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A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

((Since the Alraune male is busy having his way with the slime girl, your task is slightly easier: -10 bonus
((Your roll: 55-10=45; your PHY: 50 - It's a success))

Yuka sneaked behind the man plant. He and his captive were noisy: his throat produced deep grunts while she emitted loud, garbled moans; this allowed the Kitsune to slip behind the green beast, despite not being extremely stealthy herself.
Upon hearing Yuka's threat, the Alraune turned his head towards the Fox-herm. Despite Alraunes being basically plant-men and women, the Alraune male had a very brutish, bald face. What was off, however, was the green eyes of the vegetal people was replaced by an empty, black iris.

The creature abruptly released the slime girl, which splashed in the water. The poor monster girl was absolutely tired, almost melting inside the clear pool. "You... Smell good... I want to breed with you too." the monster said in a bizarrely slow, simple way, as if his intellectual capacities were diminished. Ignoring Yuka's sword, he begins to turn around, ready to fight despite the cold metal blade against his skin.

Should Yuka strike preemptively? Should she find a way to make the Alraune male snap out of it, with what she carried with her? Should she simply run away and avoid to harm the creature?
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

With the slime girl released from the aluranes grip, Yuka would take her holy water from her patch and splash some of it right in the aluranes face before attempting to tumble out of the way and proceeding to fling one of her Ofudas onto the plant man. She prayed to her deities that if the man was possessed by some sort of evil spirit, that her exocrsim tools would at least weaken the entity and allow her to get through to the person it was possessing, "Please, stand down! I do not wish to take an innocent life! If you can hear me please try to fight this evil! I will continue trying to weaken it!" She called out to the Alurane, her sword remaining drawn and poised to continue trying to tumble out of the way of any future blows and prepping to continue her exorcism attempts.
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

[[Int Check passed: (37)]]

The Alraune male visibly staggered and held his green head in his hands. "Ng. Ggrrr. S... Must..."
Eventually, the plant-man seems to recover his mind. "You're... Not an Alraune?... My head hurts" he mumbled.

Looking around him as if he woke up from a hangover in a foreign country, the plant-creature turned towards Yuka. "We are not in the Sacred Woods. Where are we... My memories are all fuzzy" he plaintively asked the Kitsune.
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

Yuka let out a heavy sigh of relief as the alurane seemed to finally come back to his senses, reseathing her blade immediately after. "Oh... Thank heavens. Its such a relief to see you back to normal, sir. And to answer your first question, you are outside of a human settlement in the kitsune mountains. Several of your kind assaulted the poor village and humans there, I'm afraid. I found an injured man who had made his way up to the mountain woods before bringing him back to our village. You had been ravaging the poor slime girl lying in the pool there when I found you." She saids pointing to Buttercups friend.

"Buttercup" she said looking back to the slime girl, "Do you think you can escort your friend back to the village safely. If not I can wait till she can slide on her own gel once more." She finished before turning her attention back to the alurane, "Sir. Do you remember anything from before I found you here. Anything odd or unusual occurring at your home before now? Also would you happen to have any clue where your fellows might have taken off? Not only do I wish to recover the villagers who were taken and hopefully repair the relations between our species; but they also took at least most of the 'raiding' party who went to gather men and herms for our upcoming Spring Festival." She asked hoping to get a bead on the missing people, failing to do that she would at least try to communicate with and make amends to the villagers down the road.
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

"Nnn..." the plant monster groaned. "There was that demon girl. A Succubus, I think that's what she called herself. She arrived in our woods a week ago... I think. I don't remember exactly how many days passed. We welcomed her. She seemed so friendly. Then, she said there was something she wanted to show all of us, and then everything became blurry."

The muscled green male shook his head. "It felt like a dream, hunting and molesting and hunting and molesting. I did not understand. I thought it was a dream, a pleasurable one. Gods, what did I do?" he lamented.
"I do remember that, each time we attacked a village, we returned with our captures to the Sacred Woods. You should head there if you want to find the missing people. But be careful, I'm sure many of my brethren, if not the whole woods, are under the influence of that demoness."
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

Yuka gently played her hand on the plant man's should to comfort and reassure him, "Do not hold yourself accountable. You were not in control of your own actions, and being used by another creature. I will be sure to tell my elder and the people of the village. My fellow kitsune and they have had a mutual relationship for years. I wish to take these slimes back to my village, where they can recover and be safe, as well as relay this information back to my elder so we may be able to come up with a plan that would be effective and safe for confronting this woman and freeing her prisoners." She said before calling back over to Buttercup, if Buttercup had not already taken the other girl back to her village as instructed she would see if she or the plant man could escort her before heading back up to the mountain to inform the elder of all she had learned on her way to the village.
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

The male Alraune nooded. He turned towards the two slime girls on the other side of the pond. Buttercups was helping her friend reform. Her companion looked dazed, her vivid blue body still had a milkish tone, but she seemed allright.
The plant-man apologized to the pair of amorph monster girls, and despite Buttercups throwing a little tantrum, they seemed to have made piece. The trio took the road back to the village, while Yuka was free to resume her way towards the forest.

She passed by the devasted village. The buildings did not really suffered, but the settlement looked desperately empty. Or not? A big crashing noise coming from a house near the village gate reached the Kitsune's ears.
"Idiot! What are you doing?" squeaked a feminine voice.
"S... Sorry sis. I just thought there could be something hidden behind that shelf. You know, like in all these books we stole the other day." replied a more timid woman.
"Would you two shut up? If you picked up everything, let's scram." ordered a third, more coarse voice.

A trio of mouse-girls scurried out of the house, fifty meters or so from Yuka.
They were small, lithe monter-girls, human in look but with cute mouse ears and a long, thin tail coming out of their back. They only wore a thong, their small breasts flopping in the air. There were two young white mouse-girls, accompanied by a slightly bigger, less feminine grey mouse-girl.
"Oh no... Sis, someone saw us." a white humanoid rodent lamented as she saw Yuka.
"Damn stuck-up foxes." the grey leader swore. "You saw nothing, fox!" she threatened.
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

Yuka chuckled a little at Buttercups little tantrum at the male alurane before waving at the trio as they made their way back to their village. As she made her way back to the human settlement she was relieved to see that the rampaging mind controlled plant people had not totally ravaged the poor village, though her fox ears perked up as she heard a crash from a nearby building. She ran into the building hoping to possibly find a straggler the aluranes may have missed, only to spot a trio of mouse girls running off with stolen property. "Stop! These poor people have suffered enough without you pillaging all of their belongings! If monsters and humans are to coexist, we must strive to let them know were not all just a bunch of sex crazed animals only caring for ourselves. I'm heading to the forest to attempt to free the kidnapped villagers, as well as my abducted sisters from the succubus responsible for all of this. And if and when I return them home, I suspect they would like to have something to come back to. If you are hungry or need shelter, you may head up the road to our village. We will have plenty of food, wine and human males and herms to enjoy there at our Spring festival tomorrow. But I must really do insist you return these poor peoples belongings." She finished her hand on her swords blade, getting ready just in case the mice decided to be violent.

((Try persuasion.))
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

((Dice rolls:
You: 46 + 70 = 116
Twin A: 48 + 60 = 108
Twin B: 50 + 60 = 110
Grey mouse-girl: 59 + 60 = 119

"She kinda has a point. Stealing is bad." the more calm of the white-earred mouse girls mused.
"She says there'll be free food for us up there. Should we just take on her offer. It's a free meal after all." The twin added.
"Are you dense?" the leader replied angrily. "So we'd just drop everything we have and climb that mountain for some hypothetical party? Your charms won't work on me, fox bitch!"

"Big sis', wait!" the two other mouse-girls tried to temper, but the grey-earred thief was already closing in on Yuka, intent on knocking the kitsune out.
"I'm gonna close your mouth, and then I'm gonna get some "relaxation time" with you."

In which manner should Yuka retaliate?

Mouse-girl thief:
PHY: 50|INT: 60|SEX: 40
5/5 RP | 0/4 LP
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

Yuka would attempt to side step the hostile mouse girl and try to slash a hole in her loot bag, causing all of the stolen goods to spill out before attempting to grab a hold of her tail trying to pull her back to her and attempting to plant her foot in the small of her back and causing her to face fault to the ground. "I don't wish to harm anyone, but I cannot allow you to, in good conscience, pilfer from these poor people. But I also cannot allow myself to be tied up with you all day. If I don't hurry to the sacred woods, not only will there not be a party, then many more monsters will be corrupted and many more innocent human settlements are likely to be razed."
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

|u]Round 1[/u]
Yuka's attack: 46 + 50 = 96
Mouse-girl's defense: 60 + 50 = 110

The mouse-girl tries a kick: 30 + 50 = 80
Yuka's defense: 66 + 50 = 116
Yuka counters and inflicts 1 point of damage (4/5)

Round 2
Yuka's attack: 57 + 50 = 107
Mouse-girl's defense: 37 + 50 = 87
Yuka inflicts 2 points of damage (2/5)

Mouse-girl tries to throw sand into Yuka's eyes: 53 + 50 = 103
Yuka's defense: 60 + 50 = 110
Yuka evades

Round 3
Yuka's attack: 67 + 50 = 117
Mouse-girl's defense: 49 + 50 = 99
Yuka inflicts one point of damage (1/5)

Mouse-girl attacks: 56 + 50 = 106
Yuka's defense: 36 + 50 = 86
Yuka receives 2 points of damage (4/6)

Round 4
Yuka's attack: 72 + 50 = 112
Mouse-girl's defense: 51 + 50 = 101
Mouse-girl is defeated

The monster-girl tries to swipe at the Kitsune, but Yuka's years of martial arts experience allow her to deftly evade or parry most of the blows. At one point, the bandit tries to throw sand in Yuka's face, but the Kitsune simply dodged. Only a rodent kick in her opened tummy made some damage.
That one-on-one fight proved without major difficulty to the Kitsune.

Eventually, the bandit leader is lying on the ground, the content of her pierced bag scattered around her.
"Sis!" the twins shouted, rushing to her comrade's side.
"Nnnrg. Why? What good will that do? After all, these humans won't come back, just like those from the other villages." cursed the family's eldest, her grey ears pointing down in exhaustion.
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

"I didn't come looking for a fight, but you left me no alternative, sadly." Yuka said as she would resheath her sword and begin replacing the stolen loot into the abandoned house. At the elder mouse girl's words she would reply, "Monsters and humans must learn to co-exist. If we just keeping on taking and attacking the humans without consideration or restraint they will eventually strike back against us. A fair deal of monsters may be more powerful than humans, but we are only born female and hermaphrodite. We need the humans to breed. We need to work a way that both can live a mutually beneficial existence." She explained as she returned from the house looking into the eyes of all three mice girls with a genuine, earnest and pleading look.

"As for the humans in this settlement, even if they choose not to come back, my kitsune sisters were taken by the aluanes as well. I have to free them. The aluranes are being controlled by a succubus, and this cycle of violence and abduction won't end unless I can neutralize the corrupting influence of the one behind it all." She responded to the grey mouse girl's words about the humans not returning, "I've already purified one of the alurane I ran into on the way here. I've sent him back to the village with a duo of slimes. They should be there with my elder and a human I found in the mountain forest while gathering supplies. You all are free to come with me to the sacred village to try to put an end to this menace, return about your own ways and your own home, or to stay at my village until I return. I do not wish for any more unnecessary violence. I pray for your safety and well being whichever path you choose, but my course is set." She would say before continuing on her way to the sacred forest.

((Try persuading the mice to help or head to the village one.))
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

((Alliance roll: 83 - well I'll be :p))

"Sis..." said the first twins.
"Deep down you know she's right..." added the second
The grey mouse-girl took a deep breath, then sighed. "Yeah, I guess... But I don't want you two to stay in harm's way. So you go to the village while I accompany Ms Foxy here to sort that mess. Okay?"
"O... Okay."

After making their goodbyes, the thief who stayed with Yuka spat on the ground, then want up to the fox herm. "So, what's yer name, Princess? Mine's Jolyne. Nice to meet ya, and all that."

PHY: 50|INT: 60|SEX: 40
5/5 RP | 0/4 LP

*Sand throw: Jolyne blinds an opponent, ensuring they have a 30 point malus to all their rolls until the end of her next turn.


You leveled up!
Please choose between:
  • gain 5 additional points to spread between their Physique, Intelligence and Sexuality
  • 1 point in either Resistance or Libido
  • one skill (check the game rules for the full list)
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

Yuka would extend her hand to the mouse girl to shake it before replying "Hello, Jolyne. I'm Yuka, Yuka Shiratori. I'm pleased to meet you as well." After a few momenta of shaking hands Yuka would look to Jolyne, "Don't worry, they should be safe at the village. Our oldest and most powerful kitsune is there, as well as some slimes, the alurane I purified and one of the male villagers. And with any luck we should be able to settle this matter quickly and prevent her from going after my village." She said reassuring the grey mouse girl before asking if she was ready to depart and heading out towards the Sacred Woods.

((Yuka will take intimidation.))
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Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

The party of two reached the entrance of the Woods after more walking. Immediately, Yuka's kitsune senses warned her that something was amiss in this place, despite that it looked like ordinary woods, with leafy trees and noisy fauna. "These woods always gave me creeps." Jolyne said.
In front of them, the path stopped and was replaced by thick bushes, trees and fell branches, which cut their paths. "We'll need to get around and find a path, either left or right." the mouse-girl commented.

What direction will Yuka choose?
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

"Stay close,Jolyne." Yuka advised her new rodent friend, "I have never been through the woods, so I am not confident enough to choose a path. Which way would you choose, Jolyne? Left or right? Or does it not even matter? If you don't think it matters, I say we do janken(rock paper scissors) for the path. I win we go left, you win we go right? Agreed?" If Jolyne settled on a direction or they did janken, they would go in the direction chosen.

((I'm not really sure which direction to pick or if it even makes a difference. So I thought this way would be funnier or more interesting. lol))
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

((Sure :p))

"I guess that's one way to decide where to go." sighed Jolyne. "Let's just hope we don't get lost because we decided the direction by playing a children's game."
The mouse-girl walked in front of Yuka, and the two of them readied their right arm. "On my signal. Jan... Ken..."
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

"If we find ourselves, getting lost I can always tear up some talismans to Hansel and Gretel ourselves a trail so if there's an emergency one of us can make our way back at least." Yuka said as Jolyne would walk and the two of them would ready their right arms. As Jolyne chanted out the first two parts of the saying Yuka would bob her fist up and down repeating after Jolyne before calling out "PON!" and revealing her choice of "choki" or scissors.
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

Jolyne had chosen the stone, and grunted when she saw Yuka had picked scissors. "So... Which way, princess?"
Re: A Herm in a Monster Girl world (Player: TentanariX, GM: Kln)

"Well... It looks like you're the winner Jolyne. So... Well be taking the right path. Just remember to stick close to me, and be on guard. These woods were enchanted before the succubus took over and we have no idea what traps or tricks she might have put in place once she set up shop." She said unsheathing her katana and pulling out a talisman for protection as they made their way down the right path...