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A Demon's Answer to the Heavens (Prudence;Termite)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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On the infamous Monster Girl Island, within a desert located on it's western side, was an isolate desert town, it's inhabitants long since raided by monsters, with bones in nearly every corner, telling the tale of a defense made by the inhabitants, before their inevitable defeat took place. And in this town was a small library, where a certain demon was investigating the contents of it's books. For weeks, the demon spent her time, reading the books of all the knowledge they contained, simply in the hopes of finding something valuable, something that perhaps, would reveal the condition she was suffering, a sort of sensation in her very being that called to her, begging her to listen to it's plea. But, she had no idea what the sensation was, nor what it craved. And over time, it steadily grew worse, not even the souls of humans seeming to satisfy the strange hunger...

As she sat in the library, another book regarding the essence of the soul completely read, and deemed useless, Prudence would begin to realize that she had gathered all the knowledge this place had to offer, which was next to nothing, unless you count the philosophical insights. The quiet of the room seemed to be her only companion. And the sound of the closing book was the only thing that rang in her ears, replaced now by the eerie ring of silence...

The dust that filled the air, built up from her movements, could be seen from the sun's rays shining in through the shoddy blinds on the windows. Even though all of the blinds were closed, the sun shone so brightly in this place, even those few rays provided enough light to see, and read without much trouble. And better, they helped to cool the already blazing hot atmosphere. Everything around her was made of old wood, which creaked under her feet. The curtains over the doorway outside acted in place of the door, due to the town's inability to put effort into making proper doors.

All seemed quiet, and Prudence had not sensed life for quite some time, except for the occasional passing of a monster, until suddenly, as Prudence would be enjoying some of the town's ample supply of water, having been drawn from a well herself, she would suddenly sense a powerful, dark aura approaching. The smooth rate of speed that it moved suggested that it was airborn, and the ominous presence that trickled along her skin in goosebumps clearly told the story of a demon. More, it seemed to know it's destination, as it headed straight for the town, picking up speed as the demon in question seemed to detect her as well...

Standing outside, holding a bucket of water, from which Prudence would have used to drink, and bathe with, the approaching demon slowly came into view in the sky, first appearing as a tiny dot, and gradually getting close enough for her to see what the demon in question looked like.

Riding on large bat-like wings, the long red hair of the succubus flowed like water, even through the sand in the air. Clothed in the typical garb of the succubus, wearing 'V' shaped panties, and a bra with triangular patches of cloth to cover the breasts, easily pealed off, the succubus landed on the ground near Prudence flawlessly, her body kneeled over from the impact of the landing, with her long heeled footwear protecting her from the hot sand.

"Prudence... I've missed you." said the succubus, who stood up from her position, angling her hips in a sexually appealing manner. Her skin was a dark tan, darker than Prudence, of a light brown color. Her familiar emerald green eyes shined at Prudence, and her intimidating horns, which pointed straight up into the air, only helped to remind Prudence of the woman's name.

Katerina, known as the red headed wild card, grinned at Prudence, showing her perfect white teeth. Her name was as a result of her reckless attitude, quite literally the opposite of the meaning of prudence. Katerina was a gambler, that would often gamble with humans for their souls, and has never lost once in her long existence. It is assumed she cheats, which is only logical, but any who have tried have found it impossible to catch her in the act. She was the driving force that could change everything depending on who's side she was on, thusly, she was called the Wild Card, greatly beneficial to any who hold it in their hand.

Katerina and Prudence met after Prudence made her name in Hell. Her name alone made Katerina interested in her. Prudence meant caution, and discretion, while Katerina stood for reckless ambition. Even though Prudence preferred solitude, Katerina chose to follow her, and even 'shared food' with her on a few occasions. Perhaps not on accordance with Presence's wishes, but Katerina just happened to be there when Prudence needed to absorb the power of a soul to maintain her existence.

An old friend, called one of Prudence's 'sisters' for a time before her departure from Hell, Katerina could be considered both a friend... And a rival.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

The building was silent, almost oppressively so. For a moment the lone occupant of this abandoned library thought the silence was screaming at her, its thunderous roar somehow far worse than the cries of agony and ecstasy that randomly and almost constantly echoed through the halls of Jezebel's castle. The chaotic noise would be a welcome alternative to this almost deafening silence that made her feel like the only living thing for miles, as true as that probably was. She didn't need to be reminded of her solitude, reminded that there would be no being, demon or slave, to greet her once she stepped outside, reminded of the loneliness she felt during her life as an uninteresting hu-

The shrill shriek of wood scraping against wood interrupted her thoughts. She had no wish to revisit her old life. She was here for a reason, to understand whatever pained desire her soul was whispering into her ear and find some way to satisfy this growing hunger. These books may have proven useless, but without any other leads this was the safest place to research her condition. Humans were understandably distrustful of demons, and as much as she loved being with her sisters Prudence could no longer trust that they'd keep her affliction a secret from Lady Jezebel. There was something about that woman that made Pru inwardly cringe just thinking about her. She was the reason the youngish demon abandoned her home, and she was the reason she could never risk going back. Pru would need to find a cure on her own.

But so far that has proven a useless endeavor, and with no hope of enlightenment in sight the girl decided it was best to call it a day. Before she left she stood just outside the door and pressed a couple creases from the most revealing dress she had ever worn, a simple yellow sundress that just barely revealed a hint of ample cleavage and left her arms and the lower half of her legs exposed. A hand found the matching hat sitting on a nearby chair, and with a slight push of will she summoned an unnatural wind to brush the traces of dust that had started to collect on her clothes.

Once the lone woman stepped outside she went straight to her makeshift shelter, and abandoned home that somehow managed to remain mostly intact, and grabbed a small bucket. From there she made her way to the well. The wide-brimmed hat shielded her from the intensity of the sun, and the dress allowed her to breathe even if it left her feeling a bit more dehydrated than if she were completely robed. The well still held water, so thirst was no worry.

While fetching her water for the next few hours a rather familiar pulse radiated from the demon's core. This was something she had not felt for quite some time, but this sensation would never be forgotten. A demon was near, and it was approaching. Her heart began to beat wildly. The only demons Pru personally knew where her coven of sisters and the occasional vampire that entered Hell to seek audience with the Mistress. Those were the only things this dark that could move that quickly through this overbearing land, and when it began to pick up speed Pru found herself rushing to reclaim her now filled bucket. She willed herself to a calm. As frightening a thought of being discovered was there was no reason to believe she would be dragged home. At least not yet. She just needed to greet her approaching visitor and try to learn what she could.

Standing tall and in the open Pru simply waited with bucket in hand, both arms holding the handle as it dangled between her legs. It did not take long for the airborne demon to come into view, and with a flourish of red hair that was nearly as unique as her name Katerina landed. Pru's eyes opened in surprise as her heart nearly did a flip. Of all the beings that could have come to capture her Katerina was the one she least expected. If this woman had come to retrieve the wayward demon then Pru may have no chance, but still...

"Katerina! I..I've missed you, too." Anyone could see that Pru simply wanted to drop the bucket and run to her friend to embrace the redhead in an all too friendly hug, but her wariness kept her in place. She was still incredibly happy, and it showed in the pure smile she used to answer Katerina's more sultry grin. Even though Pru was deathly scared of remaining alone for too long a time she did prefer to keep herself separated, but Katerina would have none of that. That demon always managed to find ways to track her down, her uncanny knack extending to finding the younger soul in her weakest and most vulnerable and going so far as to feed her before her hunger became painful.

And here Katerina was, finding Pru in a vulnerable state once again. There was no telling what would happen in a few minutes, but for now Pru didn't care. She was happy having another soul to talk with. "Let's step inside." It would be far more comfortable within her makeshift home and out of the overbearing sun and the sand-filled air. It would also allow her to put the bucket down so she could get that drink she had been craving before Katerina's presence had been made.

"Would you like anything?" As part of her escape Pru had brought a number of teas and coffees and other easily mixed drinks that she had collected. Katerina, ever the consummate stalker, probably knew most of them well, and should she make a request Pru would happily oblige, pulling a small cup and mixing the ingredients before she used her powers to heat and/or chill it. Her hunger may be growing, but Pru found herself able to use small amounts of magic without any immediate effects. She would be in for a rather rough night, however, but right now she felt it was a small price to pay.

After the more risque demon had her drink Pru would fix herself a tea, heating the water for speedy brewing before quickly chilling it. A cold tea always held less taste, but in this environment it was far more refreshing. With her drink ready and her friend nearby Pru held her cup and clearly hesitated. "Looks like you've found me again. I assume this is a little more than just a social visit." There was a hint of dread as she expected the answer she didn't want to hear, but something was telling her she needed to know as much now. Pru never was one to play the deception game.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Never losing her grin for a moment, Katerina swayed her hips, her hand remaining on her hip, while her other swung elegantly at her side with each step. The bracelet, and ring on the hand swinging at her side caused Prudence to blink her eyes from the brief, but blinding flash. Katerina was never hesitant to decorate her already stunning figure, and while seeming obvious with her choice of clothing that she not only fed off of souls for nourishment, but for fun as well, she also gave off a high class aura, as if she could simply wish away an entire kingdom if she wanted.

This was never Katerina's style, however. She would do anything to get her heart pumping, no matter if it was for your benefit, or not. Which is one of the facts that Jezebel took heed of, when she recruited Katerina, often giving her exhilarating assignments, which Jezebel herself could only provide. This, in turn, keeps Katerina loyal. Although some less desirable assignments were spent idling with Prudence, acting as the radical wherever she went, antagonizing Prudence, feeding with her, and encouraging to eat more then she simply craved for. And on one occasion, even force-fed her through sexual intercourse.

Though Katerina was not without morals. She always described Prudence as the little sister she had to point in the right direction, and despite all their shortcomings, acted kind, and respectful to Pru, even teaching her how to fight as a succubus, sometimes battling with powerful humans, who made their names as monster hunters, and defeating them, granting Prudence the taste of some of the most powerful souls the island had to offer...

But, one thing Katerina never shared, was an angel... She claimed Prudence wouldn't be able to handle the addictive taste, that she'd never want anything other than angel's souls to feast upon, and that it would be that lust, that would end up killing her in the end of that dreadful trail of addiction...

Sitting in Prudence's temporary home, Katerina made herself comfortable in the dining room, sitting on one of the four chairs surrounding the round table, leaning back on it's back legs as she sat down, and planting her feet on the table, rocking back and forth as she folded her arms. "This desert is exhausting." she complained, looking to Prudence as she was preparing tea, "I was lucky in my guess that you returned to the realm of Gaia, it's a good thing you're so easy to predict, Pru." she commented, raising a finger from her folded arms, "I'll have what you're having to drink." Katerina told her, without any proper manners to speak of, that itself simply being Katerina's personality alone. She would only scold one who questioned her etiquette, claiming that they were daft for not realizing that such a thing should be implied without needed to be said.

After receiving her drink, Katerina stopped her rocking, which in turn ceased the cracking of wood under her wieght. Her feet remaining on the table, Katerina simply swallowed the whole cup in one sitting, tossing the cup to the table, which landed perfectly. Katerina didn't even check for the throw's success, both her, and of course Prudence knowing without a doubt that the cup would land where it was intended.

Done with her drink, Katerina grinned at Prudence with a twisted smile, lowering her head a little at her fellow sister, "You've got one thing right, Pru... I'm not here just to tell another story about how I fucked and killed a king." Which was one of her favorite stories to tell over rum.

Katerina began rocking in her chair again, as if calculating how she'd spell out her reasons for appearing, tapping the side of her waist with her hand, adjusting her folded arms curiously, "Tell me, Pru... Have you been naughty lately?" she inquired with a sexually seductive coo, "Chances are, in this wasteland, that's a big no. And seeing you here only makes things worse for you..." she told her, seemingly speaking to both herself, and Prudence, while hinting with her tone at the fact that Prudence was in big trouble.

Katerina's rocking became more slow as she continued, "Rumor is, you've been a bad girl, and not in the good way. Lady Jezebel has been speaking of you as a heretic... She claims..." One of her hands lift from her folded arms, rising to her lips to place a sole finger on her pink bottom lip curiously, "... That you're trying to become a human... Sad thing is, I almost believed it myself..."
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

"H...human?!" Up until then Prudence's mood was visibly dropping as Katerina continued. Pru's rather sparse feeding habits were always a source of conflict with her sister demons, and Kate was the only one who ever managed to either convince or force the younger succubus to feed when she wasn't ready. But that accusation, the mere insinuation that Pru would abandon her nature and become human once again, that managed to worm its way past all her defenses and struck at her very core.

She remembered her life as a human. She could never forget being trapped under her family's heel, always forced to stay inside unless it served her parent's wishes, always forced to talk only with those who met their standards, always forced to simply sit back and watch everyone else live their lives while she was treated as nothing more than a commodity. When her home was attacked and destroyed by the forces of hell she was thrilled to have some excitement enter her life, and the stories she heard of these demons promised her pleasures she could only dream about on those restless nights where her fingers were the only comforting touch she had ever known. But even then she was forced into servitude, her mind nearly wiped blank while what little remained held no control over her body. She was forced to watch herself become nothing more than fuckable battery that was simply tossed aside once they were done with her.

Pru couldn't return to that. She had been an object all her natural life, and there was no way in hell she would ever let herself become someone's plaything once again. Jezebel even thinking that a succubus would want to become a mere human was appalling, and the thought that her condition would end as such had the girl almost in a panic. The chair she had sat in slid back a few feet when she quickly rose to her feet, and she only offered Katerina an apologetic glance before she wrapped her hands across her waist and bent forward. For a moment it appeared nothing would happen, but a sudden explosion of fabric led to a pair of enormous bat wings nearly filling the room as they spread open.

A moment later those wings folded over themselves, and with nothing more than a slight breeze that would brush the other demon's face Pru brought her now quite large right wing forward before opening it slightly. There was a slightly frenzied look in her eyes as she quickly inspected the thing. Katerina should recognize this little trick since it was part of her training. By concentration pure essence into those two stubs Pru dared to call her wings they would grow to an appropriate size that matched her her rather massive horns, and since she used her own essence to power this transformation it also served as a sign of her well-being. Thick, nearly jet black wings meant she was at full strength, and when she was hungry they started to dull to varying shades of gray while the leathery membrane appeared to thin. She hadn't thought of it before, but if she were turning human than some odd sort of discoloration should reveal itself, and that was what she was searching for.

When she didn't immediately find any abnormal streaks she visibly relaxed and sank back into the chair, her wings opening a little to keep from crushing them. With that crisis supposedly dealt with she now had to address the other problems. "Why would anyone want to be human again?" When she finally started speaking she brought her knees up to her chest, and once she wrapped her arms around her legs her wings folded over her entire body until she was mostly hidden. The top of her head as well as her eyes could still be seen, and she was clearly asking that question to Katerina. "Why would Jezebel even think I wanted to go back to being such a weak and pathetic thing?" Pru may have been referring to her own life, but to others it may have sounded like she thought of humans as nothing more than fodder. "That woman can be so frustrating..." Her head drooped as she let out a sigh before the tips of her horns caught the top of her wings.

For a couple seconds she simply sat there wrapped in her makeshift blanket, but her head suddenly popped up with a little more confidence in her eyes. "You said you almost believed her, so what do you think she's trying to pull? Does it have anything to do with her recent hobby?"
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Katerina made no reaction to Prudence suddenly removing her dress. Watching as Prudence enhanced her wings with her magic, using considerable force to make them grow, the visible strain on her being from such an action caused Katerina to chuckle a little, most likely to cast a joke on the matter, but decided against it, the fact of Pru not feeding having already been exchanged. She did, however, consider why Pru would waste her power on such a feat. She considered the heat exhausting enough, and to waste power from Pru's already limited supply was beyond Katerina's reasoning, even just to check her well being.

Katerina began to form conclusions, 'Perhaps she's panicked? Worried over her own state of affairs. Who knows, but she doesn't have a lot left to sustain herself. Even a lower class demon would pose a threat to her in this state she constantly keeps herself in. And with Jezebel spouting rumors of heresy... Pru wouldn't stand a chance.'

Unable to lift her head to such degree as to look at Prudence in her position, Katerina tilted her head back, red hair swaying under her as she rocked back and forth. "Jezebel is an insistent liar, everyone knows that. But, since everyone's so afraid to piss her off, they believe whatever crap she spews at them, from that hole she calls a mouth." she spat insultingly at the demon lord. "It's a natural reaction of mine to see behind her words. She said she wanted you brought back, alive, while the most common reaction to heresy is putting the sorry fool out of their misery. So that made me figure she wanted you for some reason, I'm guessing related to your sudden disappearance. Either way, there are a lot of demons looking for you now, interested in the nice reward for your capture."
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

"Figures she'd turn everyone against me." Pru hid behind her wings for a couple more seconds before finally standing and stretching them out. She knew she couldn't keep them grown without wasting her energies, but she also needed to wait a bit so her body could come to a relative rest. Now that she had she simply relaxed her spirit. Her overgrown wings slowly receded until they returned to their original size, and a moment later the folded around her waist and laid completely flat making them look like nothing more than odd tattoos.

Now back to normal Pru stood for a second before she walked back to the table and retrieved her drink. She practically poured it down her throat, and once it was gone she did her best to get back to her seat without falling flat on her ass. Mild tricks to make a drink were one thing, but that last stunt left her feeling drained. She felt so tired she no longer cared that she was undressed.

"Okay, for some reason Jezebel wants me, so she calls me a heretic and puts a bounty out on me. That means I can't go home, my sisters are out to get me, and because I'm a fool I'm trapped in a desert and haven't learned anything useful..." As nude as she was her hair had inexplicably come in front of her body and hid her decency well enough. A few hints of slightly darker skin hinted at what lay hidden under those golden strands, and as tired as she was the way she sat nearly begged someone to step forward and brush her hair aside to reveal the treasures they concealed. "Sister..." The fatigue that showed in Pru's half-lidded eyes only made her that much more enticing. "What do you think I should do?"
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Katerina suddenly produces a knife from her boot with a small gesture, taking it in her hand, while still rocking in her chair, before going about sharpening her nails, staring her at task, while idly tossing a question at Pru, based off of the little bit of information the demoness let slip by her tongue, "If I'm to help you, you need to tell me just what you planned to accomplish out here, in this barren wasteland. Based on how long you've been gone, you must not have fucked in a long time." she commented, passing the mention of sex as if it were as complicated as waking up in the morning and eating your first meal of the day, which Katerina did often, sometimes with multiple partners, on occasion including Prudence into her little 'orgy.'
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

"What I've been doing? Hmmm..." Prudence began to ponder just what could happen if she revealed herself to Katerina, and as she thought one leg crossed over the other as she leaned on the side of the chair closer to the demon. Her cheek rested in the palm of one arm, and her other looped just under her chest to rest in the crook of the first. Her bosom was naturally caught and slightly supported, and the hair that was now pinned by her one arm stretched and threatened to part to reveal the hardening nubs now quite clearly outlined under their flimsy cover.

Had Pru been her usual self she would have definitely noticed her subconscious trying to seduce Katerina that very moment, but with her mind focused on other things while trying to ignore her fatigue the woman was preoccupied. Can I truly trust her? She always chooses what's best for her, and there couldn't be much to gain from helping a heretic. But she could have just dragged me back by now, so why hasn't she? Dammit, what could I have that she wants?!

With her mind starting to run frantic little circles around itself she suddenly froze as if trying to listen to something outside. Her body refused to do anything for an entire second, but she soon opened her eyes with a smile. "I think I'll answer with a question." Pru stood and slowly made her way behind Katerina, each step a perfect example of poise that made her chest bounce ever so slightly. Her eyes would steal a glance at the knife Kate held, but when they returned to the demon the smile she held remained. As dangerous as that woman could be she knew her mentor wouldn't use that knife. At least not yet.

Once Pru was finally behind her guest she wrapped her arms around Katerina's neck as if she was about to give her sister a hug. "Have you ever tasted my soul?" Her mouth suddenly hovered just beside the woman's ear as she nearly whispered the next part. "My true soul?" Katerina would soon find something coiling around her tail, and once she felt something rubbing against the underside of her stinger she would probably recognize that Pru was using her own to give it her own special massage. "Promise me a little snack and I promise I'll let you take a bite. It'll be easier to explain after that."
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Katerina gave a perverted moan as Prudence displayed her lecherous side, her glistening red lips grinning slyly as Pru made it abundantly clear the she was indeed very hungry for spiritual energy. "Your making my heart swoon with passion, Pru." she commented, looking up at Pru from under her, leaning her head back to match eyes with the normally passive succubus. Even as hungry as Prudence may have been, no fire her soul could muster could match Katerina's fierce presence, not to mention her fiery gaze, which held a power of great seduction, driving Prudence's lust for sex sky high as the two succubi attached their seductive auras to each other, building together, a great tsunami of passion, and lust, just with a simple gaze alone.

"You normally don't let your aura release itself so strongly..." she giggled, "My poor little Pru must be starving for sex, all alone out here in the middle of nowhere." she assumed, while absentmindedly teasing Prudence with her body motions. A slight parting of her legs, a small bounce of her inhumanly firm, double D breasts, and an alluring expression, were all simply apart of Katerina's normal motions, and yet, in this position, with Kat's perverse magical aura around Pru, these small motions were enough to make both a woman's mouth, and nether, grow wet with desire.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Pru's eyes locked with Katerina's the moment the other demon looked up. No matter what else happened, the parting legs, the slight bounce of her breasts, the way her lips parted and begged to be kissed, Pru was unable to pull herself away from those eyes. They were boring through her, inviting her to simply give in and let her own desires free.

"Yes..." Pru's hands released Katerina's neck and began to run down the demon's sides. "I've been so lonely at night..." Her hands took a sharp turn and run along the swells of Kate's breasts, her fingers spreading as they began to lift and press against the yielding flesh. "No one to touch me..." The nipples that were clearly outlined by the scandalous excuse of fabric the other succubi considered a bra were both trapped between a Pru's thumb and forefinger, a slight tweak made to excite them even more. "...undress me..." The foreplay was interrupted long enough for those skilled little hands to catch the edge of Kate's bra and pull them down. "...FUCK me..." Those hands nearly mashed Kate's bosom together, stopping just before it became uncomfortable. "It's been so hard..." Once again those nipples were trapped, but this time she pulled them out and watched them stretch little by little. After a few moments Pru released her catch and watched them snap back to place, the flesh slightly rocking before her hands returned and restarted their massage.

At that moment it would have appeared that Pru had surrendered to her hunger, but when the woman leaned down to grant Kate a kiss the redhead would suddenly feel the world rushing all around her. The intermingling auras would sweep through her core, her very soul suddenly caught in a maelstrom of unbridled lust, and once the chaos finally ended not more than a second later she would find Pru breaking that kiss very slowly. "But you're dodging the question." Katerina would then find her tail slowly being lifted. Once it came to a rest she would feel Prudence's nectar leaking along its length, the tail itself slightly parting the girl's folds while her stinger was still being rubbed and prodded from underneath. "Do you want to taste what I've hidden from everyone else?"

The memory of that lost second would be somewhat hazy, but once Pru asked her question the image of a dark mass would flash through Kate's mind. She would immediately recognize it as a normal succubus soul, but a moment later part of it started to unravel. As that part of the veil pulled away she would remember hearing a pair of voices that sounded identical yet were somehow distinct. "We won't come out unless you promise." This was what she heard before the veil closed and she was swept back to reality.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Katerina blushed in that one moment her tail touched Prudence, that one moment Pru's soul was bare to her, laid before her to absorb into her own, and before she could even take the smallest dip inside, to taste her, Katerina was denied her addiction. This caused Katerina to give a shocked reaction, turning around, the chair she sat on tossed to the side, out of her way as she gave a shocked look to Prudence. At first, she seemed unable to say anything, as her thoughts wondered wildly at the sensation of the strange new taste to Pru's soul.

'What the hell was that...?' she wondered frantically, as a bead of sweat went down her forehead, 'It was like I saw the forbidden fruit of Eden... But just being near it made me feel like I'd die if I ate it, just from the sheer pleasure of absorbing it...' Katerina trembled slightly, her tail squirming a little within Pru's grip, "Strangest of all... For that one instance... Pru's spiritual presence felt stronger than my own... Did she always have this power!?" Katerina blinked a few times, before deciding to move before Pru thought anything of her hesitation, stepping forward, and sliding her hands behind her fellow succubus, quickly making their way to cup around Pru's round ass. "Whatever that was..." Katerina grinned, "It ain't Jezebel's... It's mine!"

With Pru in her grip, she slowly stepped back, gently encouraging Pru to walk with her, until they were at the table. There, Kat placed her fine rump on the table surface, her legs opening wide to wrap around Pru, as the red headed devil grinned up at her coveted sister demon in a new light. "I'd give anything to taste that... I don't know what that was... But I'm getting wet just thinking about it." she told her, clenching Pru's sexy body with her legs, "Do anything you want to me, Pru... Fuck me until you fill your black heart with my soul."
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

The sudden toss of the chair followed by Katerina nearly jumping to her feet was a bit of a shock to Prudence, but before she could even wonder why the demon would bolt to her feet like that a pair of firm hands slid around her hips and cupped her ass. That sudden touch caused the younger demon to moan very quietly, and she was quite easily led to the table where Kate seated herself and agreed to Pru's demands and so much more. The look in Kate's eyes was something the blond had never seen before, and it was something she found irresistible.

"Anything?" One of Pru's hands landed on one of the thighs wrapped around her, and she traced the inside of the darker woman's legs until she came to the demon's sex. A lone figure traced along the woman's panties, a light flick causing the flimsy fabric to simply dissolve and allow that finger to dip into her slit. It collected some of her dripping nectar before rising to give Pru a taste. The girl seemed to enjoy it more than she should, and after sucking her finger dry she half-opened her eyes to look straight into Katerina. "Lean back."

While the demon hopefully complied Pru lightly grabbed the knees around her sides and eased them open. With Katerina fully spread Pru would lean forward to almost plant her face onto Kate's newly exposed sex. A few whispers signaled a small incantation that somewhat sounded like a familiar spell, but Pru was either mistranslating or completely off. Kate would only feel a slight tingle within her excited clit instead of the growing sensation that accompanied the familiar futa spell, but if she were to try and correct the younger demon she wouldn't get the chance. Her pupil was already there running her tongue up and down Kate's puffy lips, and after a few swipes Pru's lips wrapped around her needy little button.

The tingle would return as that bud was sucked, and once Pru popped it out to return to Kate's pussy both demon's would instantly notice that it was a good inch or two larger than it once was. Pru would only smile at her work, her tongue delving into Kate's depths to gather would it could before she returned to licking and sucking on the ever-expanding clitoris. Every time Pru stopped it would grow a little more, and every time she continued Kate could feel that odd spell working its magic.

It wouldn't be long before Pru was playing with a ten inch cock, and once it was that size she grabbed and stroked it with one hand while she worked the end with her mouth. The magic disappeared once Pru touched it, and after giving Kate's prick some attention with her tongue she popped it out to ask a quick question. "What do you think?" Her mouth returned, her tongue doing all the work this time as it circled around the head. "Much better than 'POOF' it's there, right?" Pru's head began to bob up and down in Kate's lap, bit by bit taking in more of the cock she helped grow and wondering just how much more Kate would take before she either caved in or popped.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Katerina's eyes focused on the hand that trailed down along her thigh, watching intently as Pru's finger went about dissolving her magically woven panties. Her lips pursed as Pru slid a finger inside her, a slight smile forming as her pink pussy was massaged from the inside. Her eyes half closed, Katerina staring behind her eyelids at her sister succubus, sucking on the juices that soaked her finger intently.

At Pru's little command, Katerina's eyes blinked. She was slightly taken aback with her sexual aggression. For as long as Katerina knew her, it was always Kat on top, always Kat who held the smaller, weaker Pru in her arms, wrapping the cool headed demoness in her chaotic persona. At that thought, her small smile faded into a blank expression. She told herself with conviction that this would not change, no matter if Pru was acting aggressive out of hunger or not. Katerina was always superior to her, and she was not about to let that change.

Katerina, as Pru grabbed her knees, spread them wide open, planting her heels on the table, using her hands to prop herself up, while continuing to stare at the hungry Pru. She was not surprised at Pru's on purpose use of a mischanted spell. It would not work efficiently, causing Katerina's clit to grow slowly at Pru's magical threads, seen only by the mind's eye, wove around the succubi's clit, steadily increasing it's size.

A pair of fangs stuck out slightly from her red lips, while her emerald green eyes fixed themselves on Pru's head intently, watching Pru's blond locks of hair sway as she sucked, and stroked Kat's ever growing cock. And once Pru lifted her head to ask her question, Katerina didn't even let her speak, before the back of her head was grasped lightly, and pushed down to swallow Katerina's immense shaft. "Don't speak," she whispered, suddenly realizing she was a little out of breath from Pru's efforts. "Keep feeding, keep your lips around my cock, until I tell you to stop." she whispered sternly, silently reminding Pru, who the dominant one in their relationship was. And yet at the same time, acting strangely. The words she spoke seemed to stem from a desire to make Pru do as she tells her. Yet as far as Pru would recall, the dominant Kat never had to 'make' Pru do anything. It was simply the relationship they had together, with Prudence as Katerina's 'precious little baby,' as she would call her. A joke made on the difference between their age, and power.

With Pru's head in her hand, her mouth wrapped around her cock, and her hand around the base of her shaft, a small, sadistic smile appeared on her lips. She felt in control again. And with the building pressure inside of her, she felt like she could cum on her terms, with her as the dominant woman, and Pru as the delicate little girl, wrapped in Kat's dark wings. And with the approaching climax, Katerina clenched her teeth, gripping Pru's scalp, "Faster, Pru..." she gasped, "My little Pru... I'm gonna cum inside your pretty little mouth..." she announced, right before her whole body tensed, followed by a lewd, orgasmic moan, before her stiff cock erupted in Pru's embrace.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

The hand falling to Pru's head interrupted her train of thought, enough so that the slight push placed Katerina's impressive length straight to the back of her mouth. The girl immediately began to gag once it began to poke down her gullet, and with a couple tears starting to form at the corner of her eyes she simply looked up to her older sister. The sinister smile plastered on the demon's face would have made almost anyone else tremble as if they were looking into the eyes of death, but Pru knew better. This was Katerina in her most comfortable as she ordered one of her slaves to service her, and even though Pru herself had never been ordered as such in her entire demonic life it was a welcome alternative to the shock and confusion the red-head had shown earlier. As far as Pru was concerned Katerina was always in charge of everything, and seeing her sister without that confident look just wasn't right.

Now that Katerina was truly starting to enjoy herself Pru returned to the task at hand. Her head began bobbing up and down once again, the sounds of slurping and sucking filling the house as Pru did her best to fuck her sister with her mouth. She could feel her strength growing with each pass, but it wasn't enough. These little bits she was sucking out of her sister only made her that much hungrier. She wanted a real meal. She wanted to see Katerina's soul burst, wanted to feel it flood through her mouth and down her throat. She wanted every last bit she could take until there was nothing left to give, and the hand on her head only egged her on.

The blond could feel her sister getting closer. She could feel that soul starting to shudder in her grasp, bits of it starting to gather under her finger tips while Kate began to clench her scalp. Before the demon even began speaking Pru could feel her lover's cock throbbing and expanding. Kate was ready, and Pru wanted to make this special. Before Kate finished the girl rose a little then removed her hand. When she felt her sister tense she simply dove down the shaft, the head once again poking at the back of her mouth. This time she was ready, and while her lips sank deeper and deeper she quite literally began to swallow that dick. The moment it slipped inside she felt a large spurt pour down her throat, but she didn't stop. The muscles in her esophagus were already trying to swallow the seed flooding into it, but Pru was determined. She kept descending until her lips were firmly wrapped around the base, and she stayed for a few seconds deep-throating Katerina until her need to breathe overcame everything. She practically threw her head back, and Kate's cock came popping out, the last bit of the demon's cum only dribbling out of the end while Pru took in a much needed breath.

"I... I... couldn't... get it... all..." She took little rapid breaths as she spoke, her body still recovering as she apologized. Her eyes seemed a little glazed at this point, but Kate could very easily see they were focused not on her but the monster still standing at attention. The bit of seed still oozing out of head were starting to dribble down its length, and once Pru felt she could breath a little easier she immediately went back in and lapped at the mess. If she couldn't take the entire load in one shot the least she could do was make sure her big sister was properly cleaned.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Hunching over as she reached climax, Katerina's mouth hung wide open, her tongue dangling out of her mouth blissfully as her extended length was deep throated by Pru. The fingers on the back of Pru's head slowly lost their force, as the blond sister demon would feel her scalp caressed by the renegade demoness who held her dear. All of their old emotions they shared, Pru would feel as she drank from Kat's essence, were returning to Katerina's consciousness. Not just sex, but memories and emotions of friendship flooded through Katerina's mind.

The time they first met, Pru had spent a short time as a demon in Pandemonium. Despite Pru in a state of solitude, Kat invaded every emotional barrier she had, never shying off even a little from Pru's cold, collected demeanor at the time of her transformation. It was Katerina who allowed Prudence to realize the individuality between demons, and allowed her to realize that her transformation was not just a life changing, or life breaking event, but a step in Prudence's evolution. Feeding Prudence with one of her loyal slaves, Katerina showed the blessings of being a demon, as she made Prudence aware of her incredible manipulation over pleasure, bringing the human to such a state of happiness, that Pru was blessed as a god.

Ever bonded to her friend, Katerina never vanished from Prudence for any long period of time. And no doubt Pru's vanishment to the desert had it's effects on Kat's mind, like a mother who's lost her only daughter. She felt out of touch with her beloved, and felt that Pru had changed so much, that she might have rejected Kat from her life. But with Pru lowered, head bobbing up and down over her crotch, Prudence would feel Katerina's comfort at finally having her precious beauty once more. And she was further comforted, as she felt her own essence within Prudence's body, the pleasing, yet slight sensation of feeling a little bit of herself floating within Pru's soul, granting Katerina the emotional thrill she needed, and wanted so badly.

Driven by emotion and pleasure, Katerina's climax was as potent, and as plentiful as ever as she moaned deeply from being granted the blessing of being allowed to cum so deeply inside Prudence's throat, filling her stomach with her gooey, demonic seed.

Katerina collapsed on her back after finishing inside Pru, groaning between her lips as she pulled her submerged cock from her throat, her legs twitching from the sensation of her worn throat rubbing along her red, worn cock. Katerina gritted her teeth slightly as Prudence lapped at the remains of cum that she hadn't ingested, her transformed clit twitching with sensitivity as her tongue flicked over Katerina's friction burned skin.

"That's going to be sore for a while..." she announced openly with a humorous tone, chuckling slightly. Then, still laying on her side, she sighed with relief, trying to recover, even though she just sat there, showing signs of just how worn Prudence made her, an aftereffect of her hunger for spiritual essence.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Well well, look who's been quite the naughty little bitch. Somewhere deep down she expected it, but once Pru heard that inner voice she nearly cringed. She had been a bitch. During her entire demonic life Katerina was the only being she could ever really trust. She was the one that showed Pru her life wasn't just some cosmic joke that led from one life of servitude to another. Katerina was the sole reason she could enjoy her life, and how did she repay that? By running. By abandoning the one person who treated her better than even her own mother had. She didn't even take a moment to consider how this would affect the one person she cared about.

With Katerina's raw memories and emotions still running through her mind Pru lingered near her sister's crotch even after her work was done. Even with her head lowered slightly small signs of an internal struggle could be seen playing across her face. Pru was fighting to keep her own emotions in check, but when Kate rolled to her side Pru instantly recognized the relief so evident in her big sister's sigh. There was still a chance to make things right.

Now that she had some determination Pru suppressed the few tears forming at the corners of her eyes. A subtle command in the demonic tongue was said to return Kate's engorged clit back to its original state, and once it finally shrank down Pru began to climb onto the table with her sister. She kept crawling up until her face was level with Kate's, and when she arrived she stared into those tired yet still vibrant emerald eyes before speaking. "I want you to know that you're the only person I've ever shown this."

At that Pru lowered herself until her ample bosom was mashed against Kate's slightly larger bust. Her entire body began to relax, and after a few moments Kate would probably be able to feel the veil surrounding Pru's heart and soul begin to stretch. Sections of her spirit unraveled, and those sections spread until it felt as if the entire room was being wrapped in the same spiritual armor the youngster used to conceal her true nature.

Now that she was fully exposed to Kate and Kate alone the redhead's still trapped tail was once again brought to Pru's entrance. The tip of Kate's stinger was teasingly slid up and down Pru's slit a couple times, and once it was slick with the girl's excitement the smaller tail eased its captive inside. Her lips spread quite easily, and the walls of her pussy massaged that tail as it was led farther and farther inside. Pru pumped that thing into her body rather slowly, her entire body rocking slightly against Kate with each push.

After a couple more thrusts Pru's tail released its hold. The tail slid out of her, her own juices trickling down its length only to drip onto the floor once it was finally freed. In this way Pru told Katerina that she was in full control. Pru would let her sister do whatever she wanted and take whatever she needed. This was how Pru would apologize for leaving, and this was how she would reveal her reasons for leaving. With every bit of essence Kate swallowed Pru would concentrate her memories into it just as Kate had unintentionally done before. From the circumstances of her rebirth to her fear of becoming Jezebel's property, from her soul's true nature to the strange illness she was convinced she had, Pru was ready to reveal everything.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

Katerina's face brightened when Prudence started to climb up on top of her. And right when the younger demon's breasts started to pancake against her lover's, Kat's hands went right to the cheeks of Prudence's ass, her tan fingers curling around her pair mounds of flesh, appreciating the defining qualities of her lower body with a tight squeeze. And as Pru raised Kat's own tail to give her that taste she very much longed for, Katerina lowered her fingers a little lower, before pulling on her skin from both sides of Pru's pink womanhood, spreading her flower petals open for her approaching tail.

A bead of sweat rolled down Kat's forehead in anticipation, her tail squirming a little in Prudence's binds, displaying her impatience. And once the tip of her tail just barely poked at Pru's excitement, the flaps of her heart shaped tail folded inwards, happily allowing itself to be eased inside the blond succubus. Once inside, Kat's tail wormed it's way around Pru's familiar pussy. And as Kat slid along Pru's sensitive nerves, effectively causing her sister succubi's soul to shiver, and weaken from every single degree of pleasure she caused, Prudence would feel Katerina's spirit latch onto her own, to begin drinking from her essence.

Katerina's eyes went wide as her unseen threads from her soul seeped into Prudence. Her subconscious slowly entering the realm inside Pru's soul, using her pleasure as a gateway for Katerina to temporarily connect their souls together. Through this connection, Katerina felt Pru's essence surrounding her. Most of it, she recognized as her own spiritual essence that had been absorbed through Pru's soft lips. But, Katerina wasn't interesting in reacquiring her lost essence, she was simply eager to taste what was within the deepest depths of Prudence's shell, that overwhelming presence that she sensed, of a nature she had never seen before in all her years.

Diving deeper into Pru's soul, Kat's threads of her soul now reached the center of Pru's existence. And once there, she searched frantically for the two forces to reveal themselves once more. Standing in a subconscious plain, the world shown to her mind's eye that of a realm of pure darkness, where she knew Prudence must have hidden her secret. "Come to me..." Katerina whispered from the depths of Pru's soul. Licking her lips lewdly, as if to devour a great feast, she called once more without waiting, "Come out... As you promised... And let me taste you..."
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

The only thing to answer Katerina in this seemingly endless expanse of darkness was an overwhelming silence. No sights, no sounds, nothing but emptiness as far as the eye could see. "So impatient!" The voice that sounded behind the demon was uncomfortably close, but before Katerina would be given the chance to turn she would find a pair of arms wrapping around her waist before they pulled her against a warm body. "But I kinda like that..."

With that voice now whispering in her ear all Kate would need to do was turn her head slightly to find Prudence a mere breath away. As her younger sister pressed her body against her lover it wouldn't be all the difficult to tell that this Pru was a little different. Her hair had become darker, a deep strawberry blond that seemed more appropriate for her more fair complexion. Her eyes had changed as well, the pupils now becoming a deep red so vibrant one would think they actually glowed. But the most notable change were the pair of wings hanging off the young demon's back. They were massive, possibly even larger than Katerina's, a size that any demon would envy.

"Welcome to my soul, sister." The other voice appeared as abruptly as the first, this new being demanding Kate's attention by wrapping its arms around her neck. This time she would be greeted by another Prudence, one who willingly pressed her body against her lover and welcomed her with a tender kiss. This Pru more closely resembled the actual Pru, only this one seemed far more normal. She had the same lustrous golden hair and the same amazing figure, but none of her racial features could be found. No horns, no tail, not even those pitiful nubs she called wings could be found anywhere on her perfectly sculpted body. As far as anyone could tell this Pru was nothing more than a human.

Once the kiss finally broke Kate would find one pair of golden eyes staring into her with nothing but love and affection while she could feel the red pair almost pulsing with unbridled lust. "Now that you've found us..." The demonic Pru pressed herself even closer, her eyes closing to enjoy the feel of Katerina's body hinting that there was some genuine affection in having her sister nearby. "We offer ourselves to you and you alone." The human Pru mirrored her twin, and with the two aspects sandwiching the woman it wouldn't be too difficult to detect the faintest bit of light visibly passing between them. As separate as they appeared there was no mistake. These two souls were connected.

The two held themselves there for a couple seconds simply letting their essence wash over and around Katerina. They may have been teasing her by holding her between them, but there was a guilty pleasure in feeling their sister penetrate so freely in their combined soul. "How may I serve you, my Mistress?" They both knew Katerina could only stand to wait for so long, but until she directly gave them an order they would remain where they stood basking in big sister's presence.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

When Katerina was embraced from behind, she was not at all surprised to see Prudence in this way. She immediately recognized the red favoring materialization of Prudence's inner soul, as the true succubus spirit that grew from the curse Pru had received upon her birth into an immortal. The sexy way she spoke, the enticing poke of her nipples against her shoulder blades, and the demonic aura she emitted were enough to make Katerina's cheeks blush red with lust and pride for her smaller succubus sister. 'Is this what Pru was so afraid to show?' Katerina thought to herself, 'Is she really so ashamed of her perverse side so much, that she'd escape Hell just to hide it? I just can't believe it... But... Maybe Jezebel was onto something?'

Content that the cherry haired Prudence was all she'd see, Katerina was oblivious to what approached from her front, her emerald eyes going wide when a blond Prudence, without wings, horns, a tail, or any demonic trait to speak of, wrapped her arms around her shoulders and neck, and kissed her with those ever familiar, luscious lips. 'Two!?' Katerina thought with shock, giving a surprised, sexy moan from her sealed lips. 'What in Hell is this!? I've never heard of two souls existing together in unison! And... A human soul!? How could a human soul have survived the succubus curse? And why did they merge together instead of one dominating the other!'

Katerina's thoughts raced for answers at the stunning sight of Prudence's unique soul, but her lust, and the powerful scent of Pru's true soul was overpowering her senses. The twin pair of breasts pressing into her, the two girls doting on her with affection, and the promises of debauchery within such a sacred place within one's soul, Katerina was overwhelmed to the point of panic.

"Give me everything...!" the red head nearly begged with a desperate tone, panting for breath as the sensation of Pru's powerful soul suffocated her, "I want it NOW!" she screamed. In the next moment, she tipped herself, and the twin Prudence's over, pushing with all her weight towards the human materialization of Pru, knocking the woman on her back, making sure the girl's legs were spread upon settling to the ground, while the straberry haired Prudence would find her crotch meeting Kat's ass in a doggy position, should she have fallen with the two.

Holding her right hand against the blond Pru's shoulder, Kat reached back with her left to grasp the succubus Pru's ass, pulling her a little closer, "Fuck me in the ass..." she pleaded with her, the red headed succubus looking back at the demon soul behind her, "Pump your succubus power into me as I absorb your human side..."

Her pink tail already slithering along her leg, avoiding going between her ass cheeks to allow the succubus Pru behind her entry, Katerina couldn't wait to penetrate the human beneath her, and drain her soul from her, just as she couldn't wait to be fucked silly by the demoness behind her, and be force-fed her soul through her ass like a whore.
Re: The Wrong Crowd (Prudence)

With the twin souls practically clinging to their guest it wouldn't take much to send them all to the ground.

The human Pru landed on her back with her arms over her head. Her legs opened instinctively as she was falling, but she allowed Katerina to spread them as far as the demon desired. Her nether lips parted naturally, and once they did the woman's arousal could be seen glistening between her petals. Her pussy wet, her nipples hard, her entire body flushed and spread wide for her lover's viewing pleasure, Pru was more than ready for whatever Kat had planned.

The demonic Pru had landed on her knees right behind her big sister's expertly sculpted rump, her wings spread wide in surprise to help buffer the fall. When she noticed her position a small smirk crossed her face, but when Katerina reached back and forced her to thrust her pelvis against the demon's glorious ass the succubus grinned in delight. Pru knew what Kat wanted before her sister looked back and pleaded for it, and as she watched Kat's tail coil around her own leg the strawberry blond shifted her hip back while her hands lightly massaged and parted her sister's waiting ass.

"As you wish, Mistress..." There were no words or motions to signal it, but no more than half a second had passed before Kat would find something warm and hard poking at her anal ring. Another half second later a rising pressure forced the head of Pru's cock inside, and from there the succubus just eased herself inside until her entire length was buried to the hilt.

With her cock buried in Kat's bowels the demonic soul gasped at the sensations surrounding her. While she let both herself and her lover adjust to her girth and length she idly wondered whether Kat would use her tail or her own cock on the human underneath her. And who would ultimately set the pace? Would Kat rock her body back and forth between them, or would she let the demon pound that ass and force her to fuck her little sister? Both of the Pru's wouldn't mind either way. This would be their time to feed their sister, and they would enjoy every second of it.