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The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Agreed with moonblack, B.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

I’d joke about bandwagons but I expected people to vote B and would have done so myself to be perfectly honest.

After weighing the options up in her head taking the road almost doubled the journey meaning she getting back to the shrine would be after nightfall and Aoi would likely worry herself sick.
The direct route just seemed needlessly risky, what sane person would want to risk being lost in woodland full of goblin bandits and monsters?
Mariko settled on following the river up the source, she’d have to be really foolish to get lost and who knows, a clue might even show itself.

After walking for a while uneventfully and watching the butterflies flitting about the meadows Mariko arrives at the river. If she wanted to return to town she would continue over the bridge, a journey she makes often, as she crouches down and looks at the water she realises a slight piece of misinformation from the mission.
It’s not just the fish; there are no signs of any river life other than the plants, no voles or river birds in this area too. While this may go unnoticed to many Mariko often watched the ducks and other wildlife here on bad days to cheer herself up before going home and risking upsetting Aoi.

As she considered any potential meanings to this she noticed the stranger from earlier crossing the bridge the opposite way. He says nothing as he passed but nods courteously as he passes; a rare thing for Marko so she makes a point of returning it before watching him walk away.
As she leaves to follow the river north along the banks she decided that the lack of animals could be down to a lack of food with the missing fish. It doesn’t really explain the voles though.

After about an hour of trapesing through mud, ducking branches while getting snagged on bushes and generally wishing her clothes were less baggy and fit properly while trying to stay as close to the river as the terrain would allow keeping on the lookout for clues Mariko finally finds a conveniently located rock to sit and catch her breath.
I really need to get some clothes that both fit properly and are suitable for this kind of terrain” she grumbles out loud.

Perception check: success

After she’s caught her breath and is about to move on Mariko hears some bubbling in the river, not normally unusual but it seemed a bit too loud.
Weighing up her options she decided that it could be related so she got her Naganata out and got into a ready stance in case something emerged.
Out of the potential outcomes that flicked through her mind from fish men to aquatic tentacle horrors what it was, was something she wasn’t expecting.

Slimes, three of them emerge one after the other, and not one of them larger than a melon and each with a deep purple hue.
Authors note: a normal melon, not a watermelon.
Ignoring them seemed like quite a viable option all of a sudden, a slime of that size poses no risk, and by nature slimes eat rotten matter, plant and animals, they are almost never heard of attacking people, and that’s the bigger ones.

Although, normal slimes are green or blue, not purple She’s never heard of a purple slime. And for that matter they are never found in water, just near it.

What should Mariko do?
1) Ignore them and leave
2) Attack first
a) Melee
b) Cast a Spell (state which)
3) Other (suggest) 
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Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

What, still no votes?

Attack them with the Naginata. Try to keep them from touching her in any way (just in case their slime has some sort of effect, such as burning her clothes or causing arousal).

The main reason for attacking is because I'm curious about Mariko's fighting style (and fighting ability). I'm also curious about the slimes, and opponents this small should be relatively safe to fight with.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Woops, forgot to come back and vote when the forum offline'd for a while.

Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

I was begining to think people had lost interest. ;)

Update may be delayed a bit further, I bought a shiny new pc and will be spending most of my time getting my data transfered and getting it's systems up to speed.

If nobody has any objections, rather than do it round by round I'll run combat untill their is a significant change or the like.
Speeds things up and prevents a series of "keep stabbing them" type vote options.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Sounds good.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Sorry 'bout the delay.
Melee attack wins outright, so without further ado.

They are monsters, immediately hostile or not culling their number is never a bad thing, especially when they are unidentified type that may affect the balance.
Mariko swiftly steps forwards and strikes the middle slime cautiously using a thrust rather than a swing to maintain distance. Unfortunately the small target proves awkward to get a central hit on and she only grazes the side of it.

Responding to her attack the slimes waste no time in springing and bouncing towards her. truly an odd movement pattern for a glorified amoeba.
Not expecting this Mariko fails to dodge the first attack that strikes squarely in her chest-plate causing her to stumble back, trip on a root and land rather painfully on her tail.
The second slime fortunately whizzes past her ear as she staggered causing it to miss her entirely.
The third however takes the opportunity too latch onto her ankle and start oozing some viscous pinkish liquid.

Mariko took 1 damage and 2 stun damage, the first slime took 1 damage.
Toughness test: pass

Note: stun damage infomation
While functioning as an accumulated damage value in combat mechanically, is actually a non lethal type of damage caused by sources intended to incapacitate and not kill. Not all enemy types are interested in violating the poor girl after all and those that are will often avoid maiming her.
An example would be that slaves with scars are generally worth less.
Stun's healing and treatment rate depends on the source, in this case it's caused by the oozes effect and not wounds so the ointments would do nothing but it wears off with all of the ooze effects.

Reflex check : pass

Hopping to her feet without leaving herself open Mariko notices that the area the third slime hit is going numb quickly.
attempts to bat it off prove successful but it vanishes into the undergrowth as it evades her naganata.
As this is happening the the one that missed before springs back towards Mariko whom deftly sidestepping it as it sails back towards the river.
Regrettably with the other two causing annoyance the one still stuck to her chest-guard went unnoticed until it
leapt up as she sidestepped slamming into and affixing to her face causing her to accidentally swallow some of the ooze.

Mariko as taken a further 2 stun damage for a total of 4 and 1 normal damage.
Toughness test: close pass.

With her tongue and throat now beginning to sting slightly Mariko's infamous temper starts to flare.
Her attempt to grab the thrice-damned piece of sludge caused it to rapidly leap away but she expected that as skewered it as it did causing it to burst into a purple haze.

Slime takes 5 damage and dies, 2 slimes remain unharmed

The slime that was near the river bank took it's chance to attack while she was distracted with it's fallen comrade
but only earned itself being caught on the shaft of she naganata and swept downwards into the dirt with one smooth motion, her years of training were beginning to show.
It was too soon to celebrate however as the slime that vanished earlier sprang forth from the undergrowth and affixed itself to the back of her knee.

Mariko takes more 1 stun damage
Toughness test: pass

Drawing her tanto, she tries to bat the one-on her leg off before stabbing it but as she turns to execute the attack she stumbles only managing to maintain her footing by using her naganata like a staff
This proved to be doubly bad. She unwittingly stood astride over it as she attempted to right herself up.
weather it was instinctual drawn there or by sheer misfortune for Mariko it jumped directly up and latched
onto the front of her panties before doing their usual oozing and squirming.

Note: two consecutive fumbles, ouch.:eek:

Mariko's only real saving grace here was that the other slime was too preoccupied with reforming after it's recent road-kill impression.

Toughness test: Fail

The slime was finally beginning to take it's toll, not only were Mariko's limbs and face feeling numb from where the slimes had touched her but her body generally was beginning to feel unresponsive if it wasn't clear enough to Mariko already, the ooze was clearly paralytic in nature.

What should Mariko do?
1) Keep fighting
a) Melee still
b) Start casting: suggest spell(s)
2) Try to flee
3) Other, this may include a combination of other options.

Mariko: lost 1hp and taken 6 stunning damage. 13 HP remain
Lost some muscle control and has a slime attached to her crotch.

Slime unharmed and seems to like underwear.
Slime unharmed

combat rolls for those who like numbers
12+2 v 9 1 damage inflicted
8 vs n1 2 - 1 damage taken with a fumbled defence
2 vs 7+1 miss
4 vs 3+1 2 stun taken

Toughness roll: 15
Reflex roll: 12

10 vs n20
2 vs 4
15 vs 6 2 sd

Toughness roll: 11-1

17+2 vs 5 5 damage inflicted killing the slime.

N1 vs 8+1 Miss
15 vs 10+1 1 stun taken

Toughness roll: 17-2

N1 vs 3 Fumbled attack

14 vs N1 Fumbled defence 1stun

Toughness roll: 2-3
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

1:a it is then. I'd prefer to wait for more votes but I'm sure those reading want more interesting foes than mutant slimes. ;)

The shock of the slime suddenly on her underwear snaps her out of her rampage.
Mariko realises that these have likely little to nothing to do with the issue at hand and thus should save her spells for the true issue. That and throwing fire around a forest in a rage probably wouldn't end all that well either.

Clarity check: high pass

While striking the one under her skirt with a palm and crushing it between her thighs while it couldn't really escape was a really attractive and likely effective notion, it was rapidly dispelled with the insight that that would mean bursting a slime full of paralytic fluid all down her legs.
Not a good idea, even if she wanted to risk stabbing it that would likely have a similar effect considering how the other one burst.

Note: A fumble again?! I'm fetching a new dice before I continue :/

With a flask of inspiration Mariko, while embarrassed by the idea, decides to use her skirt like a net to ensnare the groping slime and distract it while she deals with it's cohort.
A good plan in theory, in exercise however less so, as when pulls it off she underestimates how numb her leg has gone causing her to step on the hem of the skirt and trips her self over meaning all she achieved is a mouth full of grass and the skirt fluttering over a nearby bush.
Mariko felt glad she's alone, if anyone had seen that she would have never gotten over the humiliation.

The second slime that she almost fell onto having now reformed itself did no more than slither underneath the chest-guard that was now knocked loose and
straight under her haori before suckling her right nipple through her sarashi.
Mariko takes two more stun

The first slime tried to slither into her panties but feeling it before it managed to do so Mariko rolled onto her back and struck it clear off her with a palm strike. It was suddenly very apparent why her father insisted she learn minor martial arts as well as pole-arm use.

(a new dice and another pair of fumbles, wow the RNG gods seem to have it in for Neko Mikos)
Jumping to her feet Mariko considers that rather than have a repeat of before and wind up in her underwear against two perv-slimes that she should deal with the one near her feet, sweeping up her naganata with her foot she twirls it back into her grip and thrusts at the slime on the floor.
The slime however leaps forwards as she thrusts and slithers up her sleeve the one under her Haori however stops secreting the paralytic slime and secretes something else...

Tough vs paralysis slime: fail
Tough vs new ooze: Fumbled
Note: well, I hoped to ease into that one a bit more for cinematic effect

Mariko assaulted by a new sensation suddenly drops to her knees gasping as her chest suddenly becomes and erogenous zone.
Unsure if the slime wiggled under she sarashi or if her now erect nipples have just become so sensitive she can feel every movement through it.
Gritting her teeth through the pleasure he forces herself to her feet, this is really bad she determines, if this carries on then she risks loosing her purity to lowly slimes of all things. And If she allows that to happen she may as well give up on adventuring altogether as nothing higher class would be in her league surely.

Mariko has taken a point of arousal damage, this functions like standard HP but unlike stun
is a separate bar and reduced with either orgasm or time. She can take as many points of AD
as her maximum HP, at this point she can fight no longer and against all conscious desire,
will let her opponent have it's way.
Mariko will only take arousal damage against foes with relevant attacks or when horny.
Due to the latest ooze the slimes will now do arousal damage on top of anything else when
when touching her.
Arousal damage is never lethal and of course is harder to defend against as armour cannot reduce it conventionally. Although it generally requires some kind of contact so a suit of plate if Mariko gets one somehow would have the obvious inherent defence.

“What was that Max once said, sometime you have to roll the dice?” she thinks out loud before taking a deep breath and slamming her fist into her chest-guard bursting the slime under it.

1+1 damage to slime, death
1-1 damage to self, armour protects from the impact

The final slime is not as content as the former than their prey has stopped fighting with all of the moments she is making and simply tried to lather her in more paralytic ooze.
This fails because after crushing the first slime she sharply flings her arm straight to the side causing it to detach and fly into a nearby stone on the riverside.

Mariko takes 1 stun damage and 5 arousal damage from the slime's remains crushed against
her seeping into her skin. 2 rounds of DoT from slime entrails.

8hp remain, 6 arousal taken

Toughness vs paralysis worsening: pass
Realising what is happening due to the slight itch and moist feeling from her nether reagon and Mariko realises leaving her clothes on will just aggravate the situation and with a blush and a scowl casts off her guard and Haori leaving her stood in nothing but her damp undergarments and a thin layer of slime in numerous parts of her body.

In a bid to end this before she succumbs to more of the oozes effect Mariko lunges towards the final slime brashly but sadly sails right past it as it counter attacks with a leap towards her now exposed stomach.
Mariko deftly sidesteps it however and twirls around ready to keep fighting.

Tough vs paralysis: Pass
1 more stun and 2 more arousal from slime on chest, 1 more round of DoT remaining

As she twirls she slices at the slime as it bounds towards her narrowly slicing the air beside it as it catches the nape of her neck and affixes itself again causing Mariko to shudder as the cold slime runs down her back.

Mariko takes one damage from the slime grazing her hip and a further one stun and one and from the slime on her. Slime DoT ended.

Mariko makes a desperate grab for the slime on her neck it evades her by sliding down her back and attempting to grab onto the back of her panties, rather than giving it an anchor point is causes the already strained waistband to snap causing both the garment and the slime to fall to the floor with a wet thud .
The moment the further humiliation registered Mariko, whom was trying to keep her cool completely lost her temper and brought her naganata blade down onto the last slime cutting it in twain.
It was over a minute before Mariko stopped stabbing the slime puddle that was once a foe and took a deep breath to calm down.
The fight was over.

HP: 19hp remain, 15 stun accumulated from paralytic slime and 9 arousal accumulated.
Status rigid limbs from paralysis and somewhat horny. Both will wear off over time if untreated.

Before she does anything Mariko gathers her clothes together and drapes her skirt around her as a makeshift cloak to protect her remaining modesty as it is practically dry bar from some mud around the base.
She haori is soaked in slime as is her sarashi, putting it on may cause further issues with the slime as she can still feel a tingling from the sarashi. Not that she wants to take that off if she can avoid it as that would leave her completely nude bar the impromptu cloak.
Her panties are unusable, drenched in slime and snapped on the left side, the idea of continuing commando was not an appealing one.

A choice had to be made.
1) Continue as is
a) after stashing her clothes in her pack and hoping not to run into anything/one rapey.
b) after putting the slimy clothes back on
2) Climb a tree and wait for the effects of the ooze to subside, its the wrong climate for plant monsters after all and you'll have an overview of potential assailants.
3) As 2 except on the ground, we already met one mutant monster type today.
4) Wash clothes in the river.
5) Take a bath.
6) Give up and go home. (if the only choice the slimy clothes will be put on as Mariko will be walking along a road
7) Other: suggest

Any combination of any of these is applicable, and apart from 6 Mariko will continue on afterwards.
It also goes without saying that other than 1 and 6 the others all consume time.

As a side note, do people want the rolls adding? I don't mind, it's a bit of a pain to extract them off my notes page as I type the effects as I go. I figure if they are unwanted I can avoid spending the time extracting them that I could use concocting Mariko's downfa..... next action. *Ahem* yes, covered that up fairly well.

And now they are dead
Purple slimes bio:
Found in wet or humid areas like all slimes.
Almost identical to their blue and green counterparts apart from a few features.
Most notably is their predatory nature, until their cousins they will attack creatures, especially mammals rather than feed exclusively off decaying matter.
They do this by attacking in small groups and secreting an ooze that paralyses the victim, then using a second type of ooze that causing sexual arousal in the victim.
They then precede to feed of the victims bodily fluids, high salt content fluids especially.
While rare it it is not unheard of for this breed of slime too insert parts of itself into an orifice of a warm blooded creature for division, the new slime then feeds off whatever is available before forcing itself out in a form of birth.
This is a highly unpleasant process for the host, the only reason it isn't excruciating is due to the numbing effect of the paralysis, due to it being far weaker in smaller slimes the host can operate almost normally while the parasite is in place.
They grow up to a metre in length and do not divide until over 60cm.
no bonuses or penalties to rolls.
Inflict D2 stun damage and d6 arousal damage with it's attack types.
Ooze effects: only one usable at a time.
DC 10 or gain a stack or paralytic slime, each gives a -1 to all physical rolls,
5 stacks cause complete paralysis in the victim
DC15 or become horny and suitable to arousal damage

edit: whoops, the comment about threat levels I forgot to delete from my copy/pasta was for my refrence. :p
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Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

1 A
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

7) Other:
First check the surroundings for potential dangers - just in case there are more slimes in the river or the sounds of fighting attracted anything/anyone
If Mariko is alone she should wash in the river and get rid of the slime, then she should wash her clothes in the river
After that put on her wet clothes and continue

Hopefully washing the slime away will help weaken the effects. I thought about making Mariko masturbate to help with the horniness, but that seems like it's not yet necessary (she's not that horny yet)
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Yeah shes not too bad yet, and to be fair 'double clicking her mouse' in the open would probably be a matter Mariko would be vehemantly opposed to unless the alternitive was liable to be worse.

But all that really means if I wouldn't offer it up as a sugestion unless she becomes more open/corrupt/desperate. Votes after all are what make the choise. ;)
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko


I'm getting the impression that the river isn't particularly safe, and delaying could have other consequences later on. So, press on as best as is possible.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

If it helps it will be around 2pm at this point and nightfall will be between 8 and 9.
Keeping precice time in a setting like this is tricky to say the least. ;)
I already mentoned the desire to be back before nightfall and why which is why I make a point of mentoning time.

Any other potental effect related to the passage time I will nether confirm nor deny before they happen of course.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Well I don't want to leave y'all with nothing while we wait for a tie breaker, whether it be another choice between clothes on or off and continuing or someone agreeing with the idea of stoping to clean up.

So lets have a vote on the next major character to be introduced, they are beast-folk but the details will be given with their introduction unless it is determined to be required for the vote. (To avoid spoilers.)
They are pure-blood unlike Mariko however.

1: Canine type. This can be anything from a wolf to a hyena to the classic domestic types. This will effect hair colour, ear shape, markings and tail.
2: Weapon choice: Hammer and crossbow or twin axes. (Throwable)
3: Main flaw: choice of a fear of the dark, distracted by glittery objects or squeamish.
(I will consider other interesting ones, but preferably ones that can be played off in a light-hearted way yet still relevant as a potential weakness)
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Well, since i like your story,I will stop my lurking to vote, I don't want you to quit it.

4) A little cleaning is in ordre i think then obward to aventure.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Well, That works too. ;)
The vote on that character will remain open until they are met, should their be no consensus then I will choose from the popular options/my own preference.

After weighing her options Mariko decided she needed to clean up. Not only would that prevent further issues with her slimy clothes but it would also give the current issues chance to subside.
Of course, barring any further undesirable encounters.

As such the first point was to check for any signs that the noise had attracted anything. A look around the area didn't reveal anything that indicated anything had even paid attention to the fight, let alone investigated. An investigation of the river played out in a similar way, nothing was apparent and nothing tried to rape her face or get a fondle of her chest either as she leaned over for a better look. Unlike that slime.

After finding a shallow part of the river Mariko stowed her clothes and Naganata under some nearby bushes and sheepishly stepped into the water, it was cool yet refreshing.
In a moment of forgetting her situation at the refreshing sensation she waded deeper down so only her shoulders were exposed before remembering suddenly to keep her guard up and checked around again for potential assailants, she after all was currently unarmed and unarmoured.

Random encounter roll: nil

Focusing on washing the slime affected areas she started on her chest, which was still tender and each stroke to remove the residual slime felt like a gentle embrace from it's effects, if she was not already submerged she may have noticed a slight dampening on her thigh. After she realised she had nearly started giving her delicates the same treatment and that spending so long washing the area the slime had already long gone she moved onto her limbs feeling embarrassed about the matter.

After heading to the shore to retrieve her clothes Mariko heard a snapping branch. Quickly ducking into the reeds she kept low and her attention on the shore she saw a a group of eight humanoids exit the treeline and stop by the river before the leader of the group stopped and spoke.
The language was one Mariko's father had taught her some of, she forgets what it was called though Co-something.
They were all wearing Scale mail armour with a full face helmet and were armed with various great weapons.
“It looks like their was a fight here. And judging by the looks of this slime, recently. Their may well be a human adventurer nearby. Stay alert but try to avoid conflict unless attacked, we have a mission to do.”

After she was sure they were gone Mariko sighed a breath of relief, the leader sounded female but the build of the rest made her think male, as is the case with most beast-folk warriors, or so she hears.
Getting spotted nude by seven men was not on her bucket list.

After weighing the pros and cons of leaving Mariko decided to linger and clean her clothes like she originally planned, it allows the group to gain some ground as they were headed in the same direction as her.

Random encounter roll: Yes

Mariko sets to washing her clothes as quickly as possible without risking damaging them through rough treatment. She remains in the river to make it easier to conceal her presence is those warriors return.
After cleaning her sarashi and haiori Mariko considers the idea of washing the skirt too but dismisses the notion as it's really only got mud on it and will only get mud again.

Perception check: success

After getting out of the river Mariko hears something stagger unceremoniously out of the trees a feet yards away, before she can hide the creature turns towards her. It is a rat-like humanoid, although it is dripping with a purple ooze and the last of it ragged clothes fall to the ground exposing it's already fully erect penis.
Much to Mariko's disgust as it was crooked, bumpy and just generality unpleasant to look at.
It's panting heavily and clearly is under the effects of the ooze from those purple slimes and begins to close in.

Ratling: armed with crude club
Seemingly uninjured but visibly aroused.

Ratlings, while considered beast-folk by many, are actually closer to bipedal animals.
They only possess a rudimentary intelligence and while some can understand human speech. non have ever been known to speak in more than their guttural squeaking noise.
Their was once a tribe on this island but they suddenly took to kidnapping and enslaving humans for breeding stock.
If the reason was discovered her father never told her as it was him who reduced their clan to ashes eight years ago and saved the girls.
Apparently he missed a spot.

Painfully aware of her current nudity Mariko rapidly makes a decision on how to react.
1) she attacks
a) Immediately with her naganata that is thankfully by her foot
b) Immediately with spells (state, this may include grabbing a weapon depending on the spell)
c) as a but after getting dressed quickly (just skirt and haiori)
d) as b but after getting dressed quickly (just skirt and haiori)
e) other
2) She tries to reason with it to stand down
3) She tries to threaten it to make it back off
4) She grabs her belongings and makes a run for it, (state whether up or down the river or into the trees)
5) She simply gets dressed and hope it takes the hint (basically letting it make the first move making it's intent clear)
6) Other

Mariko's status
19/20hp 5/5En
5 stun and 3 arousal remain.
No longer paralysed or particularly aroused

Her pack is by her clothes and contains the 3 ointments and an antitoxin along with the monster research notes book.

•Wreath of flame, enchants weapon for extra damage -1 en
•Circle of Fire, creates a temporary circle of flame up to the far reach of the Naganata -1 en
•Spread misfortune: a strange innate ability she has that can make a single target unlucky -1 en
•Channel divinity: a skill granted to the head priest(ess) of the Miyashiro shrine it allows them to channel the raw energy of the slumbering god in emergencies, but this is a risky prospect with potentially unreliable results and one that may well come at a price . . .
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

1c. Aim for his dick if possible

About the character vote:
1: Tiger
2: Twin axes (Throwable)
3: Out of those three: distracted by glittery objects.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

I'm not sure how to put this without sounding condicending, but tigers arn't canines they're felines.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

I will go with the wolf, I am sure they will be noble and friendly... Twin axe and distracted by glittery objects.

1a but target the body to make him back off, I am not confidant we can dress up before he is on us.