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A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
(For a certain trap character)

Beyond the eternal battlefield and the great forest laid peaceful plains. Once one wandered far enough past the last line of trees that marked the end of the woods, they would find themselves on an infinitely stretching grassland. A blue cloudless, sunless sky ruled over flat land with no landmarks on the horizons or discerning features beyond the ankle-high grass that grew upon it. It seemed to go on forever, its infinite and uniform nature showing no sign of disturbance by mortals or immortals. Some might've even considered it a glimpse of the true afterlife... or perhaps purgatory

For the realm of a daemonic goddess of war, it was unnaturally isolated and quiet. Few explored the plains, and fewer still battled, both for fear that they might become lost forever unless they were willing to risk turning their swords on themselves. The only ones who willingly came to the odd location were those who wished to be alone with their own thoughts in peace and quiet away from the noise of the feast hall or the constant warring outside.... Or at least that was the case until Anthea found the plains.

"3... 2... 1... Ignition!"

A massive explosion shook the plains, launching dirt dozens of feet into the sky only for it to rain upon the surrounding land. The only thing untouched was the witch who'd caused the apparent natural disaster, hiding behind and underneath a protective steel blast shield of her own design which now had several inches of loose dirt piled atop it. Even though the blast wouldn't have killed her permanently in this place, she still knew the importance of taking the proper precautions. After all, if she didn't take the proper precautions she might end up back at the feast hall and be unable to find where she'd started digging or, even worse, end up with damaged equipment unable to run any proper analyses.

She waited until she was sure the debris had stopped raining to take a peek at her own handiwork, and found herself pleased at what she saw. Anthea's magic-infused powder had done its work well, blasting more than ten feet of dirt and stone out of the way and revealing many layers of the earth that made up the daemonic realm beneath the surface of the previously untouched plains. All she'd needed to do was dig a long, narrow hole and pack it full of the explosive stuff and when she lit the powder it became a much larger hole. A resounding success by any standard, as far as she was concerned.

She'd surely repeat the process many more times in order to go as deep and as quickly as she could, but for the time being she pulled her backpack on, straightened her witch hat, grabbed her broom, and made toward the crater she'd created. The Crolian witch needed to be thorough in examining every layer and taking samples. She would tear the land to pieces if necessary in order to find out what made it all tick, but gaining some actual understanding was the important part. Anthea's work when it came to the daemonic realm might change the face of witchcraft forever if done properly, after all, and first witches have mercy on anyone who ruined her concentration or otherwise hindered her quest.
Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

Well, that settled it. Iordain was lost. Hopelessly so, really. He should have kept to a straight line probably, but he hadn't expected a landscape that stretched on forever, not a landmark one as far as the eye could see. How long had it been since he'd passed beyond the forest? How long had it been since he'd seen another living thing? There weren't even birds up above to speak with and ask the way. But on the plus side it was a beautiful day, the sky clear and cloudless, the temperature more or less just right.

And then, finally, there came a bolt from the blue. An immensely loud explosion, enough to shake the very ground under his feet, a plume of dirt and grass bursting up into the sky in the distance. That... probably wasn't natural. Hopefully. Whatever the case he turned and took off running towards it. Maybe whoever had been the cause of that explosion would know the way back to the more populated part of the realm. Or maybe they would be worth receiving his first challenge since being pulled to this crazy place! He grinned as he ran, his heart quickening; he had never been in a life or death fight before. This was sure to be good fun, free of permanent consequences as it supposedly was.

She came into focus soon enough, closer than he had expected; a woman wearing a fairly stereotypical witch outfit, with a rather large pointed hat and crimson and black robes, a large backpack on her back and a broom in hand. Her blonde hair was the longest he had ever seen before in his life, perhaps even down to her ankles! She was definitely cute, he could tell even from this distance. "Oi!" he called out to her with a high, girlish voice, stopping and waving, "you're the first person I've seen out here! Wanna fight!? Or I guess just... point me towards the feast hall if you'd rather?" He started jogging towards her again, coming into her view. A young man in a flowing white dress that came down to his knees, his silver hair braided across his shoulders and done up in a ponytail, baby blue ribbons tied up in it... Not exactly the normal attire of a warrior, much less a male one. But, well, there's no accounting for upbringing... and he'd never really had anyone to tell him that the way he dressed was odd.
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Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

Always an interruption! Didn't the people in the daemonic realm have anything better to do than to annoy Anthea? The witch spun to face the distraction with annoyance plain on her face, only to find some young waif who looked like she was perpetually about ten seconds away from becoming an orcish cock holster. At least she was cute though, the Crolian supposed. Still, Anthea didn't have time to play with the 'woman's' body today.

"You meet a witch doing work more important than you can probably even comprehend and your first question is if I want to fight you? What is it with you people and wanting to swing your sharpened metal sticks around?" Anthea spat her question, too aggravated to even play at being sweet or polite when confronted with a 'girl' who looked so flimsy and incapable of defending herself, let alone to one who had interrupted her work before it even began. She looked the other 'woman' up and down, scowling at the appearance of another would-be warrior who thought that muscle and metal meant anything at all against real power. "Why is everyone here just a bunch of dumb meatheads who only think about killing and sex and sex-killing?! Why can't anyone see the true potential of this place? I guess it's to be expected from those ugly, brutish men thinking only with their disgusting crotches, but as a fellow woman you should have a working brain about you!"

She sighed and slumped her shoulders in resignation. "Hopeless, the lot of you. I don't have any time to play with you today, little girl," there wasn't even a hint of irony carried in the short witch's tone, "so you'll have to go bother someone else. If you're not smart enough to do magic -- I highly doubt that you are -- then your best bet is to draw your blade and stab yourself in the guts. That'll put you in the feast hall in a few minutes at most, where you'll be out of my hair and can wander somewhere else where you're not in the way of anybody important." Anthea raised her hand and dismissively shooed the 'woman' away. "So be off now. And pace yourself between ending up split on the various beast races' cocks! And whatever you do, don't you dare bother me again!"
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Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

The witch's reaction to Iordain's challenge... That was way different from what he had been expecting. Why would she be so rude to him without reason? That she called him a woman didn't register properly, felt more like she was trying to insult him than that she was genuinely misunderstanding the situation. "Hey!" he shouted, "we got brought here to fight! I'm not some sort of idiot just because I want to spar with you! And I definitely don't want to have sex with a rude, flat witch like you!" He reached to his side and drew his curved sword, pointing it at Anthea and scowling at her. "So shut up and fight me! I'll teach you some manners!" He shifted his weight, staring at the woman in front of him and wishing that the terrain weren't quite so flat and empty... nowhere to take cover if she were to use magic against him. But still, he would show her!
Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

The other 'woman' said words. She said a lot of words, of that the witch was pretty certain. For some reason though, she only really understood one of those words. The ones that came before it were quickly forgotten and the ones afterward sounded so garbled that they were meaningless to Anthea. But the one word she clearly understood had a pronounced effect on her. It made her left eye twitch. Her knuckles turned white as she gripped her broom hard enough for it to creak under the pressure. Her scowl turned into a snarl. The little girl challenging her had said the F word, the most heinous one imaginable.

'She' had called Anthea flat.

"Oh my," Anthea muttered, her words not matching her furious expression at all. "Oh me, oh my.... I'm sorry. I didn't realize you wanted to die so badly! Nor that you wanted it to be so painful! But I can accommodate you!" She briefly considered letting loose on the 'woman' with all of her power and reducing her to nothingness, but that would be too quick. It would be too painless for the terrible sin she had committed. Instead, the witch pointed her broom at the other woman like a gun. The other 'woman' needed to atone. She needed to be broken in body, mind, and spirit before she could be discarded. "Don't worry, I'll set aside plenty of time just for you! I'll give you a thorough tour of what a sentient cock cozy such as yourself can expect during your time here before I send you back to the feast hall!"
Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

Iordain: HP = 89, PP = 42, EP = 47, Status = Fine
Anthea: HP = 82, PP = 46, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Initiative: 56 vs 58, the trap wins!
Anthea's Dodge = 87
Attacks: 107, 126, 103, all hits.
Anthea takes 3 temporary instances of Weakened from Weakening Strikes, which gives her the negative penalties for Body and Mind, though sadly not Spirit.
Damage: 33, 26, 23, each minus 34, for a grand total of 3 damage. Her Warded Robes, however, take 33/2 = 16 damage, then 26/2 = 13 damage, then 23/2 = 12 damage, putting them at 0 TP.

Then Anthea attacks with a net launcher!
Attack: 109 originally before I forgot the loss of attack, which then became... 92 (the fuck dice) vs 35, lol
Grapple: 47 vs 115 DC, again wtf dice

Iordain: HP = 84/89, PP = 42, EP = 47, Status = Fine, Battle Dance, Bound DC 115
Anthea: HP = 82, PP = 46, EP = 82/96, Status = Fine, Transformation X = 12 for Body, Robes at 0/30 TP, 45/48 Temp HP
Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

Anthea's opponent had a bit more spring in her step than the witch had anticipated. Before the spirit wielder could pull the trigger, 'she' was upon the Crolian attempting to slice her into ribbons with 'her' blade. All Anthea could do was to backpedal and summon a last-second burst of her spirit in order to strengthen her flesh against an assault that might've otherwise left her down for the count before the fight even started.

A dizzying array of attacks fell against her, absolutely shredding her robes and managing to leave her topless for a second time. When she got out of this place she was really going to have to invest in sturdier clothing that didn't turn into confetti at the lightest touch of steel. Her last-second spiritual empowerment would pay off though. Even as her opponent expertly targeted tendons and vital points that ought to have left Anthea crippled, the witch's hardened ligaments and muscles underneath her soft flesh withstood the assault as well as if they were lined with steel plating. And her increased durability allowed the witch to take aim despite the withering attacks and blast the other 'woman' with the net launcher on her broom, tangling the human warrior up to the point of near complete helplessness and knocking 'her' away and to the ground in the process.

Finally given some space to breathe, Anthea took a look at the ensnared fighter and grinned at her own handiwork. Sure, the 'woman' still had a blade in hand, but as it stood she could barely move the arm attached to it for how the netting had tangled around her. Under the Crolian's supervision it would require some sort of miracle for the trapped duelist to escape. It looked like the struggling part of the fight was over and it was just about time to move onto administering a few lessons in politeness. And how could Anthea be anything but eager to help this wayward soul overcome 'her' rudeness?

"All that bluster and this is all you have to back it up? I'm almost disappointed, but it's to be expected from an untrained meathead. Don't worry though! As the most talented, smartest, and cutest witch in all of this realm, I'll take all the time I need to make sure you come out of this encounter better educated! And less willing to run that stupid mouth of yours! Are you ready for your first lesson?" Anthea began to casually stroll toward the fallen warrior and her lips widened into a cruel grin as she asked her question. "Now would probably be a pretty good time for you to start apologizing and begging for mercy. You can even cry for your mommy, if you'd like! I won't tell anyone~"
Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

Iordain quickly launched himself at his opponent, his footwork graceful as his blade flashed about, slicing through the witch's robes with ease... but he could tell that he wasn't really accomplishing anything, that somehow her very flesh was as hard as the steel of his blade, if not harder! Blows that should have cut her left wrist nearly in two, carved open her belly, none of them seemed to matter. Of course, he could keep cutting... eventually surely he would find his mark.

What actually happened was a strange, loud sound that came out of the broom she was holding, and the feeling of a net hitting him hard, bursting over him and wrapping around his body. He fell backwards, hitting the ground with a loud thud and a grunt, and immediately began to struggle... and immediately found the net tangled hopelessly around him, weighted to hold him down so that he couldn't stand. His only hope was to cut at it, to force his way out that way, but then... the witch wasn't gone. She was walking towards him, a look on her face that gave him shivers. "You... witch! Using dirty tricks like that!" she shouted, struggling desperately to try and get out of the way of the danger she presented. "I'll never beg someone like you for anything!"
Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

Iordain: HP = 84/89, PP = 42, EP = 47, Status = Fine, Battle Dance, Bound DC 115
Anthea: HP = 82, PP = 46, EP = 82/96, Status = Fine, Transformation X = 12 for Body, Robes at 0/30 TP, 45/48 Temp HP

Anthea's Attack: Hit.
Damage: 25 - 10 = 15 damage.
Iordain's Grapple: Failure.

Iordain: HP = 69/89, PP = 42, EP = 47, Status = Injured, Bound DC 115
Anthea: HP = 82, PP = 46, EP = 82/96, Status = Fine, Transformation X = 5 for Body, Robes at 0/30 TP, 17/20 Temp HP
Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

"Why yes, I am a witch! Thank you for more of your insightful, ever-relevant commentary! And I think I should inform you that a trick doesn't become dirty just because you're too much of a meathead to understand basic engineering," Anthea scoffed as she came to stand over her trapped opponent. Gripping her broom right above the straw with one hand, she pressed the butt against the warrior's sword in order to trap it against the ground and make it near impossible to make any real swing at the witch. "But that's all beside the point. Don't you think you have bigger concerns than honor and your pride right now?"

She looked down upon the 'woman' with sadistic glee in her eyes. Such a pretty face and a well-proportioned body, the Crolian witch would thoroughly enjoy seeing them stained with tears, sweat, and cum. No point in rushing though. Her opponent wasn't officially hers yet, since she hadn't quite won the battle. And it was of vital importance that she was thorough in all parts of the 'woman's' lesson. She just needed to decide where to start....

With another cruel grin, she picked her foot up and stomped as hard as she could on the fallen warrior's stomach, right about where 'her' uterus would've been if 'she' had actually been a woman. Anthea would follow up by grinding the toe of her boot through the fabric of the fighter's dress to exacerbate the fresh pain. "That looked like it hurt!" Anthea happily exclaimed, her grin wider than ever. "Did I pop an ovary there or is it going to take a second attempt?" She picked her foot up again, readying to kick the other 'woman' again.
Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

Iordain struggled against the net and the witch's broom as she trapped his sword against the ground, and made more or less no progress. He glared up at the half-naked woman in front of him, the first woman he'd ever seen in such a state of undress, though the circumstances weren't exactly pleasant for him regardless of how cute she may or may not have been. "Oh screw you" he grumbled in frustration, "I'm not some meathead! And you're jus-" He was cut off by her foot slamming into his stomach, hard enough to make him feel a little bit nauseous as his body instinctively tried to curl up to protect itself. She ground her heel into his guts, a grimace crossing his face... This wasn't a fight anymore, it was just cruelty. "Guuuuh... shut up! I swear to Gods..." He groaned at the comment on his supposed ovaries, thinking that she was taking the taunting a little bit far on that count, but he had other things to worry about. Like how a girl with a frame so slight could hit so damn hard. No one he had ever sparred with had been able to hurt him like that without a weapon, and he was certainly not used to it. He needed to make it stop, and fast.
Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

Iordain: HP = 69/89, PP = 42, EP = 47, Status = Injured, Bound DC 115
Anthea: HP = 82, PP = 46, EP = 82/96, Status = Fine, Transformation X = 5 for Body, Robes at 0/30 TP, 17/20 Temp HP

Iordain's Grapple: Failure.
Anthea's Attack: Hit.
Damage: 29 - 10 = 19 damage.

Iordain: HP = 50/89, PP = 42, EP = 47, Status = Injured, Bound DC 115
Anthea: HP = 82, PP = 46, EP = 82/96, Status = Fine, Transformation X = 5 for Body, Robes at 0/30 TP, 17/20 Temp HP

Anthea's Attack: Hit.
Damage: 40 - 10 = 30 damage.
Iordain's Grapple: Failure.

Iordain: HP = 20/89, PP = 42, EP = 47, Status = Injured, Bound DC 115
Anthea: HP = 82, PP = 46, EP = 82/96, Status = Fine, Transformation X = 5 for Body, Robes at 0/30 TP, 17/20 Temp HP

Anthea tries to disarm Iordain, which I am fluffing as a grapple check!
Grapple: Anthea wins, he is disarmed. And also does not escape.

Iordain: HP = 20/89, PP = 42, EP = 47, Status = Injured, Bound DC 115
Anthea: HP = 82, PP = 46, EP = 82/96, Status = Fine, Transformation X = 5 for Body, Robes at 0/30 TP, 17/20 Temp HP
Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

"What do you swear to the Gods? Hm? Ooh, ooh, let me guess! You swear to the gods that you're going to get out of that net and punish me for all my wrongdoings! You swear that you'll spank me like my mother should've! You swear that you'll grow a fat dick and plug my mouth with it so I shut up! Am I close? Stop me when I get the right one, I've heard just about everything since I was pulled into this realm!" Anthea cackled at her own words. As far as she was concerned, it took nothing short of the worst of meatheads to believe that the universe valued some arbitrary sense of justice over intelligence and raw power. "I hate to have to be the one tell you this, but there are no gods here! Just little ol' me, and powerless, helpless you...."

"We're going to have to toughen you up if you're going to make it in this place and avoid becoming a mind-broken cum dump! Let's start on the outside," Anthea raised her foot again.... And before the fallen warrior could do anything to defend the witch's new target, she stomped on his groin and ground into it again. The only thing saving Iordain from losing a testicle to her attack was that she couldn't get a clear shot due to the netting and the way he had attempted to curl up. The glancing nature of the blow and the thickness of her own boots also kept Anthea from realizing exactly what she'd struck, the only thing she noticed was that the stomp felt strangely more satisfying than she was expecting. "Let's strengthen that cunt of yours up to prepare it for all the monster cocks that'll be slamming into it!"

The witch would content herself like that for a few moments longer, worsening the pain by leaving the weight of her foot on the 'woman's' crotch. But Anthea's cruelties were as fickle as she was, and when she quickly grew bored she wasted little time in choosing a new place to inflict pain on her opponent. Even as her foot remained in place, Anthea lifted her broom from Iordain's blade, spun it around in her hand so that the straw side was pointed at the duelist, and then pressed the straw against the hand holding the sword. With the press of a button, the spring-loaded blade kept hidden inside the straw of the broom shot out and impaled the 'woman's' sword hand to the ground, trading one pain for another as Anthea finally let off of 'her' crotch in order to kneel and pry the sword from Iordain's now-wounded hand.

The witch would, of course, not remain silent for long as she took the blade in hand and rose to her feet. "So, have you reconsidered begging yet? You might want to real soon! If you're convincing, I might skip right to the nicer parts of your lesson. If not, well, let's just say I'm about to get a whole lot more insistent about changing your terrible attitude..." as Anthea spoke, she took the handle of the blade in one hand and the point in the other as if to inspect it. It would quickly become clear that she was doing far more than just looking at it, however, as black fire emanated from her hand around the tip of the weapon, swiftly heating it until it glowed red hot. At the rate the glow crept along the surface of the steel, Iordain wouldn't have long to make a decision before the crolian showed the 'woman' exactly what she had in store.
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Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

Iordain didn't have much of a response to Anthea's taunting. He had trailed off precisely because he didn't know what to say to her, didn't have a clue. He struggled to pull his sword out from under her broom, to try and get out of this horrible net, but there was nothing he could do. "There's at least one" he replied to the comment about there being no gods... Of course they were in a godly realm, one version of heaven that they had all been thrown into. Of course, that particular goddess certainly wasn't going to help him, didn't care if the witch disemboweled him and left him to die slowly. A thought that made him tremble a little bit, a hint of fear rising within him. This had gone more poorly than he had imagined it could, really...

His opponent lifted her foot again, and before he could even realize what she was doing to try and move out of the way she stomped down hard on his crotch; a somewhat glancing blow, but still accurate enough that her boot fell heavily on his penis, clipping one of his balls. The boy let out a loud, high-pitched cry of pain, his hazel eyes shooting open wide; it hurt, badly, and as Anthea ground the heel of her boot into him he quivered with pain. Maybe he wasn't cut out for all this... this fighting stuff. Maybe he had decided poorly. She mentioned "strengthening his cunt" as he tried to squirm out from under her, to shake his blade free of her broom, but it didn't really register as anything other than a cruel joke to him, a taunt by a vicious opponent. As he struggled she pulled the broom off his sword, allowing him to try desperately to cut the net, but soon enough he felt the straw part of the broom come down on his hand... and then a sharp pain hit him, a concealed blade shooting through his hand and sticking it to the ground. He let out a shriek, dropping his sword as his hand flexed open and twitched fitfully.

Even moreso than it had been before, the fight was over now. The witch picked up Iordain's sword and held it, and without that he couldn't do anything caught in her net, couldn't even call for a summon to help him. She taunted him more, encouraged him to beg to her, and for a moment he hesitated... but then he saw what she was doing to his weapon, saw the flames heating it brightly, and something in him quailed as he realized what she was going to do with it. "H-hey" he said quickly, "I've already lost... p-please, you don't have to... to go any further! I'm helpless, I won't do anything!" His eyes were wide and still full of pain, fear having crept into them now as well as he gazed up through the net at the topless witch who had bested him so easily, shivering as he wondered if that would be enough.
Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

"Technicalities," she responded. "I think she's supportive of this arrangement, so as far as you're concerned there's really not."

Later on, when Iordain finally broke and pleaded for mercy, Anthea regarded 'her' with annoyance. Why'd 'she' have to wait until the best part to finally give up? Disappointing. Still, the witch wasn't wholly without a heart. And seeing the other 'woman' finally realize her place and beg with that delicious fear in her eyes gave the crolian hope for the fighter's future. And maybe aroused her just a little bit. She'd still leave the fallen 'woman' in suspense for a few moments before she finally tossed the hot sword aside and grinned down at 'her,' but Iordain would at least be spared one form of rod.

"See! That wasn't so hard," Anthea remarked as she casually yanked her broom's spring blade out of the warrior's hand and retracted it. She would set the broom gently on the ground and pull off her backpack to set it beside her favored tool before retrieving a vial of clear liquid from the latter. "There was really no need for it to all be so painful for you! All I need now from you is a proper, enthusiastic apology and I'll let you go~ Before we get started on the more pleasant part of your lesson though, let's get rid of all this stuff that's in the way." The witch uncorked her concoction and poured a generous amount of the icy cold liquid over Iordain before setting the bottle aside.

The chemicals did their work within seconds of dousing their target, dissolving rope and clothing alike into nothingness but doing nothing to flesh, and eventually leaving the fallen 'woman' completely nude. Iordain's newly exposed body would, of course, quickly reveal that 'she' was no woman. That, in turn, managed the impossible and rendered Anthea speechless, if only for several long seconds as she looked at the young man's dick with bewilderment on her face. "What in the name of the thirteenth book of witchcraft am I looking at here? You're.... You're a boy? But you're so feminine and cute. You're nothing like any man I've ever seen before. They're all masculine and hairy and disgusting."

She was too curious to be able to help herself. On instinctive reaction alone, Anthea dropped into a kneel beside the fallen boy and reached out to give his penis a few testing pokes. The witch's cheeks burned a little as it occurred to her that she was willingly touching another person's penis, somehow leaving her embarrassed where all the atrocities she had committed on the bodies of others had failed. But she didn't let that stop her from continuing her physical examination of him.

"It's so small and adorable, but you really are a boy," she gave his testes a gentle squeeze as if to confirm her own statement. Afterward, her hand moved to caressing Iordain's short length in an attempt to coax it to whatever its full length might be. The tiny dick before her was actually kind of pleasant, unlike all those ugly, giant things that every other male in the war goddess's realm seemed to be packing. And, unfortunately for the feminine man, that pleasantness combined with his femininity only made Anthea want to play with him and, by extension, torment him more. The pain might truly prove to be over for him, but the witch's cruel games were far from done. The only real question was how Iordain's dignity would take the new turn of events, and whether he'd voice it.
Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

Iordain shuddered as he looked up into the witch's eyes fearfully, wondering if he was going to be let off without her doing whatever it was she was planning with his sword... When she finally chucked it aside he breathed out a sigh of relief, the shift quite obvious on his face. He grimaced as the blade was pulled out of his hand, letting out a quiet grunt and looking at the wound. Strangely enough the wound closed swiftly, the pain fading; he had heard of this happening, that at the end of battles most wounds were quickly healed. The proof, he supposed, that his admission of defeat had been final according to the rules of this world. That he was hers, to do with as she pleased... That seemed to be better to him than having continued and received Anthea's sadistic attention in that way, at least.

He could only watch as the witch rifled through her backpack, wondering what she had in store for him. The clear vial of liquid she pulled out didn't mean anything to him on sight... Was she going to drink a potion? Or maybe make him drink one? When she told him that she was going to need a real apology from him and then she'd let him go he wasn't quite sure what to think, especially when she mentioned that there was a more pleasant part of his "lesson" to go through. That seemed... contradictory, somehow?

Whatever the case he let out a gasp as she poured the bottle over his head, and the liquid almost instantly dissolved the net around him, the ribbons in his hair, and then his clothes... "Cold!" he gasped out, shivering; it felt like he had just had a bucket of ice water dumped over his head. The realization that he was naked in front of a woman for the first time in his life only dawned on him slowly, as the witch stared at him almost dumbfounded. He had quite the slender and feminine body, almost completely hairless, but of course the subject of her confusion was between his legs; a small cock that rested atop a little pair of balls, practically tiny compared to what was average and normal. "Of course I'm a boy" he protested quietly, his cheeks quickly lighting up in an embarrassed blush. He wasn't sure how to take the rest of it... Being cute was a positive, right? Maybe this was going to be nice.

The witch sank down next to him then, poking his dick as he bit his lip, his shaft slowly twitching to life. He couldn't help but feel embarrassed at the way she was touching him (this was not the way he had expected his first time to go), but at the same time he was starting to become aroused at the thought of what she might do with her winners' rights. Was she actually going to fuck him? He was probably closer to the mark than he could have realized, after a fashion... "It's not that small... is it?" he protested lamely, genuinely unsure about his size... but if his being small was what convinced Anthea to wrap her hand around him, practically swallowing his shaft in her warm, soft hand, then it was fine by him. "Ahh... ahhhh... oooooh..." he moaned out as she started to stroke him ever so slightly, those little noises embarrassing him, and yet he couldn't help it. His eyes stole a glance at her body, still half-naked, and though he wouldn't dare to say it he wished she wasn't quite so flat... Still, the sight of her body and the feeling of her hand rubbing him gently soon had his prick at full attention; it was quite thin, enough so that she could get the tip of her index finger nestled in halfway between the knuckles of her thumb, and was juuuuust barely three inches long, if that. He looked at her hopefully, still envisioning that she would play with him a little more before properly making a man out of him... How far from the truth that would end up being he had no way of knowing.
Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

"Oh yes, it's positively tiny! The smallest I've ever seen. So small that you probably wouldn't even miss it if it was removed. I've even seen pixies larger and thicker than your little quill dick! Hey, that gave me an idea for a good nickname for you! I'll call you pixie dick. What do you think? Hm, pixie dick?" The witch asked, her eyes alight with sadistic glee and her lips beginning to curl into the cruel grin she'd had earlier. Despite that, she didn't stop her intentionally slow stroking of the boy's manhood. It was impossible to use her entire hand on it due to its size, so she limited herself to her middle finger, pointer finger, and thumb. With her free hand she would show him the difference between his size and a regular penis, bringing her flat palm to a halt in the air about three inches past the tip of his dick. "An average one would be at least this long. And the ones people use around this realm are about this long," she moved her hand another three inches higher. "You're not even close! Yours is so slender too. It's practically a clit!"

"And those girly noises you're making! I think your gods got something mixed up when you were born! You're like a whimpering little puppy. Or maybe you just want to be my dog? Is that it? Does this little bit of handiwork feel so good that you'd whine and beg for it? Boys are so hopeless. From terrified to melting in my hands and all it took was touching your pixie dick. Don't you have any shame?" She sped up a little bit, though not enough to bring Iordain to satisfaction. Anthea was no succubus. She couldn't read his body like an open book to know when to start and stop in her motions, so to make up for that she simply stayed so frustratingly slow in her stroking that there was no way he could get off from it.

His state of mind was another matter entirely however, and Anthea felt confident enough just by what she could read of his reactions to continue by making a little guess. "Wait... you're a virgin, aren't you? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, given the way you look. Your ass is probably the only part of you that's ever been in a position to get some real action. Honestly! I'm starting to think this is some elaborate joke. There's no way someone as pitiful as you are ever thought you could walk up and challenge a witch and actually win. Was this what you were hoping for? To lose and beg your way into a pity handjob?"

Anthea would pick up the pace again, now actually going fast enough that the virginal boy would probably cum if given a little bit of time under her ministrations. She sighed dramatically before continuing. "But you lost to me, not the other way around. There's nothing inherently fun about giving a virgin loser a handjob. And you'd have to be a complete moron to believe I'd ever let you penetrate me! If you want me to make you cum even with just my hand then you're going to have to amuse me. I want you to degrade yourself further for me. Admit that you want to be my dog, and then prove it by barking and I might take pity on you," Anthea looked Iordain in the eye with a wide grin as she made her demand. Her words were far from an empty threat, each passing second that he refused to cede to her demands caused the witch's strokes to come slower and it would continue until her hand was all but immobile around his shaft. Of course, the only way to see what she'd actually do if he acquiesced was to give in and start barking.
Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

Iordain's gaze fell as Anthea began to ridicule his cock, his cheeks burning with shame. He couldn't look her in the eye, not like this... so his eyes wandered down to watch her stroke him. She was only using a couple of fingers, teasing him almost painfully slowly, just enough to feel nice but not enough to get him anywhere. "H-hey, don't call me that" he protested when she called him "pixie dick," feeling as if he wanted to curl up into a ball and shrivel up. Still, her hand was so soft, so insistent... He couldn't help but breathe heavily, letting out quiet little gasps every so often, much to his consternation.

When the witch began to show him just how much smaller he was than the average man he let out a whimper; that was almost double his actual size! Maybe even a little bit more! "That's a lie" he whimpered, "you're exaggerating. I'm not... I'm not that small!" He had no way of knowing, of course, but... somewhere inside of him he knew that even if she was embellishing the truth she was probably right on some level. Something told him that if he were to find some random guy willing to drop his pants in this realm he would be sorely disappointed at the comparison... He couldn't think long on it, though, because she never let up. She was constantly talking at him, tormenting him over every little thing... He tried to control himself more as she made her fingers glide more swiftly over his shaft, tried to make fewer of those noises she was so goading him over, but still... "I can't help that it feels good" he mumbled, "why are you being... so awful? Why are you making me feel good and taunting me for feeling good? I'm not begging for anything! What have I begged for?" he asked, a tiny bit of defiance, even anger, creeping into his voice and his eyes.

Of course, then the witch called him out on his virginity and started to really stroke him, her fingers gliding over his cock almost as fast as he usually masturbated, and the mix of pleasure and embarrassment caused him to avert his eyes again, feeling the heat in his cheeks... He couldn't bring himself to respond to her, couldn't think of a damn thing to say that she wouldn't throw back into his face. And besides... soon enough he had to try really hard to keep all his various noises under control. "Ah... Ah! Ooooooooh..." he groaned softly, his hips bucking up just a little before he bit his lip hard, trying desperately to stop giving her fuel to make fun of him with. He just couldn't hold it in though, couldn't suppress his body's reactions; it just felt so much better when it was someone else's hand somehow. And then she demanded that he bark like a dog, or else she wouldn't allow him to finish. He whimpered quietly, not replying for a moment as she slowly decreased his stimulation, rubbing him slower and slower... until he finally turned to look her in the eye again. "I'm... more than just a dog! I'm not going to bark for you or beg you. Leave me alone" he replied, conflicted emotions showing on his face. The embarrassment at being naked in front of the witch and feeling so good, the pleasure he was feeling and the desire to have her help him cum, the fear that she might do something rather unkind to him, all of them mingled together inside of him as he gazed at her with his big hazel eyes just a tiny bit wet...
Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

"Wrong answer~♪" Anthea responded with her typical cruel grin. Her motionless hand slipped away from his cock in order to grab his balls, and then she squeezed hard enough to send a shock of pain through him. The only mercy she offered was that the pressure was brief, before she pulled her hand away again and wiped his own precum on his cheek.

"It seems like you need another lesson. A verbal one, this time." The witch laid down on her side, close enough that Iordain could feel her bare chest against his skin. Her face came so close to his that he could feel her breath with every word. Through it all, her hand crept back down toward his crotch, though rather than giving his petite cock anymore attention she simply dragged her fingers across and around his pelvis, playing at the idea that she might offer him some more pleasure. "I'm 'being awful' to you, as you so brazenly put it earlier, because I can! I'm strong and I'm tormenting you because you're too weak to stop me. And nobody's coming to save you. And it's fun. And I really want to see you cry~"

"Really, given how I normally treat the idiotic men who challenge me, you're lucky that you're cute! The only use I have for losers who aren't cute is dissecting them! And if you weren't, I'd probably get my fill of torturing you by cutting that little toothpick of yours off and using it to clean your teeth. Or maybe I'd heat up that sword of yours and take your anal virginity in a very memorable way," she giggled. But any sense of mirth she might have given off was fleeting, as her face immediately darkened and she continued. "I still will, if you don't learn to play by my rules and start trying your hardest to entertain me."

And just as suddenly she would hop up to her feet, lips spreading into another bright grin which didn't quite reach her cold eyes. "So! Let's start over from the beginning. My name is Anthea, daughter of Thea, granddaughter of Anthea, and I'm a genius at Crolian witchcraft! You are a weak meathead who's going to be my human dog slave, regardless of your opinion on the matter, until the rules of this realm steal you from me! And let me explain to you exactly what's going to happen, as to not leave any room for excuses in that pixie dick-sized brain of yours! For the next several hours, we're going to play a game!" The crolian would pause, reaching down to take off her boots and setting them aside, leaving only her thigh high socks between her feet and the grass. "I'm going to torment you until I'm fully satisfied, and you're going to do everything I say no matter how much it hurts or makes you feel bad or even causes you to cry like a little baby! You're going to do these things because I'll enjoy them, but also because I'm only going to give you three chances."

She held up three fingers, as if to demonstrate. "Should you refuse," one finger went down, "fail to follow my orders for any reason," another went down, "or disappoint me in any other way," the final went down, "three times before the game is over, I'll have to get really mean. And I guarantee that within a few minutes of me getting really mean, you'll be begging for the release of death, a release that I won't let you have for hours! And even when my magics can't keep you alive for a second longer, you'll appear back in the feast hall with full memory of everything I did to you. I imagine that would be a very interesting experience for you, remembering every sensation of being tortured literally to death!"

"But! If you're a good boy who entertains me properly, I'll give you plenty of rewards!" Anthea's foot moved to the trap's cock and began to softly rub against the underside of it, stroking it with her sole. "I'll give you more than just my feet and hands, to start with. And if you're really, really good and entertain me more than the rest of the idiots I've dealt with around here, I might even make a proper adult out of you~ So, what do you say? Are you ready to bark like a dog now? It's your choice! I'll have my fun either way~♪" Her footwork never stopped, but as she asked and finally went silent to await his answer she brought up three fingers again to remind him of what was at stake.
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Re: A Hole in the Ground (ToC PvP Arena)

Iordain shuddered as the witch ran her hand down his cock, reaching for his little balls... and then let out a high-pitched yelp as she squeezed them tightly, squirming as if to try and get away from the woman causing him such pain. Thankfully it didn't last long before she let go of him, her hand reaching u to stroke his cheek. Her fingers were wet with the precum he had started to leak steadily as she stroked him, and she took the opportunity to wipe them clean on his pale cheek before laying down beside him, scooting in close to his body. He turned to look into her eyes as she nuzzled her breasts in against his arm, the first time he'd ever felt a woman in such a way, her face so close to his that their noses were almost touching, her breath warm against his lips. Her hand reached down, fingers lightly teasing against his slender hips, along the inside of his thigh, just a couple of inches from his cock... It would have seemed like a tender, intimate moment to someone who wasn't aware of the context.

Instead a fearful feeling was growing inside of him with each passing second, each word that she uttered. He shuddered against her as she told him that she was being so unkind to him simply because she could, and because it amused her to see him suffer... He really was screwed, wasn't he? No one was anywhere near them to save him, and even if they were they probably wouldn't bother. He let out an involuntary gasp when she mentioned that if he weren't so cute she'd probably have cut his dick off by now, his hazel eyes going wide at the mental image she provided, which only got more intense as she envisioned heating his sword white-hot again and forcing it into his rear... And she giggled. Actually giggled. Why had he stumbled across her, of all people? He had never met anyone who seemed so gleeful in their sadism, so when she declared that she might still do those horrible things to him if he didn't straighten up and do as she wanted he had no doubt that she actually would.

"P-please no" he whimpered quietly as Anthea scooted away from him and stood, "that won't be..." He gazed up at her as she started to explain what she wanted from him, watching as she slipped her boots off... Her description of the "game" they were going to play fairly well terrified Iordain. There was no winning this game for him, only losing slightly less than he otherwise might... Tears started to well up into his eyes as she threatened to torture and murder him quite brutally if he used up his three strikes, his fears not assuaged by the promise of "plenty of rewards" if he were to please her. Somehow he wasn't confident that her idea of a reward matched up with his, or would make up with what he would have to do to obtain them... Still, he couldn't help but squirm a little bit more when she brought her foot down gently on his little prick, clad now in a soft black sock, and then started to rub up and down its length. In truth it felt even nicer than her hand, and even though he didn't believe that she really would give him more than just that if he were a good boy maybe that would be enough...

Iordain let out a quiet moan as she stroked him with her foot, glaring down with her three fingers raised, demanding that he bark for her or begin suffering the consequences. He looked up at her, his lips quivering, his eyes watery... he had to. There was no alternative worth considering. All he had to do was survive this next few hours, even if he had to degrade himself to do it. "Woof" he said quietly, his cheeks lighting up with an embarrassed blush, his gaze averting from hers. "Woof..." He couldn't bring himself to be loud about it, to confidently belt out a bark, but in his own quiet and high-pitched way he was trying.