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A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

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Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Vince is able to slide around the wall past the thing. Still, it tracks his movements and begins moving towards him soon enough. Other zombies start moving in from the other rooms now making there four in total. Whatever Vince is planning, he may want to do it quickly because the closest zombie is starting to crouch as though it were about to jump.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

If he could get out, that had been his first plan of action... however, backing up further towards the door, he put the rifle to his shoulder as he released the safety from the weapon and shot at the crouching zombie. What the hell was Johnny doing, anyways?
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Vince fires but misses. Fortunately, the shot surprises the zombie enough that it doesn't jump just yet. In the mean time, Vince hears Johnny's voice from behind him. Come on, either toss me the keys or get your ass in gear and let's go. Don't waste time shooting at one of those things as all the others come after us.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Given the chance he needed, the man scrambled for the door, digging his keys from his pocket with his badly shaking hand.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

As soon as Vince gets through the door, Johnny slams it shut. Afterwords several loud slames can be heard as the zombies start trying to beat it down. Well... Somewhere else then? Say, a good distance from here? Johnny asks before tacking on one last bit, You didn't happen to see any sign of where Lou and Tina went to?
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Vince was stumbling back to the car already, feeling nauseous still. "Lou's dead," he told the other man, "Tina..." he didn't remember seeing her. "Yeah, let's get the fuck outta here." He fumbled for his keys again, finding it hard to focus. "Fuck, you see it on the TV and hear about it but that shit was this close," he began to ramble as he got into the car and waited for Johnny to do the same. He'd seen a lot, but that was something he just had never prepared himself for...
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Damn... Johnny mutters as he gets into the car. So we want to try and head to another town then? Or do we still try and stick to this one?
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"What do you think?" Vince replied, pulling out of the drive maybe a little too fast. "Where's the next town over..." He was feeling rattled, no doubt about it. "Seville, right? Think it's worth trying for? Fuck, it's better than nothing," he answered himself.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

After half an hour of navigating streets festooned with splattered corpses, Vince makes it out of the city. The drive to Seville is much simpler, however, about a mile away from town, the traffic slows to a standstill for no apparent reason. Hell of a time for a traffic jam. What do you want to be they have people shaking down anyone who comes through? Johnny asks.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"Well, we're fucked if we do and we're fucked if we don't," Vice replied, hands rattling over the steering wheel as he drummed an erratic beat to try to calm his nerves. Slamming a fist against the horn -- knowing it was a useless act, but doing so anyways -- he swore and leaned his head out the open window to see where things were headed. He had visions now of things like the creep who'd nearly got him, wandering up the road and snacking as they would. He didn't like being caged like this.

"Maybe we should get out and walk," he muttered, waiting to see if maybe, just maybe, things would pick up again. His patience was non-existent, however... he'd not wait too long before abandoning the vehicle he'd cherished for so long, at least when he feared that his life was at stake.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

For the most part, it didn't look to dangerous. Occasionally, Vince got a glimpse of the blockage up ahead. Apparently, cops were taking people out of their vehicles and having them strip down to be inspected before the cops let them back into their vehicles and then off down the road. From the looks of things, the cops may have been checking for signs of infection, although what visible signs the infected might have is up for debate. It looks like they're doing some sort of medical check. Maybe we should just wait here in line and only run if we actually see zombies.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Vince, thinking about it, had to admit that that was the best choice. "Yeah, well..." Waiting in line it'd have to be for now...
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Slowly, the cars advance and a few keep trickling in behind them. Eventually, however, the pair hears something odd on the wind. From this distance it sounds somewhat like when a tree groans as the wind pushes it a bit farther than it wants to go. Shortly after, however, the pair hears a gunshot.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Vince, on high, high, high alert for anything like those moans, was probably hearing them before they rightly started. "Oh... oh shit," he realized once the noises became more real. A moment later, he heard a gun shot.

Honking his horn and shouting at the SUV in front of him, Johnny could see the man sweating from across their two seats. "This is bullshit, get moving!" he shouted to the driver ahead of them. They were going to get trapped out here with the creeps, he had visions of it now...

"Okay, alright," he tried to calm himself down, though he was having a hard time of it. "You want to wait in line while this keeps up, or you wanna make a break for it on foot?" he asked his partner in crime. Vince was no good at running, but at this rate it'd be faster than taking things by car... and he didn't want to get trapped out here in the car when the creeps came by...
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

If you don't slow us down, foot'll get us out of here sooner. We can try and get the car later. Let's just grab our stuff and go. Johnny says, grabbing his extra bullets and opening the door.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"Oh ho ho, funny shit right here," Vince griped, knowing full well that he was a liability with that leg but not willing to pull any fucking heroics for it. He wanted to live through this, damnit!

Grabbing what he could salvage in an arm-load, he swept out of the car (well, more like cursed and swore and hurried out of the car awkwardly) and hurried behind Johnny to get to the outpost.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Luckily, Vince didn't have much to grab, after taking the box of chems, his ammo, and the rifle, he sets out with Johnny. The pair make good headway past the cars although they have to watch out for the cars that are trying to push through and won't care if they hit a pedestrian. After about twenty minutes at Vince's half stumbling run, the pair reach the checkpoint.

One of the policemen at the checkpoint calls out to them. Hey, stop. We need to check everyone coming through for bit marks.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"Does it look like I've got any god damned bite marks?" Vince replied angrily. He jerked up the cloth covering his fake leg, showing that it was an old amputation, not a result of the recent attacks. He never had liked cops. If he could grease the wheels with a bribe or two, he probably would have... but he was too out of sorts right now to even think about it.

"In about two minutes you're gonna have creeps crawling all over you, so let us in!" He added, emphasizing what kind of shit they were truly in.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Keh. Men, fall back to command. If anyone of of these people want into the fort, we can inspect them then. The man says before the police start piling into their vehicles.

I'm thinking we may want to get out of the way of these cars real fast man. Johnny says as the barricade starts to disintegrate.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"Shit, no kidding." Vince looked around for a safe place to back off to, realizing that there'd been a bit of a fuckup in leaving his poor car. Well, now what?

"Hey, hey, hold up, where's this fort?" he asked the retreating police officer as he followed the lot of them. He liked the sound of that, compared to risking it in, (horror of horrors) a place that might already have lurking, moaning creeps ready to spring him and spill his blood. As much as he hated cops, he was a rat in every sense of the word... he could always bail from this 'fort' but he didn't want to risk being left outside of it while the gettings were still good.
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