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Risky Business (Marie)

Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Well that is quite the interesting story, you have brought us my dear," Erzsebet said as soon as Marie had finished her tale, her smile not fading in the least. By now though Marie had grown used to her companion's lack of outer emotions, Robert however seemed to lack the control of the countess however.

The look on his face betrayed what Marie had thought of the healer and his act of feeding blood to a mortal. He ran a hand through his hair as he stood thinking before raising an eyebrow and saying. "That is unfortunate. I had hoped he would not do anything quite so masquerade shattering. Did he at least make efforts to hide what he was doing from the crowd?"
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Well I suppose. He is shrouding it in some sort of ritual, likely just for theatrics..." Marie might be overstepping her actual knowledge there, but she felt comfortable talking even if the level of tension just raised a few degrees. "I think he did try and avoid showing everything, but the crowd is large. There is no telling if someone actually did or did not see what he did. As I said, I did not have the best view myself... At the very least, no one seemed.. alarmed..." Marie had a natural tendency to defend anyone being accused. It was a part of being good natured, which apparently still lingered at least a little bit. Deescalation was a good defense when people got too worked up, as well. Marie was happy to report her findings, and find safety with Erzsebet's favor, but she did hope she didn't just get herself drawn into someone else's conflict.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Robert sighed as he listened further to Marie's information, though she could not tell if it was from relief or worry. Finally he shrugged his shoulders and with a smile turned to Erzsebet. "I suppose there is little I can do in that case, the prince has made that quite clear. As long as their is no breach of the traditions the healer is not to be touched."

Erzsebet nodded with a sympathetic smile as she held out a hand in way of saying her goodbyes. "How unfortunate, I was hoping to get a chance to hear you perform. I suppose that will have to wait for another time though as you can hardly leave your duties as they currently stand. Perhaps another time?"

Robert took the countess' hand with a smile and bowed to kiss it as he answered. "Yes, I suppose it will have to wait. An absolute shame as there is little I would rather do than serenade two such beautiful women. Farewell milady.

And you as well, my lovely Marie."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie let out a little flattered giggle and made a similar farewell gesture. She supposed even now her youth shone through. There would likely be times this attitude wouldn't serve her, but it could be an asset too. By now it wasn't as if her new vampiric mind was actually plotting, though, but just letting her natural way flow.

"I know we are on a journey, but it is of no concern to us?" Marie turned to Erzsebet after Robert was done with his flattery. "Forgive me for having been a bit late to join you, but I only have what I just saw to judge with." This was probably as gracefully as she could ask the question. Erzsebet's judgement was probably best, but Marie's curiosity hadn't had much chance to get satisfied with real information, as opposed to her inexperienced guesses.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Robert walked off to join the crowd in the tent, intent on keeping an eye on the strange healer as the Countess offered her arm to Marie. A finger to her lips suggested that Marie wait before asking her questions as she lead the way back towards the waiting carriage. She said nothing in response to Marie's question until they were once more in the darkness of Erzsebet's haven.

"You did well, though I apologize for not telling you of the ruse beforehand. I did not expect such an intriguing opportunity to land in our laps," She said before continuing. "The healer's actions are no concern of ours but it helps to put on a concerned appearance for the prince's troubleshooter. Tell me did this healer have a rather old looking cup with him, carved ornately from either wood or stone?"
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie might have actually taken the rare chance to gloat, had she not also been a bit caught off guard by how secretive Erzsebet was being. Even with her limited experience so far she probably should have imagined the noble was up to something, but with the night's events so far she couldn't judge how risky it was yet. "Well he certainly had some kind of cup, matching that description I guess." That detail hadn't been first and foremost on her mind, but Marie doubted she was off the mark. "He was using it for some kind of... unholy communion..."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Oh, I doubt if it was anything so cliche as that. More likely he is planning on creating a few ghouls for his goals. Hardly any risk of being discovered if he hid his blood in wine and voila a handful of muscle." Erzsebet said in response though it seemed more like she was speaking to herself than anyone else.

"I just have to get that cup, but how? And what secret does he hold over Prince Berenger, hmm?" Erzsebet continued mumbling as she mused aloud over the matter. It was so compulsive the way she mumbled and planned that Marie began to wonder if she were quite insane.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Well, he certainly has a theme he is trying to uphold, at the very least." Marie hadn't meant it literally, but supposed Erzsebet was less caught up in the charisma that had been projected. "Is there something special about the cup? I mean, it is nice, I am sure, but does it play an important role too, not just his actions?" For now Marie would chalk it up to Erzsebet just being excited, but it was a bit odd for her to be so obsessive over it right after she had just made a show of it not being their problem. Marie was simply out of the loop, though, and has no reason to suspect ill intent, directed towards her at least.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Erzsebet stopped her obsessive planning as Marie spoke, it was almost as if the countess had forgotten she were there. Though it was utterly black in the carriage Marie could feel her companion looking at her. When she spoke again she seemed to be more like her old self.

"I did not mean to sound so mysterious, I just forgot that you have no idea what I'm talking about. I might not have mentioned it before but I am a collector of a certain type of artifact. I would have to examine the cup to be sure but it sounds like something I would like to acquire.

I'm sure it does mean something to this healer, it is possible he is a true believer. I just find it more likely he has ulterior plans for the communion you witnessed. Otherwise he would not have found a means of keeping the local kindred out of his business."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The explanation seemed plausible. Nobles were into such things, after all. Nobles could also be a bit out of touch, and Marie hoped Erzsebet wasn't one of those, even though signs were pointing that way. Maybe it was part of her new job to keep her grounded... "Well, I would not recommend talking to him. Forgive my inexperience, perhaps, but while he has not directly threatened us he did not seem like one we would want to approach, if we need not. While I do not doubt our combined power, it would be... messy..." If Marie's body was still mortal she probably would have gulped deeply at being so bold. Still, some nobles, even if harsh, would humor token dissent. It was not as if Marie was imposing herself, just causing a pause for consideration against anything outlandish Erzsebet might want to do. "At the very least, he seemed to be 'using' it. I suppose I can see how such a thing might be nice for a collection, or decoration, I do not think he is one of our tastes..."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"I'm not the sort for physical confrontations. Especially the messy sort as you succinctly put it." Erzsebet said from the darkness of the carriage. "No, I think we shall have to rely on misdirection and chicanery if I am too acquire my cup."

The countess certainly spoke confidently though she did not seem to budge any from the prospect of obtaining the cup from the healer. Marie listened as her companion shifted in her seat and began to drum her fingers upon the leather seat of the carriage while she thought aloud. "No, no that would be far to dangerous...mumble, mumble...Attila's not much for distraction...hmm...mumble, mumble...perhaps that would work...hmm."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The way Erzsebset was acting didn't exactly give Marie much confidence. Unless she had some kind of major trick up her sleeve the risk of the crazy preacher catching them just seemed too great. The noble didn't appear open to being reasoned with though. Thankfully another idea came to Marie, one which might show Erzsebet the true risk.

"Well, if you are intent upon this... maybe we should gather more information? Plans are great, but only as good as the information used to craft them. We do not know what this man is truly capable of yet." Even though it was dark Marie gave a cautious smile, trying to assure the noble she wasn't exactly trying to outwardly stop her. Jumping in head first just seemed overly rash...
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Hmm, perhaps you are right. This is just the reason I thought you might be of use in my travels. You are grounded a bit more in reality than I can be at times. Well what should we do first my dear, find suitable lodgings or go and begin to gather information?" The countess said as the drumming stopped and she snapped back to reality.

"We will of course have to explain to Robert that we changed our mind, it's not really my thing but he probably has more useful information about the situation. Perhaps a perfect opportunity for you to use your charm." she added as she stood and began to move towards the door of the carriage.
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Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie had wondered if suddenly taking a different course would be suspicious, and while at least Erzsebet wasn't rushing headlong into mischief anymore it wasn't good to make too many waves either. "Well, I know it might be hard, but a low profile is probably best. I would say that avoiding others' strength is just as good as overpowering them." She put it rather eloquently, but it was just a take on a good peasants 'keep your head down and avoid notice' strategy for staying out of trouble. "Maybe an excuse, such as one of the horses becoming ill? Though I do not know what you told Robert, he might become wary if you gave no indication at all of perhaps staying..." As she thought quickly, trying not to outpace her social abilities, an interesting thought struck Marie. "If we could somehow believably play up the injured horse story, perhaps our charm could invoke more sympathy from him, and he might unwittingly aid us, unknowingly, if only a little bit." Marie did not know exactly how to create a believable story, but hoped Erzsebet could pick up the general idea. Flashiness and nobles weren't very subtle, but for now she would just have to hope for the best.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Robert struck me as being very observant but not overly bright, at least on the surface he appears as such. Most of our kind tend to not show our true selves to others, especially when first meeting. He could very well be a romantic, he is a Toreador after all, but I doubt he is a fool." The countess said as they exited the carriage. She seemed to take a moment to ensure know one was nearby before continuing.

"Of course it would be best to find someplace safe to make our plans, some of our kind have excellent hearing and sight. Not to mention the ability to hide in plain sight. Come Marie we will get a room in one of the local inns, though I must say I like the plan you have so far."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

It was a good touch not to go and seek Robert out to explain their excuse right away, though Marie wasn't fully sure that was deliberate on Erzsebet's part. A room would be good, but for the moment her fears were not too relieved. Hopefully he would be too distracted at the moment to notice them right away. A bit of delay would make their story more plausible, whatever they eventually came up with.

Marie followed Erzsebet and hoped that at least the noble could handle renting a room. Surely she had some skills, in something, but Marie was increasingly worried that Erzsebet might be a bit too out of touch. Marie also suddenly realized that now she would have to tread carefully around potential consequences from her earlier feeding. They were naturally a memorable pair to the unruly patrons at the inn. Hopefully most of them had gone to see the spectacle, but she realized she'd have to start plotting even more eventualities while entering the unknown.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie was perhaps a bit relieved when Erzsebet lead the way to a different inn within the village. At the very least she would not have to worry about being immediately recognized if something happened to the woman she had recently fed from. This inn seemed much more the quiet sort as the owner barely looked up to acknowledge the pair as they went up the stairs.

The countess at least seemed a bit more prepared than Marie had given her credit for. The room had no doubt already been paid for and prepared to protect them from the rays of the sun with several sets of heavy curtains. Attila though was curiously absent considering he must have been the one to set the room up while Erzsebet and herself had been out and about the town.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Were you preparing for this in advance?" Marie was mostly surprised by just how fast they managed to get situated. The place did indeed look secure enough, which was no small feat, though perhaps some networks had safehouses travelers could borrow. Either way, while safe, Erzsebet had been busy, and up to something... She tried not to challenge her patron, and indeed Marie knew she did not have much room to ask to be filled in, but she most definitely did not like being left guessing.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The countess smiled as she went about the room carefully inspecting the curtains. After she had made a few adjustments she turned and with a pout on her face she said. "You almost sound as though you were accusing me, my little kedvenc. I only decided to stay after hearing of the peculiar events in this town and sent Attila to procure rooms for us. I had my suspicions of the healer even then you see and as I said I am a collector.

Of course if you would rather part ways, I do understand and wish you the best of luck. Please keep the dress and that pouch of gold, as a parting gift for the night of friendship and conversation."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Oh no, I was merely commenting on my surprise at how quickly this was arranged. It puts us in a very different situation than I imagined. I also do not know how much I trust dearest Attila to do this without messing something up. He is less than stealthy, after all." Marie hoped this was Erzsebet's way of joking. She was still acting very strange. Deflecting genuine criticism to more disparaging remarks about the ghoul would likely play it over well if Erzsebet's good humor held up. It wasn't as if she had actually been accusing her of anything, anyway. Still, the level of seriousness was not to her liking. She had to be very careful in voicing her concerns, though.

"Like I said, I am worried if others are suspicious only. Maybe it is only because I am new and not experienced, but it makes me cautious. You have given me an idea, though. You of course are a stunning noble. Everyone wants to grace your presence. Perhaps we could use that to our advantage. Draw attention, while little old me does the snooping? It might be too late tonight, but it is a start of a plan at least."