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A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Tori: EP = 109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

The waters of the fast-running stream were warmer than usual. Tori's makeup made her unusually sensitive to changes in temperature, and the slime could discern even slight changes in the purity and warmth of fluids that passed around her, and this was a stream that she had crossed many times before. It was a frequent place where the slime would see creatures drinking, but they often ran from her before she could get close. Today, however, she was seemingly in luck. The current would often sweep her along a bit as she crossed the running water, normally a small concern given her aimless wanderings, and this time it brought her along a path in which she would be able to hear voices well before their owners came into view.

"We haven't seen Master Fring for over four days.... Do you think he meant it when he said we had to stay out here for a whole month?" said one, the voice of a male but not of a fully grown man, though Tori might not know the difference. "Of course he meant it!" another voice replied, this one that of a girl but, like the other, not belonging to one who had fully reached maturity yet. "We've got to prove ourselves capable of surviving on our own, it's one of the most important parts of our training!" the female snapped, clearly annoyed with her counterpart. By then Tori had drifted far enough that she would be able to see them then, but the two humans were too busy to notice the dormant slime at the time. The male was crouched by the side of the river, cleaning out a small metal pan in the running water, but had turned his gaze from his task to glare sharply back at his female companion. He was dark of hair and of the average height of the locals, and was well evidently quite well muscled judging by what she could see of him. The girl was standing over him while hanging clothing over a string tied between two trees on the riverbank, and looked to be a head taller than the boy while similarly possessed of dark hair, though his was cut extremely short while hers was left long, albeit tied up so that it would hang down her back rather than block her vision.

Both wore the same outfit, a pair of light brown but loose trousers and a light blue vest that parted in the middle, with a red sash around their waist and the symbol of a red rose on their left breast. The girl's vest was a bit tighter than the boy's, causing her breasts to make the part of her vest lower, and while the displayed cleavage was certainly distracting given the slime's preference for them, they weren't quite big enough to captivate her completely. They didn't seem to be doing much for her male counterpart either, as he glared up at her and said; "There is no need to snap, Sako. I just thought that he would check up on us, and am starting to grow concerned that he had not. The road from here to the Monastery is dangerous to walk alone, even for one as skilled as Master Fring." The woman, Sako, turned from her task to frown at her male counterpart and said; "You have no need to worry over it Orin, Master Fring is quite capable of defending himself. And I wouldn't snap if you did a little bit less complaining and a little bit more helping!"

The two stood the glaring at one another as Tori floated closer, and the slime could easily float over towards the bank where they were standing if she wished. She could even reach the bushes directly beside them if she hurried and pushed against the current, but it would take a great deal of effort. She could simply go straight toward them instead, but they would likely notice that. The bank downstream from them was relatively clear as well, offering little cover for her to hide in. Of course, the floating slime could just as easily keep floating along, minding her own business.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

'sigh' it went without saying that Tori wasn't in a good mood denied her usual meal of the day she was content on letting the river sweep her along in its warm waters.

'Hrm? ah! people. Listening in to the short argument she was able to discern both genders ,one male and one female, waiting on a 'master' who had left them. While not her usual fare seeing as the sole female lacked wondrous 'hills', Tori would not past up peeking upon the two. '...and maybe sampling them a few times.'

Judging by the 'Silly useless things that get in the way of breasts.'err... Clothing both seemed to be part of the same group. The talk of their 'master' made it seem like he had left them here on purpose? Odd... 'I will never understand why these creatures take such risk but enough thought. I am a bit hungry...' The girl's response is one Tori can agree with if only all her prey had such wisdom! Sealing the deal Tori prepares a spell that is almost instinctual and moves against the current heading for the bushes.

Tori takes -20 Dodge for +10 Base Casting
-4EP Casts Strength[Body]
Base Casting:14 + 10(Focus) + 10(Dodge -20)

New stats
Speed: 21

Tori moves towards the bushes.

OOC: So sorry it took so long =P i blame work and my girlfriend.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 104/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, +14 Body (Strength)

Casting: Success.
Tori gets 20/6 = 3 + 2 = 5 * 3 = +15, rounded down to +14 Body.

Stealth: Failure, both humans see her! Bad luck on dem rolls.

Hardening her slime and pushing against the current, Tori seemingly had her plan ready to be enacted perfectly, the two humans busy with their conversation. Such was apparently not to be, however, and the woman suddenly pointed to the floating slime just as she was about to hit land and said; "What in Jannis' name is that!?" The man shot up and spun toward her as well, quickly spotting the slime and taking a step back as he said; "What? Oh... I... I don't know!" Both seemed wary of Tori, but they weren't fleeing in terror or moving to attack.... Yet.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

'Drat discovered! okay lets see if they want to fight instead of running off.'

OOC: its not the Red I had in her original pic I was planning to post but the pose seems apt for what is about to happen.
Tori draws herself into her favored form settles her stance and proudly declares...
"Fuck me!"
'ah dammit i messed that up quick I must recover!'
"...ah I meant don't run I only want to fuck you into the ground!"

Tori makes Land fall and shifts from her blob form into the provided pic.
Pays Upkeep for Buff.
OOC:Yea Tori has a one track mind...
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 103/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, +14 Body (Strength)

"What?" the man said in blank surprise after Tori's initial declaration. "What!?" the woman said after her second, both of them backing slowly away as Tori formed into her more humanoid shape. "What!?" both said simultaneously as she advanced and adopted a readied stance.

The two of them didn't turn and bolt, however, and instead the man shifted to be a little bit closer to the slime than the woman and said; "You can speak? What.... What are you?" The woman, shifting into a similarly prepared battle stance, said; "Be careful Orin! It could be one of those dangerous creatures that have been attacking the countryside!" The man looked a bit more cautious after that, but he still kept himself closer to Tori than the female human was, as if he intended to protect her.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori turns to the Male and responses with. "Tori is Tori? what else can I be?" putting a perplexed look on her face. She dismisses the young man and switches to Sako.

she 'puffs' her cheeks at the Female's accusing remark. Sliding out of her ready position she moves into what one might call a thinking pose with both 'hands' crossed under her chest. "Hrm... I can't remember if 'countryside' was one of things I caught before... does it have large breasts?" *pause for a beat* "mmmh. *pwah* I don't care I'm hungry!" at this she seems to 'stomp' one of her legs and then. Tori springs at 'Sako' with all the speed she can muster intent subduing the girl since she seemly accepted her challenge... despite the misleading terms used.

"I'll think after I eat!"

Tori moves to Sako and attempts Grapple.
Pays Buff Upkeep
OOC: sorry for the constant short posts.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 96/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, +14 Body (Strength)

Tori tries for the grapple!
Attack: Miss.

Both use full defensive fighting for 20 more Dodge and melee attack Tori.
Attacks: Orin hits, Sako misses.
Damage: 1 + 22 = 23, 23/4 = 6 damage.

"Eat? Wha-gah!"

"Sako, look out! It's attacking!"

Both humans tensed as Tori lunged at Sako, moving past Orin even as the man tried to get out of the way. Despite Tori's desperate hunger-fueled lunge, however, the slime never made contact with her prey. Sako flung herself out of the way, diving into a roll that quickly brought her out of Tori's way. "Hang on! Lets see how you like... This!" Orin grunted, swinging a kick at Tori's mass as she coalesced back into her normal shape after landing. His foot pushed through her body and very nearly got stuck, but the human managed to get the limb free before Tori could capitalize on his awkward moment. Backing away and staring at how ineffectual his blow had been, merely disrupting a small amount of her slime despite the above-average force that it possessed, Orin said; "It's.... It's really tough! I don't think that I even phased it!"

Sako, readying herself to dodge again should the slime attempt to tackle her a second time, gritted her teeth and replied; "We don't have any choice! It's obviously hostile, we have to destroy it!" Orin, grunting, said; "Right.... Physical strikes don't seem to be working! Should we attempt the energy techniques?" Nodding slowly, Sako said; "Yes. Don't put too much into it, we can destroy it together if it seems weaker, but it seems to be concentrating on me. It doesn't seem to be intelligent, so I'll distract it while you hit it!" Nodding and pulling back, Tori would feel the male human beginning to gather the energies upon which she preferred to feed into a form with which she was unfamiliar, while Sako still remained close by as bait, her cleavage as alluring a target as ever.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

'damn missed she is fast.' Tori is so focused on Sako's melons that she fails to notice the kick by Orin till it was too late to catch him. Needless to say Tori never took her 'eyes' off Sako while her senses and focus were looking at Orin ,a trick she learned while hunting pack animals, her chain was spinning around her slime core in anger at the failure.

This turn of developments pissed her off '#&$%!' ...Greatly. "Hrmph I only wanted to drain you of your flui..." and then Tori freezes up slightly at Orin's actions the chain around her core pauses before restarting slower then before."...lds a bit. Or just fondling your breasts awhile either one gets me energy." the pause wasn't even a second long hopefully her quarry didn't notice. What ever he was doing it was similar to what Tori did after her change. 'something to look into once I put them down sigh I really wanted to fight her hand to hand too.' 'Looking' at Sako Tori widens her stance but her 'focus' is only on Orin she remembers being hit by spells before by some of the bigger wildlife... it wasn't a pleasant experience. Crafting a spell of her own ,her core glowing slightly pulsing weakly at the power being gathered, she aims it at Orin's chest. "But I am finding that changing to fucking both of you into the next day. So why don't we start THAT!" Unleashing her spell at a hopefully surprised Orin leaving her 'front' to whatever Sako might do while her focus is elsewhere.

Tori pays upkeep
Takes a -10 to Dodge for +5 Base Casting.
spends 6EP on Bonesnap[bolt] at Orin
Base Casting: 14-8(Damage)+10(Focus)+5(-10[Dodge])
Spell: (2d4 + 3(Mind/6) + 2(Physician))*3
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 66/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, +14 Body (Strength)

Orin: Unharmed, spent 5 EP
Sako: Unharmed

And now you run into the problem I knew you'd have eventually: Your Mind stat is too low to hit things with spells.

Tori casts Bonesnap at Orin!
Casting: Success.
Attack: Miss.

Sako uses Full Defense.

Orin uses Energy Blast X = 5 on Tori.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 9 * 5 = 45/2 = 23 damage.

"This thing is definitely a rapist!" Sako said as Tori made her preparations to dealing with the blast being readied by Orin, readying for another rush from the slime between them herself. Just before Orin's magics were prepared, however, Tori suddenly unleashed an attack of her own, sending a bolt of concentrated magic from her core directly at the man's chest. If the spell had hit home, it would have surely sent the man stumbling at the very least, but unfortunately for the slime, Orin's reflexes were quite well honed.

The male human twisted out of the way at the last possible moment, the formation of his hands breaking as he half-turned and bent backwards to avoid her spell. A second later his front hand lashed forward, and with it came a golden blade of energy that lanced out at her in return for the magic. Slow to begin with and having put much of her preparation into dealing with Orin, Tori was unable to even attempt to avoid the blast of energy. It smashed into her slimy body and dug into her, tearing through her being and coming dangerously close to her core before it tore its way through to her other side. The hole reformed quickly, but the bolt's passage had left her weakened, and seeing it tear so much more easily through her made Orin say; "It worked! That was much more effective!"
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

"Pfft as if I'm a Rapist!" truly it insulted her for thinking that she was only a rapist but she is sure she can correct that way of thinking... despite her set back in this battle. 'stupid well fed and trained people. Not letting me jump their bones.' truly Tori is quite insulted and goes to corrects that. "I'm a super rapist!" and on that remark she launches her spell at Orin in hopes of it hitting only to have him move out of the damned way like Sako did for her Grapple. Needless to say this was not Tori's day the Spell that Orin threw only compounded that fact it was close Tori wasn't sure if he had been aiming for her core but that nearly had hit it not to mention it had hurt. After seeing that her prey was so damned mobile she needed a little extra reach to grab Sako and Orin. she lets loose with a hop at Orin attempting to bind the boy tentacles coming into play to stop him from casting again.

Tori Pays Upkeep
Moves at Orin and attempts Grapple.
Uses Tentacles. ((OOC:not sure if I need to say this bit))
((OOC:Re posting Buffed Speed and Grapple Stats.))
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 45/109, PP = 83, Status = Damaged, +14 Body (Strength), Grappling Orin

Orin: Unharmed, spent 5 EP, Grappled
Sako: Unharmed, spent 6 EP

Tori tries to grapple Orin.
Attack: Hit.

Orin tries to attack.
Grapple: Tori wins.

Sako uses energy blast X = 6 on Tori.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 7 * 6 = 42, 42/2 - 21 damage.

"...What!?" Orin said, flabbergasted by Tori's strange statement and thus seeming to let his guard down slightly. "Don't let it distract you! Look out!" Saki called, but it was too late. Tori lunged at the man, and he was quickly buried in her slime. "Gah! Ahhhh, help! A little help, Sako!" he said, squirming as he was drawn into her mass by his arms and legs.

"Dammit Orin!" Sako said angrily, approaching a little closer as she gathered energy just as her male counterpart had a moment prior. That blast that she unleashed upon Tori, tearing away yet more of her substance and leaving her feeling even weaker than before. She was hardly out of the fight, however, and with the squirming Orin in her grasp and Sako both closer and apparently less guarded than before, the slime had to choose quickly on how she wanted to gain advantage in this dangerous situation.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

"Ha! now to see these things out of the way and then onto Sex!"
'but first I need to grab the evil girl too. how to proceed?'

"stop moving will you? it makes it harder to move your clothing."
'ah then I'll just use more tentacles hopefully she intends to save her pack mule.'
and with that lovely if ill informed thought two ruby blurs dash towards Sako in hopes of trapping the girl. failing that at least she'd have 'packmule' Orin 'inside' of her.

Pays Upkeep
Free Action Orin -Skill: Tonight You
Attempt Grapple on Sako.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 61/109, PP = 62/83, Status = Damaged, +14 Body (Strength), Grappling Orin and Sako, holding Orin in a Submission Hold, Penetrating Sako

Orin: Unharmed, spent 5 EP, Grappled, In a Submission Hold
Sako: Taken 5 damage, taken 31 PP damage, spent/been drained 32 EP, Grappled, Penetrated by Tori

Tori tries to submission hold Orin, and will get Tonight, You if she wins that check. She also tries to grab Sako.
Grapple: Tori wins. Orin is put into a Submission Hold!
Resistance: Tori does not win.
Attack: Hit. Tori grapples Sako!

Sako tries to Energy Blast X = 10 on Tori.
Grapple: Tori wins.
Resistance (Tonight, You) : Tori wins!
Pleasure (Tori) : 7 + 1 + 13 = 21 PP damage if Tori chooses to take it.
Pleasure (Sako) : 6 + 10 + 2 + 23 - 10 = 31 PP damage, 16 EP drained.
Resist Pleasure Damage: 3 + 2 = 5 HP damage to Sako.

For combat and ye smut when it does happen, remember that you have to write out what your character does. I have nothing to respond to in this post where that's concerned, so I have nothing to base the reactions of the NPCs on. Get descriptive and I'll have more to bounce off of. Also, you need to declare that you're trying to use Tonight, You and on who, meaning that it usually won't activate on grapple checks resulting from people you've just grappled trying to do something.

Orin was, unfortunately, not so cooperative to Tori's desires. "Nnnn... No! Let go of me, monster!" he said stalwartly as he squirmed in the grip of her slime, his motions preventing her from getting his clothes out of her way. She still managed to drag his arms into the grip of her body, however, leaving him unable to do anything besides squirm around.

Sako, on the other hand, worked right into her plans. "Hang on, I'm coming Orin!" the woman said, not noticing the tendrils that Tori had split off to ensnare her with until it was too late. The human let out a high pitched shriek as her ankles were grabbed, and before she could react was dragged into Tori's body alongside Orin. The woman tried to conjure another blast in her panic, but Tori was able to push her wrist away with a tendril and cause it to cut through a small tree instead, felling it rather than Tori.

Her squirming, unlike Orin's, was not enough to protect her from Tori's lecherous advances. The woman's clothes were quickly pulled aside, and before she could react to protect herself Tori was able to start raping her, piercing her sex with a tendril and feeling a small burst of blood as the slime took her purity. Her cries of pain and horror were loud as she thrashed like a wild animal in Tori's grasp, but the slime began to feed on her anyway, the woman's energies and fluids allowing the slime to begin repairing the damage that the two humans had done. "Sako! Stop! Abomination!" Orin shouted, his own writhing becoming all the more powerful as he watched Tori rape his companion.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori having captured Orin moves to attempt to remove the annoying pieces of clothes and begin on her main course. Orin sadly had other ideas much to Tori's ire.

"dammit why are you being so stubborn!" Despite these setbacks on the first front surprisingly her tentacles had captured Sako taking advantage of the shock of being caught Tori quickly moves to begin feeding on Sako. Her tentacle violently thrusting into her pussy slightly annoyed that she begin bleeding pissed that she had misjudged the opening never occuring to Tori that this may have been the Sako's first time. 'ah dammit thought that wouldn't tear like that.' Tori reduces the size of the Tentacle slightly and redoubles the pace allowing herself to feel the pleasure of taking another.

Immetiately brightening her mood as some of the damage done is repaired new jelly filling out her form. "ah finally sweet taste of Success! Myah reminds me of berries." the taste of both the Sako's blood and sexual fluids reminding her of one of the small fruits. Slightly souring her mood is the struggles of the Male 'Of course the Male has to be difficult ...let's see ah idea!'

Tori shifts her attention to Orin her main 'body'."mou if you had wanted out you'd have let me grope her, but regardless you made me waste energy and now I have to collect even more!" leans into Orin's bound form. "but, I am feeling slightly better after a snack I'll make you a deal I'll drain you and I'll leave 'Sako' alone unless she wants some of you or me." she moves to Sako's side the tentacle in the girl's snatch flips her onto her stomach giving Orin a clear view of Sako's ass and the constant Pistoning action of Tori's Tentacle battering the bound girl's pussy, allowing him a clear view into Sako's pussy if he stares through the translunscent tentacle attempting to pierce her cervix.

"of course if you keep fighting..." Tori produces a ball of slightly purple-ish liquid moving to Sako's mouth to attempt to force her mouth open and drop it in. "I could continue draining her and then leave after knocking her and you out. Unless you'd want to join. Of course there is the option of each of you fucking each other while I drain you both at least then I won't take an active role in it. I can even put both of you into the mood!" Either way Tori knew the fluids sh'd soon fed them would bring both into a frenzy.

She moves back to Orin showing him the Purple liquid she had created the first time. "Taking the third option I'll hang around long enough to actually let you defend yourself again from other creatures trying to get a free snack before leaving once more."

Pays Upkeep
Accepts the current PP
refuses next set of PP
Orin: offers deal(s)
-Orin:Ahprodisiac Fluidsif he accepts offer 3 or 1.
Sako: continues Penetration and uses Ahprodisiac Fluids and Rhythm
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 103/109, PP = 62/83, Status = Damaged, +14 Body (Strength), Grappling Orin and Sako, holding Orin in a Submission Hold, Penetrating Sako

Orin: Unharmed, spent 5 EP, Grappled, In a Submission Hold, taken 3 Resistance damage, Aroused
Sako: Taken 5 damage, taken 0 PP damage, spent/been drained all of her EP, Grappled, Penetrated by Tori, taken 3 Resistance damage, Aroused, Helpless

Tori tries a bunch of stuff while both Sako and Orin try to escape from the horrible things happening to them!
Grapple (Sako) : Tori wins.
Grapple (Orin) : Tori wins.
Aphrodisiac Fluids: 23 Resistance damage. Both end up Aroused with 3 Resistance damage.
Pleasure (Sako) : 8 + 9 + 3 + 23 = 43 PP, causing Sako to orgams and allowing Tori to drain 44 EP, leaving Sako helpless.

You can't use Rhythm unless taking PP damage, else it effectively grants added PP damage dealt for no cost.

"W..What?" Orin stuttered, trying to to squirm away still as Tori offered the man a compromise while flipping Sako over to display her fully spread pussy, her inner walls visible through Tori's slime even as it continued to move and shift within, stimulating the now nearly helpless human woman and prying away at the barrier of her cervix. "Monstrous... Thing!" he spat hatefully, and by that point tears were flowing down her cheeks as the woman screamed in constant horror and terror, a cry that Tori quickly silenced by forcing a tendril down her throat and pouring a poison that would eliminate her resistance quickly into her system. "Just... Let her go!" he demanded as he watched her squirm, the poison quickly taking effect and allowing Tori to feed more effectively. "I'll... Ahhnnnnn! Do whatever you want! Just put her down! Now!"

Of course, then it was Orin's turn, and a second tendril was forced down the screaming man's throat in order to deliver more of her poison, and she would feel the man's squirming weaken slightly and his pants bulge as it took effect in him just as quickly as it had in Sako. As his struggles weakened, the vulnerable Sako was unable to resist the slime in any significant manner any more, allowing Tori to feed on both the juices that her suddenly soaking pussy was leaking and upon her soul. Her increasingly sensitive nerves were easy for the slime to attack, and her cervix quickly yielded to the slime's violating tendril, allowing her to begin exploring the woman's womb as well. After only a few moments the woman would tense, her screams having turned to moans, and a sudden rush of juices and the vital energy of her spirit were Tori's to feast upon as she was forced to orgasm by the squirming of the slime's agile tendril against her insides. The woman was a veritable feast of essence, nearly restoring Tori to full strength all on her own, but in doing so the woman was nearly spent.

Sako went limp in Tori's grasp, her body robbed of all of its strength, and she quickly passed out in Tori's grasp. Further feeding would be done at her most vital expense, and could cause permanent damage to the woman's soul, but nothing was stopping Tori from consuming her completely and leaving her body as an empty husk, or perhaps rewriting her spirit so that she would become a slime like Tori. Orin, in the meantime, was still trying feebly to escape as he watched Sako's struggles end, and both humans were still choking on the slime forced down their throats to provide that poison, which Tori could continue doing to one or both if she wished, though doing it to Sako would provide no real benefit.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

"Now now don't cry for the girl she'll come around to beg for more.. later." Moving infront of Orin Tori attempts to rip apart his clothing covering him. While at the same time she creates more of the insidious fluids in a bid to ensure that her meal is ready for her approaching the boy Tori grabs his head, using her arms, and brings Orin into a kiss pressing on him till he is flat on his back releasing more of her drug into the lad.

Sako meanwhile was contending with the tentacle in her mouth and pussy both falling inert yet not withdrawing from her orifices. The one in her throat was instead pumping even more of the mind altering drug into her yet still allowing Sako to breathe. 'Now time for a little payback' Tori's Core spun faster and like a snake moving in for the kill a fairly small tentacle raises it self from the surrounding slime and darts forward into Sako's ass burning some power to have it gain small nodules in some parts and what looked like waves and valleys in others. Soon enough mass began to be added to the small tentacle expanding both in girth and length running a small spell to ensure that no lasting harm came to her the tentacle continued to grow filling her to her limits leaking in miniscule quantities more of the potent drug intent on giving the stubborn girl a anal fucking she'll remember. Starting agonizingly slow and picking up the pace at minute intervals. Building into a rhythm crimson slime slowly engulfing her form mimicking the appearance if a skintight suit below her neck where the slime covers phantom hands and tongues play on her nubile defenseless flesh. Simply raping the girl for the pleasure of it without the intent of draining the girl. Afterall she did say no harm would come to the girl.

Carrying out her revenge on Sako Tori stops her gyrations on Orin having started after first sodomizing Sako smiling down at Orin Tori proceeds to mount the boy shaping her Vagina to be a copy of Sako's violated hole. Matching the rhythm she has built with Sako Tori rides Orin's penis reveling in the sensations of her pseudo flesh. Draining the boy to the dregs and then continuing merely for pleasure as the fire in her loins burn like a roaring flame. Pressing her lithe body into the young man's torso Tori's lips capturing that of the Orin's leaking the potent drug into him inbetween bouts of moaning and intakes of breath hitching every so often when hits what would be Sako's G-spot. Continuing her debauched party till Sako's rear passage was rubbed raw and Orin's dick refused to stay hard.

Once Tori returned to her senses running a light healing spell on both to ease pain and only then withdrawing her tentacles from Sako's body Tori returns to her animorphic state and awaits the waking of either victim willing participant.
Tori:pays upkeep for Body Buff for equal of 4 rounds. Pays 2 ep for shapeshifter Large Penis and 2 ep Shapeshifter Bumpy penis.
Orin: does 2 rounds of foreplay and alot of Penetration. Uses Rhythm and A. Fluids.
Sako: lots of Penetration Anal sex and Foreplay breasts. Uses Rhythm and A. Fluids. Casts Diagnosis.
X=5 for both.
After the one man band Tori casts Healing Touch on both and awaits either of the two to awake.

Sorry it took so long life and forgetfulness on my part. Also whoop second page!
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 158/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Orin: Fine?
Sako: Fine?

(I normally don't do rolls for noncombat, because lazy. Gain 6 exp though.)

Tori's statement did absolutely nothing to assuage Orin's concerns, at least judging by his continued distraught look, but it wasn't like there was anything more that he could do about it. His mouth was quickly forced open for that poisonous kiss, and soon enough Tori could feel his thrashing return with an entirely different source as her aphrodisiacs overwhelmed his will to fight and escape. Sako, in the meantime, was forced to swallow more and more of that same poison, until her already numbed mind was overwhelmed with raw, unadulterated lust. She began to squirm with need instead of hopeless terror, tinting her remaining essences with a far more palatable flavor, but even then she didn't take the initial intrusion into her ass particularly well.

Having been a virgin vaginally, it was likely no surprise that the same held true for her ass, and for a few moments her forced motions caused only discomfort in the human girl as the tendril forced itself inside and began to shift, growing larger and sprouting bumpy nodules that would eventually be the sole cause of Sako receiving pleasure from that penetration. The phantom hands and tongues crafted in the slimy bodysuit that Tori formed around the human woman was far more effective in stimulating her effectively, causing her to moan around the tentacle buried in her mouth more loudly than even the one buried in her pussy. Regardless, even though Tori wasn't draining her, Sako would be forced to cum over and over from the slime's savage rape, until her mind and body literally couldn't take any more and she passed out still in the embrace of her slime.

Orin, in turn, would lay largely helpless before her as Tori tore open his clothes and found him nice and hard for her. Forming her faux pussy into a perfect replica of Sako's, Tori was soon bouncing up and down upon the human's turgid shaft quite energetically while forcing more of the potent aphrodisiac down his throat through a kiss, likely claiming his virginity as well. The idea that he wasn't particularly experienced was only reinforced by how quick a shot he was, as after only a few moments of her pussy slamming onto his cock was enough to milk out his first shot of cum. The human proved quite voluminous on his first orgasm, possibly from being so pent up, and ended up giving her a nice big load to absorb into her being that would briefly float around within her near her core before dissolving. That also allowed to drain him to the point of helplessness, sucking out his essence while his throbbing cock shot up spurt after spurt of thick, creamy goo, and after that Orin's motions were reduced to weakened pumps upwards as she continued to abuse him.

Her poison ensured that he wouldn't go soft on her and kept his refractory period short, however, and so she managed to continue with him for a while after Sako had exited the party. Another load of his cum, and then another, and another were ejaculated into her body from his abused member, each smaller than the last as his aching balls attempted to replace what had been fired off in a futile effort to impregnate the slime pussy sucking it all out of him, and Tori would receive her fifth orgasm from Orin, about the same number as Sako, before he could no longer keep his erection and followed Sako to unconsciousness.

Left with the two unconscious humans to deal with, Tori felt filled to contentment on their spiritual essences, having drained enough from them to more than replace what she had lost in conquering them. It wouldn't get her to a split, or even particularly close to one, but it had left her stronger than she'd been when she had encountered them to be sure, and her hunger was at least momentarily satisfied. Removing her tentacles from Sako and delivering a repairative healing spell to both to ensure that they suffered no further ill effects from her rape beyond the psychological ones that Tori likely wouldn't even know about, she was then left to wait in her bloblike form for one of her two victims to awaken. Perhaps surprisingly, it was Orin who began to stir first, Sako still lying in a huddled up mass on the ground when he began to twitch, and a moment later he let out a groan of pain and discomfort.

"Aahhhh... Nnnn.... My aching head... What... What happened?" he grunted, seemingly speaking to himself, but as he sat up onto his elbows gingerly he glanced down to see his abused member still exposed, and then saw Tori sitting only a few feet away and panicked. He scrambled weakly to his feet and started backing away before spotting Sako opposite him, and then his expression hardened and he demanded; "What... What are you still doing here, monster?! Haven't you inflicted enough on us for one day?"
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

"Truly your memory of past events are faulty!" Tori shifts back into her humanoid form for her announcement. "But, I shall be gracious and remind you that if both of you were drained I'd make the sacrifice of wasting my time protecting" 'ogling' "both of you till one of you awoke." Putting on the airs of a suffering maiden Tori exaggerates the deal she had more or less shoved down their throats forming into a 'relaxed' position one hand across her forehead the other 'supporting' her.

Smirking Tori picks herself up 'brushing' dirt off of her. "Of course now that your capable of at least giving something else a small challenge I shall take my leave unless you want more company?"

"Hehe ahaha ah the look on your face! No its quite fine I know how I act when low on fluids. I must thank you for the meal it has been awhile since looking for the next fuck hasn't been my top priority."
Gathering herself back into a blob Tori moves for the River once more.

Tori moves toward River to be carried by the current and bask in the sunlight till the next thing to catch her eye.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 158/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

"Hnnn... What?" Orin remarked in confusion, though his voice quickly rose in open derision as he continued; "you honestly... Expect me to thank you? After what you did to us?" When given the opportunity to be rid of the slime, the human would jump on the chance by saying; "Yes! Be on your way! Just... Just leave us alone, and don't come back!"

Unless she wished to offer some reprimand to the human she had just recently raped for his lack of courtesy, Tori would then be off along the river once again, traveling by the currents alone and floating idly. She would pass by a number of wild beasts, a caiman lying in wait for prey and a number of deer grazing beside the river only a short ways past it among other such sights, but for a while she passed no further signs of intelligent life. Drifting lazily on the surface of the water, her next likely subject of interest would prove to be.... A person sitting on the side of the river with a long wooden stick held in his hands, a string tied to it and dangling into the water.

This stranger, a man who appeared to be human, and a fairly old one at that, had little of real apparent importance about him at first glance. But, as Tori drew closer, there seemed as if he might be more than he appeared, a sense of strange and foreign power that was somehow familiar radiating about him. He hadn't seem to notice her at all, and the slime would be able to float on by if she so wished and look for something else of interest. Alternatively, if her interest was piqued, she could easily slid over to the bank and disembark from the river on either side of him, the small crest of earth on which he sat having a bank on either side but none directly in front of him. To his left, the bank further downstream from her, was a bed of reeds and other water plants that would be easy enough to use as cover, and on his right was mostly stones and such that would be somewhat harder to hide among but that going to wouldn't mean she would be passing directly in front of his field of vision to get to it.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

"What? Is that lets go another round right now Mistress Tori." *said in a high falsetto* returning to her original voice "well aren't we excited so soon after our last game. Of course maybe it was." *returning to falsetto* "Thank you kind Miss for watching over us."


Needless to say her encounter with Orin and Sako... while fresh in her mind and bodily fluids. Tori moves towards the rocks to the right of the old man intent on making land fall and withdrawing her chain.

Okay I meant last monday to get t this out but my family conspired against me. I can't for the life of me type on a mobile device stupid little keys.

Move to Rocks attempting to stay hidden.
-Equip Crystal Chain 2-Handed.
--Should she stay hidden Cast Strength(Body)