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Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Just a little update re; Scottish Independence, more likely to be trivia than anything.

Despite clearly losing the vote and resigning as First Minister, Alex Salmond has talked about effectively gaining Independence through the backdoor, saying along the lines of "If we can get the Max-Devo (maximum devolution of powers to Scottish Parliament) Westminster is talking about, we would become Independent in all but name, and kind of declare ourselves Independent at a later date."

He's certainly persistent at least. He's also been roundly criticized for attempting to ride rough shed over the will of the very people he said he was trying to support.

During Labour's Party Conference, the two Eds - Ed Miliband and Ed Balls - promised a 'Ten Year Plan' to fix the British economy, while Balls grudgingly admitted Labour 'had made some mistakes.'

Nevermind they 1] Mismanaged the finances so badly and squandered money during the good years, we now have the greatest deficit the British economy has ever witnessed and 2] The promises made during their lackluster conference were either ineffective posturing or out-right counter-productive. If not, you know, almost completely hypocritical bollocks.

Feel free to correct if I am wrong.

Ye Olde British News Update, brought to you by a slightly bias if rather factual Dragonwolf. Sponsered by Sparkles McMuffins. Hmmhm, sparkles.
Re: In today's news...

You may have heard about Emma Watson being threatened for some speech by 4chan, with a site set up to turn out nudes of her if she went on with it

This is a scam and bait

Two images on imgur

First of some guy finding it
Second of an infographic of some digging into who is doing this stuff

Do NOT go to the website indicated

(I have not double checked any of this, and I don't particularly care for testing for viruses so I think I'll skip it on this one)
Re: In today's news...

You may have heard about Emma Watson being threatened for some speech by 4chan, with a site set up to turn out nudes of her if she went on with it

This is a scam and bait

Two images on imgur

First of some guy finding it
Second of an infographic of some digging into who is doing this stuff

Do NOT go to the website indicated

(I have not double checked any of this, and I don't particularly care for testing for viruses so I think I'll skip it on this one)

At least they're nice enough to admit they're behind it and just wanted to get 4chan shut down

Virus/trojan stuff may be unrelated to them. Possibly just an attack of a site assumed to become popular or something
Re: In today's news...

Just to highlight part of that article.

A threat against actress Emma Watson in response to a gender equality speech she made at the United Nations now appears to have been a viral marketing stunt.
The Harry Potter star and UN women's ambassador delivered an impassioned speech at the launch of the UN's HeForShe campaign, which calls for men to support women in striving for gender equality.

Users of the online community 4chan, which previously leaked private nude photos of female celebrities including Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton, created a thread linking to a webpage called "EmmaYouAreNext.com".
The page showed a photo of Watson with a clock which was assumed to be counting down to the time nude photos of her would be posted.
Social media users rallied behind Watson in condemning the threats and blaming 4chan users for the website.
But it now appears to have been a marketing stunt by an organisation called Rantic, which aims to shut down 4chan.
See... shit like this really isn't helping the gender war hysteria. As if we haven't got enough people riled up and casting stones at each other, we now have marketing agencies deliberately inciting more unrest. Rantic's tactics seem as disgusting as they are naive.

For a positive note though, I do admire the short speech from Watson. A shame people are trying to abuse it so.
Emma Watson said:
Men, I would like to give this opportunity to extend your formal invitation.
Gender equality is your issue, too.
To date, I've seen my father's role as a parent being valued less by society.
I've seen young men suffering from illness, unable to ask for help for fear it will make them less of a man.
I've seen men fragile and insecure by what constitutes male success.
Men don't have the benefits of equality, either.
I want men to take up this mantle so their daughters, sisters and mothers can be free from prejudice but also so their sons have permission to be vulnerable and human, too and in doing so, be a more true and complete version of themselves.
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Re: In today's news...

From Ye Olde England news network, with even more sparkles because somebody asked, for some reason.

Mr.Miliband made a keynote speech - his 'Prime Minister in Waiting' speech. The kind where any minor cock-up will be seized upon like sharks to blood.

It was, perhaps bias of me to say, rather underwhelming to say the least from what was reported in the newspapers. He wrote down what he was going to say, but forgot a few things, as one might do. Probably minor things, right?

He forgot to mention anything about the Economic Deficit or the NHS, two major sticking points that were gleefully brought up by anybody with a mic, including people on the street passing out the Opposition Leader's full speech including the missing passages.

Three of his high-ranking friends were seen clapping loudly from the sidelines, trying to stoke up some enthusiasm to an otherwise quiet hall as Ed looked like a fish on the podium.

Ladies and Gents, how not to convince people you're Prime Ministerial material.

And in other news, one of the Hate Clerics that was sent to Jordan to face charges of terrorism/incitement to cause general unpleasantness? Apparently he's innocent.
Re: In today's news...

Ebola stuff

In Washington

And in Texas
Re: In today's news...

Because science.
Re: In today's news...

I wonder if this could possibly be a new development in the lives of the transgendered.
Re: In today's news...

I wonder if this could possibly be a new development in the lives of the transgendered.

I doubt it, at least for a long time. Apparently the organs are grown from residual penis cells from the patient, which won't exist in that case. I'm no scientist, but the article seems to imply that the body has a chance of rejecting genitals that aren't from the same body.

But again, I'm not an expert in the field at all.
Re: In today's news...

In the field of dickgirls, I consider myself not so much of an expert, but at least experimenter.
Re: In today's news...

Some idiot yelled "I have Ebola!" in an airplane


Edit for archeology
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Re: In today's news...

Shootings in Ottawa today, leaving downtown on lockdown after a soldier on Ceremonial Guard at the national war memorial was killed, and gunman gets into Parliament Hill, as well as another outside the Rideau Mall.


Stay classy Pittsburgh. Always loved ye!
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Re: In today's news...

Thoughts and prayers go with our brethren to the north. Keeping fingers crossed that this is a one-time incident.
Re: In today's news...

I actually felt kind of sick when I first read the story earlier in the day. You would think after all the other atrocities I've seen on the news and in real life that it would eventually stop bothering me. I actually feel worse knowing it happened in Canada than I would if it had happened here. The family of the soldier will definitely be in my prayers tonight.

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be a one-time incident since there was a hit and run on two soldiers somewhere in Quebec on the 21. Of course I hadn't even heard about that until this happened.
Re: In today's news...

Nunu's condolences. Then like words... and emotion and stuff... they don't fit easily together.
Re: In today's news...


Because science simulations can be better than special effects
Re: In today's news...

So this is a thing.

All of my 'Why'.
Re: In today's news...

Spaceship goes boom :(
Re: In today's news...

PSA for Americans: Tomorrow (Tuesday) is election day! I know it can be hard to fit in, but try to find time to fit voting into your schedule. Ya never know, you're vote might make all the difference. :)

If you don't know where to vote, you can find info here: