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A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Chapter 1: A Friend Like Me

Everything was ready. The red candles, the occult symbol, and the sacrifice, who was in fact Jayna herself. The book she had obtained detailed the few steps required in order to summon a gateway to invite a demon. First, she had to prepare the ceremonial display that would welcome the demon she'd be summoning. The traditional method was to use a dark room, red candles, and to use the occult symbol like a welcome mat to the beckoned demon, as demons prefer gloomy surroundings. But to summon the demon itself, one required a great deal of spiritual energy, as that would entail summoning a portal across the dimensional plane. Normally a task that would require a sacrifice of many contributing human souls, Jayna has actually reached the realm of Hell with just her own soul. What that may have entailed was beyond her, but it did mean that summoning was in fact possible.

Kneeling before the symbol in concentration, Jayna was attempting yet again to summon a demon from the realm of Hell. Searching, she reached out as she did all those times before, reaching her thread of magic to a place not of this world. Far beyond the earth, beyond the skies, and to the stars, Jayna felt her tiny thread of extended existence reach a world she could never manage with her physical body. Once she had passed through the barrier between their worlds, then came the next step of forming a gateway which those of that world could pass through.

Every time Jayna did this, nothing came of it. She'd hold the portal until she was too exhausted to continue, and no demon would accept her beckoning. Likely, this time would be the same. She would wait for a demon to step through, and would end up exhausted. But to her surprise, and likely excitement, a demon did accept her call. The threads of magic she had formed pulsated as a form passed through her portal, and in the blink of an eye, stepped through the portal she had formed in front of herself.

A blinding light came from the portal as Jayna's summoned demon approached her from beyond the gateway, making it too difficult to make out her appearance, asides from a pair of glowing red eyes, and a pair of green jewels shining majestically, hanging from her horns. "You're an annoyingly persistent little girl," the succubus growled with irritation on her tone. "I didn't accept your summoning before, couldn't you take a hint? But since you kept bugging me, I'll grant you something you desire, in exchange for..."

The light from the portal faded as Jayna no longer needed to support it, allowing her to see from the candlelight, the features of the demon she summoned.

"... Your soul!" she concluded with an evil grin.
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

It was late at night on the island, and though the moon shined brightly, the pale rays of light didn't penetrate the walls of Jayna's dark basement, home to her amazing magical experiments! At least that was how she liked to think of them. While most of her classmates were safely tucked away under their covers hiding from demons, Jayna was wide awake and trying to summon them. The blonde goth dusted off her trusty spell book and took one last glance at the instructions for the ritual. It hadn't worked so far, but the book had it right, she was sure of it. After all, she got it in one of the shadiest possible places, so it had to be demonic!

With her resolve in mind, Jayna got ready to begin the summoning. Everything was set. Dark room with extra gloomy? Check. Jayna had even arranged her candle braziers in a perfectly symmetrical semi-circle behind her. The flames flickered, illuminating the stone walls of the basement with a faint amber glow. The blonde, dressed in her usual black attire, knelt before the occult symbol before the spot she intended to open the portal. Everything was ready. Jayna took a deep breath and prepared herself for the exhausting ritual she had tried a dozen times before to no avail. Maybe this time would be different. She had to hope it would be. Creating a shiny gateway was neat and all but when nothing came through...

Jayna pushed aside her doubts and reached out with her thread of magic just like she did all those times before. When the gateway slowly appeared before her eyes, the blonde smiled. Everything was going smoothly so far, but it usually did up to this point. She bit her lip and concentrated, holding out her hope for something, anything to appear. To Jayna's astonishment, something did! Holy potatoes it worked! the blonde thought to herself excitedly. She tried to look into the blinding white light to see what was coming, but it was too much. She leaned back slightly and tried to shield her eyes as those red eyes slowly approached her.

When light from the portal finally faded and the demon appeared before Jayna in her full splendor, the girl did a double take. Her blue-grey eyes widened and her lips quivered ever so slightly. Frozen in place on her knees, she looked up at the demonic woman, ""M..my.. soul?" Jayna stammered uncertainly. The paleness of Jayna's skin intensified. Truth be told, the magical girl was never quite sure if there was a soul or if she had one. Be that as it may, Jayna felt a little protective of whatever it was she had now that she might have to give it up. Her hand instinctively went to her chest. It was all so sudden! The blonde's eyes darted toward the floor, and she managed to force some words from her lips, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be annoying. I..just...I..I.." Jayna's cheeks flared pink, flabbergasted by the unexpected situation and overcome by excitement and nervousness.
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

The succubus folded her arms with a huff at the quivering Jayna. "What's this? Are you just gonna quiver and cry at the sight of a demon? Ever heard of the term, 'be careful what you wish for'?" She lectured Jayna, before stepping forward and leaning forward to level her face with Jayna's, her jewels hanging off of her horns jingling as she stared at her directly. "You wanted a demon, and you got one. And since it seems like you managed to summon the portal all on your own, it seems like you might actually be worth my time after all. So, allow me to repeat myself," she announced, before leaning in further, until their foreheads were touching, and the succubus's glowing red eyes were staring into Jayna's intently. "You get one wish... What's it gonna be?" she asked Jayna, before her brow rose, and she gave a toothy grin, "And you better make it a good one. You'll be mine once our deal is done."
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

Jayna looked back into those glowing red eyes and she couldn't help but smile. At first, her smile was meek, but it got wider and more confident as the succubus continued to lean into her forehead. <That's right..> Jayna thought to herself. <I did summon her all by myself, and look at her. Wow! That couldn't have been easy.> The succubus's words encouraging the blonde goth, she got up onto her feet and rested one of her hands on her own hip. "I wasn't crying..." she said a bit defensively. I'm just... not used to things working out so well!" Jayna's mind raced wildly, quickly sifting through all the possibilities the world had to offer. Could this demon really give her anything she wanted? There was so many things. If only she had more confidence in herself, she would have prepared the most important part of her ritual, the wish! "Just one wish, huh? And a pretty high price too." Everything was at her fingertips. Knowledge, power, pleasure, maybe even love, but she finally knew what she wanted. "Okay, I think I know now. What I really want is.... I wish that you'll be my best friend... forever." The blonde smiled hopefully and eagerly awaited the succubus's response.
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

Once Jayna seemed to decide, the succubus leaned even closer towards Jayna, her full attention on her, and her wish. Smiling at Jayna, once she heard her wish, the succubus' jaw suddenly dropped to the floor. She even recoiled so much that she lost her footing on her heels, and fell to her rump on the floor, purely in shock. "Do you... Do you take me for some kind of fool!? I could grant you anything you want, and all you want is for me to..." she halted her outraged response without warning, before recollecting herself, and perching herself up on one hand, leaning over in a confident pose to regain her focus.

Laughing, she cocked her head at Jayna. "Very well, granted. I'll be your best friend, a friend like none other." she promised, before raising a hand in gesture at Jayna, "And what shall I be doing as your best friend, I wonder?" she asked coyly. And secretly, she was laughing to herself. 'Best friend for your soul? Hah! What a scam! I'll be taking you for my own, little girl! Once your play time is over!' she swore, all of her thoughts quiet behind the demon's smile.
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

Jayna cringed a little at the succubus's reaction, but she couldn't help but giggle when the demon woman fell on her butt. <Awww she's so cute! I can not believe I really summoned her all by myself> Jayna thought to herself. When she recovered from her giggle fit, the blonde goth helped up the succubus and smiled, "Hey what's wrong? Friends are supposed to like each other ya know?" Jayna teased playfully and grinned. Then suddenly the blonde's mouth dropped open too, and she blushed furiously, "I just realized I haven't got your name, hehe. Mine's Jayna. What's your's? And don't worry about what you should do. We have our whole lives to decide that."

Jayna took the succubus by the hand and pulled her along, practically skipping with glee to take a look at her magic book that she had propped up on a desk behind her semi-circle of red candles. "C'mon, let's practice some magic together!" The goth eagerly flipped through the pages of the ancient book, looking at all the various spells. As Jayna flipped through the pages, she glanced over at her new friend, "I wonder what else is in here. I mean heck it had YOU! This book is SO cool!" Jayna grinned and squeezed the succubus's hand tighter as she kept flipping through the pages when suddenly she stopped and squealed with delight, "Wow! Look at that! You can turn people into frogs!" Jayna giggled and smiled at the succubus, "See anything fun you wanna try together? And after that, sleep over!"
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

"The name's Diana," she informed Jayna, her wings fluttering a bit as she looked at Jayna with a bewildered expression as the girl pulled her upright. But one thing caught Diana's attention. As soon as Jayna mentioned the length of their whole lives, Diana reached forward with her hand, and grabbed Jayna by the back of her clothes, pulling her away from the book and turning the eccentric girl around so that she was facing her. Once Jayna was facing Diana, the blond demon growled at Jayna with a large grin, baring sharp, pointy teeth. "Let's get something straight, little girl, the magnitude of the wish you're asking for has a very, very high bill attached to it. Humans can live for a long time, and you're in the prime of your youth. So if I'm gonna be your 'friend' for this length of time, you gotta keep me fed with human energy, you got that?" she inquired, before looking Jayna up and down, wrapping her arm further around Jayna's back as she licked her lips with her long, red, serpent tongue.

"And you're looking awfully delicious~"
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

Jayna smiled with glee. "Nice to meet you Diana. Oh we're gonna be such good friends!" The goth squealed delightfully as she started to pull Diana along to her book of black magic when suddenly she found herself being jerked from behind. Jayna squeaked out softly and flailed her arms in surprise, stumbling backwards. The succubus was able to get the blonde under control pretty quickly though, turning her about. As Diana peered down at her with that sharp toothy grin, Jayna gazed back at the succubus, blue-grey eyes full of curiosity. The goth's arms hung relaxed, hands clasped in front of her black pleated skirt. She blinked in wonder, and a hesitant smile tugged at the corners of her soft lips. Jayna leaned forward on her toes, her black camisole-covered chest pushed out ever-so-slightly, interested to hear what her new friend had to say.

Just as Diana mentioned "feeding," Jayna's eyes narrowed in thought. Her mind raced, thinking back to long nights in a musky library reading demonology books. The little blonde desperately thought back to the sections on succubi. Memories rushing back to her, she could see herself flipping through the old yellowed pages, the geometric diagrams, and the pictures. Then suddenly it hit her. Succubi feed on sex! Jayna's eyes widened, and she sucked in her breath sharply, not a gasp of fear but of excitement. <This hot succubus wants to have sex with me?> she thought to herself in shock. Feeling Diana's arm wrap around her back, Jayna felt drawn closer to the succubus. "Holy potatoes.." the goth muttered softly to herself. Heart thump thumping wildly in her chest and tingles rushing through her body, Jayna slowly gazed up into those intensely red eyes of Diana's. "I do?" Jayna stammered, "I mean... you're really pretty.." Her blue-grey eyes darted down for a moment but then shot back up again. Diana was too sexy and confident for her not to look; she couldn't resist that. Who could?
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

Diana giggled, pressing forward towards Jayna, and wrapping her arms around the girl's shoulders. Her breasts flattened against Jayna's chest as Diana leaned forward, sliding her cheek along the other girl's. Her lips were only an inch away from Jayna's ear, before Diana let a gentle, warm breath breeze along her ear, teasing her with a sexual sensation. The succubus's arms wrapped tightly around Jayna, as the girl felt Diana's magical threads slowly seep into her mind and soul. Going limp in her arms, the demon's magic worked to leave Jayna like putty under her influence. "Why don't we retire to your quarters, hm?" the demoness suggested, before walking Jayna to her bed, standing behind her, and sitting on the edge of the bed before bringing Jayna down after, sitting the blond girl in her lap. Using her legs, she spread the girl's thighs apart. She wrapped one arm around Jayna's body, pulling her back as she leaned backwards onto the bed. With her other hand, she started at Jayna's belly, before slowly trailing her fingers down to the girl's crotch. Her hand slowly slid down gracefully along the girl's pale skin, before she covered the entirety of the girl's lower privates with her hand. "With this body, you would make a fine demon." Diana complimented her. "However, this body now belongs to me. In return for granting your desires, you are my plaything~" she giggled, curling her middle finger to trail it along Jayna's slit to make her point.
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

Jayna's heart soared in her chest as Diana embraced her. She felt herself leaning forward on her tippy toes, yearning for more closeness. It was like her own desire subconsciously tugged her into the succubus's soft bosom. It felt so blissful, the little goth couldn't believe it was happening! Their breasts fitting snugly together, Jayna felt the warm breath on her ear, and she gasped breathlessly. The magic swirled in her brain and soothed her, easing away the little fears she had left with its warmth. The demoness had promised to be her friend after all. What could possibly go wrong?

"Ye-yes please..." Jayna whispered softly as Diana began to lead her to her bedroom. She felt like she should lead the way. Diana was her guest after all, but it was as if the succubus knew exactly where to go, like it wasn't really Jayna's apartment at all. The little goth let Diana lead her to her bedroom eagerly. Her thoughts swirled in her head as Diana led her along, the outside world feeling like a blur, in slow motion. <I can't believe this is happening. Does she really like me? Like really really? With a cherry on top? She has to right...? I mean she said I looked delicious!> Jayna glanced over her shoulder and blushed at the succubus. <Holy smokes! She's so.... hot...> Jayna almost wanted to run ahead and jump on the bed now, but Diana's hands on her shoulders kept her right where she was, walking along to her bedroom with a silly smile and pink cheeks.

When they got into her room, Jayna smiled happily, feeling at home. Her room was decked out with everything you might expect to find in a black magic obsessed schoolgirl's bedroom, from magical trinkets and books to drawings and posters of ancient symbols and witches. "It's not much, but it's kinda cozy. Make yourself at home..." Jayna trailed off, noticing that Diana already had that covered. The succubus was already plopped cutely on the edge of her bed. In the next instant, Jayna was being pulled down on the demoness's lap. The goth smiled cutely and leaned back into Diana's embrace. When she felt the succubus slowly parting her thighs, Jayna gulped. She eagerly watched Diana's hand as it trailed down her belly all the way to her lap, pressing into the folds of her skirt. The sensations drew soft gasps from Jayna's lips and the occasional gentle twitch from her slender frame, her hips pushing up ever so slightly to meet Diana's lovely hand. As the tingles and warm fuzzy feelings swirled around Jayna's body, her mind raced. <Oh wow! She's really really serious! With lots of cherries on top! *Squee!*> The little goth shifted in Diana's embrace and tilted her head up to look in her deep red eyes. "I've never done this before Diana. It's my first time..." Jayna whispered softly. She smiled sweetly, and her blue-grey eyes looked up at Diana, practically begging for affection.
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

Diana giggled at Jayna's announcement. "We won't stop with your first. I'll be taking your second, and third, and many more of your experiences after that." she promised, lightly tickling her middle finger along Jayna's womanhood, moreso if she were wearing panties. With Jayna so longingly looking into her eyes, Diana's own blood red eyes glinted playfully, intent on toying with her meal. "Since forever is quite a long time for us to remain friends, that means our intimacy will last forever as well. If you prove worthy, I might make you into a demon, just like me." she announced with a giggle. "How about it, Jayna?" she asked the blond girl, while her middle finger found Jayna's sensitive pearl, and began to tickle it with her demonic nail. "Will you give yourself to me, and feed me lots of your energy? In return, I can provide you with maddening pleasure, and the best love your heart's ever yearned for."

With her promise, Diana didn't give Jayna an immediate chance to reply, choosing instead to conclude her promise by cupping her hand onto Jayna's cheek, and turning her head to directly face Diana's. Like that, Diana leaned forward, and opened her mouth slightly, before encompassing Jayna's lips with her own. Diana's tongue immediately invaded Jayna's mouth, long and serpent-like in it's shape, easily snaring Jayna's tongue as if it were prey, while Diana herself kissed her with such dominant grace that Jayna almost felt like the very air from her lungs was being sucked out of her.

"Answer," Diana ordered Jayna, before drawing her tongue from Jayna's mouth, and instead lowering her mouth to hungrily suck on Jayna's neck. From every point of pleasure Diana touched, Jayna could feel a spiritual sensation of her energy being slowly sucked from her body. The sensation alone was enough to empty her mind of thought, and the pleasure provided with it made her only able to concentrate on where Diana was touching and where she was sucking on her. As Diana began to ever so gently feast on Jayna, her red eyes glowed with demonic power, the very power she was absorbing from Jayna. Her demonic teeth brushed along Jayna's neck as she felt Diana's tongue licking along her tender flesh. "Become mine, Jayna. Enslave your own soul to me." Diana whispered to her. Her voice echoed through Jayna's mind, constantly ringing in her head as Diana's finger touched and teased Jayna's womanhood with unbearable promises of climactic pleasure, and her mouth tasted Jayna's flesh, letting her know that becoming Diana's meal would be the best sensation she would ever experience in her natural lifetime...

"Become mine, Jayna... Cast away all your worries, and rest in my embrace... Let your soul dissolve into mine."
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

Jayna gasped at Diana's laugh and her reply. She was just so... confident! Jayna couldn't help but absorb some of that assurance. She felt safe even if she might be in the presence of a dangerous demon. "Ahh.." Jayna half-moaned in reply. Feeling those nimble fingers tickling on her panties, the little blonde wiggled in the demoness's embrace. Her lips trembled and she softly pressed them together, wettening them with the tip of her tongue, slithering it between them. The lips further down on her body were already wet from all the sweet attention she was getting down there. Diana was making sure of that!

The goth's mind swirled with thoughts of just how long eternity would be and how much sex might be awaiting her. It was long... and a lot. She couldn't even imagine it, and that turned her on even more. "Th--that's a lot of times!" Jayna managed to squeak out as her cheeks flushed fuchsia. Her blue-grey eyes kept looking up at Diana, and she felt herself melting with that teasing vermillion gaze penetrating into her body and soul.

When Diana suggested she might become a demon just like her, Jayna might have hesitated. She probably should have, that's for sure. Being young, naive, Jayna was a little too curious for her own good. She didn't realize the succubus would have that in mind. All she could think about though was that oh so delightful tickling right on her clit! Her slender frame quivered from the pleasure sloshing through her body. It was like a quiet ember building slowly and pulsing sensations through her core. Each tickle sparked the ember a little more, drawing gasps and moans from Jayna's trembling lips. The ember kept growing, building up more and more until it spread like wildfire through her limbs. She was on fire with pleasure.

Then before she knew it, Jayna was leaning her cheek into Diana's hand. The succubus dove toward her lips. Jayna's eyes widened. Her lips parted in anticipation. "Oh-~!" She started to exclaim just as Diana's lips sealed her exclamation within their kissing lips. "Mmrph!" was all she could muffle out from the amazing kiss. Jayna groaned into Diana's lips, falling even more deeply into her dark abyss of lust. The goth-witch-wannabe melted against Diana's soft breasts. She sank into the other girl as they kissed, leaning up into the kiss. Her tongue submitted to Diana's dominating one; it was all she could manage to keep moaning and trembling from all the waves of pleasure warmly washing against the shores of her soft flesh.

When Diana pulled away from the kiss, Jayna leaned forward longingly. She wanted more! Her face was even a little pouty just for a moment until the succubus placated her with sucks on her soft neck. Jayna tilted her head back, totally exposing her delicate skin for the demoness. She moaned loudly and breathlessly. Each little kiss felt so divine. It wasn't just pleasure or even love either. There was something else to the feeling, something magical, supernatural. This must be that energy Diana was talking about, Jayna thought to herself in the throes of her lust. She heard the soft sexy voice echoing through her mind and felt herself spiraling further and further away. She didn't even care. If this was bad, then Jayna didn't want to be good! Jayna twitched against Diana, her blonde hair brushing against the demoness as she tilted her head back even more. Her eyes went in and out of focus until she finally managed to respond to Diana's order.

"AH! Oh... OH MY GOOBERS! I'm your's! Are...are you mine?"
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

At hearing Jayna's response, Diana chuckled nervously when she heard Jayna utter the word goobers, "You're a bizarre girl, aren't you?" Diana asked her, before snuggling her cheek up to Jayna's in a loving gesture. "Of course, I'm your most faithful best friend ever~" she replied to her question, before pulling Jayna up further onto the bed. "Let's get you out of those clothes, hm? You're already making quite a mess, you filthy girl~" Diana giggled, starting Jayna off as she gripped the waist of her panties, and brought her legs together so she could pull them down along the girl's silky white flesh. Once Jayna's panties were off, Diana showed them in full display to Jayna. "In my line of work, a sight such as this, a virgin girl becoming so wet in response to being teased with succubus magic means she has very high potential." Diana told Jayna with a sound of promise in her voice.

Diana raises her lips to suck on Jayna's ear lobe, sounding as if she were kissing it. "But I already knew that~" Diana announced softly, before standing up on her knees on the bed, seperating only slightly from Jayna as she sug her thumbs under the fabric of her stretchy, clingy clothes, gracefully removing them with her breasts spilling out firsts, bouncing happily free, before the rest of her body was revealed as well. Well toned abs, beautiful perky breasts while still quite large, and a curvy figure, Diana did well to confirm that she was a succubus, a being created to inspire lust.

Grinning at Jayna, she waited for the human girl to undress as well, a look of intent on her face.
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

Jayna fluttered her mascara laden lashes, looking up at the succubus curiously. When Diana pressed their cheeks together, the little goth smiled so widely that her eyes squeezed shut, squeaking cutely. "Mmmm!" Bestest friend ever! Jayna thought to herself laying in Diana's arms. Then as Diana pulled her up on the bed, Jayna declared, "Bizarre girls are the best girls!" Gazing up at with her playful smile, it was obvious that Jayna really thought so.

Confidence building from Diana's reassurances, Jayna was starting to wiggle out of her lolita skirt, gasping softly from the nibblings on her ear when suddenly Diana was disrobing! Jayna stopped mid-wiggle, skirt and cami half off, hanging from her shoulders and thighs. She stared in awe. Jayna's lips dropped open, and her lashes blinked, staring way longer than was polite but enough to probably amuse the succubus. Diana was way hotter than even Jayna's wildest fantasies, and the succubus was just kneeling right there on her bed like she owned the place. "Oh my boobies. I mean... Haaahhh." Diana's grin seeming to pull Jayna out of her reverie, she bounced on the mattress, pulling at her skirt. Then in a cute display of desperation, she rolled around on the bed, trying to get out of her clothes as fast as she could, curling, bouncing, and kicking clothes away like crazy until she was finally totally naked.

On all fours on her bed, the little goth crawled toward Diana, looking up at the demoness shyly but playfully. Jayna's blonde hair slid down her pale back, skull hair pins holding her perky little side pony tails in place. Her petite curvy behind stuck out eagerly, swaying side to side ever so slightly. Jayna leaned forward to give Diana a kiss on her inner thigh before licking her lips and looking up at her friend playfully, wondering what her demon best friend had in store for her.
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

Diana openly laughed with amusement as she watched Jayna undress so eagerly. "Don't rush it! You'll fall off the bed and hurt yourself, you silly woman." Diana lectured her, before sitting on her heels on the bed, leaning back to expose her thighs and her genitals. No matter what pose she took, Diana looked as if the greatest sculptor in the world had made her to be their most perfect work. Perfect, beautiful, strong, Diana seemed to represent the meaning of a perfect being, and was giving Jayna the chance to worship directly, this wonderful existence. Watching Jayna kiss her thigh with her glowing red eyes, the succubus mistress smiled down at her. "Do you want to pleasure me, oh dear friend of mine~?" she cooed with a giggle, speaking playfully. "Lick me, Jayna. Worship me with your tongue. For every ounce of pleasure you give me, I promise to repay you... Tenfold~" she promised Jayna, grinning with the intent to drive Jayna mad with sexual lust as her pink, perfectly shaped pussy awaited Jayna's tongue.
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

Looking up at the sexy demoness towering above her, Jayna couldn't help but stare. She bit her lip as her cheeks flushed bright pink. Diana's body was exquisite like a flawless painting, and Jayna didn't want to miss a single brush stroke as her eager blue-grey eyes wandered up Diana's lovely frame. Jayna adored Diana, from her lithe, flexible thighs to her curvy hips and slender midsection up to her perky breasts and beautiful long blonde hair. Most of all though, Jayna was entranced by Diana's confident smile and her penetrating crimson gaze. The succubus was drop dead gorgeous, and Jayna was her's as if pierced through the heart by Cupid's arrow.

Heart thudding wildly in her chest, Jayna locked eyes with Diana and slowly but eagerly nodded with a silly smile on her face. As Jayna leaned toward Diana's wonderful pussy, the little goth wondered what it would taste like. She extended her tongue out of her lips as she got closer. She'd always yearned for this moment. Diana's scent wafted into Jayna's nose and filled her lungs with joy. Could it possibly be... better than strawberries? Or chocolate? Jayna wondered to herself just as her tongue pressed against Diana's glistening pussy. Jayna gasped in surprise, sucking more of Diana's scent into her nostrils. Oh my.... SO GOOD. Wa-wow...

Jayna went to work on Diana's pretty little flower, lapping her tongue up and down on her petals. She was still on all fours before Diana like a worshiper prostrate before a goddess as she swirled her tongue around and traced the inner edges of Diana's parted labia. Jayna's licks were slow and a little clumsy like she was exploring and tasting for the first time unlike someone who really knew what they were doing. Where Jayna lacked in experience though, she made up with enthusiasm. The little blonde was trying her best and it showed as she eagerly licked Diana. Jayna dragged her tongue all the way up and over Diana's clit and then slid it inside the succubus's slick petals for a kiss. She squeezed a tight smooch on Diana's pussy, tongue curling in the demoness's inner depths and exploring all the little sensitive areas in Diana's flower.

As she kept licking Diana, Jayna got so excited that she wrapped her arms around Diana's waist for a big hug. She was so filled to the brim with enthusiasm even that the little goth ended up lunging forward to push the demoness on her back! Giggling and laying on the mattress with her head between Diana's legs, Jayna looked up at the succubus with a playful, happy smile. "Hehe... You're tastier than strawberries!" The little goth declared with glee and a big smile before diving in to kiss Diana's womanhood again, slurping her tongue even faster than before as she french kissed between the thighs of her beautiful succubus friend.
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

Diana licked her lips as Jayna heard her give a pleasured moan. Diana placed her hands on top of Jayna's head as the girl licked and tongued her pussy. Her gloved fingers slid through Jayna's smooth, blond hair, before coming back up to slide down again, petting Jayna's head as if she were the demoness' pet. Laughing slightly as Jayna began to squirm her tongue into her opening, Diana massaged Jayna's scalp with her fingers as she grinned down at her. "You're certainly putting your heart into it, but with such skill it will be eons before you make me-wah!" she squeaked surprisingly cutely compared to the mature front she displayed as Jayna pushed her down onto her back. Flushing deep red at Jayna's sudden assertive behavior, Diana looked down at the goth girl with a surprised expression and blinking eyes as Jayna celebrated how 'tasty' she was. "Y-you fool, I'm not candy...! Aaah! S-stop with that... That licking... Like that! It's driving me nuts..!"
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

Hearing Diana's surprised pouting, Jayna started giggling uncontrollably into Diana's pussy. The sharp beat of her exhaling breaths vibrated deep within the succubus's depths, teasing her with warm bursts of air. When Jayna pulled her head up to reply, she was still giggling and gently placed her fingers on Diana's petals as a placeholder, stroking her tenderly. The little goth licked her lips but some of Diana's exquisite fluids managed to drip down to her chin anyway. "Hehehe! Are you kidding? That's the point silly!" Jayna playfully scolded. She grinned and winked up at the blushing succubus. "I'd take you over some candy any day bestie. Mmm... so delicious... my goobers!" Jayna exclaimed with a precious grin before dive bombing her tongue back into Diana's womanhood.

Excited to reunite her lips with Diana's wonderful little flower, Jayna lapped her tongue up to the demoness's clitoris where she put pressure on it, pushing down before swirling her tongue all around the pulsing pearl. This is so much fun! The little goth thought to herself as she lifted up ever so slightly to push the tip of her tongue back down beneath Diana's clit, glancing up at the succubus for her reaction with her playful blue-grey eyes before flicking the tip of her tongue up and down ticklishly. Jayna kept that up for a little while until she enveloped Diana's pleasure bud with her lips. Not ready to release the captive little clitoris yet, she sucked on it tenderly, squirming her tongue beneath it in her lips. Then the little goth who'd been daydreaming about sexy girls like this for pretty much ever put her finely honed masturbating skills to use, plunging those fingers into Diana's slick, parted petals. As she sucked the succubus's clit for all she was worth, Jayna pumped Diana's petals gently but quickly with three of her fingers. The other two fingers with their black painted fingernails lightly stroked Diana's outer petals as Jayna reached around to give Diana's so far neglected tush a squeeze with her free hand. Definitely better than strawberries!
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

Jayna felt Diana give a shake when the blond haired goth uttered the word goobers yet again, raising her head to look down at her. "Goobers is a very strange word to say when your face is between someone else's legs, are you aware of that!?" the demoness exclaimed, but a lick following her exclamation made the demoness twitch again and fall back, her hips twitching from the attentions of Jayna's tongue. "It's not normal... For a girl like you to be so talented at this!" she announced, her legs spread wide, and her hips twisting and bucking with Jayna's motions teasing Diana's sensitive spots. And as Jayna only continued to toy with the demon's genitals, she heard Diana give out a loud orgasmic cry, her resistance to Jayna's clearly adept skills fading. "I'm gonna cum...! Ha, ha, ha!" Diana suddenly laughed as Jayna licked her. "A normal human girl like you is making me cum...! Ha, ha, ha!" she continued to laugh hysterically. And suddenly, she tensed up, and her butt rose off from the bed, her excited pussy squirting love juices out, and either into Jayna's mouth or onto her face, depending on where the girl chose to be during the demon's climax.

Slumping back down to the bed, Diana laid there, panting for a moment. "Unbelievable... You're... Ha, ha... I'm gonna keep you around for a while, for sure... That skill was on par with some demons I've had sex with... And they know their stuff." Diana announced to Jayna, before pushing herself up, and pulling her genitals away from Jayna's mouth to spare herself from further torture. "I think it's time I redeemed myself on my promise! I'm going to make you cum ten times, and ten times as hard as you made me cum!!!" Diana announced with bold enthusiasm, her eyes burning with lust and desire as she looked down at Jayna. And without warning, Diana suddenly threw her arms around Jayna, and placed a deep kiss on her lips. Immediately after her kiss, Jayna felt Diana within her thoughts.

"Tell me... All of your fantasies... And your sexual desires... Tell me, reveal them to me, and I'll bring your dream to life!" Jayna heard Diana's voice echo through her mind, and resonate through her very being. Whether by her will or not, Jayna began to feel her fantasies and desires appear in her mind, displaying all of her lust to Diana for the demon to use to drown Jayna in pleasure.
Re: A Friend Like Me (Jayna)

When Jayna heard Diana's compliment of her tonguing skills, she was already starting to giggle with glee. She didn't have much real experience but like anyone with a huge crush, she wanted to be prepared once her dreams came true. All those long tongue exercises and scandalous licking of fruits and veggies was finally paying off! By the time Diana started laughing hysterically, Jayna was giggling so hard that she had to put every ounce of concentration just to keep up the licking. The little goth's bedroom was filled with a cacophony of laughter from the two girls and the rhythmic creaking of her bed. Throw in all the gasps and moans, and it was quite the party going on in the little dark house.

It went on until Diana came her delicious juices into Jayna's awaiting lips, the blonde eagerly slurping and sucking up as much of the nectar as she could. Like a good little girl, Jayna kept up her licking until Diana's orgasm worked its way all the way out. After Diana's demonic flower didn't have any more nectar to give, Jayna was panting and recovering from her giggle fit and overall seeming pretty happy about what she just accomplished. Her lips were dripping with Diana's cum.

After Diana made her bold pronouncement though, Jayna blushed, shrugging her shoulders cutely and looking up at the succubus with little kitten eyes. She looked eager for Diana to pleasure her but also nervous about the amount of times and intensity. “Hehe...” Jayna began to giggle hesitantly when Diana suddenly bowled her over with a kiss. “Eep!” The blonde gasped and fell onto her back, wrapping her arms around Diana. She groaned longingly into the kiss and squirmed her body beneath Diana's lovely body. She was definitely getting the succubus's pristine body wet with her pussy's eager juices.

Feeling Diana's voice in her mind shook Jayna to the core. Her body shivered from the sensation, continuing to gasp and squirm in Diana's embrace. As she felt her fantasies start to form for Diana's viewing pleasure, Jayna gasped louder, spreading her legs wider for the demon to nestle herself into. The first fantasy to form in Jayna's mind was one of her favorites.

As soon as the image of Diana bending over with a coy smile appeared in Jayna's mind, the little goth sucked in her breath hard and bucked her hips up against the succubus instinctively. Fantasy continuing in Jayna's mind, Diana smirked and pulled Jayna up by the hand. The succubus twirled in front of her. She pressed their bodies together, twirling her tail about Jayna's thigh to hold her secure, wiggling and swaying her butt against Jayna's waist making the little goth's heart race like wild. Diana kept up her lovely hip wiggling as she leaned her head back against Jayna's shoulder, grinning teasingly at her. When Jayna's hand started to wander toward Diana's flower, the succubus smirked and suddenly bent over, thrusting her butt back against Jayna so hard that the goth went flailing backwards onto her back with Diana pouncing right on top! Before she knew it, Diana was rolling onto her back atop Jayna and grinding her butt like wild right on Jayna's longing and eagerly bucking pussy!
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