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A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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The oceans of this current Shadow were breezy but relatively calm, thanks to the constant seeking in Shadow by both Siobhan and Vivianna. The Southern Fleet proudly flew their flags high in the sun, proclaiming themselves as sons and daughters of Amber. Beneath each flag, a smaller flag flew with the symbols of Vivianna declared. Even now the crew of each ship had been addressing her as their Queen and loudly pledged their allegiance to her. They were hopeful for a new day under their beloved leader, whose amazing tactical genius had saved nearly all their lives in the last war against Chaos. Very few, if any, suspected her of any collusion with the forces of the Logrus.

Vivianna sat in her lavish room on board the fleet's flagship. Dining with her was her half-sister and child hood friend, Siobhan. This was a woman who genuinely respected Vivianna, and though there was a small amount of hero worship for Vivi's general brilliance, Siobhan managed to keep it well hidden to the point where she could simply have a normal conversation with the elder amberite.

For Vivianna, this was perhaps the greatest gift of all right now. It was lonely here on the seas of Shadow, in exile until she made her move. But what would they all think if they knew about her talks with the Serpent, and the quest for the Jewel of Judgment? Dare she share such information with even Siobhan? Would her best friend understand? Perhaps it was best not to push her luck.

"So, we're safely tucked away in a random Shadow at sea, I doubt Bator or the others will know we've left Mystara empty until a day after we miss port call in Amber. My only gripe is that that bastard Gamon will be setting foot in my port -- but I'm sure with you on my side I'll have the last laugh, right big sis?"

Siobhan chuckled and brushed back her auburn locks as she tilted a goblet back and enjoyed some fine Amber red.

"So what's our next move?" she asked when she had quaffed it all in one long gulp.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Vivianna was very grateful for the company and the support of her dear half-sibling, since without her and the fleet, she'd have no means of more directly contesting the throne. Still, it was not much to work with, at least considering that Bator held much of the rest Amber's military power. Even for a dullard like Bator, that was a numbers advantage that gave him firm control of home. At least she should have some breathing room to consolidate her forces before her siblings came looking for her, perhaps they might even fight amongst themselves while she was out of the way. Despite having enacted this plan, she felt a pang of guilt at abandoning her father on his death bed. She would make amends when she returned.

"I'll be sure you receive ample compensation for your loyalties Siobhan. I won't see any of those that support me without reward, certainly not my dear little sister." Vivi smiled softly, sipping at her own wine with a little more reserve. If she was going to see her way to the throne, or at least to her true objective, she'd need a clear head.

Mulling over her options, she picked at the food before her, deciding on just what she wanted to do first. She briefly entertained the notion of explaining her little deal to her friend. Very briefly. It would be better for the time being to keep their objective as straight forward as possible.

"I want to secure our forces here for the time being. Find somewhere to occupy, give your troops somewhere to stretch their legs. I've been toying with the idea of creating a floating fortress of sorts, something we can take back to Amber and use to seige from the sea, though that might be a little grandoise for the time being." A slight smirk crossed her face as she imagined Bator's face if she pulled something like that off.

"I would like to go back with a clear advantage though. I'm going to have to either find some more forces, or we need to come up with a way to break the other half of the navy in one stroke. A long struggle is something I don't want to put our people through, even if they don't see things our way yet." There were a lot of angles to consider, though it was pretty clear she'd need to find a way to keep an eye on the goings on back home.

"For now," she leaned forward on the table, giving her sibling a devious smile, "why don't you tell me just what I have to work with in this delightful fleet of yours."
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

"Creating a floating fortress? Or finding one?" Siobhan said with a crooked eyebrow. "If we travel Shadow enough we can get it. No trouble with that. The difficulty will come down to numbers. Bator has more Amberites on his side, and as you know, a single Amberite is worth dozens of minions from Shadow. Our best strength is the loyalty of my fleet. Twenty five warships, and thirty six smaller vessels for scouting and harrying skirmishes. They're designed for non-gunpowder warfare, particular to Amber."

She put her drink down and leaned forward.

"Gamon is a bull-headed blowhard, it's possible that we could lure him and his fleet out into Shadow so long as Bator is busy elsewhere. We'd just need to attempt a feint, give him some juicy bait that he couldn't pass up. I'm sure he'd love to get his hands on one of us." Siobhan grinned, her cavalier nature showing.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

"Numbers are going to be an issue for everyone, though if we acquire ourselves a sea borne base, then once we take care of Gamon's fleet we should be able to stay in Amber with less worry. If I'm going to claim the throne, I can't stay out in shadow forever." Vivianna replied, running over what she remembered of the standing military in Amber. An all out fight wouldn't end in her favour, and unless she managed several decisive victories, she only had a limited strong force to work with. A few allies might serve as a distraction, but there was no guarantee they would be of any more use than that. Baiting Gamon was a reasonable plan, especially if they could do it before Bator had the chance to organise for her potential attacks.

"Suppose we send him a message, declaring you the leader of the true royal fleet, throw in some digs at his pride and reputation, challenge him to a duel to determine which fleet is truly worthy of being Amber's pride." The princess grins, leaning forward as well as she puts her drink to one side. Eyes dancing in near devilish delight as she plotted.

"Let him believe his reward will be handing me to Bator himself. Of course, we'll make sure he doesn't get a fair fight and my dear sister can do with him what she will. A gift for your support." Vivi' leaned back again, taking a sip of her drink, smiling a little as she took a moment to distract herself with something more pleasant.

"We should organise something for the fleet. I want to make an address regarding my father's passing, though I don't want to focus on the negative aspects." She paused for a moment, considering her words. "Maybe a simple ball or something of that nature. Simple, but something for the crew to do while we put plans in motion."

She sighed a little, sipping her drink again. "Unless you think that'd be too much Siobhan."
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

"We'd have to deliver it in person. If we just gave him a written letter of our declaration of war, he'd send it off to Bator like the good little puppet he is. It would only be if he were presented with an enemy right in front of him that Gamon would take such a bait," Siobhan replied evenly. "He's a fool, but not THAT much of a fool. Ah but I would love to have him captured and bound before me."

Siobhan grinned wickedly and it was clear that Gamon would not be enjoying himself if such a situation were to come to fruition. Amberites could truly surpass Chaosians in matters of revenge.

"As for the ball - my men are sailors, they're always up for a good party. I'll give the order to set sail."


With the aid of Siobhan and Vivianna, the fleet sailed through shadow until at last they came to a port city decorated with lights and streamers and preparing a glamorous evening of song and dance. Pretty maidens and handsome young men in their finest clothing awaited them, and they were welcomed to the Shadow city as long awaited heroes, a fleet of prophesied gods who would walk amongst them and provide them good fortune. It was a decent enough place for Siobhan to address her loyal fleet while they enjoyed themselves.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Vivianna acknowledged Sionhan's input, working that into her own plan. She might well have to head back to Amber herself to provide a nice target for Gamon. She would think on a few plans, since she really didn't want to rush into a bad situation. It would be wise to get someone in Amber to keep tabs on the goings on. While Bator was of course her current concern, she couldn't rule out the possibility that her other siblings might try to remove her from the race.

Despite the risks, or perhaps because of them, Vivianna was looking forward to the challenge before her.


Vivianna had some time to reflect as she prepared herself for her appearance. It wouldn't do for the future queen to look anything less than dazzling for the first address to her subjects. She made sure to dress in one of her finest gowns and meticulously took to her appearance. Of course, she had the advantage of her shape shifting powers to make herself just that little more exotic. She extended her hair, letting it fall until it was just shy of the floor, and gave it a delightful shimmer. She was always cautious of her powers around her siblings, but in front of her loyal subjects, the extra flair wouldn't hurt.

When she was ready herself, she went to find Siobhan so they could start the proceedings. Though she noted that she would have to make sure her dear little sister didn't partake too heavily in the festivities.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Vivianna found Siobhan preparing herself in her own dressing room which had been prepared for her by the more than welcoming hosts in shadow. Upon entering, Vivianna saw that Siobhan's style differed drastically from her own. The sailor had dressed herself up in a full body, red leotard with cleverly placed slits to accentuate her femininity, while adding an air of mystique with a complex array of yellow silk ribbons in her hair and a sash of yellow silk across her waist, trailing down her partially exposed leg. She wore likewise colored yellow shoes and gloves, giving her the appearance of a comic-book superheroine. At her hip as always was her captain's saber.

"Oh hello dear sister. My, my, your hair looks marvelous like that. Absolutely stunning. There's not a soul in shadow who could deny your right to be queen." She finished her complements with an elaborate, man's bow, spreading her arms wide with a flourish. "Don't let my shameless boot licking go straight to your head though. We have to win the kingdom first! I can't wait to kick it all off with his party tonight!"
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

The princess of Amber gave a curtsy to Siobhan's praise, having to smile as she took in her sister's own appearance. She made no effort to hide her appraising gaze, following the curves of Siobhan's body and taking note of how she accentuated herself so well. She had always had an interesting preference in clothing, though one that suited her very well.

"Thank you sister, it is nice to be able to be myself a little more now that I'm not under the watchful eyes of my other siblings. I suppose I can deal with your praise, though don't think less of yourself sister, you are an important friend and ally for me." Vivianna smiled, moving closer to her sibling to put a hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I hope that never changes Siobhan, I want to enjoy your company for a long time." Vivi' removed her hand after a long moment, giving a little spin as she stepped back, offering her sibling a hand. "Though we should not keep your men waiting should we, I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to enjoy ourselves in the party hmm?"
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Siobhan smiled and hugged her half-sister back, tightly, pressing her body up close to hers. Siobhan was strong and witty, and cut a dashing figure in comparison to her more cerebral and elegant looking companion.

"I'll go on ahead then, and prepare them all for your grand entrance!"

So saying, she exited the room. Just as she left, Vivianna felt the coolness of her trump card surging. Someone was trying to contact her through Trump. It could be any one of her siblings or half siblings, and taking the call would establish a psychic link between herself and the caller. Did she dare risk answering?
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

So saying, she exited the room. Just as she left, Vivianna felt the coolness of her trump card surging. Someone was trying to contact her through Trump. It could be any one of her siblings or half siblings, and taking the call would establish a psychic link between herself and the caller. Did she dare risk answering?

Vivianna hugged Siobhan back, holding her close for as long as she stayed. The two had always complemented each other well and now more than even the princess was hoping that she could rely on her good friend to see her through to the end of their path. Her mind wandered ever so slightly, relaxing in the embrace, allowing herself to drop her guard for just a few moments, a rare luxury for the second in line for the throne. All too quickly the moment was over and Vivi' gave her sibling a slight nod as she moved to leave, taking the moment to compose herself again. It was likely she wouldn't find much rest until her siblings were accounted for and her own mission was complete.

The trump call took her a little by surprise, not having expected a call quite so soon, though it wasn't unreasonable to expect her siblings to have missed her presence at her father's side. Before answering, she took the time to prepare some mental defences, wanting to have the chance to break the call off should her sender try anything. One could never be too careful.

Once she was satisfied that she wouldn't have her mind invaded without a fight, she shifted her appearance back to how she appeared before her siblings, not wanting to give anything away. With that, she answered the call, interested to see who had business with her.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Vivi would find the mental image of Vaelus, her younger brother, looking at her through Trump. She could see him in his normal attire, a vaguely "eastern" style of dress seen in a Shadow called Earth she had once visited, only because Deworin had said he and Olin had spent a long time out in it, thus giving it more "real" qualities than most Shadows.

Vaelus bowed his head slightly in greeting, a serious expression upon his face. "Sister, since you aren't here, I took it upon myself to pass on the news; not long ago, father passed away."

He paused for a moment, perhaps allowing some time for that news to sink in. "But this is not the only reason for contacting you. Even with his last breath, Olin named no heir. Within moments of his passing, dear eldest brother Bator has declared himself most suitable ruler, despite his obvious shortcomings. Edric, Gamon and Rhone all apparently support him as well, so were it not for his complete lack of leadership, he'd be an ideal claimant." The scorn in Vaelus' voice was obvious to Vivi's trained ears. Indeed, Vaelus had always been jealous of Bator and dismissive of his abilties to rule - even though he had apparently done well enough to earn the respect of many powerful siblings.

"But even this is not the worst news I bear. I have reason to believe that "Prince" Even may have gone over to Chaos and intends to use their support to make claim for father's throne. Needless to say, I am concerned about this possibility and should Bator be leading the kingdom against the house of Chaos, I fear the Bloody Bastard may yet do what Chaos has wanted to do since Amber was formed..."

"I am sorry to find myself the bearer of such ill tidings," he finished with a slight bow.
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Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Vivi' took a cursory moment to check her defences as she listened to her sibling, her expression dropping a little as he confirmed what she had already expected. She knew she should be if anything relieved that largest obstacle to her task was out of the way, but even so she didn't care to wish death on any of her family for it to come about. She soon had to focus on Vaelus again as he continued, taking in what he had to say. She couldn't say she had really expected any less, from Bator's actions or Valelus' reactions to their eldest brother.

Even however was less troubling news to her, especially if he had truly gone over to Chaos, though she still feigned concern for the matter. In truth, she didn't want a war with chaos as much as any other Amberite, her somewhat unique mission not withstanding. Bloodshed was a waste of potential if the situation could be resolved at all peacefully. Giving her brother a curtsy in return to his bow, she finally spoke up herself.

"I'm sorry I was not there for the end Vaelus, Bator's actions would have only made the loss of Father harder for me. I wish to resolve my feelings with some distance, though I promise I will not be gone for too long, if only to keep Bator's ambitions in check." She paused for a moment, giving a soft smile,

"I hope mother is managing with the news, please give her my love as well." She would consider sending the gesture herself, but she knew full well her mother disliked her being so close to Nala. The last thing she wanted was to have that cause her mother more grief right now. Vaelus had always been the closest one to her anyway.

"As for Even," Her expression returned to a more serious one. "I will see if I can contact him or at least find out what he might be planning. If he is truly wishing to spark a war with Amber then I will personally beseech our dear Bator to put aside his claim to the throne until the greater threat is dealt with. Of course, he might always see a war as a way to win more favour..." Vivi' shook her head quickly, sighing a little as she crossed her hands in front of her waist.

"Vaelus," she continued after taking a deep breath to clear her thoughts. "Please take care of yourself, I don't want anything happening to you while I am away. If you get into trouble, please don't think twice about contacting me. You are my dear brother, and the loss of our father doesn't change that. I would hate for Bator's quest for the throne to take that which is most precious to me." It was a truthful statement, despite the obvious use in having him inform her more directly of goings on in the castle. If Bator, or anyone for that matter were to threaten the remainder of her family, she would show them no mercy.

"Was there anything else brother? I was about to attend a ball to clear my head." Vivianna curtsey's with a softer smile, trying to push her worries to the back of her mind again for the time being.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Vaelus' eyes flickered a bit in surprise at her affectionate comments towards him, but he did his best to cover it. "I'll give your love to mother, give my regards to Siobhan," he replied.

"The same goes for you, if you need a way to escape something. And do be careful about wayward trumps, dear sister; I shouldn't have to remind you what could happen," he added sincerely.

"Oh well, enjoy your ball," he finished with a sweeping bow. "I have my own preparations to make."

After she replied to any of this, she would feel him severing the Trump contact, leaving her alone in the dressing room once again.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Vivi smiled a little more broadly as she caught the slight flicker in her brother's composure. Though she wasn't lying about caring for his safety, she noted that it was a potential avnue to exploit if she needed too.

"Thank you Vaelus, be safe and I will see you soon." She gave another curtsey, smiling warmly and giving her sibling a more informal wave as the trump disconnected.

She let her hair shift back out before heading to find Siobhan with some moe to thin k on now.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

As Vivianna left her dressing room she would see sailors from her fleet who had been posted as her escort guards stand at attention, garbed in military dress uniforms and looking quite smart looking. They accompanied her down the hall and through a grand archway where she emerged to the sound of trumpets and an exhultant announcement from a voice that could only be Siobhan's.

"I give you, the Princess Vivianna of Amber!"

A loud applause erupted as Vivi took to the center of the dance hall. Men and women in the finest clothing were around her, gawking at her beauty.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

It was nice to see that Siobhan had already set to arranging her escorts, am understandable notions given her weakness. It had always bothered her a little that her siblings seemed to excel far more in the power of mind and body than her, even if her wit more than made up for it. Perhaps she was just envious that she'd never live out the role of a hero from the tales she used to read, settling her qualms with sword play or a feat of mental strength. Of course she could always go live out her little fantasies in a shadow, but that wouldn't make for a very grand tale.

As pleasant as the diversion might be, she had a speech to deliver, something she was quickly reminded of thanks to Siobhan's announcement. A quick smile flashed on her face before she mentally steeled herself for her role, the eldest Princess of Amber, no, for her soldiers she was already Queen.

"You're all too kind," Vivi' started once the applause had died down enough for her to speak. She paused, her shifted hair flowing around her as she raised her eyes, looking over all those gathered before her.

"Today my father, your King Olin, passed away in castle Amber. I ask for you all to take a moment to reflect on this, what this loss means for Amber and for us. I understand that not all of you would have respected him as King, I can't say that I always held him in the best regard myself." Another slight pause, as she tried to keep herself calm. "However, you should not mistake this ball as a celebration of his passing, I will never abide anyone being thankful for his passing. He laid the groundwork for what is to come, without him I would not be here before you, we would not be about to embark on this new age together. Though we move on, we will not forget those that have come before us and laid the groundwork for our own paths."

A longer pause now, the princess letting her words sink in so there would be no misunderstanding. She abhorred death, hated it, even if it was laced with opportunity for her. Once she had the jewel of judgement though that would all change.

"This ball, this celebration, is to thank you all for joining me," Vivianna started again, making a grandiose gesture with her arms to include everyone in the hall. "Bator has already laid claim to the throne as soon as life had left my father's body. Many have rallied to his claim to the throne, many would be perfectly happy to see that oaf take over from my father simply due to convenience. However, you don't believe in my brother's right to the throne, instead you have chosen to support me. I can not express how grateful I am to have so many loyal Amberites with me here in the shadow. Rest assured though, we will return to Amber, we will show our people that a true leader is needed for the throne. Bator will cede the throne or we will show them the might of the true fleet of Amber!"

She was hoping this would rouse the troops enough that she could take a breath while they reacted, giving them a little before raising her hands to quiet them.

"Enjoy yourselves tonight, know that we have many trials ahead of us. I hope I will have the chance to personally reward each one of you for your loyalty when we secure Amber for ourselves." She took another breath, smiling just a little. "Just remember, our enemies are not the people of Amber, only those seeking to lead them to ruin. I expect you all to treat your fellow Amberites with respect and kindness, we will not lower ourselves to the level of savages."

"Please, don't let me keep you any longer, I'm sure you're all itching to sample the delights of this shadow." She curtsies deeply and respectfully to her subjects, holding the pose for a few seconds before raising again, resting her hands at her front as she sighs softly. Taking a moment to relax herself after her speech.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Vivi's speech was well-received by the crowd, her points delivered in proper succession with well-placed emphasis. The sailors were solemn at the news of Olin's official death, even though they had all anticipated it. They were appropriately disgruntled, dismissive, or simply angered by Bator's immediate claim. And at the mention of them sailing to victory in the name of their future queen, they cheered happily and proudly for more than enough time for her to regain her breath. She was then able to finish the speech to another round of applause and a signal to the orchestra started up the music that signaled the beginning of the official festivities. Servants with trays of canapes and glasses of wine made their way through the crowd while men and woman joined hands in dance while others still sat or stood around at tables and chatted about the matters of the day.

"Not bad, Sis. I think that got them all in the mood," Siobhan said, appearing by Vivianna's side. Her eyes were ablaze with intensity and apprehension. She had been anticipating this fight for years, and for better or worse it was about to begin. "I feel so alive right now, as if for the first time in my life, I'm fighting for something with real meaning. Not just some skirmish in shadow or with Chaos. Amber's going to be better with you in charge."

Siobhan placed an affectionate hand on Vivianna's shoulder and squeezed it warmly. Absolute trust appeared in her eyes, and this was a rare thing indeed for an royal Amberite to have.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Vivi took a few moments to focus herself after the speech. She was used to addressing people, especially her half-sibling's fleet, today was going to mark a great turning point in her life though. She could no longer dilly dally in the shadows, or simply enjoy her time. From now until she either succeeded or died, she would need to remain on her guard against those she'd once been closet too.

The princess gave a slight nod to Siobhan when she arrived, managing a slight smile at her words. She didn't reply until she felt the hand on her shoulder though, simply watching her sibling for a long moment before stepping forward to lean against her. She closed her eyes, her vivid hair almost curling to embrace the younger sibling while she did her best to relax against the warmth.

"I'm going to miss him, as much of an oaf as he was at times. It's silly in a way, he never had time for anyone but Bator but now our family is going to tear itself apart over what he left behind." A deep sigh escaped her lips before she slowly pulled back, wearing a smile though she was sure her eyes betrayed her pain to her dearest friend.

"Would you do me the honour of a dance sister? I don't mean to intrude on any plans but I'm not sure I feel up to socialising with what I imagine to be a long queue of those wishing for the opportunity." She knew she couldn't just bury her emotions, but at the same time she had a role to fulfil that wouldn't allow her to spend time wallowing.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Siobhan embraced Vivianna back tightly, giving her older half-sister a comforting squeeze around the shoulders. In truth, their ages didn't really matter - they had both lived many lifetimes beyond that of humans in Shadow, and certainly none who looked at them would immediately think of Vivi as the elder, as Siobhan was much more filled out and fit in appearance.

"Hey, when it comes down to it, Dad was a man. He may have been a great and powerful man, but he had his flaws, just like any other. Doesn't mean he didn't love us, it just means that he was a bit crap about expressing it. I'm certain he'd be proud of you taking a stand like this. I know I am."

When asked for the dance, Siobhan looked surprise at first, but quickly melted into a rueful grin. "So I have the honor of first dance with Queen Vivi? Well now, isn't that one for the history books. Yes, Vivi of course. I don't think you'll be able to avoid a dance with others throughout the entire night, but for now, just lean on my shoulder and follow my lead."

The dashing young admiral took her sister by the hand and led her to the center of the dance floor, where she then embraced her in the lead position for a waltz, nodding to the orchestra to show that the Queen was ready for the dance to begin. Vivi's choice for a first partner caused a ripple of murmurs throughout the crowd, but so jovial was the moment that the idea of a woman dancing with a woman was smoothed over by the young Imperial Prince of this particular shadow calling out his turban wearing Vizier, also a young man, and demanding loudly for a dance with him. Winking at Vivianna, the cheeky shadow prince lined up with his partner not far from where Siobhan and Vivi stood. With both the local and foreign dignitaries going so against tradition, all the people seemed to relax and even make a point of seeking out same sex partners for this first dance. Not everyone did it of course, but it was common enough that it very well might become a tradition of dances in this Shadow from this point forward.

The music began and Siobhan nudged Vivi back and to the side, gently gliding around her in a circle, their hips close with their backs arched slightly. Unfortunately the demands of the dance prevented Vivi from resting on Siobhan's shoulder as had been implied, but looking at Siobhan's radiant smile and bouncy, curly auburn locks entwined in yellow ribbon made the self-proclaimed Queen in exile feel marginally better and forget for a moment her personal sorrows.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Vivi smiled a little more at Siobhan's reassurance, though she supposed it was too late to know for sure how much he may have cared for them or not. She also wasn't so sure he would be happy with her opposing Bator, let alone what she really had in mind. Maybe he would though, it was always hard to tell with him and yet people thought her grandfather was the hard one to read.

"Thank you Siobhan. Just a little time to clear my head, that's all I need." She replied as she started to follow along with her sister's motions. In truth she'd not much considered the repercussions of her choice of first partner, but as they got into the swing of things, she only found herself amused by the number of same sex pairings that had taken to the floor. She noted in particular how happy the young prince had taken to the idea, returning a thankful smile to him and being sure she'd take him as her next dance partner in return.

As she had hoped, Vivianna found it fairly easy to let some of her worries disperse as she danced to the music. Her choice of partner perhaps making it even easier. Siobhan had always been pretty, though in a less pampered way than Vivi' herself. How she ever managed to retain so feminine and playful holding her position Vivi' didn't know, though she far from disliked those attributes in her dear sibling.

"Is dancing with a queen all it's cracked up to be?" Vivi' asked, breaking the silence she had been happy to maintain since the dance started. The title still sounded strange to her, at least when applied to herself, but she was determined to enjoy herself at least a little tonight and being quiet wouldn't allow that.