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ACT [7thdream] PoorSakura Fight! 1 and 2

Re: PoorSakura Fight!

WTF? Am I the only one dat can actually abuse the fighting system thats set up? All I hear are complaints, I've nvr lost a match (even to and Ace) cuz of a few simple tricks:

1. Pressing and releasing a direction cause u to dash (or slip w/e they call it) so u have to hold the direction before attacking/grabbing

2. Best combo to do is slip/dash forward to kick, then keep holding forward and hold kick till the 2nd or 3rd hit, then (while still holding forward) get off kick and hold punch till the punch combo repeats 2 or 3 times, then finish with the sex grab while they still in the air.

3. Ground grabs make u vulnerable so only do it for emergencies (like if they have full super)

4. Anytime she hits the floor, do the back then forward punch or kick (they both hit), if not cuz of fail key inputs dat the game likes to do, just hold down and kick. Should hit twice, sometimes, depending on the difficulty lvl of opponent, u can do it infinitely if u stay as far away as possible and do the kick

5. While doing ur super, alternately press back and forward rapidly and kick, after the super, that kick will do a hell of a lot.

There's more, but i dont think ya wanna read anymore, but if u guys want me to write out a FAQ or guide for this i can
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Re: PoorSakura Fight!

Check it, check it. I got your solution.

Become an artist and make your own game? Ah, but too much effort? Don't have the time or patience?

Alright... Then save some money and commission someone? Ah, but it might cost too much and maybe you just don't have the kind of income to be saving for such a thing...


Then STFU. :D

We all got our fetishes and tastes. Yet it's almost inevitable these days, to see some dude wanting to throw dirt on the fire cause he don't like the stories being told. Go to another camp fire.

Oh and don't get angry? This shit should be conventional wisdom by now.

Actually, I'm going to college with programming as my major, so not only am I learning to make games, but also paying to do so, combining both of your ideas as it were. :p

Toffisama's "Princess of the Ring" my good friend.:p;)

And yes, that is a prime example, though I was more inferring one with opposing genders doing so. Thank you though!
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Re: PoorSakura Fight!

Actually, I'm going to college with programming as my major, so not only am I learning to make games, but also paying to do so, combining both of your ideas as it were. :p

There ya go! =3

See, no reason to complain. You'll create/pay for your own fetishes soon enough. :)
Re: PoorSakura Fight!

Yes, Ryu, not too much later until we start bugging you to make us games (or at least share the games you make for yourself).
Re: PoorSakura Fight!

I find it impossible to do sequential moves thanks to the fact that tapping a key counts as a double tap. It's a two part thing, you press, that counts as one, then you release, that counts as two. And I've had to minimize the window just to get the game going at a tolerable pace.

Disagree, men should get raped. Nonconsensually, and without the option of raping back. :p

A man gets raped?
Maybe if it's an old wrinkly or really fat women yeh, otherwise he'd just brag to his friends how he nailed a chick last friday ...
Re: PoorSakura Fight!

A man gets raped?
Maybe if it's an old wrinkly or really fat women yeh, otherwise he'd just brag to his friends how he nailed a chick last friday ...
Cmon, be creative, there are several examples of games with manrape in them. Off one hand, Strip Fighter.
Re: PoorSakura Fight!

I duno if someone realized or not, but if you take out mask 1 and 2 swf from your data folder then the game becomes uncensored.

And yeah the game is hard. Even warrior level opponent is hard nut. Not even mentioning master and ace. There is probably a technique how you can win easily... we just have to find it. :O
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Re: PoorSakura Fight!

Oh I've beaten a girl at master level. All I do is do the charging kick followed by the charging punch. It's about all the air-juggling you can do, and charging is generally inevitable to begin with <_<.

And thankee for the mask tip Wess. Blurry mosiacs begone!
Re: PoorSakura Fight!

I noticed that the guy also has a rank. Raising the guys rank can increase hes reflectivity?
Re: PoorSakura Fight!

This game has some nice animations.
Too bad it's unplayable.

And before anyone says something: I read fendo11's post. But if I need instructions on how to exploit the "system" in order to win, I refuse to call it playable. I did indeed win some fights, but... no, just no.
Re: PoorSakura Fight!

Well good for you guys. I cant exploit the system since they alway kick me out of dash-knee.
Re: PoorSakura Fight!

A man gets raped?
Maybe if it's an old wrinkly or really fat women yeh, otherwise he'd just brag to his friends how he nailed a chick last friday ...

he wouldn't brag about it if she had a strap-on, or if it was a big burly man..

rape just refers to the "sex without consent" scenario.. or surprise scenario..
the possibilities here forth are endless..
Re: PoorSakura Fight!

They used the same censor type in previous games so I removed those files even before I started the game for the first time. Sadly I removed all the other files too some 20 minutes later because it just wasn't worth keeping. Compared to previous work the sex wasn't the least bit interesting and as a fighting game it was horrible. I liked all the custom features but that don't help the actual gameplay. I could beat my opponents without abusing the game and the skill level feelt rather good but there was an utter lack of fun in it.
I'll just wait and hope that their next game turns out better.
Re: PoorSakura Fight!

Cmon, be creative, there are several examples of games with manrape in them. Off one hand, Strip Fighter.

Havent played that, but if the chick is hot, a man CANNOT be raped, he's just lucky
Re: PoorSakura Fight!

Okay... imagine being beaten into a bloody swollen pulp by a dominatrix bitch and having been brought to orgasm via a stiletto heel footjob? And from a male psychological mindset, trying to rape her only to have been taken advantage of yourself.
Re: PoorSakura Fight!

Okay... imagine being beaten into a bloody swollen pulp by a dominatrix bitch and having been brought to orgasm via a stiletto heel footjob? And from a male psychological mindset, trying to rape her only to have been taken advantage of yourself.

Your example is flawed in every way imaginable. The point there isn't the rape, it's the brutal violence. So it's an unfair comparison. You don't need to beat a woman down to a bloody pulp and fuck them with the tip of a sword to get to call that rape either. A woman can be raped simply by taking advantage of her while she's drunk, drugged or sleeping without any violence whatsoever. Or if the girl's 15 - even 17 in some countries - regardless of how willing they might be. Aside from STD's, if that happened to a man, their only regret would be to not being awake during that time. How many teenage guys since the age of 12 or so didn't jerk off to that hot teacher and half their older classmates for instance?

We're just wired differently that way, and while there are exceptions (I myself for example just can't get it up unless I actually have feelings for the woman), it is what it is. You *can* rape a man, but it requires some pretty darn specific circumstances and conditions to be possible.

The most basic thing with rape is that once you tear down the differences in strength and size and differences in the function of sexual organs etc, rape is just another word for non-consensual sex. And most of the time, men crave for sex, while most of the time, women do not. Even when women do, they're far more likely to place the sex lower on the priority list compared to all the other variables such as who, where, why, when, what are the consequences etc. For men the priority list is fairly straightforward, sex > other issues.

Now of course, that's not to say that a male rape can't work as a fantasy. It most certainly can. But it's kinda hard to pull off in reality without including violence etc. Exception being homosexual rape but that doesn't really apply, we're talking about men vs. women here. For a heterosexual male to be raped by another male is nowhere near comparable, that's akin to a woman being raped by a horse or some other creature she would never in the world even think of sexually. But that just further emphasizes the differences between men and women.

And I've jabbered on long enough. :)
Re: PoorSakura Fight!

If you guys need an easy way to beat any opponent (except beginner level, ironically), notice that if you knock her down, there is a deadzone where she won't get up if you're not too far and not too close. You can hit her while remaining in this deadzone with the crouch kick. Just don't get too close to her so she doesn't kick you, and don't run too far away so she doesn't get up on her own. Just kick her a couple times, move forward a tiny bit (crouching cancels the move forward), repeat. This works for any opponent except for beginner, who gets up after a certain time period, not based on where you're positioned relative to her.
Re: PoorSakura Fight!

Your example is flawed in every way imaginable. The point there isn't the rape, it's the brutal violence. So it's an unfair comparison. You don't need to beat a woman down to a bloody pulp and fuck them with the tip of a sword to get to call that rape either. A woman can be raped simply by taking advantage of her while she's drunk, drugged or sleeping without any violence whatsoever. Or if the girl's 15 - even 17 in some countries - regardless of how willing they might be. Aside from STD's, if that happened to a man, their only regret would be to not being awake during that time. How many teenage guys since the age of 12 or so didn't jerk off to that hot teacher and half their older classmates for instance?

We're just wired differently that way, and while there are exceptions (I myself for example just can't get it up unless I actually have feelings for the woman), it is what it is. You *can* rape a man, but it requires some pretty darn specific circumstances and conditions to be possible.

The most basic thing with rape is that once you tear down the differences in strength and size and differences in the function of sexual organs etc, rape is just another word for non-consensual sex. And most of the time, men crave for sex, while most of the time, women do not. Even when women do, they're far more likely to place the sex lower on the priority list compared to all the other variables such as who, where, why, when, what are the consequences etc. For men the priority list is fairly straightforward, sex > other issues.

Now of course, that's not to say that a male rape can't work as a fantasy. It most certainly can. But it's kinda hard to pull off in reality without including violence etc. Exception being homosexual rape but that doesn't really apply, we're talking about men vs. women here. For a heterosexual male to be raped by another male is nowhere near comparable, that's akin to a woman being raped by a horse or some other creature she would never in the world even think of sexually. But that just further emphasizes the differences between men and women.

And I've jabbered on long enough. :)
I told you guys.. even if the woman is HOT,
if she has a raging STRAP-ON, its gonna be rape..

but if we insist in the regular mating..
i'd say even if its a hot chick..
tied you down and rapes you trying to impregnate herself so that youd be forced to marry her, when you want someone else,.. (like say a hotter woman, or someone you know better..

and even if she fails to make you marry her, she's gonna use the baby to get CASH out of you..

its rape right?..
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