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Naturally supernatural

Re: Naturally supernatural

"Outside..." she whispered, as she pressed her breast against Mel's palm. She grabbed Mel's wrist as soon as she got close, and began to caress it with her hands.

Breathing heavily now, she pleaded, "Please... I can't take it anymore, let me fuck you!"
Re: Naturally supernatural

(Okay, I slept on it, I ate on it, and I've come up with my ideal result. Now to see if the dice gods are kind enough to let it happen...)

The feel of the futa-woman's soft flesh, punctuated by a stiff nipple poking her palm, makes Melissa's breath hitch.


With her hands around Mel's wrist, she draws Mel's fingertips across her bosom, eyes half-closing as she shivers under the touch. Mel's breath comes in short gasps as her blocking forearm is gradually drawn aside, unable to think as tingles run from her fingers and down her spine. Then, there's a pause as the futa-woman looks directly in Mel's eyes...

...and a timeless moment later, Mel slams her other fist forwards in a sucker punch.

"NO!" Oh God, please, no...

(Action: Try to knock out the futa-woman.)
Re: Naturally supernatural

(Melissa attempts to feint the enemy)

The futa woman was easily fooled by Mel, as her fist bounds forwards, landing against the side of the woman's head as she falls to the ground, unconscious.
Re: Naturally supernatural

(That... wasn't deliberately a feint on Mel's part... but OK - dice gods like Mel so far.)

Melissa looks down at the crumpled body of the futa-woman, panting as the adrenalin courses through her veins. She shudders, thinking of what she just did to the poor woman, then hastily pulls her underwear and pants up.

She then dashes over to the counter, grabbing her phone and dialling 911 before she's even got the handset to her head.

"C'mon, pick up!"
Re: Naturally supernatural

As she waits for someone to pick up, the only thing that greeted her ears was the cold ring of silence, as no one seemed to answer her call...
Re: Naturally supernatural

Hearing nothing, Melissa looks down at the phone, and starts tapping buttons in an attempt to get it to work... with no success.

"Ohmigod... even the phone is dead? What do I do!? Okay, calm down, calm... down..."

A nervous look towards the unconscious futa-woman reassures Mel that she's not in immediate danger, so she starts breathing deeper, slowing her heart rate... and then she starts concentrating on that inner sense. Trying to sense herself, take a closer look at the futa-woman's aura... and maybe trying to sense if anything else might be close by...

(Take a better look around with Divine Sight.)
Re: Naturally supernatural

As Mel attempts to look with Divine sight, she finds herself overwhelmed by the mass of auras around her, all of the living things in the building clouded anything she might have been able to sense... Except for the futa woman, who was still out cold on her floor.
Re: Naturally supernatural

"Whoa... oh, ow, owowow!"

Melissa hastily reverses whatever she did to widen her focus, concentrating back down to the point where she only senses herself and the futa-woman. She looks down at her, seeing a dried trickle of blood on one cheek.

"What do I do with you? I don't want to kill you, but I can't just throw you outside..."

Then Mel gets an evil idea...

She goes to her bedroom and rips the blankets off her bed. Then she goes back, picks up the futa-woman, and lays her down gently on the bed, trying her best not to wake her. And then she goes digging around for electrical cords, unplugging small appliances and her computer so she's got four of them.

And then she ties the futa-woman down. Spread-eagle, face up, pillow under her head. Getting a good look at her whole body in the process.

(Lemme know if I skipped ahead too much. Question: does miss futa have a belly button? What colour's her hair? And she does have a vagina down there, right?)
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa, under what little light the moon was providing, inspected the futa girl.

She had long brown hair, past her shoulders, and yes, a belly button. Her face looked like that of a younger girl, and she did seem to have the equipment of a normal woman below her cock. If you didn't pay attention to her member, she'd look like a normal girl.
Re: Naturally supernatural

"You... look younger than me... why would a girl like you be so... horny? Is it the extra equipment, maybe..." Melissa mutters to herself as she finishes securing the futa-woman.

Satisfied that she won't be getting up without at least making a lot of noise, Mel then goes around to collect some... other gear. A water bottle, which she fills. Her vibrator. An old box of condoms. A tube of lubricant. Even a cup of pudding - although she hesitates over the granola bars.

She puts all this down on the floor next to the bed, then checks the futa-woman. Still out like a light, so Mel starts digging up a radio and some more batteries.

:)D I'm gonna suggest that Apple Inn doesn't start broadcasting until later...)
Re: Naturally supernatural

Mel grabs an old radio she had out of the closet, and puts a couple batteries into it. Searching through the channels, she finds the emergency broadcast channel, but nothing was being broadcasted... Yet.

With all of the noise from the static, Mel heard the futa girl begin to wake up, as she began to flail in her bonds, shouting, "H-hey! What's going on!?! Let me go!" she shouts to no one in particular.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Hearing her prisoner start yelling, Melissa goes and stands by the side of the bed, leaving her flashlight propped up so it lights up the room. She looks down at her, a slight frown visible, but angry no longer.

"Hey. You... were scaring me again. So I tied you down. Would you like a drink of water?"
Re: Naturally supernatural

The futa woman slows her struggles against her bonds, looking at Mel with a concerned face, "W-what are you going to do!?!" she asks, a little frightened.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa continues to look at the futa-woman. There's a quick blink - she can't resist glancing down at her penis - but then she's back looking her in the face.

"That... really depends on you. If you can show me you've got more self-control than you've shown so far, then maybe I'll let you up. Because then you wouldn't scare me as much." She sighs. "You said, earlier, you've never had a name and you've never met anyone who might give you a name. Maybe I can give you a name - how does Mina sound?"
Re: Naturally supernatural

Mina struggles a bit more against her bonds, "S-self control? I can't help myself! I feel like I'm dieing... And the only way to make this terrible sensation go away is to... Fuck you... And I felt so much better to, when I did..."
Re: Naturally supernatural

(Oh-kay, she's now known as 'Mina'. Good, I was getting tired of referring to her as "futa-woman".)

Melissa crouches down beside the bed, a hand reaching out and caressing Mina's breast.

"Feel like you're dying? Huh. Well... does this help?"

She rubs a bit more, thumb curling up to brush her nipple.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Mina blushes, but shakes her head, "No! We need to connect, I need to be inside you! I know it! I need to feel you cum with my cock inside you!" her expression turned desperate, "Please... Let me go... I promise not to attack you... I just need someone, anyone to fuck... Or I think I'll die..."
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa grins, feeling Mina twitch under her probing hand, as she moves it down to her crotch, passing Mina's already-stiff penis and brushing her folds.

"I get the feeling you're not being entirely truthful... you like what I'm doing, even if you'd rather be doing it your way."

Mel just dips a fingertip inside, tracing around Mina's lips.

"Maybe I - and others - would be happier if you were a little less... frantic? If the edge of your... need... wasn't quite so sharp?"
Re: Naturally supernatural

Even though Mel's hand was brushing her pussy, Mina still seemed distracted by something, "I am! I'm telling the truth! Please don't leave me like this! I don't want to die..." she said grimly, as if a pendulum was above her, swinging back and forth as it slowly lowered towards her, ready to cut her in half.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa gets that frown again. She certainly didn't think SHE'D be so focused, with somebody playing with her labia like this...

"Maybe in a little bit... but first..."

She pulls out, fingertips damp with Mina's juices, picking up her vibrator and turning it on, wiping her fingers along it to get it wet.

"I want to make you cum. Then you can make me cum. When you're not so frantically horny."

Melissa then plunges the vibrator deep inside Mina, her other hand grabbing for a breast.