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RPG RPG Maker [ 305 LABO] [ 305開発部 ] Miko to Miru Sekai / ミコと見る世界 RE148781 RJ148781

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Mar 19, 2010
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what a hard this game have

in 2nd stage i try so hard to pass stupid two guard in entrance

inside the cave first room
if you can see is have another room in the right side

in the right room is have secret room hideing
you can go to grap a bomb in the red bucket

go down you see some guard asleep cilck him to awaken
user the bomb to kill+distraction

but two guard in prison not coming
i choice fighting him and i win.... almost dead and i stick in here now

in the prison is have secret door but can't open it

exit is have two guard block way out

is this end demo? i don't see a h-scene in this game at all :L
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Re: ミコと見る世界

From what google translate says, the trial is an all ages version. Full version(?) though, just no H. Also something about how this isn't for people that want a quick fap, with difficult puzzles, and guarantees 5 hours of gameplay.

I got to the cave prison part but the fact that you can't level the main character is just too annoying for me. You can level the girl but you'll have to die/rinse repeat the same scenario with her to do it which doesn't save you the time you'd otherwise spend praying to rnjesus you don't get crit. It's 2 dollars at least.
Re: ミコと見る世界

From what google translate says, the trial is an all ages version. Full version(?) though, just no H. Also something about how this isn't for people that want a quick fap, with difficult puzzles, and guarantees 5 hours of gameplay.

I got to the cave prison part but the fact that you can't level the main character is just too annoying for me. You can level the girl but you'll have to die/rinse repeat the same scenario with her to do it which doesn't save you the time you'd otherwise spend praying to rnjesus you don't get crit. It's 2 dollars at least.

do you mean Trial ver. is not have H-scene?
wow that so bad :l

and yes
main character is so fucking suck he only have a mouth to bite enemy
and stupid skill explosive is only userful in 1st stage
(i don't know what is that skill but is look like a bomb)
but in enemy 2nd stage can't do shit anything

if this game have stealth kill in main character is gona really help me a lot
Re: ミコと見る世界

is this game is out now?
Re: ミコと見る世界

can someone pm a link this game please?
Re: ミコと見る世界

If someone got a link can he pm it to me too?
Re: ミコと見る世界

Well, all his works have only 1 download, this game has 29, thats progres! =D
I dont like his art though =/
Re: ミコと見る世界

only i keep my eve in this game
because is look like h-scene is have animation too

i see only a lot of link in portalnet at code RJ this game in seach google
i don't think i can trust those link maybe is a fake or something

i seriously want to play this game so much
Re: ミコと見る世界

i should give up to waiting a link this fullgame right now

i see only a bunch link in portalnet.cl and stupid baidu
is a only link i think is right

but is only at in the Rapidgator
and people know that website is only need a premium user
or maybe that pastebin is fake too (but it's said 92.09MB too)
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Re: ミコと見る世界

After the extra points campaign DLsite was doing, I had some points to spare and decided to go ahead and get this since it's only 2 bucks and some change.

Wow.....this game.....for something so small, there's tons of different endings and none of them are obvious. Every. Small. Detail. May change the ending you get and the world around you. Jeez, if this game had better artwork and not done in wolf I could see it easily getting a few thousand DLs.

Well without further ado, the

Have fun....and good luck.
Re: ミコと見る世界

Managed to get Ending 2 where I run away with the girl. The only CG I can get is where you and the girl kill the bandits/monks that ambush you in the forest, sitting back down on the stumps lets you have lunch with her, can't find anything else so far though. :eek:
Re: ミコと見る世界

My word this is brutal, I can't even free the girl in the onset.
Re: ミコと見る世界

Managed to get Ending 2 where I run away with the girl. The only CG I can get is where you and the girl kill the bandits/monks that ambush you in the forest, sitting back down on the stumps lets you have lunch with her, can't find anything else so far though. :eek:

Ugh, I'm sorry to say this but....you've already permanently missed one of the CG. Every time you lose a battle or decide not to help her, she resets time. When she does, you and her retain your memories.....the very first CG is from talking to her after you first recuse her. So if you don't talk to her then, before you leave the building, it's forever lost.

Now this one is a bit of a spoiler but it's really important to those looking for CG. With the exception of a few, most of the H is gotten from after she loses that third arm. There's a CG for Ending 2, if you choose not to tell her your name when she asks. I myself had to restart the game just to get this one.

My word this is brutal, I can't even free the girl in the onset.

in the beginning? lol yeah that's a tough one since you don't earn exp yet. The easiest way to go about this is, as soon as the game starts talk to the two guys at the table. The guy on the right will give you a medical herb if you don't have one. Be obedient and just follow the guy leading you. When you get to your post, talk to the other guard with you until you see the scene where the leader comes up and kills him. Go inside the building. Kill the first guard, if you need to, use the herb (you can't use them in battle....lack of arms you know) and kill the second guard. Go around using the little path and examine the wood. Set it on fire and quickly run back. After a while, it'll smoke the area and the three will go to check it out, as soon as their backs are turned rush in and get the girl. Once you have her, quickly get back into the room with the pot. Examine the pot and she'll pick out a herb for you. Talk to her here and get the CG lol.

Once you leave, head back to where the room is you came out of. There will be a guard standing shortly beyond it, go down the small corridor while avoiding him. Once you get to the pond, the alarm should sound louder, turn around and go back down the small corridor (use the herb if needed) and defeat the guard you were avoiding. After that just take the back path to avoid all the rest. If you get a bug and there's a guy blocking the exit, save your game and reload it. It's a bug, he's suppose to leave after the louder alarm.
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Re: ミコと見る世界

Is there a way to get past the two guards in front of the cave without fighting? One keeps falling asleep, which lets you rush up behind them... But they always seem to notice before I get inside.
Re: ミコと見る世界

There's an option to ditch her third arm? I think there's only like, a few maps total, the start temple, the village, the forest, and the bandit/monk cave. Then again choosing to hide at the village and sleeping over gave her a new kimono, and she asked a question after we left that house.. The first one made her seemed embarrased, otherwise I dunno what else I could be missing.

And if you meant the first CG where she only has her see-through outfit and her arm is all shadowy, I was lucky to talk to her since the game told me about the C Button.
Re: ミコと見る世界

There's an option to ditch her third arm? I think there's only like, a few maps total, the start temple, the village, the forest, and the bandit/monk cave. Then again choosing to hide at the village and sleeping over gave her a new kimono, and she asked a question after we left that house.. The first one made her seemed embarrased, otherwise I dunno what else I could be missing.

And if you meant the first CG where she only has her see-through outfit and her arm is all shadowy, I was lucky to talk to her since the game told me about the C Button.

Yeah, which is one of the reason why this game is so amazing. The sheer amount of branching paths inserted into 4 maps is just......mind blowing. Oh, she actually has something different to say in nearly every situtaion, every action you do, and a good chunk of stationary items and a lot of these change as you reset time. And one of the CG is actually gained through talking to her before resting in the village.

The option to lose the arm is part of the true ending yet sadly I can't find the other parts and it COMPLETELY CHANGES EVERYTHING so when you actually find out how, save before you make that choice. The game is even generous enough to if you choose not to give up the arm and you can go back and reconsider. That option however is not present if you do give it up.

edit: Oh, do not choose to attack her while she still have the arm.....you'll pretty much break the game as she'll reset time....and continue to do so every time you talk to her. Meaning you'll forever be stuck trying to rescue her from the cult. The dev's site talks about a bug in the game but I'm unsure whether if this is the bug....or the fact that if you choose not to go to the village the first time and get the changed kimono....you'll never get the ability to gain exp.

oh and when she asked you something when you leave the house, she's asking for your name. One of the endings you get by not telling her. Another one time thing.
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Re: ミコと見る世界

It was so unfair at the beginning I could never run quickly enough to get to the left side, once it starts smoke the girl would run out and start it all over again... Any one can provide a save just pass through that bit?
Re: ミコと見る世界

It was so unfair at the beginning I could never run quickly enough to get to the left side, once it starts smoke the girl would run out and start it all over again... Any one can provide a save just pass through that bit?

That's.....not suppose to happen. You're doing something really really wrong. She's asks you a question when you first meet her, I'm guessing you're answering "no" by accident probably trying to quickly get through the text hitting the cancel key. Remember this, she remembers everything you do. A lot of the questions she asks or the things you do, have a lasting effect. You could easily get into an unbreakable chain if you mess up.

edit: For those looking to get to the H, here's how you get rid of the arm

First get your character to either lvl 13 or 14, around this lvl he should grow a shadow version of Miko's arm.
Next, lvl up some more until you get a skill that takes 100mp to use.
Go to the cave, whether you defeat or she gets captured doesn't matter, get the bomb from the red tin drum, go to the cell where they held Miko and examine the wall, if you have the key use it but if not go to the top of the cave and defeat the leader for the key.
Inside use the bomb on the rubble (the girl can actually clear it away but it's pretty funny since she'll yell at you for not warning her), inside you'll hear the static from when she (and now you!) reset time and the music will be distorted, proceed forward and you'll find another cell with a giant hand coming towards you, fight the hand, this is a one turn fight where the hand will either one-shot you or reset time if you use Miko's prevention spell, to win you have to have the MC cast the 100mp skill and have Miko use her first skill that halves hp, the 100mp spell takes 900 hp and the boss has 1800.
Another miko well appear and pretty much say she became what she is due to a grudge. She's also the reason the monk guys are afraid of Miko. She'll inform Miko that she can take the arm away from her, Miko gets excited but then leaves the decision up to you as she realizes that she'll pretty much become useless without it. Say to take it and boom Miko becomes a normal girl with only 2 skills. This as well as how much Miko likes you will open up the H in the game. The different H scenes will depend on what you do and losing fights. Since you're the only one who can reset time now, Miko can no longer do so after you die and it'll go to a bad end usually followed by an H scene. Resetting time to the beginning with completely change the story as Miko still no longer has her third arm.
That should do it, have fun collecting H!! Cause I seriously need a few more brains working through this.....
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Re: ミコと見る世界

Thanks for the tip, I eventually powered through it and learned that if you talk tothe third guard twice they will run away (and presumably be why the alarm is on.)
But that sounds like a better lead for a good ending.

How do you actually hideout at the village? Upon approach a farmer runs away and I can't seem to enter any buildings?
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