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A Sticky Halloween


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Nov 28, 2008
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Written by: Sinfulwolf and Courage Wolf. Please do not post in here otherwise.

Rolling over in bed, Sarah's knee hit an empty vodka bottle, sending it tumbling off the edge of her bed and to the floor. She groaned, pressing her face into her pillow, trying to remember what she'd done last night, and drew nothing but a blank. Her head was throbbing, and she'd likely missed all her classes already. It was difficult to care though. Mid terms were behind her, and if she remembered right, which she might not, it was Halloween today.

Seemed the cure for the hangover was merely to put it off until tomorrow.

Sitting up, sheets falling off herself, her hair a tossled mess of long blonde locks, she looked down at her pillow and groaned again, noting the eyeshadow smeared across it. Seemed she forgot to wash any of that off last night. Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, she glanced to her trashbin and noted the used condom inside.

Well, there'd been someone in here with her last night. And one of them had known to use a condom.

"You smell like a distillery still. Take a shower bitch," her room mate, Ali, called with a laugh from her spot nearer the door as Sarah willed herself up to her feet and to the bathroom she shared with her roomy, only kicking one empty bottle with a curse.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Ali for her part in mocking Sarah's late night escapades of which legends would be told for days to come, was already dressing for the holiday, trying to decide between a selection of hose to match a rather impressive set of dusky crimson heels, a rediculously oversized hat, and a broomstick. She was already wearing a skimpy black dress with a patterned hem ending at her mid thigh. The Sexy Witch, it was her thing, she'd done it last year as well and Insisted it wasn't a costume.

Her roommate was big into the occult, strange books, impressive jewelry, symbolic tattoos down her arms in twisting woad sleeves, and a trinity in black and indigo across most of her back in an impressive design depicting a plants roots twisting into the shape with blooms, bright and alive at it's peak, dead to the left, and budding to the right.

Finished with pointing out the smell of alcohol coming from Sarah, she had returned to the finishing touches of tonight's outfit. Her bag of candles and a few books were already packed. She made a killing everywhere hamming it up with fortune tellings and a seance or 15 for curious or drunk students with a few extra dollars to spend on the campus. However, a shower beckoned.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

In the shower itself Sarah was running her fingers through her long hair, scratching at her scalp. The suds of shampoo running down her sleek back to the roses and the vine on her lower back. Humming quietly to herself, feeling the water coursing over a body kept slim by basketball, track, and soccer, Sarah leaned forward into the spray. Starting the rinse of her hair.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

The shower was literally everything in the world she needed right now, dealing smoothly with sore muscles, the dulled senses of sleep, and senses sharpened by the activities of the night before, the hot water flowing smoothly over her flesh in running rivulets that trailed warmth smoothly down her body. Life had become more bearable.

Sarah heard the front door open, and then close while a muffled "Bai!" was called from Ali, she was off to start early. Nothing like an easy 500$ to cap a Halloween.

She meanwhile had her pick of parties, haunted houses, and general worry free play. Her college classes could come back to haunt her after the ghosts and goblins were done with the night.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

"Bye!" Sarah called, wondering if her room mate even heard it. Ali would have her times tonight, Sarah would have hers. Stretching out her time in the shower, letting the minutes tick by, and the heat sink into her flesh, Sarah almost could have fallen asleep.

Instead, she eventually shut off the flow of water and stepped out onto the soft mat on the floor and grabbed her towel, still humming to herself as she dried off, running the fabric over her skin.

Dried and naked she stepped back into her dorm room, glancing over at Ali's side with the strange books, and posters, and over to her own with a laptop, textbooks, and clothes scattered through the corner that she'd eventually have to relocate to the hamper.

It sounded like a future Sarah problem though, and for now. It was time to get costumed up, and enjoy Halloween the College Girl way.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Her costume itself was still concealed within it's dry cleaning bag, crisp and ready for the evening, and had been there, clean and pristine since she'd bought it. She'd been so busy getting the right heels, and a set of tight patterned fishnets to go with it, that after she'd tried it on, and then had it cleaned, she hadn't fished it back out. But there it was, tall heels and hosiery waiting atop it along with a set of faux ears, and a lace choker with a bright golden bell affixed to it waiting for her.

It had been a lovely slinky thing, a tight black dress that hugged her curves tightly, and had a teasing tendency to slowly ride upwards that gave her plenty of excuses to slide her hands along the smooth fabric, and along the fake fur hem that ringed it's narrow thigh length bottom hem, while the halter top was hidden under the choker and the dress itself was nearly backless, instead having a set of soft straps running across the open back in the shape of a star. Ali had insisted it was a pentacle.

Joked about her being her black cat.

She'd even left a leash with her accessories along with a note that read if you change your mind later Sarah knew already that she still had the matching lipstick and eyeshadow to bring the entire eye catching piece together and the playful attention she'd bring with it made her lips curl up slightly in a mischievous smile.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Holding the garb before herself, studying it for a moment, Sarah smiled, just liking the feel beneath her fingers, anticipating the attention she would get with it clinging to her body. She took her time pulling it all on. Sliding the lace thong up her legs until the string nestled between her rear cheeks. Clasping the halter top, pulling the skirt of the dress down into place, feeling it pressing tight to her rear. Rolling the fishnets up each leg until the lace band that topped them was wrapped firmly around her thighs, just beneath the skirt of her dress when it didn't ride up. After slipping the choker and the ears on, she slid into her shoes and adjusted her breasts within the dress.

The garment did offer more than a fair share of cleavage. Just on the verge of being dangerous to modesty if she moved. But the tightness held her breasts firmly in place as she finished off the outfit with the dark makeup making sure to swirl a line out from her eyes, and slipping in a pair of green slitted contacts. Of course, the dob of paint at the tip of her nose, and the thin lines to represent whiskers finished it off.

Well. Mostly. She never did find a tail. Oh well, it was still a good costume, and the sex appeal would make up for it.

Slipping into her heels, and grabbing her purse, Sarah paused, and glanced at the leash on the bed.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Glancing at the leash, feeling the tight fabric of the dress clinging to her flesh, the tightness around her breasts, the slide of the netting up her legs from the heels, and the firm but silken band of the top of the fishnets around her thighs, and the leather strap of the heels around her ankles made her flush slightly. It was easy to close her eyes and just enjoy it for a moment.

The leash was clipped to something, a small closed gift box wrapped in black and orange with a black cat pin holding a white ribbon in place around it. There was no note, but it was certainly from Ali, whatever it was, while the bell at the base of her throat jingled playfully as she turned.

The ears had turned out to be more comfortable then she expected to, the band on her head under her blonde hair almost entirely unnoticeable.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

She had tossled her hair just enough that it wouldn't be noticeable. But, bending over, feeling her dress riding upwards slightly, she grasped the box, and stood. One hand ran over her rump, pushing the dress back down into place, snug against her ass once more.

Leash draped over her wrist now, she looked to the box, and slowly opened it.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

The box opened easily and the ribbon dropped to the floor. There was a tail in the box, though probably not the easy fasten snap costume tail she'd thought of. This had a modestly deep but wide plug affixed to it's base for her to wear along with a note that just read ">:3"

Part of her thought it was a fairly good joke, or perhaps a jab at her late night company. Or Ali was a pervert, but the costume felt wonderful against her skin, and the costume just didn't feel complete without a tail... Meanwhile the leash felt good against her wrist, the soft leather cool and smooth and an image flashed through her mind of her strutting smoothly along while she was led along, her hips swaying, tail brushing the back of her thighs as it moved back and forth with her hips, bell jingling softly along with the click of her heels...

The image faded but the feelings didn't while she got shivers down her spine as what felt like a light, brushing caress, of warm fingertips ran slowly down her back from the back of her neck above the choker, all the way down to the base of her spine just above her ass, the urge to slowly arch her back in response hard to ignore.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Biting her lip as she held the perverse toy in her hand, the box laying on the floor now, Sarah arched her back slightly. Her imagination playing with her flesh, she ran her thumb over the tip of the plug. Ali might think it a joke, but... if Sarah wore it, she could play it right back.

Plus the idea of it... it was naughty, but she was starting to get a bit horny. Perhaps a nice little surprise for anyone who lifted the dress. Opening her night stand, she found her lube and was soon coating the plug with the soft almost gel like substance.

Lifting her leg and her dress, she reached in and pulled her thong to the side, and slid the plug between her rear cheeks until its tip was nestled against her rear. Slowly, gently, she began to push it in. Letting out soft gasps the deeper it sank into her, spreading her open.

When it was in place she let out a shivering moan of pleasure. Slowly blinking she readjusted her thong, feeling it against the base of the plug and the tail itself, and smoothed down her dress again, the tip of the tail hanging between her legs as she grasped her purse and made sure there were some condoms and the lube inside.

As a last second addition, she pushed the leash in as well, and was soon out the door.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

She felt... complete, better. After she let out her moan of pleasure as the plug sank passed it's apex and settled in her ass, she felt the soft fur against the back of her inner thighs and it made her shiver while another long slow stroke brushed from the back of her neck down to the base of her spine, the sensation soft and sensual, delightful before she grasped her purse, checked it's contents, and tossed the leash inside.

Each step shifted the dress slightly against her skin, which felt wonderful in her slightly turned on state, each sensation heightened slightly by her lust, as well as the constant pressure of the plug in her ass, and the brushing strokes of the tail over her flesh as it swayed with her steps. She felt sexy, sexual, sensual, and the slight sound of the bell was hard to hear without smiling softly, mischievously.

Her phone was full of party invites, but there were several massive ones on campus that were must see's, one including a haunted house using an old asylum that was always fun, both for the party, and the play, and well... never hurt to sneak off to an unoccupied room.

Ali would be plying her 'services' for fun and profit at the Herish Dorm, a sprawling conglomerate of rooms and floors that played host to a truly massive party affair with 4 grand rooms, one for each entrance and foyer, and very large commons and empty rooms... it was a recipe for playful disaster.

The last big option would be Ali's brother Gregori, a tall and well built man who had graduated a couple years before who had moved back into the family manse. Ali may have been strange, but she was fun, and well.. she was loaded, or rather, her family was, and the mansion would turn into the very example of risque fun, free drinks, rediculous games, pools, sauna, hot tub, and well.. She was Ali's roomy, not only would Ali eventually show up there, she most certainly would, but Sarah was more then welcome. Meanwhile her slitted eyes flashed playfully in the light, shocking and intriguing and the night seemed beautiful and bright under the full blood moon.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Ali's family manse and the party hosted by Gregori sounded fun. The asylum a close second. Maybe she'd stop by there later tonight, when the scare factor settled in as much as the booze and sex. Could be even more intriguing then.

Hailing a cab as she stood outside of residence, Ali slid into the back seat and gave the man the address, leaning forward to speak to him, her breasts pressed firmly to the top of the seat.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Getting into the cab, the man blushed and tried to keep his eyes forward as Sarah climbed in, sitting down pushing on the plug in her ass making it hard not to yelp and moan right into his ear as she gave him the address, the cabby immediately starting to pull forward while Ali could see his legs shift uncomfortably from her position against the back of the seat.

The plug was a constant feeling, a firm reminder that it was there, hidden by her dress, wedged in her ass, something deviant and naughty and so sexy should anyone get a peak, or just... guess. It was a fun little addition and it kept her nerves alight with sensation even through the drive.

Which was more colorful itself then usual as others walked about the campus in a plethora of costumes in every shape from slutty to just sexy to funny and downright clever. She could swear she'd seen a couple full body pillows covered in bruises that said "Pillowfight" to her senses.

Gregori's manse was waiting for her however, people filing in left and right, all dressed to kill, or be killed in the usual halloween fun around a central statue of a beautiful stone woman with long trailing marble hair and a playful smile, her eyes hidden by a bandage. The cab stopped and let her out, the man not even asking for a fare, just... wanting his painful erection to go away one way or another. Though she could certainly give him a quick payment in another sense and she felt her mouth water at the kinky idea behind the heavily tinted windows of the cab.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

She'd never felt so deviant or horny in as long as she could remember. The entire ride had had her tail plug grinding inside her, fueling the small embers of lust. She had recognized the man's uncomfortable state as soon as she'd crawled in, but now. Now that it was time to pay.

Glancing around, and noting a few people moving around the gorgeous statue and to the manse itself, Sarah crawled over the seat and sat beside the man, and immediately bent over, unzipping his pants, freeing his cock.

She'd never done anything like this before but... it seemed to go with her costume. Right?

The question fizzled as she pulled him into her mouth.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

The man was too stunned to really react until her breath washed over his head and his cock slid between her lips, making him groan as his hand slid into her hair, settling gently on the back of her head as she took him in.

This felt Perfect, so right, she could taste his flesh, and the slight tang of his pre, he'd been hard this entire time and he leaned back, closing his eyes as Sarah moved, her dress riding up slightly because of her position, and a little higher with each small motion, the tight dress barely clutching her ass, catching on her tail slightly and giving the plug a slight tug if her hips moved.

Above her, the man groaned in a full throated, and blissful way that made her body shiver in delight, and again she felt that slow stroke down her spine, this time tipped with the sharp points of well manicured nails, powerful and delightful as it blazed slowly down her back, the sound of the bell jingling music to her ears along with the mans moans, and the delicious taste of him on her tongue.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Feeling the slow climb of her dress, moaning softly around the man's cock as it tugged at her tail, half her ass exposed and point towards the window as she let her hips move slightly, a slow little dance in response to the phantom sensations. She'd never felt such things before, but they seemed to be encouraging her, and she didn't question them, letting her tongue slither and swirl around the cock in her mouth.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

She could feel the fingers along her spine, could imagine them moving lower... the ghost sensations splitting to a pair of hands and long nails trailing down over her ass while one slid inward between her thighs, gently rubbing her cunt through her thong, the fantasy and the way those feelings pulsed through her flesh urging her onwards while the man moaned in the cab with each motion of her tongue, his cock flexing in her mouth, his flesh hard between her lips, moments from rewarding her with a thick burst of cream. She was certainly a slutty kitten. "You certainly are Kitten~" A soft voice whispered in her ear, breathy, soft, brushing over her senses like gossamer just before the man reached his limit, flooding her mouth with his release while he tensed and gasped, breathless in bliss.

"T-thank you.... Call me for a ride back, I'll keep the cab open." he said quietly, seeming content with the world at the moment, outside, the manse awaited.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Her tongue slowly rolling up the underside of the cock in her mouth, feeling the dribbles of pre upon the slick muscle, she moaned hungrily. Fueled by the fantasy, urged by it. Hearing its voice, it sounded so familiar but it quashed any hesitation or regrets she might have felt when she emerged from this lustful fugue.

As the man came, filling her mouth, Sarah slowly pulled off his length. Her tongue swirled the cum behind her lips before she visibly swallowed, and smirked, giving him a wink and slipping out from the cab, fixing her dress in full view of the man before closing the door.

She then joined those few still outside in moving towards the manse, and was soon at the front doors.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

The man was speechless as she showed off a little, while a light scratch along her scalp was her reward as she stepped forward towards the manse.

As she stepped to the doors, open and waiting, a woman in a few bandages and... little else smiled at her and beckoned her in to a pulsing party, crowded, exciting, pulsing. But she was drawn from person to person, catching plenty of lusty gazes that set her body on Fire with need, but no one catching her eye in particular, save for a flash of spiderweb patterned violet legs on top of high 5 inch stiletto heels and a daringly short skirt heading around a corner and up a wide staircase.

Her bell jingled softly with her step and a woman had just snuck a firm grip of her ass, dressed as a demon in a tight leather harness, brushing painted red lips behind her ear before slipping away, while her body jumped at the sensation, that pull to follow that glimpse of a woman upstairs held firm, a light touch under her chin, a single finger, bringing her gaze back to the stairs time and again while the redhead disappeared into the crowd with a wink.