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A Dreadful development

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Dr. Ritter was in her office, reading her favorite book, when a fellow doctor bursted in, sweat covering her face. She spoke to Ritter in a desperate tone, "Miss Ritter, we've brought someone in who claims she was attacked by a monster. And her belly has swollen immensely in a matter of a couple hours, something's very wrong, and we don't know what to do..."

The woman stood there, awaiting Ritter's words.
Re: A Dreadful development

Dr. Ritter's head shoots up. Her eyes, grey as steel, light up with interest. "It's good you've come to me. I will cure that woman. . . With Science!" She slams the book shut and jumps up from her chair so quickly it almost falls over. "Bring me to her. . . Doctor", she says in a dramatic tone - to cover up the fact that she doesn't remember the woman's name.
Re: A Dreadful development

The woman quickly nodded and lead Ritter through the hallway.

After walking for about a minute, she lead her into a room with a girl on the patient's bed. Her belly was swollen and she looked like the common pregnant woman.

The girl that lead her turned to her, and said, "This is her... When she came in, it was only a small lump, but after only a little while, she began to swell quickly! What's happened to her, doctor?"

The pregnant girl was on the bed, seeming to be in a daze, looking at Ritter.
Re: A Dreadful development

Dr. Ritter tilts her head, quite a bit of interest in her eyes. "Fascinating. . . Did anybody look at it with ultrasound yet?"
Re: A Dreadful development

The doctor nodded, "Yes, but we can't seem to make anything out, it's almost like she's filled with some kind of infection... But that can't be possible, no puss has ever grown this fast..."
Re: A Dreadful development

"But it is in her womb, correct? Hmm. . . Fetch my a thin needle. We'll take a sample", Dr. Ritter informs her colleague. "Don't worry, we'll get that out of you", she tries to reassure the girl.
Re: A Dreadful development

Her fellow doctor rushes over to grab a needle, but as she begins to search the drawers for one, the woman begins to moan, tossing a little on the bed. She began to say, "It's- It's coming out!" As she spread her legs, some kind of blue slime began to pour from her pussy, among what looked to be organs inside it.

As the slime came out completely, the woman passed out.

(Fear check)

Ritter was unaffected by fear.

Ritter simply watched the events occur in awe, little did she know, the slime has a little something in store for the doctor...

(Enemy attacks)

It's slime launched for Hannelore. Even though she managed to back away from it, she was forced out of the room, leaving the two women inside.

Before Ritter could react to the situation, all of the lights went out. As if this wasn't the perfect timing for a power outage...

The slime creature is in front of Ritter, the power is out, and all she has to fight it is her surgeon knife.

*What does she do?*
Re: A Dreadful development

Any sane person would turn and run in horror at this development. Dr. Ritter, however, has the tendency to be balls to the wall insane when bad comes to worse. All she can think of is that unknown creature inside there - most fascinating. Dangerous, of course, but most fascinating.
Ritter grabs her knife a little tighter and returns into the room.
Re: A Dreadful development

The slime creature is in front of Ritter, blocking the way into the room

Ritter can't enter the room, she's under attack by the slime.
Re: A Dreadful development

Any sane person would turn [. . .]
Ritter goes to dissect the creature alive with her knife.
Re: A Dreadful development

(Ritter attacks)

As she attempts to cut the monster, she found her hand caught in it's sticky body.

(Enemy attacks)

The slime begins to engulf more of Ritter's body, starting with her arm, until it covers most of her body in it's slime.
Re: A Dreadful development

Well, that could have gone better. Still Dr. Ritter tries to jerk the knife around inside the slime, hoping against better judgment to hit one of those organs.
Re: A Dreadful development

(Strength check)

Ritter couldn't get the knife to stab it's organs, she could barely move around inside it at all.

As the slime finished engulfing Ritter completely, a quick observation revealed that her clothes were dissolving, until there was nothing covering her private parts.

Ritter is encased in the slime. With her clothes gone, she has precious little time left...
Re: A Dreadful development

"Most unfortunate. . ." Dr. Ritter murmurs. "Um - a little assistance?" There were two others in here, weren't there? Meanwhile she tries her best to struggle out of the slime's grip.
Re: A Dreadful development

There wasn't any sound coming from the room Ritter was in...

(Ritter attempts to break free)

Ritter struggles against the sticky slime, but to no avail.

Some kind of tube emerges from the creature's slime like body, the end of it aiming for Ritter's head, as to her surprise, goes inside her mouth.

The slime has put some kind of tube in Ritter's mouth, she's naked, and still trapped in it's goo, what does she do?
Re: A Dreadful development

As much as Ritter wants to find out what the tube does, it does dawn upon her that she just might be in real trouble here. She tries to raise the scalpel-holding hand to cut the tube while biting down on it with all her strength.
Re: A Dreadful development

Ritter couldn't move her hand engulfed by the slime, so she attempts to bite it, only to her surprise, it was very tough. She couldn't bite down on it at all.

Ritter suddenly tasted something absolutely delicious pour into her mouth from the tube. She had never tasted something so wonderful in her life.

(Willpower check)

Ritter couldn't help but be intrigued by the liquid, as she swallowed all of it. It somehow felt like the best decision she could have ever made.

Ritter felt her face flush red with blood, and she began to feel an itch, an itch to have something fuck her. And as if it was granting her wish, she saw a separate tube appear from it's mass of organs, aiming at her pussy...
Re: A Dreadful development


"Mmmm. . ." A low moan escapes Dr. Ritter's mouth as she sinks to her knees. Her mind knows what happened, that the goo has injected her with an aphrodisiac, but her body doesn't care. She leans back and supports herself on her arms, pushing her hips slightly forward to offer her folds to the slime.
Re: A Dreadful development

Ritter willingly offered herself to it's desires, as it's cock like tube shoved it's way inside her pussy. She couldn't even scream in pleasure, the feeling was so intense, she felt like she would orgasm right when it penetrated her. Ritter began to cry with tears of pleasure as she rocked her hip with it's thrusts as her pussy juice along with it's slime lubricated it's thrusts deep inside her.

(Toxin resistance)

Ritter, for a short time, snapped out of her trance, and realized what was happening to her.

(Stamina status: Yellow)

(Orgasm status: Yellow)

(Mental status: Yellow)

*Ritter has temporarily managed to resist the aphrodisiac, she may now attempt to do something.*
Re: A Dreadful development


"Mmm, wha. . . HEY!" Shaking off the effects of the aphrodisiac for a moment, Dr. Ritter tries to struggle - at least to remove the tube from her innermost.

((This is how the slime infestation of the hospital started, right?))