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A Demon's Answer to the Heavens (Prudence;Termite)

Alvin blinked at the exchange, finding it curious. "So, the demonic you doesn't leak threads? I thought that's how all demons worked, and why they needed energy?" He inquired. "Or is that just another strange quirk of yours?" He smirked. "Regardless, I won't peer pressure you into doing something uncomfortable. I'd rather you do it by your own will. It's sexier that way, and a bit more surprising." He admitted, not putting on the pressure despite the demonic Pru's suggestion.
"From what we understand it's just a quirk. Our potential seems split. I have magical thread control, and I have complete and utter control over this body and all its functions but can't do anything to shape the world around me. But that may be related to what happened when we split. According to Yuri I may be the only demon in existence who has an actual body." At that Pru actually puffed herself up some as if this were some grand accomplishment. Of course that also made her bust swell a bit more with the extra breath she took, but considering what she was it was only natural.
Alvin nodded, and hummed. "Actually, isn't your demonic self not leaking threads an incredible part of you? Most if not all demons leak threads, and if Yuri is correct, and to my knowledge, they are... Then why not use that to your advantage? No one will think you're a demon off-hand if you aren't leaking threads, right? And I've never heard stories of demons sneaking into Heaven. Maybe they won't expect a sneak tactic at all?" Alvin offered with thought. "You might get away with no need to handshake. Or perhaps you can pretend your demonic self was poisoned to explain her beauty." He offered a little more. Mostly to encourage her to stay on track with the plan. Or just to help in general. His goal was unclear.

"Though, I'm saying this as if helping you sneak into Heaven is a good idea. I'd honestly think you'd be the first person in history to ever actually sneak in. Most demons just... Break in. I'd imagine there's good reason why you'd be the first, if ever, to succeed." He said with grim tone, a frown on his face as he looked at Prudence seriously. "One wrong move, and you're not just dead... Your soul is obliterated. No afterlife, nothing. Angel's don't mess around, especially not with demons. With that being said... Whatever plan you got... We better make sure it's a good one."
So, time to come up with a proper plan now that they had all this new information to work with as well as Alvin's insight. To start it off the both of them took another look around to make sure no one else was spying on them. What they were preparing to do might cause a bit of panic even though the both simply relaxed and the demon reverted to her original form, horns and all. "Okay. First, we need to be able to approach the gate without immediately drawing suspicion. One of us will need to look like we have an actual purpose in being there... And that shall be me." At that the human started concentrating. Her threads extended out to pull in some power, and as they returned they started weaving throughout different parts of her body. With each passing moment they started to take effect, her eyes shifting and slanting while a pair of spectral wings started forming from her back before they stretched out and started to solidify. Her cheeks rose higher, her features themselves becoming sharper in a way that made her look like a different person that was distantly related to Prudence. By the time she was finished the wings themselves would spread slightly, the pure white nearly radiant as they glowed with power while her hair and eyes seemed to reflect that shine and looked nearly golden in the light. "I'll lead us in with this disguise, and once we've actually crossed the threshold into Heaven I can absorb some of its latent energy to strengthen the deception. I'm going to need it since these wings aren't exactly real." That much Alvin would be able to see since he saw how they were constructed. They were an illusion, albeit powerful and made all the more convincing by Prudence sacrificing a great deal of power to give them actual substance instead of being nothing more than empty shells. She could even feel them weighing down her back, the threads themselves built off of her own frame and giving them a proper anchor to twitch and shift as she stretched herself out to see just how well they could actually work.

"Since I can't exactly pass myself off as anything other than human thanks to the symbol I'll need to enter as one." Thus it was time for Pru to transform. Hers was much smoother and fluid, her body instantly reacting to her desires as her demonic features simply shrank and were absorbed by her body leaving her looking much like her twin had only a few moments earlier. Beyond that she did nothing to change her actual beauty, her features staying just as lovely as she usually did while the holy symbol was activated and concealed her true essence even while her threads didn't shift in the slightest. "Prudence will be an angel returning with a possible recruit to add to Heaven's ranks, and I shall be her acolyte set to serve her in whatever way she sees fit. We'll still look alike, but since she looks different we can play it off as possible members of a family line, something like a human lineage descending from some faithful followers that had been 'blessed' by her and now strove to repay that dept through dedication and duty." A moment was taken to think that through. "That doesn't sound too outlandish, right?"

Whether Alvin answered one way or another they could adjust, and they continued to include the most important part of this deception. "You shall be the candidate we bring to Heaven. I discovered you as you were being tempted by some mermaids, and though you were tempted you held to your faith and struck them down as they started becoming a little more aggressive. It's not exactly in character for the average mermaid, but if they fall under too much influence of the curse it can cause them to act out at times. The fact that you withstood their wiles showed great character even if you were receptive, that should let you react to any flirtation from either us or the other angels without seeming suspicious, and because of that I offered you the chance to become a Hero under my tutelage. I'm still going to try and keep myself from attracting any attention, but if any of the angels start showing any interest I may just end up jumping behind you and say something like I'm impure because a monster managed to attack me with their lecherous ways. It explains why she's so sexy even while trying to hide, and it gives us a reason to try and find Naznia. Since she made that nasty flame maybe she has a way to use it to purge a human soul without going all fire and brimstone and possibly killing the human that's infected. How's that sound?"
Alvin chuckled at her initial mention of the wings not being real. "Well, it's a good thing that their wings aren't real either. Though I get what you mean." He chuckled. Many angel wings were different. But they were of course made up of God's energy and the general 'holy' energy of the angelic realm. Her wings being made of the earthly realm were of course a knock off. Not to mention the soul and halo. But other than that, Alvin gave her new look a glance over. "Well, you nailed the angel look. Only, you're lacking that murderous glare. You look approachable and sexy, instead of lethal and sexy. Might want to practice looking at heathens with scorn~" Alvin chuckled with a shrug. It was clear on his expression that his faith was not solid. He did not entirely believe that this would work. But something in him kept him moving forward.

Once Pru swapped to a beautiful human form, she felt the corruption move with her, as if double checking her work. The succubus curse seemed to idle when her work was finished. As if it gave her a pass. It was at times like these that would remind the demonic Pru that the magic flowing through her still largely belongs to the Demon Lord. If she willed it, Pru would turn into an actual monster on the lord's whim. An ever present reminder that none can escape the true Queen of Hell. Not entirely.

Upon their followup, Alvin had to fold his arms and close his eyes with focus. His face grew intense when they said he had to pretend that he felled some mermaids. The rest of it came to him while Alvin had a difficult expression. The end of their explanation, he seemed less and less keen on. "I can tease women in many ways, I would pride myself as an actor, but I wonder if I can look like a man that could hurt someone under such pretenses." Alvin spoke honestly, before unfolding his arms and slipping them into his pockets while shrugging with his shoulders. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not naive. I'm capable of acting in self defense or killing a monster." He explained. "I just have to wonder... Because those kinds of people? You can tell who they are by looking them in the eye. Those people who've sent people off to Death's ferry. I worry that they won't spot that in my eye." He expressed. "I'll certainly give it a shot. Maybe pass it off as innocence. I didn't kill a person, I killed a monster... Right?" Alvin thought aloud, folding his arms again and humming with a difficult expression.
Hearing Alvin's reply to his role caused the twins to think. "We might even get that to work in our favor. You've proven your loyalty to Heaven, but this sense of compassion and naivety is cause for concern. Thus we wish to train you to purge this sympathy for mamono before it has a chance to truly take root." But there was something else he mentioned, something that Prudence lacked. Lethality. There was no danger around her, and given Heaven's kill-now-and-ask-questions-later mentality this approachability he mentioned would probably draw suspicion even if the human had a source of pure angelic might she could use to create her illusions.

So how do they fix this? Prudence wasn't one to get angry. She preferred to let things run and move past it while drawing as little attention to herself as possible. Hell, that was her MO for quite some time while she tried to keep herself hidden from Jezebel's lust for power. But there were times when her ire was raised. One happened quite recently, in fact, and it involved the cat man. So she began to focus on that. Her eyes closed, her mind drifting back to their first encounter, and though he proved quite the enjoyable little flirt at first he had to go and pull out those damned collars. He was going to claim the right of ownership over her, even if it was nothing more than a temporary measure meant to keep her contained as he and his crew made their escape. And that pissed her off to no end. She could remember feeling her mood darken, feel the long dormant piece of wrath within her stir and turn a baleful glare toward this upstart that dared tell her what she could and could not do. It forced her to lash out, to attack his ship and threaten to snap it in two, and he must have seen just how much she despised him in that moment because he wisely backed down the next moment.

That feeling of animosity and hatred started to grow, and Prudence clamped onto that emotion before it could start to fade. With it in hand she opened her eyes and Alvin would recognize the look she threw at him promising to wreak all kinds of havoc if he dare to try anything like that again. "Because your compassion is a flaw. A weakness. A vulnerability that any monster would exploit, and we are going to fix this little problem of yours." At that she leaned closer and allowed the very threat of her aura reach out to him. "Is that understood?"
Alvin had his hands in his coat pockets while Prudence and Pru spoke, though soon he was recoiling a bit with her sudden progression and transformation. "Alright, sweetheart... That's plenty good. Too good, in fact. It seriously almost feels like you actually hate me for something." He theorized based on her expression. "But, if you can do that in Heaven, no one will doubt your angelic authority. Here's to hoping they don't find the other things to doubt about you." He chuckled nervously, but it was evident that he was looking away from her due to her now very menacing approach. It seemed that very serious types didn't sit well with Alvin, who was so laid back.

Then, he seemed to remember himself, before standing straight with his arms at his sides. "Yes, lady angel!" He barked like a soldier before his commander. And the role play that they were doing seemed to be attracting some attention from the rest of the temple around them, making them highly concerned... Before they seemed to look like they assumed it was a male and succubus doing bizarre Role Play based on their disgusted faces. They were not far from the truth.