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RPG RPG Maker [ラブリープリチー超愛してる] ゼヴェンの孕姫 / The Pregcess of Zeven (RJ196116)

Let me guess: that debug object, 1.06 note is talking about is that NPC with magic circle, that spawns a dragon ?
Does anybody know how to unlock the last auction event after the discount 4 event? The hints tell me to choose "enjoy throughly" but when I do it says invalid. I can only choose the other quick option. glitch?
any tips for the boss on level 5 it keeps kicking my ass

I just finished defeating it, took my third attempt to beat that creature and its little fishes.
In the first round I wanted to see how far I could go and see what I was going up against. What I came to realize is you need to do 2 things in order to have the advantage one is basically preventing itself from healing itself and its minions. To do this I just used an element slot to cancel out any method of healing i.e. magic, potions etc would fail and in result bringing damage (only downside is it affects your character as well). The second part is adding a poison or paralysis element or to be fair any element which brings up status effect on the main creature. Once you have sorted through your slot allocation take action. Take note the reason the second time it failed for me was I killed the beast but one of those fish piranha's managed to take me down before finishing it off. Its a question of having enough HP near the end.
Third time was pretty quick kill mainly due to the main beast trying to heal it self 4/5 times making it die all the more faster after that used a multiple attack to finish them all off in one go.

It might be different for others though but that was the method I used.

**Issue I am having now is the walking up the sixth floor I am mixing up slots but the issue is the monsters on these floors after level 5 and going to through level 6 are damn annoying they keep buffing themselves in agility and evasion. If anyone can tell me which element or setup I need to take these creatures down would be great especially the bat like ones which pop one after the other. Plus still need to finish of item shop owner part for H-scenes needing specific monsters only missing one but those bats keeping popping up any advice would be great.
any tips for the boss on level 5 it keeps kicking my ass

Like Amario, I used a weapon with a slot that changed all healing into damage instead, so when it tried to regenerate it killed itself. I also used an item that made one of the minions into my ally instead, not sure how much that helped.
What setup have people used after defeating the 5th boss?
Once you enter the next levels.....
Issue I am having now is the walking up the sixth floor I am mixing up slots but the issue is the monsters on these floors after level 5 and going to through level 6 are damn annoying they keep buffing themselves in agility and evasion. If anyone can tell me which element or setup I need to take these creatures down would be great especially the bat like ones which pop one after the other. Plus still need to finish of item shop owner part for H-scenes needing specific monsters only missing one but those bats keeping popping up any advice would be great.
Like Amario, I used a weapon with a slot that changed all healing into damage instead, so when it tried to regenerate it killed itself. I also used an item that made one of the minions into my ally instead, not sure how much that helped.

if its not to much of an inconvenience do you mind taking a screen shot of the mods in question, im not very good with using a hooker to pull the information i need out of it
So, if I understand correctly, the premise of this game is the creation of Australia 2.0 - when Japan decided to arrest and exile all of their hikikomori neet chikan virgins for being a blight to society, along with sending the hot blonde western princess to join them.

Because holy sh*t, if it wasn't for the ctrl button I definitely wouldn't last. I know it's supposed to be Japanese fetish shit, but come on.. you're telling me that 500 dudes can't fuck 1 girl? What.. do they need time to recover from being around so much sausage? Worse yet.. the game trolls you and she sucks off the old man first..

Great. Now I know what women mean when there's too much teasing and no action.
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Because holy sh*t, if it wasn't for the ctrl button I definitely wouldn't last. I know it's supposed to be Japanese fetish shit, but come on.. you're telling me that 500 dudes can't fuck 1 girl? What.. do they need time to recover from being around so much sausage? Worse yet.. the game trolls you and she sucks off the old man first..

She's got multiple divine protections, essentially 'no touching' to 'no fucking' to 'no pregnancy'

Early on they figured out they can get around her no touching by having her give permission.
So they keep on escalating that.

Until the old man get her to weaken her protection in order to get another one for advancing in the dungeon (the cold area)
At which point the old man could use his mind control magic on her.

Repeat escalation as more and more of her protections are removed, until she can get pregnant in the end.

The whole island also apparently have some kind of magical lust aura that would drive women insane (hence the princess's maid quickly escaping in the opening) but the main girl was fine when she had her protections...
Actually, it seems like there's some sort of effect on the whole town.
The girl who enters the town with you in the opening runs away after something effects her, an the heroine mentions something about her blessing.

I assume there's some sort of Miasma in the area that effects women, and when the blessings are weakened to allow her to progress through the dungeon, she starts to succumb to it.

The whole island also apparently have some kind of magical lust aura that would drive women insane (hence the princess's maid quickly escaping in the opening) but the main girl was fine when she had her protections...

Yeah, that.

So does the old man actually mind-control her, or does he just remove her protection and take advantage of her drugged state?
So does the old man actually mind-control her, or does he just remove her protection and take advantage of her drugged state?

IIRC he mentioned "Submission Spell" (or obedience? forgot the exact term)

so actual mind control which early on didn't work on her because one of her protection made her immune to that sort of mental manipulation effect before.
So, at the start of the game the princess is at home at her castle. Her father gathers together his children to officially declare his successor. He has six boys and one younger daughter, I think (or maybe it was seven?). As the youngest child and the only girl, she has led a sheltered life at home, and been doted on by her family. The royal family are descendants from a hero who once beat a demon lord, so they have the peculiar custom of passing on the throne to the strongest child, and they test this by seeing which child can make it to the depeest level of the sea god's dungeon unaided. The princess hasn't taken this challenge, as she isn't yet of age. Her oldest brother has the current record - he's a kind and just man, well loved by all the people and his younger sister. Everyone expects him to inherit, and to be a great king. So when the king declares that he will succeed him, the princess is happy to give up her right to challenge the dungeon, and instead let him be the king. At the gathering are the princess, the oldest son and two of the other sons - two more are out travelling the world to train in martial arts, and the other is probably wasting his time somewhere.

However, just as this is being declared the youngest son bursts in, and claims that he has penetrated to a deeper floor - thus he will be the next king instead! They check his memory stone, and indeed, it shines with the colour of the seventh level, one lower than the oldest prince. Everyone is dismayed. This son is a no good wastrel. He spends his time gambling and sleeping with prostitutes, wasting money without a care for anyone else. He boasts that when he is king he will force the women of the country to serve in his harem, and makes lewd remarks about his little sister. Basically, if he becomes king the country will be ruined. So the sister takes back her decision to waive her right to challenge the dungeon - she will challenge it, and beat her brother's record.

The princess' servant explains about the town of Zeven as they travel there. In this world, "gods" are built up from people's desires - desires of protection create protector gods, and so on. The town they are travelling to is under the protection of the sea god - the servant explains how other than ships from Zeven, merchant vessel invariably get attacked and sunk by krakens. The princess assumes the sea god is nice to protect his people from the krakens, but that's not it - the krakens are his creation. He actively seeks out and destroys people other than those under his protection. He is made up from people's wicked and lewd desires. As such, his aura emanates from the sea gods cave - it makes all the men of the town horny, and all the women unable to resist their sexual urges. As such, all women have moved away from the town - the only people who travel their are greedy men who want to take advantage of the blessing merchants get to make their fortune there. And the men know that women who enter the town are unable to resist them, so can be freely raped.

A fairly recent magical technology has been able to create the effect of divine blessings within people (it's been known for a while how to put them into clothes and weapons and so on). The princess has three such blessings - protecting her from being touched with lewd intent without her permission (anyone who tries gets zapped), protecting her from all forms of mental magic, and from pregnancy. The servant says that the mental magic protection should also protect her from the lewd atmosphere the sea god's shrine creates, and indeed that is the case. So the princess is able to enter the town without issue. In the town she finds the lord of the town is a corrupt court magician who was banished from court. He resents being sent here, and has been scheming with the younger brother to earn him to crown, so he can get back into the court. With a disregard for the laws of succession (that they had to make it to the deepest level on their own), he helped the brother by summoning monsters from deep in the dungeon to protect the brother, so he could just walk to the deepest point without fighting. And to obstruct the princess he has summoned boss monsters at each level that she has to overcome.
IIRC he mentioned "Submission Spell" (or obedience? forgot the exact term)

It was something to that effect, don't recall exactly either. To expand a little, the old man specializes in mind magic/enchantments, and you can unlock the hypnotist class if you progress his scenes far enough.

Personally, I found this game to be way too slow (and repetitive - we get it, she's reluctant about exposing herself) with the H scenes, but someone who likes exposure as a premise would probably enjoy it a lot more (since that's what the vast majority of scenes are about). Also might be worth pointing out that several scenes expand on the plot/lore/characters besides just being H scenes, and several unlock new classes.

And if you're looking for the preg scenes, you have to get the lewd ending and get those scenes in the post-game.
I dont play with any kind of translation so I have no idea whats going when it comes to the dungeons so would anyone be able to explain why you do and take so much dmg in the ice/cold lvl (5th lvl)