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A Sticky Halloween

Re: A Sticky Halloween

Mewling in pleasure Sarah forced her hips to go harder. Her ass slapping against the man's thrusting hips, the sweat slick flesh sounded out in the car. The claws, the actual claws, earning a low meow of burning lust as Sarah's pleasure rose higher and higher, her lust digging in deeper and deeper.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

They reformed again on her flesh, those claws. She could feel them under her fishnets just above her heels, one wicked hand curled around each, before they started sliding upwards along her body.

They plucked at the strings of her stockings like the strings of a guitar while they passed like razor edged ghosts along her flesh in between that beautiful mesh along her strong and toned legs, climbing by subtle inches for every several deep thrusts into her ass from the eager man behind her, his own grip only getting tighter as his pleasure rose.

That driving staccato pleasure, of his flesh pushing forcefully into her own, while a frigid ghost had just reached the thigh bands of her stockings and were sliding onto bare flesh, slowly curving over the swell of her raised ass, her Driver's thrusts disrupting them for brief moments like fog before they would return slightly higher, bit by bit, thrust by thrust, each push forward allowing a pause and promising a return somewhere just a little further along her flesh.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

A loud hungry moan burst from Sarah's lips, her body quivering from the orgasm that rolled through her flesh, her knees quivering while her own thrusts stopped a moment. Though the driver's thrusts continued to make the bell at her throat jingle as flesh slapped lewdly against flesh, cock driving into her spread open rear. The ghostly claws at her skin only making it all burrow in deeper to her soul. Sarah doubted whether she even wanted to emerge from this anymore.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

The man behind her didn't last much longer then she did, each sound of the bell bringing him closer, keeping track of his overly enthusiastic pacing before she felt him bury himself in her, and a slick, wet heat filled her, the man tilting his head back and loosing a sound between a relieved sigh, and a groan of ecstasy as he reached his peak.

Slipping from her ass, he stayed there for a moment, before Ali handed him the plug and he pushed it back into her ass, and smoothed her dress down as if he didn't know what else to do with his hands.

Ali grinned and they swapped places again, whereupon Sarah's leash was freed from the door and Ali brought her up, opening the door to reveal the Asylum, it's brick gated exterior barred by wrought iron and manned by someone wearing an orderly uniform, though Sarah could see a shadow behind him in the air, something dark, hungry. A shake of her head and the haze of pleasure she was still in took it from her notice however as she caught sight of Ali from behind, the witch moving forward and the leash losing slack, her tail squirming free of it's hiding spot in her dress and waving lazily behind her.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Cum dribbled out from her ass as the man pushed the plug back into place, earning a low hungry moan from Sarah as it kept her full. She looked back at the man as he fixed her dress, and gave him a soft smile, tongue rolling over her own lips.

Then she was led outside. the shadow confused her, had her shaking her head, but it was gone, or hidden when she looked again. "Meow," she sounded out, soon following behind Ali, feeling droplets of cum rolling down her thighs, inching towards the lace bands of her stockings.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Don't worry about it. Your eyes are a bit better then before Kitten. Ali said, walking passed the man as if he simply couldn't see them. he didn't react as they slid through the gate towards the long line at the double doors, but Ali wasn't headed that way, instead heading around the side of the building towards a large bent section of wrought iron security fence nearly 15 feet high.

The shadows were thicker here, and the only sounds that accompanied them were crickets and the rustling of long unkempt grass as they slid into the primary yard behind the asylum which seperated the main building from 3 others, all off limits to the usual haunted house goers.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

"Meow?" Sarah the kitten sounded as they started leaving the crowd and the line behind, into something more fitting for a horror film than an erotic Halloween party. But she was too deep to fight back now, and blindly trusted Ali wouldn't let her get hurt, despite the hint of fear that struggled to be felt amidst the mind clouding lust.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Ali didn't say anything, simply turning her head and winking at her over her shoulder as they slid into the building furthest from the haunted house. The signs were long since faded, and the door unlocked. Inside were all manner of restraints for controlling the mad and insane, as well as a trap door which Ali opened with a flick of her wrist, flickering light wisping through an otherwise dark hole in the earth, like a candle was hiding far below.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Sarah's heart was pounding beneath her bared breasts, fear, lust, and anticipation all building within her as she followed with swaying hips, feeling drops of cum soaking into the lace bands of her fishnets, rolling over the crisscrossing material, and over her legs as she looked down the trap door.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

The only clue she got was a wash of warm air over her face and the flickering of a candle sat in it's own pool of wax at the bottom of a steep wooden stairway which Ali was moving to head down, taking her time with small steps

At the bottom it was a long tunnel, nearly 200 yards away from the Asylum, the tunnel lined with not one or two, but nearly a hundred candles, wax rolling down rough cut stone, while a black cat sat at the foot of a closed steel door, watching them from amber eyes, tail moving perfectly back and forth like a metronome. Want to see what a real party is like Kitten? Ali breathed, clearly excited as she took steps down that tunnel.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

The fear was bleeding away, more excitement building in Sarah's breast and mind. "Meow!" she sounded excitedly, almost pressing her body against Ali's, hands wandering over her sides as she watched the cat, her own tail soon flicking back and forth in time with its own.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Ali grinned and when they reached the cat, it rolled over and stretched, it's soft belly inviting but promising only the pain of claws while it eyed them. You're late Ali it said clearly, it's voice deep and male, seeming annoyed while Ali sniffed. Apologies Barnabus, you knew I had an errand first. Kitten, this is the doorkeeper, Barnabus. she said, the cat flicking his eyes to Sarah for the first time. Well you have good taste, no denying that. Go join the revel then. he said, the door splitting and simply falling away like smoke, whereupon a wave of sliding and pulsing music pushed down the tunnel like the rumble of some great subterranean beast set free.

The door opened into a medical theater that had been... repurposed into a nightclub it seemed for this special night. But there were none of the usual lazy attempts, these witches and vampires and other creatures of the night looked as real as they could, while dark shadows and pulses of light wandered the ceiling and floor like living smoke as the music pounded on.

Their heels clicked on the glass floor and underneath they could see a massive dance floor set in tiers where seats used to be around it, in it's center a circle of candles set and a great blood red pattern had been worked into the entire floor around it while a pentacle held it's center, pulsing and flashing in time with the music. Go on Kitten... have fun. Ali said, reaching up to unclip her leash, unleashing Her on the party.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Following with Ali, eyes wide in wonderment, Sarah moved over the glass, staring down. Before she might have thought this all simply really good cosmetics and dedication. But now, after what was happening to her, she wondered how much, if anything, was faked.

With her leash unclasped, hand reaching up to caress her collar, she grinned at Ali. She leaned forward to kiss the woman. "Meow," she said, and was soon scuttling off, knowing the witch would be able to find her with ease, her breasts swaying with each step as she plunged headlong into the press of bodies, her body moving with the music.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

The press smelled of sweat and spices heavy in the air, and of freshly turned earth, loam, and moss as the music pounded and the people danced around her. No one was afraid of touching her, and indeed, encouraged her to do the same, hands brushing up her thighs as she passed, or along her tail, one daring man boldly stealing a kiss from her as they danced for a moment together in a feverish grind before he was lost to the throng.

It was intoxicating, this complete abandonment of any boundaries within this place, a complete release to the hungers and needs of the flesh, and the curiosities that matched it while she moved around the dance floor. She could see others like her as well, winking and flicking her bell as they passed, and whisper soft sounds into her ear from behind, tails flicking like her own behind them.

There was no reason not to get lost in this, in this wonderful place, in the heat of this moment to this music and this magic. The feeling of never wanting to leave settling heavy in her heart and soul as she danced, sweat, lived purely in the moment and to the beat of the heart of this place and the pace it set.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Lips grazing the man's who stole the kiss, she smiled after him before he was lost amidst the crowd. The press of bodies blinding her to what was around, and she didn't care. One with them, moving to the music, her dress torn from her body somewhere. Near naked she continued to dance, laughing, moaning as hands groped and caressed. Her tail sliding over thighs, rears, erections and the slick entrances of women. She swirled amongst them all, never wanting to leave this morass of people.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Clothing was being lost and no one cared, lost in a revel that could have only been made better if it had been done under the moon itself, while the large glyph on the floor began to hum and glow, unnoticed by anyone as they continued to dance, grope, kiss, openly fondly, a woman pressing herself to Sarah's front, kissing her hungrily, her long red hair concealing her open breasts, but the horns on her head told Sarah enough. The girl from the last party, while a man slid up behind her and began to kiss her neck, his hands coming around to wrap around her breasts, his cock hard between the cheeks of her ass, her tail teasing at his waist.

Moaning into her lips, the demon already had a hand between her thighs, stroking her folds slowly while their hips rolled to the music, before the ground alit in a red starburst of light, and Sarah's senses returned, along with those of a good many people. Those people were still incredibly horny, and pressed tightly against eachother, and the woman kissing her closed her eyes and enjoyed it for just a moment longer before Ali's voice cut through and the music died.

Welcome Everyone to the Revel! We're so glad to have you! Some shamelessly abducted! Don't worry though, no one's the worse for wear I promise! she called, several others standing to her left and right above the dance floor looking down on them. Rules and all! Can't have just anyone playing around in the other side of things without a proper introduction and someone to claim responsibility! Many of you have been invited, some taken as pets, others marked! Some.... all 3? she said, finding Sarah's eyes slyly from her raised platform. The man behind Sarah groaned quietly into her ear from behind while the redhead shrugged and looked up. By all means! Enjoy the night! Dance! Fuck! Eat! sample some of the stranger things here! And make your decision at sunrise! she called, the music slowly amping up and people looking torn between being very confused and angry to being very horny and hungry for more of the party, Most opting to keep dancing in a state of "Everyone's naked or close to it, Fuck it." Sarah meanwhile found her voice again and her will power, though her tail was still wrapped around the man's waist, a cute sandy blonde man with green eyes, and her ears twitched in a semi annoyed manner at the situation.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Sarah blinked as her mind returned, the irrepressible lust diluted slightly. But the fingers between her legs still felt good, and after everything she'd done under Ali's complete and utter sway, what was wrong with a bit of fingering. She she let her hips continued to grind downwards, her still very slick cunt smearing all over the demon's fingers. She had to wonder though if this gorgeous redhead was indeed a demon, or just dressed as one.

Meeting Ali's eyes, and frowning slightly as her motions, still moving with the music rubbed the man's cock between her cheeks. Despite her senses returned, her will, she was still horny. It lingered, refusing to be forgotten. So, giving Ali a little smirk, Sarah pressed her lips firmly to the red head's own, thrusting a tongue into her mouth, fingers grazing over her cheek and upwards to her head to feel the horns.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

As she smirked at Ali, she winked right back at her before Sarah kissed the redhead, and she moaned hungrily while she returned it, her tongue sweet against Sarah's own. Reaching up to touch her horns, she found them solid and felt like polished bone, while the redhead had raised her free hand to check Sarah's own, which made her entire body shudder powerfully. It felt so damned good. The man behind her was eagerly grinding with them both, his hands kneading her breasts to the tune of the music and their motions, as eager as the women were to just fucking enjoy the insanity that had occurred.

By the way! I forgot! Bedrooms! Dungeons! Latex Funrooms! All those doors around the dance floor, more then enough for everyone! Strange and new drugs and drinks are down the hall! Ali called, people starting to slowly break away to find those doors and hall, each marked with a Bed, a set of bars, or a catsuit because fuck words.

Or you can just fuck on the dance floor! she shouted over the music, sounding incredibly amused and turned on as she watched, before turning to the other likely witches and drinking with them, all likely discussing the revel itself and their 'guests'
Re: A Sticky Halloween

Breaking the kiss, tongue pulling slowly from between her lips, Sarah looked to this little minx of a demon. She was so far down the rabbit hole, she was starting to figure, the only way out would be through. But, the pleasure in her cunt, the way her nipples were dragging over the groping palms at her breasts, she was wondering if she even did want out.

"New drugs sounds... interesting," Sarah said, having really only tried weed in her life. Might as well. She'd sucked off a cabby, then let him fuck her ass, in front of two different public parties. Her reputation was likely shot in the head already. Might as well try and embrace a new one.
Re: A Sticky Halloween

I do not care what we do as long as you, and This, are involved. The demon said, curling her fingers and settling her thumb on Sarah's clit, working her harder for a moment, before drawing them free and licking them clean with a shudder. Jessica she said, giving up her name, before looking at the guy behind her who blinked Thomas. I'm down for just about anything, this whole night is crazy. He said, shrugging, the pair letting Sarah lead the way, both of them interested in the athletic blonde in fishnets and heels.