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A Hero's Aria (Tyragor) GM'd by theguy09


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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It had been an entire week since the attack on the village. Aria had spent that last week mourning the lost and making graves for all of the dead. It was a hard week, a nightmarish week even. One piece of knowledge did help to keep the nightmares and despair at bay though, she had found some tracks while gathering the bodies. There were obviously tracks everywhere after the battle, but these ones caught her eye because it looked like someone had been dragged away from the village… and they had put up a struggle, meaning they were alive when they were taken! There was the chance that some of the villagers were still alive out there, wherever there was!

Armed with this knowledge, the ancient sword, and the will to avenge her people and honor, Aria prepares herself to leave the village, and enter the true outside world! Before she left though, she took one last walk through the rubble of her own home. She didn't know what had compelled her to do such a thing, maybe she wanted to see it one last time before leaving her previous life, or something else was guiding her. Just as she was about to leave the house, a piece of the wall nearby to her crumbled away, revealing what looked to be a book? Aria never remembered seeing a hidden hole in the wall, nor her parents mentioning it before. Compelled by curiosity, Aria approaches the book and picks it up, flipping it open Aria instantly recognized the handwriting. It was her Father's!? It looked to be a journal, with the first page only having the quote, “To a victim, the assailant and a third party are no different. People are no better than the assailant if they didn't try to help.” The quote was probably important to him in some way.

Flipping to the next page, Aria finds it blank, as well as the next page and the one after that. The Journal was blank other than that one quote? Feeling that she was missing something, but not having any way to find it, Aria stashes the book away into her backpack. With no reason to stay any longer, Aria takes one last look at the village and then takes her firsts steps on her adventure!

Aria spends the next few days traveling on paths among hills and going off path for when she met an obstruction. On that third day, her stomach was grumbling and complaining to her about its hunger constantly! She had run very low on food, not knowing how to ration for herself was turning out to bite her right in the butt! She had a general idea of the direction of where a nearby town was, but she honestly had no concept of how close she was to it. Without that knowledge, Aria decided she would have to try and hunt some food for herself. Aria heads off the path, and into the forest, looking for food.

Not even 10 minutes into her search, does Aria hear a scream from somewhere close to her! Rushing to the source, Aria sees a High Elf girl, roughly her own age, crawling backwards from three wolves!
Re: A Hero's Aria (Tyragor) GM'd by theguy09

Aria's life had been charmed, a quiet idyllic little village to whom everyone was to her family. She trained to fight, but rarely did more than mediate and observe. She knew nothing of the world and only peace. Everything had been turned upside down in an instant in a way that left her hollow. Fortune saved her, but it hardly felt right to consider herself fortunate. She should have been there, she was their protector after all and she had failed them in the worst way possible.

It was her fault they were dead.

She had the strong urge to give up. It was, in its own twisted way, her guilt that kept her going. She had graves to dig, and that saw her through the beginning, then she found the tracks and once her purpose of observing the rites of the dead vanishes she replaced it with the other. She had to rescue them, for what other purpose was she left alive for the invasion if not that?

The discovery of the sword was a remarkable coincidence, but Aria didn't like to believe in coincidence. She could feel a pull subtle as it was to that ruined place and no blade had ever felt as right as that one in her hand. She'd heard stories of the village protector, and while she knew it wasn't her, perhaps the ancient sword could help her save the rest.

A secondary miraculous discovery of the book within her home, disguised and hidden away, she knew could not be mere happenstance. The words, while perhaps not ones directly spoke to her by her father were words she had long since resolved to live by. To stand by and watch innocent suffer without raising a hand to stop it would be anathema. That's why she pushed half starving through the woods.

That's why she didn't hesitate when she heard the scream, nor from the three wolves that sought to encircle her. She just acted, drew her blade and threw herself in front of the elven woman protectively. "I'm here!" she called out. "Stay back and let me handle this!"

She shifted her weight, getting light on her feet with the blade held back, at the ready to dish out retribution against her attacker.

Activating Defensive Stance – Use standard action but gain 2d10 Dodge and a free hit with -1d10 to hit on any who attack them and misses.
Re: A Hero's Aria (Tyragor) GM'd by theguy09

Aria HP: 54/78 Status: Hurt

"Ahh!" The elven girl let out a surprised gasp as Aria burst out of the surrounding forest, standing between her and the wolves! While Aria moved to intercept the wolves, he wolves started to growl loudly and threatening at her, like they ran into another hunter stealing their prey. They started to pace back and forth before one of them charged Aria, jumping towards her with its teeth chomping at her!

Before it even reached her, Aria's blade had already made contact with the wolf, slicing a long wound, running almost the entire length of the wolf's body! The wolf went limp as it flew past her, hitting the ground with a thud and staying there.

Taking the chance of Aria's attention being focused on the first wolf, the other two suddenly pounce at the same time, coming from both sides of her! Aria retraced her sword's path in the air, striking the one on her left and finishing it as well, but she couldn't reach the other one with her sword in time! The wolf scratched her arm up real good as it dashed past her, stopping near the edge of the clearing.
Re: A Hero's Aria (Tyragor) GM'd by theguy09

Aria danced nimbly between the wild animals, with two deft cuts felling most of her opponents she twisted to face the final one who had delivered her the injury. Since the wolf made no move to retreat Aria resolved herself and darted forward, and delivered a stacatto of straight cuts to finish the beast off.

Using Lightning Strikes - The character attacks three times instead of only once, but each attack takes a -2d10 penalty to its attack roll and a -5 penalty to damage. These attacks need not be against the same creature. Requires Duelist.
Re: A Hero's Aria (Tyragor) GM'd by theguy09

As Aria charged forwards she could see the hesitation in the wolf's eyes and she couldn't help but wonder why it hadnt run away yet. The wolf jumped at her in an attempt to attack her once again! But it was a vain attempt, Aria's blade had already darted between its ribs, ending it's life. Looking at the wolf, Aria caught something she haddent seen from the other two. A very light, purple that looked almost misty came out of the wolf's head before disappearing into thin air.

"Thank you for the help." The even girl said from behind. She had her bow in her hands now, with an arrow knocked. The practiced and at ease way she held it showed her proficiency. If Aria didn't finish the wolf, this girl would have done it for her! Looking a little embarrassed, the girl energetically explained what happened. "I was out hunting when they jumped out of some bushes and chased after me before I tripped, thankfully you came along. Though what were you doing out here? A sword isn't the best hunting weapon." The girl asked, her eyes inspecting Aria's sword, possibly noticing the magic it held. "Oh! How rude of me! My name is Tika, whats yours?"
Re: A Hero's Aria (Tyragor) GM'd by theguy09

She let out a stored breath and sighed as the battle was done. Her blade pulled back and she flicked some of the collected blood across the ground, her stomach rumbling once as she considered that this might be her new meal. That purple mist...? Was it some sort of influence? Perhaps that might have been why they did not flee?

She put it aside, conjecture and irrelevant for the moment. When she turned to see the woman with weapon drawn she almost raised her blade but quickly realized the girl was just ready to step in herself.

"I am Aria, it's a pleasure to meet you Tika. And are you sure? It seemed to serve me better than your bow did you?" She smiled coyly then laughed. "I'm glad to aren't hurt, I'm not out here hunting, well, not animals anyway." Her stomach rumbled against, she smiled sheepishly. "Presently, though, I am looking for a meal. You wouldn't happen to know how to prepare wolf, would you?"
Re: A Hero's Aria (Tyragor) GM'd by theguy09

Aria's stomach sounded louder than she thought it did, as Tika raised a brow at the sound and Aria's request. "I mean of course I could fix it up for you, after all you did save me." She giggled. "Towns only a hour or so walk away though, but from the sound of your stomach you probably don't want to wait so long." As she spoke, she had a bit of a playful and teasing smile on her lips. Tika reached to her belt and drew a blade for skinning, gracefully using it to start to prepare the wolf for food.

"If you don't mind, could you go and grab me some fire wood?" She looked over and asked as she was working. If Aria complied, it didn't take her long to gather enough dry wood to make a simple cooking fire. By that time Tika had already somehow cleaned the wolf and had a neat pile of edible meat, waiting to the side. "Here, I'll take the wood from you." Tika piled the wood into a fire pit, before waving her hand and causeing some flames to spread over the wood!

The meat turned out amazingly and full of flavor for the makeshift campfire! "So what are you doing out here?" Tika asked while they ate.
Re: A Hero's Aria (Tyragor) GM'd by theguy09

"Yes, please," she admitted with a defeated droop of her shoulders and a sigh. Aria watched Tika work somewhat dutifully. She was definitely out of her element, and any thing she might pick up would be useful.

"Oh, yeah! Of course, one second," she replied cheerily, moving over to collect the dryest wood she could find, things proper for kindling to get the fire going and let Tika take over from there.

Aria dug in hungrily when offered, not sweating so much making a mess as she ate albeit being polite as she could eating meat with her hands could be. Swallowing a big bite she brightened, "Well, I don't wish to burden you too much, but I'm hunting after a group who attacked my village, the tracks led, um, vaguely in this direction. Have you heard of anything about that?"

She quickly added, "Oh and uh, what brings you out here? Only fair, I suppose."
Re: A Hero's Aria (Tyragor) GM'd by theguy09

A flash of concern goes past Tika's face. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't know something like that happened." Tika apologies, feeling her question may have brought up some bad memories. Taking the chance from Aria's own question to change the topic, Tika says, "Well I'm one of the hunters of my town, and hearing that there was an influx of monsters and other types of beasts, I thought I should go and try to thin some of the numbers. Though it was probably stupid of me to go alone." She chuckled at her own bad decision. "Actually, our local Adventurer's Guild Master was the one who was spreading word about the influx. I heard she even sponsored some missions in the Guild to help out with the influx." As Tika continued to talk, it seemed more like she was gossiping with an old friend.

"I'll take you there once we get to town if you want. I owe you alot after you saved me today." Tika smiled a bright smile. She seemed a honest person, and she would repay the kindness she received today.
Re: A Hero's Aria (Tyragor) GM'd by theguy09

Aria smiled sadly, keeping up the front as best she could with a simple shrug. "Yes, surly there were others in your village you might have brought with you...?" Her smile resumed its cheer as they changed topics, she was content to gossip with Tika, seemed like the type of person easy for her to get along with.

"I certainly would not object. A warm bed and a proper meal would be very welcome after my journey. Maybe someone in town has a lead for me to follow," she said warmly.
Re: A Hero's Aria (Tyragor) GM'd by theguy09

"There probably are others in the forest somewhere, but I went off on my own, ending up in this situation. But I'm sure you'll be able to find something to go off of, if not at least somewhere to start." Tika encouraged Aria. The pair soon finished the meat, filling themselves up, and prepared to head out! Looking up through the canopy of the forest and at the darkening sky, Tika remarks, "We'll probably make it right as it gets too dark to be out and about." It was turning dusk fast, and it didn't seem like a good idea to be out on thus forest at night.

Tika collected her supplies, before she started to lead the way back to her town for Aria. Just like she had said earlier, it was an hours walk before they could see the town's walls off in the distance! The lights on the walls calling them forwards!

As Aria approached, she could barely make out a sign hanging above the gate thanks to the torch light. "Alabaster" it read. Suddenly someone challenged the two, "Who goes there at a time like this!" A gruff voice said from the shadows of the gates. Tika walked towards the voice, seemingly saying something before the voice talked once again, this time with some recognition. "Ah, Tika, there you are. Was wondering if the forest had finally claimed you as it's own." Tika just laughed before replying, "Not yet old man." It seemed like they were pretty familer with each other.

With Tikia vounching for her, and a critical glare from the guard, Aria was lead through the gates and into the sleeping town. "You can sleep at my place tonight if you want or I can help you get a room at the inn."
Re: A Hero's Aria (Tyragor) GM'd by theguy09

"I'm not much of a tracker, but I hope so," she said with a smile. Delighted and full she was happy to make her way with Tika. "Convenient enough, I didn't relish the idea of spending another night in the woods, though I admit it'd be better with company." At least then they could have a watch and not just hope for the best. Aria, travelling light, opted to help Tika with her things where she could and followed her back to town, marvelling at the walls.

Her own sleepy village had been nestled away, they lacked walls like this and Aria had never travelled far outside of it, certainly never to another town. Even a sight like this was impressive to her. Alabaster, she comitted the name to memory.

Aria turned to face the gruff voice and seeing that Tika was unsurprised advanced alongside her with a polite nod of her head. "Hello sir, it's nice to meet you," she offered before following her inside the town proper. "Well, I don't mind staying at your place if you have room. I'm not picky though, of course." Offhand, did she have much spending money, if any?
Re: A Hero's Aria (Tyragor) GM'd by theguy09

"Well let me tell you something I learned the hard way. You don't need to do everything alone, there are always others that can help you!" Tika said as they cleaned up the camp, though she suddenly paused after she said that, almost as if she realized the irony of the statement. "A-anyways, I've already explored the entire surrounding area of the town. Every nook and cranny of it and I need a new adventure to go on! If your willing I could come and help you." Tika offered Aria, as they finished up their packing and started on the way to town.


Back at town, Aria's comparison between just her village and what she has seen of the town so far made her realize just how unprepared her own village was to defend itself. Without any walls like the ones before her it wasn't surprising about how the battle ended back at her village. At the same time her own village never really had much in the way of a permanent guard like the gruff man standing in the gates shadow. Aria's polite words seemed to catch the man off guard. He grunted in response before saying, "Nice to see not all of the younger folk have forgotten how to be polite to an old gate guard. You don't seem the type to start trouble, go on through." The man nodded to them as they walked past, but Aria could only make out his silouite still.

With Aria's confirmation that she find mind staying with Tika, the two of them started to head off towards what looked to be an area filled with the homes of the towns people. Some lights were on, but the majority were pitch black, assumingly with the owners asleep. There were lights at intervals among the road they were traveling. They front seem like anything the sheltered girl had seen in her own village. The otherwise dark road brought out a eerie feeling in Aria. It felt almost like there were multiple gazes on her body...
Re: A Hero's Aria (Tyragor) GM'd by theguy09

Aria blushed brightly at Tiki's declaration. It was true, it was terribly lonely pursuing this alone, and no doubt much less likely to succeed, but it was -her- fight wasn't it? Her failure. How did she have any right to drag someone in to make up for her mistake? She smiled a bit, catching what Tiki herself realized. Perhaps the two were rather alike? "Well, I wouldn't turn you down if it's something you wanted, but only if you're certain and of course, if you changed your mind, later on, I wouldn't be offended. But...if it gets too dangerous, I wouldn't want you to risk yourself. This is, after all, my task."


The closest thing to a guard the town had was herself, and her father before he disappeared. "Thank you, sir," she replied and bowed her head politely, an interesting man. Aria rubbed the back of her head as they proceeded. "I have to admit a new town makes me nervous...there are so many people I just don't know. I'm used to knowing every soul that's near me." She chalked it up to her own nerves.
Re: A Hero's Aria (Tyragor) GM'd by theguy09

"To be honest I just really need to get out of this town. I'd rather go help help you out with what your doing than stay here, plus if your on your own you'll need help on some point." Tika said, her hope to leave was evident from her words. "A-ah if your worried about me, tha-than I can help you while your traveling, directions and what not."


Chalking it up as her own nerves, Aria followed after Tika into the dimmly lit town. They travels down one of the streets that branched off from the main one, all the way down to where the town wall was. Off in a small corner was this wooden house --well more of a hut that looked more suitable for a second class citizen than anything-- which looked like it had a couple of rooms in it. Anyways, Tika went to the door, opening it wide before saying, "Welcome to my abode, it may be a bit small, but there's enough room for both of us." She didn't seem bothered by it's size Aria noticed, or at least she didn't show it.

If Aria wanted to just hit the hay as soon as they got there, Tika would help her prepare a spare room for her to pass out in. Otherwise she could find the energy to continue on for abit longer.
Re: A Hero's Aria (Tyragor) GM'd by theguy09

"Well, if you're that desperate to get out of here and have an adventure of your own, I won't say no as long as you agree that at some point I might have to move out on my own...that said I can't say I wouldn't really like the company. I've spent my whole life in my village, so I definitely get the desire to go out on your own, but I also didn't realize how lonely it'd be." She sighs wistfully. She giggled following up "Oh, I'm not worried. I believe you can handle yourself fine! I'd just...feel bad. If something were to happen that is"


Aria made no judgement of the home, it was home after all! Small or large, it felt cozy even if a bit simple or plain. She would be content to head to bed, but would ask Tika if she had any plans before hand, she wouldn't mind getting a chance to see more of the town if Tika had an idea but otherwise the quickest way to continuing her task was to hit the hay.