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A good workout.[Scenario Complete]

Re: A good workout.

(We do use pictures; Step one, Check to see if she's talking or thinking,

step two, ????,

step three, profit! :))

No words were said by the woman after that, she just led on, through the middle of the street.

Josie was surprised, she actually had to jog a little bit just to keep up with this woman's walking pace.

Josie decided that this woman works out a lot.

(Perception check)

As they proceeded down the street, Josie thought she heard something.

Upon looking in the direction of the sound, she happened upon what appeared to be a bug, with tentacle arms and human legs, approaching her rapidly.

*What do you do?*
Re: A good workout.

(well if we use pictures for both, what does it matter if she's talking or thinking)

Josie saw the bug like creature approaching her and realized she has no weapons or way of defending herself. The only reason she's safe right now is because of this woman. She decided it best to try and get her attention while quickening her pace, hopefully putting the skilled woman between herself and the attacker.


"Help! Bug coming!"

*Run to the girl while warning of the attack*
Re: A good workout.

(The woman attacks)

Her aim was Good

As if in one movement, the girl draws a hidden sword, and slices it across the body, dropping it dead.

*How did Josie respond to this?*
Re: A good workout.

Josie was astonished at how much of a warrior this woman was, quite powerful and exceptionally precise.


"..Who are you?"

Josie rethought her words just to make sure she didn't slip up and accidentally ask "what" considering this womans inhuman skill.
Re: A good workout.

For what seemed as a surprise to Josie, the woman looked at her.

Josie felt like she was being looked at by a raven, those emotionless eyes seemed to pass right through her.



She finally announced, before continuing to walk to who-knows-where.

It took quite a while, but most of the trip included Shiva, firing her gun at what appeared to Josie as nothing.

She would always fire a single shot, no more, no less.

During the trip, a helicopter flew over them...

Then, at long last, they reached their destination, "Apple Inn."

Shiva knocks on the iron door to the heavily barricaded building, Josie didn't know how people could survive without some fresh air in there. The place was sealed, air-tight.

When the guard woman sees Shiva, she says,

Guard woman: "Welcome back, I see you found another one."

Shiva said nothing, she didn't even nod as the woman opened the door for them.

It looked as if Shiva was about to actually go back out there, until the woman caught her.

Guard woman: "She said she was gonna talk to all the new girls at dawn, and she wants to introduce you to them"

Once again, emotionless, Shiva obliged, and joined Josie inside Apple Inn.

Shiva immediately starts to walk away from Josie.

*How does Josie respond to this?*
Re: A good workout.

Josie saw the girl start to walk away after escorting her across the city. She quickly remembered something and yelled to her as she walked away.


"Sorry I didn't get to say it before, but thank you"

Josie started to turn when she realized.

Wow, I never introduced myself to her. Whatever, I must see her around again sometime.

*Josie takes a look around her surroundings*
Re: A good workout.

What made Josie blink in surprise, is that Shiva gestured with her hand when Josie thanked her. Almost like she said,

"No problem"

Upon taking a look around, she notices the actual size of the Apple Inn lobby.

It's lobby alone was huge, about the size of a baseball court. There was a desk at the far end of the rectangular room, but no one was sitting there. The only person in the room was the guard who was giving Josie looks. Probably about being naked.

The floor was made of reflective tile, but it wasn't so reflective now, as it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a while.

There were three upper floors, each sporting it's own set of doors, likely where customers stay.

The woman broke Josie's concentration.

Guard woman: "The shop'll open back up once what's-her-name gives her speach, and you can buy some clothes there, unless you like runnin' around in the nude.

The woman chuckled.

Guard woman: "Here's the key to your room, the number's on the keyring."

She tosses you your key, which you catch.

Guard woman: "Welcome to hell."

The woman remarks.

*What does Josie do?*
Re: A good workout.


"Buy? I don't have any money on me. As you so eloquently pointed out, I'm naked."

Before the guard could start to answer, Josie started thinking about the speech. It was for all the new girls and she was certainly one of them, but if she went, she wouldn't be able to buy clothes until it was over so she'd be naked. She was always comfortable with her body, but the question she came back to was whether or not anybody else would be. She decided it best to wait for the guard woman to finish talking then head straight to her room and hope not to see anyone on the way.
Re: A good workout.

As soon as Josie started her sentence, the guard began waving her hand back and forth in denial.

Guard woman: "Nah, nah, nah. Not with the almighty green, sweetheart, but with 'points' she loans to you in return for doin' shit for her. She'll give ya a little bit at first, just to set ya straight, but then ya gotta start puttin' yer ass to work if ya wanna earn more. And keep in mind, food costs points to."

With the guard woman seemingly finished with her little bit of information, Josie proceeded up the stairs.

During her trip along the way, something made her stop and listen at a door...

Loud snoring was coming from the other side, almost like a car engine, and then she heard voices.

A man: "I can't take this shit..."

Woman: "Caliber, please go back to sleep..."

Caliber: "We shoulda left her ass on the side of the road..."

Josie quickly backed away, she didn't like eavesdropping, but in all honesty, that snoring didn't sound normal...

Josie found her room, fashioned a substitute dress out of a sheet, then quickly realized how tired and mentally drained she was as sleep quickly took her...

[Story continues on first page of the first page the Apple Inn thread]

[Chapter 1 complete, A good workout.]