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A Demon's Answer to the Heavens (Prudence;Termite)

Metal cried as she was tossed and became a star. "YAAAAAaaa-" until her voice was heard no more after a firm splash into the water below.

Meanwhile, Alvin mostly didn't seem to mind the direction things were going. Prudence leaving meant the cat man could go on doing his thing, but he seemed to meet with a problem. "Wait, don't you want to take your slimes with you?" he inquired, trying to move and ending up falling over due to how they were piling on him. "Wah~!" the slimes cried out happily as they piled on him in a dog pile, having fun crawling all over him. "Fair enough." Alvin said, laying on his side with his arm as a pillow and seemingly accepting his fate with grace as the slimes play fighted with each other while holding Alvin hostage.

And then Prudence departed. To where? Who knew. Only she knew that.
If anyone bothered to search the Temple for the twins they simply wouldn't be found. Neither hide nor hair of them could be seen after they'd left Alvin to face his fate beneath the pile of adorable slimes smothering their new favorite uncle, and the only sign anyone would catch would be a the barest glimpse of Prudence climbing higher within the temple while leading around a rather mousy looking human in simple robes.

It was only once one would looking outside that at least the human of the split souls would be found. The girl she'd been leading was following dutifully, but as they wandered and neared any of the demons taking refuge on Undine's roof that girl would start growing anxious and nervous, using the far more lovely looking Prudence as a shield to hide behind in case any of the scary monsters came forward to engage them. Prudence herself remained elegant and aloof, simply taking a stroll to enjoy the sun, and that elegance remained even if any of the more enterprising demons thought they could sneak over and sample the fidgety, frightened little thing trying to hide behind the more confident woman. And why not? If anyone was far too forward for her liking than all she needed to do was give them a little shove, a push of magic that would send an assailant reeling before the two humans continued on their way.

After making a small circuit of the island the pair would head back down, and once they were fully concealed and standing in far friendlier territory the mousy human would suddenly lean back and let out a long held sigh of relief. "Ugh, I never knew cowering around like that could be so hard on the back..." The simple robe she wore was peeled off, and a moment later a pair of wings suddenly burst into the air and stretched before Pru's horns popped back out and settled right where they always should have been. "But at least we know this thing works now." From the robe Baphomet's holy symbol was pulled free, and after taking a moment to collect everything into an easily carried pack the demon's sister couldn't help but nod her head in agreement.

"So, how are you feeling? What's the energy drain like?" And that was the main point of their little test run. They did need to learn how well the thing worked, and that little trial with the demons up top would let them know if anyone outside could tell if the disguised Pru was anything more than the meek, unassuming girl she pretended to be. If all went well then they'd both feel prepared for their little excursion into land of light and certain death. They'd still need to worry about calling too much attention to themselves and inviting the angels to take a more probing look at them, but with the human Prudence running as a distraction for the far less assuming demon that should let them get past any scrutiny unscathed. The only other worry was how quickly Baphomet's toy would actually drain Pru, and as the demon took a moment to look within they'd learn how much time they'd have to either abort their mission or find a quiet place to somehow recharge.
Making their disguised trek, Prudence would find glares from all the female demons abound, and confused stares from the sample few men that lurked there. But overall they didn't seem to enterprise an attempt at their persons. Allowing Prudence to walk through uncontested even though they might have been a bit confused as to their presence and disguise in their estranged encampment.

Once the trip was over, the demonic Pru would find that the energy drain was only felt during the initial disguise. One that doubled as a visual and coating to disguise demonic nature. Even her form might as well been a complete copy of the human twin's. Magically speaking. After the transformation disguise, the drain was nonexistent, or so she'd feel. Meaning that some other parameter would run out of time far before her energy ever did.
So, the drain was simple enough, but there was some other trick to it. Something that would make the disguise fail before the demon's reserves would. Perhaps this device had some kind of internal battery. It could function as long as it was charged, and that charge would persist without taxing the bearer's reserves, but once that charge was finally used it would need another or completely fail. So, how long would that charge last? It lasted throughout their little trip up top, but that wasn't also wasn't exactly testing its limits. It was probably why Pru took the device once more and activated it, the disguise falling into place and leaving her the mirror image of her sister.

But... Could they change that disguise? When they infiltrated Heaven they didn't want to be identical. In truth they wanted the human Prudence to keep the altered appearance they shared once their shared souls had been converted into a demon, but the demonic Pru wanted to revert. She wanted slightly stringy body Prudence had before her transformation. She wanted the less full hair. The more narrow eyes, the slightly unbalanced ears, all the flaws and blemishes that had marked Prudence as nothing more than a slightly above average human. Could this device emulate that? Maybe if she concentrated on that image it would recreate it. And if it couldn't maybe there was someway to simply turn that feature off. Pru herself could shift her body to return to the older Prudence, and if the disguise wasn't needed then maybe Baphomet's device would be able to hold its charge a little longer.

Either way the twins would test that symbol a little further, but that was it. Heaven wasn't going to wait for them to be prepared, so they needed to be ready as soon as possible. That meant returning to Undine and Claire and retrieving their little surprise for Heaven's Gate, and following that they would need to collect Alvin and ask him how he wanted to go about fooling the angels into letting them enter. That man was an excellent conman, and he would be a gift from Persephone herself as they all tried to sneak their way past the guards. Heck, they might even want to defer to him completely for this operation. If he was going to act as a budding Hero then they could be his acolytes, and all he would need to do was order them to report to Naznia for whatever reason he could think of to give them a legitimate reason to approach the angel's lab.
A bit of testing revealed simple results. First, the trinket was good only for one thing: To Mask Presence. Any other feature she tried to wring from it was without purchase. It didn't change her features, it didn't dissuade threads from prodding. All it did was make it so the (magical) naked eye would see her as a normal creature, without any of the succubus going on within. Second, the drain was such that she could recharge it any time she wished, with the catch being that recharging it had a bad habit of showing the inner workings of the soul recharging it. So a demon recharging her disguise in public would make every eye looking turn hostile. It didn't seem to be any more complicated than that. The amount of time it would last for is seemingly a long time indeed. The energy within didn't even seem hardly lost during the trip. The initial coating to suppress her demonic self took some power, but the time to hold it left no observable impression. It helped restore Prudence's faith in the longevity of the tool. Indeed, it seemed made to use for possibly even year long facades. It helped to even open her eyes a bit on how demons were able to get just about anywhere in life. Human life, that is.

Then, she returned to the palace of worship within Undine's Temple. Unlike before there were no girls of fluidity outside the large doors. This time, the doors were open to behold the great power flowing from within. A dwarfing feeling coming from the Water Spirit's energy controlling the waters all around them. Stepping inside, the marble tiles and tall walls made the twins steps echo through the extravagant building. Deep into the palace, they saw Undine standing in the center of a round pool, led into by steps in coliseum fashion. She stood tall, with her hands on either side of her and eyes closed in focus as streams of water like snakes made of the ocean rose from the body of water around her and went up and over to rest back into the water from whence it came. It repeated this process, the water rising and orbiting her as each seemed to carry more than visual spectacle. With words she could never hope to understand, in a tone she couldn't hear, all Prudence would be able to tell is that the water of the planet was whispering to her. Information from around the world was being delivered into her hands. The strain on her mind, despite her godlike nature, was evident on her expression. It seemed that any great power came with it's price.
With her testing complete and a more thorough understanding of the disguise Prudence watched as Pru went about shifting herself into her desired form. The unholy perfection that marked all of Hell's creatures faded, each of the demon's features shifting just enough to bring some discord to the harmony she held earlier. It wasn't much, anyone looking could tell that Pru and Prudence were still sisters, but with the imperfections rising it made it appear that the human was the lucky one to get all the looks while the disguised demon suffered in her shadow.

With the mundane demon following the beauteous human the pair approached Undine's temple, and there they found the doors wide open and welcoming. It beckoned them forward, and as they entered they were practically drawn to the central chamber where the elemental wove her works. Streams of water cascaded all around them, a number defying gravity as they coursed through the air and pooled around the woman before returning to the natural flow of the currents all around them, and with each drop that passed Prudence felt the slight echo of something else. It was a faint call, so quiet that she had to concentrate to even catch the slightest hint, and all she caught were hushed whispers in a language so foreign to her that she couldn't hope to contemplate let alone understand them. But they understood what they saw. This was Undine gathering knowledge. She was using the very essence of the element she embodied to gather bits and pieces of information from around the world, and despite the concentration evident on the woman's face this power was beyond them. Undine was definitely not someone to be trifled with.

So the pair waited. Undine was quite literally caught in her own world, and with the effort she was making to understand everything she saw it felt rude to interrupt her. Besides, she could probably already tell they were there, so there was no need to call attention to themselves. It was only once they were acknowledged that they'd offer their helloes, and once they did they'd get straight down to business. "We're making our final preparations for our little infiltration, and we wanted to see this piece of sabotage you had planned for Heaven's gate." Whatever weaving created it could probably be hidden by Pru's disguise, but there were other things to consider. Could this bomb be planted and escape notice? Could it be remotely detonated by Prudence as they escaped? What kind of damage would it cause, and could they be caught in its aftermath before they could get clear? It was a lot to worry about, and they needed to understand it before they go waltzing into nearly certain death.
Undine would open her eyes, just as fluid as the rest of her body yet clearly defined and glowing with visual emphasis, as the flow of water around her slowed to a gentle gravity defying river around her. The waters awaiting their information to give to the goddess of water.

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"I've spent a long time gathering the memories of the water from around the world, beyond that of even this remote island. Though, it's called island by nature of everyone. As I, who sees the scope of the world, would find it to be a small continent... It's been a long time since I listened to the water. In all my years, I often ignore the world, forgetting that even ten years can behold a human lifetime of development.

There are no more chosen outside of this angel guarded barrier. They have at long last all arrived here. The crow tengu has completed her objective. I can hear the whispers that her support is on my side, a rare event if any. She too wishes to see history change, and as a chosen yourself, this is very relevant to you. She has instilled the faith in me that I lacked in you. I believe in the her that believes in you. Not just you, but all the forces brought together to make this change in history that the angels repeat. Their system of chaotic control. Though, by doing this, we will open Pandora's box. The queen of purgatory will arise and try to return the balance of good and evil. We will fight a battle we are expected to lose. But by Fate's decree, we will win."

Undine lifted her hand, and a glorious yellow glowing orb about the size of an orange lifted from the waters below, carried by the water current moving like a snake through the air, slowly swirling towards Prudence to land in her bosom. "A portal is a very precise thing. It requires legendary talent and power. It is not a very stable thing, however. Even God herself is not perfect. This ball is merely an entity of pure energy. Tightly woven into what is essentially a bomb of power. There is no finesse with this orb. Crack it, and you will not have long before it explodes into a blast of pure power, upsetting any weaves in the area and turning even angels into dust. Unfortunately, I do not know for certain how long you will have once you crack it. But it is sturdy enough that a light impact will not be enough. WIth your weave, have a single thread puncture the woven glass. The crack will grow like vines across the glass, until the shell will not be able to hold the power within. Like a dam, it's power will rush out and destroy all weaves, including the weaves made to hold the portal open. If you are caught in the blast, you will not only die, but your soul will turn to nothing but shards as well.

"Take great care with this artifact. It holds the power of not only myself, but Ignis and Gnome as well. As usual, Slyph did not communicate with me. But the power of the three great elemental spirits should be enough." She said, as a slight annoyance crossed her voice in the form of a memory within the water giving a faint whisper and thought of a little green girl Prudence recognized from her second last sail, pushing wind around against the water, causing tsunamis and storms. It seemed like Slyph enjoyed bullying Undine. A friendship was not one between these two.
For a while the pair simply sat and listened to Undine. The knowledge they were given was quite surprising, especially the fact that all of Fate's Chosen have now gathered on the Island, but despite the mild shock they showed they did not interrupt. They simply waited, both of them listening and then accepting the orb containing the power of three of the prime elementals, and though the hint of annoyance at Sylph brought a slight smile to their faces they remained gracious and bowed their heads in acceptance of the task Undine just gave them. "We thank you, all three of you, and pray we can put this to its proper use."

That said the human took over looking it over. The construct held an immense power, and though it was resilient she wondered just how. If they were going to hide this thing then Pru we need to contain it within her body, and with the demon unable to truly open herself because of her locked threads they might just have to simply shove the thing down her throat. While Prudence was pondering all this Pru chose to voice a thought the two shared while Undine had been speaking. "We're a little surprised that Cynthia is showing this much faith in us. We think we noticed her watching us while we were freeing the mermaids, and we got the distinct impression she wasn't exactly thrilled with out actions..." Truth be told they still felt guilt over how they treated the Hero, and the sudden appearance of what was effectively an undead kingdom didn't exactly paint the two of them in a better light.
Undine seemed to take interest in the story. "I see, Cynthia was observing you. Do not fret over her, the eyes she has around the world are devoid of emotion. Just cold calculation and information. Cynthia shows faith in you because Fate shows faith in you. To that end, all who own the shards, she has faith in to break the cycle. Even Baphomet, who has dined on former owners of the shards, Cynthia deems somehow fit for Fate's great plan. For all her knowledge, she is yet another disciple of religion. Her movements are made upon the soles of faith. She is just as blind as any fearful mortal, despite knowing so much. She will readily admit this fact. But for all she knows, many make the mistake of assuming she is all-knowing. I happen to know... Just a little more than her when it comes to certain things~" Undine said with a smile, a fact that she seemed rather pleased with.

"To put this into perspective... I can tell, by your new accessory, that you have successfully met Metal thanks to Alvin. And you're no doubt wondering how you shall hide this source of great power. I think you will find the answer more obvious than you would think." Undine lifted a finger, and pointed to the blessed cross and halo on her person, still glowing with a bit of the power she had used. "No angel will question the symbol of their lord glowing so bright. But a strange angel might. One such angel is the one you seek. From what I recall... She liked to lurk in dark, deep places to brood. Crystal Claire has shared all of her knowledge with me, and ancient angels do not change much in a mere one-hundred years. Likely, if you see a staircase going down, there The Scientist lurks."

If Prudence checked, it seemed like the holy symbol was still about the same. It didn't seem like it could hold that much more power than normal. Making what Undine said make no sense in context of volume. However, the ball itself already seemed compressed. The energy within, if it was at the same consistency as the energy of a soul, would be gigantic compared to how it is now. It naturally occurred to Prudence that she might be able to compress it even further, turning it into a tiny ball of death that would fit right into the holy symbol, ready to explode in a violently heretical way, destroying the symbol in the process.
That little insight into Cynthia helped the twins see her as an actual person instead of the mythical enigma that had a frightening amount of influence on the Island, but what really caught them was the thought of Fate as religion. What kind of tenants would it have? How would it appeal to the masses? The concept of Fate said that every soul had their own place in the world. That would give people a sense of belonging and acceptance. Everyone had an ultimate purpose in life, and even if it was something as mundane as simply having a child and raising it to adulthood destiny would lead you to it. But what about the Chosen? They had Fate's power. In essence they were her acolytes, maybe even her avatars. They struggled against each other and the world itself, fighting against whatever destiny they'd been given to try and make something else. It went against that core belief that everyone had their place...

And that might actually work... Even if everyone had their own place that didn't mean it was perfect. There was suffering to be found everywhere, and to simply tell a person in pain that this was their lot and they just needed to suck it up was absolutely appalling. There needed to be some way to express free will, otherwise people would grow complacent and dull. There needed to be an example, and the Chosen were that. They struggled against Fate using the very blessing She bestowed upon them. It was a sign that people could strive and work toward creating something better for themselves, that even if destiny led you to a certain point you didn't need to simply sit there and accept it. Some would, those that were content and willing to simply let their life continue on the path they strode, but those that wanted more could fight for it. They'd need to work and struggle because Fate herself has shown that not even the destiny of the world itself was set in stone. This religion would accept both the content and the ambitious, and if this religion became a reality it might actually be one worth accepting...

But there was more to this conversation than theological theory. Prudence was still trying to find some way to contain and conceal this elemental bomb they'd been given, and shoving it down Pru's throat didn't seem like the best of plans. It was only once Undine motioned toward the holy symbol that the human gave it some thought. She examined the thing, and after prodding it with her threads she didn't see anything different. But it made her take a closer look at the bomb. The explosive was a collection of spiritual energy, and looking at its construction showed that this little ball was incredibly dense. If it was allowed to expand to a more relaxed state it would be massive... Did that mean it could compress even further? A small, careful measure of pressure was added, and little by little ball began to shrink. From orange to egg to cherry, down until it seemed like nothing more than the smallest seed, and from there she simply stuck it into the symbol. Its glow intensified, something that rose a bit of concern, but when nothing further happened Prudence suddenly began scheming. Unless someone grabbed the symbol itself and started rooting through it there was absolutely no clue to the surprise it held. It turned God's holy mark into a weapon of catastrophic destruction, and the blasphemy in that was simply too delicious to ignore. A little more weaving was made, enough to give leave the thing dangling at the end of a rosary, and with a few more threads it was complete. The rosary would act as the detonator, simply break the chain and cause the threads holding the whole thing together to start unraveling. Build in a bit of a delay to let the twins escape, and all they had to do was pull the thing from Pru's neck and slap it onto the Gate before they ran home and left the angels with the ball of death that was about to burst right in their self-righteous faces.

With her work complete Prudence handed the thing back to her sister, and the demon accepted it with awe and anxiety at the destructive power she now held in her hand. "That's quite a wicked thing right there..." And even if there was a touch of fear behind it a sense of excitement grew in the woman as she placed it around her neck. Anyone watching her would get the distinct impression that she couldn't wait to get up there and actually put it to use. And why not? It wasn't everyday that a demon got the chance to invade God's realm and cripple the base of Heaven's operations! Persephone's tits, this was going to be absolutely glorious!

"THANK YOU!" So it might be a bit of a surprise to find Pru suddenly rushing up and glomping Undine. The demon was simply too excited by the prospect of this grand blasphemy she was going to commit. She didn't care that she might be overstepping her bounds, and she certainly didn't linger to consider whether Undine actually accepted it or not before she ran up to her sister and started dragging her outside. "Come on! We've gotta show this to Alvin!" Or that he'd cause them quite the headache only a few minutes earlier. All she wanted to do was share her little surprise with someone and figure out how they were going to actually get past the Gate in the first place so they could plant this thing and watch the fireworks once they were back home. "Hey, wai-AAAHH!" With that the pair left, the both nearly vanishing in an instant before the human could call back. "Thank you, Undine! You've been an inspiration!"
Undine let out a gasp of confusion and shock when she was glomped by the demon. It seemed it was something that she did not expect the demoness to do. "You should not let anyone know of this... Interaction. When you stand in a position like mine, there are those that hurt others who get too close, no matter how the subject of attention feels. But, I am glad that you are so oddly pleased with these circumstances, despite this being for our gain and not so much yours." She professed her confusion with Prudence being pleased with the bomb, as well as her concern for Pru's welfare for being so close as an outsider. When she began to leave, Undine held a conflicted expression, seemingly unable to express much joy for the situation and what it was worth while she lifted one hand to give a regal wave to the departing twins. "I can only hope that the crow's faith is well placed. She did profess, that success was not written by Fate, and that we all may very well die..." She spoke, as the two were quickly leaving, her voice echoing through the halls as they went. "Good luck, you two... The spirits have done what they can. The world must do the rest, or be cleansed by holy fire."

Water flowing, the doors opened and closed on their own, allowing Pru and Prudence to leave, while a pink haired voluptuous woman with eyes closed and heavy bandaging around her left midsection was soon to walk in as they left, saying nothing yet smiling at the two as she was allowed inside. The way her apparent wound looked treated, it almost seemed like a shark bite, given the location. She also seemed to hobble a bit, despite looking so collected, the wound carrying its burden.

Past the wounded pink woman, was Alvin engaged in conversation with an equally handsome man who both seemed to be talking together on a pleasant note, if their smiles were to be believed. Alvin was heard by the twins first. "I see you're a man of culture as well." The cat man declared. "And an artist? What was the name of your spouse again?" he inquired. The man across from him, , smiled fondly. "Spouse-to-be, actually. We haven't yet gotten around to the act yet. Her name is Azure, a shapely lamia with red hair and hips that don't lie~" He said with a wink. Alvin's lips puckered with deep interest. "Oh? You're that pleased? I'm jealous." He admitted. The unknown male chuckled, his shoulders wiggling. "You don't have to be. After her, there will be more husbands and wives to be sure, and partners assured." Alvin looked dumbfounded at this. "You swing?" He asked, helpless to his curiosity. "I'd like to. Currently did it together with her, a dual sex dark elf, and an elf man. We've our eyes on some other cute ones as well~!" Alvin's new friend said with cheer.

Alvin's ears flicked with his own curiosity. "Keep me in mind, name's Alvin, friend~" He declared.

The other man nodded. "Capri. You and your lovely twins are welcome anytime!" He offered, before Capri turned to leave and gave the twins one finger gun each, as if to act cool.

After a moment, Alvin sighed when Pru got close. "You never know when you'll make a friend, my dear."
"Are you kidding?" Pru's giddiness was actually starting to mount. "I'm going to be one of the first demons in a long time to successfully sneak into then sabotage the HELL out of HEAVEN! The infamy is going to be incredible! It may even make me a legend among my sisters! It may even be enough to counter that stupid bounty Jezebel has on me! But even with her giddiness spreading she managed to keep it contained to herself, or more precisely redirecting it onto her other self as they finally parted and left Undine to meet with the wounded woman entering the temple.

That brought the bubbly demon and the somewhat flabbergasted human down to Alvin and his surprise companion. And their surprising conversation. But all Pru did was simply smile and slightly titter at Capri's behavior, and if he were an observant sort he might notice how closely it resembled Mero's eternal knowing grin.

"So... your twins, hm?" That grin was then turned toward Alvin, a part of it a little more predatory than normal before Pru's exuberance couldn't help but burst through and shatter whatever scheme she had churning. "Alvin! Look at this!" And then she thrust the Holy Symbol into his hands. The highly explosive, incredibly dangerous Holy Symbol that lay there shining brightly with untold power. "Undine helped us figure out how to do this! Isn't it wonderful?"
Then, he looked to the other man walking away. "He said it, not me." He said, before looking flustered at just how excited she was. On top of her bold declarations, Alvin was strikingly taken aback. He gazed at the Holy Symbol, before shuddering. "It feels like I'm looking into the Eye of God. A terrible sensation." He commented. "You're going to use this... Thing?" He inquired, his hand sagging as if the symbol weighed heavy on him mentally. It seemed like it was affecting him. "... When I met you, I realized too late that I met my match, and accepted my fate. This kind of fate is one you can figure out early..." He said, before curling his hands around the symbol into grip of sorts, before looking up at her and slipping it between her breasts. The gown she wore held it better than her breasts did.

"I suppose you're crazier than I am, and I'm afraid the part of me that wants to see what will happen has killed the fear of the result in a rather epic showdown..." He said, before smirking a bit. "Is it odd that your insanity has this odd attractive feature about you? I find myself humbled." He complimented her.
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When asked if she was going to use the symbol the demon could only grin. "Of course! I'm going to turn this symbol of 'piety' into a glorious maelstrom of destruction and blasphemy!" She sighed as she took a moment to picture it, the profanity of it all both calming and exhilarating in some most obviously perverse way. It even seemed enough to distract her as Alvin returned the symbol in a most lecherous way, but a smirk and a glance from the demon revealed just what she thought of that little maneuver before she returned to her daydream.

That left the human to answer his question of whether his attraction to the twins' insanity was odd or not. "Yes." It was said with such finality and assurance that it made Prudence appear completely sure that there was absolutely no argument against that simple fact. "But that is a good thing." She had her own smirk at this point, though hers was more flirtatious than licentious, and as she wound her arms around his left she appeared to be holding onto him like any normal woman who was rather attracted to the man she spoke with. "I may be young compared to some of my sisters, but for those of us who have lived a number of years insanity itself is exciting. It breaks away the monotony of existence, gives us something that we can't quite predict and leaves us looking forward to what new surprises and intrigues might await us just around the corner. It may even be the only thing that gets our hearts pumping after having lived nearly the exact same day for decades on end until you can't even remember what month of the year it is anymore.

"That said, let's speak of a different kind of insanity."
At that she started urging him toward a quieter area of the temple, someplace where they wouldn't be overheard and spied upon. The demon followed suit and wound herself around his other arm, and once they found their privacy they both began to lean in a little closer. Francis might be the only one who could spy on them, there was no telling how powerful that merrow's voyeurism could be, and to her it might look like the twins were going to drag him into a bit of exhibitionism as their bodies started pressing against him. "We're nearly ready for our little celestial excursion, but there's one more thing we need to figure out. Strategy. Specifically what we're going to do to distract the angels from looking too close and how we're going to gain the freedom to approach Naznia. Our first thought is to have you approach as a possible candidate to become a hero, and we would be your faithful retainers or acolytes or whatnot. But we're not sure how deep a story we should create. Do we try to flesh out everything we can in case they start questioning us so we don't trip over any of the details? Or do we simply keep it loose and worry about the details as they come up? This isn't something we've had to worry about over the years, and considering how well you win the hearts of all the women you come across we figured you'd be the expert in this field. You can take lead in this part, and we'll follow your example."
Alvin only looked forwards at first, his lips twisting a bit. Then, he looked to his left, at the blonde. Then, he looked to his right, at the red head, before shrugging. "To be frank, not having a fleshed out story would be foolish. The real difficulty will be the acting. Which I'm good at, but I question how good you are. Keep in mind, I'm a pretty boy, through and through. Typically, those of the Order will often try to seduce men away from mamono by being seductive themselves. Considering I'm someone that faces a lot of seduction, that would mean your best roles would be as the seducers. Angels who are 'keeping me on the right path' as it were." He declared. "But you also must walk with the pride and arrogance of an angel. Flirtatious, but without compromising pride. Stone faced, but with readable intent. Honestly, the one who has it the easiest is me, despite being the self-proclaimed, best actor among you. You, being my escort, will be the authority. Your word will weigh heavier than mine, so there's only so much sweet talking I can do. It's up to you two to play the part." He explained.
So Alvin was still thinking of going in under the guise of a pair of angels escorting their new 'acquisition' into Heaven's embrace. It left the twins contemplating the logistics of that choice for a few seconds before the human spoke up. "There may be a problem with that." The demon followed up by activating the disguise and nothing else. "While this thing does mask her presence, it doesn't convert it. That means any probing would reveal her nature, and if the angels casually probe each other as Crystal Claire has said then just that greeting will end in failure. And even if I disguise myself and take in some of Heaven's energy that greeting will reveal I'm only human, and that'll be the end of it. So we've been thinking that maybe we all enter as human. I'll leave myself as the model of feminine beauty you see before you, and she will shift her features to look like my more mundane sister. I'll be a little more brash and outgoing, do anything I can do draw attention to myself while she's acting like the timid girl forever stuck in my shadow, and once I'm probed we're hoping she'll be overlooked since no normal demon would dare make herself less attractive." Again the demon demonstrated, her ears suddenly off-center, her nose a little larger than it needed to be, her skin tougher and marked with the occasional freckle that had absolutely no rhyme or reason. She even started shifting to hide behind Prudence, her eyes no longer rising to meet Alvin and giving the occasional blush of embarrassment if he sought out her gaze whenever she mustered the courage to take a peek. "It's a very different plan, and now I realize that it'll probably put more pressure onto you, but we believe this is more likely to succeed than trying to fool angels by being angels who refuse to welcome each other."
While Alvin was humming at the idea of her plan, he looked a bit disappointed at the demonic Pru's new look... Before Pru felt the curse suddenly rise up out of nowhere, a feeling of having something inside you that you hardly registered was there, as it wove on it's own. Instantly, her effects were reversed and then some, her face going back to a feminine beauty, with an added touch of a bit extra. The aftermath leaving her looking even more attractive than Prudence, and suddenly with one small cup size increase as well.

Suffice it to say, Alvin looked much happier. "Quite nice. Though, it seems like your change didn't hold for too long. I'm not sure why, but I imagine you didn't revert on purpose... Or..." His eyes were locked onto her breasts. "... Or give yourself a bigger presence." He chuckled. It was something she could remedy, but it was clear that the succubus curse apparently had it's own opinion. Just like how an angel was never found in secret because of the fact that they are constantly radiating the will of god, it seemed that a succubus had issues with being ugly. However fortunate, it seems both angels and devils have a thing for being pretty. Though, this was bad news for the plan. "So, Plan A or C?" Alvin offered, proposing an unknown plan C if Plan A was no good. It was clear on his face though that Plan C was a vacant lot.
That look of disappointment on Alvin's face struck something within Pru. Despite whatever caution or worry she might feel over both his larcenous ways or their need for stealth the demon didn't want him to think she was some ho-hum plain-Jane blobbity-blah. And the curse was having none of that. The natural power of a succubus rose as if challenged, and as it did the alterations Pru made to herself were suddenly reversed in an instant. But it didn't stop there. A flash crossed her eyes, and in its wake her red irises now spotted a few shifting flecks of crimson light that danced in strange patterns that would draw his attention and seem nearly hypnotic. There was a perpetual flush to her cheeks, the rosy hue embossing her paler skin and making her look like she was perpetually aroused and more than willing to do something about it. Her lips plumped ever so slightly, enough that they parted and practically begged to be kissed even as Pru herself let out a sharp breath of surprise. And her bust... Well, while it complemented her sister's dress the window it sported let her display her cleavage quite admirably, but now her breasts were swelling, and that window now looked as if it were struggling to contain the girls and would probably lose if she happened to bend in just the right way.

"No, I did not..." It was definitely a surprise to find the curse exerting itself against her will, but despite how annoying that might be for their future plans Pru herself had yet to change back. Her own eyes were drawn to her chest just as Alvin's had, and though she couldn't see it directly the other changes she bore were actually quite interesting as she took a peek at herself through her human half's eyes. Was this the ideal that the curse saw in her as it shaped her into something far more pleasing to the catman's eyes? Or could she take it further? If she simply let it loose would those changes become even sharper? And if they did, would she still be herself or look like someone else entirely?

With the demon preoccupied with her own metaphysical thoughts the human was left to huff at the sheer inconvenience of it all. She really thought her plan had true merit, but apparently Persephone had other plans... "Dammit all, that's not helping!" Prudence yelled to into the air at nobody in particular, but it was quite evident that she was quite frustrated by this latest development. Plan A was out of the question. If they entered Heaven as angels then the very first greeting would expose them since Claire said they tested each other as a matter of course. Plan B was out because the curse thought no demon should willingly make themselves less than absolutely gorgeous, especially with a man nearby, and Plan C was fuck all. Hell's tits, how were they going to figure this out? "Unless you can figure out some way to fool the angels when they scan her then we're shit out of luck." Were they going to have to get drastic?
Alvin had to think about that. "I don't think sneaking is out... But if you cannot hide in plain sight, why not hide out of it? I might be able to cause a good enough distraction for any angels looking our way, if you can do something to hide your visual appearance and whatever your kind uses to detect each other. Something about leaking threads or some such. In theory, wouldn't you looking like angels still be fine if the angels were bothered over someone else?" He theorized. "Technically, won't the chaos of war time make it hard to do a formal greeting? You might not be able to defy the curse, but... I can make a fuss should they attempt to do so." He offered. "By the way, can you both do that?" He inquired, admiring Pru's improved set.

However, that still left the twins to figure out how they'd make their story, even if Alvin could distract from the greeting. And how he'd distract was another issue.
"I-I... uh... oh..." She hadn't even considered the fact that the angels might be distracted with attacking the temple to bother with protocol. It left the human feeling foolish and embarrassed, and it took a moment for her to turn a little rosy before she piped up. "You're right. I'm not sure how well the illusion of an angel will hold up if I end up sealing myself, but she wouldn't have that problem. Her threads refuse to leave her body."

Of course that soon led to the other question, and Prudence could only turn brighter before the demon leaned in with a small grin. "She could, but it would only be temporary, and the amount of energy she'd need to do it would be a waste. But if you asked her really nicely I bet she'd be more than happy to do that for you~"