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A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Siobhan turned out to be an experienced and graceful dancer, and had no troubles taking the lead and stepping in time with the traditonal "man's" part. This made them as a couple stand out as one of the more coordinated partnerships on the floor, whereas even experienced dancers found it difficult if they were in a same sex dance to get the steps right. Fortunately, luck smiled and rather than the general mood being one of frustration, there was a lot of jovial laughter and encouragement from the other couples to help people get going in the right way. Siobhan and Vivianna got impressed nods from many others for how they were able to handle it.

"I've never been one to shy away from the spotlight, Vivi," Siobhan grinned as they twirled around one another, Vivi's sparkling dress swirling gracefully. "So dancing with the queen, and dancing well with her no less, is exactly where I want to be. People respect you because you always end up being right about things - for me, it's about putting myself out there and trying to look good - and it works for the most part. People respect you for the effort."

She then turned and bent her knee, easing Vivianna into a dip, holding her firmly with her strength. "You're doing the same, wearing that title of Queen. It suits you Vivi, and I won't abide anyone sitting the throne of Amber unless it be you."

Helping Vivi out of the dip, the Siobhan brought her up into a tight embrace as the music ended, and Vivi was given a happy applause as people began to find more traditional dance partners. Vivi saw the native prince sharing a laugh with his young vizier, who seemed to be anxious and then pointed towards Vivianna as if insisting that his liege ask the guest royal for a dance.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Vivianna was glad Siobhan could take the lead with all that was weighing on her mind. It wouldn't do to have her first dance as 'Queen' marred by her doubts and sadness at her father's passing. It was good at least that their gracious hosts seemed to enjoy themselves after the initial confusion she had caused by her choice of partner.

"I couldn't have pulled off anywhere near as much as I did without you Sio'. I can make predictions and read situations better than most but when it comes to carrying them out, I have to rely on others. You've always been the one to help me with that part, that's worthy of respect enough." She smiles, trying to deflect at least some of the praise back to her sibling. She didn't dislike the attention by any means, she was far too used to it now. She just couldn't begin to pretend that her power right now was thanks to so many more than just herself.

By the time the new queen was in the embrace of her partner, she had a bit of a blush to her cheeks, being reminded of just how stunning her sister could be while dancing. The applause helped to settle her a little more, even if she wasn't sure she could get the opposite reaction unless she really tried right now. This was going to be a huge test certainly, but one that she would conquer.

"Thank you," Vivi murmured as she pulled back from the embrace, "I think I'll manage from here though. Go have fun. Though, perhaps you'd like to meet up after the party?" She suggests, a slight deviousness to her smile that all but disappeared as she turned her attention to the native Prince, knowing that she would need to start mingling now. The Prince of course being the obvious choice, especially since he'd so kindly humoured her strange request.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Siobhan's name is pronounced (Sheh - vauhn). The spelling is Celtic in origin, where bh = v. So calling her Sio for short is a bit odd perhaps.

Siobhan pulled back from the dance and smiled at her sister, bowing to her and then to the crowd and showing off the queen with a motion of her hands, encouraging more applause. Stepping in close once again, Siobhan nodded.

"Yes of course, after the party. If I don't get too drunk and taken advantage of before then - or perhaps the other way around!" With an audacious chuckle, the admiral sachayed away and quickly plucked up a roguishly handsome sailor who had no idea she was coming his way and immediately started spinning him into the next dance. Siobhan was certainly one who took what she wanted when the inclination came to her.

The Prince meanwhile appeared before Vivianna and graciously asked her for the next dance. He danced very properly and complimented Vivianna on her appearance, her grace, and her beauty, adding that he was honored to be living in the time of the prophecy, when he and his people were destined to join the fight for the palace of the gods who wore mortal form. Her being here at this time was for many of his people, himself included, an affirmation of their particular faith - which amongst infinite Shadows just happened to coincide with exactly what Vivianna needed at the time, a Shadow worth of religious zealots willing to fight for her to the death in a holy war. The sad reality was that they would die in droves unless she could somehow mitigate the strength of the Amberites under Bator's control.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

Vivi' couldn't help but smile at her sibling's proclamation, she always managed to be so cheerful. Her confidence was always something to admire, it seemed so natural. Out of all the possible allies she could have ran off to a shadow with, she was certainly glad that she had Siobhan at her side.

She graciously accepted the dance from the Prince, moving after his lead and making sure to return the compliments. Thankfully, she had a lot of practice maintaining a façade when it came to events like a ball, being sure to keep her attentions on the moments rather than the implications of committing this shadow to her war. She could justify the deaths of shadow dwellers far more easily than amberites, though that didn't make her feel any better about the thought of sending droves of people to die. Death was death, though it might well be necessary, she would be sure to minimise casualties as much as she could. She wouldn't be much of a queen without subjects to lead after all.

She assured the Prince that his people would be part of the legends spun after the war and to thank him again for his hospitality.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

The party seemed to have gone on forever. The Prince had been very charming, very overawed, and to her amusement, very willing to talk about his longtime crush on his vizier, the young man whom the Prince had asked to dance when Vivianna had danced with Siobhan. The act of dancing with a same sex partner had been somewhat of a taboo on this shadow, but when the queen of prophecized destiny had shocked the court by dancing with the beautiful Valkyrie (the prince's word for Siobhan), the closeted prince had taken his chance to approach the man of his desire. It seemed that the power of the occasion would have sweeping civil consequences for the people here, perhaps for the better - if any of them survived this coming war.

After dancing with the prince, several other dignitaries took the opportunity to share a dance with her, until at last Vivianna was able to excuse herself and find somewhere relatively private to wait out a better portion of the night. It wasn't until many hours had passed that she was able to say her temporary goodbyes to the hosts and make her way back to her chambers on the deck of the flag ship. As she was about to pass through her door, she saw Siobhan in the quarters across from her, the door open, and her figure flopped upon her bed. She was partially undressed but still relatively decent, and she was awake, for Vivi could see that she was rubbing her eyes. Aside from her slightly flushed face, Siobhan seemed to be looking as good as she had at the beginning of the night.
Re: A Plot, Sinister (Vivianna)

It was a long, though certainly entertaining night. She made the some small talk with her dance partners after the Prince, making sure to keep up her expected appearance. It was something to take her mind off things, for at least a little while. There would be a lot happening soon so the chance to spend even this little time distracted from the world was one she would seize.

As the ball wore on, Vivi found it harder to simply enjoy the moment. She had never been very good at switching off, partly the reason she would spend so much time exploring in her youth. Even now, as she tried to distract herself with her ball, she found herself sizing up what she knew of the royal fleets and trying to decide how she would deal with the conflict off the water. She took the chance to excuse herself to a more private part of the ball, hastily making some notes on possible strategies to review later. When the time came to retire, she left the hall with a few assorted scraps of whatever she could find to write on.

When Vivi made her way back to her cabin, she was surprised to see her sibling had apparently retired earlier than she had. She opened her door just long enough to drop her notes inside before turning back to Siobhan's quarters, moving to stand at the doorway with a soft smile gracing her lips.

"I didn't expect I'd be seeing you back this soon. Is the drink here lacking compared to what you're used to?" she teased, letting her glamour fade so she stood in her natural form once again.