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A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

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Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Vince is sitting in a chair in the back room of a bar looking across the table at his opponent. This guy is good. Vince has barely been able to break even the past few games. Looking at his cards, Vince is deciding whether to raise or fold when an announcement comes on over the radio.

This just in. The town of Jelton, less than 50 miles away has just reported zombie sightings. I'd suggest people start getting ready, because it looks like we'll be next in the path once the zombies are done there, and the national guard are staying locked down tight with the president in Hawaii.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Vince casts the radio the briefest glance, then regards his buddy... well, more like opponent at the moment, searching for a reaction. "That's it, you could jet now and leave me the dough, Johnny. Be savin' yer own life, unless yer that intent on beating me."

Zombies, pff. He'd heard the broadcasts, seen the reports. Still, he couldn't rightly bring himself to believe it... besides, where there were panics, there was looting to be done. No way he was gonna take off in the middle of this!
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Ha! Like I'm going to do that. Do I look like a charity or something? Give me a break. I'd say we finish this round and then check to see which stores we can liberate loot from. Johnny replies. Scanning his cards, So what do you have? He asks.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"You sure yer not a charity? Because my cards are sayin' otherwise," Vince announced, laying his hand out for his opponent to see. Not the best hand, but it was high enough that he was under the impression that he might be getting somewhere, finally, hopefully. As much as he loathed Johnny, he had to admit that he liked the way the guy thought.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Johnny looks at Vince's cards before looking at his and then looks up again. Bloody Hell. We have the same damn hand. He says, dropping his cards out on the table. Having played a game with a few wilds thrown in for fun, the two now see that, using those wilds, they both have identical full houses. Gah, I guess you get to keep you half of the pot, and I get mine. Johnny says as he reaches out to grab his portion. After this, why don't we head down to the Wallmart nearby. Won't have the most cash, but the amount of goods should be through the roof.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"You fuckin' stinker," Vince replied, eyeballing the two hands to make sure that Johnny wasn't cheating. Fair enough! Dividing up the pot, he groaned as he got to his legs. Damn leg was never easy to stand on, even after all these years. The thing itched.

"Let's roll, and don't go shooting anyone unless they groan for your brains, got it?" he winked. The silver of his teeth showed when he grinned, revealing many repaired or fixed teeth.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Judging from the radio talker, we don't have to worry about that just yet. Johnny says as the pair head outside. True enough, that wasn't what they had to worry about. Large masses of people are rushing about in a panic, knocking over and trampling anyone who get's in their way. The crosswalks are starting to fill with the mutilated remains of people who have gotten in the way of cars. All the cars nearby seem to either be in the process of being stolen, or being converted to clown cars. Standing in the shelter of the bar's entrance, Johnny asks, So, Wallmart first? Oh, and can I shoot people now? No one would notice.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"Jeeeezuz Christ," Vince whistled, watching the chaos ensue. "You wanna try'n get to Wallmart in this shitstorm?" He could just imagine trying to limp through this monstrous mess... there was no way that he was taking his baby out through this!
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Eh, we should probably drive if we are going. Besides, If we don't get over to your ride soon, it probably won't be there. Johnny says, gesturing at where people are hotwiring cars. Besides, it's not like you're going to a car show after this, and a rust red paint job might look good on you hood.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"Fuck you, Johnny," Vince told the other man irritably, all but biting his nails as he realized his car's likely plight. "Fine, let's give it a try, alright? If they're trying to steal her, then yeah, put a hole through 'em." And off he went, nervy about what he might find...
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

The pair forces their way around to the back of the bar where the mass of people has dropped off enormously. Most people seem to be sticking to the main roads as opposed to alleys and dead end parking lots. However, as the two approach they can see a pair of young men trying to pick open Vince's car.

So, how you want to do this, Vince? Johnny asks, rubbing the small pistol he keeps hidden in his jacket.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"Son of a... HEY!" Vince shouts at the punks, "you little shits get the fuck away from there!" He didn't have a gun on him (stupid move, that) but he did cast a look to Johnny... So long's the man didn't wreck the car, the two he considered fair fuckin' game.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

The two guys turn around and start posturing until they see Johnny's pistol, H-hey, now. There's no need for that. We were just going. They say before taking off.

Johnny simple stands there and mutters, Fucking pansies, they're all tough until it comes to a real fight.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Vince spat on the ground, too disgruntled to actually posture at the moment. Rushing as quickly as he could, he hurried to his car to see what damage they'd done. "Damn fuckin' sons of bitches," he muttered, turning to Johnny. "They'll be dead soon enough if the radio's right," he told the man, unlocking his door and lowering himself in. "Get in."
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

The car doesn't seem damaged except for a few scratches by the lock. Fortunately, no one else seems to have tried to get in, likely because the car was in a back lot. Opening the other door, Johnny slides in. So, Wallmart, first? And remember: pedestrians are 10 points each.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Vince snorted at his buddy, only mourning the scratches briefly... given what they were up against, he didn't expect that his car would last in its current state for much longer. "Yeah well, tell that to the first fat broad who leaves a dent up the middle of the front fender." Starting the vehicle up, getting a feel for how his foot was positioned on the gas, he revved the engine a couple of times, then began to back out of the alley. A crook he might be, but reckless, he usually wasn't. He'd be dead or caught by now if otherwise, right?
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Backing out, Vince bumps into a few pedestrians on the sidewalk, and is left to look at cars speeding by out of the city in both lanes of the road. Leaving him to wonder: how exactly was he planning to leave the alley.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Well, given that he was driving a sporty little thing, he didn't want to take his chances with the larger vehicles... gauging which his car could handle (and cursing quietly the entire time, though he was too busy watching and estimating to notice) the man was somewhat annoyed that using his horn only added to the cacophony... his hands shook under his usual smarmy resolve. At the rate this was going, he was going to need his meds pretty quick, nevermind four a day at this, this, this and this time a day.

Whatever; Vince found an opening (not a sane opening, but one that would give him a chance in hell of screaming out of the alley) and, horn blaring, swung out to take it, heading toward the Wallmart and uttering mingled curses and prayers that they didn't get crushed on the way. Hot damn, one'd think that with this much time to prepare, hearing about the damned outbreaks, people who wanted out would have gotten out already. Fucking moronic piles of shit waiting to happen, as far as he was concerned (and never mind that he was still in Milton... He wanted to be here, at least for now.)
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Vince darts out into the traffic with his car and manages to lose the left side view mirror as well as most of the paint as another car scrapes by him. After that' however, the driving is a bit easier as other drivers have a clearer line of sight, and Vince only ends up hitting three pedestrians one the way to the Wallmart. Namely, two teenagers and an old lady.

Once at the Wallmart, Vince is witness to the view of nearly twenty cars parked near it as other people get the same idea as him. From here, he can see people rushing in with carts to grab stuff while others come out. Some of whom empty the carts out into a car.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Cursing more with every pedestrian he hits, Vince at least made it to the sprawling parking lot without damage to himself. Looking at the mad rush, he shook his head at Johnny. "Shit, man, there is no way I'm gonna get through that mob," he told the other man. He had a hard enough time maneuvering the store on a normal day, let alone when it was being mobbed like this.
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