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A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

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Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

So you want to try the apartment then? Or shall we go driving and waste gas? Johnny asks, challenging Vince to come up with a better idea.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Vince thought about that -- the parking lot and store were clearing out fast (despite the trampling, mobbing a place seemed to work, incredibly!) but he still felt like he had time to think.

He had a few people working labs; small labs, mostly cobbled together to avoid detection within houses or apartments, but still fairly secure places none the less around the city. If they could make it to one of those, he'd have all the equipment that he needed to work the drugs he held in his arms, and maybe a source of energy and water off the grid in the event that they were in this for longer than a couple of days. (Oh Vince, not realizing the full scope of this disaster!) Plenty of ratholes to dart through, in some cases, should they need to make a quick retreat.

"Yeah, I got an idea," he eventually told Johnny. "Remember Lou and Tina's place, 64th and 10th?"

He'd have less of his own supplies at home than he would there. Those two ran a nigh on impregnable joint that he'd been meaning to get more of a cut of for years.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Yeah. Hiding out in a drug lab? Might work. If the cops couldn't find it then maybe the zombies won't either. Johnny says in response, We may have to make a few food runs later on. I don't know how much grub they have in that place.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"Yeah, food," Vince scowled so that his marked face took on a more grisly mask. "Fuck, grub's gonna be hard t'come by, isn't it? Well, we can scope around and see if there's gonna be anything nearby before the shit completely hits the fan. I've got a map in the car, if it comes down to that," he told Johnny.

Settling back in the car, he waited for the other man to get in before starting up and away to their destination.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Getting into the car, Johnny replies. So, just go there, dump everything but our guns, and the try and find some eats to store? Sounds workable. Let's go then.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"If noone's around to dispute it, yeah, that's it." Vince watched the roads to avoid plowing in to anyone or anything, if possible.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

This time, moving through the streets is much easier with the number of people having fallen significantly, although he does have to run over corpses on a fairly regular basis.

Eventually, Vince turns into a small alley with a small staircase leading down to a basement nearby. So, shall we see if anyone's home? Johnny asks.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Parking the car, turning it off, Vince left all but his rifle (which he was loading now) in the seat. "Lead the way, Johnny boy," he grinned lopsidedly at the man, pushing his car door open with his elbow to still his shaking hands.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Johnny, taking his pistol, moves down the stairs to the basement door. Knocking on it, the pair hears nothing. Trying the door, Johnny finds it unlocked, even slightly opened. You want to go first? He asks, opening the door to the darkness beyond.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"You would risk my neck, wouldn't ya?" Vince replied, mouth quirked. "Alright, move over." Pushing the door open with the muzzle of the rifle, Vince entered the room on high alert. He searched for a light switch, unless there had already been ample signs that power was being shut down in the city. In that case, he'd call, "Lou, Tina? Knock knock, you've got company."
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Flipping on the lights, the pair are rewarded with the sounds of maoning from the back room. To this Johnny responds, Oh give me a break! They're fucking during all of this?
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Vince, snorting, then laughing, dropped the rifle. He was tempted to walk in on them with the weapon pointed their way, scare the shit right outta them, but he'd probably be rewarded with a shot in the gut for it. These two hadn't survived so long without being canny or at least paranoid as fuck.

Still, there really wasn't time for this. They'd be pissed that they'd missed some kind of last warning bell, for sure.

Walking to the back of the room, he looked for a door to a bedroom. "Lou, Tina," called he, "it's Vince! Get th'fuck outta the sack. Jelton's a creep-town; you wanna save your asses, it's get outta here or hole up, speaking of which..." he had in mind some negotiating. No better time to do it than when the other guy's got his metaphorical (or literal) pants around his ankles...
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Disturbingly, not only does Vince here more moaning in response, but the moaning comes from several different rooms along with the sound of movement. Oh fuck, please tell me that isn't what I think it is. Johnny mutters.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Vince scowled, not entirely sure, but willing to bet. "This ain't funny, Lou," he called, opening the nearest door from which he heard noise with caution, careful to put his good foot behind him to back of real quick, should there be need. "You don't pull this kinda shit when there're real zombies runnin' around, ya fuckin' jackass!"
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

The first thing Vince notices is a large amount of blood on the ground, the second would be Lou's body, and the third, and most alarming, is the thing eating Lou's body. A thing which slowly turns to face Vince. You could almost believe it was a person except for the way blood covered its face and dripped down to the torn clothes it is wearing.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"Oh, shit," Vince did that backing up now. Bringing his rifle up, he backed away, towards Johnny. "Place ain't safe, Johnny, let's get the hell outta here," suggested he. He wasn't going to stick around now, considering there were noises coming from other rooms, too...
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

As Vince starts walking away, the zombie swivels to its feet and starts a stumbling walk towards him. This is no Hollywood shambling monster; the only thing slowing it down is a lack of coordination causing it to stumble every few steps. As it moves towards him it begins to moan loudly, a sound which is echoed from the other rooms. Shit! They're pushing through the other doors! Johnny says before Vince starts to here his footsteps start moving towards the exit.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"No fucking kidding," Vince replied, voice raised in alarm. He turned after Johnny, doing his best to hurry out of the room. No way was he letting the person... creep, whatever, get too close!
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Vince starts heading for the exit, but an odd sound causes him to duck to the side. Immediately, the zombie goes tumbling by, having attempted a clumsy leap to catch him. Quickly, however, it begins to stumble to it's feet again.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

That leap had just about had him pissing his pants; at least Vince's voice was too haggard to give the girlish shriek which tried to issue out his throat. "Jeezus H Christ!" he cried as he stumbled and nearly fell, himself. Bringing his rifle to bear, he moved to get by, if the zombie wasn't blocking his way. Either way, he was about read to blow its bloody face off. The person -- zombie, whatever -- just wasn't right!
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