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Naturally supernatural

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
It was late, but that didn't stop Melissa Meridian, a woman who believed in the supernatural, from constantly searching the Internets, reading about various superstition that the end of the world was really going to happen, that mankind would simply just go extinct.

Many of these stories suggested the end would shape in the form of ungodly monsters, that would exist for the sole purpose of, "washing away the sins" of mankind.

Now, even that made Melissa question it's authenticity, as the stories made it sound like the monsters would simply appear out of nowhere and just start exterminating the human race...

Melissa was reading an interesting article, claiming that the end was very near, when her power suddenly went out, the computer she had attached to no longer showing what she was reading.

Melissa began to grow bored, when she heard a strange knock on her door...
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa mutters to herself, annoyed at the timing of the power failure.
"Why now, dangit! That article was seriously interesting! I knew I should've been using the laptop instead of the desktop..."
She goes and hunts out a flashlight, ignoring the knock at the door in favour of being able to see when she does answer.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa fishes out her flashlight from the computer desk, she had to smack it a little with her wrist, but she eventually got it working.

Melissa hears the knocking become more intense, whoever that is must really want he to answer...
Re: Naturally supernatural

Now able to see where she'd left her shoes after her last shift, she goes to the door.
"Hold yer horses, I'm coming!"

She takes a look through the peephole, then when she can't see anything due to the power outage, cracks the door open, leaving the security chain fastened so it can only open an inch or so. Can't be too careful, after all. She keeps the flashlight pointed down through the crack at the floor - it's impolite to blind whomever you're trying to talk with.

"Who is it? What's wrong?"
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa hears a woman on the other side, she appears to be naked, covering her crotch with her hands, "Please, you have to let me in! I don't know what's going on, but I think something's after me! Please!" she begs.
Re: Naturally supernatural

"Hang on! Lemme get the chain off!"

The problem with security chains is, if you want to release them, you have to close the door first. Melissa did this, sliding the chain free, then opened the door wide, flashing the light around at waist level, hoping not to see whatever had this woman (one of her neighbours, she thinks) scared.

"Quick, get inside!"
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa had never seen this woman before.

The woman didn't seem at all bothered by her breasts showing, she seemed intent on covering her crotch as she quickly hurried in, "Thank you! Thank you!" she said happily as she quickly ran inside Melissa's apartment.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa quickly shuts the door, throwing lock and chain back on, thinking she needs to get out more. She was certain she'd seen all her neighbours before, but maybe this woman had only recently moved in. She then turns to the woman...

"Alright, let me grab you a bathrobe or something..."

(Action: Close and lock door, get a bathrobe (no undies, not yet... :p), give to woman)
Re: Naturally supernatural

As Melissa heads for the bathroom, the woman comes up behind her, and wraps her arms around Melissa's waist.

"Thank you so much for letting me in..." she coos, "How can I repay you...?" she says in a strangely seductive voice.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa jumps, startled by the sudden change in attitude.

"You haven't told me what you were running from! I need to call the cops. Why don't you put that bathrobe over there on, sit down and try to calm down!"

She then pries herself loose...
Re: Naturally supernatural

The woman holds tight, and Melissa begins to feel something... Press against her ass, as the woman's hands begin to work at Melissa's clothes, ignoring what she said as the woman begins to pull Melissa's pants off...
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa gives a shout as the strange woman pops her pants open.

"W-What are you DOING?!"

She again tries to wrestle her way free...
Re: Naturally supernatural

(Melissa attempts to break free)

Melissa nearly breaks free, but the woman forces her to the ground, while sliding her panties down.

The woman chuckles over Melissa, as she feels the woman's cock she cleverly hid in her hands press against her pussy.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Finally able to see what the woman had been hiding, Melissa nearly screams.

"W-Who are you!? WHAT are you!? GET OFF ME!"

With the stranger still behind her, she thrashes up and tries to hit her with an elbow...

(Question: With only quick glances to go by, can Mel tell whether this futa-woman is "normal" or is something else entirely?)
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Re: Naturally supernatural

With a glance, Melissa notices the woman looked like a normal futa woman... Well, as normal as they can be...

(Melissa attacks)

Melissa manages to free her arm for a split second, delivering an elbow to the strange woman behind her. The woman manages to hold Melissa's hands down once more, as she rams her cock inside of Melissa's pussy.

Melissa nearly goes into shock as the woman works her cock expertly inside Melissa's pussy, furiously ramming her cock in and out as she presses against Melissa's sweet spot, as her juices began to quickly lubricate the woman's cock.

(Melissa's orgasm status: Yellow)
Re: Naturally supernatural

Burning fury battled with growing lust as the futa-woman, whether by luck or by skill, screwed Melissa expertly.

"Aah... aargh... you... bitch... get offa me..."

Still, she wasn't prepared to just idly give in - Mel continues thrashing around, preparing to either deliver another elbow or just plain smash her attacker into a wall...
Re: Naturally supernatural

(Melissa attacks)

Whether it was luck, or no, she didn't know. Melissa slammed her elbow hard into the woman's nose, making her both take her cock out, and free Melissa of her grip as she backed away, with blood coming from her nose.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Still panting both with exertion and the heat in her crotch, Melissa glares at the futa-woman for a moment. Then Mel abruptly charges her, trying to grab her and pin her down, in much the same posture as she had forced on Mel.
Re: Naturally supernatural

(Mel grapples the futa woman)

Surprised, the woman quickly fell to the ground on all fours as Mel mounted her in a similar fashion as the woman attempted to struggle out of her grip, but couldn't under Mel's hold.
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Re: Naturally supernatural


Melissa continues forcing the futa-woman flat on her chest, trying to keep her arms pinned behind her back.

"*pant* You... *pant* haven't answered my questions! WHO are you? WHAT are you? And WHY did you try to RAPE me!?"

She punctuates each question with a painful yank at the woman's arms.
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