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The EGG Useful Information Thread (+OOC Discussion)

Re: The EGG Useful Information Thread (+OOC Discussion)

@Fmokou I have a bible black based game I have been trying to get going on here. I was originally trying to get Diaga to run for me but he's ended up being too busy, if you wouldn't mind to run for me. If not then I'll just put this up here for anyone else who might be interested or not care to GM for me.

Major Fetishes: Anal, BDSM, Bondage tentacles, futa, spanking, mind break/control and corruption.Minor Fetishes: Scat, waterworks, enemas, tickling, fisting, gang bang, cream pies, and bukake. Preferred Settings: Modern Japan,etc; High Fantasy, Modern Fantasy/horror and sci fi.

PS: It need not Bible Black. I had originally had an idea based on a chat game I tried doing with someone over roll 20 and discord but have ultimately decided to drop it. If you would be interested or want to discuss it more feel free to drop me a PM.

Thanks :)
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Re: The EGG Useful Information Thread (+OOC Discussion)

Not to sound too annoying...but would anyone be interested in taking on my thread? I know people are busy with others but I just figured I'd ask anyway.
Re: The EGG Useful Information Thread (+OOC Discussion)

It's all up to the GM practically. There really isn't a set ruling on either of those, aside from maybe the exp thing, which is use increasing skill like it does in Beth games. Some people have even adapted rules from other systems, so even that is not set in stone.
Re: The EGG Useful Information Thread (+OOC Discussion)

I would like to know if people are still interested in playing EGG. I have been a Pathfinder Society GM for a few years now and I think I have a few ideas on what I would like to try to do.

I would not want to have someone just pair up with me since at this point no one really knows who I am. Then again, if anyone is interested then just send me a PM and we can try to work something out, yes?
-Rping here for months in 1on1's.
-Still never read the proper lore/base system
-Rping here for months in 1on1's.
-Still never read the proper lore/base system

To be fair, this subforum has always been a sort of haven for RPs that just don't have another forum to themselves, and the base system/lore for EGG is basically meant to be totally forgettable.
Just a few more rps to overtake the frontpage of this one. :p
Just wondering, do people still run these? I've read a few and am interested but I've never seen any sign-ups
Just wondering, do people still run these? I've read a few and am interested but I've never seen any sign-ups

This is more of a.. 'come here if you got someone, or a group of people, to write with, no strings attached' area now.
Overall, rp forums have not transitioned well with the multitude of changes, but what can you do.
Well that's a shame. Thanks for the imfo.