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Risky Business (Marie)

Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie continued to watch as the girl bent to pick one of the mystifying roses from the bush. As she expected the Countess made her move once the girl's back was turned, embracing her from behind and bending her fangs to the young maiden's neck. To Marie's surprise there was no struggle and the girl simply seemed to swoon into Erzsebet's arms, making it to appear as no more than a strange tryst in some out of the way place.

Marie did make note that the Countess had licked the wounds shut after she had taken no more than a few seconds worth of blood. At the very least Marie had learned one useful tip. Turning back Erzsebet smiled in a delightful manner as she noticed her companion watching from the shadows. It was then that Marie noticed the absence of the aforementioned roses. She had little time to ponder this however as she was asked what she thought.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Ah, perhaps a little dramatic, hmmm?" It might come off as slightly skeptical, but at least Marie managed to figure something polite to say. Marie was sure she could emulate that, or at least make do feeding without causing a stir, deep seated but new found confidence definitely taking hold. As long as Erzsebet remained happy all was good, though. No doubt the noble would have some reasoning for it, even if it was becoming apparent that not everything fancy automatically impressed Marie.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Yes, but I rather enjoy the dramatic. The point was not to show you how to be dramatic but rather that seduction and trickery is better than brute force. There are other methods that work so long as out food source is not killed and we do not end up hunted by superstitious mortals all is well.

So do you think you are ready to try? It may seem odd after bringing you all this way but I would feel safer knowing you were not so murderous as your anger suggests. Was Attila trying to push your buttons per chance?" The countess said as smiled at Marie.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Well, I have fed before..." Her tone was more like a rebellious, maybe sassy teen than truly mad, if that, as Marie was still straining her politeness. After all, Erzsebet wasn't the one making her mad, and any patronizing on her part was almost asked for by this arrangement. Marie of course also neglected to prove Erzsebet's point by mentioning that those feeding attempts had been fatal. Marie tried to retreat into sarcasm again as the noble bought up the true object of her woe.

"I assume it is not a good idea to have 'seconds' when we feed... and sadly the one who is most deserving of a mishap probably would leave a bad aftertaste." She rolled her eyes back towards Atilla, in a clear and plain manner for Erzsebet to catch her joke. It was accompanied by a true shrug, however, as Marie did not see another mortal nearby that she could drink from, and didn't know if Erzsebet would care for a delay while they searched.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Attila is rather good at antagonizing others, equal parts annoying and useful should you know how to direct his antagonism. If he truly has you so bothered though take heart in the fact you will live far longer than he. Assuming you don't lose your cool and attempt to fight him conventionally that is." Erzsebet said in a soothing manner. She looked back at the sleeping maiden before her gaze returned to the inn.

"I'm sure the inn contains all manner of suitable vessels which would sate your thirst. After all it is best to feed your urges when they give call. I personally think you would have little trouble should you choose the route of seduction. I leave that up to you however, as I need to stretch my legs for a bit longer. I trust you will not get into too much trouble."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"I guess I can give it a go, then..." Marie fidgeted slightly, looking around a bit nervously now, both out of place compared to her recent actions and her new found vampiric strength of personality. She actually had no experience acting as a patron in an inn, she was always on the other side of the counter. That oddly made her feel somewhat out of depth. "Should I, ummm, have some coin, to aid me in maintaining cover, I mean?" Ulfur always ordered something, even if that form of sustenance was not what she now needed. Just walking in and sitting down was sure to seem out of place, and Marie didn't want to make that kind of mistake before she had even begun in earnest. As a peasant, and one that had violently left her native village, Marie of course had no coin to speak of. Maybe Erzsebet was feeling generous enough to help her here and now.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Of course you can dear. I do hope the locals won't object to the foreign coin I carry though." Erzsebet said as she produced a small purse from her cloak before offering it freely to Marie. The weight of the purse surprised Marie at first as she was probably now holding in her hands more than she had ever seen in her entire life. Even stranger was how the countess had offered it as though it were a mere after thought.

"I should warn you however to be careful, our systems are not usually capable of ingesting food or drink. Even those of us who are more strong stomached will eventually vomit it up. I don't often say this to our kind but just be yourself and you should do fine. I won't be far if something unfortunate should happen as well."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"I am sure it will likely be worth something to them." Marie didn't mention that she wouldn't know if they were price gouging her or not, as she didn't know much about foreign coins either. In time it would likely be a skill Erzsebet would want her to know, but this wasn't exactly the best time for a crash course. "I will try and keep that in mind." Marie straightened and at tried to put on an aura of confidence. No doubt the experienced Erzsebet could see through it, but the act was for the other patrons, not her own sponsor. Pocketing the coin purse, Marie moved to enter the tavern, already planning her walk to the counter so as to shrug off the likely curious glances at her attire. She actually didn't doubt her ability to fend off any wouldbe cutpurses, but having to do so would not be good for her cover. The best cover was to at least appear like she knew what she was doing...
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The inn was a bit more lively than she was used to and a bit more high class judging by the patrons dress and manner. A fact which actually worried Marie as she made her walk to the counter, it was easier to pretend at being a noble when you were dealing with peasants. Still she didn't feel she had done so horribly in making an initial impression, judging by the looks a number of the males had given her.

The innkeeper greeted her with a courteous nod and asked. "Good evening and welcome milady. How can I be of service this evening? I don't believe I have seen you here before no doubt another pilgrim here to visit the miracle worker in our midst."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Yes, it certainly has been quite... interesting lately." It was probably the best lead in she could hope for, easy to dodge and throwing out more information than she already had. She played off any uncomfortableness as someone of her status having to interact with those lower for a change, though not in an unpolite way. Marie managed a small awkward smile for the the inkeeper. Unfortunately on her way in a lot of the reaction might have been stupid men being stupid men, but it wasn't exactly a problem, at least not right now...

"I do hope you are not out of refreshment, what with the sudden surge of visitors?" If Marie's heart still beat it would likely be skipping a few from the heat of the moment, but she found her way easily into another leading question. It would at least let the innkeeper give her a list of stock, rather than making it required that she take a stab in the dark about how to actually order a drink, and maybe, just maybe, continue this line about the miracle worker. Not that Marie wanted to skip out on her challenge so soon, but that sounded out of the ordinary, and like something Erzsebet should know about! Maybe it was of no concern, that would be great, but so far it seemed like one could not wander five paces from home without hitting the domain of some supernatural creature!
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Truth be told the recent influx of visitors has not had much of an effect on our stocks, milady. Those seeking a cure from the miracle workers seem to prefer their coin elsewhere. Nor does the miracle worker spend any of his coin it seems, he certainly has made more than enough with his cures." The patron responded with a deferential smile as he wiped at a stain on the wood of the bar.

"Would milady be more interested in a drink herself, or perhaps you are more interested in a room and food. We have a delicious venison stew going over the fire and more than enough of our local vintage to keep everyone warm this winter."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Just a drink, whatever you recommend. I am meeting someone soon so cannot say how long I will stay." Informative, if not what she had been expecting. Marie scrambled to keep her facade going, but thought she stumbled onto a good idea. Another half lie wouldn't hurt. She could probably manage to pay for a little something she wouldn't drink, or pretend to drink, and then she could cautiously survey the rest of the occupants more closely. As certain details were fresh in her mind, it sounded as if these new visitors might have tastes closer to her own, and an entire den of such folk was definitely a place to tread lightly in...
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Of course, milady. Do not hesitate to ask for anything further." The innkeeper said as he took the coin offered. Only giving it a brief curious glance before setting a glass of deep red wine before the young vampire.

The rest of the patrons seemed to be of a higher class than Marie was used to in her own time spend tending an inn. she really had no idea of telling if they were merely wealthy merchants or nobles. Not that there was a whole lot of difference as far as she knew. Still she did seem to be drawing the attention of the majority of the men in the inn. Even the already accompanied ones it seemed, though neither group seemed interested in making a first move.

She felt so out of place that she wanted to simply run from the inn but then her thoughts drifted to Erzsebet. Even if the countess was only interested in her own well-being Marie could not help but want to impress her and perhaps even be like her. So she thought about how the countess would probably react to a dozen ogling men.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Uncharted waters often brought a torrent of conflicting emotions. There was one unpleasant experience recently that really colored everything else, though. Ulfur had been rather protective of his domain, and though it looked like Marie had quite a selection to pick from in feeding, any other vampires nearby might not exactly take very kindly to such activity. She did not want to heap ire upon herself, or upon Erzsebet. Indeed, she wondered if Erzsebet may have already committed a violation herself, through the earlier display. It was definitely something to discuss, as soon as possible, but it did not make the other concerns go away... the pressure was definitely starting to get to the Marie.

Marie had also committed herself to being here, at least for a bit, lest she look suspicious. Maybe this newfound paranoia was part of the vampiric condition, or maybe a result of Ulfur's antics again. She was officially "waiting for someone" now, so getting more direct with anyone already here wasn't the best idea... Marie would give it five minutes, see if anyone entered alone and seemed interested or interesting. That's when she would try and make a move, heading for the exit and with a quick "can you help me with something outside real fast?" Probably not the best plan, but right now her nerves caused her to seek comfort in the strange, romantic tales for inspiration where anything was possible. It may not be a good plan, but it couldn't possibly be the worst.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie sat and very slowly sipped a bit of her wine, she was thankful that she did not immediately vomit it up. Perhaps she was one of those who could stomach things other than blood as Erzsebet had mentioned. Still it did nothing to satisfy her hunger, it did not even give her the heady feeling associated with alcohol.

She waited for five minutes watching the room and being occasionally watched by the people within. She was about to walk out as her paranoia grew and she wondered more and more about other's like her. Finally she decided to wait a few more minutes, after which she would make her outside.

She only drank enough of the wine to keep up appearances and was about to simply get up an leave when a single wealthy woman entered. She looked about the room as though she were searching for someone and Marie could not help but think that it would be the best opportunity she would have.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Not exactly what Marie had been expecting, but then again, Marie didn't even really know what she had been expecting. By now Marie had definitely got it into her head she was going to mess something up, so there was a new part of the plan. Get this taken care off, find Erzsebet, report what she saw, and hopefully convince the noble that these concerns were indeed cause to bolt out of town.

She still didn't exactly know what she was going to say to this woman, even as she got up and started heading for the exit. Thankfully at the last second some incredibly lucky inspiration hit her, something that might strike a chord. As she came up to the woman she slowed, then leaned in and whispered, trying to put on her most eloquent accent. "Madame... the men here are quite lecherous. I was just about to leave... far from me to recommend you too leave, but I at least advise thee to be wary. I am not from around here and thought perhaps to fetch a town guard to quell some of the more devious and indecent folk, but I may need some assistance." She tried to keep her voice low enough only the woman could hear her, but once she started going the number of words that came out of her mouth were enough to surprise even herself. She ended with a nod towards the door, and continued on, hoping the lady would follow.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The woman's face paled a bit as she listened to Marie explain about her treatment by the men of the bar. She started to ask a question but then seemed to think better of it as she gave another look around the inn. Finally she turned to follow Marie out the door with a look of confusion on her face.

She caught up to Marie just as the door to the inn shut and pulled her shawl close around her shoulders. Her breath forming a thick cloud in the cold, a cold which Marie just now realized existed, though she herself was not bothered in the least. She was a bit alarmed that her own breath, not that she was breathing did not condense in the cold however. Especially as the girl shivered and said.

"Aren't you cold, milady? There's supposed to be a frost tonight. I think we should be able to find a guard if we go this way. Though I'm not sure we will get much help from such louts as they, more than likely they will act in much the same way. Men can be such pigs at times."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Mmmm, indeed..." Marie spoke slowly, allowing her to gain her wits back and think what to do next. Taking a quick snack this instant had been how she had seen it in her mind, but so close to the inn... it was obvious why that could be a bad idea. She craned her neck slightly to see the direction the woman wanted to go, hoping it would offer some darker solitude.

"I think I will be fine... you seem a bit disturbed, are the patrons not always like this?" She motioned slightly for the other to lead the way, but took her time. She hoped drawing the woman into some conversation would keep her guard down and make what would come next easier to pull off. She just had to get her to linger someplace dark, and remain observant herself for the exact second that it would be best to pounce...
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

There were any number of dark alleys and shadows where Marie could make her move in the direction the woman began walking. She was surprised to not see any sight of either Erzsebet or Attila any where, though she was likely nervous enough without them watching her. She just had to find the right moment and this would all be over with.

The woman shuddered as she answered with a pleasant smile. "They are not usually so rough around the edges. Their have been a rather large number of visitors lately however. I don't put much stock in the supposed healing powers of this Malachi or his followers though. Something about him just doesn't seem right, and not simply because he is a stranger."

She paused to shiver once more and looked at Marie with a smile. "Especially when compared to you, milady. Something about you just makes me want to trust you implicitly."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie gave a small, disarming giggle, but she was really only half paying attention. It was more information to store away, but after she was done with this, finding Erzsebet again would definitely be the priority, and the elder's experience could be used to make the proper decision, which Marie very much hoped was to move on as quickly as possible. For now Marie let them wander a ways, before picking a good chance to make her move.

"Hmmm? Is that a guard patrolling over there?" Marie moved into the shadows, almost sweeping the other girl with her, though not too forcefully into she was sure they were covered. She would try and be quick, but remained careful as well. She didn't want to drink too much, obviously, but also felt as if just dropping her prey on the ground would be rather rude too, so took care not to damage to the goods.