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RPG RPG Maker [ スケイルガーデン ] 砦のローデス (RJ125552)

Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

I recall mentioning this again somewhere, but I'm a huge fan of SG games. The one I've likes the most so far is SoG because of the variety of stuff you can do in free mode.

For his next game, all I want is for him to put lots of content, like side-quests, side bosses and maybe a bigger variety of outfits(I don't know how easy it could be, but I think he could put outfits from his previous games after modifying them a bit).

I really really love 'em, along with Ariadne they are my favourite H games.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

*nods* Yep. Different outfits would be most welcome. No problem with his choice of clothes, but if it's something long(ish) you might want to look different at some point. SoG almost had it with the "Exposure Princess" books. Looks like outfit variants were planned for Rhode, but ultimately dropped. Now that he's found his art, maybe he can devote more time to code and content.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

There was only one outfit in the game before this one, wasnt there? Though I have not played this one at all, I know the one before was just one outfit that I was aware of, though you could walk around in various states of dress or undress as the case was.

Would much rather a clothing destruction formula like some games have now, even if it is just a stupid %hp based thing. Clothing destruction does it for me, so I approve of any application of it.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

There was only one outfit in the game before this one, wasnt there? Though I have not played this one at all, I know the one before was just one outfit that I was aware of, though you could walk around in various states of dress or undress as the case was.
Yes, that was precisely it. It was s tep forward, I thought.
Would much rather a clothing destruction formula like some games have now, even if it is just a stupid %hp based thing. Clothing destruction does it for me, so I approve of any application of it.
Now you're speaking my language. Love a bit of Clothing destruction myself - but only insofar as each attack as a % chance to tear. HP% undress is -to me at least- the lazier option. Some games that use this system have been pretty damn good in their own right however. Then we have titles like this one where the enemies have a lowish tearing chance. But OUCH is it a hard game! SG is good enough for the % chance nowadays. They've had a few titles that have proven successful, but in all honesty I don't see them implementing this.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

Fuck. Why have I never thought of doing that? Mucho thanks.

No problem, sometimes the brain over-complicates. Glad I could help.

Don't changing the local language change it for all User ?

I remember having tried it once, some time ago, but it changed the local setting even for my main user.

Maybe I did something wrong, or some version of window don't allow that (I'm on 7).

I though that the only way to did that was to made a partition on the HD and install another window in japanese local setting, and boot the window version depending on what you where going to do ^^

But I admit I'm not really good at modying computer setting... so I may be wrong (would be really nice to be able to switch user to play jap game).

I don't know about 7, but on XP and Vista you pick for ALL or current user. (From admin account since other users can't change settings for admin account.)

I don't know if he is here but he did a great job, i owe him much.
i hope he didnt quit.

too bad about applocale this scalegardens game seems to be the only one i played with a problem like that
thanks anyway!

He's still around, in good health and still actively translating and involved in the community.

As far as I know, MonkeyMan is still around, just incredibly busy with other stuff. He's done wonderful things for us with little to no gain for himself. I too would be saddened if he stops (though I do believe he's putting in some time on D&P).

That's correct, that's his main project currently but I know he has a couple ones on the side.

His new game shouldn't take that long to make, maybe a couple months, the reason the other one took a very long time, in one of his posts he said he was going to take 1 year to perfect his drawing and learning on how rpgmaker works for a better understanding for his games. the end result was amazing. so I'm hyped for this newer game he is working on. :D

More or less what he said, he said he was going to release two games in one year but the next one (Rhodes) wouldn't come out as fast as the others (2 years interval) because he was perfecting his dominance of RPG Maker and scripting for future games, so he already knew Rhodes Fortress would be his "worst" game in terms of longevity and content, but he made very useful scripts, such as a swimming one.

Thanks for the praise guys, SoG is actually one of the translations I'm least happy with cause I fucked up and did it in 3rd person rather than 1st person like it was meant to be.

Not a game destroying thing but still rather annoying.

As far as working on translations go, I actually HAD quit because I hadn't found any games that interested me enough to dedicate time to translating. But then ILL asked for a translator for Dungeons and Prisoners and I offered, so that's currently what I'm working on, well it was, demo is translated now.

But back on topic, I never actually played Rhode's Fortress but I am looking forward to his next game, his art just keeps getting better.

Sup you little punk ass bitch?
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

More or less what he said, he said he was going to release two games in one year but the next one (Rhodes) wouldn't come out as fast as the others (2 years interval) because he was perfecting his dominance of RPG Maker and scripting for future games, so he already knew Rhodes Fortress would be his "worst" game in terms of longevity and content, but he made very useful scripts, such as a swimming one.

Regarding this, I'm not so sure...

Every new release it seems he absolutely revamps his battle systems and do completely new tiles for his worlds, so, I doubt he will suddenly stop and just work with what he has.
Also adding the possibility that he will switch to animated pictures, I think his games will stay at 2 years per release.

But oh well, wish there was a way where we can talk to him like a bbs or blog.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

Been there done that, good luck, he doesn't speak ANY English.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

I'd be happy with a pixiv or gallery where I can see his non-game artwork
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

I downloaded kR1pt0n1t3's translation patch and did his whole decrypter process and when I tried to play the game I got a message saying I didn't have a certain graphic from the game. And then it closed on me.

Can someone help me with this?


  • my stuff 008.jpg
    my stuff 008.jpg
    99.2 KB · Views: 1
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

I use Sorter's tool.

I'm probably not on the ball with this one. If you've done the whole process, then you should have a graphics folder inside the game folder.

Assuming you have that, my next guess is the game's internal coding. It's looking for Japanese image names. When all it finds are English names, it spews errors, like it's having a fit.

Reset your system to Japanese Regional Settings and try again.
If that doesn't work, leave it in Japanese, delete the game folder and re-decompress it.
Using whatever tool you wish to use, complete the process as normal. I generally copy the extracted folders to the game's folder and do a test run. Generally it works fine. Then I apply the translation.
Bear in mind that because this game wasn't made using an English language version of RPG Maker, it will spew errors at you if you're running the wrong language. Also be sure that in the game.ini folder, it's referencing a Japanese dll file. If it has a J before the .dll, then it's fine.

Hope this has been of some assistance.
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Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

I use Sorter's tool.

I'm probably not on the ball with this one. If you've done the whole process, then you should have a graphics folder inside the game folder.

Assuming you have that, my next guess is the game's internal coding. It's looking for Japanese image names. When all it finds are English names, it spews errors, like it's having a fit.

Reset your system to Japanese Regional Settings and try again.
If that doesn't work, leave it in Japanese, delete the game folder and re-decompress it.
Using whatever tool you wish to use, complete the process as normal. I generally copy the extracted folders to the game's folder and do a test run. Generally it works fine. Then I apply the translation.
Bear in mind that because this game wasn't made using an English language version of RPG Maker, it will spew errors at you if you're running the wrong language. Also be sure that in the game.ini folder, it's referencing a Japanese dll file. If it has a J before the .dll, then it's fine.

Hope this has been of some assistance.

It was, thanks.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

I preferred their previous game, Sangeki, over this one. Both story wise and combat wise. This game felt short.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

It does feel short. But that's because there's an arseload of content they'd planned but didn't get implemented. The artwork in the game is just stunning, though.
There was much more narrative in Sangeki. That's a good mechanic for storytelling (but not to the extent of RJ130644 - that's just too much narrative) and it helped you to actually get a feel for Ellen (or Erin... They're both names). The battle system in Sangeki was easier to get used to, and the battles just kept getting harder - and punished you for not preparing well enough. In this, there's no actual levelling - that's new - and instead there's buffing equips. I don't mind linear games that have some free-roam because it always leaves you feeling that there might be more hidden out there, though you do need a huge game world for that to happen.
All in all, as a story I can't comment. The only translation I used was to aid in understanding the battle engine. As far as I could deduce, Rhode is kind of a runaway and came across a border fortress. The King, being a dick, has promised her hand (among other things) to the one who brings her back, though I think Duke Wolf is the only one interested. Rhode's not having any of this, so yadda yadda blackmail hooray. Eventually, Wolf gets his comeuppance, though.
It's because of that last part that it felt more satisfying than Sangeki. You never get the chance to kick Greg's arse beyond the first fight.
As a game, SoG feels more complete. With SG's next game in dev, let's hope they don't give an ETA and buckle down to brainstorming and coding.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

As far as I could deduce, Rhode is kind of a runaway and came across a border fortress. The King, being a dick, has promised her hand (among other things) to the one who brings her back, though I think Duke Wolf is the only one interested. Rhode's not having any of this, so yadda yadda blackmail hooray. Eventually, Wolf gets his comeuppance, though.
It's because of that last part that it felt more satisfying than Sangeki. You never get the chance to kick Greg's arse beyond the first fight.

Rhode is a tomboy princess who goes to the fortress to train her sword skills and to get out of the castle. The King does have a line of suitors for her which Rhode's doesn't really like so she's also interested in finding love on her own. Wolf is one of the suitors Rhode's dislike more so than others but Wolf's ambition doesn't leave room for error so he uses underhanded methods to blackmail her into it.

There's more to it, but that's a more accurate summary.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

Ah, okay, thanks. I was only commenting on what I thought was the story.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

I preferred their previous game, Sangeki, over this one. Both story wise and combat wise. This game felt short.

That's because most of the time devoted to develop the game was allocated into creating game scripts, game mechanics, etc.

That didn't leave much for mapping, story and H-scenes, hence why the game feels sort of incomplete/short.

His next game is already on the way, most people like the new heroine (so far, he is known to change them) more than the previous one (the one in Rhodes Fortress) so, we'll see what strategy they adapt in this one.

I hate the way he draws hands tho but I don't want to nitpick, anyway, just so everyone can check it out:

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Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

I like her more than Rhode too.

Man, I only wish for 1 thing more than anything else: CONTENT. If someone here can comment somewhere the developer asks for suggestions and stuff, tell him to go for content. Side-quests, side-areas, bosses, man I live to see a SG game with gameplay like SoG/RF and 5x the quests of SoG.
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

I hate the way he draws hands tho but I don't want to nitpick, anyway, just so everyone can check it out:


I hate you...

Now when i look at her i see in my mind the old hag from the wedding in Monsters Vs Aliens...
Re: [ScaleGarden] Rhode's Fortress

rhode garden is my top one "hope they will translate this" :)