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SIM [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2 / ジンコウガクエン2

Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Am I the only one who likes the scene selection in AA1 more? This one has too much foreplay imo.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I had two characters hook up their first day in simulation, and their first time is anal. Still has her virginity. After 5 days, still has it. He literally dicked her up the butt on the first day, and then got turned down every other time. She's also in love with every male student in the class. Yet she hasn't slept with anyone.

It's a goddamn enigma wrapped up in a virtuous slut. I still haven't explained it. Trying to NTR her. The odd thing is that both of them like the MC.

I made a male character that is pretty much Sephiroth. Sephiroth asks my otaku MC everyday to go do karaoke. Only confessed once. Turned him down. He was like "Okay, wanna go do karaoke?" So we sang the chorus from One Winged Angel together. He tells my MC all kinds of useful stuff, like the fact that big tits girl likes him, who is going on dates with who, and who to watch out for. He's the best bro an MC could have, even if he (not) secretly wants the D.

The only girl in my club is Creepy AT. She's got Perverted/Shy. Pretty much by the second day, she was going for MC's butt. But any attempt at talking to her or convincing her to do anything was brushed off by her. Aggravating as all imagination can lead you to consider. This kept going on for a few days, until finally I threw caution to the wind and confessed to her. Her affection literally went to max in one day, and she took MC to the male bathroom the next morning.

It's amazing.

Big tits scheming girl and the slutty teacher I made hated each other by the end of the second day. I regularly walk through a hallway and find big tits girl beating the shit out of the teacher. Everybody else is used to it, now, as well.

The little shota regularly runs up to MC and seems like he's trying to trigger a love action, but won't do it in public. He keeps telling MC to "keep it a secret."

Big tits girl, who is like boss with MC, once invited MC into the girl's shower for a conversation. Then proceeded to beat him up.

But it's cool, she didn't seem too worried about it in the long term.

Such is life in simulation hell.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I had two characters hook up their first day in simulation, and their first time is anal. Still has her virginity. After 5 days, still has it. He literally dicked her up the butt on the first day, and then got turned down every other time. She's also in love with every male student in the class. Yet she hasn't slept with anyone.

It's a goddamn enigma wrapped up in a virtuous slut. I still haven't explained it. Trying to NTR her. The odd thing is that both of them like the MC.

I made a male character that is pretty much Sephiroth. Sephiroth asks my otaku MC everyday to go do karaoke. Only confessed once. Turned him down. He was like "Okay, wanna go do karaoke?" So we sang the chorus from One Winged Angel together. He tells my MC all kinds of useful stuff, like the fact that big tits girl likes him, who is going on dates with who, and who to watch out for. He's the best bro an MC could have, even if he (not) secretly wants the D.

The only girl in my club is Creepy AT. She's got Perverted/Shy. Pretty much by the second day, she was going for MC's butt. But any attempt at talking to her or convincing her to do anything was brushed off by her. Aggravating as all imagination can lead you to consider. This kept going on for a few days, until finally I threw caution to the wind and confessed to her. Her affection literally went to max in one day, and she took MC to the male bathroom the next morning.

It's amazing.

Big tits scheming girl and the slutty teacher I made hated each other by the end of the second day. I regularly walk through a hallway and find big tits girl beating the shit out of the teacher. Everybody else is used to it, now, as well.

The little shota regularly runs up to MC and seems like he's trying to trigger a love action, but won't do it in public. He keeps telling MC to "keep it a secret."

Big tits girl, who is like boss with MC, once invited MC into the girl's shower for a conversation. Then proceeded to beat him up.

But it's cool, she didn't seem too worried about it in the long term.

Such is life in simulation hell.

Ah the "keep it a secret" is a freaking enigma to me too. But I'm guessing it happens when that character likes you but you're with someone else.

I finally made a class with a completely pure and wholesome girl. She's maxed out love for me, but she refuses to have sex unless we're dating, she refuses to go out with me because I'm dating someone else, she has never ran up and asked for sex, she has never asked me out instead, all love related stuff gives 200%+, all physical stuff gives 25% or lower, she interrupts any and all interactions with other girls, she's the 2nd most popular person, and has over 15 rejections from her rejecting other people.

Completely dedicated to me but refuses any physical contact because I'm not completely dedicated to her. I wish I saved that class. I will probably never see another one like that. Oh, and a complete virgin.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Upon further inspection, making a proper class is actually more intense than you might think. While I did go all out on the characters and it feels like they are pretty diverse while keeping a nice touch of cliche, there are more, not so obvious problems you might encounter. These, on the other hand, are things that most people who once drew manga or at lest tried to, might be familiar with.


If you dont manage your haircolors properly, some haircolor (for me, that is blonde for most positive attitudes) will feel too frequent and every time you see your whole class, it feels weird. Going for multiple colors for a single archetype (pink in this example) will greatly help here.

Missing background Information makes the whole Idea problematic. Even though the characters are different from vanilla, since I aim to make them "just like vanilla, but different", after a while, I would suspect that it actually does feel like vanilla. While i personally know how i set up my characters and can somehow relate to them, i guess most people woudnt know the difference. This means that profile information MIGHT be a great tool here. If someone actually makes the effort of reading those before choosing his 'target', reading about his target being his MCs sister-in-law or his otaku MC having a terrrible case of chuunibyou, which is causing him to be rather antisocial and bad with girls, might just work wonders on immersion.

Sizes. All sizes, be it character size, breat size or waist size, should have a common median around the middle. If personal preference is used to create the characters, these things will obviously be great for one person, but feel terribly out of place for another. The class should be as diverse as possible, including characters the creator did not think of as "great". This, of course, is a big problem, since that is not something you usually go for when creating something.

Consider how many traits are necessary. I personally feel obliged to use 2 traits every time, but that is of course not true. If your characters only real important feature is being a tsundere, go for it. If a character is supposed to be as "normal" as possible, maybe consider "ordinary" + no traits at all.

Eyes. Tinkering with the eyes is great fun. Dont go about making every character have the same pair of eyes. In most manga, they are part of describing the characters personality, so try to do that. Sharp edges and a bit smaller for tsundere, wide and round for refined characters. These things are needed to create proper characters.

Finally, its important not to go with the flow on every aspect. "Weird" characters make anime all the more interesting to watch, so remember to include some of those also. A quiet tsundere? Why not? The outcome might be interesting. Dignified with no virtue and perverted? Uncommon, but the outcome might also be interesting.

Gotta have friggin twins in your class :p

The best part about any freeform game is character creation dawg! That said, I don't like doing it in this game entirely; mostly because I have to esdit their personalities myself, so i'll know how every character works and how to sex them within the first day! X(
It's torture really...
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Ah the "keep it a secret" is a freaking enigma to me too. But I'm guessing it happens when that character likes you but you're with someone else.

I finally made a class with a completely pure and wholesome girl. She's maxed out love for me, but she refuses to have sex unless we're dating, she refuses to go out with me because I'm dating someone else, she has never ran up and asked for sex, she has never asked me out instead, all love related stuff gives 200%+, all physical stuff gives 25% or lower, she interrupts any and all interactions with other girls, she's the 2nd most popular person, and has over 15 rejections from her rejecting other people.

Completely dedicated to me but refuses any physical contact because I'm not completely dedicated to her. I wish I saved that class. I will probably never see another one like that. Oh, and a complete virgin.

I can understand that character. Mine is set to "Low" virtue, is getting hot with 50% of the males, and has only had anal. Once. After two weeks. Still a virgin.

It's a fucking mystery.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

The best part about any freeform game is character creation dawg! That said, I don't like doing it in this game entirely; mostly because I have to esdit their personalities myself, so i'll know how every character works and how to sex them within the first day! X(
It's torture really...

You can try and do like I did for some of my custom characters. Make the character how I want them physically then when I get to the personalities and traits, do a dice roll and whatever number it lands on I hit the random button that many times and then hit a new tab without looking at the results.

The worst I got out of it was a girl who's bisexual, shrewd personality, and has the Bad with Guys AND the Bad with Girls traits.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Used random and got some chick who looked like a figgin' dude. I am never touching that button again.

Also, a gentle boy in my class already had two lovers on day one or two. I had actually used the good rumor to tell his crush that she like him for one; but the other one came out no where :eek: No sex but damn, that was fast. Of course I had like 7 girls in love with me but no relationship. But seriously though *golf clap*

Also, girls seemed to get turned on when you run into the bathroom or locker room. I run in by accident, get insulted or bitch slapped, next thing I know I'm in the pink with them. I guess it's not actually as bad as you might think, except when you're lying on the ground with a fresh handprint on your face.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Used random and got some chick who looked like a figgin' dude. I am never touching that button again.

There are actually several "random" buttons. The one on the filename page randomizes ALL pages, but if you choose the "random" button on the page that you want to change, then ONLY that page's contents get changed.

So you can choose to randomize only breasts, and nothing else. Or randomize traits, and nothing else. Etc.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Still probably not going to touch it.

The massage thing happened again. Exactly after club like last time...
Also, girls started insulting me for being to ero. This will not stop my master plan of slowly having all the girls in class fall madly in love with me.

"Meet me here" 'Kay. *Next period* "Follow me" What is it you want?" "You weirdo! Why are you staring at me?!"
You make me waste all this time just to insult me? You're next.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

You can try and do like I did for some of my custom characters. Make the character how I want them physically then when I get to the personalities and traits, do a dice roll and whatever number it lands on I hit the random button that many times and then hit a new tab without looking at the results.

If only the randomize button worked with the trait unlocker, I'd love to do that with my characters.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I don't think it's the 3DUncensor so much as I actually believe it was the AA2 Play launcher that was included in the HF patch. I actually got a bug, where on character sheets their first sexual partner wasn't being displayed and occasionally, at the end of the day if I inspected the character details it would crash. The solution I found was to install the HF patch then download the 3DUncensor separately and install it. No hiccups so far playing a week in-game aside from slow performance but that's my problem.

Edit: Sometime when checking individual stats at the statue the game crashes. Doe anybody know a fix for this?

Thank the gods I'm not the only one wahaha! T^T I'm guessing the crash happened at the Buddha Statue with character cards too then? Mine stopped happening after a reinstall with antivirus off. But I'm guessing you guys had uninterrupted installs anyway, so I'm not sure what could be wrong...

Anyone else noticing the game running slightly slower? Like I know the game takes time to bring up the interaction menu, but now it's slightly longer, ever so slightly longer, and it's affecting me on a on a subconscious level. I'm actually having jolts of "Holy shit, did it just freeze on me!? Oh oh okay the girl appeared, I guess not... Holy shit, did it just freeze for real!? Oh no no just another girl interrupting..."

"0.9.2, 2014.07.7: Replace Full 3D Uncensor 0.6 with Cartoon Uncensor v0.8 because of reported crashes and issues."

I didn't have any crashes with the 3D Uncensor patch in my short time playing it, so dunno. I like that the 3D one actually has an anus, so hopefully it'll be fixed/worked on.

Gosh... I finally got a shade for the 3D genitals I was satisfied with (edited save, started game, rushed a H-encounter, pondered, unsatisfied, closed game and repeated), finally no more chewing gum penis aaand we're back to the cartoon uncensor, oh wells. :rolleyes:

Upon further inspection, making a proper class is actually more intense than you might think. While I did go all out on the characters and it feels like they are pretty diverse while keeping a nice touch of cliche, there are more, not so obvious problems you might encounter. These, on the other hand, are things that most people who once drew manga or at lest tried to, might be familiar with.


If you dont manage your haircolors properly, some haircolor (for me, that is blonde for most positive attitudes) will feel too frequent and every time you see your whole class, it feels weird. Going for multiple colors for a single archetype (pink in this example) will greatly help here.

Missing background Information makes the whole Idea problematic. Even though the characters are different from vanilla, since I aim to make them "just like vanilla, but different", after a while, I would suspect that it actually does feel like vanilla. While i personally know how i set up my characters and can somehow relate to them, i guess most people woudnt know the difference. This means that profile information MIGHT be a great tool here. If someone actually makes the effort of reading those before choosing his 'target', reading about his target being his MCs sister-in-law or his otaku MC having a terrrible case of chuunibyou, which is causing him to be rather antisocial and bad with girls, might just work wonders on immersion.

Sizes. All sizes, be it character size, breat size or waist size, should have a common median around the middle. If personal preference is used to create the characters, these things will obviously be great for one person, but feel terribly out of place for another. The class should be as diverse as possible, including characters the creator did not think of as "great". This, of course, is a big problem, since that is not something you usually go for when creating something.

Consider how many traits are necessary. I personally feel obliged to use 2 traits every time, but that is of course not true. If your characters only real important feature is being a tsundere, go for it. If a character is supposed to be as "normal" as possible, maybe consider "ordinary" + no traits at all.

Eyes. Tinkering with the eyes is great fun. Dont go about making every character have the same pair of eyes. In most manga, they are part of describing the characters personality, so try to do that. Sharp edges and a bit smaller for tsundere, wide and round for refined characters. These things are needed to create proper characters.

Finally, its important not to go with the flow on every aspect. "Weird" characters make anime all the more interesting to watch, so remember to include some of those also. A quiet tsundere? Why not? The outcome might be interesting. Dignified with no virtue and perverted? Uncommon, but the outcome might also be interesting.

Gotta have friggin twins in your class :p

I can't take it anymore! With all of you having interesting encounters in your classes and all seem to be taking alot of pride in making your class/characters. I feel that unless I have the visual aspects of your class rosters, I'm missing out immensely! D:<

We need to start the ball rolling, with the sharing of our classes. HF uses i.want.tf to share images and so...BAM! My current roster. Almost 90% my own characters, minus the people with Japanese names (somehow my torrent came with a save inside O_O) and one random pre-made guy.

Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

@ omgimdead:

Those eyes on quiet and frisky on the right are creepy as fork, but overall, the class looks awesome, good job ;)

On another note:

Traits are not enough to make twins feel different. For me, it took me about 30 conversations until i finally knew which one is which.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Are there any interresting ending?

I just did the pregnancy ending, it's basically a "Not implemented" ending.
The girl's model and pose were the usual ones, she says something "I'"m pregnant, act accordingly" with a message like "Pregnancy ending" which reads like "Not implementend or wathever, fuck you, game over".
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I want to do an otaku archetype, but they just move SO SLOWLY. I can't even catch up to people to do conversations.

I need to figure out how to modify the base runspeed of my characters without kicking their strength variable through the roof.


You can't modify the base running speeeeeeedddddd....
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Maybe just get a rainbow card? Their's a modded maker that makes you a rainbow card. Just don't accidentally sonic boom into the girl's lavatory or locker room....

Or do. It seems to turn them on ;)
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Are there any interresting ending?

I just did the pregnancy ending, it's basically a "Not implemented" ending.
The girl's model and pose were the usual ones, she says something "I'"m pregnant, act accordingly" with a message like "Pregnancy ending" which reads like "Not implementend or wathever, fuck you, game over".

It's a simulator not an actual story based game. Basically, the girl is pregnant so you leave school to take care of the mother to be and unborn child. Since it's a school sex simulator, you not being at the school is the same as saying "Congrats but now that you're gone the game is over. bye bye"
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I saw that there is a futunari mod for the first game. Is there going to be one for this one?
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I saw that there is a futunari mod for the first game. Is there going to be one for this one?

Already is, whether or not it works with the current version or at all, I don't know. I didn't try it.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Alright, going through the immense pain in the ass that is getting this game up and running, I have a question.

Say I want to play the slutty teacher. How feasible is it to have exploitable traits that male students will take advantage of gladly?
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Already is, whether or not it works with the current version or at all, I don't know. I didn't try it.

Can you play as a female in the game? Wanted to see if I could play as a futa.