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MTool: RPGMaker/WolfRPG/TyranoBuilder/SRPGStudio/Kirikiri2/SGB/Bakin/Ren'Py Real-time cheat + one-click machine translation tool

Finally used Mtool for the first time today... holy shit this is pure magic.

Got a quick question about how the translation files work. I have clicked "start translation" and it's working. I also see that the tool created a bunch of bin file, presumably that's where the translation is stored. I see that there is a button for importing translation, and a button for exporting untranslated text, but no button for exporting translated text. Is exporting translated text not possible?
Finally used Mtool for the first time today... holy shit this is pure magic.

Got a quick question about how the translation files work. I have clicked "start translation" and it's working. I also see that the tool created a bunch of bin file, presumably that's where the translation is stored. I see that there is a button for importing translation, and a button for exporting untranslated text, but no button for exporting translated text. Is exporting translated text not possible?
Yes, it is not supported.
Quick heads up, a few days ago the newest 'Succubus Desire' demo refused to be translated by Chat GPT so i had to use Bing instead (Tier 2 user). When initially launching the game via mtool it says something about a text-based error as well. This game was made in RPG maker so i don't know why there was an error. There has been an update on Mtool since then so maybe the problem was fixed, i've been encountering a few more errors lately.
It can't? What happened?
there's an issue with deepl right now, and there IS a fix technically but you need to know how the fuck to use github and compile it yourself or some shit
we be waiting for the official fix
Huh. MTool works with the trial of (Tyrannobuilder engine) but the text from Bing Auto-Translate displays with no spaces.

The text in the log displays correctly, so it's just the in-game display? Wonder if I'm doing something wrong.
Huh. MTool works with the trial of (Tyrannobuilder engine) but the text from Bing Auto-Translate displays with no spaces.

The text in the log displays correctly, so it's just the in-game display? Wonder if I'm doing something wrong.
Will fix with next update.
Just built a new computer and upgrade to Win 11. I am not sure if it's Win 11 or because of the latest update (that enables auto update for all users), but Windows Defender does not like MTool lol. Threw out 3 severe warning immediately upon running. Geez. I did see the warning message from Zths, but I did not think Windows Defender will react this violently.

For future references, clicking on the warning notification, and choosing "allow" or "restore" will solve the issue.
You have to white-list Mtool in many different virus detector programs.