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Re: In today's news...

Bit late, but just got this linked
Time to start looking into laws against hostile mind control and figuring out how to deal with this

Science managed to connect brains of two people and had one of them control the other's body at a distance.
The intention is to send knowledge without having to use words, as words can be restricted or misinterpreted, especially if something is being translated
Re: In today's news...

Thanks Obama!
(Sincerely though.)

Obama Asks FCC To Protect Net Neutrality By Reclassifying Internet As Telecommunications Service

Also the CNN report on this seems to have misunderstood the point entirely, but oh well.
Re: In today's news...

Can't wait to hire a martial arts expert to wirelessly take control of my body so I can win at bar brawls via paypal.

I'm fucking kidding, obviously.
Re: In today's news...

Russian news outlet releases pictures of what they claim to be a Ukrainian jet shooting at the flight over Ukraine.

And the picture, here
Situation is shit, and it's not going to get much better soon. Likely, we wont ever find out 100% what happened

And in other news, Israel apparently treating wounded ISIS members and Syrian rebels

The article does not mention whether or not they kept them there afterwards, but it does mention that the militant Syrians at least are handcuffed to their bed. Possibly to stop them from going up to each other (Loads of infighting between rebel groups) and causing more damage
Honestly, I'd say it's the right thing to do. Treat anyone wounded who applies for help and prevent them from rejoining the fight. Better than having them die out there without medical care. Sadly, the article does not mention efforts to keep them from returning to the fight, so no idea on that.
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Re: In today's news...

In more local news for the British, Former First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, now appears to have his sights on becoming Prime Minister of the UK, stating that, a little paraphrased, he'd be willing to help prop-up Labour in Scotland, but demands a high-powered position, and saying of England that 'between Tories and Nigel Farrage, who's hands would England be safe in? Neither of them, as England would be safe in my hands'.

He's certainly persistent, and Nicolas Sturgeon now has taken his position as head of the SNP, immediately stating she wants Scottish Independence, or rather 'Scotland will have independence', regardless of the strong vote in favour of remaining as part of the UK.

SNP's also very persistent, and apparently single-minded. Speaking of which, Labour's leader Ed Miliband has stated at his most recent appearance that 'a cabal of businesses, media types and the like are conspiring against me' during a wet-fish speech to left-leaning, quoting the newspaper 'tweed-wearing academics and unionists', and that 'his only problem is with the electorate, not to mention his wild theories'. At least this time he read from an auto-cue without again forgetting to mention the deficit or the NHS.

British news from a British Dragonwoofer, may or may not include biased thoughts and organically-sourced E-sparkles.

E-Sparkles, because they don't exist in reality!
Re: In today's news...

Just got this one linked to me

Mass protests in Mexico over the (local) government flat out working together with cartels to make people disappear

Big infodump here

Military trucks carrying people in civilian clothing have been seen driving into a city before a protest which should be at some point soon.
This of course made people already say it's likely there will be a false flag riot by military dressed as civilians. Apparently some official has also already said he would be okay with suppressing the protests by force
I've not really found much on this yet, but it seems like there's some big stuff going on there

Edit: Masked people with molotovs have already attacked stuff before the actual protest was even scheduled. Shit's pretty fucked.
These are apparently fully grown adults, while the majority of the protest is all students who were asked to come without masks.
Pretty much everyone seems to think it's government doing it
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Re: In today's news...


Because SCIENCE!
One step closer to an actual fully functioning Star Trek holodeck
Re: In today's news...

Some leaked emails

Sony and the NSA working together, apparently for 'anti-piracy measures'

Friend pointed out that Sony EULA stuff includes a clause that allows them to take all information they can collect on your system to pass it to 'partners', or to sell it.

Pretty standard as far as EULAs go, but now you know where that information ends up
Re: In today's news...

Google pulls out of Russia after Russian laws passed to regulate internet stuff

Interestingly, it wasn't the censorship which was already going on that got them to do this, but rather the laws saying that they can't store data on Russian citizens outside of Russia.
Of course, Russia is not the best in terms of censorship, but apparently those laws weren't bad enough

At similar times, Microsoft tells the US to stop being dicks and idiots when they tried to get data from servers in Ireland

US court just goes "Lol, we don't care about other countries, break their laws"
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Re: In today's news...

For those who didn't know yet(It's been all over the news), a gunman in Australia(Sydney) has taken hostages in a cafe

Rumoured to be involved with ISIS
(Could potentially be a single jihadi just inspired by them)

He claimed it to be politically motivated(With ISIS, how could it not be?)

He died as the situation was ended by police response. One other person died. Several more were injured
Re: In today's news...

Just to add, just to prevent any gaps in knowledge from making it seem like the police botched things, from what we can tell at the moment the hostages started to make a break for it, prompting the gunman to open fire, and that's when the police went in. It's amazing that more people didn't get hurt, and a testament to how well police reacted when things started happening too.
Re: In today's news...

More accurately one of the hostages went for the gun when the gunman started to fall asleep after 16 hours.

No relation to Isis, just one crazy guy with a history of violence, a sawn off shotgun and a girlfriend who had just killed herself.

The media is doing a pretty big disservice to a lot of this, like murdoch congratulating the groundbreaking investigative journalism made entirely out of lies and fox news saying "but if everyone had a gun surely this situation would never have happened, lets revise our history of practically no gun violence since we got rid of them".
Re: In today's news...

So this just happened

I take it the NYPD is not very popular
Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

I hope they play Up Where We Belong at his funeral. :(

Emma Watson who is known for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films is apparently planning on doing a topless scene in her next film role in order to distance herself from her Hermione character. :D

Re: In today's news...

I hope they play Up Where We Belong at his funeral. :(

Emma Watson who is known for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films is apparently planning on doing a topless scene in her next film role in order to distance herself from her Hermione character. :D

I think its more to do with her going off on one for people stealing celeb's nude, but then realised no one bothered stealing her nudes so now she wants to show the world her tits.

Women are like that.
Re: In today's news...

The Harry Potter series took a while to come out. People often get crushes on characters their own age, and now here's someone they crushed on AND feel like they grew up with. Showing her tits to all would be the exact type of feeder mistake to ruin that generations view of Harry Potter. It's like making mainstream rule34.
Re: In today's news...

The Harry Potter series took a while to come out. People often get crushes on characters their own age, and now here's someone they crushed on AND feel like they grew up with. Showing her tits to all would be the exact type of feeder mistake to ruin that generations view of Harry Potter. It's like making mainstream rule34.

I am mainstream. I am niche. I am universal.
Re: In today's news...

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Re: In today's news...

France is getting real sick of this stuff around now, it seems

(Related news: Grenades thrown at Mosque courtyard. No injuries. Appears to be in retaliation)