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A Building


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: A Building

A large cargo-style plane passed over the school, dropping a large crate out of the back. A parachute automatically deployed, and the crate drifted downward. Only to get the chute tangled up in the branches of a nearby sturdy tree, leaving the "package" hanging about two feet from the ground.
Re: A Building

Siphon had quickly made his way over to the building, only to see the crate get dropped. "Oh that son of a bitch really IS nuts."

He looked about, spotting no one. "Jesus, now I have to climb up and crack the damn thing open."

He let out an exasperated sigh, and started to climb. Soon enough he had gotten close enough that he was able to tear the cover off the box.
Re: A Building

As soon as Siphon made his comment about climbing up to the crate, a voice, rather loudly, responded. "Day-o. Day-o. Daylight come and me wan' go home. Day, me say day, me say day, me say day, me say day, me say day-o. Daylight come and me wan' go home."

As soon as the cover was pulled off, Kyle looked up at Siphon. "You know, being inside a wooden box and hearing a nail gun shutting it is an interesting experience."
Re: A Building

Siphon shook his head again. "You know, sometimes I wonder just how much of your crazy "act" is really an act."

He says this with a grin on his face though, and then adds, "good to see you back. Now, what's say we get you out of that box?"
Re: A Building

"Had to ask myself that a time or two, setting this one up," Kyle responds, before trying to stand up.

Unfortunately, that's when the bottom of the crate decides to give out, dumping Kyle, and his travel case of assorted stuff, onto the ground. After looking around a bit, he looks back up at Siphon. "Bloody good thing I decided to wear backup 'chutes, just in case. Next time, stronger box."
Re: A Building

Siphon shakes his head yet again, muttering something in his native tongue before dropping down out of the tree. Landing in a semi-crouch, he slowly rises upward, like some creature out of a video game. "How about next time, no box man? What the hell is all of this shit anyway?"
Re: A Building

Kyle looks at his travel case, then back at Siphon. "My scientific notebooks and other random crap, that I took with me in case rooms got moved around, remember? I really am going to need a hand with this, though."

Given the fact that the travel case was about the size of a small dresser, it would pretty much be a two-man job moving it.
Re: A Building

"Oh yeah. Damn, that's larger than I remember you leaving with though. The hell did you do, buy half the Alveran data core?"

He shrugs his shoulders, then gestures to the case. "Shall we get started then?"
Re: A Building

"Not quite. Some of my parents' stuff was recovered, and I gathered it up. And just let me go get my papers and stuff." With that, Kyle ran into the building, gathered his ID and schedule, along with anything else, and came back. "Ugh. 314. I'm thinking that a make-shift pulley may be in order. Let's get this over to the dorm, at least."
Re: A Building

He nods, and waits for him to come back. He narrows his eyes as the room assignment is mentioned. "Yeah, let's just get started before I use it as a battering ram on someone."
Re: A Building

Kyle lifts up one end, before asking, "Things going to hell already?"

((Thread change?))
Re: A Building

Siphon grins as he lifts the other end of the chest. "You could say that. I'll fill you in after we move this. Also, don't you think it would make an effective battering ram though? Would be fun watching certain people running out of the way."

The grin get's wider, as he seems to be playing the prankster part for a moment, something not generally seen from him.
Re: A Building

Kyle laughs at the comment, as he starts towards the boys' dorm. "Yeah, I might be able to think of a few who I'd consider doing that to... Might work better as trebuchet ammo, though..."
Re: A Building

Walking into the grounds of the school a girl, by the looks of her to be in her early teens, makes her way to the A Building carrying several large bags and by the looks of it its not giving her any problems.

"Damn that brother of mine," She grumbles, talking to herself out loud. "I told him I'd be here a day after him and he still doesnt turn up to greet me. I'm gonna have to give him a piece of my mind." Walking into the building she collects her things; uniform, map, door cardkey etc... Looking at the map she scans for the boys dorm.

"Ah, there it is, I think I'll pay him a little visit first." She says as she pockets the map and heads in the direction of the boys dorm.
Re: A Building

Mikhail emerges near A building, and points it out to Trixie. "This is the A building, hopefully you'll find some information here."
Re: A Building

She nodded slowly. "Thank you very much, and thanks for not frying me last night," she said in embarassment.
Re: A Building

He hangs his head slightly. "Yeah, sorry about the close call. I've never lost control over him like that... I need to find that warlock."
Re: A Building

"It was sorta my fault too, I dunno what came over me to pounce you like that..."
Re: A Building

Mikhail shrugs. "Still, I shouldn't have lost control like that, it worries me greatly. Ever since though Praxal has been strangely quiet, so something is up."