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The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

I meant to make this a quick vote and take a result of one day or the first vote failing that judging by the situation, having to react quickly and all.
Life kind of got in the way though. :rolleyes:

I have a few days off though so I can focus all of my writing, including this a bit more over the next week, so good times.

But onto the subject, as the delay net more votes I feel the fairist thing to do is make a happy medium, "make a bid for clothes but as it attacks strike first"

It took Mariko no more than a glance to realise that the humanoid was a Ratling, known for the kidnap and rape of women. While it's not fair to judge a race on reputation alone, something Mariko knows well, she wasn't feeling like taking the chance.
After glancing to ensure her weapon was available if needed she quickly grabbed her haiori so she could protect her modesty and not give the wrong impression. But that was in vain as the ratling lunged as soon as it was over her arms.
Gritting her teeth slightly in anger she kicked up her naganata and swung up against the assailant glancing it's calf.
As he snarled in pain he kept barrelling forward knocking Mariko clean off her feet and head first into the rocks of the riverside with it following and on top of her.

Ratling takes 2 damage, Mariko takes 5 and passes her test against being dazed.

The ratling was bizarrely strong for it's spindly frame and could have easily overpowered the average person, but Mariko proved a fiercer quarry having trained for battle and not housekeeping unlike her peers. Even in this disadvantageous position she managed to match it's strength and keep it from pinning her, at least for now.
It may have pushed her down, shirt open like some maiden having her first experience but she had no plans to be taken like one.
While he was thrusting, trying to lick her body and generally treating her like his toy, Mariko was rolling her tanto towards her arm with her foot, something the ratling was far too distracted to notice. As soon as it was within reach she snatched it, flinging the scabbard off it and slashed at the ratlings throat before it could react, regrettably her position made a clean cut nigh impossible and the wound proved too shallow to finish the creature and in fact only enraged it.
The bonus is any is that it stopped trying to rape her, it instead started to claw at her chest and solders causing deep gashes that causes Mariko to cry out in pain.

Ratling takes a further 2 damage from a minimum damage critical and Mariko takes a further 4 damage.

This proved to be a mistake on the ratlings behalf as this meant it was no longer restraining her and Mariko lunged forwards digging the blade deep into its heart before twisting it.
The ratling died almost instantly and was pushed off as Mariko stood up gasping in pain.

After catching her breath she got dressed before more company arrived, using the sarashi more as bandages rather than underwear to keep her wounds closed and cursing under her breath about having 'just' cleaned her now bloodstained clothes.

1) Use ointment y/n. If y how many, they heal 2d3+2 (min 4 max 8)
Mariko has lost 10hp but only 9 are caused by external injury.

After getting dressed and gathering her belongings together Mariko quickly heads north up the river to escape any of the ratlings friends that may be nearby and continue her task.
After an hour the terrain forces her to stray from the riverbed, this causes her navigation be become tricky, the plus side though is that Mariko spots the mushrooms Aoi wanted, both completing a goal and proving that she must be near the source.

The joy is quickly thwarted as she crouches over the mushroom patch something some flying in her direction and lands in the mushrooms with a heavy crash.
It was the leader of the solders from earlier, and now Mariko is close enough to tell from the armour that she, and presumably they, are kobolds.
She appears unconscious, there is some blood seeping from her cracked helmet.

Kobold data:
Kobolds are a proud race driven by a code of honour and duty to the clan. Skilled miners and fierce warriors.
Little is known about then as they live in the depths of the mines they work and only associate with surface dwellers when they are trading or invading.
They are often considered a mongrel breed because unlike other races, felim for example, that have all members of a family sharing the same traits their gene pool is known to be more sporadic and it's not unusual for traits to seemingly emerge from nowhere.
In a RL example, it would be like a child of a family that has only ever been blond and blue eyed having a black haired brown eyed child with no known genetic ancestry.

Due to theses factors, their general disassociation with other races and militaristic nature they are often treated with fear and mistrust. The stories that they eat babies doesn't help dispel that.

It has been known that their was a local kobold clan but they have shown no interest in hostilities, or in fact the very existence of the humans.

After picking herself up from her quick dive out of the way of the armoured girl
While considering what to do with her Mariko hears another series of crashes and the cracking of wood emanates from the direction she girl flew in from, Mariko will have to be quick in her decision.

2) What will Mariko do with the girl?
a) Move her (where?)
b) Protect her
(means drawing weapons and engaging whatever is approaching from the front)
c) Leave her and hide
(gains positional advantage but uses the girl as bait, state how close to her you'll let it get.)
d) Other cunning plan

A boss fight has appeared
3) use magic? Y/N
4) use antitoxin to protect from anything the approaching creature may use Y/N

Feel free to propose a combat strategy if you have one, if it's applicable I'll incorporate it as best as I can.
Due to the nature of this fight, unless everyone votes to abandon the girl and run away or something I will dive straight into the battle next update using the perimeters set up by this update.
The reasons will become apparant next post.

Marikos status
10hp+healing (max 19/20)
No stun or arousal remain
Wearing: Blood soaked Shrine maiden robes, no underwear.
Silken impromptu bandages on torso.
Chest guard
Weapons: Naganata
Provisions: 3-X ointments
1-Y anti-toxin
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

I realise that if the answer to this question is 'yes' then there will be no answer, but as it's been two weeks I though I should clarify.
Has interest been lost in this cyoa?

If so I'll shelve it and move onto new projects so to speak, but I wanted to clarify because I am aware at the time of my last update more popular cyoas also updated a bunch which might mean I was simply overlooked.

I won't be offended, I just wanted to know.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

To be honest I completely forgot about voting. At the time I delayed because I wanted to try coming up with a decent strategy, but failed and left it for later.

Anyway, I'll vote just in case:
Use 1 Healing Ointment
Use "Wreath of flame"
Protect the girl
Do not use the anti-toxin (hopefully asking about it isn't a subtle hint that we should use it)

Initially I wanted to combine protecting the girl with hiding and using her as bait, but could not come up with a good enough way to do it.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

1. Y
2. B
3. Y
4. Y
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Don't worry, I meant it more along the lines of
"{boss alert} what preparations would you like?"

I've learned as a GM 'subtle hints' are generally not that useful. :D
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

I have the fight scripted, I just want to ask what people think on a matter.

Should a combatant be rendered out of a fight at 0 as is classic, or should I do the D&D thing of a person is handicapped (i.e. suffer penalties) at 0 but not out of commimision untill less than 0?
This would effect both sides of course.

I wanted a player opinion of this rather than simply choose what I think is better.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Hmmm... I'd say to keep it simple and have defeat at zero hp.
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Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko


I second the Wreath of Flame.

Protect her

Don't use the Anti Toxin yet.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

The votes are in so without further ado.

retroactive vote: Before applying the bandages Mariko applied a pot of wound ointment to the worst areas of the scratches and praying internally that they don't scar.
This heals 5 , 15hp remain.

The choice felt obvious to Mariko, She couldn't ignore this and from all the plans that flitted through her mind there was only one that stood out.
She couldn't risk the girl as bait and as such she will stand her ground here and face the monster head on, as such she wreathed her blade in flame and took up a stance to counter a charge.

What burst forth from the foliage was, not entirely unexpected, A jelly. Although it was an iridescent colour which is unheard of, just like those purple slimes. Something odd is going on here. It is also roughly the size of a loaded cart.

Jelly data
a Jelly is an advanced and highly rare form of slime, more intelligence but still below animal level generally and far larger. A jelly whom gets enough nutrients is known to have slimes slit from the main form leading scholars to theorises that a jelly is a slime that have gathered an obscene amount of nutrients and somehow not already divided along the way.
Just like with the purple slimes these are known for using the body of mammals as hosts for it's divisions. If it doesn't simply eat them anyway.

As it comes into the light of the clearing Mariko noticed that it has one of the kobolds inside it's mass along with a large quantity of partially digested fish. This is clearly the being responsible for the shortage of fish.

Mariko Braces ready for it to bound forwards as the slime did but it simply oozed forwards slowly yet deliberately. Regrettably Mariko mistook this for it being slow and lumbering and so leapt forward with a thrust of her weapon only for it to surge backwards and evade her causing her to stumble as she lands missing it entirly.
As Mariko tries to steady herself it's iridescence shifts to a green hue ans it sprays an acrid fowl smelling liquid at her, connecting with a fair bit of force, some of which thankfully reduced by her armour preventing her from being winded.

Toughness check: pass
The slime has her feeling somewhat nauseous and slightly groggy but nothing major.

Having her footing back Mariko makes a horizontal sweep at the slime which surges sideways and clear this time, at it does so it shifts to blue and lashes out with a pseudopod, Mariko sees this in time and deftly ducks and narrowly avoids being hit by the mass as spins the blade and thrusts it into the slimy mass. This causes a sizzling noise but the jelly does not ignite.
The jelly's hue shifts again to a muddy yellow and sprays another liquid at Mariko that she sidesteps as she pulls her blade out and brings the blade upon it in a downward arc.
Unfortunately the slight overconfidence born of this fight going well caused the slime second spray to hit her. On the plus side, only her arm was caught as Mariko manages to pull away at the last moment, unfortunately the spray corroded through her sleeve in moments and causes minor burns on her arm.
”yeesh, If that yellow stuff gets my armour, it's toast, So glad I enchanted my Naganata” Mariko mutters to herself.

Fuelled by her building rage Mariko sweeps again and takes another chunk of the slimes mass before diving sideways and dodging the pseudopod of the now blue slime before suddenly changing direction upon hitting the ground and catching it again with a surprise thrust causing it's centre of gravity to be thrown off as her flame subsides.

In response to this the jelly shifts to purple and emits a miasma which Mariko only avoids breathing in by diving for the ground before rolling away as it sinks.

Slime Has taken 15hp, Mariko at 9 remaining

Taking advantage of it's being immobile while spewing this miasma Mariko holds her breath and makes another leaping thrust cutting into it's remaining mass before jumping away as it unleashes a second burst clearing enough ground to take a moment to recast 'wreath of flame'.
As it changes back to green and surges forward Mariko takes the chance to spin and take the 'lion share' of it's remaining mass with the attack and hopefully free the kobold if it yet lives, regrettably she misreads the distance and leaves herself open to a face full of the green liquid leaving her coughing and spluttering.
Toughness check: Pass

Mariko realising how badly she's faring all of a sudden opts to make an 'all or nothing' attack rather than leap back and make a flame-wall figuring that it's ranged attack would not be stopped. And abandoning the girl now was out of the question. Lucky for her the attach paid off as she snagged the Jelly's core with her blade and pulled it clear of the mass, causing the mass to lose it's cohesion and stop moving entirely.

Remaining HP:3 Remaining EN:2

Swiftly picking up the core to prevent it from reforming the mass if it yet lives and putting it in her pouch as it's a valuable alchemical regent she notices a strange rune-stone attached to it, but opts to examine it closer when their aren't more pressing matters.
Rushing over to the kobold that was in the jelly she removes his helmet and helps him cough the slime up with a pat on the back, then leaving him to catch his breath and shake off the ordeal she returns to the leader and removes her helmet. She's drifting in and out of conciousness and her wound is deep and bleeding really badly so Mariko decides to use one of her remaining ointments on the wound to seal it, as soon as she is content that the bleeding is stopped Mariko uses the final ointment on her own wounds while she waits for the kobolds to recover somewhat before questioning them.
Mariko heals 6, girl heals 7.

The male recovers first, to no surprise to Mariko and thanks her respectfully for her timely assistance, when asked what brings them here though he simply apologises and says that giving mission details or refusal there of is the desecration of the team leader, as this 'Xirtan' didn't seem very talkative Mariko and he gathered his fallen comrades and their belongings together and made graves for them. As they finished the leader finaly came too properly.

As she looks around and sees the graves and the two stood by them she says
“I guess it was naive to hope that such a disaster was a dream”
“Don't blame yourself Squad leader, not even the most experianced among us could have predicted it could have has such an array of abilities, rare as they are they are supposed to be simply bigger and tougher versions of a normal slime.”
As she rises to her feet unsteadaly mariko gets a goodlook at her for the first time, scarcely taller than Mariko and doubtfully as old. While short, her grey and white hair with green/grey eyes betray her as a timberwolf kobold.
She puts on a mischevious grin andsays “Didn't think I'd ever meet'cha lady Mariko”
Taken aback both by her name being known and the manner of address Mariko doesn't interject at first.
Bowing she continues is a formal tone “as you have saved the lives of myself and my cohort I am bound to protect and serve you untill a such a time as I can repay my debt or the earth swallows all”
"Thats not really necercery.
laughing slighlty the girl retorts "Sorry, you don't get a choise, this puppys followin' ya' home. Honor and all that.
Xirtain, return to the citadel andinform the overseer of the sucess of the mission and that as he predicted I will need to initiate a parley with the humans.

“should I not also repay the debt?”
”No, as leader that is my responcibility, and you have other duties”
”It's still not necacery you know.”

After Xirtain saluted and left Mariko said to the girl "You really have no intention of heeding me, do you?”
"Only the mountainlord can excuse a kobold from their duty, but it's not all bad, I got the oppertunity to finally meet you after all, shall we talk as we walk, I'm Milleen by the way.”

[Milleen has (forcibly) joined the party]

I'm breaking this update into parts due to it's potental length, so if anyone wants to sugest anything to ask her or simply wants clarifying do say so.
Mariko will of course ask the obious questions, why she knows her and why she needs to go to the human town.
And heres a link for a timberwolf picture
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Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Question: How do you know who I am?
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Before setting off Milleen gathers her belongings that as far as Mariko can tell is a pouch with unknown contents, a pair of axes and whats left of her armour. Due to the corrosion a a large proportion of it gets ditched as usless leaving her wearing a deep green leatheresk tank-top and shorts with metal guards on the shoulders and legs and a gauntlet on her right arm. Mariko however grabs a few of the fish remains as proof of mission succses.
On the walk back they remain quiet initally while Mariko thinks on how to approch the questions on this, unusually peppy and somewhat suspisious kobold.
It is Milleen who speaks first.

“I'm not that suspisious y'know, ya can talk t' me” she says with her usual silly grin
“I'm not convinced you know what that means” Mariko retorts curtly
“It's a snack right?”
“This is going to be a long trip.”
“Well, tell ya what." I'll volunteer some info considering the situation is abnormal and I basicaly joined ya without consent.”
“So she does realise that” Mariko can't help but think
“The mission wa' the same as yours I would suspect, see whats hitting the fish population so badly. Oh, and my parley is to idealy open trade untill our low stocks can replenish, or at the very least not cause a panic when armed groups of kobolds are stomping around the forests hunting all of a sudden. Miscommunication leads to misunderstandings, in the case of standing human-kobold relations? Bloodshed.”
“That seem fair enough, I won't deny that being my goal either. On that note though, does this rune I took of the jelly mean anything to you?”After taking a look at it Milleen responds “All I can say is that is not kobold workmanship, runes are not my thing I'm afraid, a mage or a dwarf scribe may be ya best bet, knowledge of obscure runes tend to be a comman skill for both after all.”Mariko thinks, a mage. The only one in town is Eve, lovely.
“Well I'm meeting the only mage in town in regards to this mission anyway, so as you've decided to follow me you'll get a chance to make an apointment in regards to your mission too.”
“I thought magic users were comman in human settlements”
“Larger ones, yes. But we don't even have a libirary, never mind an arcane college. So other than any adventurers I'm unaware of, I could count the magic users of all kinds on one hand.”
“Thats a shame, I've always been interested in magic, kobolds are lacking in potental though so I just hoped to witness some. Well, not really an acceptable dream for someone born to the warrior caste though.”Mariko says nothing but looks confused
“Simple version, ya job is chosen for ya at birth, failure in this carrer is akin to failure in socity. I'll probably go into more detail later, a female kobold warrior is an odd enough tale, but I'll save that for when we ain't in the open.”
“Makes sence, well one more question then.”
“Yeah?” Milleen smirks
“How in the name of the twelve do you know about me?”
“Who knows” Milleen smiles mockingly
Marikos responce is only a contemptuous glare.
“Alright, alright I'll stop messing with ya, it's......” she starts explaining with a chuckle.
Milleen is cut off by a massive explosion that reverbirates through the trees, the pair glance at each other before taking off in a sprint towards the road.

After running as fast as possible in the given terrain for fifteen minutes they get to the road, between Marikos agility and familiarity with the terrain and Milleens pure endurance they arrive together. Stopping breifly to catch their breath and survey the scene they see a plume of smoke to the south and a dark figure approaching from that direction.
Drawing their weapons they approach the figure causiously untill Mariko recognises him as the pale adventurer from earlier.
Seeing this Mariko signals milleen to lower her weapon, as he gets close he is quite badly burned down the left side.
“Am I to correctly assume you have come from the site of that explosion?”
“You would, the goblins were gathering black powder it seems, I learned that the hard way. A good thing it wasn't a fire or lightning weilder who faced them.”Mariko feels a bit of a coldsweat as rembers how she nearly took that job.
“Yes, yes it is.”At this point Milleen trots over to him and starts examining him from all angles.
“Can I, help you?” he says taken aback
“Hey, MariMari, is it just me or does he remind you of a rabbit?”No one answered her, they both just looked at her in stunned silence.
“SCORE! Apples!” Millen proclaims as she runs to an apple tree beside the road.
After a moment He turns to Mariko “what mental asylum did you take her from?”
“I, really don't know how to answer that.”After a moments silence Marko continues, “My sister makes and sells healing ointments, if we head bak to town you might catch her before she heads home."
“Hey, I can eat these right?” Millen shouts interupting before he can respond.
Mariko turns to Milleen, “why wouldn't you be able too... Thats a group of goblins”
“What?” As the adventurer turns there are four goblins surounding Milleen by the tree, whom looks completely unphased by the fact she is surounded.
One goblin mutters to another “She said, eat, right?”
“Thats what I heard” says the the other goblin somewhat uneasily.
A third glances toward the person she shouted too then proclaims “The one who killed the boss! Revenge!"In responce to this two of the four break off to attack the adventurer and plausably Mariko too.

Mariko 6HP 3EN
Milleen 7HP 2EN
Adventurer ??HP ??EN

1) Fight
a) Melee only
b) Use magic
2) Run away (this abandons both companions as Milleen is surounded and He probably can't run well with his leg burned like that.)
3) Try and negotiate (say how)
4) Other (suggest)

Milleen's stats and skills will be added once they are known, either through observation or discussion.
likewise the currently unnamed guy's skills are also unknown.

I should proberbly have asked first, but do people want me to keep transcribing Milleens accent or would people prefer if I didn't?
Questions to either NPC are also still open, they will just wait untill the group has a minute.
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Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko


If they focus on the guy - hopefully they do because they want revenge - try to flank them.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

just so people know I have the update planned for both choices, we just need a tiebreaker to indicate which option is taken.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Oh what the hell? I'll say go with Magic! After all, she's probably better with it.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

I seem to have made a mistake and forgotten to count Marikos HP as well as her healing, she has 9hp remaining.

In reaction to the goblins assult the adventurer draws his sword and Mariko starts to channel a spell, she just needs to wait for them to get a little closer...

Milleen uses a sweeping attack at both goblins before her.
This is a special attack affecting the forward arc hitting all foes at -2 to hit. it costs 1 en
The first goblin in the arc take the full brunt of her axe and has it's throat slashed oepn, the second hops back in time narrowly avoiding the blade.
At thispoint the goblins have almost arived at the pair and mariko finished she enchantment and thrusts the blade intothe ground settign up a wall of flams around the pair. One more one goblin evades the attck my narrowly jumpingto the side in time but the second blunders through the wall and makes a swing at the adventurer while screeching in pain while it burns. The stranger parries it's clumsy attack and finished the goblin of with on swift motion.

The remaining goblin makes a paniced attack at Milleen fearing being eaten by the wolf-girl but only managed to get violently bashed aside by the counter.
Seeing the goblin that avoided the flame mariko makes athrust through the firewall to try and catch it off guard but sails past it's pointed ear.
Bringing her other axe down it bites deep into the goblins sholder but doesn't remove it, the gobin wailing in pain.
Goblin takes 2 damage

Goblin willpower: pass

Realising it can't attack through the flames the goblin doubles back to help it's injured freind fight Milleen, charging in and slashing at the side of her thigh, most of the hit is deflected by her greeve causing the wound to be shallow.
Milleen takes 1 damage
The other goblin attacks her other leg in a big to knock her off her feet but deflects harmlessly off her greeve.

So they can back up Milleen, Mariko focuses to negate the spell (would last up to 5 rounds otherwise)
During this Milleen Takes a swing at the injured goblin to try and finish it off, missing as it ducks her swing.
As soon as the barrier is down thestranger charges into the fray and stabs unharmed goblin in the back catching it unaware.
Goblin takes 3

Splitting their focus between the two the goblin the strager stabed turns and slashed his arm with it's jagged, slightly rusted sword.
Stranger takes 3
“Careful, their blades can cause nasty wounds”Taking her moment of distraction as an advantage the final goblin jumps up and strikes it's club into her head wound
Milleen is critically hit for 7 and fall onto her backside badly stunned. (Max damage -1 for her armour. Unless a creature takes a called shot penalty I generally apply armour as long as it makes sense. A creature that can only hit Mariko's legs would ignore her armour for example.)

Mariko 9HP 2EN
Milleen 0HP 1EN Defeated
Adventurer -3hp

Goblin 1 -2hp
Goblin 2 -3hp

Mariko seeing this charges at and disembowls the goblin that attacked Milleen in a fury driven assault.
While it turns and gawps in horror at it's comrades internal organs becoming distressingly external the final goblin gets impaled from behind by the stranger in an instant.

Glancing around and seeing thatthey are all dead Mariko helps Milleen to her feet and keeps her steady as they walk back to the road.

"We should head back, we are all tired and injured and the last thing we need is to find their are more stragglers"
The trio move briskly in the direction on the town and share a new words during the trip as soon as Milleen recovers from the blow to her head.
“Were you seriously planning to eat those goblins?”
“Nah, we have a rep for cannibalism, not that we do much to dissuade that, as such we have a tendency to sow the seeds to doubt and discomfort in foes to make them unsettled and make mistakes. So when I saw them lurking in the treeline eyeing me up I figured I'd get the drop on them in a manner of speaking”
“I've heard something about that from my mother actually, she had a kobold adventuring companion. She also noted that their reputation for crazed mining explosions was another piece of misinformation.”
“Yeah, that one was probably someone mistaking us collapsing a tunnel, what we actually use the explosives to do, as a mining accident, and well, rumors spread and become falsified.”
“Not all that odd with rumours.”
“Anyway, y'got a name, or do I keep callin' ya' a bunny?”The advenurer sighs “Valentine Ashf.... No, call me Raven, I'm more known by that name anyway. I'm an adventurer”
“Mariko, shrine maiden”
“Milleen, Marshal of the Kobold forces”Neither of them say anything but both Raven and Mariko glace at each other when she says this.

Much too their relief, find no obsticles untill the gate, the gate IS however crawling with guards.

Upon seeing them approach the guard who usualy mans the gate hails them, his expression turning sour at the sight of a kobold.
“An explosion nearby rattles the populace and now a kobold, a race known for their pyromania shows up? I doubt that's a coincidence”
The rest of the guards start to circle them.
“A coincidence it is though, it was the goblins whom were collecting gunpowder, as I learned the hard way.”He looks over Ravens wounds and the obvious signs of fighting from the pair of ladies.
“She's here to meet with, Eve was it?”
Mariko nods “For a treaty, I suggested Eve would be the best person to speak too, and as I have an appointment with her I can make her one while I'm there.”
“Hmm, well I'm sure the guild can handle one kobold if she proves problematic, but I'm watching you pup!”
Milleen puts her hands on her cheeks as if to look embarised “Oh my, how daring.”“Wait, what?” a few of the guards collegues chuckle at his embarisment
The party simply head into the town stiffling laughter themselves.

Ignoring the mutters and glances from townsfolk the group heads straight to the guild and let Max know of their success. Mariko looking around notes that even the adventuers seem uneasy about Milleen's prescence. The only ones in the room who arn't are Max and Cecil, he seems to be shirking away from Mariko instead.
“Both of your missions were from Eve so I'll send for her. Take a load off and recooperate in the back room, when she arrives I'll send her straight in.”Once they are all seated around the table Milleen speaks first.
“I'm not used to so much attention, I guess kobolds are popular eh?” Milleen looks a bit shaken, she probably was aware of the unpopularity of her people, but not quite the extent.
“Welcome to my world, have beastfolk blood and suddenly you're a dumb beast, a monster or a lucky if you avoid being the pet or exotic companion of some rich pervert. Sometime all of them.”Raven says nothing, but looks visably horrified by the statment.
“You, havn't?”
“No, but that pig of a patrician seem intent on getting me into his chambers. In spite of it being that bastards fault that Aoi and I...” Mariko trails off, the hatred around her almost palpible.
The room becomes awkwardly silent again and after a few minutes raven stands up and walks over to Milleen.
“What're you doing?”
“hold still.”He rests his hands upon her head and mutters something, after which a glow envelops her wound and it begins to slowly heal. After a few minutes the wound has mostly gone and he stops, sweating and quite exhausted and promptly returns to his seat.
“Did you just?”
“Yes, my mother is a paladin with the gift. Its exhausting to use though and as you saw is rather slow to perform. At my low still at it though I cannot fully heal a wound like that. It will probably scar I'm afraid.”Milleen looks genuinly embarished this time “Umm, thanks. But what about yours?” “Mine are shallow, when I rest I should be able to heal the rest up. As rough as you girls have it all I can do is offer a hand to you when you need it. not that it makes up for the sins of the rest of my race. He's quiet for a moment.
Well, at least I hope the wounds will heal, my pretty face is all I have going for me.” “That and the rare talent of healing?”
“Well yes, I'd appreciate it if you kept quiet on that note. people get' well, weird; around people with that skill.“
“Like asking for healing a lot?”
“More like treating them like divine prophets, if they are lucky. The unlucky ones get kidnapped to be used as someone's personal healing dispenser, this often leads to the death of the user as pushing the ability to far eats at the users stamina and can lead to death.”Raven and Milleen look at Mariko surprised.
“My father knew someone with the talent, but while we are on the subject of explanations. Care to finish yours?”
“Huh? Oh right, I knew your name because...”Cutting her off is the door opening and Eve walking in.
“I apologise for the wait”
“Oh gods damn it.”
“Didn't you summon me?” Eve was visably annoyed.
“Sorry, it was just your timing, you can finish your explanation later Milleen.”

Eve is a 6ft tall slender elven woman wearing a light blue coat that is knee length around the back and sides but waist length at the front revealing her black skirt and tights. Her hair is blond and tied into a bun and she wears narrow framed glasses. She has a grimoire in a holder on the back of her belt.

As she sits on the remaining chair she glances at Raven as if curious, but only breifly.

“So I know I am to receive reports from Priestess Miyashiro and Mr Raven but i don't think I know you.”Mariko almost missed it but surpise flashed on Ravens face for a moment when her title was mentioned, as such she can't help but feel suspisious.
“I am here to negotiate a treaty between our people on account of the incident Mari investigating effecting us too.”
“I see, I cannot promise to agree, but I can hear you out.” she checks her schedule “I have a free slot in two days, I left that open in case of any complications with the payment, but as I imagine this is a report of success, their will be no issue on that note. I will also have word sent to the guards that you are here as an ambassador so they do not try to arrest you if they see you wandering the streets alone.”
“Thank you for your consideration” Milleen bows slightly.
“You are correct in your assumption. The issue is resolved.” Mariko takes the rune and fish from her pack “the culprit was a unidentified species of jelly.”Eves poker face broke in shock “In these parts? That shouldn't be possible” “I can confirm that, having lost six men to it, it was bigger than a bull.”Eve doesn't answer the surprise is plastered on her face.
“It was an odd iridescent shade and shifted between 4 hues when fighting, each with a different power. The most strange thing is that this rune-stone was attached to it's core.”Regaining her composure Eve ajusts her glasses. “Do you have the core?“
“Yes, it's here” Mariko pulls the core out of her bag.
Eve takes it and examines it. “This core. You say it was an unknown type?”
“This core should be for a blue jelly, only tough to rookies, maybe that rune...” Eve stops close to touching the rune.
“I can feel the dark energy coming from that, I don't think I want to touch it, in case it can react with my magic. I feel you are probably the most qualified to deal with it.” She states as she returns the core.
“It's been a while since I have had to seal anything.”
“Here is your gold for the mission. And the bonus mention is the same amount for you.”
“Much obliged” Mariko takes the two bags of gold. “Wait, for me?” she asks confused.
“For others I have given them a weapon enchantment, being a mage but that would counteract your weapon blessing. As such not much of a reward.”
“I see. Well I'll head back to my shrine so I can get back before nightfall. Have a pleasant evening.” Mariko bows.
“I will try, but you might not, I believe the patrician had business with Lady Miyashiro and headed that way with his guard.”
"Oh, and do take you new friend with you, ambassador or not her mere presence will make the locals uncomfortable, nor should she sit in on a discussion about potential town security issues." She says glancing at raven, whom smiles and says "I'll see you ladies around.

Choice time
1) Go straight back, and quickly
2) Aoi can look after herself, he won't dare try anything with a noble. Hang around and talk to Max or something so he will hopefully be gone.
3) As 2, except go shopping, can still catch a few stores. (suggest what sort of things to shop for)
4) Other

And so people don't waste a vote of doing so, Mariko will ask Milleen again, 'when' will of course depend on the action taken.
Milleen is also still on 0hp and potentally concussed.
Edit: No, I'm stupid and forgot she got healed. She's at 5hp and potentially concussed

Oh, I nearly forgot, Mariko and Milleen each get an advancement.
This is a choice of +1HP or +1EN
Mariko's max stand at 20HP and 5EN
Milleen's stand at 15HP and 4EN (she's less experienced)
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Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko


I'm confused by the last choice. "+1EN or +1EN"? That's the same thing. Is one of the choices supposed to be +HP instead?
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Yes, yes it is. That's what I get for editing that in at 4am.

And fixed.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

1) and let's hope every thing will be alright.:rolleyes:

For the level up, I will go with 1 hp for Mariko and 1 EN for Milleen.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

I vote +1HP for Mariko and +1HP for Milleen. Both seem to not very good fighters, so being able to take more hits will certainly help.