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A small step for a snek... (Zilrax)

Re: A small step for a snek... (Zilrax)

Selesis soon notice than she was in an underground floor below where the strange holes and phallus fuck her some moments ago, most likely traped with these three males... then her tail pressed some switch and some stairs solved all this, luckily making her able to return from where she has come. As this happen the males got to reach and touch her, holding her and trying to fuck her exposed holes, but then the curious kitties got to notice the new passage.

The hold at the snake girl was not strong enough to mantain her in place, she could defend herself or just continue her attempts to get close the kitties, if she want her help to be available in less time.

(Selesis have a small hold by a foe)

I really hate her luck and her natural 20s
Re: A small step for a snek... (Zilrax)

Selesis smiles as she found stairs and worked her way up. they grabbed onto her, grinding on her but that was okay. She was quite strong after all, so she kept slithering, letting her snake hairs tongues give those latched on her some attention as she tried to bring them closer to the kitty slimes. "See, they're super eager but I need some time to recover, so maybe you girls could help them and clean me up? Please?"

Plus if the kitties and the men were together, neither would ever be lonely again!
Re: A small step for a snek... (Zilrax)

The "combat " start, the hold of the male reduced her movement until his terrible need make him slip and fall at his face, looks like it was too dark for the human to see the stairs correctly. The slime kitties see theirs hard cocks but also the slime all over Selesis, the snake let them get close, but most of the jizz was over her clothes and armor, she could see some damage at them once the kitties come to clean her.

The others humans reach the party and the slimes jump over them, sucking theirs cocks and fucking hard theirs assholes too, washing theirs nude bodies of any dirty in theirs skin.

Between the Slimes and nude males, Selesis have some attention, a human was charmed and wanted some fun with her, also a kitty was cleaning her whole and would eat her things too if she dont act fast. Between the confused teams, Selesis still is able to act.
Re: A small step for a snek... (Zilrax)

Selesis chuckles, watching the changes. She looks in surprise as how the slimes were working the men, tilting her head. "Oh. So you can do that to boys too? Maybe I'll try that later. Right now though..."

She squeeked as one of the males kept groping her and one of the slimes got on the rest of her clothes. "Ah, uh, kitty, don't eat the clothes too, just the liquids! At least save me enough to cover my breasts!" She huffed a bit, her coiling about the man to hold him still, before letting one of her snakes slide down and start deep throating the man, her pouting. "I suppose I'll have to help you with a way I'm not sore with..."
Re: A small step for a snek... (Zilrax)

The smile maybe tried to clean her all and to do the task the kitty needed to clean her upper clothes and weapons too. It was when the human pull up her damaged top than she could calm a little, but now she was sandwiched by the male and the kitty, between his lust groans thanks her snake helping him, the male tried to bring some friendship to the snake, softly nibbling her breasts and caressing them until her hidden udders were exposed, she was sensitive at her nipples and her body have them hidden for that reason or the rub of her clothes will make her day filled with loads of her own jizz at her daily tasks.

By both the kitty cleaning her and the man caressing her whole, Selesis was close to cum, all in some control yet and still her weapons and equipment in danger to be damaged between their fun

(bad rolls but not so bad. 5AP)
Re: A small step for a snek... (Zilrax)

Selesis sighs and pouts and works to pull her gear off again and puts it aside as she moans, keeping it safe from her friends accidental damage, before pulling the slime and man closer to her, her huffing and putting the snake on her hard cock once more.

"Here, make me less sore okay?," she says with a moan as her nipples are continually played with, her panting as her hair works faster on the man, moaning in pleasure as her hips rocked back and forth.
Re: A small step for a snek... (Zilrax)

Turn 1
Selesis lost turn to change into sex mode
Sassy (Slime 1) make critical at Zombie 1(Mr anthony) ass
(Mr Whiskers) Slime 2 continue his cleaning at the little timothy butt(Zombie 2)
Snowball (Slime 3) lost hold on Zombie 3 (Lord Jeremy)
Zippy (Slime 4) cause damage at Selesis cum armor and Selesis get 1AP more damage

turn 2
Sassy and Mr Anthony continued their friendship
Timothy try to escape but Mr Whiskers pull him back and go deeper
Lord Jeremy decline Snowball offer but the slime hug him again.
Selesis suddenly gets some recovery thanks Zippy and her holes are less sored

The fraternity between kitties and humans continued, one of the slimes was focused on clean her but another was interested at the human than stay loving the touch than the snake hair give to his tool, between the kitty and Selesis touch no doubt he will cum soon and looks like as Selesis is cleaned some of the slime lube her holes making her feel refreshed and ready for more, of course with all the kitties making the humans happy she maybe dont need to enjoy what the humans have to offer.

With her slighty damaged top and her equipment secured she could focus on see the others two males crawling to her before the kitties stop them and feed more of theirs bowels, giving a full deep bath to the two poor guys.

Selesis have 6AP damage
Re: A small step for a snek... (Zilrax)

The medusa sighs in relief as she was made ready again, working the human to his climax. The slimes seemed more interested in feeding, her humming a bit. "Oh, do you not know what to do? Here, watch, you stroke these, and eventually their friend fluids come out, like with me."

She smiles and loves to the other two, moving and starting to stroke them, her snake letting go of the other and working to stroke him as she tried to get them to orgasm into the slimes.
Re: A small step for a snek... (Zilrax)

(skipping large dosis of endless smut)

Selesis awake some hours later, her clothes, bagpack and armor still where she leave them. Opening her eyes she could see herself drenched from the tip of her tail to her snake hair in slime remains from the kitties. She feel clean, rested and not sore anymore thanks the slime as lube all over and inside her.

Thankfully the slime kitties aimed almost all their attention at the three males and take them away close the door, maybe. However, her time here with the kitties has made her hidden nipples being pretty much erected almost all the time and exposed they show the sensivity on them.

She was still at the stairs than could make her return to the entrance door and this hidden lower floor. The previous room where she meet the three humans have four doors: Two at the north, two at the east and one to the west. If she explore this huge room she could see some bloody notes than maybe one of the males has write "A terrible evil being lies here, we cant escape"

(Selesis have 3AP at her next fight, but she is recovered and rested... also feeded)