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RPG RPG Maker Vore Loli Ryona [RAVE-N] Twilight Scramble / とわいらいとすくらんぶる (RJ01036414)

An update just came out a couple days ago.

The gist:
  • Update 1.1 is almost complete, and he's aiming for a late March release.
  • Update will feature a new dungeon, the mirror labyrinth, which will require seeing the normal ending to unlock.
  • The new dungeon will feature 4 new fodder enemies, 3 new miniboss enemies, and a final boss -- apparently, the Succubus designed by D-Gate -- who will have multiple defeat scenes.
  • He'll make a new gallery section with the bonus animations from the debug room (e.g. the guest characters). He's doing that so he can have that be unlocked on normal ending, because he says only 5% of players actually unlocked the debug room. And I see the point, because Darkness of the World is a fucking bastard.
  • The traps in the new dungeon will have a CG cut in, rather than being just sprites. He's considering adding said similar CGs to the traps in the previous dungeons, but from what I understand it's his next goal, so it's probably not this update.
The trap animation he was planning for this release is , shared with an enemy -- which, I would say, shows marked improvement over his previous art. Together with the worm animation in the previous ci-en update, it also shows that he's switching to more zoomed-in animations, which again I find to be an improvement.

This guy really has something going. Looking forward to what he does in the future.
Been waiting for this update for a while. Been kind of dry in the vore content department in games. This collab update with D-gate, no less, should be some really good stuff.
New Ci-En post.

Officially announces that, barring issues, version 1.1.0 should be out on the 26th.
He gives no guarantees, because he claims his update might get blocked because this update has a lot of uncensored, risqué images. Which sounds like marketing tbh, but hey let's hope.
Ok, 1.10 is out.
Yeah, if you're into vore you'll love this. It's 95% vore.

New features
As advertised, the traps in the new bonus dungeon have a CG cutout. Tested quickly and it doesn't seem to have been backported, or at least I haven't caught it if it was.
New boss has an option to skip the pre-battle cutscene. If that's backported to all other bosses, it's a huge QOL improvement.
Also, new in the gallery, enemies will start with 1 hp when showcasing their in-battle grabs, so draining Nono will now show you they're recovering strength at your expense. Which is awesome, and also something I suggested the dev on his Ci-En -- if he did it on my suggestion and it isn't a coincidence, he was very nice and very fast!
I've also finished the bonus dungeon.

Bonus dungeon
Dungeon is a little shorter than a standard TS dungeon. It contains the advertised three minibosses and four fodder enemies.
There are three branches to check, each concluded by a miniboss, if you beat the miniboss you get to disable a colored crystal outside the boss's lair.
One of the minibosses is a gimmick puzzle boss, fairly interesting. There's also a puzzle hallway where you're supposed to figure out if the room you're in is an exact copy of the first room, or there's a small difference — it's probably my favorite feature of this new dungeon.

You can actually access the boss right away, but if you don't go through the dungeon and turn off the three crystals outside her lair, she'll apparently kick Nono's ass much harder — and I assure you the vanilla version kicks Nono's ass aplenty.
So far, nothing is a spoiler. If you want a hand with the boss, here's my take.
So, as expected the boss is the D-Gate Succubus. And she's a fucking bastard.
  • She has 99.999 HP, like the final boss, except she actually has more because she'll recover 20.000 during the fight (more on that later).
  • To make it worse, you have a timer, because she'll turn Crow into a cute girl, miniaturize her and then swallow her — and if she finishes digesting her, which I assure you goes fast, Nono instantly loses her magical girl powers and gets a game over cutscene. Oh and she recovers 5000 hp each phase of the digestion, so that's the extra hp.
  • She resists all the magic I tried on her. So whittling down that huge HP pool before the timer runs out is not an easy task.
  • She's going to summon a bat each turn, they act on the next turn and suck out your TP. Furthermore, once she has three out, she'll hit you with an unavoidable grab next turn.
So, how to deal with that?
Well, she is resistent to magic. So, don't use magic — beat the crap out of her.
Use Power Accel, and then spam Snake Bite. Don't bother equipping Shinigami Dance, it does less damage — I suspect Snake Bite benefits more from attack boosts and Power Accel because it has three hits.
When there are three bats, wipe them out with an AoE spell. The big holy spell works great since it's their weakness, I haven't tested all others, something else might be better because Succubus resists light.
When you have enough TP, use the physical boost TP skill. I barely managed to do it on the turns where she had a single bat who hadn't acted yet.
MP should not be a problem, since you have access to the Twilight ring. Might want to redo the mirror puzzle in the new dungeon, if you go though it a second time and get it right 8 times you'll get an accessory that gives huge magic and physical attack boosts.
Her grab is also very, very easy to avoid. I actually suspected it might be bugged, but apparently all that deal with the crystal influences its difficulty, so it's probably that.
My Nono was doing about 15k damage with Power Accel + Snake Bite, and about 30k the turns she managed to use the TP boost skill too.

At about 50% HP, she says wow you're not bad and puts on a barrier. The barrier doesn't do shit, it neither triggers a counter attack nor does it lower phyisical damage. Maybe it stops the element that does extra damage to her that I haven't discovered? Well, you have a barrier break tome if you want.
Final attack at 0 HP is an unavoidable grab on Nono that you must endure. Make sure your HP isn't too low.
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Well, excellent news!
He hasn't even written anything yet, but he changed the banner on — Twilight Scramble's creator is apparently working on a new game — Eclipse Fragment!


Caption says "Magical girl, restraint, enadore soft ryona rpg". "Enadore" appears to be shorthand for "Energy Drain".

So, sounds like Twilight Scramble 2 is on the way!
I'll make a thread in games in development as soon as some info is out. In the meantime, I wanted to share ASAP!
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Well, excellent news!
He hasn't even written anything yet, but he changed the banner on — Twilight Scramble's creator is apparently working on a new game — Eclipse Fragment!

Caption says "Magical girl, restraint, enadore soft ryona rpg". "Enadore" appears to be shorthand for "Energy Drain".

So, sounds like Twilight Scramble 2 is on the way!
I'll make a thread in games in development as soon as some info is out. In the meantime, I wanted to share ASAP!
Well hot damn! That's some really great news! If it's gonna have the same content as the first one, I'll definitely enjoy it.
Still no announcement, but first animation of the new game published on Twitter.
Slime sucking titties. Usual stuff, good stuff.

The heroine look like she's wearing a different outfit from the one in the banner.
You can see he had posted this new rabbit design already. Pose and body type are very similar.
Maybe he's still finalizing the design, maybe game features an outfit changing system. Which would be a pain in a different game, but not on a game like TS which ghettoes its enemies in different areas — if you can only access one area with each specific outfit, only thing he's have to redraw is the battle sprite.