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SIM [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2 / ジンコウガクエン2

Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

It looks like an interesting game but the same sex over and over again is boring

because its a simulator (a very unrealistic one ill give you that).
It is as fun as the Sims is, you make your own fun. (and Sims is boring as fuck)

XD, is NTR becoming THE hentai top fetish? tentacles have fallen out of place, hope it doesn't happen to this one too.

is it normal to have fun by making a small naive boy be paired with her childhood tsundere friend, and then play as a big fat black otaku and rape her, then start a fight with the boy and kick his ass? (ok it is not normal u_u)

i know evil characters can knife a betraying partner/lover. however, can i do that if I am playing as one of them or is it only a cpu feature?
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I don't like NTR, only time I took a girl from somebody else was if I already had my eye on them at the start and the other character beat me to it with their npc wizard magic (That or if I'm going for a threeway :p). NTR turns me off pretty hard in either position (Victim of NTR losing a partner to somebody else, or stealing a partner from somebody).

Sadly you usually get the former in hentais, I can understand stealing somebody from someone else but the other way around confuses me :p Show some heart warming story of two lovers at the start and then the girl is stolen away from him, graped, and eventually likes it, bleh. It does seem to be becoming extremely popular.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I don't like NTR, only time I took a girl from somebody else was if I already had my eye on them at the start and the other character beat me to it with their npc wizard magic (That or if I'm going for a threeway :p). NTR turns me off pretty hard in either position (Victim of NTR losing a partner to somebody else, or stealing a partner from somebody).

Sadly you usually get the former in hentais, I can understand stealing somebody from someone else but the other way around confuses me :p Show some heart warming story of two lovers at the start and then the girl is stolen away from him, graped, and eventually likes it, bleh. It does seem to be becoming extremely popular.

thats why the "singleminded" trait is there he/she will stay faithful unless they dump their partner.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

thats why the "singleminded" trait is there he/she will stay faithful unless they dump their partner.

there is always the force option dough
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

thats why the "singleminded" trait is there he/she will stay faithful unless they dump their partner.

Freaking. Bullshit. (Nothing against you of course, just the game :mad:)

My MC has had a lover with the singleminded trait, who slept with someone else. I'm not sure how the circumstances came to that but I'm pretty sure the singleminded trait is just a reduced multiplier for cheating, and not an outright impossibility.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Freaking. Bullshit. (Nothing against you of course, just the game :mad:)

My MC has had a lover with the singleminded trait, who slept with someone else. I'm not sure how the circumstances came to that but I'm pretty sure the singleminded trait is just a reduced multiplier for cheating, and not an outright impossibility.

It also depend on what personnality was you lover,for example,a carefree personnality like gentle or lewd(not sure if that the right name) will more likely slept with someone else than a tsundere or irritated one.

Well,even if they are sometime the most troublesome to get,irritated never betray you,,atleast,never happened to me so far.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Freaking. Bullshit. (Nothing against you of course, just the game :mad:)

My MC has had a lover with the singleminded trait, who slept with someone else. I'm not sure how the circumstances came to that but I'm pretty sure the singleminded trait is just a reduced multiplier for cheating, and not an outright impossibility.

funny never happened to me i even had one with the lowest virtue maybe it got canceled by an other trait or maybe she was raped by a Scheming Npc (if she had exploitable).
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

New <a href=http://www.dlsite.com/pro/work/=/product_id/VJ008700.html>DLC</a> came out last night. Includes 2 personalities, 1 Female and 1 Male; 3 outfits, 1 new school uniform a nude suit and just underwear.

Not my link taken from user on 4chan

To Install extract folder inside zip to AA2 install location e.g. C:\illusion and run FileCopy.exe, done. You may need to reapply the latest HF patch because DLC breaks the uncensor.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

No new adult positions? Aww.... man....
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

an error appear when i try to use filecopy.exe. i read that you could also copy the files directly and it worked, but the problem now is that new personality doesnt have audio i supose is in the files that are to modify and not just copy

damn why these patches doesnt work for me lately
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

an error appear when i try to use filecopy.exe. i read that you could also copy the files directly and it worked, but the problem now is that new personality doesnt have audio i supose is in the files that are to modify and not just copy

damn why these patches doesnt work for me lately

Odd, could you post a screenshot of the error? I most probably will not be able to help but somebody else may be able too.

As for the manual installation did you copy and overwrite everything correctly? Copy the data folder in main, then paste and overwrite the data folder in AA2. Same goes for the edit's data folder but paste in AA2Maker. Also make sure your game is patched to v9.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

an error appear when i try to use filecopy.exe. i read that you could also copy the files directly and it worked, but the problem now is that new personality doesnt have audio i supose is in the files that are to modify and not just copy

damn why these patches doesnt work for me lately

1. make sure the dlc file is in the same user as the games (ex user/Bob/AA2 and user/bob/anywhere/dlc)

2 if you are using HF patch re install it after like any other games with Dlc

3 if you are doing it manually make sure EVERY SINGLE file are transferred ( it takes 1 file to screw up everything)

4 if you are using the HF uncensored mod there's a chance you will have to uninstall an reinstalll then install the dlc and then you can install mods (unconfirmed)

5 make sure you have Japanese unicode and Japanese format

6 test the game if it doesn't try again
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I got some sort of message as well, so I just copy/pasted and it worked fine.
There's only two folders that you need to copy; Edit/Data and Main/Data.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

After downloading this patch and getting the error message when trying to use the filecopy.exe i tried changing my locale back to Japanese and the install worked fine, that seems to be the solution.
Thanks yatol
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

for those who want a translation for the 2 latest personality get the latest HF patch it as a support for the dlc

HOWEVER the append set is NOT included in the patch
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

By the powers of perversion, I summon thee, thread!

So, I want to make a couple elves in my class for reasons. I've got the elf ears mod, the modding tool says it's installed, wonderful.

Except... the option doesn't show up. All other mods enabled are done in the same way and work fine, just not that. I'm starting to wonder if the issue is that it doesn't play nice with the translated maker. Any ideas?
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Where the hell do you find the status charts!? (Ratings for intelligence, strength, and popularity) I've looked all over the fucking school and I can't find the damn thing.

Also, is there a better translation for the dialogue yet? I don't wanna read through all the pages for nothing...

Behind martial arts room? There is a statue.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Has any one checked out the Append Set yet? It adds another outfit for girls, some hair styles, and a personality for each gender.

Could have sworn I posted about it before :confused:
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Has any one checked out the Append Set yet? It adds another outfit for girls, some hair styles, and a personality for each gender.

Could have sworn I posted about it before :confused:

I have. I like the new outfit quite a bit. Extra personalities are always welcome. Liked a couple of the front hairs quite a bit too.

There is apparently an Append 2 set in the works. I think i saw mention of it coming out around Halloween. Or it could just be some time in Oct.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I can finally have the evil, manipulative bastard I wanted to make with the new male personality.

Edit: Just out of curiosity, how often does the "lewd promise" actually happen? I've only seen it once across several playthorughs. Also, the game keeps crashing at a certain point, before club time on thursday, happened twice now but I don't know the cause.
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