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Shadowspike - Chamber of Wells and Bronze Door

"If there's nothing else that you or I should have learned by now, Era.... It's that Death is only the beginning." Molly's ghost said from within the shell of the fallen Astrid.

The chained figure's sullen expression changed to be more disconcerted as Rovana decided to gaze at her exposed flesh and brush her hand casually over Molly's cheek. She flinched at first, but something about her eyes changed, as if she was now caught on the metaphorical backfoot. She tried to recover her confidence, but Rovana could tell from her quickly hardening nipples that the scrutiny and playful touch of the corsair had awakened some pleasant thoughts in Molly's mind. It was stopped however as Jowai approached the door under Rovana's commands.

"Don't! To approach the door before the mechanism is released will spring the trap." Astrid's body tensed under Molly's command. Jowai paused and looked from Molly to the door. The bronze relief that showed a mass of tentacles appeared to writhe more intensely as Jowai approached, and calmed down as he backed a few steps back. Once it was still again, a strange dissonance in Rovana's mind tried to insist that it had never truly moved at all and that she was simply foolish to have believed it had moved in the first place.

"It would depend upon what is attached to the end of those chains," Ingrid stated. "The Valkyries of Rjurik are strong, but not inhuman. If this trap is designed to kill, it will kill. But my battle sister Astrid is already dead...inhabited by an intruder. My only concern is the despoiling of Astrid's body. Do you care for this Molly person? If so, we should get her out of Astrid."

"No!" Molly interected. "Astrid is gone, but she is my best chance of finally returning to life. In the same way that Era has already done. But when Era fused with the girl, Rovana, she changed. She accessed all of Rovana's memories and they overwhelmed her. I watched it happen, as my spirit followed her around the waters of Brecht. I knew who Era had been in life. Similar in personality, but still... there were differences. This person before me is Rovana, but with a different soul driving her, playing upon her memories. It's as if Era Dilisnya had been reincarnated as some fish waif from another world..."

She paused, looking at Ludmilla, who towered over her, eyeing her with a cool gaze. Rovana's unexpected apology softened Molly's expression. Her face now betrayed conflicted emotions.

"You want answers about who you were? I can tell you my version of the truth, for whatever it is worth. Yes, I was Era's lover. Not a servant, nor a noble. I was from a good family, my father was a merchant who supplied Krezk when the misty borders between Barovia and Borca were open. I did not steal you away from Ludmilla, but simply was there for you when Era and Ludmilla grew apart. You and I wanted to find a way beyond the Mists. Ludmilla wanted to stay and defend her land. All of us got what we wanted in the worst possible way.

We journeyed to the heart of darkness - a temple on Mount Ghakis. Filled with ancient lore and terrible powers. It was there that we encountered the vestige of Dagon - That Which Lurks. I was injured badly... I was hurt and angry. I had blamed you... Era... for pushing us so far. And by the time we came face to face with the vestige, staring into that inky blackness which absorbs all light and sanity, I knew that we were already trapped. We would die in that temple, and become just more souls lost in the mists... so I bargained with it. It was that or death... and after 200 years of suffering as a spirit, I know now that the choice I made to at last break free of the mists was a dire one. I bargained, and brought you with me though. I did that for you. I didn't know about the betrayal... the crushing depths of the ocean. The return to where the vestige had met its end in the prime worlds. Where the avenging blade still rested, its magic preserving it. Where the Eye of Dagon waited, glowing malevolent in the darkness. Where our spirits were bound, until Rovana's body arrived and Era bonded with her."

Molly shook her head, quivering...

"You say that Era Dilisnya is gone and won't be coming back... that is what frightens me so. Here I am, in this Astrid's body. If I wanted to make the bond permanent, I could... I could do it now, and become Astrid. But what of me? What of my life, and my being? Is this how my story ends? To forget who I was? Like you? Is that not in a way, just like death?"

As the bound girl was speaking, Rovana had finished circling her, and was able to read the Abyssal script in full. The translation into the common tongue, or even Brechtan, didn't do it justice. Abyssal was a language that was soaked in evil and negativity. There was no word to express kindness, but there were thousands of words to discuss the nuances of insult, humiliation, power, and evil intention. As such, she could only roughly be certain that the script said the following:

The color of despair, choking salt tears of the weak, where oceans fill with the color of freshly spilled blood. The arms of That Which Lurks rise to claim the land for the Depths of His eternal empire. The color of envy and putrid rotting limbs that sunder the rocks and raise the Shadowsea to where it meets the color of the Mists and the overcast and conquered sky. There it separates the Obyrith from the God - for the creation swells greater than the creator, no longer the cowering Dagon, but the true master of the color of the darkest depths, where crushing forces leave nothing but shadow and a True Name... That Which Lurks, shall be called anew.

Joe the Parrot flew up to inspect the chains. They were as they appeared to be. Simple and effective in design. There was a keyhole mechanism for their release, over which appeared to be a scrawled abyssal rune. On the right wrist was written a "1", on the left wrist a "2." The third and fourth numbers were found on either of the anklet manacles keeping Astrid's body bound and spread eagled in place.

"The keys to your release are doubtless in these wells of water." Ludmilla observed, though her explanation was more directed at Rovana.

"Only enough room for one person to descend at a time, and who knows how far down they might go? Only people who can hold their breaths long, or have no need to do so, should go into the depths."

Captain Rovana
Dagons cave, saw edition

"Bloody magical trap. As if normal traps weren't enough trouble." The pirate complained, with a glance over but a shrug at Jowai. Even -if- they decided to forsake molly and break down the door there was a chance that had dangerous side effects by itself..
She shrugged over to Ingrid. "Also, I don't trust these runes on her body. I get you don't like having some stranger pioneer your friend, but there's worse things that could get suck in there than Molly, pretty sure."

She focused on the.. reincarnated Molly. "Well.. you're not wrong with the worst outcome. I guess ghosts can't even make out or play games, so terribly dull years, yes." She mused. "Kinda sounds like me, but I can't believe I'd just.. want to leave.. not that this place isn't dreary, but I wouldn't have known better, would I?
Well, for now, considering your predicament, no reason to bond fully that said."
Rovana sighed and crossed her arms. "I ain't a proper noble, I'm not Era, much as I enjoy claiming the title, so I'm not gonna tell you nonsense like 'Well if you worry about your story ending this much, perhaps it has gone on for long enough'. All I can tell you is, that, when I.. became Rovana, if all you say is true, even when I died and was but a spectre, I was still.. Rovana. Even now I don't remember. So yeah. In a way it's like death.
Plus.. I didn't have Dagon.. prepare me beforehand either. Welp. That said.. the way you and Ludi look at me..that's not how you'd look at a stranger.
You have time to think while we go straight into the enemies trap."
The pirate enthused, drawing her blade.

"On the plus side, they have to be short on manpower after losing their ship, with the suprise attack distracting their shore-bound folks. Then again, pools could be simple death-traps. Oh well, death hasn't stopped me so far. Everyone. Each pick your favourite pond, the faster we get this done, the less likely reinforcements are to arrive, as for holding breath.." She smirked over to Molly and lifted her blade, channeling it's magic into a water-breathing variant "Would be a problem, had I not figured out how to use sword and eye and met the original Dagon. Frankly, I don't think the creature is much better than it's shadow, but, he didn't break his deal with me and gave me power without a cage. So I'm dealing with this alternate version to settle the score.. and then, well, we'll see." She extended a hand to touch Jowai and Ingrids shoulders each, casting the spell on them too and adding: "Feels a bit odd, try to not breathe through your mouth and nose and your body will find air another way." She pondered.
"Everyone, go down a hole. Joe will stay here to try and warn us of any shenanigans happening. If your life is in danger retreat.. worst case, I'd rather have three keys and a sharp blade than lose any of you, if you understand." She nodded, also looking over to Molly/Astrid with a determined expression. Enough pirates could do with a peg-leg or hook... or, potentially tentacle, if push came to shove.

If the three with her were hesitant she'd extend her arms, indicating the pools. "Bloody door ain't opening easily either way.." And let her companions pick a choice of pool for themselfs, while she approached Molly, also casting water-breathing on her, just as a precaution, well, if she could without the chains threatening to pull at her. She then sighed briefly, if not stopped, also extending her hand to cup the womans breast and caress along her soft skin.. only to ruin the blasphemous writing upon her skin, of course, waiting until the others had descended into the dark pools.. "Your question has a second part to it. What is worse, to be loved, but not remember what for, or to remember but not be loved? I think I understand your sorrow a bit better now. In those two hundred years, our spirits had only each other to keep on clinging to sanity, which clearly you managed, .. and then, I forget all about you as if it ment nothing. That was why you haunted me, why you were so bitter, right? Ludmilla did not tell me all of my past, because.. she didn't know of a part of it, she headed out to fight as a knight.. and if Era and I are of a same mind, then she had little use for knightly codes and rules, once the sexy uniform-factor had worn off. Ludmilla is strong and passionate and I will, without doubt, always yearn for her, yet what you tell me sounds true, she wants to follow her own way, with me by her side.. not my way. I will return to her, yet that strength and leadership I admire in her also keeps her from following me, where the hunger for adventure and freedom in me she enjoys is what keeps me from just being hers. You may have had little choice, but, just like Joe, you were always by my side.
So what about you? You followed me, even when .. the past me made a foolish mistake. Will you, whoever you are in the end, your soul, will you be there for me once more, even if I make reckless mistakes again, if I devote myself to heroism or cruelty? What you told me, about me being Era, it scared me.. it still does, just like I'm scared to be alone, for all my bravery.. so I know how you feel, but, more than anything, I need to know you are you, not a very clever ploy from .. the other Dagon."
Rovana pleaded, leaning a little closer to the captured Astrid's body, then, after a brief hesitation she leaned in, kissing the nude, trapped womans lips with a curious passion, leaning back and listening to Mollys response.. before, sword drawn as it was, jump-diving with her usual flamboyant, uncautious way, into the unoccupied pool, only leaving Joe to watch.
Shadowspike - Room of Four Wells and the Bronze Door

Ingrid nodded, coming to a deision, and began to unbuckle her armored belt, letting it clang onto the rocky surface of the cave. She then non-chalantly shrugged off her fur lined shoulder guards, which left her top completely bare-chested. She let her battle axe and two hand axes fall the floor next to her chosen well also. She unsheathed her long dagger from her bootlace and clenched the blade in her teeth. She then stepped up onto the ledge of the well, and sank into the water, letting her gills do the breathing for her, she went down into the darkness without a second thought.

Jowai saw the value in not taking large, slashing weapons, which would be useless in the water, and left them behind to dive head first into a different well, leaving the room just to Rovana, Ludmilla and Astrid/Molly.

"I've had two centuries to think upon it, and more watching Rovana traipse about the seas in Brecht's Great Bay," Molly said. "Maybe it would be a mercy to give up all the terrible memories - but after all this time, I don't want to just... end. Maybe Era didn't have a choice in the matter, I don't know. But I do."

"Have you ever considered that you were meant to die, Molly?" Ludmilla's rich, sultry voice floated across the darkness of the room, from where she had moved to the far well, holding her Blood Spear against her mostly nude form, save for the simple white tatters that adorned her muscular body loosely.

"My memory is hazy, but I do recall the merchant's daughter who convinced Era Dilisnya to run off on a fool's quest. To the forbidden temple that held so many answers, from which neither she nor you returned. It was then that you both had a choice, and you both made it. Brave or foolhardy - possibly both - you dared, and you died. Same as I did. We have all perhaps overstayed our welcome. At least Rovana got a second chance. Maybe the girl Astrid deserves one too."

Ludmilla hoped up onto the well and holding her spear close, with its point going downward, she slipped into the pool of dark water and sank down along the third chain, leaving only Rovana and Molly in the room. Then it was Rovana who did the talking, drawing close to Molly, in Astrid's body, and holding her chin up beneath her fingers. The woman's expression showed that same conflict as before - that of a small surge of longing paired with the complex agony of having had her hopes dashed for years upon years in the lightless depths of the world's ocean.

"How can I possibly prove that I am m--!!"

Her voice was interrupted by Rovana's mouth pressing at her cold, wet lips, and the tongue entering her mouth to dance around the briney, salt-water logged lingual muscle that had belonged to the valkyrie. Without having completed her bond, Astrid's body was still only a possessed corpse, not a living thing like Rovana was. No pulse, not quickened blood, no warmth gathered in Astrid's form, even though it was animated by Molly. Nevertheless, her tongue responded, her body pressed forward in her shackles to move in the pirate's direction - but with an aching sadness in her visage, she made a choking sound and stopped.

She drew back, her eyes downcast.

"I... I can't feel your touch... nothing more than cold, dull pressure, like when your arms and legs are asleep. Much as I want to feel your touch again... unless I give my soul over to Astrid, I won't return to true life. And when I do that... I will cease to be *me*. My soul will just be powering Astrid's body and mind, only her memories will remain. If I were to continue on in this body, it would be Astrid who fought beside you. How much of me would remain? Probably as much as remains of Era Dilisnya in yourself. And be honest, because I have watched your every step that you took since you floated back up to the surface with that sword in your hand. How much of Era is really in there? I'm lost either way... to remain a spirit with only bitter memories and madness, or to abandon myself to someone else's identity? A sorry mess is what I am... and ask yourself if Dagon, or anything created from its ilk, could ever be so truly human as to reach this state? I followed Era because she was dashing, and confident, and beautiful, and I believed that if anyone could lead me out of this miserable land that took my family from me, then it would be her. I shared my secrets with her, I shared the rumors of the temple on Mount Ghakis, and together we journeyed there. And even when I wanted to turn back, she wouldn't let me. She had a drive about her... to be the one to do things. To have a name that wasn't going to be lost to the Mists. In that respect, I suppose maybe you are similar to her. As for me... I don't know. I must think on my decision - I won't want to stay in a destroyed body. I appreciate you doing this, even if it is just to try to get through the bloody door."

Molly shifted in her chains and then pressed her cold lips against Rovana's cheek.

"Go. I'm not Dagon's yet. And I pray I never will be. Remember what was written on my body. It will open the door."

Rovana drew her sword, and with her usual penchant for panache, leaped into the unoccupied pool as Joe squawked, his one good eye following her down into the depths.



The chain descended down far... far below the surface. It felt like more than two minute went by in descent alone before the walls of the well opened up into a wider, dark expanse. Only the dim green light of Dagon's Eye illuminated the small space around her. The chain of black iron was the only presence besides herself underneath all this. The chain continued to fall away into the darkness until it came rest in a box - perhaps best described as a chest - that stood upon a spike of rock that appeared to jut out from the ocean bed far below. On the box there were three pressure plates, each with an eldritch symbol in Abyssal, which represented the words "Shadow" "Tides" and "Maw" on the left, middle and right pressure plate respectively. Then, in Common script, along the side of the chest, the following words were legible:

"One of these Eyeless Watchers speaks only lies. Secrets will share the key. Choose poorly, and limbs will tear and be lost to the Depths."

Alongside the chest swam two creatures, each of them with a pair of bat-like wings that were used to propel themselves through water, and a long set of four tendrils that trailed behind them for about ten feet or so. At Rovana's approach, each creature stopped its circling and floated beside the chest. The creatures had no eyes, yet they pointed their bodies toward Rovana, like tiny squids. Somehow they spoke clearly through the water, in Common, so that Rovana could understand their whispers.

"I am Depths," said the Watcher on the left.

"I am Secrets," said the Watcher on the right.

They floated, seemingly waiting for Rovana to take action.

If you answer this riddle correctly, I'll consider it an auto-success, but feel free to make an Investigation Skill Check at DC = 11 along side your post. If you answer incorrectly, but make the skill check, we'll retcon Rovana getting the answer at the last moment.

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Captain Rovana
Dagons cave, saw edition

Rovana briefly raised her brows at Ingrid. She dressed relatively lightly and was quite unafraid to swim wearing her lighter clothes.. plus, even if she couldn't use Dagon's call in too tight a combat-space, it's power more than made up for that.
"Not sure whats worse, being called in the third person or informed that I 'Traipse'." Rovana said, more playful-pouting, as she looked over to Ludmilla. "What about your second chance then?" She mused, half loud, knowing the vampiress could hear anyway.. and half not expecting an answer, just something to think about. They all had things to think about..

"Oh Molly, been there, done that. Too dead to live, too alive to die. That's why I can actually tell you how I'd choose. I'm still not sure if I'm hero or monster, in the end, but I couldn't endure those that wished me well suffering. I was ready to give up on my dream to be a pirate, give up on being Rovana, if it ment I could make ammends. I just.. had a debt to pay to Ludmilla. I just now wonder... " She sighed for a long moment, moving towards the pond
"How much of Era remains in me?" She hesitated, then cleared her throat. "That question is.. wrong. A better question would be.. Why do you keep looking at me, without seeing me?" She gave a tired smile, extending her arms. "You see and loathe Rovana because she took Era from you and you fear Astrid taking away what you have left, don't you deny it, I can tell. But you don't understand and that's the most painful thing, Moirya. It's me. At first, I envied Ludmilla, and even you. But.. thank you. Thank you for talking to me right here, because, I think I'm slowly starting to realize.. I'm not the ghost of a long dead noble, riding the revived body of a wannabe pirate-girl. You know who I am? I Am Captain Rovana Dilisyna, The Reaver and Captain of the Red Dawn." She grinned, snipping and pointing at Molly. "Era died. And Era is right here, standing before you. Sure, I don't remember any old stories, but I'm more alive than ever.
Heh, what little faith you have in me, to think death itself could stop me forever. All I need to do is cut down a bloody oversized fish that went back on a deal with me in my past life. No one. Crosses the Reaver and gets away with it."
She smiled and chuckled, shaking her head breifly. "Did you have this effect on me in the past? Because I feel oddly cheered up.. and.."
"Err... Wait.. I need to remember that nonsense scribbled on you? Cra.. crap! I thought that was annoying gibberish.." She cleared her throat, grinning emberassedly. ".. Worries for later!"

Rovana exhaled the air from her lungs as she descended into the pool a daring-do smile on her lips. It was odd, seeing someone else struggle with what she had helped her do something she usually rarely took the time to.. reflect. Descending down into the pool she worried.. only Ludmilla could see into the darker depths of the water below. True, she could call Joe to her, but looking through her undead bird and fighting was rather dangerous as well. .. though it seemed dagons eye helped her see at least a little.
"Ugh.. it's a bloody sunken treasure-trap."She complained, voice distorted by the water once she reached the chests, holding up her blade up for light and pondering. She supposed this was better than multitudes of dark tentacles trying to strangle her at least, but she really regretted emphatizing her navigational skills over lock and device disabling..
Wait, did this mean Dagon was truly low on manpower? The only purpose of this trap seemed to be to slow her down to buy time to rally defenses.. and or resurrect the creature.
Either way, it was time to do the thinking. Rovana was not a fan of pondering things through. She was more of a -dash in, be really handsome, worry about things later kind of person.
"Hrmnn.. there was a trick to this one.. There was a story, but it wasn't about pirates so I forgot it.." She crossed her arms and pondered, then smirked, waving her fingers about thoughtfully, rubbing her forehead briefly... "ERhmnnn... Then again. I'm a lier myself. Not as easy as everyone says.. wait,.." She hesitated. True, the text said that 'Secrets' would share the key, but while the text specified that one of them would always lie, it didn't say that the other always told the truth... This was different from the story she had been told..
"Alright.. you can do this, Rovana. If secrets shares the key, that means.. Secret can't be the one that lies always." She nodded, re-reading the text in common. "But secrets is lying right now!" She grinned and pointed. "Because the lying one has to lie about not being the lier.. you traded places!
Alright. Tell me which tile I should press to get the key without any.. icky side effects."
She grinned, focusing on the left watcher. "Oh, and while at it, who is the fairest pirate-captain of them all?"
After questionin, she covered one eye, checking up on Joe through their link, just in case, she had spent a little time deliberating this riddle, after all. If nothing was amiss 'upstairs' she could take her time making a cautious retreat.. she trusted nothing down here.

Investigation check.. made with some room to spare! Roll(1d20)+1:
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"Why deny something I straight up told you a second ago?" Molly deadpanned, but smirked anyway until Rovana mentioned that she'd forgotten the runic scribbles on her skin. "You're going against a being who collects all secrets and you disregarded a riddle? Ugh.... this is the problem with pirates..."

She shook her head as she dangled from the chains.


Choosing the left most Watcher appeared to be the correct choice. Secrets swirled around, letting its tentacles spin and fan out in a pleased manner, and then approached closer to Rovana's ear, while the other one retreated into the deep waters, running away.

"You figured it out! Good!" Secrets said. "But that was a warm up. Now here's my advice about opening the chest. It's in my nature to be misleading, but not always! A smart person can figure out my advice and be sure of their choice! Now listen closely, and know that only one thing I'm about to say is true!"

Secrets swam over to the pressure plates on the chest, which were labeled "Shadow", "Tides" and "Maw."

"Pressing Shadow will release your friend!"

"Pressing Tides will not release your friend!"

"Pressing Shadow will not release your friend!"

Secrets then proceeded to swirl around the chest merrily as Rovana had to once again put her thinking cap on. Which button to press?

[You can roll another Investigation chcek, DC = 12 along with your answer. Dagon smiles upon your previous unaided correct answer. Gain Inspiration!]

Captain Rovana
Dagons cave, Sphinx lover edition.

"There seemed to be no immediate reward with this riddle.. eh, don't worry, pirates are good at breaking in!" She'd have enthused at Molly in parting.


"Oh bloody sails, more riddles?" She sighed. She was starting to believe what Molly had said about the riddles..
"Bah. I'm used to seducing information out of.. you know what never mind." The captain pondered. "Ugh.. ok so.. one of the shadows has to be a lie for sure, leaving you with only one more lie to boot." Rovana mused, silently repeating the instructions.. shadow yes, shadow no, Tides no... "But.. two have to be lies. so errr.. You know, this would be a lot easier if I had some rum." She crossed her arms. "It's Maw.. Not! Because.. if it were Maw, you'd have told two truths in it not being shadow or tides." Rovana grinned, triumphantly, focusing on the left and middle plates, nodding, satisfied with herself.
"Now then, if it were shadows, the lie would have been that it wasn't and that Tides wasn't.. but if it was tides, the lie would.. Hah." She pointed at the riddle-creature, grinning triumphantly. "If It were Tides, the lie would have been that it wasn't and that shadows was... wait.." She hesitated, her grin fading. "That means.. uh.. that means..wait.. if it were shadows, if it were shadows, you'd have said the truth in that it was.. AND That Tides wasn't it! You'd have told the truth twice!" Her grin resumed, as she extended her arms, proclaiming. "Don't underestimate Captain Rovana!" She grinned, confidently slamming a fist on the middle pressure-plate.

Feel like I dun have a need to roll, but for what it's worth, barely made it! Roll(1d20)+1:
Shadowspike - Underwater Chest Riddles

The eyeless watcher swam to and fro excitedly as Rovana pondered over the riddle. Her mind leap-frogging to and fro, then circling in on the correct answer. Pressing the Tides plate, there were a series of clanking mechanisms, and then the top of the chest fell away, revealing the rest of the chain and a weighted ball that was attached to it. Beside the ball was a key, presumably one that would unlock the manacle attached to Astrid/Molly.

Without much else to do, Rovana would grab the key and return to the well, with Secrets whispering goodbye and waving a tendril her way, then floating back down into the darkness.

Up, up she went, until Rovana surfaced back into the room with Astrid.

Ingrid was already by Astrid's side, her beautiful body drenched and dripping with water, cascading down in rivulets between her perfectly formed abdomen muscles. In her hand was a key, which she pressed into an anklet, and released Astrid's left leg. When she did so, a small knob on the Bronze door gleamed, then turned into a blue gem, possibly a sapphire. From the other wells, there came movement, and then in quick succession, Jowai and Ludmilla surfaced, each of them holding a key as well.

"Bloody riddles!" the half-orc grunted. "It's a good thing I knew a goblin once who was keen on telling 'em. I actually was pretty decent up until one o' the blockheaded guys decapitated the poor bugger fer being too yappy."

Ludmilla pulled her dark body serenely from the pool, looking particularly fetching as her white garments now sodden and clinging to her body left little to the imagination. She grinned at Rovana and slipped over to Astrid's side, ready to undo her manacles as well.

Captain Rovana
Dagons cave, Sphinx lover edition.

Rovana hid her lingering hint of doubt well, watching the excited creature swim about, remarking with a slight bite: "Yeah, bring me a barrel of rum and we can both have fun with this... oh well, and an actual key, was half ready for a poisoned arrow or something." She mused, picking up the key.

Rovana tried to not be -too- distracted by not one, but two nude warrior maiden, her sword casually extended with the water drenching her ever so slowly gathering and dripping down from the blade in a steady stream, with Rovana smirking along the way, her half see-through and wettened outfit quickly drying up.
"Know how ya feel Jowai, I prefer seducing or intimidating what I wanna know out of people, we all earned ourselfs a grog or three for thinking enough for the rest of the day in advance.. I'll put that high on our raiding-priorities." She promise-nodded, then cleared her throat, trying to be not distracted with the seductive vampiress on top of things..

"All in all, my life ain't that bad..." She mused and grinned, though, right now was not the time for such things she decided, twirling her key and unlocking the captured Molly, musing innocently. "Just for formalities sake, I presume you'd rather join me crew and sail with me than stay stuck here, aye? Well then, welcome aboard!" She grinned and, looking about, added: "Not that I don't quite enjoy this overall display but.. anyone got a spare set of clothes? .. oh, and.. if you feel up for it.. a spare weapon? I'd offer to let you return to the ship and rest there, but frankly, watching our back might be safer a place than outside right now, not sure how the battle goes.." Worst case, she'd borrow Molly her cloak, if desired, she decided.
Then, she turned to the door, scratching the back of her head. "So err.. the riddle... opening the door.. something about this alternate Dagon being awesome and independent and.. something about colors.. " Rovana mused, seeming to ponder. "Propably pressing the door-lights in the right order.. hmnn.. I mean can always try to guess before trying to break it down, I remember it saying something about the color of despair and envy.."
With the other three manacles unlocked, each freed limb revealed a new stone colour: a red garnet, a green emerald, a black opal, and finally, with Molly taking off her head piece and discarding it with disdain, revealing black, curling locks of hair, a fifth stone was revealed in the door, this one a dull matte grey.

"I can give her my spare axes," Ingrid said, and handed them over to the freed warrior.

"I guess I can use these..." Molly said uncertainly.

"Astrid could have used them better," Ingrid intoned, and then picked up her own gear from the ground and started redressing herself.

The bronze door was now writhing with tentacles - no longer an illusion, but the metal limbs appeared contained within the material of the door.

"It looks as though the stones can be pressed inward. Likely a combination. Was that what was written in the language around her skin?" Ludmilla asked thoughtfully.

"Ya mean the stuff the cap'n rubbed away?" Jowai groaned, unimpressed.

Captain Rovana
Dagons cave, The evil door

"W.. well.." Rovana said, having paid -rather- close attention to Molly moving Astrids body up and clearing her throat. "I think perhaps you can stay like this, not everyone can pull the whole topless look, buuut.. oh.. err.. The door, right.
It was just some evil prayer nonsense on the surface, something about how The one that Lurks is gonna rule everything.. I uh.. I think there was something about the color of despair.. black or so? Then.. Blood.. that's red.. then envy.. that's green uh.. uh.. not sure on grey and blue..But perhaps the order is.."
She sighed, approaching the door with a look of hesitation at the writhing tentacles, looking first at the blue stone.
"Wait, hold on. What even is the color of despair? Black? Grey? Black/White with cross-bones? I kinda don't think this door will stay silent for the wrong combination.." She stared over to Astrid, then back to the door.. then back to Astrid, seeming intently focused, wandering back, extending a finger. "I don't need to remember the words. Alright, righ here above her right nipple it started.. " The pirates finger wandered over, as she walked around the woman. "And here, right were she has the small birthmark it was going on about.. yes.. and then.. here.." Rovana wandered about, nodding to herself, seeming to have a .. special kind of memory. "And right here above her nice butt it ended with some nonsense about depths. So black is last! Hah!
She nodded, unashamedly taking in Astrids body while she had an excuse.. only to lean over to the through the water rather revealed beauty of the dark skinned vampiress, pondering. "Now, that makes it pretty easy. It's Grey for despair, Red for Blood, Green for Envy, Blue for the sky and Black for the depths." Rovana nodded, and reached out for the gems in that order.

(Rolled an int check for myself.. nothing too impressive, but to be fair Rovana doesn't have short term memory loss and would remember one or two things on her own just by value of .. how it was presented. :p)
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Shadowspike - The Bronze Door

Molly shrugged, weighing the axes in either hand, looking slightly uncomfortable with them.

"Being in this body... it's like a glove that doesn't fit. Not that I mind having muscle..." Molly mused.

"Either learn to use those axes quickly, or let Astrid do it." Muttered Ingrid as she hefted her own battle axe with two hands and moved forward to stand next to Rovana as the corsair tested the door's jewels.

"Despair can be several colors," Ludmilla offered. "To some, grey and black are typical answers, but I have heard of blue also... and to creatures of the night, white can be unsettling."

"Yellow,"Jowai grunted.

"It's not a choice," Ingrid said.

"Er, yeah. Well. I don't like it." Jowai confided, shifting in place.

Rovana seemed happy with her choices, and the others, having not been able to read the message that Rovana had rubbed away, simply nodded along with her.

The door began to move... then slide open to reveal darkness... followed by a rush of long, ooze-covered tendrils, as though the nightmare of a kraken had been released!

"Look out!" Ludmilla shouted, darting forward with vampiric celerity, attempting to intervene and push Rovana out of the way, but just as her hand touched the pirate's shoulder a tentacle hit her mid-section and wrapped around her, shoving her figure high into the air. On either side of her, Rovana could see and hear each of her companions being seized by the tentacles. And with a rush... now there came more of the loathsome appendages for her!

[Rovana to make a DEX saving throw against a DC of 15. All her companions have failed it. (Highest roll was an 8 out of four rolls....) If you succeed, you will take only half damage from the trap and not be grappled like the NPCs are.]

Beyond the archway, and the tentacles, Rovana could see a wide set of stairs descending to a circular pit, which was criss-crossed with rotting beams, that appeared to have been cannibalized from shipwrecks. In the center of these beams was an area of lashed planks that created a suitable floor, and there was a gathering of people there - but in the chaos of her current predicament, she had no time to deduce more than that.

Captain Rovana
Dagons cave, The evil door

"I don't mind either." The pirate commented about Astrids physique, with an innocent side-glance.
She then rubbed her temples. "I'm not used to remembering so much non-nautical related thingies at the best of days, you're all not helping. Let's just try this, worst case we can still break open the door" She decided, albeit equally amused and annoyed at her companions.

"Huh?" Rovana made, looking at the tentacles coiling at her. On instinct she reached out to grab a tendril, for a moment appearing as if she too was about to be grabbed when defending herself in such a simple manner, however, rather than trying to push the tentacle off, she held onto it, using its momentum to jump and vault herself over the assault, cartwheeling up into the air with almost playful looking grace and landing on her feet with a twirling of her cloak. "I wont lie.. I'm smaller and thin, I like strong women.. and the occasional strong man.." She winked at Jowai. "But there are other ways to train your body."
Having avoided the tentacles and, likely, not seeing any way to disable the magical trap, She'd then swiftly grab Ludmilla's shoulder, pulling her out of the tentacles with herself. "Help pull out whomever can't help themselfs" she briefly instructed. Then, at the next free moment she added, with a wink. "I quite like the protectiveness, but I -have- survived for years as highest authority in a world were killing an inept superior of yours is a respectable method of promotion." She noted.

(Rovana does better than anyone else.. for 13 total :p I figure she doesn't get her acrobatic bonus...)

If not, everyone being grappled sounds bad, so using that inspiration dice right about now and.. pfew, definitly making that one.
Total: 21

Next up, Rovana uses her action to move/grapple Ludmilla, if it's ok I'll assume Ludmilla lets herself be grabbed, and then, as Rovana moves away from the tentacles, her grapple makes Ludmilla leave the tentacles grapple-reach, which should break the vampiress free.

Next turn Rovana and Ludmilla can try freeing whoever failed to free themselfs, though.. *rolls dex to be sure*

Might backfire on Rovana if can't use acrobatics and if that spell is a true black tentacles spell that persistantly grabs. Dice favor the tentaclez!
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Unfortunately, as it is a special attack, it is a DEX save only. You can then use an opposed Athletics/Acrobatics ability check as your action to escape the grapple. So it does require the use of your inspiration die. Your attempt to grapple Ludmilla is contested by the tentacles themselves, and involves an oppossed Athletics test since it is more strength based rather than wriggling out of them yourself. Fortunately, Ludmilla manages it herself.

Rovana contorted and twisted her body, as tentacles shot by her, missing by the barest of centimeters. Ludmilla, although battered and torn at, her vampiric celerity swiftly helped her to wrest free of the tentacles and slip down to the pirate's side.

"We need to get away from this door!" the vampiress said, and leaped forward, onto the stairway. Looking back at her companions, Rovana saw Jowai rip away from the tendrils, looking slightly battered, but relatively fine. Molly squirmed and managed to struggle free as well, but Ingrid faced the bulk of the tentacles, for the ones that missed Rovana were now securing her, ripping at her clothing and disheveling her, snaking between her legs and prodding lewdly at her.

"Nnngh!! Damn y--!!"

Ingrid's curse was cut off as a slimey tendril entered her mouth, causing her to gag and thrash all the more.

Below on the wooden catwalks, nine figures stood, eight of them resembling the fishy monster that had attacked Rovana back in Wachter's library. The main figure in the center appeared more human, a tall male of some sort in a tricorn hat, with dark hair, holding an open book in his hands.


Captain Rovana
Dagons cave, Above the pit

"Ugh.. The Code is clear. Try to not take too long in freeing yourself else we'll be done with Dagon without you." She nodded to Ingrid briefly.. there was little point risking everyone else getting grabbed again freeing her and by the looks of it, those tentacles would not kill Ingrid if she couldn't free herself.. they busied themselfs otherwise, for now. Rovana raised her sword, looking down at the chanting creatures. She'd have no more of this chanting. Plus, every teaching ever told her to not let mages keep their books. As the pirate took aim, and moved forward cautiously, water began dripping from her blade, until she rushed the last bit of distance to have those creatures in range for her magic, unleashing a large wave into the centre of the cultists, announcing herself with a: "Avast yer! Hand over yer Dagon and yer treasures or face me and me mateys wrath! Get 'em! No quarter for any that resist our might!"

Rovana moves into position and then unleashes a Tidal wave with Dagons call, aimed at the very least at the chanty-one in the centre, happy to smash more if she can.
7/10 charges remaining
Also, slowly dices recover, Initative:
And the tides are with Rovana, Damage: (Dex for half.. if it uses charisma +proficiency+spell level that'd be dc 8+2+3+3)
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Shadowspike Sanctum

Ingrid's eyes widened in panic as Rovana made it clear that she wasn't going to be stopping to help her untangle herself. The pirated turned and moved onward, with Ludmilla hissing, her fangs barred and her spear hoisted in her clawed grip, stalking forward. Astrid and Jowai, hesitated, looking back at the ensnared valkyrie. With the others out of reach, the remaining tentacles all focused on Ingrid, wrapping around her tightly, splaying her limbs and squirming to lash and slap and using elongated pronged tips to unhook the fighter's girdle.

The pirate had new concerns in front of her. Raising her sword above her, she sent a wave of conjured water crashing into a few of the fish faced acolytes, who were swept aside and into the pit below, landing in the dark water. The figure in the center of the circle remained standing, closing the book in his hand with a sharp clap, and drew a long saber from his scabbard, His cloak tossed back, the man resembled a pirate captain.

"Ah good. The fish takes the bait. A bit early, perhaps, but welcome nonetheless."

The man pointed his sword out at Rovana, and then tipped his chin in the direction of Jowai.

"And you've come back to your captain, Jowai."

The orc growled.

"Ain't much to come back to. I thought yer lot was ugly 'a fore ye got to these shores, Captain Thoth. But by a sea hag's barnacled tits... what've ye done to them?"

"I've granted them powers of the sea and the depths! Blessings of our patron, whose spirit shall soon be reborn, only one piece of the ritual remained, which you have kindly brought to us."

He grinned at Rovana. "I am Captain Imh Thoth, of the Fanged Death, herald of That Which Lurks. You bring us the eye of Dagon, a progenitor that has outlasted its worth, shackled by its lack of ambition. I shall bring about a true god, and in return, I shall rule the surface of its Realm. Prepare yourself..."

Imh Thoth's voice changed, and what he uttered next was a foul oath in Abyssal that did not translate directly into the common tongue - for so vile and dark was the speech, that the promise of eternal crushing pressure and pain in the depths of cold darkness had a magical property to it. Rovana's memory of the recent terror of the Shadowsea surged to the forefront of her mind. It was as if she were listening to the voice of Dagon itself again, only this time, without the shield of whatever protection had been offered her. The Enemy itself was speaking to her, and she had to steel her will to resist utter Fear from consuming her."

[Rovana and her allies must make a Charisma saviing throw, DC = 14.]


Captain Rovana
Dagons evil shadowy spikey cave.

Rovana breifly raised a brow at Ingrid's expression. "Why the suprise? As long as you are battle-sister and not pirate, I hold no duty of comradery to you." She turned. Was it pleasant to leave a comrade behind? No. But even on a pure tactical point, risking everyone getting injured or even re-captured to rescue someone that managed to get captured was regrettably foolish. Plus, she had a more dangerous foe to focus on. Well, by Rovana's logic at least, this man was more dangerous than even Strahd... because he was a pirate.

"Beware wich fish you try to catch, they might drag ye offboard." The captain smirked, water still dripping from her blade.
"I'm captain Rovana Dilisnya of the Red Dawn and if ye desire me sword that much, I'll happily oblige. As you've seen, I too wield the powers of the deep waters, without looking like something a kraken shit out.
Yer patron has a debt to pay to me and you be knowing what it means to stand in the way of a pirate and their dues."
She added. "And what shabby pirate yearns to rule the surface? Know our place. We are not kings nor emperors." She advocated. "A true pirate rules nothing more, or less, than their crew and ship, for nothing more they need! To command more than that is a bother and bureocracy, to own more than you know by name is not healthy greed, but just another prison. If that be yer Lurkers promise ye're being screwed worse than me, then again, if you had what it takes to be a great captain, you'd be standing on a ship, not hiding in some cave." She smirked.

A smirk that, admittedly, froze a little at the mans chanting. Understanding it kind of made things worse.. she shook her head, gritting her teeth, but it was too no avail. It was, in a way, her most primal fear, Davy Johnes locker, the death, the hell of pirates and even having allied with one Dagon.. well.. it wasn't quite like this creature and a mortal could ever be called allies. The shadowsea had been maddening enough without it being hostile to her..

Rovana fails her save with a 10!
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Shadowspike Sanctum

Thoth grinned at Rovana's challenge and her insult about the looks of his men, although he did seem to be in a human form, he did swiftly confirm that he too had been touched by the Deep, for out holes in the back of his red captain's jacket, two greeen prehensile tendrils slithered out and arched above his back.

They Abyssal oath seized hold of Rovana, and the grip of pure fear was too much. The uncontrollable need to flee from Thoth was too much. The same could be said for Molly, who in the guise of Astrid began to step away, towards the bronze doorway, where Ingrid had been rendered helpless by the tentacles and was now being ravished ceaselessly from every angle.

[Rovana has the Frightened condition. She has disadvantage on her attack rolls and ability checks while the object of her fear (Thoth) is within line of sight. She cannot voluntarily move closer to the object of her fear.]

Imh Thoth stepped forward, and the remaining five crew that had not been caught up in the tidal wave now moved closer.

"Fair on the surface, but fear that which lurks beneath! I have the best of both worlds. And I need no lecture about what being a pirate means, Captain Dilisnya. It means making your own rules. To take everything you can and give nothing back! Most pirates can't fathom claiming the seas - but the Lurker makes it possible. I shall claim the oceans as I would jewels in a crown. And when I am done with the world, I shall lead a fleet into the Abyss itself."

He raised his sword and gave a shout to his underlings.

"Bring me the Eye of the False One!"

With a shout, the five fish-faced pirates flung themselves forward, their hideous mouths opening and distending in an alien manner, rusted blades in their hands.

"You will never hold it." Ludmilla said, stepping forward, her undead state allowing her to stare down the pirate and the oncoming host. "For I will claim your souls and blood!"

"Hruaahhh, let me take ya to the Abyss!" Jowai said, entering into an electric rage, the air around him crackling with energy as he rushed into melee with the creatures, his sword crashing upon the deep one crew like hammer blows. Ludmilla's blood spear sang, striking foes as well. The creatures' blades struck back, biting across both of Rovana's companions. At the very least Jowai and Ludmilla had done their job, soaking up the attacks that would otherwise have been aimed at Rovana.

[At the end of your turn, you can make another DC 14 Charisma save to shake off the effects of Frightened Status]


Captain Rovana
Shadowpike Sanctum

Rovanas breath had quickend, and has the opposing pirate captain took a step forward.. she took one back. "Y.. y.." She gritted her teeth, gripping her sword. "Ye know not of true piracy.. protect yer captain!" She retreated a step further, pondering, looking over to Molly.. "Oy, if you really don't wanna fight in this body might as well go and help Ingrid if she's still having her fun time. We need her butt in gear for the fight."
She decided, despite what she had said earlier... But there were creatures rushing at her and she could deal with them, she grinned, spinning her sword around, as if handing it out, holding it close to one of the fish creatures next to Jowai, switching to Abyssal to say:
"You want it? Just come here and take it. Come on, sounds as if it's more trouble than it's worth." She tempted, pulling the sword back as soon as the creature tried to reach for it, of course. She had always considered her words a greater weapon than her sword.. well.. Dagons call was an admittedly mighty sword.

After distracting the creature, she took a few further steps back. She didn't feel like engaging the enemy pirate captain under the weight of the spell... but she never fought fair in the first place, if she could help it. She stilled her breathing and, with an effort on what she believed in (As much as she'd deny such) opposed the intimidating captain, slowly regaining her own courage as she did: "Avast ye, captain! We live by our own rules and without the rulership of anyone. We're only pirates when we are free. A captain is chosen by merit not conquest. That's why any crew-members have right to depose a captain, if they so dare. I will not see my brothers bend to sail by a tyrants hand!" She narrowed her eyes. "A pirates one true duty is to the sea and if you'd have it otherwise, I'll have your colors, Captain Thoth!" She proclaimed, threateningly... even if only to her it was a true threat to claim a pirates flag.

Rovana uses her action to try and distract one of the creatures and give Jowai Advantage on his next attack. (Err.. hope he's not recklessly attacking.. I don't think there's DOUBLE ADVANTAGE! :p )
Deception Roll(1d20)+10:

End of turn, Rovana shakes off the fear!
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Shadowspike Sanctum

The deep pirates fell upon the half orc and the vampire, chopping away with their swords, using their ferocious attacks and greater numbers to drive the fighters back, but the two monstrous heroes combined their assault for a moment to bring one of the five low, with Jowai's blade cracking through the creature's belly. In return for this, more blows fell against the orc, slashing dark bloody lines across his thick skin. Many blades also pierced Ludmilla's flesh, but she seemed to relish the pain, and her wounds were knitting closed almost but not quite as quickly as they were appearing. Rovana's help to the orc allowed him to land another telling blow on a second deep pirate, though not enough to fell it.

Seeing Rovana enter the fray, one of the pirates broke away from the orc and swung his saber at her. She easily parried his first swing, but had to do an acrobatic twist to prevent the second swing from taking her head.

[Uncanny dodge to reduce dmg to 5. Rovana is currently at 48/53 HP. Jowai has taken multiple hits, but his rage is keeping him in workable status. Ludi has taken many cuts, but her vampiric regeneration is apparently still working.]

Behind Rovana, Molly ran towards the bronze door, and tried to wield the axes agains the tentacles that held Ingrid in place, but she seemed to wield them like a novice - not a warrior. Perhaps the original Molly was not trained as a fighter, which would limit her ability to make use of Astrid's body unless she connected with the valkyrie's memories.

Behind the melee of battle, Imh Thoth smirked and beckoned to Rovana as he stood at the center of the wooden platform with the holes in it.

"Come on then, Captain Rovana. Your new master awaits. He'll have that eye. And your soul. With them, he'll be reformed. The vessel is already prepared. Come... breath life into a god." He flourished his blade, which made a thrumming, rumble sound as it moved through the air. Likely, this captain also had a blade with some tricks.

Captain Rovana
Shadowpike Sanctum

A brief sideglance back over to Molly made Rovana realize this was propably for the best. A clumsy fighter could be more dangerous than not having one. So, it was three on four, plus a pirate captain. Plus while her spell had injured them, she didn't trust the creatures to not crawl back up.. and there was a Dagon-knockoff to deal with. Such danger. She grinned, touching the shallow cut to her shoulder.

"Hahaha.. I guess you realize that your men wont do for me... nor will your sorcery." Rovana chuckled, lifting her blade, before charging, jumping, landing on the platform, not to attack, but to cautiously circle and measure up her opponent, blade lifted in the way, a dangerous smirk on her lips. "Let's see if mine proves more sucessful." She pointed her sword at the opposing captain, her eyes turning as dark as the depths as, in abyssal herself, she commanded: "Break before the Reaver!" She said, water beginning to drip from her blade, her hair, her clothes.. and while it had the side effect of exposing her lovely frame all the better through the wet garments clinging to her, captain Toth had little time to enjoy the sights, as he felt now Rovana's magic in turn biting at his determination.
Rovana swung her weapon in a wide arch, a swirling of water remaining behind for a half second, a pretend predictable attack, followed by an inversion of the blade as she spun around, stabbing the blade bedhind her, with a blood-hungry laugh. "Ha harr harrr."

She laughed and, if her blade hit with her both grandiose yet viciously underhanded attack, water would shoot from the wound, tearing at her opponents flesh, constraining him, trapping him in a watery prison.

Move action to get close.
Bonus to Hex him, disadvantage on his Charisma checks.. out of principle. Even if strength with grapple comes more likely into play!

Attack for.. yeah that looks good: Roll(1d20)+8:

Damage: 3 necrotic from Hex, 12 from sneak attack, 6 from base weapon damage, 21 total. Not only that but that was a booming blade empowered attack, he willingly moves away, he takes another 1d8.