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A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 138/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Casting: Fails at first, then fails again, both on rolls of 4. Then succeeds on a roll of 20. Whoops. This is only for Regenerative Aura, as Tori auto-casts everything else.

EP tally! 2 for getting ye mutation, then casts Regenerative Aura three times for a total of 24 EP, then Diagnose and Examine for 0 EP, then Greater Restoration for 6 EP. Total EP is 32, mostly via failed casts.

To say that Tori's sudden molestation while the woman she'd attacked spoke up for her was received well by anyone would be a lie. More glares, including one from the woman after they'd left the crowd, plus a few sniggers from somewhere behind them.

Arriving at the hall filled with the sick, Tori's reflexive attempt to spread an aura of healing at first failed.... And then it failed again, possibly due to the sickness present in the air. The woman put on a mask from a nearby stand, obviously meant to protect her from infection, but the slime needed no such protection being immune to the disease. Going over to a young girl who was badly afflicted with the disease, the slime cast first a pair of simple spells that introduced magical feelers into her body, seeking out the source of the plague.

There seemed to be no magical nature associated with the disease, or at least none that Tori could find, and likewise it wasn't because of a toxin. Given that so many were infected, a poison would have been unlikely anyway, but she had at least ruled it out. Her spell revealed that the disease didn't just produce the unpleasant festering boils and the fever, but attacked the throat and the lungs as well, a condition that was potentially fatal. Finally, using a bit more of her energy, the slime introduced an infusion of magic to try and correct the problems caused by the infection, which was at least marginally successful. Some of the sores slowly faded while the worse ones shrank, and their fever dropped a few degrees while their breathing seemed to become easier. The woman beside her and the nearest people tending the sick looked hopeful at that, but it was no cure, and doing the same to everyone in the room who was ill would cost almost all of Tori's energy reserves.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

It took a lot from Tori to bring up the soothing aura she knew would ensure her patients would be as healthy as possible without her any wounds that they may have had sealing up without her intervention. Having finally activating it she moved towards a young girl her dianogstic spells returning an negative to any abnormal tampering, yet it revealed to Tori that the plague had infact been ravaging the girl's respiratory system. The slime was torn on how to treat the internal damage. She turns to the gathered crowd. " Dammit, so I can keep the infected alive. Unfortunately its too strong to completely purge. Until their bodies can fight off the plague or we find an cure, I can keep them from worsening. Thing is... its attacking them from the inside as well, that I can't heal that with magic but, I do have other methods to help with the damage." Tori looks away somewhat unwilling to continue. She knew what the slime that made up her body would do when she allows it to congeal seperate of her.

"I wish to cover the internal wounds and lesions with my slime. It would naturally be absorbed by the body after a few hours! And it's completely sterile and can't spread the plague as it, thus by proxy me, is immune to the plague. I can reverse the only side effect of the slime which isn't even that bad." Tori tries to sell using the jelly-like fluids she produces to prevent the inflammation of the airways. Her demenor is serious she shifts her voice from the high pitched child's voice to an more throaty mature voice. Not wanting the girl she had just partially cured to die to other infections or further damaging her throat/lungs, she dropped her flirty and childish mannerisms.

"Ah also I'm going to need volunteers for massages or sex every three patients or so. I don't generate magic like you humans, I need to gather it from when beings achieve pleasure. I prefer females over males but, I'm not picky as there is simply too much people sick here to play favorites." Tori moves away from the girl to the crowd her chain wrapped arms on her hips. "That's pretty much the only thing I'd need. Aside from time to work on all the sick. After I'm done I'd like to check on those still healthy, should you volunteer I'd be checking you after, the plague should still show up with my detection before any signs do and catching it early should allow me to elimiate the plague while its still young and prevent it from spreading anymore."

Tori asks if she can use Aphordisiac Fluids on patients with damage to the throat or/and lungs. If asked for an sample or an trial bandage Tori produces an thin jelly that bonds to the first surface it touches after a few seconds of contact on skin. It then resembles rubber until its absorbed by the body which its altered nature takes hours not minutes.

Tori asks for an place in which she can have privacy nearby and volunteers to keep her EP not only high but, also at a small gain.
OOC: 3 castings of Greater Restoration is 18EP I imagine each person has at least 20EP.

She also asks to run [Diagnose] on the 'unaffected' populace after she is done healing the infected to prevent an secondary outbreak.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 138/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Tori can keep herself comfortably at 109 EP via Body healing spells, essentially absorbing energy from the air when she gets too low. No one is willing to donate EP right now, that'll have to be taken care of later, so if Tori agrees to those terms she can go through with ye plan.

There not being any crowd in the temple hall besides the sick, Tori ended up speaking to a handful of people who barely paid her any attention while tending to the sick, to the diseased who could not even hear her much less comprehend what she wanted to do, and to the woman whom she had assaulted earlier and who now stood by nervously. None had followed from the earlier crowd, deliberately avoiding the plague-filled place, but as she audibly pondered how to treat the ill and listed off their symptoms a man in a protective mask did approach to speak with her. "Magic is of little use against disease," he said calmly, "the disease ravages the lungs and throat in its last stages, and few who reach that point survive it. We move such cases, mostly children, over here." A he explained such, Tori would notice that the woman's gaze turned towards a boy lying on a mat only a short ways away, in the section of the room devoted to those seemingly most likely to die from the illness.

"Most need no help other than time and care," the man continued calmly, "but if you are capable of aiding those who would otherwise die, we would be grateful." He, at least, didn't seem to mind her unnatural origins, though she would see a frown crease his features when she explained how she wished to try and help the ill. Even with her shift to a more serious tone, he seemed dubious, especially after she explained what she would need to continue, but the woman she had assaulted suddenly pleaded with him; "Please.... That can be taken care of later! Let it... Her... At least try!"

The healer still seemed dubious, but relented, nodding his permission. "There will be no.... Sex in this hall. Or massages. This is a sacred place. If you can help, then we will see what can be done to... Compensate for the energies you spend to do so," he said. There were about a dozen of the worst cases, all children save for one, an old woman who was already on the verge of death. Whether or not Tori wished to start with her, with the busty woman's son, with the little girl she'd first tried to help, or with someone else chosen at random was up to her. The use of her diagnostic spell would reveal that nearly everyone was infected, but that the healthy adults were fighting off the disease with few or no symptoms, with even the worst of them not suffering terribly if not on the mend without need of her treatment. It was only those who could not defeat the disease on their own who were in danger from the plague, it seemed, and those were few enough that Tori could take care of them without too much stress to herself.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

When Tori is interrupted she blinks owlishly or at least appears to she looks up to the man?/doctor?/priest? That answers her questions. Her slime takes an pinkish hue as a result of her thoughtless rambling to empty air having forgotten the crowd of people having stayed back at the enterance of the temple.

Listening to the scholar talk amounted to Tori understanding that yes you can use your slime and no you may not have sex inside the building. She wisely refrained from asking if the building next door was okay.
'Too bad I was likely this place already then they had to go civilized such an shame.' Tori held her internal monologue in check as she turns clear once more dropping her mutation but, not before she securely wraps her weapon around her core. "Ah damn, well thank you for weighing my request then. If needed I can give an sample of the substance, if of course it makes you feel any better." The slime, if asked, would ask for a flask/vial/cup of which she would fill with 2 doses of her Aphrodisiac Fluids.

Once done with that exchange Tori moves back over to the young girl, keeping the location of the young boy in mind, she pulses Diagnose through the young girl to refresh her memory of the locations of the damaged tissuse. And sends in a thin straw-like tentacle into the young girl's mouth as it descends into her thinner tentacles bud off to cover each lesion that had been earlier detected. Tori quickily remembers to apply an quick tap of [Anesthesia] before the tentacle goes too far not wanting the girl to begin gagging due to her body's reflex. Once every lesion has been covered the slime begins producing her fluid, taking time to thicken the substance, she sends it into the many branching tube tentacles the ends of each are over lesions inside her applying the clear gooey substance. Once done Tori draws herself once more into a trance and gives the girl an [Greater Restoration] to completely flush the aphrodisiac qualities of her slime.

Ensuring the girl wouldn't suffer from the thin layers of slime in her Tori moves next to the boy the woman had seemed worried about instead of doing the restorarion first Tori [Diagnose] the boy, then moves to apply her fluids and [Anesthesia], finally she falls into trance to finish with [Greater Restoration]. She repeats this combination with each of the most sickly patients when the ones with internal lesions are treated for the rest she simply let's a more watery version into their throats and thus their stomachs before healing. This repeats with only her stopping when she begins visibly losing mass, quickly casting [Healing Touch] on herself before moving on.
To Abbreviate above.
Tori stops paying Odd Skin
-Tori casts [Anesthesia] and 'applies' Aphrodisiac Fluids then casts [Greater Restoration].
-Moves on to [Diagnose] each patient [Anesthesia] each apply Aphrodisiac Fluids and [Greater Restoration] before repeating.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 109/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

The healer would demand a sample from Tori, filling two vials with her slime and testing them hesitantly on a few of the less sick people. Their reactions, while positive, made him frown slightly given the obvious side effects, but when their breathing seemed to ease he deemed it safe for general use. Being able to see through her tendrils as easily as through her "eyes" to detect the lesions where the disease had taken root in the girl's respiratory tract. It was hardly an instantaneous cure, but it did ease the girl's breathing, and healing the aphrodisiac effects ensured that there were no side effects. She went around the rest of the worst cases, the woman she'd assailed hanging over the boy while he was treated before leaping onto him the moment Tori had finished treating him. The rest of the worst off patients didn't take long, and Tori could keep herself fully energized by drawing on energy in the air, a source too thin to allow her to grow but enough to let her sustain her energies at a stable state.

After about ten minutes, all of the severe patients had been cared for, and while she had only been able to alleviate the symptoms the medicine she had absorbed into herself made the effects strong enough to last at least for a little while. The busty woman from before ran up and hugged Tori, pressing herself into the slime and sobbing her thanks, promising to do whatever it took to repay her.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

After proving the usefulness of her slime Tori began healing the most severe cases purposely over-powering her cleansing spell for the young girl to ensure she had flushed all of the aphrodisiac. Once Tori finished healing the last advanced case she silently mourned her lost stores of energy and the familar pangs of hunger. Looking about Tori saw the crowd about the doors had left. The slime was very appreciative of the woman hugging her, surprised too. Taking a monumental amount of her nearly non-existant willpower, she managed to return the hug without taking the woman and draining her though the longer she did the more enticing the idea became.

Taking an step back Tori wraps a number of tentacles around the woman placing her away from her and releasing the woman. She smiles impishly at the woman, aphrodisiac beads on the slime's skin to at least warn the woman the conquences of another hug, the slime's lust quickly burning through her limited self control. "I'm certain you would know what I would ask for repayment. As such due to certain building restrictions I ask that you refrain from that currently. Not that I wouldn't enjoy that reward, such as it is the infection is still there I only made it better. Mr. Doctor tell me how has the potions fared against the plague?"

Once that has been answered Tori eyes the enterance of the temple turned hospital. "Not to seem uncivilized but, I may need a monetary reward at least enough to visit and peruse the services of an bawdyhouse for a time." Tori turns to the woman and doctor. "Unless the young miss is willing to abscond to her abode and allow me another round?" Despite her attempt at a cultured tone it was blatantly clear Tori had only one aim. She leers at the doctor that had assisted her thus far. "Or mayhaps the kind doctor would assist me in my plight? Though the thought of taking both of you does occur to me."

Tori asks if they know if the Plague is as resistant to potions as it is to magic.
-Then she asks if they have enough money/extend credit to the slime to use the services of an brothel/prositute.
--Or if the grateful mother would allow Tori to drain her, in a more private setting. Extending the offer to the Doctor as well, even an threesome if willing (OOC:yea right.)
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 109/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

After checking the victims over, the physician seemed content with their recovery. "They are better.... Much better," he said after examining the last one. Rising and turning to face Tori while the woman stood a few feet off from the slime, he frowned at her varied requests and said; "Some money is the least we can do... But please, spare me the details on how you intend to spend it! Wait here!" He turned and wandered off, the other healers still doing what they could for others. The woman she had met first suddenly flushed, and she said; "I will pay... I mean, I will.... Give you what you need, at my home. It's... The least that I could do to repay you. You saved my son!" Her impassioned outcry had grown louder and was accompanied by tears, but she quickly quieted down when several people glanced her way.

"My husband is dead.... He has been for some time. I live alone except for my sons, who are both here. For saving them... I am yours, for as long as you like," she continued quietly. A moment later the doctor returned, offering Tori a sack full of jingling coins, "here... If you could stay around, others might fall ill, or some might worsen. None of our herbalists have been successful in treating the worst conditions of the disease." After taking or refusing the coin, Tori would be tugged along to exit the building, and then led through the town to a small cottage. "Wait here," the woman said once led inside, and she went into a side room without closing the door, where she was seen taking her dirty clothes off.

(Tori gains 20 denarii.)
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori giggled impishly and called out to the retreating form of the doctor. "I'll try to keep the details of my tryst to myself!"

At the woman's outburst Tori and subsequent promise the slime stalked up to the woman stopping directly in front of her, her 'eyes' staring into the woman's own. "Then I'll claim you, until your sp- sons are released back to your care, you belong to me." Tendrils of slime begin to reach out towards the woman, only the return of the doctor spooks Tori, unable to focus properly in her lust addled state, she whips around the tentacles returning to her.

Facing the doctor the young slime takes a moment to form a coherent response."Ah yes, sorry. Hard to think unless I get some food in me, anyways yes I'll be staying in town. At least until this plague has run its course. I thank you for the money, my use for it has change but, I shall accept it." Tori turns back to the woman who begins to lead the slime through town, arriving at an small cottage after being dragged inside.

The woman leaves her to her own devices Tori can see her stripping off the dirty clothing from their first roll in the hay, "I can clean those clothing as fun as it was to see them cling to your body as we walked around, I'll clean them later." Tori begins to grow tentacles shaping them into various sizes and shapes to stop herself from simply jumping the woman, I don't think I ever got your name Miss?"

Tori takes the money.
Asks the mother for her name and offers to {W}[Clean] her clothing.
Tori passes time in a increasely debauched fashion
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 109/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

"I can clean them myself," the woman said slightly defensively when Tori offered to clean her soiled garments. "And.... My name is Kairi," she continued as she walked back into the room in which Tori waited, now completely naked. "Kairi Motoko.... But you may call me what you like," she continued as she slowly dropped to her knees in front of the slime, licking her lips slowly. "How... May I pleasure you? I want.... To make you feel good~" she purred softly, and then slowly raised an arm under her breasts to emphasize them, their dark brown tips hard as she shifted the soft, heavy orbs back and forth, up and down, in an almost mystifying manner. "I felt something between them... When you had me earlier. Something hard. Did that... Feel good for you? I could... Move them. My... My husband used to like that."
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

The slime chuffs at her offer being rebuffed, deciding to put it out of her mind as she continues her tentacle escapades. As Kairi knent infront of Tori questing tendrils of slime began to engulf her legs. Only to stop as, it takes Tori a moment to process the request, Kairi's actions with her breasts only causes the pause to lengthen. "I- this is a new thing for me. Someone that wants to bring me pleasure, usually its the other way round, as I love watching my prey thrash in their throes of passion its quite the visceral display and a small fetish of mine."

Tori looks at Kairi, as if truly seeing her for the first time. The slime leans in her bust level with Kairi's own. If allowed the slime kisses the woman on the lips. The kiss leaves her lips tingling Tori having left trace amounts of her potent aphordisiacs just enough to be felt and not cause anything else and she would begin to breathe in pheromones released by the slime, "Yes I would like that... Pet." Tori looks into the eyes of the woman searching for any sign of disapproval.

After a few seconds some features on the slime change, her once clear ruby skin darkens gaining an dark sun kissed look, if Kairi were to touch her would feel like velvetly smooth human skin. Her arms darken to an pitch black further gaining an glossy sheen, each arm is encased in an fully articulated and unblemished latex covering, her legs lighten a to an dark gray on tanned skin the mesh stockings clad legs further accent the length of the slime's legs. Pert pink nipples cap Tori's chest, her cock matches the rest of her 'exposed' skin standing proud across her stomach pulsing visibly appearing to strain to stand even taller, all across her human body not a stitch of visible muscle mass can be seen her vaguest motion causes her now sizable chest and plump ass flesh to wobble. Full blood-red lips smile impishly at Kairi, cotton candy pink hair toppling in a unamed wave was topping the slime's head she seems almost human were it not for the crystal red iris.

"Now that I'm ready, I shall accept that offer." Tori would stand up, somewhat unsteady, and make her way to Kairi's bed. Beckoning the woman over should she not follow her. She extrudes a small puddle of slime at the base of her legs, she positions Kairi to kneel there the pheromones wafting off her cock can be smelt even stronger so near it, its thick musk at odds with the slime's usual mint smell. "Now Pet, I want you to show me what you did for your husband using those amazing breasts of yours and if you can put that naughty mouth of yours to work on my cock to suck me off. That would bring me pleasure just fine."

While Kairi begins her minstrations on Tori, the slime begins her own her flawlessly smooth latex clad hands dance across her Pet's head feather light and murmurs or groans of pleasure accompanying them, her stocking clad legs set to either side of her partner"s head spread wide to allow her freedom of movement.

When Tori feels the horizon of her first orgasm she moves both hands to hold the head of her pet forcing her to stop, "Pet, I'm going to cum soon, I want to to swallow it, take as much as you can." She releases Kairi and allows herself to reach her first orgasm the minty creamy mix that is her cum bursts from her cock, unlike most races slimes could 'cheat' on the volume of cum per shot the pontency of course remains unchanged though, Tori uses this trick to ensure that her pet will not succeed in her task and will end with an wonderful facial no matter the volume of her cum successfully guzzled. Tori grows an extra set of tentacles to stop Kairi from clearing her face, instead Tori clears it for her and if Kairi is amenable to the idea licking the missed spunk from her fingers, otherwise Tori wicks it away into herself.

"Now my dear Pet, you didn't win but, you did try your hardest anything else you wish to do?" Tori's cock twitches never having softened, the slime giggles. "I'm not quite done yet unfortunately and I still need to feed."

Smutty Smut Smut.
-Tori holds from draining her until Kairi's 4th orgasm.

Mutations Used
-Odd Skin
-Soft Skinx3
-Odd Hair
-Massive Breasts
Pic Refence minus a few things.

--To be dispelled once Kairi becomes unconcious.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 109/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

When referred to as "Pet" Kairi's lustful smile would crack for a second, but then it reappeared quickly, and she offered no actual protest to the name and instead nibbled her lower lip excitedly. Watching silently as Tori adopted a much more human-like appearance, she crawled on hands and knees into the bedroom after the transformed slime, her bed being little more than a soft mat laid out on the floor. The sight of Tori's aphrodisiac-scented cock would seemingly wet her appetite, as Kairi leaned in toward it immediately with her lips slowly parting, but when Tori delivered her instructions she paused long enough to nod.

Then she slowly leaned in to lick Tori's cock, moaning at its taste before engulfing first the tip, and then sliding down a few inches until it pressed against the back of her throat as her tongue lapped at the minty appendage erotically. Initially she only used her mouth, placing her hands on Tori's hips for stability, but then she stopped with only the tip in her mouth and leaned up, cradling Tori's shaft between her large breasts and squeezing around it. With slimy "nerves" shaped not unlike those that would be in a natural version of such an appendage, Tori would be subjected to a sensation that was absolutely heavenly as Kairi began to move again. Her motions were relatively slow at first, sucking and licking the tip while working her bosom over the shaft, but as her pace picked up her mouth began to bob in time with the motions of her breasts, her lips creating a tight seal and her tongue dancing across the underside of Tori's shaft while she offered regular moans of appreciation for the taste of the slime's cock.

Kairi was fairly tireless in her efforts, leaving Tori to enjoy them for a short while before she felt her orgasm rising, Kairi proved somewhat hesitant to stop, sucking with her mouth and pumping her breasts even more eagerly for a moment before slowly pulling away to leave Tori's rod briefly without stimulation. "Yes... Please... Cum in my mouth~" she cooed, and Tori's cock was soon back in her mouth as the human woman desperately sucked on her, stroking her shaft at the same time as she sought to make the slimegirl cum. It wasn't long before she got her wish, a burst of Tori's thick, slimy cum exploding into her mouth, and in swallowing Kairi proved quite adept. The first several bursts were mostly swallowed in loudly audible gulps after she only took a moment to swirl them around her tongue, but a pool of cum steadily built in her mouth. Tori's voluminous load eventually overwhelmed her ability to swallow, causing some of her cum to be drooled out around her shaft, but rather than pull out Kairi suddenly forced herself down, taking the slime's cock down her throat. Though she gagged, Kairi managed to swallow even more of Tori's aphrodisiac laced cum, going without breath for nearly a minute before Tori's near-infinite release caused her to finally need to pull away and gasp for air. That didn't entirely stop her, however, as Kairi kept on jerking Tori's cock with her hand and closed her eyes, her mouth opening and her tongue hanging out to accept more of the slime's release there and on her large breasts.

Once Tori had finished cumming, Kairi made to start cleaning herself up in a lewd manner only for Tori to do it for her, causing the human woman, now almost mindlessly horny thanks to the amount of aphrodisiacs in her system, to lick the spilled seed off of the slimegirl's fingers. Of course, those aphrodisiacs had her spinning on the bed almost before Tori's words had left her mouth. Her face was set against the head of the bed, and with her large, round ass raised high she wrapped her arms around her thighs and waved her bottom back and forth while almost shuddering with arousal. "Fuck me!" she slurred, "fuck me... Please! I need... Need your cock inside me! I... I want you to cum inside! I don't care if you get a child on me... I need it!"

With that offer in place, Tori was free to use the body of the horny, busty woman however she liked. Kairi seemed quite ready, her pussy drooling with arousal, and Tori could feed from her soul with ease. She wasn't powerful by any means, but if the slime drew out her feeding she could get a great deal more energy from Kairi, consuming what her spirit regenerated and maybe a little more. It would eventually exhaust her, but not for at least an hour if Tori was cautious with it, and maybe more if she really wanted to test the human woman's stamina.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

'Mmm those lips, she has to be part succubus they're perfect cock-draining vices and her breasts, they like an toasted marshmellow wrapping around my dick its like heaven.' Tori thought of this as Kairi continued to give her the best blowjob and titfuck she had ever had since she can count... Without forcing herself on the other party. "Here comes your dessert Pet, drink." And boy did Kairi try to Tori's astonishment, the slime had expected the first gulps then was surprised at her determination to keeping her cum, when she impaled her throat on the slime's cock Tori shivered as she felt that hot wet hole wrap around her pseudo-dick. 'Yes take it, drink all of me. You wonderful suck slut you.'

Tori's thoughts on the matter scattered when Kairi actively kept pumping her cock after her failure to keep the endless fountain of cum inside her. 'Oh you minx your making me regret having promised to let your boys have . Still I suppose I can savor this moment.' With Kairi giving her permission Tori began to clean the woman's body, collecting her cum and having her pet suck it off one, two, or even three of her fingers at once. Once most of the mess had been cleared, even the cum that had been spilled in her hair, Tori takes the last bit and plces it in her mouth before kissing Kairi her cum coated tongue enters the woman's mouth. The slime draws her pet's body tight against her, despite the awkward angle, drawing out the kiss for a few seconds.

When she pulls away and offers she has to check to see if the woman did some magic having leapt and moved so quickly. Kairi's open offer to use her body as the slime pleased made an smile creep across Tori's face. The slime walks over to Kairi watching as the woman waves her dripping nethers towards her imploring the slime to take her, "Oh dear dear Pet, I'll be more then glad to cum and cum and cum in you some more, I hope your ready Pet." whether or not Kairi responds Tori lines herself up and penetrates her pussy in one rapid thrust putting as much slime cock into her as possible. Tori's skin ripples becoming rougher her massive breasts ripple as they shrink to merely D-Cups, an large tentacle rises from Tori's back settling in the air above the pair it begins drooling clear red slime onto Kairi eventually covering her entire body in a springy rubbery layer of semi-solid slime even as Tori begins thrusting in and out of her dripping pussy. Should Kairi attempt to touch herself she'd note the slime prevents her from properly gripping anything sliding off other slime coated body parts. Should Kairi ask/panic Tori will calmly state that its to keep her bed from being completely flooded in cum, of course she fails to mention that she plans to keep the cum trapped inside against Kairi's skin until after she awakens from what the slime will put her through.

Tori speeds up further pounding into Kairi's pussy, the slime fully intent on drawing this out for as long as Kairi could last sipping on her soul in bits and pieces. Tori waits till the woman, is on the verge of her first orgasm to release her essence inside her, the slime's second orgasm is as massive as her first filling the woman the slime-cum that is forced out is kept inside the slime suit around the woman pooling about her legs. Tori bodily lifts the woman, once she recovers from their mutual orgasm, standing Tori hands Kairi off to a few tentacles to reposition her body infront of her, now face to face Tori leans towards the woman and begins kissing the woman. She starts once again to pound the woman's nethers, if Kairi doesn't lock her legs around the slime, Tori sends a few tentacles to do it for her. Tori smashes her bust to Kairi's own her core transfers to Kairi's breasts where the surrounding slime brings them together to wrap about it's core. Tori continues to fuck Kairi in this position for several minutes, until she once more feels the woman reach release, cumming again inside of her more of her slime spunk escaping around their joined nethers, the pheremone aphordisiac laced cum pools about inside now Kairi's hips and legs are obscured from sight slowly working on filling the inside of the suit. Pulling away from kissing the helpless woman Tori moves to lay on the bed, keeping her cock still firmly embedded in Kairi's snatch, she unlatches the woman's legs from behind her setting them to either side of her.

She stays stationary, not pumping into Kairi, nibbling the woman's neck and running her hands through her hair. A short while later, she pushes Kairi upright and simply states, "Ride Me." Should she be too tired, or simply doesn't understand because she is swimming on a aphrodisiac high, Tori decides to set up a slow pace fast enough to get pleasure yet, slow enough to not topple over the peak she keeps this up for twenty minutes at the end of which she cums once more having gotten off from her core between Kairi's breasts the level within the slime suit rises once more.

After either case Tori rolls over both herself and Kairi, placing both of Kairi's legs around the slime's hips, Tori's hands slide under the woman's back, the slime's bust once more pressed against Kairi's own. Tori draws up some of her trapped seed from the now overfilled slime suit into her mouth kissing Kairi until the woman cums once more. The slime pulls away from the sinful lips of Kairi, she rapidly loses much of her human-like qualities reverting to an clear blood red slime, "Now, Pet let's see how long you last." Tori places an tentacle into Kairi's mouth unlike her cock earlier it only trickles a tiny amount of cum into her mouth until she loses consciousness. Tori pumps her cock in and out of Kairi's snatch her focus glued to the woman's face and the way her bust moves.
More Smut. Bout it.
OOC: Sorry for not letting you write much ;-_-; sex scenes, I tent to get carried away when Tori can be dominate.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 184/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Kairi simply howled with pleasure when Tori slammed into her depths, her soaking pussy easily taking in every inch of Tori's cock and then squeezing it for dear life, as if it intended to never let the meaty thing go. She proved ready and able to take the pounding that Tori offered, her tight sex giving delightful flutters around the slime's length while the pleasure she experienced as a result - more than enough to have her moaning furiously - allowed Tori to feed on her soul at whatever pace she liked. The human woman's big, round ass bounced against her body with every thrust, and her big breasts jiggled back and forth beneath her kneeling form as her eyes quickly rolled up into the back of her head in ecstasy.

Her partner offered no complaint at being covered in slime, indeed she barely seemed to notice as Tori plowed into her plump bottom with reckless abandon. It barely took more than five minutes before her entire body shuddered and her pussy spasmed around Tori's cock, trying to milk it for all it was worth. Feeling her cum, Tori was happy to oblige, and when she felt the first spurt into her depths Kairi's lewd howling only grew louder as wave after wave of cum was welcomed directly into the human woman's womb. Her innermost chamber was quickly filled to the brim, her womb flooded with Tori's impotent cum until it could hold no more and the rest of her spilled cream ended up being pushed out of her to start filling the suit that Tori had formed around her partner's body.

Once they had finished cumming and Kairi was left panting, she was quickly hoisted up into the air for a second round, and her arms and legs were promptly wrapped around the slime's humanoid figure for greater stability. That left Tori able to pound into her tight, cum filled pussy harder than ever, an act that the woman gave open invitation to by her loudly approving moans of pleasure. Again, it wouldn't take long at all for Tori to make the woman cum, and when she did Kairi's pussy was treated to another hefty dose of the slime's cum, resulting in what had leaked out of her womb being replaced before the rest was left to fill up the slime suit all around her.

She seemed almost spent when Tori laid down on her bed, practically collapsing against the slime beneath her, but when Tori issued her simple lewd command she rose back immediately and began to grind back and forth on Tori's cock vigorously. Placing both hands on the slimes heavy breasts and with the slime's core now trapped between her own soft orbs, Kairi settled her legs for more stability and then stopped grinding. Her hips rose slowly, her folds quivering all the way up around Tori's sensitive rod, only to come down with an audible smack as her cock was once more sheathed in the woman's durable sex. She rode Tori with vigor, their bodies rapidly slapping together so hard that her breasts jiggled around the slime's core with each impact, her sex fluttering wonderfully around Tori's rod on every ascent in an effort to milk it of its precious liquid gift. "Cum.... Cum.... Cum.... Nnnn~" she chanted lewdly, obviously thinking of nothing more than pleasure and feeling more of Tori's seed pumped into her already completely filled womb. That pace, just like those that Tori had set, produced a quick coupling that ended with Kairi receiving another dose of cum inside of her, and this time her womb actually expanded a little bit in order to take some more before the rest started filling up the suit of slime around her once more even as she simply continued pounding her hips onto Tori throughout their mutual climax.

Flipped over, Kairi's tongue hung out of her mouth lewdly when Tori came face to face with her again, and she eagerly accepted the dose of aphrodisiac cum that Tori pushed into her mouth through a kiss that the human was all too happy to return. Her hips closed around Tori, but as her humanoid body collapsed and she turned back into a slime that only left her limbs trapped in Tori's substance as her body was left fully exposed to the slime's perversions. She sucked on the tentacle shoved into her mouth energetically, at least at first, but after a few more minutes and another orgasm it became clear that Kairi's stamina was running out. Her spirit was almost dry, her body was shaking as much from exhaustion as from pleasure, and it was only a matter of time after that that she gave one last shuddering cry, her eyes rolling up into the back of her head in ecstasy but then staying there as she slumped in place. By that point Tori had managed to milk a great deal of energy out of even her feeble soul, however, and her juices had restored some of her physical substance while absorbing her cum back into herself would easily restore the rest.

Now that Kairi was unconscious, however, Tori was left with the choice of what she ought to do now.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori sends trace amounts of magic up through various tentacles of slime, cleaning various spots of slime from the floor and the odd sleeping mat. The living slime had an problem, at least to her mind if Kairi was awake she would likely solve the problem at its source, she wanted to explore the town secured in the fact the locals wouldn't gather pitch forks at her appearance in their mists, yet she didn't want to leave the cleav- woman. She was certain that simply puppeteering the body as is would draw undo attention to her, marinating most of it in cloudy off red liquid or not.

"You know this wouldn't be such an problem if you had someplace I could leave you stewing in my cum." The slime turns pensive for a moment, "Though, you seem to have a good enough libido already making it better is a definite plus." Nodding to herself, Tori pokes around the house keeping Kairi in her slime bodysuit filled with the powerful mint scented aphrodisiacs. Not finding anything to her liking the slime whittles away a little time, finally withdrawing her primary tentacle from Kairi's pussy, sending an probing tentacle into the exhausted woman's rosebud where it expands inside into a set of anal beads, somewhat larger then the last time, they settle inside of her should she wake she'd feel uncomfortably full. She then flows around Kairi's face, tentacle firmly in place albeit no longer dripping the insidious fluid of the slime allowing her to breathe normally through her mouth as well as nose, covering her face Tori decides to spend some of her newly gained energy to both hide Kairi and to not stand out as much.

Tori's skin loses the shine and feel attributed to slimes before shifting color to an soft brown, her skin extrudes an white overcoat when th black trimming it covers most of her body or it would were it not for it being completely open only clasped about her neck with an small metallic looking leather collar, her sides and back only give an impression of the curvy body underneath the front covers the swell of the breasts and the pronounced nipples of the massive mammaries, the sleeves completely cover the hands yet their dexterity is seemly unaffected by that fact, from low on the waist down an pair of loose opaque red bell bottoms cover the transforming slime's legs and pool dainty slippers cover the feet if one looks inside the pant leg they'd notice the bell bottoms seamlessly flow into the leg leaving no true space between them. Her head gains a set of platinum blonde cat ears tipped with white and long flowing mane of platinum blonde hair extending from somewhere one might decide is the dangerously low top of the pants twin cat tails matching the coloration of the ears appearing as dexterous as any limb.

Red eyes stare into the night from the home of Kairi taking a few unsteady steps Tori begins to walk into town trying to match the rolling gait Kairi had at one point done for her earlier that day. Her coat and tails trail after her the former all but, glued to her shoulders and breasts showimg off an toned physique with the latter trailing listlessly almost as long as her leg curled into a cursive 's' one on each side of her somewhat voluminous rear. She intends to try to limit her journey to 3 hours the most merely content with getting the layout of the village. Aware of Kairi's body within her. "Now then time to see the sights." 'And.' She thought to herself privately, 'taste the locals.'

Maid Slime Cleaning Services Time! Eliminate any traces of slime on sight.
Then Sightseeing after Tori bases her look on

-Odd Hair
-Funny Ears
-Odd Skin
--OOC:Tails are tentacles not actual tails.
-Massive Breasts
--8EP per hour.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 184/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

It wouldn't actually be possible to leave any portion of herself behind, nor was it actually possible for her to completely disguise her slimy and thus fluid nature. Becoming completely opaque was impossible, though she could shift until she was only slightly transparent, making her disguise somewhat believable if viewed from a distance and in poor light like what was outside. She wouldn't be able to leave Kairi stewing in her aphrodisiac cum, however, as nothing that she left behind could remain part of her body, costing her a chunk of her energy and dissolving into formless gel the moment that it parted from contact with her core. What was more, though she might not realize it, she had chosen a form that would be almost as alien here as her natural one in the Amazonian village. It also wasn't actually possible for her to shapeshift even reasonably convincing hair, much less fur.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori steps out into the moonlight and notices she isn't as opaque as she had assumed turning her hand she sees Kairi's own inside her gelatinous covering. 'Well there goes that idea.' The slime looks about herself, taking in her less then fully opaque form. 'Indeed this may cause some panic, going to need to avoid lighted areas. Oh might want to close her mouth too damn.' Tori withdraws the tentacle inside Kairi's mouth closing it, the slime strikes an pensive pose legs spread and arms under her bust. 'I either leave Kairi's here and move through the town or I can keep her and see the fields or the forest. Yes, the idea of creating a pick me up for the Kairi is an good idea.'

Nodding to herself the slime turns toward the forest, she walks towards it slowly shedding her human disguise while also bundling the woman inside her nudging her to curl up inside the slime. Tori keeps on the look out for herbs to restore the vital energy she took from Kairi, whittling away the time the slime hums an tuneless song, once she has all the needed materials she turns to return to town. She moves around the most inhabited parts of town not wanting to draw the eye as an shapeless blob.

Entering the woman's abode once more the slime moves to place the woman in her bed/mat placing an blanket over her. Then proceeds to looks for an container and an mixing bowl a small spell supplies her the needed water and heat for the potion. She keeps an eye, more like an tentacle, out if Kairi wakes while she mixes the potion.

Drops all Shapeshifted upkeep
-Walks to forest
--Begins Ritual of Create Potions-Energy Potion 10Denarii (4Hours)
---Finishes Spell once she returns to Kairi's home also casting {W} Draw Water and {F} Heat if needed.
----Kairi is still inside her until she returns to her house.
EP spent 1 per casting of Heat as needed.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 184/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

With Kairi trapped inside of her rather than left at home to recuperate, Tori wandered out of town and into the jungle, where she wandered around some more in search of ingredients with which to mix a potion that would restore the woman's energy. With Kairi swamped in chemicals, only able to breath through whatever manner Tori chose, and forced to curl up while naked inside of her, the slime would be able to wander about, finding mushrooms and herb leaves and tubors that she knew could be used to craft a restorative with a bit of minor magic dashed in to spice things up. The few people she met on her way out of and then back into town did their best to stay away from Tori, mostly recognizing her from her initial entrance.

Kairi's house would have all the other necessary tools she needed, and once her food was put to rest in her bed the slime would be able to mix her drought in short order. Kairi would not stir while doing so, or at all until morning, when she would groan in exhaustion and clutch at her head, which seemed to be in pain.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Having finished the potion Tori moves the mix to an pitcher and sets it down. Having free time waiting for the woman to wake she takes the time to mediate on her current situation. Needless to say she felt asleep within the hour, only waking to the groans of Kairi early in the morning. Moving to the woman she grabs the pitcher and a cup with tentacles, her form shifting to an human shape, a hand going behind Kairi's head lifting her head up a bit. More slime slips under the woman lifting her body into a reclining position, pouring a cup of the potion she places it to Kairi's lips.

"Here you'll feel better if you take this. My feeding tends to really leave people under the weather, or so I'm told. I suggest good food you will be hungry." She continues to feed her the potion until she drinks all of it. Listening to the woman she looks her over to see if any notable changes have occurred over the short time she was submerged inside the slime's fluids. "Ah you were amazing last night, sorry about calling you Pet last night, thank you for accepting it."

Takes downtime while waiting Kairi to wake to Spend 6 EXP pickup [Succubus Skill] Multitalented {2 Skills}
-Battlemage (Passive) - Your character uses their Body stat to determine their attack rolls when attacking with spells. Requires: Any Focus in {Element} Talent OR Experienced Caster.
-Spell Resistance (Passive) - The character ignores the first 10 points of damage that would be caused by any given Spell or Power even if that spell or power would ignore AV. They may also Dodge spells and powers that would normally automatically hit, though they take a -10 penalty to Dodge against such attacks.
Use Energy Potion on Kairi.
-Inform her to eat a hearty meal and thank her for feeding Tori.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 184/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

"Nnnnn," Kairi groaned wordlessly, though after accepting the potion she seemed better. "Thank you.... For that," she groaned, clutching at her head still. Her breasts were swollen, and if Tori played with them them they would prove more sensitive than ever and leak white, but other than that and a bit of softness in her skin she would seemingly be alright. After a few minutes Kairi would rise and, without getting dressed, start making some breakfast for herself, though she would glance at Tori to see if the slime even ate actual food, willing to share if she seemed to want some.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori frowned at Kairi's continued pains, knowing it could be a simple ailment from her unique method of feeding the slime quietly scans her just incase. Satisfied her hostess isn't going to sicken, Tori enjoys the unobstructed view of Kairi making food. When the woman looks at her to see if Tori ate she responds, "Unless what your making is liquidated it's not edible for me." Which of course is a slight lie what with the acidity she is capable of being able to melt certain metals if she felt like it, was true in that she'd find no sustenance in the food.

The slime would wait until the Kairi finishes her meal, still in her seat, to drape herself over the woman. Engulfing the woman's feet to her neck, Tori's slime would vibrate as gelatinous hands begin to massage her staying away from the woman's nethers. Tori was careful in not exposing Kairi to any more of her fluids, lightly suckling on her breasts she was pleased to find milk turning her attention onto them till they stop giving milk. Once done draining Kairi's breasts, Tori reforms a her avatar in Kairi's lap facing her, "Thanks for the meal."

Moving off the woman Tori looks outside to see how far into the day it was. Talking as she did she asks Kairi, "I'm going to visit the church again, might stay there until you swing by like last time?"

Uses {B}[Diagnosis]
Tori doesn't drain EP only milk
Checks time and Asks if Kairi will swing by the church again after whatever she does during the day.