasus (GoR)
  13. Now go to library to get a magic in 2F, next magic need Lv30
  14. Back to home talk to Heroine, choose love then choose scenario (シナリオ) 1-4, 6 (need dress black bikini [黒ビキニ]) and 7
  15. At home, lady's clothes design on the right side of the watch wake up bell.jpg
  16. Can get the maid clothes design on the right side of the loom
  17. Wear black bikini, west side of the house can go to lighthouse and beach, west of beach can get school swimsuit designs
  18. Blue jacket design can be found in the upper side of library
Repair bridge :
  1. In carpentry workshop, make board for repairing bridge (橋を直すための板)
  2. Talk to Heroine, choose listen > 夢神に捧ぐベル and 眠りの神石碑, then get music box wake up bell.jpg
  3. Go to library, can find new recipes near the stairs
  4. Outside library, talk to merchant, choose listen > オルゴールの部品と工具
  5. Village east, go to tent, where can buy items, destruct medicine (自爆薬) for GoR
  6. Home click watch
  7. In carpentry workshop, repair music box (子守歌のオルゴール)
  8. Go to black forest and go north to stone monument,the smaller one on upper left can be save and teleported (黒い森:眠りの神の石碑)
  9. Go east then north to the lake, talk to the monster (music box required) and click purple stone
  10. Click stone monument, then go back to the east of village and get key in upper right corner
  11. At home, get wake up bell
  12. Awaken the sleeping dragon, but west side of the bridge requires lv 15+, get item in bridge area
  13. Now go to the magic circle area, can go to end 2
Cat friend :
  1. Go east from stone monument (黒い森:眠りの神の石碑) to the broken ship. There are merman on the road (GoR).
  2. On right side of ship, click on door but require password
  3. In basement on the left, talk to girl can get equip, and rocking horse has GoT
  4. The upper part can be reached by pushing the barrel broken ship.jpg (requires stepladder that can be found in library)
  5. In west room, has save point (難破船:小部屋), click on mirror to get password (9542), can get bondage design that close to map
  6. Moon beast (group of 5) and east room has blue hair moon beast (group of 3) has different GoR
  7. Vs boss, if lose, near her can get some items and buffs
  8. After defeated her, go borken ship can see her nightmare
Shepherd heiter :
  1. Talk to Shepherd in village east side
  2. Library talk to aged, choose listen > 星の模型の事
  3. Talk to Silver Sage (no heroine is NG), choose listen > 不毛の土地の事 and 炎の神の星の事
  4. H-scenario 8-13 can be start, and has H in garden (H-scenario 10 requires after H-scenario 9, in love choose カスタム > choose カスタムH5 > choose fingers > choose 3 or 4 options, up anal to 10)
  5. Near sunset, has event outside lighthouse
  6. Cross repaired bridge to spider cave entrance on west side, has save point (蜘蛛神の洞窟前)
  7. Go south, go to small pond in upper right, choose golden key tangled in spider thread (蜘蛛糸の絡まった金の鍵)
  8. Go to mountain road in NW, 2 human type monster has 2 GoR
  9. Mountain road go north, wolf has H-attack and GoR
  10. Go to west, can pass if go with heroine
  11. Go to west, after reach new save point altar of hastur (ハスターの祭壇), back to village report to Shepherd
  12. New equip can be crafted, but requires items dropped from hastur pegasus
  13. Go to library, click on celestial globe on left side, then use it go to another world
  14. Talk to God and get all items in there
  15. Click pool table on right side of 2F library
  16. Click magic book, enter yellow ball number on pool table (16711), next magic need Lv23
  17. Can get new equip in mailbox
  18. New recipe can find in carpentry workshop
Spider cave :
  1. Teleport to spider cave entrance (蜘蛛神の洞窟前)
  2. Click on the beg, then click 2 little spider statues, choose emerald (エメラルド) on left, and amethyst (アメジスト) on right
  3. Move backward can get item for make new weapon
  4. If find statuette in spider cave, choose 2nd choice can push it down
  5. Spider and bat has GoR
  6. At new save point (蜘蛛神洞窟の奥), go east to get item
  7. Go west from save point, can get mourning clothes design, spiders inside can be ignored
  8. Go south from save point , get quest item
Goblin cave (for GoR only) :
  • Go west from spider cave entrance (蜘蛛神の洞窟前) has goblin cave
  • goblin in crossroad has H-attack and GoR
  • north room has 2 goblin for 2 GoR
  • east room has 3 goblin for 2 GoR
  • west room has 2 goblin for 2 GoR
Goddess of flower :
  1. From mountain road (has 2 human type monster area) go east has save point (花の女神の庭への道)
  2. This area has 2 flower monsters, has H-attack and 2 GoR
  3. This area has plant girl, can ignore
  4. Protagonist is alone, Go upper side from save point then go to NE, can find Goddess of flower, choose 2nd choice has H
  5. Luxury clothes (豪華の服) design near Goddess of flower luxury clothes design.jpg
  6. Can get apples outside the house
Snow mountain :
  1. Go north from mountain road, then go east to snow mountain, has save point (雪山ふもと)
  2. underwear design can be foounf in 2nd area
  3. New save point on top of snow mountain (雪山の頂)
  4. Top of snow mountain has monster, it has H-attack and GoR, can get special item if defeat it
  5. At upper right of top of snow mountain, has event in spider's web circle
  6. 2 new magic can be learned in library
Slime and Mr. Duck :
  1. Lv 23+ and learn new magic, now can defeat slime in south of spider cave entrance (蜘蛛神の洞窟前), it drop dream oil (ドリームオイル)
  2. Big slime (GoR), it drop shoggoth body fluids (ショゴスの体液), H-underwear (エロ下着) design nearby
  3. Has dream oil can go tent make yellow paint (黄色いペンキ)
  4. Has yellow paint can make Mr. Duck (アヒルさん) in carpentry workshop , then go to bathroom can increase 20HP and 20MP
Aiming for the Hastur's horse village :
  1. Teleport to altar of hastur (ハスターの祭壇)
  2. Get item in altar area can make wind lute (風のリュート) in carpentry workshop, then go to protagonist's room can increase 15HP and 30MP
  3. Go to west from altar to hastur hill, has save point hastur's horse mountainside (ハスターの馬の山中腹) on the left
  4. NE has 2 hastur pegasus, has GoR
  5. Go NW from save point hastur's horse mountainside, then go NW has red dress design, has bees on road (H-attack and GoR)
  6. Go NW from save point hastur's horse mountainside, then go NE to new save point harpy
  7. Defeat harpy, then push rock to left side, choose X
  8. Go south from horse mountainside (ハスターの馬の山中腹) to statue area, click broken statue
  9. Go to the place has 2 Hastur pegasus, go up to hastur's horse village (ハスターの馬の里)
  10. Hastur pegasus in hastur's horse villag has GoR, this area hastur pegasus can drop item for craft equip
  11. Vs pegasus princess, if lose, near her can get some items and buffs
  12. After defeated her can see her nightmare
H-scenario part 1 :
  • 5 --- need make adult toy rotor (ローター)
  • 14 --- make some chicken feed (鶏の餌) and feed chickens for few days, and then there will be H on the left side of coop
  • 15 --- need make adult toy vibrator (バイブ)
  • 17 --- need make red dress (あかいドレス)
  • 18 --- better after H-event 5, need make lady's dress (お嬢様服) and wear it, then go to library
  • 19 --- need make adult toy vibrator (バイブ)
  • 30 --- need up anal to 30
God of fire :
  1. Go to library, click on celestial globe on left side, then use it go to flaming star
  2. Next area has save point flaming star (炎の星)
  3. Click 3 torches, choose bottle of strontium carbonate (炭酸ストロンチウムの瓶) then choose malachite (孔雀石) for the lower torch
  4. , choose boric (ホウ素) for the right one, choose copper (銅) for the left one
  5. Talk to God of fire has fight, after fight get 2 fire magic
  6. Can get new recipe in library
  7. Can get new equip in mailbox
  8. Open door of lighthouse
  9. Go to beach, talk to sailor then go west side talk to fisherman
  10. New equip can be crafted, but requires items dropped from merman
  11. Can get H-scenario 27
Fishman love :
  1. Make boat in carpentry shop, if don't have enough wood, take 1 near the chicken coop, then go to the black forest to find another one or defeat the black monster (fire magic works)
  2. Go to beach talk to fisherman will go to underwater cave, equip eternal lamp (永遠のランプ) for darkness
  3. Push 2 merman statues merman statue.jpg to open door on upper side
  4. From save point underwater cave 1F (海底洞窟1F) go upper right talk to fisherman
  5. Go south from underwater cave 1F has a lot merman, 2 GoR
  6. Go north from underwater cave 1F, leech has H-attack and GoR, upper left has sling swimsuit design sling swimsuit design.jpg
  7. New save point underwater cave large room (海底洞窟大広間), Has traps in this area that can be dropped into mermaid room, equip moonlight glasses (月の眼鏡) to see the traps
  8. Mermaid can be ignored, but defeat her can get item for craft equip
  9. Go to spiral in upper right (in different color)
  10. save point underwater cave rest house (海底洞窟休憩所), with borken flute on the left
  11. Octopus has H-attack and GoR
  12. Go north from guideboard, talk to fisherman
  13. Go left from guideboard to bridge has hole, pass it to lower side then talk to fisherman
  14. Go east from guideboard to menman village (海底都市ルルイエ), has save point, menman in there drop item for craft equip
  15. Library, talk to aged, listen > 水のフルートの事, then get memo on table
  16. Click bookshelf, choose 1st choice then enter 17
  17. Make water flute (水のフルート) in carpentry workshop, then go to protagonist's room can increase 30HP and 30MP
  18. East side of village talk to merchant
  19. Go to library, click on celestial globe on left side, then use it go to temple of universe center
  20. Talk to all shadow, lower side can get 2 magic
  21. back to menman village, vs mermaid princess, if lose, near her can get some items and buffs
  22. After defeated her, can see her nightmare
  23. Go down through the hole in broken bridge, talk to the fisherman
  24. Go to beach and talk to sailor
  25. Has event on left side of home, can get equip
H-scenario part 2 :
  • 20 --- make maid clothes, go to kitchen has H
  • 21 --- after H-scenario 20, and need make adult toy anal pearl (アナルパール)
  • 22 --- make sling swimsuit (スリングショット) and wear it, has nice accessories (素敵なアクセサリ) and sun oil (サンオイル), then go to beach
  • 23 --- make bondage (ボンテージ) and wear it
  • 24 --- need make adult toy milking machine (搾乳機)
  • 25 --- make bondage (ボンテージ) and wear it
  • 26 --- make bondage and wear it, need make adult toy clothespins and pump (洗濯ばさみとポンプ)
  • 28 --- make black goddess clothes (黒い女神服) and wear it, go to magic circle in black forest has H
Black saint :
  1. East side of village, talk to merchant
  2. Can craft new equip, better defeat black monster for equip
  3. Can get new equip in mailbox
  4. Can learn new magic in library, next magic need lv 45
  5. In libary, talk to aged then talk to Silver Sage
  6. Can get new recipe in mailbox
  7. Has H in lower side of home
  8. Lake in black forest, after defeat black monster, can go to cave get items
  9. East side of village, talk to half beast
  10. Protagonist is alone, at entrance of black forest, go east then go east again, talk to special helf beast
  11. Go in middle, then go north has save point entrance of evil spirit forest (邪精霊の森入り口)
  12. Go north to forest, go north has snake, it has H-attack and GoR
  13. Go north has 4 hand giant, it has H-attack and GoR, upper side has save point middle of evil spirit forest (邪精霊の森中腹)
  14. Go east has small stone monument
  15. Go north from small stone monument, then north to cave
  16. Click stone monument in cave, if u have 古き印 x12, can get equip on right stone monument
  17. back to T road, go east has save point evil spirit forest, in front of hut (邪精霊の森・小屋の前)
  18. In hut has hand of monkey hand of monkey.jpg , now can make monkey with tambourine (タンバリンを持つ猿) in carpentry workshop, then go to protagonist's room can increase 30HP, 30MP, 5Agi and 5Luck
  19. Go to library, click on celestial globe on left side, then use it go to temple of chaos (混沌の神殿)
  20. Talk to God then defeat 3 enemies, red enemy need eqiup cat ring (猫の指輪), blue one need equip shepherd's bracelet (羊飼いの腕輪), yellow one better equip deep sea pendant (深海のペンダント)
  21. After defeat them, talk to God, learn new magic in right side of library
  22. Go north from evil spirit forest, in front of hut (邪精霊の森・小屋の前), defeat enemy to get quest item
  23. Go north from middle of evil spirit forest (邪精霊の森中腹), then west has save point (can't teleport to here), then north has enemy, defeat it to get quest item
  24. Go east from middle of evil spirit forest (邪精霊の森中腹), then go east again, ogre has H-attack and GoR, right of ogre has save point east side of evil spirit forest (邪精霊の森・東奥)
  25. Go south defeat enemy to get quest item
  26. Go west from middle of evil spirit forest (邪精霊の森中腹), brownie has H-attack and GoR, go left side to big tree
  27. Before quest monster area, has save point west side of evil spirit forest (邪精霊の森・西の奥)
  28. Go west defeat enemy to get quest item
  29. Go east from east side of evil spirit forest (邪精霊の森・東奥), go to small pond, choose cave stone slab (石窟の石板)
  30. Go north from middle of evil spirit forest (邪精霊の森中腹), go north again has save point deep of evil spirit forest (邪精霊の森・奥)
  31. In upper left, choose α > Ω > 阝 > ℇ
  32. Go north vs black goat princess, if lose, near her can get some items and buffs
  33. After defeated her, can see her nightmare
  34. In east side of village, talk to half beast
  35. Protagonist only, go black forest, talk to special helf beast
  36. Go to library talk to aged and Silver Sage
  37. Make floral tea set (花柄のティーセット) in carpentry workshop, for heroine event?
God of dreams :
  1. Talk to painter in room of protagonist
  2. Talk to Silver Sage, listen > ヒュプノスの倒し方
  3. In east side of village, talk to merchant
  4. Library talk to Silver Sage, listen > 神の防具
  5. Teleport to flaming star (炎の星), talk to God of fire to get equip
  6. Library outside talk to merchant can craft new armor
  7. Go to black forest, go to stone monument, click it
  8. Better equip hero's emblem (英雄の徽章), talk to God of dreams, use hypnos picture (ヒュプノスの絵) to fight, if lose, near him can get some items and buffs
Faun :
  1. Click mailbox
  2. Protagonist only, talk to special helf beast
  3. East side of village, go to tent, buy ユゴスの鉱石
  4. Library talk to Silver Sage, listen > 豊穣の剣
  5. Teleport to spider cave entrance (蜘蛛神の洞窟前), go west to mine of dwarf, equip moon glasses (月の眼鏡) talk to dwarf can make sword, if not enough item maybe need craft best weapon from merchant or camp black monster in black forest
  6. Back to home click clock in upper left can see end 8
  7. Go with heroine, talk to special helf beast. 1st choice to End 5, 2nd choice vs him (better def up x 2 asap), if lose, near him can get some items and buffs
  8. at home, 2F can see quest CG cg for story.jpg
Happy end and True end :
  1. At home, right side has now recipe
  2. Library talk to aged can get new magic
  3. Go to broken ship, click nightmare, choose 3rd choice free from nightmare
  4. Go to hastur's horse village (ハスターの馬の里), click nightmare, choose 3rd choice free from nightmare
  5. Go to menman village (海底都市ルルイエ), click nightmare, choose 3rd choice free from nightmare
  6. Go to deep of evil spirit forest (邪精霊の森・奥), not to boss room, , click nightmare, choose 3rd choice free from nightmare
  7. Make mirror of truth (真実の鏡) in carpentry workshop
  8. Has event in protagonist's room
  9. Left side of home, start event, if choose 3rd choice to happy end
  10. Choose 1st choice, then choose 1st choice to goddess ending
  11. Choose 1st choice, then choose 2nd choice will vs goddess, if lose, near her can get some items and buffs
  12. Defeat goddess to true end
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