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A Building


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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This is the building where all the administration of St. Jude's happens. It was once a grand Edwardian manor however it has since been refitted, though not redecorated to house the upper echelons of administration as well as any visiting dignitaries.

The main hall of the interior is lavishly clad in mahogony and other expensive woods while many paintings of notable figures are hung on the walls. An enormous rug has been placed on the floor that is decorated with an intricate piece of floral artwork. There is a balcony ringing up the upper level of the hall and a large crystal chandelier is suspended from the ceiling.
Re: A Building

Corax and Art lead the new students to the front of the A Building.

"This is the A building. All the school administration happens here. This is where you'll pick up your Student ID and door card, your timetable, a site map etc. That's about all you'll need to come here for for the time being."
Re: A Building

Leo walks into the A building, setting down one of his bags and talking with one of the receptionists, taking his room card and stuffing it in his left pocket, then picking up his bag and making a bee-line back to the dorms
Re: A Building

Rolf enters the reception area, collects his ID and Door card, then heads back to the dorms.
Re: A Building

Isabella followed after the boys into the A Building and waited to pick up her stuff. After recieving her gear she left the building.
Re: A Building

Trixie quickly scampers in, grabs her ID, rubs her soon-throbbing head, then rushes back to the girl's dorms.
Re: A Building

Autumn tiptoed in and got her room card, Student ID, and all the other necessaries, then walked out again, trying not to look at anyone in the process...
Re: A Building

Art makes his way to the A Building without meeting anyone, or more precisely hiding in the shadows so no one would notice him. Peering into the front entrance Art spots a guard sitting down, though he's fast asleep. Slowly Art makes his way through the door and down the corridor, making sure not to make any noise.

Once Art had made it down the corridor he peers into one of the rooms.

"Awesome, found the place," Art opens the door fully and steps into the photocopying room. Booting up one of the computers Art scans in the polaroid and edits it. Once he finished Art then prints it out, though the photo is printed in segments. Once that had finished he shut down the computer and gathered up the couple-dozen print outs. He then makes his way back out the A Building and towards the girls dorm.
Re: A Building

Jackson walked in to the building carrying a suitcase and backpack. He had only gotten to the school in time to get the tail end of the school tour. He wouldn't have been so late if you haven't been for the plane's flight problems. If there had been no problems he would have been here easily four hours. That in it's self was the greatest problem.

Four hours of his life wasted on a bus to get him here. Then add the large number of creationists he had been forced to sit with for the ride.

How can be people be such idiots! He thought to himself as you got his ID, school map and such. He headed for the dorm just worried about getting to his room.
Re: A Building

Simon strolls into the front hall of A building and looks around. His shadow had been whispering incessantly right through the day. It hadn't been this on edge for a while now. What was more, Simon hadn't a clue why. What ever it was, it had led him here. Or was it perhaps trying to warn him away from this building? He couldn't be sure. The unintelligible whispers were as vague and alien as ever.

He decides to find a bench and hang out here for a while. He takes a seat at the side of the room, and pulls out a pack of malt loaf and a book. Though whether he could actually get any reading done with the shadow pestering him like this was another question.

((Consider Simon to have left just before the bellow post occurs.))
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Re: A Building

The rest of the evening past without incident, and slowly the twilight hours of dusk fell into the inky blackness of night.

All was silent for several hours, until the school clock begun chiming to announce that it was ten o'clock, echoing throughout the empty school until it suddenly stopped after its seventh ring. No resonance across the grounds, just a sudden stop. Then, a moment after that a sudden metallic ringing followed by the sound of splintering wood cut across the entrance of the A Building. An explosion that echoed across the school grounds followed a second later, engulfing the cut doors, splintering them into thousands of tiny fragments and as they fly through the air they gradually slow down until they hang in place, as if they were beyond the powers of normal physics. Stepping out of the doorway is a figure clad in full plate armour, who seemed to be admiring what it had just done.

"Glorious," It mutters to itself, its voice echoing slightly through its helmet. "This power, it's far beyond what I initially assumed it capable of." The figure looks over towards the direction of the courtyard, and after a moment it slowly makes its way over there.

((Give me a few minutes to post in the courtyard and the communal dorms then you can go ahead with whatever you want))
Re: A Building

It would appear that overnight the doors to the A Building had been fixed, possibly by people that Celeste had sent over whilst everyone else slept.
Re: A Building

Jonathan entered the A building, unaware of the fact that it recently had been used as a stage for someone's flashy entrance. He came here simply to get his papers and other stuff that was necessary. He didn't waste his time here either - as soon as he got what he wanted, Bird left the building. His next target would be the cafeteria, then the dorm. He had to finally start organizing himself a little.
Re: A Building

The doors of the A building opened, and the light footsteps of a slightly older man could be heard walking towards the front desk. The man himself wore slicked-back black hair, brown horn-rimmed glasses, a white striped dress shirt with a strange tie, black pants, and black dress shoes, which made light steps on the lavish rug as the man adjusted his tie, stepping up to the receptionist "Excuse me, miss. Is this the Administration building of Gossamer Falls Boarding School? My name is Gabriel Gray and I'm here about a teaching job I was offered." he spoke in a fairly light and formal manner, as he rubbed his chin for a few moments, realizing he had forgotten to shave earlier today, looking around at the building while he awaited the receptionists response.
Re: A Building

The somewhat old, and rather bored looking woman looks up from the crossword she had been doing, staring at Gabriel for a long moment before turning to a filing cabinet and begins rifling through its contents.

Meanwhile a guard, who happened to appear about as old as the receptionist was was startled awake by the clattering of the cabinet.

"Woah, back the hell off," The guard says to Gabriel as he tries to shake off the effects of his sleep.

"Calm down, Mitch," The receptionist says to the guard, her voice sounding gruff and almost nasal-like as she grabs a file and puts it down on her desk. The guard named Mitch grunts and sits back down, quickly falling asleep again.

"Yes....it says here you weren't supposed to start until next week," The receptionist says, her gaze, heavy bags can be seen under her deep set eyes. Wrinkles can be seen mapping the full length of her face, making her seem more and more like a Bulldog. "But, I guess we can put you up in a room the male dormitory....Hrm...there doesn't seem to be a history of child abuse in your logs, so I guess that will be alright." The woman slowly puts the file away and turns back to Gabriel. "Here's your room key." She says as she hands it to him. And then almost as an afterthought, "I'll be keeping my eye on you though." With that she goes back to her crossword as if Gabriel had never even shown up.
Re: A Building

Gabriel nearly jumps from fright as the old guard exclaims, but calms himself as he hears the old man fall back asleep, his attention mainly focused on the woman in front of him. "Uhm. Thank you miss. I should be going, and letting you get back to your puzzle." he says, taking his room key with his left hand and shrugging his right shoulder to shit the weight of his bag in his hand, then turns and exits the building, the key already in his pocket as he looks at a rough map of the grounds, then takes off towards the dorms.
Re: A Building

Vewla's questions came at random breaks in the conversation, not quite all at once. However, they seemed more geared to fill the atmosphere with noise rather than looking for a well thought-out response, but answers would always help. She smiles sheepishly as she glances around while following John's lead. "I'm just nervous about being here. First time away from family and all." She says as she notices the building looming before her. She didn't pay attention to how long the walk was. "So... how new are you?" She asked, giving John that same appraising leer.
Re: A Building

"Everyone's nervous when you're away from family for the first time." Jonathan somehow seemed to be taking the discussion well, even if the constant question wore him down a little. "And I arrived here... Two days ago, as far as I can recall. Time flies by so slowly sometimes..." The young man shrugged as he reached the entrance to the building. "Alright, here we are. This is where the school administration is located. You can get your dorm key, map, timetable and anything else you'll need from the receptionist. Come on." Jonathan entered the building, holding the door for Vewla and pointing her towards the reception.
Re: A Building

Vewla's face tensed up at the mention of family. A blend of emotions crossed her face, pausing before the door as she tightened her lips, looking down at the ground. Shuffling her feet a little, she recollects herself into a smile toward John. "Gotta start somewhere though, right?" She says before briskly bouncing into the doorway. She pauses, allowing her eyes to wander across the receptionist area, then approaches the receptionist with a quiet tone, slipping her acceptance paper to her and exchanging it for her newbie packet. She thanks the receptionist and quickly spins on her foot to go check out her new room!

She glances down at the key with a sticky note attached. "Room 113..." She heaves a small sigh, giving a disdaining look off into the air before she rekindles her kind face. "Ooooh, how do meals work?" She asks, balancing the pros and cons of eating now and hauling her luggage everywhere, or putting them away... Good thing John was responsible for half of it.
Re: A Building

"There's a cafeteria in G Building." Jonathan replied as he glanced at the keycard for the girl's room. "That's where everyone goes after classes to eat something. You can choose a suitable meal for yourself." Bird shrugged. Well, this trip wasn't a total waste of time, but she seemed to be rather childish. Plus, so far he was only answering questions and working as a pack mule. Perhaps it was time to pass the ball. "By the way... Where are you from?"