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A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)




Though target dummies may have worked, it would’ve been awkward to watch their likenesses be burnt up anyway, and Kuroi was rather glad when Baba Yaga stepped up to offer an alternative training that didn’t involve having to burn them. Even better, a little healing magic was all that was needed to cure the stinging, a fact that made Kuroi realize she probably could’ve just used her own rune magic to do the same. She probably would’ve figured it out on her own later, or if the burns were any worse and required more attention, but it was still important to train herself to recognize these moments better. “Thanks, the pain’s gone now.” The ravenette smiled and nodded.

Aya’s entry was unexpected, and the news she brought more so. “A storm? Not a normal mundane one, I’m guessing?” Shiroi asked, curious. It felt like their ship would easily withstand a normal storm with barely any turbulence for the passengers, enough to not interrupt whatever they’re doing like this. There were no complaints though, it had been a productive but tiring training session, and everyone appreciated the chance at getting some rest. Rest that the pets would be getting little of tonight, Korrie’s eyes widening in surprise at first from the sudden telepathic message, before her tail began to wag in anticipation, her happy blush and heart-shaped pupils a good representation of her feelings on the matter. The twins simply blushed and shared a glance, before sharing an awkward chuckle. They’d rather have the time to themselves, but if they knew the difference between the message they and the pets received, they’d appreciate being given a choice instead of an order.

Without much time remaining, the three returned to their own exercises, Kuroi trying to get a better feeling for her ranged writing, Shiroi fine-tuning the design of her weapon, and Korrie training with her fireballs again, though a good portion of the wyvern girl’s focus had left with her succubus handler, her flames taking on a tint of pink.

Feyline F. Feyling had a bemused smirk upon her lips, twirling a hand, and twirling her flames along with it. "Ugh, come on gals, everyone is always so jumpy about a little.. fiering.."
She grinned over, leaning back a little, playing with her fiery creations.
Those were friendly (and not thaa hot) couldn't they Tell?
"uuuuuh noooot gonna lie with you, kurirori, I kinda zoned out after ''properties' It was a super nice fire, great for tea-parties and talkovers, the kinda fire you have grill food on and warm your hands by?" very subtly disappointed-pouty Phoenix noises at that...

"Perhaps -your- attitude towards fire is the problem, blueeeh!" she showed her tongue, to overplay a hint of emberassment. Next, she observed the ice-block like someone had insulted her grandma and tried to seduce her at the same time...
"Concentrated fire's easy pease but.. not on.. ice, Ice is like the stupidest element..."
She sulked staring at the ice-block as if it was personally offensive to her and of far more concern than the storm or whatever, .. wait wasn't there something said earlier about nightmares and this being really bad and stuff? Fey hadn't paid much attention, because it didn't sound like fire would be involved any time soon either way...

"ugh fire style... sloooow friendly buuurn"
She complained at the iceblock, before having a new idea... something Baba-Yaga had potentially not even seen her use yet.
"Can't burn them if I freeze them more, right? Secret Technique of the RimeFire."
Fey, unsuprisingly, posed Dramatically.
"Ice-fireStyle: Frozen Conflagration!" She declared, unleashing a cold, blue-white flickering fireball at the frozen icecube.. what that did to the delicious fiery munchies inside, of course, was anyones guess. Arva had also decided thta it needed to sound just a little ... cooler. "Third Kata of the Court of Frozen Embers!"
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As the blue flames hit their mark, there was an angry hissing noise as the ice cube began glowing in a pale blue light that grew stronger by the second. Soon after, the regular torches were eclipsed by the burning cube, turning everything a shade of blue and black. Those who dared looking directly at the cube would suffer severe retina burns.

“Gah, what in tarnation did you do girl?” Baba had turned her back towards the floodlight that was the ice cube and squinted towards the girls to see if they were alright. However, it was pointless. The flames Fey had conjured were burning too strong as it was intensified by the ice it was ignited upon, magnifying its cold to power itself up in a vicious cycle of self-magnification.

Unless Fey extinguished the fire, the entire room would slowly freeze over and the temperature would plummet as the cold flames grew stronger the more ice it created. Whether Fey tried or decided against it, Baba would magically yank the other girls backwards away from the flames, allowing Fey a chance to deal with it.

If Fey retreated as well, Baba would still yank the other girls backwards. However, she would also send her own magic spell at the flames engulfing the room in magical darkness. When the spell went off, the room also went dead quiet and completely black-and-white in coloration. Once the spell dissipated, the colors returned to normal, and it would leave no evidence of any flames, ice, or targets in that part of the room.

Either way, with the disaster under control, Baba would turn to Fey. “What did you do, girl? I have never seen such a ridiculous reaction to ice before, not from fire, at any rate. Now granted, elemental magic isn’t my forte, but that flame of yours is strange indeed.” Baba locked Fey with her gaze as she waited patiently for an answer to her question.

Once Fey had given a satisfactory answer, she and the rest of the girls would be dismissed as the ship began bobbing up and down. “The storm is here early. Stay below deck, you lot. Going onto the deck is a sure-fire way to drown if this is like usual. Baba would then walk off towards her own room while muttering something under her breath, leaving the girls to their own devices.

They would not be alone for long, however, as Erfek rounded the corner. “Ah, there you all are. Aya wanted me to tell you that the seas will get somewhat… rough soon. So if you have a tendency to get seasick she will use some magic to help, should you desire it. However, that magic has a few… side effects.” Erfek would not elaborate exactly what the side effects were. But given who would be using the magic, it wouldn’t take a genius to guess.

As soon as Erfek had finished delivering the message, the Zoog turned tail and ran back the way it came, just as the hallway tilted nearly 20º towards the left, sending the Zoog staggering towards the wall. “Damn storm, I would suggest not going onto deck, the waves would wash you off in an instant!” The Zoog began saying something else, but a massive thunderclap drowned out the words, and the Zoog zoomed off, not keen on staying in the hallway.



A nice fire for grilling isn’t usually a nice fire for skin contact…” Kuroi remarked with an awkward smile, though she doubted the phoenix would ever truly understand that. Once Fey was occupied with the ice cube though, everyone returned to their own practices, content in the assumption that the exercise won’t result in any kind of disaster. Afterall, ice couldn’t burn, it could only melt, and surely the phoenix would be careful not to destroy her precious snack.

That’s why no one was really ready when they suddenly noticed an incredibly bright light coming from their peripheral vision after Fey said something about ice-fire. “What the- AGH! DON’T LOOK!” Shiroi cried out, immediately turning away and covering her eyes in pain, the briefest of glances enough to lens-flare her. Kuroi and Korrie took that advice in the nick of time, shielding their own eyes.

Sister, are you alright?!” The ravenette quickly rushed to her sister’s side, while Korrie struggled with her sense of curiosity as she backed to the edge of the room.

It’s getting colder! What’s going on?

In the blink of an eye though, a force yanked the three of them all towards the exit, and while Shiroi remained blinded, Korrie and Kuroi might be treated to the old crone’s own little display of prowess, depending on how things turn out. The latter was more concerned with her sibling though. This time her mind came to the right conclusion faster, as she scrawled ‘healing’ onto her palms (using only her fingers this time, the ink materializing by magic), activated the script, and gently cupped them over the white-haired girl’s closed eyes. A soothing green light could be seen.

...Phew, thanks sis. Those annoying blurry shapes are gone.

In the meantime, Korrie was more curious about what happened. “That was the ice-fire from Phyre, right? Korrie didn’t know it could do something like that.” The wyvern girl remarked, far from an expert on the subject.

Either way, they were starting to feel the waves now, a concerning thing considering how smooth their journey had been so far and they knew the ship was more than a little protected. Then Baba Yaga was gone, and soon Erfek showed up to emphasize just how bad the storm was, the ship itself tilting hard and nearly causing the girls to loose their footing. Kuroi was the one that balanced the best, instinctively adjusting in an instant.

No history of seasickness here, luckily.” Shiroi shrugged, “So it’s just a normal but really strong storm then. Hm. Well, best take that advice and stay down here. I’m gonna go check on Aila, you coming sis?

Sure.” The neko nodded, and the two siblings went off to look for their golem friend and show off their new abilities. Korrie thought for a bit, and decided she’ll just retreat to her room for now. She could use some rest, especially knowing she’ll be getting very little tonight. She looked again at the once-burning ice cube, or where it used to be before getting deleted by the crone, and waved goodbye to her sister pet before heading off.

"Wooh. Feypot!... 's like a jackpot, but for me." Feyline enthused. "It burns me eyes, that's a good sign. Prolly!"
She nodded over, before noticing the displeased witches disposition. "Ah pffff... used another Firetype? .. hooh this one's growing pretty strong." She noted, crossing over her arms, and making a squeezing motion with overcrossed hands, although.. it was propably good they had the older witch about, Fey could control fires, yes.. extinguishing them.. that was a bit of a trickier issue.

"Coldfire.. really not my thing either buuuut.. it works on occasion. Learned about it on the hot elemental plane of fire from some hot-cool.. Gal, I dunno, long story.. No jokes in the middle eithier. The whole thing is a bit of a knot in the brain how you can enhance an endothermic reaction, figure it's something beyond conventional thermodynamic magic mumbo jumbo. you know. Unlike normal Pyromantics. Yeah, What Sis said, I guess it makes ice colder, should keep that in mind before I throw it at any snowman... uuuh I get it!" She snipped, with the genius of a madwoman. "I only saw it used on the plane of fire, and once against these super-resilient frog guys! So considering how the plane of fire is, I guess Icefire is actually -really- powerful, it just lacked the uh.. cold to work much in the fireplane place, and those frogs are super resilient so that slowed it down. Kind of the inverse of things igniting more easily at plus 40° rather than -5°.. that's celsius by the way, we are using proper scientific lingo here! I think I prefer eldritch fire, but thats harder to do here than in Mistress mansion, for some reason..." She nodded, crossing her arms for a long, thoughtful moment. "Wasn't even the weirdest flame I encountered, really, this one is a bit of work and I just.. dislike using it but there's worse... " She shrugged, distracted for a long moment about the 'Sure-fire' metaphor.

"Question! I wasn't really on sea ever, not my element, but just guessing, this medicine stuff will make us super horny?" Arva felt pretty proud about this conclusion.
"Eww Waves.." Fey made, making an effort to look for a rope to secure herself somewhere.. even under deck. "Come on gals, dangerous waters above! This is not a pirate-Fey mood."
She decided. "Oh what the heck..."
She added, making herself a fire-eyepatch and attempting some 'yarrr'ing' noises. "Still if someone could knock me out and wake me up once all of this watery-ness has gone away would be swell, Rain is annoying enough, now I've gotta deal with water all below me too, I'm liiike.. kind of freaking out if there's any water splashing in, just so you lot know!"
Apparently, fireballs and even freezing fireballs were no safety concerns and if her eyes had gotten burned at all by the prior experience, they'd already healed by now... but a storm on sea? Ewwwww...
As if in response to Fey’s questions, she felt a hand on her shoulder. “Well, if you absolutely want I could make you fall unconscious for a few hours. Or, you could let me use my anti-seasickness spell. Either way, you will have other things on your mind than the storm.” Aya was standing behind her and seemed utterly unfazed by the swaying ship.

Even as she spoke, Fey could feel a pleasant tingle emanating from where Aya was holding her, a slowly spreading tingle. “Of course I won’t force you should you rather wish to stay unconscious for a few hours. Although, I can’t guarantee the storm will be over by the time you wake back up.” Aila’s smile grew ever so slightly predatory as she spoke, and Fey would feel a slight and insidious urge to take the spell over sleeping. Not outright mind control, but definitely a magical influence on Aya’s part as she waited patiently for Fey’s answer.

If Fey wanted to be knocked out, she would feel a wave of unnatural fatigue wash over her, that her normal peppy personality and quick recovery could not shake. She would also have a hard time making it back to her room before passing out. Her sleep would be filled with erotic dreams, involving everyone else, except Baba Yaga and Erfek. Though they were hazy and vague and forgotten once she woke up in her own bed, brought there by Aya, if she didn’t get back on her own.

If she took Aya up on her offer, she would feel a warmth wash through her, and any discomfort and seasickness she might be experiencing would melt away. It was replaced with a placid and comforting warmth. A warmth that originated from her slit and would spread outward, leaving Fey a horny mess in a dire need of someone or something to relieve her pent-up need. Something Aya would be happy to oblige, should Fey ask, be it with a word or action.

The twins would find Aila in their room, reading a book, though the language would be impossible for the girls to decipher. Aila seemed to like it and was so absorbed in her reading she wouldn’t notice the two right away. When she did, however, she flinched for a moment, before she shut the book closed.

“Oh, you’re back! How was the training? Fruitful I hop- woah!” She attempted to be discreet while putting the book away. However, her metallic arms glinted in the torchlight as she moved, making the move obvious. It didn’t help that just as she did so, the storm made the room sway, sending the book flying from her grip and made it land right before Kuroi’s feet.

If Kuroi opened the book, she would find that it was magical, and now she could fully understand its content, or rather, just looking at it filler her mind with the content. And from her angle, Shiroi would be able to “see” the content as well should she look into it.

Content that involved a certain white-haired girl, a black-haired catgirl having their way with a certain golem. Aila would sit there, utterly petrified and her face red as a ripe tomato. If this was the case, trying to process how to explain herself, giving the twins the opportunity to react first. Since she was still under the impression that her obvious infatuation with the two was unknown to everyone else.

If Kuroi didn’t open the book, but just gave it back, Aila would still go beet red, and quickly snatch it before bolting from the room as fast as she could, leaving the twins alone to ponder what had just happened.



It was perhaps fortunate for Korrie that she wandered off back to her room before Aya’s arrival, else she surely would’ve been unable to resist pleading for her handler’s intimate attention even knowing what was scheduled tonight. Instead the wyvern girl would be able to get some time to herself, gathering her thoughts and getting some shut-eye.

The twins meanwhile would return to their bedroom to find Aila happily reading a book. Seeing the golem so engrossed, the duo couldn’t help but try to sneak a peek at the contents while they haven’t yet been noticed, only to find that the contents were indecipherable. Still, the twins didn’t think much of it until Aila noticed them and had a small panic attack, as if caught with her hand in the cookie jar. She tried to close the book and put it away, only for a lurch of the ship to send it tumbling out of her hands, where Kuroi picked it up.

It was pretty good, everyone learned some new tricks. We were hoping to show them off, actually~” Shiroi smiled, her grin then taking on a mischievous curve. “By the way, what’s that you were reading? Seems like you were pretty embarrassed about it. I couldn’t understand the words but I think I can hazard a guess~ Unless you’re willing to explain of course.” She said, teasing the golem and wondering what kind of excuse she might come up with.

Meanwhile, Kuroi opened the book to take a look. She wasn’t intending to pry, still assuming that she wouldn’t understand a word of the contents and merely wanting to get another look at the unknown script, maybe look for some pictures. Instead, the moment she opened it, she found that she understood the contents immediately. In fact, it was as if the words and meanings were entering her mind without her really needing to read it, forming vivid illustrations in her imagination. Staring at the book in surprise for a moment at the sudden comprehension, she then recognized who the characters were and what they were doing, and her cheeks rapidly reddened.

Her attempt at teasing Aila left a delay before Shiroi noticed Kuroi was staring at the book, the albino too thinking it was just going to be illegible script and far more interested in the golem’s adorably flustered face. “Hmm? What’s wrong, sis?” She finally turned to check on Kuroi after noticing how frozen the catgirl was, trying to peer at the open pages, only for the ravenette to quickly close the book before her sister could see. “…You’re blushing really hard. Wait, was that actually-” The excited Shiroi reached for the book, but Kuroi was faster, handing the book back to Aila and giving the golem girl a chance to take it and salvage a fraction of her dignity before Shiroi could snatch it up to see for herself.

W-We all have needs, let’s give her some privacy.” Kuroi would say, if Aila managed to take back the book. Accepting that, Shiroi would shrug. “Eh, fair enough. In all seriousness though you don’t have to worry about reading smut around us, considering the rest of our party includes a literal succubus and her two pet exhibitionists, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” The albino said, dropping the teasing and giving the golem girl a friendly hair tussle, blissfully unaware of the specific details of said smut. Only Kuroi stayed quiet, averting her gaze with a bashful blush, ears folded down and tail curled around herself.

If Aila remained too paralyzed to act fast enough though, Shiroi would be able to take the book and open it for herself, swiftly going through the same thing her sister did, first amazement at being able to understand the contents all of a sudden, then realizing what those contents are, leaving her also completely stunned and blushing while staring at the book, unsure how to respond. Kuroi would hesitantly pluck the book from Shiroi’s grasp after a few seconds and give it back to Aila, also at a loss for words. It’s not that either of them really had a problem being the focus of such desires, especially not from their cute golem friend, but it was still an awkward subject to broach. “…So, uh… Look, I made this earlier. …Pretty cool, right?” Shiroi finally spoke up again after a long, long few seconds of extreme awkwardness, transforming her new crystal ring back into her new glaive. There wasn’t any flair to the presentation though, the embarrassed Shiroi simply opting to try pretending the whole reveal never happened.

"Oh hey Aya.. It's not really sea-sickness.. although this whole forthy and backy going certainly is a bit wonky..."
Fey clarified. "It's more all the water below, y'know? I'm no hydrophobe, but you can definitly overdo things. I generally don't like quantities of water too large to evaporate for uuuuuh... Religious reasons." Saying that always worked.

"Waah how long are we on this trip again? Anyway, I'll go with the knockerouter option pretty please." The firemage questioned in response to Aya's offer, whilest snuggling up to her a little at the welcoming touches. She likely had dozed through the travels details as they didn't involve enough burning. Something something ship something something library something something spooky eldritch thing. Something something find the super Pancake to rescue mistress. Get rewarded for being best pet. Fey would slink over to her sleeping place (Near the engine, nice and fiery, easy to forget watery watering all about, plus this engine was like the first thing ever to feel like it might give her a tan, whilest she rolled up, nude, but for fiery feathers of her own, and perhaps her pet-phoenix companion, if it hadn't taken to hiding as she had upon the ship.
She really had to ask someone how double-sleeping worked anyway. Like, what if she could go into her dream world from this world and then on and on.. wait was the real her back from superhero city just the dream of another.

Luckily Fey was too distracted by horny dreams and alltogether too scatter-minded to have too much of an existential-philosophical crisis.

(( Short response, cause Fey sleeping through some action, only makes sense this way!))
Fey would quickly feel the fatigue wash over her as Aya patted her head gently. Before she walked off, her fiery phoenix-friend landing on her head soon after and giving a few tired chirps of its own. As she laid down in the engine room, she could feel it land beside her and gently nuzzle up to her neck like a comfy and fluffy scarf.

“Then sleep well, little Fey and have sweet dreams until you wake. The voice would ring out in her head, sending her spiraling into sleep. The next thing Fey knew was that she was in a hazy landscape. Everything was slightly out of focus and a dreamy tint covered everything, making everything she looked at seem diffuse but vibrant.

A gentle hand would reach out from behind her and turn her around in a gentle, but firm, and commanding motion. Once spun around, she would see the dreamy outline of Christine. “Not a fan of storms, eh, well, that’s good for me, as I get to enjoy myself with you now.”

As she finished speaking, Fey received a kiss, sending a nice warm pleasant wave pulsing through her. It would start at her lips and cascade through her mind and body. Before homing in on her loins, where it would surge into a pleasant and relaxing burning. Then she would be pressed onto the ground as small tentacles sneak around her arms and legs, spreading a pleasurable warms wherever they touch.

“Oh I am going to enjoy this indeed. And so will you, by the time we’re finished, my beloved little pet.” Christine would sit down beside her and gently cup Fey’s side, rubbing her tummy and head. Her touch would cause the same warm tingling, as if her fingers were laced with an aphrodisiac. Before long, her rubbing would turn to fondling and stroking as her hands moved to Fey’s breasts and pussy. She slipped inside her wet folds in the same slow and gentle touches as before.

However, it wouldn’t take long before Fey would feel herself burning with need. Each stroke making her feel better and better than before. However, just as she was about to be pushed over the edge, Christine would stop and look Fey in the eyes. “You are a good pet, aren’t you Fey?”. The dream Christine tilted her head slightly and licked Fey's juices off of her fingers as she asked, a coy grin on her face.

Depending on Fey’s answer the dream, Christine would smile gently, then bring her to orgasm. Then, after a brief pause, she continued to have her way with her in whatever way Fey would most enjoy.

Should she not answer in time, would be given a gentle scolding. “My, my, quite the naughty girl you are, well, fine, a punishment seems fitting then.” After which, her dream would fade to black, and Fey would wake up. This would leave Fey on the edge of cumming and unable to cross that edge on her own, forcing her to find someone to get her off unless she enjoyed being horny to the point of madness. (I figured I should at least give you something to do rather than outright skip you, so here is the dream… or is it a dream?)

Aila took the book and tried to say something about the glaive, but she just gave a bit of a stutter before blushing harder. She tried to speak once more, but it just petered away into a “deer-in-the-headlights” staring. It was obvious she was completely mortified about the possibilities of what would happen and not really in any state to respond. From her expression, it was easy to read she was in an emotionally very fragile state from the discovery.

Depending on how the twins handled her reaction, she would either clumsily and hesitantly nudge closer. Her expression showing an emotional vulnerability of someone who was terrified, yet hopeful, and whose fragile hope could easily be crushed or exploited.

It was obvious she was desperate for someone to actually care about her. Be it the trauma from her earlier enslavement, a savior complex towards the twins or something about her golem programming or a mixture of all three. Either way, it would be obvious she needed some love and attention to not have a complete emotional breakdown now that her big secret was in the open.

Otherwise, she would bolt from the room with all haste, hiding away in one of the countless rooms of the ship, sending the twins on a wild goose chase. They would eventually find her hidden in the bilge, behind some crates, where she would be standing unresponsive, staring blankly ahead without a hint of emotion. The perceived rejection having broken her heart utterly.

Korrie’s dreams were like that of Fey, although that Korrie would experience would be less cuddling and more outright pet-play, as she would first notice a table with a collar and a leash. As she approached the table, she would find the collar hovering up and move towards her neck to attach itself to her neck. If she didn’t dodge, it would fasten itself around her neck and she would fall to her knees, unable to stand upright.

Movement behind her would make her turn her head and an equally out-of-focus Christine would walk up to her, pet her head and attach a leash to her collar. “Come along, my little pet, we’re going for walkies.” The words would send a surge of arousal through Korrie’s body if she complied. Should she refuse, dream Christine would turn around and sit down in front of her. “A bad girl eh? Very well, a punishment it is.” After which Korrie would wake in a predicament similar to that of Fey, horny, on the edge, and unable to cum on her own.



The twins weren’t at much less of a loss for words than Aila, and Shiroi was starting to sweat after her attempt to just smooth over the reveal failed. She could tell that the poor golem was in a state of great emotional vulnerability right now, and that was all the more reason why she found herself frozen as well, not knowing what to say or do. Ironically, she would’ve been much better with this when she was much younger, when she served as the anchor to keep both herself and her sibling sane during their time in the cult. Years of isolation afterwards from the trauma and her bedridden condition, and her social skills had largely deteriorated for anyone outside of Kuroi, at least in such moments that required delicacy over straightforward brashness.

It was instead Kuroi who took the initiative to act, pushing hesitation aside as she felt like the poor golem was about to pop several circuits if this tension keeps up. Sitting down beside Aila, the neko gave her a gentle hug, one soothing hand petting the unstable golem. “It’s alright, shh. Please, calm down, alright? We’re not upset, just a little surprised, that’s all. Let’s just all settle down first, and then we can talk about this if you want, alright?” Kuroi reassured. The most important thing right now was to bring Aila back down to a more rational mind state.

Seeing a lead to follow, Shiroi tried to clear her mind as well and sat down on the other side of Aila, after reverting her weapon to ring form, though she merely placed a reassuring hand on the golem’s own hand to support her. “Yeah, we’re not mad, don’t misunderstand that. I’m kinda, uh, flattered even. But yeah, we should all calm down first before talking about stuff like this. Deep breaths, Aila. …I don’t know if that’ll help a golem, but try it. Breathe in… breathe out. Breathe in… breathe out. You’re not in trouble, it’s gonna be okay. Breathe in… breathe out.” The albino worked to try calming the golem down as well. It’s a little surprising that a golem could react so emotionally strongly, but that’s just further indication of the humanity in her.

Both siblings wordlessly agreed not to say a word about their… ‘relationship status’, not until Aila stops looking like she’s about to have the golem equivalent of a heart attack. The truth was, while neither of them were really upset about being the girl’s fap material, they really weren’t sure about going further into romance. It was a serious commitment, and while they liked the golem very much and want to help her find happiness to go along with her newfound freedom, they really weren’t sure if that happiness should be with them, in that way. Really, the true nature of the relationship they have with each other was already confusing enough sometimes, fluctuating between sisters and something more, they couldn’t afford adding a third into the mix. There’s also the fact they’re not natives to this world and will have to leave for a long time once their quest is complete, whether they ultimately return or not. There’s so many complications… All the more reason they need Aila calm for this talk.


Korrie thought that she would be in for some reprieve, able to just enjoy some quiet alone time for a bit in her room, even if the ship did rock a bit. She didn’t really feel like trying to play another imagined video game, and was simply content to sit by her bedside, thinking about her journey and experiences. It felt like it’s been years since she surrendered herself to Mistress’ ownership… Well, she did remember that time Mistress played with her memories, but she was well aware that happened. It’s just that the past few weeks have been more eventful than her entire lifetime up to this point, and frankly, would probably have been more eventful than her actual entire lifespan if she hadn’t made that whimsical choice of checking out the mansion. All of this, discovering an entire world hidden from view that once she thought couldn’t possibly be anything more than fanciful fiction, all due to one simple choice of impulse.

The wyvern girl thought about that for a while, but all that existentialism was wearing out her already tired brain, and it wasn’t long before she went to bed. Her last ponderings before drifting into unconsciousness was how sleeping even worked in this ‘dream world’. It’s not the first time she’s done it, but she still wondered. Would there be a copy of her somewhere in the world inside one of those dream bubbles she’s heard about? …Is the real her currently sleeping on Earth truly real, or just another dream? …Yeah that’s the sort of thinking that depletes the SAN meter, she should sleep.

As Korrie finally drifted off to slumber though, her eyes opened to find herself in a strange place. There was something odd about this, like how she quickly discerned that this was a dream for one. She didn’t question it too much though, turning her attention to the table. She had to go a little closer to see what was on it, and her eyes widened by what she found, a hand reaching for her neck. She found it bare, and her immediate desire was to fix that with what was in front of her. As if answering the call, the collar lifted on its own accord, and Korrie leaned in to accept it, a sense of comfort washing over her as it clasped around her neck. She wasn’t expecting her knees to give out all of a sudden, falling down to all fours with a bounce of her ample tits and jiggly butt, but other than the surprise she didn’t mind it at all, getting excited even. Was this Aya’s doing, or the making of her own increasingly perverted mind?

A feeling of motion caused her to turn around and end up stunned in surprise. The figure was hazy, as if her eyes were unfocused and she couldn’t fix them somehow, but she could recognize her Mistress with less. A gently petting hand swiftly scrubbed away all questions, leaving the wyvern little more than a panting, wagging little pet in seconds while the leash was attached. Without words, Korrie nodded vigorously, eager to obey, eager to be led around like the pet she is. She would follow on all fours, a look of playful lust in her eyes with their heart-shaped pupils, panting like a puppy in the summer and causing her hanging breasts to jiggle.

Fey made happy, comfortable sleepy noises in an area that, to the average person would be described as uncomfortably, near painfully hot, indubitably, if someone had given her some heat resistant material she'd try build a nest out of it or somesuch, for now, the floor would have to do.
"Uh. Dreaming of mistress, Yey!"
Fey enthused, all but hopping into the eldritch-mistress Arms. Very literally. Well, ok, there were tentacles slithering about, but that would not cease the Phoenix-hugging!
"Yay happy dream hug.. uuuh dream fuck. good enough...!"
She enthused. Not entirely sure what was going on, but happy with her dream-dream nonetheless. "Yay enjoyment!"
She agreed, murring into the loving massage-treatment, nuzzling up into Christine's rubbing, and giving her an encouraging smile. She wasn't entirely sure where this dream was going, but she was happy presenting her un-fire covered curves to the relaxing massage.

She squirmed a little under the teasing hands, quickly nodding in affirmation with the orgasm denial, murring under her mistress touch. "Totally am. Super good. Even listened to like half of what boring Aya said earlier!"
Fey happily went the good-girl route, purring in the dream and puffing up her plumey-fiery feathers whilest nuzzling all up/over/and against Christine. This was waaay better than any spooky watery storm nonsense!
Dream Christine looked down at Fey with what might be a pleased expression. “I am happy that you’ve been a good girl, Fey.” She pushed a few fingers deeper into Fey’s pussy as she spoke. “And good girls get rewarded.” She twisted fingers around, rubbing the inner walls of Fey’s pussy, somehow always hitting all the best spots to bring the most amount of pleasure to Fey.

“It won’t be long now Fey. Soon I should be able to thank you in person for helping me regain my health. I promise you, that will feel better than any silly old dream.” She leaned in and gave Fey a gentle kiss. Her other hand slowly moving to Fey’s breasts to fondle them her thumb flipping across Fey’s hard nipples as if they were nobs. “You will enjoy it, I promise.”

Dream Christine would take her time with Fey, making sure every inch of her erogenous zones was coerced into turning Fey into a stewing pot of orgasmic pleasure. “This is only a taste of what the future holds, my dear Fey. So just be a good girl and listen to Aya until I can be healed. Alright?” Before Fey could respond, Christine would pull her into another kiss, this one more possessive.

After which, Fey would wake up, still horny as hell, but mere moments later would explode across the edge as an echo of the dream would send a flick across her clit, driving away her grogginess with pure pleasure.

Aila seemed to just deflate as the twins embraced her. The tenseness that just washing out of the poor thing. “I…” Her voice trailed off, as the twins embraced her, then she quietly nodded at the twins’ words. After taking several deep breaths, she no longer seemed on the verge of bolting from the room.

Then, after some hesitation, she embraced the twins as well. “I… I’m ok now.” Her voice was barely a whisper, but given the twins’ proximity it wasn’t hard for them to hear her. “I… meant to tell you… sometime, but I…” Her voice trailed off again, and she just sat back as her shivering abated. However, it seemed she was unsure how to proceed, given the sudden escalation of the situation.

Korrie would walk through a hazy, indistinct street, with distant, hazy and unfocused people walking around, not paying her any more attention than if she were a mundane dog. Christine would now and then slow down to give her a pat.

The pair entered a park and Christine would sit down on a bench, then tap the bench beside her, and calling for Korrie to lie down on it with her head in Christine’s lap. “So, little pet, how are you enjoying your walk?” As she asked, she would pat Korrie’s head and scratch her behind the ears like a puppy. Korrie could feel she could speak to answer, but should she? Would she be considered a good pet if she spoke up?

Looking at Christine’s face wouldn’t yield any hints as whatever expression she was given was too unfocused to see properly. However, the continued patting would continue while she waited for her answer.



Aila pulled the twins into an embrace, and the sisters hugged back quietly, letting the golem girl wind down. In that at least they were successful, the tension seeping away like a deflating balloon. “It’s alright. We know now, and it’s okay.” Kuroi assured, gently petting the golem, letting her hand run along her hair. “Still, we’re… not quite sure how to answer your feelings for us right now.” She continued, hoping she’s being delicate enough with her words.

Look, I’m flattered that you think of us that way, and we love you too, as friends, as family even… a-and if you want to, um, sleep together sometime, I’d be happy to, and I’m sure Kuroi agrees.” Shiroi picked up from there, the ravenette nodding as needed, “But I feel like you might be looking for a bit more than that, and that’s something neither of us have any experience in. It’ll be a major commitment for all of us, and…

And we’re not sure we’re ready. We don’t want to risk hurting you, especially when we’re not locals to this world. Once we complete this mission for the panacea, it’s likely we’ll have to leave for a very long time to continue our training in our own world. We want you to be happy, Aila, but in the long term, we’re not sure if we’re… what’s best for you.

But hey, we shouldn’t have to worry about that for a while yet. We can, uh, start slow for now, maybe? Give it a try, see how things go. How does that sound?” Shiroi finished up, the three girls still huddled up together in a bundle of warmth and awkwardness. The two siblings could only hope that the golem would take their hesitation well and not treat it as a blunt denial.


Elsewhere, Korrie was having a far more pleasant time, her sleeping form flushed red with arousal with a giddy smile as her mistress walked her in her dreams. The illusion of a public setting brought her pleasure rather than embarrassment, the pet wyvern happy to be showed off, especially knowing this was just a dream and none of the passersby were real, letting her embrace the feeling of exposure without concern. She nuzzled into the petting hand each time, enjoying the warmth of being loved as a simple pet.

Eventually they arrived at a bench, and Korrie happily lay her head down on Mistress’ lap, the wyvern’s tail wagging while noises of contentment escaped her throat from the ear scratching. When asked, the pet wyvern simply nodded, nuzzling into Mistress’ soft thighs and rolling over to look up at her with eyes of adoration, not saying a word aside from gentle panting. She didn’t even have to consider it, simply acting on her instincts.

The Phoenixgirl grinned happily. "Always am!" She insisted, happily moaning under her mistress touch, making half-loud happy noises at the promises, and execution, of rewards, nuzzling up against Christine warmly and fluffing her fire-wings up.
"I'm gonna super duper heal you!" She insisted, with a devoted, slightly lustful sigh. "Am sure I will. but not doing this for enjoyment.. well.. ok.. doing it for that too, but also, I want to see you safe!"
She insisted and nodded, wiggling delighfully under the lustful, wet-dream like touches from her mistress.

"Will try my best and listen. But gotta hurry and rescue you with pancakes!" She insisted, but was swiftly silenced with another kiss, writhing and moaning in the wake of her lustful dream, relaxed in the ships heated chamber, not that it compare with her heat. It'd take a few moments for her to compose herself, smile happily at the dreams memory, and then advance to figure out if the ship had done its thing and they were yet across all this water - likely a too ambitious hope, right now!
Aila listened to the twins’ words in silence, then as the embrace ended she tilted her head a bit. ”I.. know you have to leave but I don’t see... Wait, you don’t know?” Her voice was regaining its old strength now that she was calming down. Then after a brief pause, as she read their reactions Aila laughed, though it was a hint of nervousness in it.

She took a deep breath. “So here’s the thing. I doubt Miss Aya would have allowed me to tag along if she was just going to leave me behind. And considering where we are going, it’s likely going to be a one-way trip unless we escaped to the waking world.” She looked at the twins now with a more serious expression.

“You… realize the place we are going to, the Plateau of Leng is extremely dangerous, right? I doubt Miss Aya has any plans of trying to return from that place the normal way.” She fell back on the bed and looked up at the roof. "“Dreamers can take objects or people from the dreamlands back into the waking world. How else did you expect Miss Aya to keep ahold of that panacea thing she is looking for? And even though I have sentience, I AM an item. So you could bring me back with you with the same ease… If you want too… that is.” Her mood seemed to fall a bit as she spoke, the idea of being left behind not one she liked to entertain.

Korrie could relax on the bench as the sun shone down on her from above, while Christine kept petting her. Time seemed to stretch on forever “Thats good to hear, pet.” Christine’s voice sounded distant, the dream turning blurry and indistinct as Korrie was rousing from her sleep.

Once awake, she would still feel the echoes of the loving petting for a while, which would likely make it hard to focus on anything else for a bit, before the bed heaved nearly 45 degrees, sending her sprawling onto the floor.

“Perfect timing, Korrie. It’s time for you and Fey to get some extra training in. Go to my room while I fetch her.” The door closed and Korrie would likely realize Aya had probably entered a while ago. The room itself felt calm now. Which meant the heaving of the bed was likely Aya’s doing rather than the storm. In the distance, Korrie could hear the drone of thunder, so the storm was still ongoing.

Fey would find the storm still going, with the ship rocking left and right from the waves that washed over it. Now and then, a thunderclap could be heard overhead as lightning bolts struck the tumultuous sea. The door to the engine room opened and Aya poked her head inside. “I do hope you are well rested, Fey, because we are going to have a long evening of training ahead of us.” Her coy smile left no doubt what she was thinking about.

She would patiently wait for Fey to get up. She would gently wrap her arm around fey as they walked down the hallway, helping Fey keep her balance. Though that was just a pretence to play with Fey’s clit while the two walked towards Aya’s room.

Once inside, she would wait for Korrie to arrive as well before she would gesture for the two to hop into bed. Then, she would saunter over to a nearby closet and begin rummaging inside, sending various strange objects flying.

Once she wound what she was looking for, she would turn around. “I must admit, I haven’t used this in a while.” She attached something to her waist. It looked like a strapon, though not a human one.

She sauntered closer, letting the two pets get a better look. It was ribbed and had several oval bulges along the side. And it gave off a musky scent that would make the heads of both pets spin as their lusts would spike. “Well then, which of you want to go first?” She smiled down at the two, while waiting for them to process the question, something that would be difficult with the lust inducing scent clouding their minds more and more.



Aila’s question was returned with surprised looks from the twins. “I… don’t think we know.” Kuroi said hesitantly, and the two listened to the golem’s explanation, realization dawning on the two of them as they shared an awkward chuckle. “Oh. I figured it’d be dangerous, but for some reason I never considered we’d be ‘waking up’ directly from there.” Shiroi remarked, feeling a bit embarrassed. Maybe this whole ‘multi-world’ business still hadn’t properly sunk in for her, she’d imagined a daring but conventional escape, possibly even a proper good-bye tour before returning to their own world. Or maybe she’s just read too much fiction and applied some tropes to her reality.

The two of them figured Aya would have a way of bringing objects back with her, being a local and very experienced practitioner of magic, but just taking another local with them was new to them. Both were quick to respond with a hug when Aila considered a sad possibility. “Of course we want to take you with us! If that’s what you want, and it sounds like it is.” Kuroi assured with a smile. “There’s no way we’d ever leave you behind in a place like the Plateau anyway. If you can come with us, then that’s settled~” Shiroi also said with a grin, “As for the relationship thing, that’s one big concern off our hands. I still think we ought to start slow, but if we don’t have to worry about forced partings, I see no reason why we shouldn’t try. …How do we start, though.

Shiroi’s assurances turned to a hesitant question, to no one in particular. They couldn’t exactly go on a date here, while they’re on a ship and on a mission. Exchanging a glance with Kuroi, the ravenette understood this as well. “Hmm, perhaps a sleepover? Just spending the night together in the same room could be a good start. What do you think, Aila?” Kuroi suggested.


Korrie relaxed on her Mistress’ lap, closing her eyes in a state of pure bliss. There was nothing more that she desired than Mistress’ love, and all was right with the world. After a while, everything grew blurry, and before she knew it she was alone again, staring up bleary-eyed at the ceiling with no sunlight upon her bare skin. Even though she was able to process that it had all been a pleasant dream, her mind was still mushy from the contented pleasure, and she tried to close her eyes and go back to sleep, hoping she could continue where she left off.

Then the bed suddenly tilted, and Korrie fell to the floor with a cry, now wide awake in shock. The wyvern scrambled to get up, looking around alarmed, until she heard Aya and her eyes landed on the succubus. “Extra training…? Alright, just give Korrie a minute.” Korrie nodded, stunned, and sat down for a bit after her handler left. Geez, did she really have to wake her up like that? Knowing there was no danger though, the pet wyvern calmed back down soon enough, and after a little tidying up, headed towards Aya’s room as ordered. She wondered what this training was about. Confused by the suddenness of it all, her mind defaulted to taking it at face value and believing it really was some kind of ability training, like what they were doing together with Baba Yaga earlier. Will it end in lewd fun? Most likely, but she expected to be putting some work in first.

By the time she arrived, Fey and Aya would already be there, and with a nod, she climbed onto the bed as instructed while their handler went to collect her tools for the lesson. She still didn’t catch on until Aya found what she was looking for. One look, and Korrie immediately shivered as her libido spiked, all pre-existing thoughts and expectations gone up in smoke. Leaning closer in desire, a whiff of the enchanted musk easily reduced the wyvern to an animal in heat, her eyes clouding save for her heart-shaped pupils while she panted in desire. “Korrie~ Korrie want first~” She begged without hesitation, already on all fours with her legs spread, back arced to leave her bottom raised and head low, looking up at the strap-on with reverent want.

The Fire-girl slept, rather comfortably, near the averagely uncomfortable heat of the ships engine. Well, until she realized all the watery-wavey stuff was still going on around the ship. She was not a fan. Not that she was seasick, but.. more sick of the sea in particular. "Mornin' Training or sexing? Trexing. Saining? Hmrnnnnn.. 's all the same with you. Not quite in the mood but had a nice dream, so will do my bestest."
She agreed, tentatively, then gasped, a little.. warming up (heh!) to Aya's encouragements. "Really, who needs so much water anyway?"
She grumbled along, but was happier hopping onto the bed. "Ok is this training in pillow-fighting or do you just wanna recharge? Y'know you can be honest. I am the smartest super-fire Fey about."
Feyline observed a squeaky thing flying, and was distracted pondering its... uses. "Huh. This is suprisingly harmless.... wait, no thats not a standard model, is it also.. err.. uh.."
She coughed, blushed, and shook her head, there was an odd scent in the air, now that she thought about it.. that device was likely more.. intense than the average model of strapon..

"'Morning Korrie korrie by the way ....I.. oh my .. err.. I guess I'll wait.. yes.. because I have amazing willpower... " To be fair, Fey had proven she had a stronger will than Korrie, if that was much of a comparison, although the strange contraption clearly.. fascinated her as well, she all but suggested to share the odd device but exhaled a long breath of the patience of the elder slave-sister. Plus! Korrie looked like she could enjoy some good times, so Arva gave her slavesibling a soft pat-patting upon her bottom and grinned over to Aya.. barely more controlled than Korrie, that was, and most likely aquiering something toy-ey, squeaky to distract herself, bending the thing, until it bounced away at an arch. ".... uh.. wait, back to the topic, what are we training now?"
Upon seeing that both Fey and Korrie seemed to agree on who was to go first, Aya would position herself right behind Korrie. “The content of tonight’s training? Simple. Good little pets know when they are supposed to turn off their minds and just obey.

Korrie, here seems very good at that part, aren’t you?”
She would give Korrie’s rump a playful little slap. Then, just as Korrie tried to respond, if she were capable of such, would ram the strap on in to the hilt, sending waves of pleasure surging up for her little love canal.

Meanwhile, Fey would find that she wouldn’t be waiting either, as a familiar set of tentacles would grab her from behind and hoist her into the air. With a glance over at her, Aya gave the fiery pet a mischievous smile. “Also the one not undergoing training will help supplement Mistress’ vitality while waiting.”

The Tentacles would go to work on Fey as Aya began working on Korrie. The tentacles began wrapping around Fey’s arms legs and finding their way into Fey’s pussy. Once in as far as it could go, the tentacles would wiggle around, searching for all of Fey’s most sensitive spots. While this happened, Fey could see a ghostly image of Christine smiling at her while manipulating the tentacles.

Meanwhile, Aya went to work on Korrie, as she began thrusting in a steady rhythm, each thrust sending a torrent of pleasure through the wyvern girl. Aya would lean down onto Korrie’s back and embrace her, her hands going around Korrie’s breasts where she would fondle them while continuing her thrusting.

“You are doing so well, Korrie, just let the pleasure surge through you like that. There’s a good girl.” She would kiss Korrie’s cheek, then place her hand on Korrie’s forehead. As she did, Korrie could feel the overriding arousal withdraw from her mind, and allow her to think clearly again. Well, as clearly as her brainwashing allowed, anyhow. “There we are, good girl. Back out of the lusty mire now, time to swap soon.”

As this went on, the ghostly image of Christine walked up to Fey and gave her a long, loving kiss that seemed to sap the Phoenix girl’s energy a bit. Though given how fast Fey recovered, it wouldn’t be noticeable for long. “Thank you for the energy, Fey, it helps to ease the poison, somewhat. I will say I am looking forward to when we can do this in a more physical setting, rather than while we both sleep, however.” The ghostly image would begin to copping a feel of all of Fey’s sensitive spots, playing with her body like an instrument, Fey’s moans of pleasure, the music.

“Your stamina is always astonishing, Fey. And thanks to that I can last longer.” The ghostly Christine would lean in and give Fey’s breasts a teasing lick and kiss, then slowly lower herself down the stomach towards Fey’s navel, then clit. “Of course, such a loving sacrifice must be rewarded, so Fey, ready to stop thinking from sheer pleasure for a bit?” As she asked, Fey could feel the ghostly Christine’s lips brush against her clit.

While the pets were busy getting their brains screwed all over, the twins would have a much more tender moment with Aila. She looked at the two of them. “I… I think that’s a good idea. In fact, I can help you both sleep more comfortable. Before the twins could react, small runes would light up across Aila’s body and both twins would feel a comfortable heat radiating off of the small golem.

It was like sitting in the just perfect spot in front of a fireplace that the warmth would wash over you, making you drowsy and happy, while not being overwhelming. Simultaneously Aila would, almost without even noticing herself, begin to humming a small tune that sounded vaguely like a lullaby, adding to the sleep induction.

Unless the twins separated themselves from Aila, the effect would quickly put the two of them to sleep, sending them spiraling into pleasant, hazy dreams they could not remember once they woke up, but they would long to return to until they woke properly and forgot all about it.



Korrie remained in position, staring obediently ahead as she panted in need. Not seeing when Aya will begin only grows her anticipation. “Arf~!” The pet wyvern barked playfully from the spank, her plump rear jiggling. There were no words to respond with, as her handler said, this lesson is about turning off her mind and being a good obedient pet, and she was very good at that. When Aya rammed into her, she did so suddenly and without warning, knowing that the shock would only drive the pleasure higher. Korrie moaned shamelessly, her already soaked love canal squishing around the toy hungrily. Her awareness was quickly reduced down to the carnal pleasure coursing through her body, leaving her barely aware of Fey’s role, and the one she herself would likely play once they swap, but the lewd noises served as lovely ambience to drive the slutty wyvern further into mindless heat.

Korrie bucked her hips to Aya’s rhythm, her eyes rolled back and her lips parted with her frequent moans. Her body was soft and pleasant to hug as usual, made even more ideal through her conscious and subconscious adjustments to herself in the dream world. Her melons bounced with each thrust until her handler sunk her hands into them, providing lovely warm handholds while the strap-on continued to plow the pet wyvern’s depths with wet slaps. Korrie’s mind was incapable of coherent thought at this point, driven purely by instinct and pleasure, but even still she seemed to recognize when she was being praised, quivering with a small orgasm just from being called a ‘good girl’. All the while, her tail curled loosely around her handler in a hug, and as a subconscious plea to keep her there, fucking her silly until she’s completely spent.

Unexpectedly though, the wyvern found the thick haze of lust fading at Aya’s touch, gradually clearing her eyes of fog. She could still feel every bit of the girth stretching her out, the succubus’ own soft warmth wrapped around her and the hands kneading her pillowy mammaries, but it wasn’t so overwhelming anymore. It was an interesting feeling of clarity that she’s never had before. “Oh, okay. Until then, please play with Korrie as much and as hard as you like~” She encouraged, loving every second of being a sexy plaything for her owners. She finally looked over towards her sister pet as well. She couldn’t see the ghostly Christine herself, but it was obvious the phoenix was having a good time, so she had much to look forward to~


The twins, meanwhile, having finally settled on a sleepover as their first romantic activity, were still deliberating on what they’re actually supposed to do at a sleepover when Aila made a proposal. The two watched as small runes lit up over the golem’s body, and soon they could feel an incredibly pleasant warmth radiating from the girl. It was the kind of warmth one feels crawling into bed after a long day in winter, or in the morning that made it so difficult to get up. “Wow, that’s… really nice…” Shiroi yawned, her energy already draining out of her while her neko sister rubbed her bleary eyes. It felt like an invisible blanket had draped over them, and it was only now they realized how tired they felt after the day’s trials. Kuroi thought for a second if there weren’t supposed to be something like party games or chatting or some other kind of hanging out before getting to the ‘sleep’ part of a sleepover, but the thought was quickly smothered in comfort, and soon both sisters were sound asleep, their arms wrapped around Aila and each other in a loose hug.

Fey crossed her arms behind her back, whipping a little forth-and-fro on her tippy toes whilest observing the Korrie-Training-Montage. "Uh. Kinky. I'm always more.. hot headed than her."
She grinned at her own pun.
"Oh my. Korarf, I'm not sure if that's the apropriate wyvern-noise to make though."
She noted, when lifted up. Luckily, she had vitality to spare anyway, also, the ghostly juxtaposition of Christine had her making a soft 'Awww' sound, relaxing into the tentacles that likely already knew how to properly excite her, as she wiggled, held aloft, feeling her body warm up with tingling arousal, her own hips rocking along with the welcoming tentacles embrace as she sighed along.

"Hamnnn... " She made, all but seeming to kiss the air, nodding along happily. "Take as much as you need, mistress!"
She happily encouraged, her tired state being other peoples normal, keeping her active, also in a sensual way, rocking along whilest Korrie was preoccupied being a happy mindless wyvern pet to be toyed with.
"Hamnnn.. Well, I used to.. regenerate from all the fire damage I dealt to myself, until you showed me a better way."
Fey reminded Mistress Christine, cooing softly along with the kissing.. and tentacle-ing, before sighing, fire-red half burning eyes focused on Christine whilest she nodded along happily. "Yaaay pleasure!"
She enthused, writhing and pushing up against the ghostly, yet clearly somewhat tangible image of Christine, happy moans escaping her lips at the attendance her kind mistress rendered unto her, happily letting herself go into the pleasure offered and presenting her own, in this case not flame-covered body, just as naked as Korrie was, exposed, and eager for her mistress, arms extending to cuddle either ghostly tendrils or form, whichever proved more.. tangible for her to hold onto comfortingly.