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A Certain Destiny (Ryska01)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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[rul=[URL]https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BoMIHW0E_tXvpiQeyKA5-iq5BvjAfLAsBIn8Tlhrzhw/edit]Kailen[/url[/URL]]: HP = 45, PP = 44, EP = 105, Status = Fine
Orias: HP = 32, PP = 23, EP = 25, Status = Fine

The trees rustled to either side as the heavy spring wind tore across them, the fresh leaves and heavy boughs protecting the damp road - and the two walking along upon it - from the worst of the wind's ravages. The sun was hanging low in the Western skies, its corner kissing the far edge of Crolia's northern mountains which separated the main body of it from the tundra and the ice flows beyond. "Northeast" Orias had said, in regards to where her destined destination - the lost Principality of Cartraneau - that had been seized and destroyed by the orc hordes during the great war centuries earlier. It stood at the base of the mountains over Amazonia, many miles from where she'd been raised, and it would be a long journey to reach it.

For now, however, they were still in civilized lands... Which likely made the sudden cloud of flame that bloomed up ahead, followed shortly thereafter by a thunderous BOOM, all the more surprising! The flash of fire was brief, but the smoke cloud that it left behind remained, and the wind would soon bring the acrid smell of burnt wood and flesh wafting to Kailen and her mounted traveling companion. The source was a short ways down the road, leaving the wayward dragoness with a choice of whether she wanted to go ahead and investigate, turn back to return towards the last village that she'd passed, divert into the woods to try and go around whatever was going on up ahead, or some other plan that she might come up with.
Kailen moved her forearm against the sudden rush of wind as she looked towards the plume of smoke as she looked to her lady and then back towards the sight of the explosion... her inner sense told her this might have been a mistake, but the other part of her was insistent on going forward and trying to help. After such deliberations, the latter came to be as she sighed. "Looks like we're going to find out just what exactly is going on, Orias..." She said softly before taking off, hand on her shotgun as she prepared for the worst, a raiding party, banditry, a magician, whatever was to come she would bravely fight it, just like how she knew from all the books she read, to be a true hero and a good person she couldn't just let things go astray, even to the most caustic person help was always at a moments notice with her around.

Henceforth, she shall go forward and assist!
: HP = 45, PP = 44, EP = 105, Status = Fine
Orias: HP = 32, PP = 23, EP = 25, Status = Fine

Orias growled beneath her, her guide's dragon-horse form speeding up on Kailen's prompting.

It wouldn't be long before the source of the trouble came into view. Kailen found herself approaching a small trading post built on the road, a walled outpost that lived off of the trade brought by travelers coming down the road. She emerged from the trees some fifty feet from the walls, the area having been clearcut - likely to build the walls - and kept that way to limit the cover for any would-be attackers. The wooden palisade was, fortunately, only slightly on fire! The gate on the side that she was approaching from had been obliterated, and judging by the smoke and the screams, the raid was still going on inside. Even as she approached, a trio of goblins came wandering out, two of them hauling sacks and one carrying a struggling sheep. Behind them came an orc woman with wild black hair and clad in grey furs, wielding a whip and a long knife. All four stopped short at the sight of Kailen approaching, the orc woman's orders dying before she'd finished them and the goblin with the sheep letting it go but then grabbing it by the leg to keep it from escaping when the animal tried to bolt.
"Of course it's bandits..." Kailen muttered before slipping her shotgun out of its shealth and taking a moment to rack the weapon and approaching quickly as she raised it towards the raiding bandits. She heeded Orias to stop at least forty feet away from the bandits as she leaned to the side and took aim at the orc woman as she called out. "Best not make this any more of a trouble, miss! Just put the bags back down, and the sheep, and just walk off of this. We're not here for trouble but you're making it and I can't allow that!"

With that she shifted herself to get ready to jump up into the air and begin flying while talking softly to Orias. "Do your work if they don't comply, roar, snarl, the works until this goes south. I'll take flight and strike them."
: HP = 45, PP = 44, EP = 105, Status = Fine
Orias: HP = 32, PP = 23, EP = 25, Status = Fine

"This is none of your business," the orc woman snapped back at Kailen, staring at the shotgun-wielding dragon defiantly. The goblin struggling with the sheep received a light kick to the face from the animal before releasing it, prompting them to stumble over and rub their cheek where they'd been kicked. "Noooo! My soft thingy!" The goblin shouted mournfully, though the sheep only bolted off a few dozen feet before slowing down and looking back to glare at the goblin. He and the other two - who put down their sacks - drew out knives and clubs.

Orias would give a growl beneath her and nod, taking a step forward but then pausing so that Kailen would have a stable platform to take off from.
"I warned you!" She shouted as she crouched before jumping in the air with a powerful beat of her wings, taking a moment to gain forty feet of air before staring down at the orc woman and her entourage... she glared, eyes slitting tighter as she took a moment to figure which and who she was going to hit first... she didn't want to kill them, but with a shotgun it's not necessarily a weapon to force surrender as she licked her lips. "All you have to do is just walk away, I don't want to kill you but I can't let you go any further! I'm sorry it has to come to this!" She shouted again... thinking for a moment before she took a deep breath.

Orias, lets do this!" Kailen shouted before swooping in and aiming at the orc woman, cocking her shotgun before aiming to strike at her feet and legs to haul her down!
: HP = 45, PP = 44, EP = 105, Status = Fine, Grappled
Orias: HP = 2/32, PP = 23, EP = 20/25, Status = Badly Injured, Draconic Transformation X = 6, Upkeep = 2 (+12 melee damage, attacks, +6 grapple/AV)

Orc Summoner: Taken 15 damage
Goblin 1: Fine
Goblin 2: Fine
Succubus: Fine, Grappled

Attack: 37 vs 54, miss. Because shotgun, still partial damage.
Damage: 30 halved to 15, ignoring her little AV

They summon a succubus. The succubus tries to grab Kailen.
Attack: 57 vs 52, hit; Kailen is grappled.

Orias Activates Draconic Transformation for X=6

Goblins attempt to bonk Orias!
Attack: 41 and 52 vs 37, both hit.
Damage: 22 and 20, minus 6 each, total of 30 damage.

"Aaaaargh!" When Kailen swooped down and leveled her shotgun, the orc dove aside, only taking a bit of buckshot to one of her lower legs. She scrambled to hands and knees, then raised one hand, causing a glowing red pentagram to appear on the ground, from which a woman rose... A woman with sky blue skin covered in whirling red and black tattoos, clad only in a black slingkini, and with a bob of black hair streaked with bright pink. "Get her!" the orc barked, pointing at Kailen, and the conjured woman delightedly replied; "Kaaaaaay~!"

The summoned succubus leapt into the air, spreading massive bat-like wings and giving them a powerful beat, causing her to rise into the air and shoot up at Kailen like a bullet. The two collided in the air, wings beating furiously to keep both aloft, and it left the two of them suspended in the air while face to face, her shotgun arm pinned. "Hey there~ I've never had dragon before... Lets make babies~" she purred at Kailen, a manic gleam in her eye.

On the ground, Orias would bound forward, roaring and transforming into her humanoid form with a swirl. The two goblins, discarding their loot, proceeded to circle her, attacking with a frying pan and a bread knife respectively. Much to Orias's evident irritation, the two managed to get in past her guard, lashing out and smacking her in the knee and jabbing her in the thigh. "Psh... This body... Still weak," she grumbled in frustration. The goblin who'd lost the sheep, seeing that his fellows seemingly had this well in hand, began cautiously approaching the animal again, clearly intent on recapturing it.
Kailen's eyes had gone wide at the suddenness of the summon, cursing in her native tongue as she went to rack her shotgun and turn to take aim at her. As she readily racked it, she found herself face-to-face with the mysterious demon, Kailen gritting her teeth in anger when she was caught. "G-Get off me, damn you!" She shouted, finding her armed pinned to her side, she thrashed in anger. Eyes flaring with malicious intent as she used her free arm to begin airing sigils into the air before she pushed forward forward and slam it into her side, a bright glow emanating from as she began casting.

However, thankful to the direction allowing her to see the state Orias was in, letting out another draconic growl from the depths of her throat as she turned towards the succubus.

"Get out of my way, I have to save my friend! And like hells I'll do something like that with you! STARBEAM!" She called out, hoping to strike the succubus, or at least free herself from the wretched being.

Kailen attacks the Succubus with Starbeam: (1d8+3) * 7 EP
-Attacks made with Starblade and Starbeam ignore non-natural AV and Dodge bonuses from shields.
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: HP = 40/45, PP = 27/44, EP = 92/105, Eggs = 8, Status = Excited, Grappled
Orias: HP = 2/32, PP = 23, EP = 18/25, Status = Badly Injured, Draconic Transformation X = 6, Upkeep = 2 (+12 melee damage, attacks, +6 grapple/AV)

Orc Summoner: Taken 15 damage
Goblin 1: Fine
Goblin 2: Sent Home
Goblin 3: Fine, has a sheep again.
Succubus: Fine, Grappled

Kailen attempts to use Starbeam, but, the succubus uses Draining Denial.
Pleasure Damage: 13 + 15 + 5 - 16 = 17 pleasure damage, allowing her to drain 8 + 5 EP, for more than the cost of the power. That costs them their action for the round.
Exhaustion: 3 + 2 = 5 damage.

Orias mauls a goblin while using defensive fighting to give up two attack dice for two more dodge dice.
Attack: 44 vs 31, hit.
Damage: 30, enough to down a goblin.

Goblin tries to down Orias.
Attack: 57 vs 64, miss.

Orc grabs the loot that the goblins dropped and starts limping away.

The succubus grinned maniacally as the glow coalesced in Kailen's hand, and on the very last syllable of her declaration, she suddenly lunged forward! Her lips mashed into Kailen's, forcing them apart, and her tongue invaded Kailen's mouth as she suddenly felt her essence being drawn through her mouth instead of into her hand. The glow of her planned attack flickered, faded, and ultimately petered out and as woman writhing against her vigorously made out with her, a strange euphoria momentarily dazing Kailen and making it hard to focus on what was happening, much less resistance. When the kiss broke, her starbeam was gone - literally sucked out of her - and she saw and felt the morsels of her essence in the form of a pearly mist full of glowing motes vanish into the plush lips that had just been pressed against her own. "Delicious~" They had been descended in the meantime, and were now scarcely more than ten feet off of the ground, though they weren't on the ground. Six spade-tipped tails had begun prodding at her clothing and gear, but she had been too busy feeding to start stripping Kailen at least...

The orc, in the meantime, would grab the loot sacks that the goblins had dropped while trying to engage Orias. She cast one glance up at the mid-air entanglement, and then started double-timing it as fast as her injured legs could carry her. She was headed West, towards the treeline, but still had a ways to go before she'd be under cover, and shouts were still coming from within the town itself.

The face-off between Orias and the goblins would turn somewhat more in her favor, at least; the draconic woman lashed out, rending open the torso of the goblin with the knife. They were only a bloody mess for a moment, however, and appeared more annoyed than pained as they instead winked out of existence, leaving nothing behind. The other goblin lashed out at her in turn, but she managed to block the club. The third goblin, in the meantime, would seize the means of wool production, much to the bleating animal's evident irritation, and start hauling it off after its master.
Kailen's eyes went wide as she saw her attack fail to even go off, unknowing to the wiles and ways of the succubi compared to her mentor and companion. As their lips met, Kailen's body momentarily seized before her skin prickled as she felt something inside her stirred as she feel under the sway of this damned demoness as she even joined in the kissing as she was grappled, playing her tongue against hers as she was lost in the moment... that was until they broke the kiss that she regained herself. In a blush of fury, she growled out at the succubus as she knew time was limited between the two of them before the inevitable happened, as much as her mind betrayed her enjoyment of this and a strange twinge in her nethers at the prospect of this.

Feeling her clothes being prodded at and her clothes being toyed with, she snarled as her slitted eyes widened and she began breathing deep and hard before she let out a bellow. "Get off me, you disgusting bitch! I am a dragon, not some prostitute!" She pulled her and the succubus around, angling herself to be within range of both the succubus and the goblin before her throat began glowing bright, her cheeks swelling up, before she let out a powerful gout of iridescent flames straight at the two!

Kailen uses Dragon's Breath to strike at both the succubus and the goblin attacking Orias!
15 EP, (2d6-1) * 15 Heat/Fire
4) A 60 foot long 60 degree cone originating from the character.
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: HP = 40/45, PP = 27/44, EP = 77/105, Eggs = 8, Status = Excited
Orias: HP = 2/32, PP = 23, EP = 16/25, Status = Badly Injured, Draconic Transformation X = 6, Upkeep = 2 (+12 melee damage, attacks, +6 grapple/AV)

Orc Summoner: Taken 15 damage
Goblin 1: Sent Home
Goblin 2: Sent Home
Goblin 3: Fine, has a sheep again.
Succubus: Sent home
Nightmare: Fine

Bandit 1: Fine
Bandit 2: Fine
Bandit 3: Fine

Attack: 62 vs 49, hits the goblin.
Damage: 8 x 16 = 128, more than enough to fry the succubus and goblin.

The orc summons a nightmare, mounts it, and takes off into the woods.

Three bandits emerge!

"Awww, don't be like tha-" and that was the last thing out of the demon's mouth before Kailen's flames burst from her mouth, the flames sending her back to Hell in a puff of smoke. They washed over the goblin facing off with Orias as well, destroying it in turn. Her guide looked up at Kailen and smirked, giving a thumbs up, but quickly had to turn her attention back to the front gate as three figures emerged; another orc and two humans, armed and armored and carrying sacks of loot. They drew pistols promptly and began to spread out, holding on to their sacks of likely stolen goods.

The orc and remaining goblin, in the meantime, found a new way to the treeline; She conjured a massive flaming horse, what skin wasn't aflame charcoal black, and quickly mounted it. The goblin hopped up with its now struggling sheep, and they rode off into the treeline, leaving Kailen with the choice of whether to deal with the three bandits who had just emerged from the settlement, or go chasing after the summoner.
Kailen smiled brightly at the thumbs up before turning her attention towards the orc and bandits with a sigh as she flew down to Orias first. "Aghh... such a stupid mistake, didn't know there was a summoner.. nearly got myself in trouble here..." She said, looking over her companion before turning her head towards the bandits and scowling... this wasn't going to go well and she needed to work fast. First, though, she would plant her hand on Orias and let her energy flow quickly flow to the other dragoness to heal her.

"We'll find the summoner later, right now these bandits are armed and have at least some tactical awareness." She brought her head up again and racked her shotgun now it was freed from being squished against her by the demoness. It wasn't going to be pretty now as she realized they were going to get well within range of their guns. It was tough on her to think what they would do next, namely if she needed to use her breath again... she turned her attention towards her backpack she removed near Orias, scrambling over to get her heavy rifle from the side holster.

"Lets move back and get distance, if we stay out of their range we can pick them off. Unless you have a better idea." Kailen said as she took a deep breath... this sucks.

Kailen uses Lay on Hands to heal Orias for 6(5) health
1) If used as a standard action, one touched creature regains 6X HP. If used as a move action, one touched creature regains 4X HP.
: HP = 40/45, PP = 27/44, EP = 72/105, Eggs = 8, Status = Excited
Orias: HP = 32/32, PP = 23, EP = 14/25, Status = Badly Injured, Draconic Transformation X = 6, Upkeep = 2 (+12 melee damage, attacks, +6 grapple/AV)

Orc Summoner: Taken 15 damage
Goblin 1: Sent Home
Goblin 2: Sent Home
Goblin 3: Fine, has a sheep again.
Succubus: Sent home
Nightmare: Fine

Bandit 1: Fine
Bandit 2: Fine
Bandit 3: Fine

Kailen heals Orias.
Orias uses shield cover.
Bandits shoot, but cannot get past shield cover. Easy turn!

"Yes... The goblins are likely summoned as well!" Orias replied hastily as Kailen landed beside her. She seemed bolstered by the healing, and grinned back at the dragoness before turning her attention back to the bandits, who promptly opened fire. She blocked all of the shots, shifting this way and that to catch them on her shield before they could hit her or Kailen. "Little late for that!" She said as she did so, though they bandits continued moving, two spreading out further while the "center" one - the orc - stepped a little closer and drew an axe.
"Crap!" Kailen shouted as the shots rang out, ducking down until she heard the clang of the bullets against her companions shield as she successfully unholstered the rifle. "I hate it when they can shoot back!"

"Getting too close for comfort... keep an eye on the right for the other one!"
She said as she cocked her rifle, Kailen took deep breaths to steady her heart, raising her rifle up and taking aim at the orc with the axe approaching them. Her free eye was still watching the bandit to the left out of the side of her vision. Aligning her shot against the orc's chest, Kailen held her breath and pulled the trigger once, then twice, and thrice at her target, aiming to take him down quickly!

Kailen fires her rifle towards the orc three times; Heavy Rifle: 3d10+18
: HP = 36/45, PP = 27/44, EP = 72/105, Eggs = 8, Status = Excited
Orias: HP = 16/32, PP = 23, EP = 12/25, Status = Badly Injured, Draconic Transformation X = 6, Upkeep = 2 (+12 melee damage, attacks, +6 grapple/AV)

Orc Summoner: Taken 15 damage
Goblin 1: Sent Home
Goblin 2: Sent Home
Goblin 3: Fine, has a sheep again.
Succubus: Sent home
Nightmare: Fine

Bandit 1: Taken 35 damage.
Bandit 2: Fine
Bandit 3: Fine

Attacks: 22, 35, 30 vs 45, miss miss miss.

Orias tries to smack the orc.
Attack: 48 vs 31, hit.
Damage: 19 + 8 + 12 - 4 = 35 damage.

Bandit 1 (the orc) attacks Orias back, the other two attack Kailen.
Bandit 1: 46 with an autoglance vs 45, a hit but barely.
Damage: 22 - 6 = 16 damage.
Bandits: 51 and 55 vs 33, both hit. Uh oh...
Damage: 23 and 23, both minus 33, so they do minimum damage of 3.

Though she had tried to steady her aim, the orc was clearly well practiced in moving erratically. Just before she squeezed the trigger each time, he moved aside at just the right moment, causing her shot to miss. He closed in, but Orias made to block him, and they exchanged hits. Orias managed a savage blow, tearing into his side, but he managed a blow against her shoulder as well. He definitely came out the worse for it, but Orias was moving that arm much more stiffly now...

The other two bandits, rather than reload their comparatively primitive single-shot pistols, rushed in past Orias to get at Kailen. The two men lashed out, one striking her in the hip and the other in the forearm. Neither blow left much of an impact, more knocking the dragoness about than actually harming her thanks to her combined armor and natural toughness. They retracted in frustration, giving her an opening to retaliate...
Feeling the pressure against her, Kailen could not helped but watch as her companion take the hit from the orc. Growling, she had planned to unleash her breath once more until she turned to spot the approaching bandits just in the nick of time as she raised her arm up to tank the blow by raising her forearm in time, and the blow to her hip wasn't as bad as it could be. Thankful for her dragoness nature, the soul of pride in her, and a good breastplate helped her. She, of course, growled deeper as she grasped her hand, shouting at the two. "You want to hit me!? Lets see about that! Starblade!"

Spreading her hand, she grasped the grip of the blade, then pulled her hand free, the blade of her star-powered sword reached its full length. Staring between the two, she dashed forward to slam her blade directly into the chest of the second bandit, roaring loudly.

Kailen attacks Bandit 2 with Starblade: (1d8 + 2) * 10 + Spirit/4 damage
: HP = 36/45, PP = 27/44, EP = 72/105, Eggs = 8, Status = Excited, Star Blade X = 10+1, Upkeep = 1
Orias: HP = 0/32, PP = 23, EP = 10/25, Status = Unconscious

Orc Summoner: Taken 15 damage
Goblin 1: Sent Home
Goblin 2: Sent Home
Goblin 3: Fine, has a sheep again.
Succubus: She's back! Spent 8 EP.
Nightmare: Fine

Bandit 1: Dead
Bandit 2: Dead
Bandit 3: Fine

Attack: 74 vs 37, hit.
Damage: 4 x 11 = 44, +11 = 55 damage, ignoring his armor. Dead.

Orias tries to smack the orc.
Attack: 58 vs 33, hit.
Damage: 17 + 8 + 12 - 4 = 33 damage. Dead.

Bandit 3 turns his attack onto Orias...
Attack: 49 vs 33, hit.
Damage: 8 + 2 + 15 - 6 = 19 damage, she is KO'd....

Stunning Gaze: 39 vs 42 with a nat 20, Kailen is not stunned.

The bandit dropped as Kailen sunk the conjured weapon into his chest, dead before he even hit the ground. Orias managed to fell the orc bandit as well, tearing out his throat with her claws, leaving but one bandit left, caught between the two of them. The scruffy man looked nervously between the two of them, and then suddenly swung, managing to clip Orias in the side of the head. Kailen's mentor went down, stumbling down to one knee and clearly now in a complete daze, her magical enhancement fading.

Before Kailen could get vengeance for her companion, however, an annoyingly familiar voice called out from above; "Yooohooo! I'm baaaack!" A glance upward revealed that the succubus that she'd disintegrated with her breath was in the air above her, and when Kailen locked eyes with her they suddenly flared with pink light. Energy beamed from the demon's eyes and into hers, and Kailen suddenly momentarily found her head emptying of all thoughts as her body went slack. It very nearly left her stunned, practically helpless, but the dragoness was able to shake it off before either the demon or the bandit could take advantage of it.
Kailen, seeing the assault on her mentor, would let out a roar as she drew out the blade from the chest of the petty bandit. She aimed towards the bandit, only momentarily stopped by the sound of someone she thought she'd gotten rid of previously, but she turned her eyes up towards her and, before she could curse, was struck by the pink light flaring from her eyes. She felt heavy, her mind foggy, and she looked ready to stumble before she regained her footing. Her eyes flared, the iridescent flame on her tail grew more and more powerful as her rage continued. "Don't think this is over, you demon harlot! You're next!"

Kailen then turned towards the other bandit, rage in her eyes as she swung her blade out, aiming to cut into him viciously with the starlight blade. She wasn't going to let up, and the attack on her mentor only furthered her rage. She was out for blood, and certainly would shed it as much as possible from her position below on the ground!

Kailen attacks Bandit 3 with Starblade: (1d8 + 2) * 10 + Spirit/4 damage
: HP = 36/45, PP = 27/44, EP = 71/105, Eggs = 8, Status = Excited, Star Blade X = 10+1, Upkeep = 1, Charmed
Orias: HP = 0/32, PP = 23, EP = 10/25, Status = Unconscious

Orc Summoner: Taken 15 damage
Goblin 1: Sent Home
Goblin 2: Sent Home
Goblin 3: Fine, has a sheep again.
Succubus: She's back! Spent 13 EP.
Nightmare: Fine

Bandit 1: Dead
Bandit 2: Dead
Bandit 3: Fine

Attack: 65 vs 79, miss.

Orias is conked out.

Bandit 3 full defense'd to try and not die. He succeeded!

Charm: 33 vs 33, tie, resulting in a coinflip... Which the succubus wins.

The bandit barely wove out of the way as Kailen swept her glowing blade his way, stumbling back and ending up back on his ass. He crawled backwards as she advanced on him, but before Kailen could deliver a lethal blow, the succubus landed in front of her with a flourish. She fixed Kailen with a smug look, and yet again light burst from her eyes, flowing into Kailen's. This time, however, rather than try to leave her lethargic and helpless, the demon's magic weaved itself into emotion and memory alike. "That's it.... Thaaaaat's it... Just relax.... You win~" the demoness purred, and Kailen found herself instantly reassured, relaxing. Yes, she had won. The fight was over. This demon was her friend... Her best friend... Unnatural adoration and trust flooded Kailen's psyche, wiping away hostility and anger as if it had never been there in the first place.

Her new "friend" smirked at Kailen, and she beckoned with her trio of tails for the bandit to rise. He did so, hesitantly, and it was like Kailen couldn't remember that he'd just knocked Orias out a moment ago. "Why don't we head back to our nice, safe camp, hm? And get your friend some medical attention! This town, you shouldn't go into it! Very dangerous. Run by bandits, thieves, and thugs, you know!" She continued in a reassuring coo, stepping forward and lightly wrapping an arm around Kailen's waist; her presence next to her was oddly comforting...
Kailen, still filled with an incredible amount of rage, drew her sword back in an attempt to draw a second strike across his chest when the succubus interrupted her. Drawing her lips back as she was interrupted from claiming her prey, she was ready to lop the damned beings head off when she was struck with an overcoming sense of familiarity and... care. A part of her mind was filled with the draconic rage, but it was overridden by the charming effects of the succubus. "O-Of course..."

She muttered softly as her rage dissipated and the overwhelming sense of friendship for the succubus, she adored her as much as Orias! She could remember... she could remember... remember...

Her mind seemed to drift off for a moment as she listened to her friend, stuttering her words as she looked to Orias who was lying on the ground there. "S-She needs help, we better get going fast."

Her mentor, her best friend, was downed enough that she could only help but worry about her. Camping was good, yes... s-she wanted to just cuddle for a bit... it'd be so nice. She felt comfort with the succubus, though as she touched her waist, Kailen's head tilted slightly as she looked ready to follow her friend and take her to their camp.

Then she snapped slightly, though outwardly normal, her mind flooded again with something feral, something primal. Her mind began resisting this sort of unnatural thinking! That part of her mind reminded her of this lesser being, this abhorrent creature, she already tried to assault her before! Her pride, her status of nobility, even her dignity would be at stake here!

That suppressed part of her mind screamed an order to her; RESIST!

Kailen uses her standard action to resist being Charmed.