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A Demon's Answer to the Heavens (Prudence;Termite)

The fish woman hummed. "Very interesting indeed. Though, why tell all this to me?" she inquired with a wink and tinge of curiosity, one hand on her hip and the other touching a finger to her lower lip. "Will you perhaps put on a show for me? Or are you after something in particular? You seemed to hone in on my hiding place, I wonder if it's destiny we met, or by your will you met me in specific? I'm so curious~" she cooed. "By the by, I'm wondering if there's anything I can help you with. I was so lost in my hobby that I didn't think that you may just very well be seeking me out in specific."
"What? No no, nothing that calculated. We truly were looking for some place to relax and ponder, and this place looked most promising. I'll admit that meeting you might be a small twist of Fate since we'll be needing to talk concerning Atlantis, but that can wait.

"As for him..."
There the twins took a moment to gather and categorize their thoughts. "I feel like I'll need to take care of that problem, but I'm not sure how. He's been playing with the crew's emotions, but we can't kick him off the ship because we'd have a mutiny just so they could start chasing after him again. And then there's the problem with how I feel about him. He's been deceiving everyone, but despite it all I find myself actually liking him. He's just so damned charismatic, and even after I caught a glimpse of his true nature I still want to cuddle with him. It makes doling out punishment a bit difficult...

"But you don't need to worry about that too much. It's our problem, and we'll figure out a way to deal with it. We just like to complain from time to time. Let's us let out some steam."
While she did seem quite interested in what Pru was going to do to dole out punishment, it was her hobby that seemed to have her smiling. But the bit about Atlantis made her brows raise. "... Oh?" she hummed with interest. "... There is simultaneously so little and yet so very much to talk about. That is an interesting thought you have. Atlantis is it's very own can of hornets, as they say. Not a very nice place for outsiders. Be careful where you tread~" she warned with a wink.
"I understand." Atlantis did have that little rebellion they were dealing with, though both Pru and Prudence felt their little excursion may ease some of that pressure since the kidnapped mermaids had been returned. "But we suddenly find ourselves roaming the seas, and getting to know Atlantis just sounds, well, prudent!" Another little guilty pleasure of theirs. Finding ways to drag their namesake into conversation was too much fun!

But for now the two were content to just settle and join the merrow in her hobby. Sitting there fretting wasn't going to help much, and the slight mentions of their problem with Heaven had them even less willing to think about it at the moment, so why bother? Just relax, settle down, simply enjoy themselves for a bit. It was good to take their minds off their troubles, especially with so many looming over their heads, and the relaxation would let their subconscious whittle away until they unwittingly came to a decision regarding their little infiltration plan. So they simply sat with Francis for a while talking of nothing in particular, just trying to be friendly and unobtrusive while the happenings below them caught their eye.

Even if she was trying to relax her eyes would eventually return to the man causing so much havoc within her crew. He was the type to take every advantage he could get, and though his business with the sushi mermaid may have been done it was only a matter of time before he settled his sights elsewhere. When Pru finally spotted him approaching another vendor and putting on the charm to flirt his way into practically robbing her blind the girls couldn't help but let out a disappointed huff. "Guess we'll need to do something about him sooner than later, right? Wish us luck!" And with that they would depart.

While they two would walk their way down they did so rather quickly. Deceptively so. It looked like they were moving to intercept him while he was busy stealing the heart of his next catch, and should they actually catch up to him while he was distracted they would suddenly pounce and greet him from both sides by smothering him between their chests. "Alvin!" Their greeting was sweet and excited, and they practically hung off of him while slightly bouncing in place, and though it would be clear to any mamono that they were taking a rather possessive claim to him right then and there it didn't stop them from turning toward his target and offering them a purely heartfelt greeting. "Hello!"
"Hmm..." Francis hummed at Prudence. The pink mermaid's eyes were closed for most of their speech. And she even moved around without any eyesight at all, or so it seemed. Though her weaves were prodding everywhere, so she naturally knew what was all around her. However, for this moment, her eyes opened, and when she did, she saw what seemed like a million threads go from her eyes and run right through her, making both Prudence's bodies lock up and shiver from the intense magical pressure from her eyes. That is to say... Being gazed at by Francis seemed to inspire bone chilling fear.

"I don't like being lied to, or misled, Prudence. My eyes have witnessed you to be a far more diligent person than to do things by happenstance. My gut instinct was right about you... You are someone I should watch~" she cooed, before closing her eyes and smiling, giving her a friendly wave. "Indeed, Fate led you to me, I've no doubt now. Strange, usually Cynthia is the first to inform me about people like you... Oh well~" she shrugged. "Perhaps the crow has elected to leave you alone for now. Either way, Prudence... I think that means you are on the right track. Or maybe you're destined to die in Heaven to give power to God? Oh, I wonder about you~" she spoke so clearly, as if she already knew about her exact intentions in Heaven. Her threads going everywhere responded to sound as well coming from the temple, meaning every noise she ever made was recorded by this merrow. "But, you have a good plan. Or, I liked the sound of it, at least. You have my vote with solving the Eternal War~!" she cheered the demon on. "You will need more friends along the way, however... But I'm sure you'll meet them~ Look for those... With shards like yours, and not for the power boost... But for the reason why they were given those shards. Everyone given a shard is special... And it just so happened that your shard..." She hummed, and put a hand to her lips. "... I shouldn't speak so much. Just know that you are special. Good luck with your cat boy~" she declared, before sending Prudence off.

Catching up to Alvin, whether or not Prudence wished to share more words, they'd find Alvin speaking his magic words to the mermaid. "I'm not normally like this... But something about you is very special. Indeed, if I could be so rude to ask, could you be the only girl to-?"

Then, his face was crushed between to fair sized orbs.

Seeing this, the mermaid adopted a skeptical look. "Uhm... I-I don't think I'm the only girl..." she declared.

Alvin put his hands on both pru's elbows. "It seems my 'distant family' has arrived to ask me something. Please wait a moment, I'll be right back my dear~" he cooed, before walking away, pulling both demon twins by their arms with a vain popping out on his brow, pumping with anger. "You have my attention, if it pleases you~" he cooed at them in his usual sweet tone and a whisper while trying to get further away, though it was clear they got on his nerves with their timing.
Fear was definitely the emotion they felt. The sheer number of threads the woman controlled was frightening in its own respect, and the fact that she so readily threw them through the twins would have had them both gasping and recoiling if they weren't suddenly locked in place.

That ended a moment later when those eyes were closed, but the implied threat and the warning about deceit were practically dropped into their laps. For the demon she started to tense once the scare had passed. She really didn't like being made to feel weak, and though she didn't outright bristle with indignation she did shift slightly, just enough to let her react a little faster if Francis decided to intimidate them once again. But she also had her sister's confusion running through her head. Or their head. In either case the human didn't understand why the merrow was apparently so offended. They weren't lying. They weren't trying to mislead her. They just didn't want to get into the whole political discussion thing, not with Heaven knocking on the Undine's door, and especially not when they were trying to slip into that realm why it tried to murder everyone down here. They did not need that kind of distraction.

But they remained silent, even after Francis left her rather cryptic remark on their shard, and though they wanted to ask her what she'd seen they thought better of it. That woman was starting to look a little fishy, pun not intended, and they didn't want to start anymore drama, not when they'd already set their sights on Alvin.

It only took a few moments to descend upon the cat, and it seemed to be just in time, too. He was accosting the mermaid, propositioning her like they'd seen him do to so many members of the crew, and that was brought to a screeching halt the moment the pair glomped him. They mermaid caught on, as they did, and seeing that vein in his brow suddenly pop out in anger had them nearly giggling as they thwarted whatever scheme he had going. "Aw, don't be like that. We just wanted to have some fun with you! Besides..." They'd kept up the happy-go-lucky act for whatever audience they'd gathered, but now that they were out of earshot their voices returned to something a little more normal. "You can't expect everything to go your way. Not when you play the field like that. What if one of the crew members heard that? What if Seras did? I don't think she's the type to let herself be scorned. At least not so blatantly."
Alvin had a rather intense look on his face that was rather transparently calculating how he was going to get back at the twins for this. The expression was composed of a fake smile and the ever present anger vein. "That is why I am extremely careful. And you being nosy like this isn't an attractive quality." he declared, then adopted a serious expression. "Now, did you want something worthwhile from me, or did you just come to ruin a good opportunity?" he inquired, not even thinking of the mermaid as a chance to gain a relationship, but clearly just seeing her as a victim.

Before she could answer with perhaps the trivial truth, a new voice made itself known. "Oi, I've been looking for you. For someone who needed my fucking help, you're hard to find, asshole." declared from an area above. Alvin gave a look of despair, as if the sudden timing of all these events were very bad. "Who are the twins?" she inquired. "More victims of yours? You make me want to puke, Alvin." she said with a grin, as if giving a compliment.

Alvin let out an exalted sigh. "Hello, Metal... Do you have the thing?" he inquired ambiguously.

"... I do." Metal said hesitantly, looking at Prudence twins with shifting eyes. "I'm taking a risk doing this, so I'll ask again, who the fuck are the twins, Alvin? One of them is clearly a demon, so I'm seriously fucking concerned. One of Jezebel's cronies? I've honestly had enough shit to deal with lately, including losing my latest lay to a fugly snake." her lips tightened as well as her fist when she said that.

Alvin sighed again, putting his hands on the human Prudence. "Your timing is awful, but this is the one. Now, hand it over." he declared, before Metal, the witch, jumped down, smirking at Prudence.

She pointed her staff at the human Prudence. "Fantastic! I'll be taking your energy now. That's the deal~"

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Then, Alvin hugged the twins around the waist. "I agreed to let Metal take your energy in return for an artifact created by Baphomet that hides demonic energy. I figured you'd be okay with it if you never found out. Or if Metal lost to you. You're not mad, right?" Alvin inquired with an innocent smile.

Meanwhile, Metal was weaving up a spell at the twins. And due to proximity, Alvin as well, who was pale due to how his multiple bad deeds now had him in the middle of disaster, but still smiling as if he had learned nothing.
While Alvin plotted the pair could only grin slightly in satisfaction. The fact that they could get under his skin so easily meant he wasn't the infallible casanova her pretended to be, and with one chink in his armor already revealed the twins figured they wouldn't have to work too hard to find a way to adequately punish him for his transgressions.

Unfortunately those musing came to a sudden end. A new voice rang out, and turning as one the linked souls regarded the witch as she spoke down at the cat. She appeared to be someone he had dealings with, and it seemed she understood just how larcenous his soul could be. That little fact piqued their interest, but before they could pursue it she just had to mention Jezebel. "That bitch can go fuck herself in the ass for all I care." No doubt she already did. Damned manipulative slut would probably screw a room full of clones of herself and eat each one until only the most ruthless and bitchiest of the bitches survived.

The inclination that they would work for THAT whore soured their mood a bit, and it only worsened once Alvin singled out Prudence and prompted the witch to stake her claim. "Wait, what?" The woman started gathering her weaves in an instant and prepared to blast some nefarious creation of magic at the whole lot of them, and that forced the human to throw herself into the fray. Her own threads shot out to collide with her opponent's, each fiber seeking to find purchase and unravel the woman's magic before it could complete. But who knew if she'd be fast enough. So some were diverted to create some channels. The walls of a barrier started to form, but instead of being a solid mass of energy designed to stop an attack before it struck Prudence made them into funnels. They would channel and redirect any attack that made it through, the magic itself appearing to simply bend around her person before it could truly strike. This weaving would be a bit faster than a standard shield, and hopefully it would let her gauge the woman's strength before she decided to attack.

Because that device intrigued her. "Alvin." Enough so that she considered actually giving over her energy if Baphomet's creation could actually block Pru from being detected by the angels. "What exactly did you do?" But that didn't mean she would simply give herself up right off the bat. She wanted more information, and at the moment her best source would be the man who started this entire mess. "And please be totally honest because I don't think you appreciate how we absolutely hate being treated as objects." It didn't mean she had to be nice about it. Her face shared the same false front of mirth that he seemed to constantly wear, but even with her smile gracing him her wings started to spread. They loomed over him, their mass somehow becoming heavier and more robust, and as they opened their spines started to angle ever so slightly in his direction. Truthfully she wasn't about to attack him. She was just making herself a little more resistant to magic so she could shield him should Prudence fail to fully hold the witch at bay, but he didn't need to know that right now.
Alvin smiled back. "I took matters into my own hands. Trust me, you're far from an object in my eyes... But you did do something I can't forgive: You beat me. Not even Seras was able to do that. I don't like women who can out perform me. I would like to see you lose a little~" he cooed, before, while her human half was busy defending against Metal's weave, Alvin held something in his hand, a seed, which he broke and cause an obnoxious flash of light that released concentrated weaves into the immediate area and a blinding light, affecting both thread and eyes to remove ability to see. She suddenly felt Alvin's presence behind her, as a gentle finger each went to her left breast, and her crotch and began to vibrate terribly with magical influence.

Meanwhile, Metal released her weaves, which were far weaker than Prudence's. Metal had skill, but she was only a veteran it seemed. A witch in comparison to a demon. That is to say, that Prudence handled her with ease. "Tch! What the hell, Alvin! She's so much stronger than me!" she complained. To that, Alvin had suddenly got the advantage on the demon Pru and started pleasuring her, the touch that echoed to the human Prudence, and caused her focus to be lost, Metal's weaves quickly wrapping around and coiling around the Human Prudence like a snake. "Gotcha, bitch! Thanks, Alvin~!" Metal cooed happily at the assist, as Metal's weaves locked around the human's body and soul to hold her weaves in. The pleasure from Alvin stopping her from snapping outright. "The devil is the weak one, Metal~!" Alvin revealed to the witch, who chuckled with glee. "Fantastic! It's my victory, then!" she declared, coming up to Prudence and snapping her fingers, a shockwave of weaves that stung her skin and snapped her clothing off rendering her nude.

"Eh, not really." Alvin laughed. After the shock, the demonic Pru would find herself easily able to shake Alvin off. Still having the strength of a demon. "A distraction is all I can do. Good luck, Metal~" he cooed. Before the demonic Pru could outright throw him off if she wanted. It didn't stop him from kissing or touching her though, until she did. Though her human form was now bound on the ground, sealed. Only her purely physically capable demon side on her feet now. "You worthless asshole!" Metal cried, before taking something from her pouch and tossing it at the Human Prudence. Another seed similar the one Alvin had, though this one suddenly began absorbing the magic in the area to grow... Into some kind of purple and slimy tentacle plant that was radiating with succubus energy. The tentacles were cock shaped, and quickly wrapped around the already coiled human's form, their touch absorbing her power and preventing her from weaving as Metal stood in the demon's way just as Prudence's legs were being spread by the tentacles lifting her into the air to show her pussy off to the singular tentacle aiming for her crotch. "Let's go~" Metal ushered the demon with challenge.
Oh? Was he actually jealous of a woman's strength? That thought nearly had Pru chuckling at the man for how cute he looked in that moment, but the sudden flash and flood of both light and threads had her flinching back in annoyance. And that was all he needed. Alvin suddenly appeared behind her, his fingers automatically settling against the most sensitive parts of her body, and a moment later a pulse of pure sensation ran through the demon's form. The vibration against her breast and her sex forced a stuttered gasp from her lips, and as her body and wings shuddered the echo of that bliss blindsided the human and completely broke her concentration.

Prudence could only gasp and blush at the sensations suddenly running through her. The shock itself upset every thread she held, her body even stumbling as it tried to react, and in that moment Metal struck. The witch ensnared the distracted woman, weaves snaking around her and completely immobilizing both body and soul, and with Prudence bound victory was assured.

"Oh~ho~ho~ no." But Alvin was right. He was only a distraction. Even if he was forcing the demon to quite literally thrum with pleasure she was a damned succubus. Pleasure was her domain, and no wily little catman was going to use that to keep her distracted. "If you think I'm weak then you're sorely mistaken." With that she spun in an instant, and a moment later she grabbed his collar solely to pull him close and kiss him. It was a demanding thing, one that stole his control by pulling him off balance and forcing him to bend backwards with how severe it was, and though it only lasted a couple seconds it showed that she would not be cowed by him. "And I'll definitely prove it later. But I have a problem to deal with, so if you'll excuse me..." Then he was released. Pru's attention immediately swung to the witch that was readying herself, a slight push given to Alvin to convince him to step back, but if he didn't take the hint then his approach would suddenly be rebuffed be a wing suddenly pushing him away with enough force to tell him to back off. Now.

By this point her sister was bound in more ways than one, and with Prudence nude and held within a tentacle's clutches Pru took a moment to give that scene a discerning look. Looks like fun~! The human scowled at that thought, but that was all she could do as she tried to struggle and keep herself from being drained by this plant. It proved utterly useless, but it was the thought that counted, dammit! Meanwhile the demon was looking over her opponent, her wings flexing and her tail thrashing about before Metal offered her little challenge. Pru could only grin, and the next moment she was rushing forward. Her body was a blur, the magic she contained flowing to enhance each of her muscles before she came to a near stop right before the witchy bitch. "So..." Her left palm thrust out, an open strike designed to give maximum impact straight into Metal's solar plexus, and if Pru struck true she would hold that pose while the witch was allowed to recover. "What's this deal you had going with Alvin? And what exactly is this thing you promised him?" The demon's right hand started to trickle with blood, and if Metal was curious she would see that the wound in that palm was self inflicted. During her little rush forward Pru had injured herself, and while Metal was forced to react to her attack a single flick from that hand launched a bloody crescent that had every intention of severing the head of that tentacle poised to violate Prudence. Of course that left the human still bound, but despite the protests the human made there was a reason to that bit of madness. It all depended on how Metal would react.
Alvin accepted the kiss. He made no weaves and seemed to have no illusions where his place was in this fight. He seemed resigned to be a spectator now that Pru would no doubt see any fallacy of a sneak attack incoming. And he didn't seem willing to earn anymore ire than he already did by his small betrayal. He only made a pathetic gesture with a crescent smile, lifting his hands and waving them back and forth playfully.

"Having fun! Get a load of...!" Metal announced, charging up her next weave to end the fight, before Pru's natural ability requiring no weaves allowed her to move with demonic speed. So much so that Metal panicked and fired prematurely, a blast of white energy that Pru was able to dodge. "... This?" Metal finished, confused at the sudden development. Before one palm later and Metal was flying backwards, rolling along the ground like a thrown stick bouncing off of it's head several times. Witches had supernatural bodies too however, so Pru's attack didn't do too much harm. But it did leave her dazed. "F-fuuuuuck~!" she exclaimed, before shaking her head once stable. "The demon isn't weak either,you asshole!" she blurted out at Alvin.

"I meant comparatively." Alvin replied. "I thought you understood that."

"Nooo!" she yelled at him in frustration.

Then, Pru's blood was manipulated. The threads that composed her blood acting like raw energy dripping from her soul. Weaves unwoven. Simply picked up and turned into a weapon with a quick weave meant to cut a lesser being's hide. Which worked, and saved Prudence the shame of being tentacle raped for now.

Metal meanwhile, growled, before holding up both of the palms of her hands at Pru as if she were going to fire something from them. "I promised him you'd eat the corn out of my shit!" Metal swore, before firing what seemed to be small blue pellets of explosive energy at Pru. It just looked like raw energy summoned out of desperation. Typically the last thing you would do in a fight to try and win a losing situation, since it's such a crude method of attack. She even taunted Pru with unusual words as she fired her soul pellets like a machine gun. "Dakka-dakka-dakka-dakka-dakka-dakka-dakka-!" she chanted, her pellets going everywhere.

Meanwhile, seeing his chance, Alvin was spotted by the human Prudence to be turning and fleeing while she couldn't weave, and Pru was busy with demonic barrage. A chance to escape unharmed unless she distracted herself.
Corn out of... The hell was this girl's problem? Pru couldn't believe this witch was being THAT much of a bitch. Ugh... She wasn't acting any better than the stuck up whores back home...

"Whoa!" And now she was just spraying energy all over the place like some stark amateur. Pru had to hop herself away from a couple of explosions once Metal started focusing her fire in the demon's direction, but even then her expression was utter disbelief in how this woman was acting. She was simply wasting her power, and with those pellets being tossed all over the place the Temple was liable to get a wee bit wrecked.

Might as well do something about that. Pru started dashing once more, her enhanced speed taking her on a hurried path that had her running before the field of destruction before it had a chance to catch up. Her eyes were glued to the bullet spray, her path even drastically shifting to take it under and even between those shots to keep Metal from finding a chance to catch her target, and soon enough the demon was approaching the bitch. As she did she looked ready to punch Metal square in her bitch face, but just before she did she suddenly swayed away and around. Metal would need to turn drastically to keep Pru from entering her blind spot, and the feint should keep her focused on protecting that smug look of hers while Pru simply knocked the bitch over with a sweep. If she did manage to catch Metal by surprise that sweep would let to a small push, that bitch face suddenly finding itself planted right into the floor while Pru made sure that bitch ass was left propped in the air by a well placed foot that left her utterly exposed. Pru wouldn't look all that happy as her tail whipped forward and struck said bitch ass once, and after that it shot down and wormed its way into the bitch's panties and sat poised to start screwing her just as she intended to do to the distracted Prudence. "You were saying?"

Speaking of, while Prudence was busy trying to find some way to spring herself from Metal's trap she spotted the instigator of this whole mess slinking off in a bed to avoid his due punishment. And that wasn't right. She considered calling out to her other half to snag the man before he could vanish, but that just didn't sit right. Even if Alvin was the source of this trouble Metal was being far more of a threat, so might as well let Pru handle that business. Besides, just because she was bound and helpless didn't mean she was totally helpless.

"BABIES!" That yell should catch the attention of any of the metal slimes that had recently been birthed. Hell, a couple of them were probably nearby watching this little fight because it was something exciting. Hopefully they would tear themselves away at their mother's call. "See that catman over there?" Should would motion with her toes if she couldn't free a finger to point at said retreating catman, and once she heard a reply she would set them loose. "Go catch him!" It should be simple enough for the small swarm of slimes to grab him, but even if they couldn't it would keep him distracted while Pru dealt with the bitch, and once that was done the twins could deal with Alvin at their leisure.
Metal continued while Prudence did her thing. Eventually leading into a sweep. "DAKKA-DAKKA-DAKKA-DAKKA-DAKKA-WAGH!?" she gestured as she was flipped, and pushed to the floor with her ass in the air. One whip made her, "AUCH!" in a strange way of saying ouch. Before Pru seemed to win single handedly. Left rather vulnerable, and suddenly panicking, Pru found out just how the girl survived this long despite her abhorrent nature when she began patting the ground in submission. "Uncle! Uncle! I'm sorry for ever challenging you! It was all Alvin's idea! He said you would be easy!" she narked on the cat boy.

"Said and meant are two different beasts, my dear Prudence!" Alvin said from afar before she called for her babies. And indeed, the apple never fell far from the tree as not a few, but all of them had somehow gathered together to watch the spectacle. They moved with some kind of hive mind. Hearing them being called, they reacted with smiles and a sudden approach for Alvin!

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But because they were slimes, their speed was pathetic. And so, Alvin only retreated a bit, before realizing that despite being special, they were still slimes and had an awful ability catching prey they didn't ambush or surround. It was a common misconception that slimes were a predatory species. They simply managed to be prolific by being able to literally eat anything. To that end, they were a poor choice for catching a cat. A tricky cat at that, who produced something odd, a package of a sort, perhaps? And offered it to them. "Here-here..." he offered. Detecting food, like woodland critters, they approached Alvin as they already intended to do, but were given what seemed to be.... Grapes. It seemed like a snack he was keeping in his pouch for himself. Now, he was using it to bribe slimes. They celebrated their new friendship by gathering around Alvin with a deep interest in him and his food as well as his friendly demeanor. The slimes also discovered through this that they enjoyed being touched as he pet them. In the end, Prudence's slimes were tamed by Alvin.

Still patting the ground in hopes that Prudence will show mercy, Metal cried out. "ALVIIIIN! TAP OUT!" she called for help.

Alvin looked bored. "Can't you see I'm battling with deadly metal slimes over here?"

Metal cried again. "You're such an asshooooole!" she shouted. "I hope she rapes you!"

Alvin hummed. "Would Prudence dare go that far...? Oh, what would Seras think?" he chuckled. It also seemed like he gave up on running. Either because he made friends with Prudence's babies or he had a different reason was unclear. It was hard to tell what a cat was thinking.

"I don't caaare!" Metal cried. "I'll give you the thing, just don't take my energy! I barely have any left!" Metal sobbed. Indeed, she looked spent after wasting so much.

Alvin shifted his gaze while he took to sitting down cross legged, the slime girls curling around him like cats. "Isn't that your own fault?"
"Indeed it is," Pru replied to Alvin's question concerning Metal's fairly reckless use of her own energy. Far too much dakka. "But now we have an agreement!" With that the tail surged even further, but instead of violating the woman it instead hooked onto her clothes and braced her entire body before lifting Metal and bringing the witch to her feet before it slithered back down and escaped. That left Metal face to face with a grinning demon, said demon's head cocked to the side just a bit as if pleased with everything as she waited for Metal to uphold her end of the bargain.

"Are you so sure, Alvin?" The human was still bound, utterly helpless, but as she responded to his speculation concerning Seras she didn't sound so subdued. "Are you so certain that Seras is that oblivious to all you've done?" Hell's tits, the woman even asked Prudence to punish the man for cornering her into letting him bed the twins despite the feelings she had for him. But rape wasn't something they'd partake in. Not unless asked. Oh no, they had something far more intense in mind...
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Metal was shaking after being left standing. Trembling like a wet dog, she reached into a pouch she had on her back and pulled out a rather evil symbol, the Holy Star of God. The same that the Angel worshipers wore. "J-just take it! Wearing this doesn't make demonic presence obvious! It doesn't work against an examination but... Whatever! This was the deal, so just take it! Damn it all!" she cursed, looking angry at how her luck has been lately. Pru would get the feeling someone just gave her a lot of trouble before Prudence did the same.

Alvin took to sitting cross legged as the metal slimes huddled around him like cats, even making cat-like noises as he tossed grapes into their mouths with accuracy. "I think she's just like most people. She sees only what she wants to." Alvin said with a bit of a lamenting sigh. As if Prudence's words managed to upset him in an unknown way. Hinting that their relationship ran deep. "Of all the women who've chased me, she's been the most persistent. But that's all that's different about her. Someone like her only sees what she likes in a person. She refuses to accept the bad parts. She's far too optimistic for my tastes. Because of that, you'll be the villain if you do anything to me. Do you understand now?" he asked her, sounding serious in a rare moment.
Once the star was fully revealed Pru lost her smile. It didn't stop her from reaching out and actually taking the thing, but God be damned. Simply holding it made her feel queasy, and the frown she wore made it look like she wanted to melt the thing into a pile of useless slag. But she still needed it. "At least we won't be obvious. Does this thing need any sort of power source?" She hate it the thing simply ran out of juice right in front of some of the holier-than-thou bitches they were trying to sneak past.

Elsewhere Alvin spoke with Prudence, and the talk was starting to turn serious. It was odd. The human was still bound and nude, her body on full display and propped as if it were waiting for someone to simply step in and claim the woman, but even so she seemed to actually be speaking with the man as if they both were doing nothing more than talking over a dinner. "Maybe so, but I don't think you realize what you've done to her. She's a woman whose passions run deep, and of all the things she's seen in her life those passions run deepest for you. It's what brought her to unflinchingly pursue you time and again, no matter how many times you humbled and defeated her, and when she finally found some way to reach you, found some way to let her loose for the one man who managed to tame her, you forced her to abandon her for me so she wouldn't completely lose you.

"You've earned your title, King of Thieves. You steal the hearts of those around you, and none can resist that overbearing charm."
Not even Prudence. She simply couldn't bring herself to hate the man even after everything she'd seen of him. "But maybe it's time you consider the ruin you leave in your wake."
Metal frowned at the demonic Pru. "Of course it does. You need enough strength in your soul to give it the power to create the mask. Past that, it requires minimal power to maintain. You could go easily an entire day without running out of power, even with a human soul." she explained. "You just need a good kick to start, and you have that, so don't look so fucking concerned." she said with a foul temper, and foul mouth.

Alvin sighed at her lecture. "Your words would hold weight, if I were dealing with children without power. In the end, it's because I'm attractive that these things are happening. If I were with that title and my face were deformed, this conversation would never have happened. Or if she weren't into me at all. In the end, it was her choice, and thusly it is her responsibility to handle whatever issues come her way for what she wants." he lectured back. "I take full responsibility for the situations I find myself in. I don't make excuses, or blame others for my problems. That's what it means to be someone who works alone. You have no one to blame for failure but yourself."

Then, he smirked. "I am not a nice man, so leaving ruin in my wake is something I won't lose sleep over. Especially if it isn't my fault."
Pru couldn't stop herself from letting out a huff. Metal the Witch was answering her questions, but the bitch was being a total bitch about it. And it was starting to get annoying. "Listen." At that the demon snared the woman around the waist with her tail and pulled her closer. "First off, this thing is a symbol of the assholes who want to destroy everyone here, so excuse me for not being overjoyed while I'm forced to hold it. Second, consider where you are right now." Weak and powerless and in the clutches of someone who could take what little energy she had left. "I don't doubt I could power this thing on my own, but I haven't decided if I want to restore that energy from another source." That pull became a little stronger, enough so that Pru was practically towering over Metal while pressing her against her demonic body. "Understood?"

Meanwhile the human was looking a little disappointed. "I guess I can't argue against you." Especially if he refused to accept any responsibility for any of his actions. It would just be pointless. "So how about helping me out of this, then." Being trussed up like this was starting to get a little on her nerves.
Metal seemed to suck on her own lips as Pru began her intimidation. Though once she was done, the witch just spoke aloud, "I can't help you decide that, so why get so uppity?" she questioned, still looking a bit rotten despite the scene Pru produced.

Looking at the scene more closely, Alvin smirked a bit, approaching with his hands behind his back. "Well... It's quite a request to destroy quite a view." he said, appreciating how Prudence was on display before him. He pulled his hands forth, before moving them with quick motion. His fingers were like claws, cutting the tentacles with accurate precision and feline speed, freeing her as Prudence began to fall just as Alvin caught her and spun her downward motion into a princess dance, dipping Prudence back while holding her back with his left arm, and her head right his right. All while gazing into her eyes. "You are the only woman who doesn't break under pressure or adversity that I have ever met, and quite possibly the closest example to a creature I might actually care for. Now, you know my nature, and you can decide on your own whether you think that's a lie or not." He said, before letting her stand proper, without dropping her of course.
For a moment Pru simply stared at the witch. That moment became a few seconds. Then a few more. Then... "Either you have absolutely no sense of self-preservation, or your sense of Pride is far too strong for your own good." Her tail pulled in the next instant... and it was away from her. It unraveled and dragged Metal along for the ride, and once all was said and done the demon just flung and spun the rude little git away from her as if the bitch were absolutely nothing. Pru had something far more important to worry about, and as she made her way over toward her sister she focused her attention on the holy symbol and wondered if the human could get a truer sense of how it worked. Ugh, not having actual magic is starting to be a right pain in the ass.

For Prudence the sudden appreciative inspection from Alvin managed to pull a slight blush from her cheeks, but that was about the only bit of modesty she showed. The sudden flurry of swipes left her falling from her raised perch, and with Alvin right beneath her he was able to catch and spin the woman into a small dance that left her tipped back over his arms and his presence hanging over her in a way that brought another bout of color across her face. The admission that followed was itself followed by a small bout of silence even while she was brought to her feet. "I think I'll take it as a jest for now. Taking it the other way could be quite dangerous..."

Eventually the twins were reunited, the demonic Pru strolling over and grabbing scraps of the human Prudence's torn dress that she just happened to pass. The human gathered any that were nearby, but given how thoroughly destroyed it was the shreds would do nothing to stay let alone cover any part of her body. "Not again..." Prudence actually looked rather heartbroken at having yet another dress shredded before her eyes, but she persevered and gathered the scraps together to serve as the base for the next dress she immediately started conjuring together. Pru regarded that for a moment, then the symbol, then the slimes, and finally Alvin. "You know, we were thinking of taking you up on your offer, but you have quite the gift of leaving us rather flustered, Alvin. So instead let's put this thing to the test." That blasted symbol was waved before his eyes before she turned to depart, and whether anyone else followed or not she really didn't mind. She just wanted to see how that gods-be-blessed thing actually worked.