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A New Beginning (thetwo)

Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

As Amy slipped down the stairs after the innkeeper, she paused just out of sight when she noticed that the downstairs tavern wasn't as deserted as the hour might suggest. She caught sight of a cloaked figure that wasn't dissimilar from the one that had taken the package earlier that night, but judging by it's stance this one was male.

“Any luck tonight?” The deep voice confirmed her initial suspicion about his gender.

“No, in the end why would they have any interest in a reduction potion...” The Innkeeper stated bitterly. “Even if I got one, they'd find an excuse to pour more of that shit down my throat.”

“And the others?” The figure asked. “You aren't taking too many in one go, are you?”

“Those morons? By the end of the night, they had no clue what they were drinking. None of them are going to wake up for hours.” The Innkeeper stated. “And potions changed hands so often they'll assume they just lost them.”

“Alright, you also have travelers here, right?” The man asked as she started loading a small number of bottles into his pack. “Crystal nearly lost a package to one of them when she panicked. Dropped it too far from the alley when she saw 'em coming.”

“I told you, they're too inexperienced to be making those runs. We don't have any idea who those two are... saw 'em whispering earlier before she left.” The Innkeeper sighed. “If they're Yukto agents, they'll start watching that part of the wall soon.”

“I think I know who the man is... he might be in Lord Everglot's service.” The mysterious figure stated. “It's the girl that worries me.”

“Everglot? That glory whore? Well... this does fit his MO.” The Innkeeper thought for a second. “As long as he's willing to commit soldiers, this could work... I'll keep an eye on the girl when possible.”

“Much obliged. I hope those 'Noble' assholes decide who they want to be King. All this squabbling is only allowing Yukto time to annex territories.” The figure said as she could hear him head toward the door.

“If Everglot reclaims this territory it'll solidify his own claim... but that works for us as well.” The Innkeeper added. “G'night, and be careful. The late night patrols are starting to become heavier.”

“G'night Isabella. I will.” Amy could hear the door close downstairs and the Innkeeper moving towards the back.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

As soon as their conversation was over, Amy started back towards her room. It had certainly been a worthwhile diversion, but getting caught listening at doors wouldn't do anything for the suspicion that she was a spy.

So, the innkeeper is a rebel. Hardly a surprise after what they've done to her, but now I know someone I can safely approach after our little 'quest'. And I have at least the voice of another, and the name of a third.

It was also probably reasonable now to put to rest her uncertainty about Mr. Mason. Or at least transfer it to 'Lord Everglot'. And if he was trying to make a claim in a competing kingdom, then he probably wouldn't side with the Empire. Unless he thought that it was a war that couldn't be won, in which case he might decide that turning over a rebellion would be a good way to ingratiate himself to his new masters. Fortunately, then, the rebellion seemed to think that a victory was at least within grasp.

But for now it was time to get back to bed. Tomorrow would likely be 'interesting' enough even without putative allies turning on her.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

After Amy had slipped back upstairs to her room, she found herself swiftly falling asleep in her bed. Her sleep went undisturbed until the first rays of sunlight roused her from her slumber. As she slowly awoke she became aware of a bugle playing an unfamiliar song in the distance. It was probably signaling a morning assembly or something of that nature to the soldiers.

After doing what preparations for the new day she felt was needed, she would see two things out of her window. The soldiers were performing their changing of the guard for the morning and the crowd that had been waiting at the gate last night were making their way into town. From downstairs, the wafting smell of various breakfast foods caused her stomach to inform her of her hunger.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

Amy awoke refreshed, but hungry. The goings-on outside weren't particularly interesting, so she got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. She was fairly confident that she hadn't been seen the previous night, but she would be curious to see if the innkeeper was awake, or if her nighttime plotting would keep her asleep until later. If that was the case, or if she was excessively tired, and assuming she did the same every night... well, eventually the soldiers would think to ask questions.

But that wasn't her problem, at least not yet. No, the main problem would be finding an empty table for breakfast, and eating without allowing her food or drink to get out of sight. If the young man was there... she would have to avoid sitting with him. Wouldn't want someone else to think they were plotting and get them brought in for questioning. Of course, there were other reasons for a young woman to sit with a young man... but then if their adventure went wrong and one of them were captured, then it would be best if nobody thought of the two of them as 'together' in any sense.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

“Good morning!” The Innkeeper seemed almost unnaturally perky considering last nights activities. Perhaps this wasn't an every night occurrence and there was a possibility that there were potions to help with wakefulness. “The soldiers were just dragged away for their morning check-ins so if you want me to make you something for breakfast, I'd be happy to whip something up for you.”

True to the Inn Keepers words, the first floor tavern was fairly deserted. There were at most only two day laborers and they seemed to be focusing on their breakfasts. There was no sign of the young adventurer and as she glanced at the key board she noticed that her room was the only one that remained checked out. He must have already checked out for whatever reason.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

"Thank you, that would be lovely."

While she waited for her food, Amy pondered the room board. So Jack had checked out? That was a bit curious. Well, it was curious if he expected the bandits to be dealt with by the time the gates closed. And since last night she had learned that he was probably honest in his stated intentions, that suggested that she would be camping outside the walls of the city tonight. Or, if things went poorly, she wouldn't need a room in any case. And it wasn't as if there seemed to be a shortage...

When the innkeeper returned, she said "Oh, and if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to check out when I'm finished. I don't believe I'll be staying in town tonight."

While she ate, she another question struck her. "Do you know how the roads are? I've heard rumor of bandits, but I didn't see any sign of such on my way here."

When she was finished, she would retrieve her things from her room, carrying her sword across her back so that she could have the peace bond removed without undoing her belt this time. There was still plenty of time before noon, but there was no point spending it waiting in the inn. There were still parts of the town she hadn't seen, and it would be safer to explore during the day.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

“Any requests?” The Innkeeper inquired before moving back towards the cooking area. If she didn't make any particular order, she would soon hear the sound of eggs being fried and then presented with the apparent standard fare of eggs, hash browns and sausages with a steaming cup of coffee.

“Checking out? Going to meet your friend? He checked out really early this morning.” The Innkeeper asked, and if she hadn't overheard her talking the previous night she would believe it to be an innocent question. She paused to consider Amy's own question. “There have been bandit attacks, yes... but they've only been interested in caravans. They don't seem to consider individual travelers to be worth the trouble unless they're visibly wealthy.”

Once she was finished retrieving her things and checking out, she would find herself once again on the main road. In one direction, she already knew the city gates awaited but it was still fairly early in the morning. In the other direction, she could make out several shops and in the distance she could see a series of large tents occupying the main square.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

Amy paused to consider her destination. She wasn't exactly rich, not if a room at an inn cost a quarter of what she had left, so there was a limited amount she could do in the shops. Walking through the camp in the main square... could potentially tell her things it would later be useful to know. It could also end up with her being raped, and/or absolutely convincing the innkeeper that she was a spy. Of course, the former danger would be somewhat attenuated during the day...

She decided to risk it. She wouldn't linger, and she would avoid doing anything that would seem too risque if at all possible, but... well, so far all her risks had paid off. If one eventually went south, then so be it. Hell, if she ever intended to sleep with the young man it might be wise to lose her virginity first. She felt herself start to blush, and did her best to stop. Not the best time to be thinking about such things, Amy. If you get horny in the middle of a bunch of soldiers, it won't be long before they decide that you're asking for it, and you set the settings to pretty damn rough.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

As Amy walked down the main street, the various shops seemed to be keeping afloat. The occasional shop keeper who met her gaze seemed excited at the prospect of having a non-soldier buy something from them. The source of their excitement was made obvious when she spotted one of the soldiers leave one of the shops with a bundle but had only paid with the official equivalent to an IOU.

The only shop that didn't seem to be doing well was the local blacksmith. She could see an Yukto officer loitering around one of the few potential sources of locally available weapons and in the process scaring off potential customers. The other shop that drew her attention was a fairly large general store.

In the town square, she could see what appeared to be the Yukto local headquarters set up in a series of tents. It almost seemed small for the size of the forces in the local area until she could see soldiers in the windows of the buildings surrounding the square. They had apparently commandeered the buildings for their own purposes and she suspected that the locals forced out weren't very happy about this. Near the center of the camp she could see an assembly area and closer to where she was she could see several set of stock, the threat of punishment being used to dissuade any ill advised actions.

She couldn't actually see the prison camp that had been described earlier, maybe it was located outside the walls? The fact that the HQ was located in-town was probably a means of control as well. She couldn't actually spot any of the local guards in the area, it was almost purely soldiers.

“Halt! State your business here!” One of the on duty soldiers standing watch was approaching her.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

Amy looked up at the guard, realizing that of course she couldn't just wander through the soldiers' camp. "Sorry, I'm just visiting the town and decided to take a walk around. Are civilians not allowed in this area?"

At least she had learned something marginally useful. If the prison wasn't in the town, it might be outside, or they might take prisoners back into their empire proper. Since Jack had known about a prison instead of just saying people vanished, it was probably the former. Useful to know if she ever found herself wanting to rescue someone... or needing to escape, as seemed at least as likely.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

“This is a restricted area. Only those with official business are allowed in.” The soldier stated, already waving her off even before she responded. In the distance, she could see another soldier approaching with a lewd grin on his face.

“Hey, I've got some 'official' business with her!” The second soldier stated with a lewd gesture on 'official.' He got treated to a glare from the first soldier.

“You, as always, continue to disgrace yourself in public. Do you want another night in the stockade?” The first couldn't hide his distaste for his comrade. “Wait until your off-duty to find yourself a woman, like everyone else.”

“Hah! It seems like a slut made her way here all on her own! Why else would she come to the only place to find real men for miles?” The second soldier smirked, but seemed unwilling to do anything. In broad daylight anyway.

“I'd advise you to turn back around and leave.” The first soldier stated.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

Amy didn't need telling twice and turned around, glad that she hadn't explored here the previous night. Apparently if the second soldier had been off duty, it would have been fine for him to accost her. And at night, when nobody could see what he was doing... even if he were on duty, it might be a problem. For that matter, surely there were soldiers from the night shift currently off duty, and some of them might even choose to "find a woman" before hitting the sack. She increased her pace a little.

Having learned all she cared to from the camp - and started walking away from it before things went terribly wrong - Amy checked the time. If it was still well short of noon, she would check out the merchants' district, otherwise it might be best to start towards the main gate. Better early to her 'meeting' then late.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

As Amy checked the time, she noticed that she still had a couple hours to spend before she strictly needed to leave town to attend to her meeting. She quickly found herself in front of one of the larger open air stalls where a large, rotund man was selling his wares.

“Welcome, Miss! May I interest a pretty lady in a pretty necklace?” He tried to make a sale, but it was readily apparent that jewelry wasn't the only thing he had available. She spotted a tent and some camping tools set out before him as well as trail rations. There were also some impractical things set out much like the jewelry and various clothing. All in all, he had a wide selection, but judging by the empty spaces dotting his tables he hadn't been able to restock in a while. He also seemed like the kind of merchant that she might be able to haggle with.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

"Hmm... pretty enough, I suppose, but I'm not here to buy jewelry." Amy browsed her way around the man's various holdings, looking uninterested, until she arrived at the camping supplies. "Now these are a bit more practical. I'm afraid I lost my last tent a little ways back."

She bit her lip and sighed. "But hardly pretty. I'd have to set up camp out of sight to avoid the shame, and then I'd be in all manner of danger."

Amy turned to the merchant, shrugging. "I suppose I ought to buy it on the off chance that it rains before I can find another merchant... what are you asking, for the lot?" She indicated the camping supplies and trail rations.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

“Oh, pretty young Lady, for that entire lot?” The merchant said, taking a considerable moment to decide how much he would be charging. “For such a sweet young thing, I'd let it go for twenty five gold pieces. I'd effectively be giving you the supplies and rations for free!”
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

Amy wasn't entirely sure what the equipment was worth, but it was probably a safe bet that the merchant would try to swindle her. He'd already called her 'pretty' twice, and 'young' once, almost certainly an attempt to blind her with compliments. "Twenty Five gold? For this? Why, I'd have to practically give it away once I find a merchant with better stock! I could perhaps pay ten just in case it rains before I reach the next town. If it's even water-proof."

And for the sake of not spending too much time haggling... Amy will accept 15 without question, and offer 15 if he goes down to 20.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

“You drive a hard bargain, lass! But ten gold would be selling at a great loss.” The merchant paused before making his next offer. “I could let it go for fifteen, but that's only because I like you.”

When Amy signaled that she found his offer acceptable, he accepted her coin and handed over her requested supplies. Taking inventory, she found the tent was fairly solid albeit an odd shade of green. Looking skyward, she noted that the noon hour would soon be approaching and she would have to head to the gate to have her peace bond removed before heading to her meeting.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

Amy looked around the stalls again, but there wasn't terribly much else she needed and she was now down to half her original coin in any case. At least food and shelter wouldn't be a problem. But now it was time to start her little adventure with the other traveler. Well, almost time, and it wouldn't hurt to be a few minutes early.

She headed for the gate, her still-bound sword carried across her back, under her pack. Which wasn't quite so conveniently small anymore, with the addition of the tent and other supplies, but it was still manageable. I wonder if he realized I wasn't carrying a tent when he told me about this. I'll have to see how he reacts when he realizes I have my own... might tell me something about him.
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

As Amy approached the gate, she spotted the same guard from before standing watch over the incoming traffic. He caught sight of her but didn't seem too surprised to see that she was leaving. He waved her over as she stood before the gate.

“Already leaving? Allow me to remove your peace bond, it's not very safe out there.” The Guard gestured for her to hand over her sword so he could do so. “Remember, the gates will be closed at sun down so if you have to return do so before then.”
Re: A New Beginning (thetwo)

Sorry, I'm extremely busy at the moment and expect to lose the ability to get online entirely for nearly a week starting in a few days. I'll be back afterwards.

Amy handed over the sword. "Unsafe? Well, that's what the sword is for. And I'll be sure not to return during the night." And it wouldn't cost anything to be polite to someone armed and not overly attached to the occupying army. "Thank you, officer."

Once her sword was returned, Amy would start heading over to the tree where the other adventurer had said he would meet her. There had been a few spots of intrigue and even danger, but she was glad that it was time to really start her adventure. Testing her skill against a foe, ending when either she had killed him or she was pinned down with her naked ass ready to take... Amy blushed slightly but smiled happily. Victory or sex, it would be fun.