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A new adventure begins


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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The sun had barely rose over the tops of the tree's and the noise of people busy working could already be heard in New Bark Town. Much of the town had been taken up by the Pokemon research center, many acres fenced off for the Pokemon stored at the center to roam free and because it was such a demanding task many of the adults had been hired to feed and generally take care of the creatures.

Inside the research center, in one of its many labs, stood four professor's; Oak, Elm, Birch and Rowan, each a professor for a particular region though today they gather in New Bark to welcome several new trainers into Elm's fold of aides.

"So how's the new residents of Johto?" Oak asked Elm inquisitively, quickly flicking through several notes Elm had been working on earlier.

"Oh, you mean the Pokemon? They seem to be adapting well to the climate, though they haven't been doing much breeding yet. Probably still a little confused with the sudden location change. But give it time and they should start increasing in number," Elm replied as he pulled up locations and Pokemon information on a computer screen. "Though I must ask, why was it decided to put Pokemon from each of our regions into regions they're not native to?"

"To see how they cope and adapt to changes to their habitat," Rowan commented, his brow furrowed as he too flicks through Elm's notes. "I've got to say, I'm not impressed with your work. You sure it's a wise idea to bring new trainers in from other regions into Johto to begin their training? I'd have though it would have been more suitable for them to train under a more capable professor."

"It was an unamimous decision," Birch chirped in before Elm could respond to Rowan's suggestion of him not being a good enough professor. "Besides, several aides have gone missing recently here and Elm needs new recruits. And with the rumours floating around we could do with some fresh talent in Johto. Speaking of, have they arrived yet? They can't do much without their Pokemon."

"It seems they haven't arrived yet," One of Elm's aides replied, a young looking woman with her blonde hair cut short. "I'll wait in reception for them to arrive and bring them in when they do."

((don't post yet until I've said to in the soon to be created OOC thread))
Re: A new adventure begins

Morning had come, Jake arrived at New Bark Town with a spring in his step. Today would be the day that he gets his pokemon and would start his adventure.
He asked around town briefly and Jake was directed towards the building that was professor Elm's lab. Stepping in he met a receptionist and introduced himself.

"My name is Jake Hawke. I'm supposed to be a new trainer today. I hope I'm not too early."
Re: A new adventure begins

Nagi walked into the town, looking at the sun rising into the sky. "Finally here" Nagi told himself. Nagi now looked around the town for where he was supposed to go. He didn't have to look for long, he didn't have to look long for he soon saw a big building with many acres of land. "That must be the place" Nagi thought.

Nagi walked through the doors to see a receptionist. "Hello" Nagi said to the receptionist. "My name is Nagi Hideshi, I'm supposed to get my pokemon today correct."
Re: A new adventure begins

Jason stepped up behind Nagi and grunted out a sound of anxiety, though the look on his face didn't show the same.

He had trekked to New Bark Town all night, not bothering to sleep on the way, considering he had an appointment to keep. His eyes showed signs of sleep deprivation, but he mostly kept them hidden behind his facade of generally not giving a damn. "Mind stepping aside, miss? I've got places to be and people to see. Mainly Professor Elm." he says, taking his right hand out of his coat pocket and adjusting his beanie down so that the brim reached slightly past his browline. "Jason Harrow. Here to grab my pokemon and be on my way." he says past Nagi to the receptionist.
Re: A new adventure begins

As the morning sun rose up over the hills into the sky in New Bark Town, a tall tan man with red spikey hair, a flame patterned coat, baggy blue jeans and black boots would come running up to the pokemon lab, up to the back of the line of people that had started forming until he would accidentally bump into a man with a black jacket and beanie, causing him crash down in his backside and the man in the beanie to stumble into the person in front of him. After he would regain his bearings he would see that he had crashed into another man, "OH! I'm sorry, man! I had just got off a ferry to Johto last night and had been hoofing it down here to New Bark all night! Are you okay?" he would then look up to see the pokemon lab, "OH! IM HERE! 'SCUSE ME, MISS! MY NAMES RYU SHIZUNE! IM HERE TO GET MY POKEMON!" he shouts over Jasons shoulder to the receptionist.
Re: A new adventure begins

Jason collects himself as he is shoved to the ground, having taken Nagi with him as well. He dusts off his coat before placing his right hand on Ryu's face and shoving him backwards, fully intending to knock HIM over. "Watch where you're walking, lummox. Some of us actually have patience." he says, grabbing the zippers of his coat and tugging on them to straighten it, before reaching up to adjust his beanie to fit properly back over his eyebrows, his silver hair having shown underneath it beforehand.
Re: A new adventure begins

Ryu muffles out a yelp of shock as Jason shoves his hand in his face, cocking back down on his butt roughly and slightly painfully. "AH! Hey asshole! I apologized, didn't I!? It was an accident!" He cried out in irritation and mild anger as he would promptly try to sweep his leg across Jason's ankle to bring him back down to the ground with him. "I'm not looking for a fight, but if you want one, I'll give it to you, okay!? Not my fault you can't take a fucking apology!" He said before standing back up slowly, dusting himself off before offering his hand to Jason, "Now, we can either stay down here kicking each other's asses, or we can let bygones be bygones and get our pokemon. A fight isn't what I came here for; nor was it to make enemies." He said firmly but non-threatening as he waited for Jason to take his hand and apology like a man............. or to continue the quarrel, whichever one Jason felt moved to do.
Re: A new adventure begins

Jason suddenly hit the floor, his beanie flying off his head as he hits said floor, revealing his white hair as he stands and reaches for his beanie, placing it back on his head with a look of almost shame on his face, covering up his white hair completely and pulling it down over his eyebrows once again. "I don't have the time to deal with someone like you. Maybe later on, when we've both got some experience with pokemon, we'll setle this." he says, shoving his hands in his pockets and turning away from Ryu, hunching over.
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Re: A new adventure begins

Not really wanting to get involved with a random scuffle Jake couldn't help but sigh to himself as the others began to get antsy. He could relate to the tension though. It WAS the day he and the others became trainers after all.
"C'mon guys, this isn't going to get us anywhere. Who knows what kind of trouble getting in a fight in the professor's lab will land us in."
He looked back to the receptionist and asked
"Do you know when the professor will see us about our pokemon?"